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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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夏春祥 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究主要探討新聞媒介如何建構過去,二二八事件則為研究案例。所關心的問題有二二八事件在新聞上的集體記憶有哪些?如何分類?它們的變遷情形又如何?研究中所採取的方法,則為文本分析法。 在二二八的媒介記憶中,共計可分為三個階段十七種類型。第一階段為1947年的事件初始期,有合理改革等五種類型、第二階段則為1948年到1983年的社會失憶期,包括了偶發型、共黨叛國型與遺忘型等三種類型。第三階段的眾聲喧嘩期,由1984到2000年,共計有派系鬥爭型等九種類型。十七種類型的分類依據,是依照新聞論述所形成的文化景觀而來,它們先後出現在1947年至今的台灣社會之中,並累積形成四種傷痛記憶的理念型要素,分別是污名、壓抑、故事/戲劇,以及形式化等。 在研究中,我們發現二二八新聞在事件初始、社會失憶期,以及眾聲喧嘩期等三階段的分佈數量有很大的落差。社會失憶期的新聞只有區區數則,這構成了台灣社會中的結構性健忘。而新聞在二二八事件的發展過程中也有了相應的變與不變。不變的部分,如新聞的本質是論述的,故新聞論述實比新聞報導為更適合的描述詞彙。變化者則有大眾傳媒在台灣社會中的角色變遷,從最早的「宣傳者」、到後來的「國家意識型態機器」等,其執行的功能也有凝聚個體於社會、抒解集體情緒,以及文化實踐等不同作用。本文主張以「詮釋社群」的概念來理解新聞事業,以補傳統上「侍從報業」之不足,這是新聞儀式觀點的具體表現。

panapanayan發祥地南北部落(太麻里、知本)傳統觀念與藝術表現之研究 / The origin of the Panapanayan Southern and Northern Tribes (Tai-ma-li and Zhi-ben)--study of the traditional conception and art expression.

林建成, Lin, Chiaan Cherng Unknown Date (has links)
Panapanayan 是位於台灣東南海岸的地點,至少有阿美、卑南、排灣及魯凱 等鄰近四族群的祖源傳說與該地有關,文化現象亦有許多相似之處,形成一個可 資觀察的「文化圈」區域。 該文化圈內之文化現象除了具有空間的關聯性之外,亦具有時間深度,其關 聯與互動可以延伸到史前時代,尤以文化圈內之舊香蘭遺址所發掘出土的文物, 有石刀、陶片上吐信蛇紋的應用,與現生族群間沿用之圖紋習慣似乎具有傳承關 係。文化圈內核心區域太麻里、知本部落流傳的生命儀禮中,文身(口傳及文獻 記錄)及使用琉璃珠(佩戴珠飾、陪葬)的習慣,是當地整體生命認知的價值體 系一環,與而舊香蘭遺址亦發現大量之琉璃珠,古今相疊的地緣空間中相似的文 化現象,不免引人注目。 此外,本地區(太麻里部落祖靈屋)發現的吐舌和大塊面雕刻人像,為台灣原 住民木雕圖紋表現習慣中少見的形式,卻與境外南太平洋文化的表現具有類緣的 關係,在在凸顯了本地除具有獨特的藝術表現外,又具有與分佈廣大的南島語族 間文化相連的多元關係。因此,似可以從物質文化中之藝術表現做為媒介觀察整 體社會文化變遷,與人群表達集體情感與識別作用的文化認同現象。 受國家政治現代化政策的影響,本地區百年來沐浴在現代化影響下,傳統生 活與文化產生了很大的變遷,但是在晚近族群運動與強調在地化文化資產發掘的 文化政策影響下,促進了民族風潮與部落主體意識的覺醒,太麻里、知本部落透 過重建palakuwan、恢復祭儀、傳統歌謠及工藝美感經驗的傳承等,紛紛進行文 化復振工作。各部落為尋找歷史記憶,熱絡進行祭儀交流、尋根溯源及跨部落結 盟等活動,使文化圈內人群緊密互動的現象,有促進區域生成共同體的趨勢。 太麻里、知本部落的社會環境,也在全球化和商業化、觀光化影響下變遷, 藝術表現由傳統制式的風格,漸轉化為多樣取向的個人性創作,這種轉變衝擊了 在地文化的傳承,以及部落主體性的維繫,為了凝聚族人共識,有心者於是透過 藝術媒介塑造部落文化特徵,強化為部落象徵,使藝術表現再度成為扮演彰顯族 群(部落)認同的重要功能。 本研究透過物質文化的表現,特別是所謂「藝術」(原始藝術或民族藝術) 的生成與顯現過程,觀察Panapanayan 當地多元視覺藝術要素與歷史傳統、社會 生活祭儀、象徵認同之間的關係,以瞭解藝術表現的脈絡與部落主體意識、民族 認同之間的互動關係。 / Panapanayan is located on the southeast coast of Taiwan. The ancestral origin stories of at least four ethnic groups, including the Amis, Puyuma, Paiwan and Rukai, can be traced back to this place. The many similar cultural phenomena demonstrated by these various groups suggest the formation of a culture circle. The relations between the cultural phenomena within this culture circle are not only based on space, but also on time. The relations and interactions between them can be traced back to prehistoric times. For example, snake tongue patterns seen on artifacts like stone blades and pieces of pottery uncovered at the Jiuxianglan Site are still seen in the patterns used by these ethnic groups to this day. The life-cycle rituals, tattooing (described by the oral tradition and written records) and use of ceremonial glass beads (used for both decretive purposes and buried with the deceased) found in the villages of Taimali and Zhiben, which are at the center of this culture circle, represent local values and beliefs about life and death. Many glass beads were also uncovered at the Jiuxianglan Site. The number of similar cultural phenomena occurring within this region from ancient times to present day is truly striking. In addition, the tongue-like patterns and large carvings of human figures found in this region (at the ancestral shrine in Taimali) have rarely been seen among the wood-carving patterns of Taiwan’s aboriginal people. However, these patterns are related to those found within Austronesian culture outside Taiwan. This finding further highlights the uniqueness of the artistic expressions found in this area and points to diverse ties with the widespread Austronesian peoples. As a result, the artistic expressions found within the material culture in this area can be used to trace social and cultural change. These artistic expressions can also help us to better understand collective emotions and cultural identities. With the emergence of modern national politics, the traditional life and culture of this region have been strongly influenced by the onslaught of modernization. However, the rise of the ethnic movement in Taiwan and the emphasis on cultural heritage within political policy has inspired a new awakening of tribal consciousness. By rebuilding Palakuwan and restoring traditional rituals, songs and artistic aesthetics, the people in Taimali and Zhiben have begun to engage in the process of cultural restoration. To rediscover their historical memory, various villages have worked together by exchanging rituals, tracing their roots and creating alliances. The close interactions between people living within the culture circle have led to the formation of community within this region. The social environment in Taimali and Zhiben has also been influenced by globalization, commercialization and tourism. Artistic expression has graduallyshifted from a structured traditional style to more diverse forms of individualized production. This transformation has greatly affected the transmission of local culture, as well as the maintenance of tribal subjectivity. In order to promote consensus among tribal members, concerned individuals have used the media to shape cultural characteristics and strengthen tribal symbols. As a result, artistic expression once again is playing an important role in shaping ethnic (tribal) identity. By exploring material culture, in particular the process of producing and displaying “art” (primitive art or ethnic art), this study investigates the relations between the diverse artistic elements, historical tradition, social rituals and symbolic identity in Panapanayan. The purpose of this study is to further understand the interaction between artistic expression, tribal subjective consciousness and ethnic identity.

