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應用記憶體內運算於多維度多顆粒度資料探勘之研究―以醫療服務創新為例 / A Research Into In-memory Computing In Multidimensional, Multi-granularity Data Mining ― With Healthcare Services Innovation朱家棋, Chu, Chia Chi Unknown Date (has links)
然而傳統的關聯規則演算法,其效能上受到相當大的限制。因此,許多研究提出將關聯規則演算法,在分散式環境中,以Hadoop MapReduce框架實現平行化處理巨量資料運算。其相較於單節點 (single-node) 的運算速度確實有大幅提升。但實際上,MapReduce並不適用於需要密集迭帶運算的關聯規則演算法。
本研究藉由Spark記憶體內運算框架,在分散式叢集上實現平行化挖掘多維度多顆粒度挖掘關聯規則,實驗結果可以歸納出下列三點。第一點,當資料規模小時,由於平行化將資料流程分為Map與Reduce處理,因此在小規模資料處理上沒有太大的效益。第二點,當資料規模大時,平行化策略模式與單機版有明顯大幅度差異,整體運行時間相差100倍之多;然而當項目個數大於1萬個時,單機版因記憶體不足而無法運行,但平行化策略依舊可以運行。第三點,整體而言Spark雖然在小規模處理上略慢於單機版的速度,但其運行時間仍小於Hadoop的4倍。大規模處理速度上Spark依舊優於Hadoop版本。因此,在處理大規模資料時,就運算效能與擴充彈性而言,Spark都為最佳化解決方案。 / Under the population aging and population growth and rising demand for Healthcare. Healthcare is facing a big issue how to effectively deal with huge amounts of data. Cased by new healthcare services or applications (such as electronic health records or health care, etc), and also medical institutions in accordance with government policy for long-term preservation of a large number of patient data.
But the traditional algorithms for mining association rules, subject to considerable restrictions on their effectiveness. Therefore, many studies suggest that the association rules algorithm in a distributed computing, such as Hadoop MapReduce framework implements parallel to process huge amounts of data operations. But in fact, MapReduce does not apply to require intensive iterative computation algorithm of association rules.
Studied in this Spark in-memory computing framework, implemented on a distributed cluster parallel mining association rules mining multidimensional granularity, the experimental results can be summed up in the following three points. 1th, when data is small, due to the parallel data flow consists of Map and Reduce, so not much in the small-scale processing of benefits. 2nd, when the data size is large, parallel strategy models and stand-alone obviously significant differences overall running time is 100 times as much when the item number is greater than 10,000, however, stand-alone version cannot run due to insufficient memory, but parallel strategies can still run. 3rd, overall Spark though somewhat slower than the single version in small scale processing speed, but the running time is less than 4 times times the Hadoop. Massive processing speed Spark is still superior to the Hadoop version. Therefore, when working with large data, operational efficiency and expansion elasticity, Spark for optimum solutions.
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利用剖面織入技術偵測Java程式中的記憶體漏失 / Aspect-Based Instrumentation for Locating陳鉅秉, Chen,Ju-Bing Unknown Date (has links)
Despite the built-in garbage collector, Java programs can still suffer the memory leak problem resulted from the unhealthy programming style of retaining unwanted references. This paper presents an aspect-based tool for assisting programmers in locating such references to fix the problem. This tool, FindLeaks, utilizes an aspect to collect memory consumption statistics and object references created during a program’s execution and analyzes them for detecting memory leaks. The distinctive feature of FindLeaks is that it reports not only suspected classes of leaked objects but also where in the source the unwanted references were created. Besides, this paper also reports our experience with FindLeaks on three open source Java programs and how we enhanced it to lower its overhead.
