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記憶體模組產業的轉型策略-以C公司為例 / Industrial transformation strategy of Memory Module - Case of Company C林婉菁 Unknown Date (has links)
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台灣記憶體模組產業的因應策略:「後PC時代」分析 / The differentation strategies of Taiwanese memory module house during Post-PC Era湯世宗, Tang, Shih Tsung Unknown Date (has links)
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在變動環境下之經營策略 --以記憶體模組業為例 / Business Strategies for Fluctuant Environment -- A Case Study of Memory Module Industry陳中洲, Chen, Chooungchow Unknown Date (has links)
記憶體模組業者除了提供Memory Module外,現也經營Flash產品。這是因為Flash 產品的零件來源、組裝及通路與Memory Module有類似共通性,但Flash產品才崛起數年,而市場成長高於Memory Module,吸引許多非記憶體模組業者進入該市場,這其中包括國際性大廠,對現有的記憶體模組業者,如何以記憶體模組的經營模式,複製於Flash產品是另外一個課題。
本研究是探討記憶體模組業者,在記憶體模組及Flash 產品的經營模式,分別從其與供應商之關係、自有能力調整及與通路商之配合方式著手。此方式可以一窺記憶體模組業者,實際的經營方式與其他資訊硬體廠商大不相同,也構成外人無法知悉的進入障礙。
藉由廠商訪談,可以瞭解業者對記憶體模組及Flash產品運作的方式,最後本研究對記憶體模組業者提出二項建議:分別為面對變動環境下,應具備有的經營策略;如何強化自有的能力以面對未來的競爭。 / Memory, one of the semiconductor products, is a homogeneous product in terms of specification and application. Its prices are subject to the market - the supply and the demand at a certain time and place. The memory world is dominated by a limited number of makers, and one transaction usually amounts to millions of US dollars. A slight change in market price, therefore, would result in a noticeable number on the bottom line. However, to the memory module makers, price fluctuation is normal, though it is much more volatile than any other components. This study intends to explore how memory module makers can play a key role in the global market by getting more efficient under the premises that there are no entry barrier, price fluctuation, nor huge capital investment and high-tech involvement required.
Memory modules players also carry flash products for these two products having similarity in their component source, assembly and marketing channel. The flash product, which appeared to the market just a few years ago, is a high-growth product and thus attractive to a herd of non-memory module makers, including international giants. How to apply the memory module business model to the flash product is a key subject for the existing memory module players.
This study is aimed to discuss the business models used by memory module players to the memory modules and to the flash products. Relationship with suppliers, self adjustability and distributorship are separately explored herein. The finding is module players are actually running the business in a way greatly different from other hardware players and such difference in fact poses an entry barrier to the outsiders.
Interviews with the industry players were conducted to gain insights to the business approaches being taken. At the end of this study, two suggestions are forwarded: the must-have business strategies in the ever-changing environment and the competitiveness for future challenges.
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企業導入關鍵顧客管理之研究 以某記憶體公司為例 / The study of key account management王意騏, Wang, Yi Chi Unknown Date (has links)
Capon在2001年的著作中提到,傳統業務制度即將面臨各項挑戰,而為了滿足可能面臨的各種內部與外部壓力,組織必須做出流程與制度上的變革。然而,在有限的資源下,企業必定無法滿足所有客戶的各種要求,因此,透過「關鍵顧客管理計畫」篩選出關鍵客戶,並且對不同的客戶施以差別資源的分配與服務,讓組織在有限資源的狀況下,能夠產生最佳的市場表現與組織績效,這一套方法便被視為能有效提昇企業服務品質與顧客滿意度的良藥。本研究藉由深度訪談,了解個案公司在經營關鍵顧客的三個面向(關鍵顧客管理流程、關鍵顧客管理制度、以及關鍵顧客所需價值的滿足程度),據此評估個案公司關鍵顧客管理計畫的完整程度,並且在最後對該公司提出幾項需改進的部分的與建議,分別是:關鍵顧客分級制度不明確、預算分配制度不明確、上下游資訊系統彼此沒有連線、信用額度管理審核過程不夠透明、風險管理的不足與文件規範化不足導致資訊的存取困難‧‧‧等六項建議 / As Capon mentioned in his publication at 2001, Traditional Business architecture is facing some new different challenges, which organization has to improve their system and procedure to deal with. Nevertheless, company will not be able to satisfy all the needs from customer under the limited resources. Therefore, filtering “Key Accounts” (a.k.a. KA) by Key Account Management (a.k.a. KAM) planning and serving KA with customized service level can help company improve their service quality and increase KA’s satisfaction efficiently. This research reveals P Company’s progress toward three dimensions (including procedure of KAM, system of KAM and customer satisfaction toward P Company’s KAM planning) by depth interview, to analyze P Company’s KAM completion, and point out the weakness of P Company’s KAM plan(including 1.Classification system of KAM is not clear 2. Budget allocation system is not clear 3.Information system of all supply chain are not connected and synchronized 4. Review mechanism of distributor' credit lines are not complete 5. Risk management system are not complete 6. Internal document are not formatted and stored properly) for P Company’s senior Manager as a reference to improve their KAM plan, also competitiveness in market and KA’s satisfaction.