重建真實後再一次心跳?: S. J. 華森《別相信任何人》中記憶與女性自我 / Rebuilding Reality to Relive and Relove?: Memory and Female Identity in S. J. Watson’s Before I Go to Sleep

楊子儀, Yang, Linda Tzu-Yi Meimei Unknown Date (has links)
心理驚悚小說體現了當代犯罪文學作品的多樣性。隨著時代的變遷,最受大眾喜愛的文學體裁也備受考驗。近來有一股潮流試圖重新定位犯罪小說,而S. J. 華森的小說《別相信任何人》正是最佳典範。此書之所以引起各界的熱烈討論與受到全世界廣泛讀者的喜愛即在於它將看似毫無交集的元素完美融合─懼怕、懸疑、愛情、兩性關係、記憶與真實、女性意識、身分認同及重建。傳統犯罪文學的敍事結構中總著墨於主角對清楚絕對答案的追尋;然而,在這個帶有家庭黑色小說(domestic noir)色彩的文本中,最終的真理卻是遙不可及。 書中的女主角克莉絲汀是名失憶患者,為了重新找回自己,她只能盡力從破碎的記憶中找尋蛛絲馬跡,拼湊被遺忘許久的自我。重新建構自我顯然並非易事,而個人記憶的真實性也有待商榷。事件發生與否和當事者是否能記得之間的落差所造成的空缺又該如何填滿?事實上,克莉絲汀渴望的絕非只是單單地活得如普通人般緬懷過去並展望未來,而是能重建一個充滿女性意識及自主的自我, 因此克莉絲汀也必須細心體會、感受並專注於眼前的生活及人事物。《別相信任何人》為犯罪文學帶來嶄新風貌,不僅成功突破以往的角色設定發展框架,劇情安排描述也導向了有關記憶真實性與身分重建的可能性探討,而對愛情的悸動、兩性婚姻關係的維繫、作為女人與母親身分的意識更是與克莉絲汀重建女性自我密切相關。 / The psychological thriller demonstrates how diversified contemporary crime writing can be like a chameleon. In the emergence of reconstituting the much-loved literary form, S. J. Watson’s Before I Go to Sleep infatuates the reader with its high concern for elements that unusually match: fear, identity, love, reality, relationship, memory, and female consciousness. The clear-cut answer featured by traditional crime fiction cannot be offered in this novel that blending literary thriller and domestic noir together when the female protagonist only possesses fragmentary memory. To regain her sense of self, Christine the main character has to recall her reminiscence, which sometimes can be imaginary. In fact, what she longs for is not simply rebuilding her identity as a normal person, but the identity that has a lot to do with female consciousness and autonomy, which requires her to live her present life as well. Rather than another psychological thriller that tells an old story depicting the quest for the truth, Before I Go to Sleep shifts the focus from the deeply-rooted tradition in crime fiction, exploring the question of (un)reliability and (un)reconstructability of memory as well as what love means in a relationship. Only when Christine can relive as a woman, a wife, and a mother to re-experience love can she reframe her female identity.