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企業價值提升之研究-以創見資訊科技公司為例林書良 Unknown Date (has links)
一、記憶體應用之產品,因低價電腦 (Netbook) 及固態硬碟 (SSD) 相繼問市,產業前景仍十分樂觀,但其同時存在有同業間彼此產品差異性不大,未來競爭更趨激烈。
三、創見資訊MVA 與EVA 相關性分析中得知的相關性高達0.80326,由此得知EVA變化對MVA 變化有很大的解釋能力,顯示該公司較無資訊不對稱問題。
四、銷售利潤率的變化造成創見資訊 ROIC下降主因,其主要係受到上游關鍵性原材料供過於求導致價格急速下跌,進而影響終端產品售價下滑幅度;雖然創見資訊過去五的移動平均ROIC 雖超過30%,但移動平均ROS 則逐漸下滑,甚至低於10%,加上移動平均資本週轉率走高,推論近年來逐漸傾向於Commodity Business。
五、創見資訊除因2006年預期Vista效應將帶來業績成長而積極備貨,造成2006 年存貨指標略有惡化外;而毛利指標雖均大於0,係由於近年來無論是上游關鍵原材料IC (約占製造成本80%以上)及產品售價亦大幅下跌之影響,若與同業較,其銷貨毛利指標已明顯優於其他同業;其他二個指標均在0左右,顯示其應收帳款、管銷費用並無不當膨脹,整體盈餘品質尚佳。
八、在評價分析方面,由銷售導向DCF 法評價出來的每股股東價值區間在64.86元~102.10元之間而盈餘導向DCF 法評價出來的可能股東價值區間為85.40元~115.50元,若與最近12個月平均市價89.95元相較,則兩個方法評價結果,仍具參考價值。
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台灣半導體產業競爭優勢分析--以晶圓代工與動態隨機存取記憶體製造業為例 / A study in Competitive advantage of IC industry in Taiwan--a study of Foundry & DRAM manufactory陳俊吉, CHEN CHUN CHI Unknown Date (has links)
1. (價值鍵模型)中探討產業競爭優勢、產業分工與群聚的效果。
2. (策略矩陣模型中)分析得知競爭優勢之基礎與條件。
3. (策略性資源模型)得知廠商組織能力培養與產品創新及有形資產之土地、廠房、設備購置時間之重要性。
4. (後進、先進地區市場-技術生命週期論著):探討產業發展策略中進入成熟期時台灣晶圓代工與DRAM廠商在進入21世紀深次微米技術時,採取何種方式及步驟,保持競爭優勢。
5. (生產因素)資本資源探討,Venture Capital 投入,不僅止於資金挹注且提供經營資訊,銀行融資及推介策略性合夥人。
6. (企業策略、企業結構和競爭程度)國內該產業廠商之策略、管理型態及組織結構如:未來經營策略有合併、策略聯盟與競爭又合作方向,良好事業策略制定與執行影響廠商生存利基與競爭條件。
7. (機會)產業之機會,如國際IDM大廠製造轉移至台灣晶圓Foundry與DRAM廠商。3C商品整合趨勢,提高DRAM需求與掌握國際市場開拓能力,增加市場通路機會。
第一章 緒論……………………………………………………………… 1
1-1 研究背景與問題………………………………………………… 1
1-2 研究的目的……………………………………………………… 1
1-3 研究對象與範圍………………………………………………… 2
第二章 相關文獻探討…………………………………………………… 4
2-1 競爭優勢觀念之探討…………………………………………… 4
2-2 經營策略觀念之探討…………………………………………… 9
2-3 價值鍵探討……………………………………………………… 15
2-4 產業分析觀念之探討…………………………………………… 16
2-5 其他研究架構因素探討………………………………………… 22
2-6 相關理論架構模式之比較……………………………………… 23
第三章 研究設計………………………………………………………… 26
3-1 研究架構………………………………………………………… 26
3-2 研究流程………………………………………………………… 28
3-3 資料蒐集與分析………………………………………………… 29
3-4 研究方法………………………………………………………… 29
第四章 台灣半導體產業之晶圓代工與動態隨機存取記憶體競爭優勢探討…… 31
4-1 前言……………………………………………………………… 31
4-2 全球半導體產業發展現況與展望……………………………… 32
4-3 影響晶圓代工及DRAM需求因 ………………………………… 48
4-4 台灣DRAM製程技術及研發探討
-市場∼技術生命週期論…………………… 49
4-5 具競爭優勢生產成本與價格-價值鍵模型……………………… 54
4-6 專業服務導向與多樣化產品之競爭優勢-策略矩陣模型………… 56
4-7 專業晶圓代工與動態隨機記憶體製造-策略性資源模型………… 60
4-8 彈性經營管理強度與國際競爭能力…………………………… 70
4-9 整體績效改善與達成…………………………………………… 71
4-10 生產力與獲利能力之優勢……………………………………… 72
第五章 晶圓代工與動態隨機記憶體產業競爭力分析………………… 75
5-1 鑽石理論模型構面因素………………………………………… 75
5-2 生產要素………………………………………………………… 77
5-3 需求條件………………………………………………………… 95
5-4 公司實力、策略與競爭…………………………………………100
5-5 相關與支援產業…………………………………………………104
5-6 機會角色…………………………………………………………116
5-7 政府角色…………………………………………………………119
第六章 公司個案討論……………………………………………………126
6-1 個案介紹-聯華電子股份有限公司 ……………………………126
6-2 聯華電子公司策略性資源模型(一)…………………………130
6-3 聯華電子公司策略性資源模型(二)…………………………133
6-4 聯華電子公司「晶圓專工」策略-價值鍵模型………………136
6-5 個案介紹-台灣茂矽電子股份有限公司………………………138
6-6 台灣茂矽電子公司總體策略-產業價值鍵模型………………141
6-7 台灣茂矽電子公司策略性資源模型……………………………142
第七章 台灣半導體產業競爭優勢-Foundry & DRAM研究探討……145
第八章 結論與建議………………………………………………………161
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由訴訟模式探討智慧財產研發公司專利運用 —以記憶體產業Rambus、Tessera公司為例 / Research on the operation of patents of intellectual property development companies from the litigation pattern --Case study on Rambus & Tessera in DRAM industry朱仙莉, Chu ,Hsien Li Unknown Date (has links)
半導體產業於台灣經濟發展之推進中佔有關鍵性之地位,隨著台灣廠商在全球產業鏈中扮演的角色重要性與日俱增,難以避免必須因應半導體產業中由智慧財產所造就的新興商業模式,其中,智慧財產研發公司拋棄舊有以生產製造為主之商業模式,開創以知識為本的競爭場域,並挾其智慧財產進行全球化的授權以及訴訟,扮演著遊戲規則的創造者,尤其記憶體產業之兩大智慧財產研發公司Rambus Inc.以及Tessera Technology Inc.,自2000年起不斷於全球提起專利訴訟,對整體產業乃至於台灣廠商帶來無法忽視之影響。
本研究試圖建立分析智慧財產研發公司之架構,亦即由該等公司之策略演進出發,宏觀的了解其於變動的競爭環境中如何發揮企業優勢;其次,以公司策略定位為基礎,進一步推動資源投入之分配,並形塑商業模式的產生;最後,本研究萃取智慧財產研發公司商業模式中較具特色且影響廣泛之訴訟階段,藉由記憶體產業中之個案分析比較之方式進行深入之實證研究,以管窺該等公司之專利運用模式,期能透過提升對於智慧財產研發公司策略定位、商業模式以及訴訟模式之了解,活化企業智慧財產之管理,並提供台灣廠商面對專利授權與訴訟時因應之基礎。 / The revolution of economic activities of human beings has been the force behind the changing format of competition among industries. In the contemporary 21st century, knowledge has become one of the most valuable forces in economic activities; correspondently, the competition strategy of intellectual property also seized much attention. As of today, intellectual property has already been integrated in each and every industry chains and developed into various enterprises which earn profits by operating it.
Semi-conductor industry played an important role in the process of Taiwan’s economic development. As Taiwanese companies claim more crucial roles in the global industry chain, they are inevitably forced to deal with the new business model established by the creation of intellectual properties. Among them, intellectual property development companies have withdrawn from old business model of production and manufacturing and create a new competition field on the basis of intellectually properties. Intellectual property development companies engage in global wide license and litigation, acting as the rule-maker within the new frame of competition. Rambus Inc. and Tessera Technology Inc. are the two leading intellectual property development companies which brought lawsuits internationally since 2000, creating serious impacts on both the entire industry and Taiwanese companies.
This research aims to establish an analytical framework to observe intellectually property development companies, starting from the progress of strategy, try to understand how to exercise their advantages in the ever-changing competitive business world; furthermore, based on business strategies, this research look further into the distribution of resources and the creation of business models; lastly, this research closely examines the litigation phase of the business model of intellectual property development companies by comparative case studies, in order to conclude the operation pattern of patents of such companies. With further exploration on the strategic positioning, business model and litigation pattern of intellectual property development companies, this research provides not only a deeper understanding on the management of IPRs but also a framework for Taiwanese companies to cope with patent licenses and litigations.
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高科技企業國際發展策略之研究-以個案公司為例探討 / The research on international development strategies of hi-tech enterprise-take a comapny as a sample呂采妮, Lu, Jance Unknown Date (has links)
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