基於行動影像標籤的飲食管理系統之可行性分析 / An Evaluation of Mobile Personal Dietary Management Application Based On Photograph Annotation Evaluation of Mobile Personal Dietary Management Application Based On Photograph Annotation

何浩瑋, Ho, Hao Wei Unknown Date (has links)
生活於手機相機普及的今日,人們逐漸依賴隨手可得的行動裝置記錄生活,影像記錄儼然成為今日人們記錄生活的方式之一。本研究致力於提供使用者個人化之飲食管理系統,讓使用者在利用影像記錄飲食之時,改變自身的多樣性飲食攝取行為,讓個體更為健康。透過健康控制與社會認知理論,我們以影像後設資料的運用,增加自我效能,提供使用者方便的飲食記錄方式、以及更能掌握自身的營養狀況,讓使用者在記錄飲食的同時,還能改變自身飲食攝取行為,更能作為未來回憶飲食狀況之線索。在實驗設計上,我們邀請6位受試者使用本研究所開發的飲食管理系統,利用兩週的時間真實模擬生活中的飲食記錄環境。我們分析使用者實驗前後的自我效能問卷,以及所記錄的飲食記錄作為評估依據。實驗結果顯示,我們的系統能夠提升個體自我效能外,還能夠改變個體的飲食攝取行為。因此本研究有效促進自我效能感協助使用者在記錄生活,讓個體飲食更加健康 / In these days, as the popularity of smart phone grows, people tend to rely on mobile devices to record their lives. Digital photograph has become one of the ways people recording their daily lives. This research is aimed at providing users with personalized dietary management system, allowing users not only use photos to record their life, but also change their behavior to keep users in good health. Based on health control and social cognitive theory, this application utilizes the metadata of the images to enhance self-efficacy, to provide users an easier way to record their dietary and take better control of their own health. Furthermore, the data of the application allows users to recall the dietary and thus improves users’ dietary habits. For the experimental design, 6 subjects were invited to use rthis dietary management application, to record their daily dietary in two weeks. The subjects were asked to use the system, and answer a questionnaire related to the self-efficiency of their adequate dietary after using the application. Experimental results shows that this system not only helps users enhance individual self-efficacy in dietary but also change their dietary habit to achieve the goal of balanced dietary and in good health.

媒體公(近)用實踐之探討: 以臺北市有線電視公用頻道節目《臺北市民故事館》為例 / 『Taipei Stories』: an experiment and case study of the public access to cable TV

葉子豪, Yeh, Tzu Hao Unknown Date (has links)
1993年有線電視法通過,有線電視逐漸取代無線電視,成為台灣主要的傳播媒介。有線電視因其纜線鋪設與經營形態等特性,成為自然壟斷的地方媒體;因此,法律上視其為「準公用事業」,並賦予回饋地方的義務,此為有線電視公用頻道出現的原因。 公用頻道的主要價值是落實媒體近用權,然而受到申播法規、業者經營意願與民眾製作影音內容技術門檻等限制,公用頻道在台灣的成效不彰。近年來新傳播科技興起,影音網站快速成為民眾慣用的近用平台,公用頻道存續意義乃受挑戰。本研究之目的即在探討數位匯流趨勢下,公用頻道的未來。研究發現,影音網站雖能儲存播放大量的民眾影片,但其本質仍屬「社群媒體」,與公用頻道作為社區媒體的功能不同。同時,影音網站的搜尋機制與使用者習慣也影響影片的曝光度,並不能提供一視同仁的公平近用。因此,本文認為,有線電視公用頻道的地方性與公平近用的經營理念,仍是公用頻道未來發展的應屬方向。 據此,本研究之創作實踐即以五十支「臺北市民故事館」短片,試驗公用頻道落實地方媒體近用,提升社區意識的可能製作方式。此短片透過口述歷史與數位自述之技巧,提高居民分享社區記憶、建立社區認同、參與社區事務,提升社區公益的意願,以作為公用頻道未來節目企劃製作的參考。 / In Taiwan, the previously prohibited cable television operators were legalized after the Cable Television Law was established in 1993. Like in many countries, cable television has gradually replaced network television as the primary media in Taiwan. The specific cable installation and its business model make cable television a monopolizing media in local communities. According to Cable Television Law, cable television is regarded as a “prospective public utility,” and one of its obligations is to serve the public. Therefore, the cable television public access channel was launched. The core value of public access channel is to grant the Right of Media Access. However, the practice of public access channel in Taiwan is hampered due to multiple restrictions such as broadcast application law, regulations, business management and the technical thresholds of audiovisual content production. In recent years, many websites, such as YouTube and youKU, have rapidly become the preferred access platform for the public. The necessity of public access channel is being questioned and challenged. Some studies showed that while audio and video websites can store and play a large number of access videos, their essence remains as “social media” rather than “community media,” such as public access channel. Furthermore, the audio video websites’ search mechanism and the users’ habits can both affect the exposure of the videos and impair the fair access of media. This study, supplemented with 50 related projects, intends to discuss the future development of public access channel under digital convergence. Through a year’s productions and surveys, the author concludes that the unique local relevance and the importance of providing fair access should be the emphasis of the future development of public access channel. The creative projects of this study, broadcasted on public access channel, present the public the right to access local media and enhance the community awareness. These projects, digital programs of personal life experiences, were designed for telling Taipei Stories. By employing oral history and digital storytelling techniques, these projects intend to encourage the residents share their community memories, enhance community identity, participate community affairs, and further improve the community charity. In addition, these projects can serve as references for planning and producing programs for public access channel in the future.

轉錄因子STAT1在大鼠空間學習與記憶形成的角色探討 / Role of STAT1 in spatial memory formation in rats

謝定佑, Hsieh,Ding You Unknown Date (has links)
STAT1是一個轉錄因子,在細胞生理功能中是非常重要的訊息傳遞者,在免疫系統具有抗病毒的角色,但是目前為止對於STAT1在中樞神經系統所扮演的角色仍不清楚。爲證實STAT1的表現與空間記憶的形成有關聯,我們將大白鼠分成兩組,一組為有訓練的組別,另一組則為無訓練的組別分別進行水迷津試驗,試驗完畢後取出大鼠的海馬迴CA1區域組織進行即時定量聚合酶連鎖反應與西方墨點法分析。結果顯示,經過水迷津訓練的刺激下,STAT1 mRNA與蛋白質分別減少約34 %及40 %,而STAT2 mRNA及蛋白質的表現則不受空間學習的影響。爲了進ㄧ步探討STAT1在空間學習記憶過程中所扮演的角色,實驗利用STAT1 siRNA轉染至海馬迴CA1區域抑制STAT1的表現,發現降低STAT1表現會促進大白鼠在水迷津試驗的學習能力,實驗同時也轉染STAT2 siRNA至CA1區域,結果顯示STAT2不參與大白鼠空間記憶的形成。本實驗室先前發現降低laminin β1表現量會促進大白鼠的空間學習記憶 (unpublished observation, 附錄二),此外laminin β1基因啟動子上具有STAT1結合序列:interferon-γ activated site (GAS)。因此,實驗利用PC12細胞進行laminin β1報導基因分析,結果顯示STAT1會促進 laminin β1啟動子的轉錄活性。而爲了進一步探討在STAT1影響空間學習與記憶歷程中與laminin β1的關聯性,實驗利用STAT1 siRNA抑制大白鼠海馬迴CA1區STAT1的表現並促進空間學習與記憶的同時,發現laminin β1 mRNA及蛋白質表現量都受到STAT siRNA的抑制,而轉染野生型STAT1-Flag質體則會增加laminin β1 mRNA及蛋白質的表現量,顯示STAT1正向調控laminin β1的表現。本篇論文提出海馬迴CA1區域的STAT1參與動物空間學習與記憶的形成,其中可能與STAT1正向調控laminin β1的表現有關。 / STAT1 is a signal transducer and transcription factor in the cell. Several reports have indicated that STAT1 plays a critical role in immune response against virus infection in animals. However, the role of STAT1 in the central nervous system is still unclear. In the present study, we aimed to examine the role of STAT1 involved in spatial memory formation in rat and the possible downstream gene that STAT1 regulates. Rats were randomly divided into the trained group and the non-trained group. Animals were subjected to water maze learning according to the previous behavioral paradigm. Their hippocampus CA1 tissues were dissected out for STAT1 mRNA level and protein level determination. Results indicated that spatial training markedly decreased STAT1 mRNA level and protein level in the CA1 area, but this change was not found for STAT2 mRNA and protein expression. To further confirm the role of STAT1 involved in spatial learning and memory, animals were transfected with STAT1 siRNA in the CA1 area. Results showed that STAT1 siRNA transfection significantly facilitated water maze performance, whereas their water maze performance under STAT2 siRNA transfection was not altered. Previous studies from our laboratory have demonstrated that laminin β1 impairs spatial memory formation in rat (unpublished observation). In addition, promoter analysis indicates that the laminin β1 promoter region contains two GAS elements, which is the STAT1/STAT1 and STAT1/STAT3 binding site. Results from luciferase reporter assay revealed that transfection of STAT1 siRNA decreased laminin β1 promoter activity, whereas transfection of STAT1 wild-type plasmid increased laminin β1 promoter activity. To further study the relationship between STAT1 and laminin β1 in spatial memory formation, we used STAT1 siRNA to knockdown STAT1 expression and these animals were subjected to spatial training. We then determined their laminin β1 expression. Results showed that the laminin β1 mRNA level and protein level were both significantly decreased by STAT1 siRNA transfection. Besides, STAT1 wild-type plasmid transfection increased laminin β1 mRNA level and protein level in the CA1 area associated with spatial memory impairment. These results together suggest that STAT1 negatively regulates spatial memory formation. Further, STAT1 may impair spatial memory formation through increased laminin β1 expression.

「消費者導向關係管理」-消費者期望效用下網路消費資訊價值對消費決策之研究 / 「Consumer Oriented Relationship Management 」-Research on the Value of Network-based Consumption Information to Consumption Decision under the Consumer Expected Utility

梁燦聖, Liang, Allen Unknown Date (has links)
2005年4月號The Econonist 經濟學人週刊的封面刊登: 'Power at last - How the internet means the consumer really is king (and queen). ' 沒錯!消費者是國王的時代來臨了!消費者在網際網路上可以隨時隨地取得更多、更有價值的消費訊息,以極低的成本,應用網路中各種透明的消費資訊,任意的改變消費的抉擇,史無前例的表達出有別於過去被動接受產品的主動消費力量,消費利益也確實受到保護,因此以資訊為基礎的行銷策略就是消費者導向策略(Glazer,1997),呼應了經濟學人週刊的聳動標題;本研究即証明了在獲得充分且有價值的消費資訊,對消費者在進行消費決策與行為時,是具有「主動的」改變力量,因此提供消費者更豐富的消費資訊,也必定能保護更多的消費者利益。 當新的資訊處理技術與傳播媒體出現,或是由某種新工藝的創造與發展,進而改變現存的政治、經濟與文化、風俗產生新的變遷將對消費行為,產生戲劇化影響(Innis, 1951; McLuhan, 1964),原因在於消費者在面對嶄新而且陌生的消費環境,所採取維護自身消費利益的因應之道;本研究引用學者 Kahneman and . Tversky 提出的「預期理論」(Prospect Theory),以及Barry Schwatz(2004)提出的「經驗效用」(Experienced Utility)、「期望效用」()、「記憶效用」(Remembered Utility),因為以人類基於維護自身利益為出發點,方能準確反映出消費者的行為,洞察消費變化的先機;特別是在網際網路平台上對此議題的研究,本研究尚屬先例。 企業經營的成敗可由她與客戶關係的良莠顯現,衡量客戶關係最重要的指標就是:企業是否能由與消費者在消費流程互動中(關係),掌握所留下的足跡(資訊),加以解讀應用並促進消費者再消費,如此資訊的應用就是 Rashi Glazer所稱的企業「關鍵資產」,反映出不斷促進產品、服務交易的要素( Glazer,1997):如果廠商忽視此變化,影響所及,失去的將不只是企業經營的「關鍵資產」,甚至還會被消費者「主動」的遺棄;因此,在企業經營的研究中,能將劇變如此的消費行為與決策,研究出可遵循與掌握的模式,相信對廠商競爭力的提升有莫大助益。 本研究的貢獻呈現在CORM-PET模式,也就是展現消費者是如何表達他「主動」消費力量的軌跡;試想,當企業發現消費者表示喜歡你的產品卻無消費行動,在過去對企業的影響並不明顯,因為同行也不知道何以如此(無資訊)!但是面對資訊處理能力百倍於過去的今天,能經由對資訊精準處理與應用,知道其中原因的廠商將嶄露頭角;CORM-PET模式就是我們提出能解釋消費行為何以如此的模式,以及能精確應用當前處理資訊的能力,解讀消費行為留下的資料轉為有力的應用資訊,幫助供需雙方在新興「資訊經濟時代」的市場交易中各取所需。 關鍵詞 消費者導向、預期理論、期望效用、記憶效用、經驗效用、稟賦效用、定錨效用、框架效用、消費風險、消費價值、頂端效用、可得性捷思法 / The front cover title of The Econonist magazine (April of 2005) read ' Power at last-How the internet means the consumer really is king (and queen). ' Consumers can obtain more valuable consumption information whenever and wherever in the internet, this shows unprecedentedly consumers’ active consumption strength which is different from their passively accepted the products in the past. Consumers can use the transparent price information in the network with the extremely low cost, and are free to choose any consumption. Consumption interests are also really protected, so the marketing tactics based on information are that consumers lead tactics (Glazer, 1997), which echoed the title of the The Econonist magazine. This research has proved that valuable and sufficient consumption information for consumer while making consumption decision provide active power of change. Therefore, offering more abundant consumption information to consumers can certainly protect more consumers’ interests. Enterprises’ relation with customers can reflect the success or failure of their management. The most important criteria of the relationship are whether both enterprises and consumers can keep enough track in the consumption procedure to facilitate the same consumer to consume again. This is what Glazer (1997) said ' key assets ' of enterprises, which reflect key elements to promote products, service trade constantly. If the owner ignores the fact that information changes consumption decision and behavior, he or she will lose not only ' key assets ' of enterprises, but also can be abandoned by consumers. So if academic research of enterprise management can figure out the model of drastic change of the consumer behavior and decision, which can be followed and grasped, manufacturer's competitiveness will be greatest improved. The change of consumption decision and behavior is because the consumer guided by information in the face of brand-new and strange consumption environment (network market) to adopt and safeguard self-consumption interests. Historian and mass communication scholar (Innis, 1951; McLuhan, 1964) point out such a change, as new materials treatment technology and media appear or new craft created and developed can change extant politics, economy, culture and custom. Other scholars maintain one after another that must extend the value concept of the customer in the past to apply to the business activity in the internet network (Keeney, 1999; Keeney, 1992; Rayport, Sviokla, 1994). All the scholars’ academic researches of mankind’s protect one's own interests over the years, the most excellent theories are 'Prospect Theory' by Kahneman & Tversky. Schwatz’ (2004) 'Experienced Utility ', ' Expected Utility' , ' Remembered Utility '. We adopt the academic research of above-mentioned scholars, as the foundation of developing this research, because the academic research is based on mankind’s safeguarding one's own interests, which is different from others are on roles development. This research based on this kind of research to develop more concrete consumption behavior, especially the consumer behavior on the internet network platform, still belongs to the precedent. The contribution of the study appears in CORM-PET model, which represents how consumers express their initiatively consumption power. Just try to think that when the enterprises find that consumers like your products but not having the consuming action. There was not obvious in the past influence enterprises’ for the counterparts had no idea about the reasons. But information handling ability hundred times to the past today, the manufacturers who can process and apply with information accurately, and know the whys and wherefores will show up prominently. The CORM-PET model we proposed helps to explain how the consumer behavior like this pattern, dealing with information accurately, to understand the materials staying behind in consumer behavior transferring to powerful application information, to help both. Key words: Consumer orientation, Prospect theory, Expected utility, Remembered utility, Experienced utility, Endowment effect, Anchor effect, Framing effect, Consumer risk, Consumer value, Peak effect, Availability heuristics

Empirical Performance and Asset Pricing in Markov Jump Diffusion Models / 馬可夫跳躍擴散模型的實證與資產定價

林士貴, Lin, Shih-Kuei Unknown Date (has links)
為了改進Black-Scholes模式的實證現象,許多其他的模型被建議有leptokurtic特性以及波動度聚集的現象。然而對於其他的模型分析的處理依然是一個問題。在本論文中,我們建議使用馬可夫跳躍擴散過程,不僅能整合leptokurtic與波動度微笑特性,而且能產生波動度聚集的與長記憶的現象。然後,我們應用Lucas的一般均衡架構計算選擇權價格,提供均衡下當跳躍的大小服從一些特別的分配時則選擇權價格的解析解。特別地,考慮當跳躍的大小服從兩個情況,破產與lognormal分配。當馬可夫跳躍擴散模型的馬可夫鏈有兩個狀態時,稱為轉換跳躍擴散模型,當跳躍的大小服從lognormal分配我們得到選擇權公式。使用轉換跳躍擴散模型選擇權公式,我們給定一些參數下研究公式的數值極限分析以及敏感度分析。 / To improve the empirical performance of the Black-Scholes model, many alternative models have been proposed to address the leptokurtic feature of the asset return distribution, and the effects of volatility clustering phenomenon. However, analytical tractability remains a problem for most of the alternative models. In this dissertation, we propose a Markov jump diffusion model, that can not only incorporate both the leptokurtic feature and volatility smile, but also present the economic features of volatility clustering and long memory. Next, we apply Lucas's general equilibrium framework to evaluate option price, and to provide analytical solutions of the equilibrium price for European call options when the jump size follows some specific distributions. In particular, two cases are considered, the defaultable one and the lognormal distribution. When the underlying Markov chain of the Markov jump diffusion model has two states, the so-called switch jump diffusion model, we write an explicit analytic formula under the jump size has a lognormal distribution. Numerical approximations of the option prices as well as sensitivity analysis are also given.

探討N-甲基-D-天門冬胺酸受體在時距相關的操作式制約行為與空間工作記憶的角色:memantine的神經心理藥理學機制 / Investigation of the role of N-methyl-D-aspartate (NMDA) receptors on temporal operant behavior and spatial working memory: the underlying neuropsychopharmacological mechanisms of memantine

陳碩甫 Unknown Date (has links)
認知功能的提升是當今神經科學領域中的研究重點之一,但其神經機制尚有待釐清。本研究利用一種用於改善阿茲海默症臨床的非競爭型N-甲基-D-天門冬胺酸受體拮抗劑memantine,檢測其對於大白鼠在不同時距相關操作式制約行為及空間工作記憶行為之影響效果。實驗一為針對時間屬性的操作式制約行為實驗,運用大白鼠的區辯性增強低頻反應作業(DRL 10秒行為)與固定時距作業(FI 30秒行為)之行為作業,並操弄連續訓練與間歇訓練的兩種不同模式,測試memantine對前述四組受試的操作式制約行為在表現、消除與自發恢復等三階段之劑量反應。實驗二利用配對性延遲T迷津作業區分出不等基準線(表現好與表現差)之受試,再加以藥理實驗,測試memantine對於前述兩組受試之劑量反應。實驗一結果顯示,受試在兩種不同訓練模式下經十五次習得訓練後,在兩種操作式壓桿行為的壓桿反應相關指標中都有明顯的差異,這證實不同的行為訓練模式會導致學習後的表現有差異之別。memantine藥理實驗結果顯示,此藥對於上述四組受試的操作式行為之三階段的影響效果,會因為不同訓練模式與不同作業而異。實驗二結果顯示,memantine提高空間工作記憶的正確率在表現不好的組別有很顯著的藥效,這證實memantine對於空間式工作記憶行為的影響,也會因學習基準線的不同水平而異。在行為實驗後所進行的蛋白質表現量檢測中,memantine(5 mg/kg)只對五個測試腦區中的背側紋狀體中ERK1磷酸化程度有明顯上升的影響,而其對ERK2及CREB的磷酸化在所有腦組織中皆沒有顯著的影響。綜合以上結果,memantine影響時間與空間屬性的相關行為之藥理效果,會依行為的不同習得歷程(或行為背景經驗)及基準線表現程度而異,而此項行為藥理效果,可能與紋狀體中ERK1的磷酸化有關。 / The neural basis of cognitive enhancement is one of the intriguing topics in neuroscience research; however, the underlying neural mechanisms remain to be elucidated. This study examined the effects of memantine, a non-competitive N-methyl-D-aspartate (NMDA) receptor antagonist which is used to treat Alzheimer’s disease in clinic, on operant behaviors and spatial working memory. In Experiment 1, using the differential reinforcement for low-rate-response 10 sec (DRL 10s) and the fixed-interval 30 sec (FI 30s) operant tasks, and with the manipulation of two different training regimens (continuous vs. intermittent) in the acquisition phase, the effects of memantine were evaluated in three stages of behavioral tests including the performance (right after the end of 15-day acquisition), the extinction, and the spontaneous recovery (after the extinction). In Experiment 2, memantine were tested in the subjects with different level of baseline performance (good vs. bad) on the distinctive patterns of operant responding in four different groups which received DRL 10s and FI 30s with different training regimens; indicating that behavioral task and training background are critical to the operant performance of temporal operant behaviors. Such behavioral outcomes led the dissociable effects of memantine appeared in between the four groups as tested in all three different stages. The results of Experiment 2 showed a profound improvement of the correct responses rate on spatial working memory in the low-baseline group as compared to the higher-baseline group. With a pretreatment of memantine (5 mg/kg), brain tissues in five selected areas were collected for western blot assays of ERK 1, ERK 2, and CREB. The results only revealed a significant increase of ERK 1 phosphorylation in the dorsal striatum. Together, the effects of memantine to improve cognition-associated processes in the temporal operant behaviors and the baseline of performance, and the present observation of cognition-enhancing effects of memantine may be resulted by the ERK 1 phosphorylation in the dorsal striatum.

《奧菲歐爵士》:音樂的時空性 / The Temporality of Music in Sir Orfeo

鄭文嘉, Cheng, Wen Chia Unknown Date (has links)
《奧菲歐爵士》(Sir Orfeo) 是一首十三世紀晚期至十四世紀初期的傳奇敘事詩,其中重複出現的時空特性強調出奧菲爾斯傳統中「失去」的主題。克服失去的難題顯示了在無常的世界中維持恆常的困頓—如何在娑婆的世間找尋精神的寄託所在,以解失去對於個人時空感受所造成的罣礙,體驗生命的當下?於多數奧菲爾斯版本之中,到冥界挽回尤瑞柢思 (Eurydice) 的旅程是一個重要的場景,其突顯了在無常之中對於秩序與生命延續 (continuity) 的訴求。這首詩中,不同的延續觀出現於聽覺導向的人間王國與視覺導向的精靈王國,再再顯示了維持恆常的重要性。作為重回秩序的工具,奧菲歐的豎琴為此議題提供了重要的線索。問題的重心在於音樂中協調時空的力量,也就是所謂的共時性,其中蘊涵了奧菲爾斯文本中自身與世界的關係,及其與變動時空,延續感,以及重建秩序的關聯。 奧古斯都 (St. Augustine) 的《音樂論》(De musica) 從八世紀晚期到十五世紀以來一直都是一部影響深遠的著作,為音樂中的時間經驗提供了完整的哲學分析。從奧古斯都的音樂時間觀所呈現的先驗及秩序概念出發,此論文目的在於檢視奧菲歐的豎琴中所顯示出中古時期對於無常 (temporalia) 與先驗(transcendence) 的關懷主題。此項研究在於一種經由音樂與時空所協調出的經驗感受。除了探討人類王國與精靈王國之間的辯證關係,也揭示了《奧菲歐爵士》對於存在、當下、以及人類價值 (humanity) 所表現出來的核心態度。誠如奧菲歐與野外動物們共享短暫的和諧經驗所示 (272-80),奧古斯都的先驗及永恆觀與奧菲歐豎琴中變動的感官特性並不相符。儘管如此,他對於靈魂律動所提出的解釋,以及記憶是一種出於心智印象 (phantasiai) 的看法,為我們提供檢驗精靈王國時空感的理論基礎。 為了解釋音樂中的和諧如何經由時間經驗讓奧菲歐在變動的世界中維持恆心,此篇論文分成四個章節:第一章介紹相關主題及評論。第二章介紹 中古時期與奧菲爾斯神化相關的音樂理論背景並且闡釋奧古斯都音樂論中的時間觀。在第三章中,我將進一步分析《奧菲歐爵士》中的時空觀。奧菲歐的豎琴所帶來的和諧經驗將會以個人內在與變動外在的互動回饋機制來檢視。這樣的內外交流呈現出一種變動的先驗觀,將永恆寄託在一種有機變動中所體驗的延續感。 其同時也揭露了自身與世界互動的關鍵模式,透過精神蛻變 (metamorphosis) 和冥界之旅等面向,增進我們了解失去及無常的主題。最後,我將在第四章以豎琴的社會意義作結,解釋其對於口說傳統的文化傳承帶來什麼樣的影響,並提供其他奧菲爾斯文本一個不同的角度來觀看自身與世界的關係。 / Loss, the dominant theme in the Orphic tradition, is accentuated by the recurring issue of temporality in Sir Orfeo, a late thirteenth or early fourteenth century romance. The difficulty of overcoming loss posts the question of finding spiritual residence and maintaining spiritual progress in the temporal world. The underworld journey to retrieving Eurydice, as a major scene in most adaptations of the myth, signifies the quest of order and continuity through changes. Such an issue of maintaining constancy is highlighted by the different features of continuity appearing in the hearing-oriented human kingdom and the sight-oriented fairy world. Orfeo’s harping, as the means for recovery, offers a significant clue in viewing this issue. The question falls on the meditative power of music itself, i.e. the contemporal experience of sentiments, which reveals the particular self-world relationship embedded in the Orphic texts and its relation to temporality, duration, and the restoration of order. Augustine’s De musica, which had been an influential work from the late eighth century to the fifteenth century (Fitzgerald 575-76), provides an overall philosophical illustration on the experience of time in music and its relation to maintaining order. Deriving from Augustine’s idea of how the experience of time in music contributes to an understanding of transcendence and order, this thesis aims to examine the medieval concern of temporalia and transcendence manifested in Orfeo’s harping. It is a study of a relationship in space and experience of time that is negotiated through music, which explores the dialectic relationship between Orfeo’s kingdom and the fairyland, and also reveals essential attitude toward existence, presence, and humanity in Sir Orfeo. Although Augustine’s conception of timeless transcendence does not match the temporal and sensual nature of Orfeo’s harping, as seen in the temporary harmony Orfeo shares with the wild animals (272-80), his exposition on the movement of the soul, together with the explication of memory as images (i.e. phantasiai) operated in the motions of the mind, provide us a theoretical basis for examining the temporality of the fairy world. To illustrate how the harmonic order generated through the experience of time in music contributes to the maintenance of internal consistency within the temporal world, this thesis is divided into four chapters: Chapter one introduces relevant issues and literary criticism. Chapter two offers a detailed explanation of the historical background of medieval music theories, the associated allegorical readings of the Orphic texts, and Augustine’s conception of time in the experience of music. In chapter three, I further analyze the temporality of music in Sir Orfeo and distinguish two types of temporality, that of Orfeo’s court and that of the fairyland. The harmonic relationship maintained by Orfeo’s harping is examined in terms of the reciprocal interaction between the inner self and the operating world, which prescribes continuity in temporal transcendence and reveals a significant mode of self-world relationship. Such a study contributes to our understanding of the theme of loss and change in relation to spiritual metamorphosis and the underworld journey. Finally, I conclude in chapter four with the social significance of the harping in order to examine the cultural legacy of the bardic tradition. Through the examination of the mediation of music, I offer an alternative view on the self-world relationship in the Orphic texts.

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