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記憶體模組產業之策略行銷分析—以G公司為例 / Strategic marketing analysis of memory module industry—a case study of G company陳怡鈞, Chen, Yi Chun Unknown Date (has links)
1980年代,隨著全球PC市場的逐漸發展,記憶體模組產業亦隨之興起。1990年代中期,記憶體模組廠商逐步建立自有品牌,使記憶體模組產品,從電腦主機裡的規格化零組件,搖身成為消費者心目中具有品牌的產品。在這個從「無品牌」至「有品牌」的發展過程中,產業內的品牌商,共同創造了記憶體模組的品牌價值。然而,回溯到十餘年前的PC市場,對於消費者而言,為什麼開始要在乎所買的記憶體模組是什麼品牌?對於任何一家記憶體模組製造商而言,依照JEDEC所制訂的標準製造相關的模組化產品,究竟要如何創造超越競爭對手的價值?在這個記憶體模組廠商與消費者的交換過程當中,消費者用來交換產品的「成本」有哪些?這些既然是消費者的成本,那麼就包含了消費者在交換過程中會考量的因素,因此,廠商應如何降低這些可能存在的成本,進而創造更高的價值?本研究試圖透過策略行銷4C理論,探究記憶體模組產業內所有的交換關係與交換過程,並透過策略分析,歸納在交換關係中創造價值的模式。 / In the 1980’s, memory module industry had been growing up accompanied PC market development. In the middle of 1990’s, memory module manufacturers step by step built up their own brands, meanwhile, standardized memory module products went out from PC cases and have been made with their own name. It was manufacturers who turned “unknown” memory products into “branded” ones and created brand value in this process. However, in the market decades ago, for what reasons consumers started paying attention to what brand the memory module is? To any producer of memory module, the most important is how to create the exceeded value of its competitor under the standard of JEDEC. What “costs” do consumers have in the exchanging process between the producers? As we may see, these costs may be included in the exchanging process for consumers’ concern. So, how should producers do to create higher values by reducing the possible cost? This study is to explore the exchanging relationship and the process of memory module industry through 4C theory, and to generalize the model of creating values in the exchanging relationship.
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我國記憶體產業重整策略評析 / Dram industry rebuilding strategy analysis in Taiwan楊智翔 Unknown Date (has links)
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台灣記憶體模組廠商之關鍵成功因素探討 - 以A 公司為例 / The study of key success factors for Taiwan flash memory product manufacturer - with the example of A陳科宏 Unknown Date (has links)
記憶體模組製造產業(Memory module manufactures)競爭激烈,產品價格會受到DRAM與NAND Flash市場價格之影響,而且毛利率也如同筆記型電腦產品一樣,走向薄利(low profitability)的趨勢;除少數市占率(market share)能超過10%的大廠外,絕大多數的廠商市占率差異不大。面對變化劇烈的市場,記憶體模組製造商除了試圖穩住市占率,以求達到生產的經濟規模(Economies of scale),並且藉著不斷提升技術,開發出具差異化(differentiation)的產品,希望能提高產品的毛利率。個案公司能在這個競爭激烈的產業中立足,並且維持穩定的獲利能力(profitability),其關鍵成功因素值得探討。
本研究亦對個案公司之未來經營提出研究建議,希望對於提升市占率與獲利力能有所幫助。 / Facing on the extremly competitions in Memory module manufacturing industry, the price decisions of the product itself are therefore influenced by the DRAM’s market prices as well as the NAND Flash’s . The flows of the gross rates in memory modules commodities tend to be like low profitability, which is the same as in laptops merchandises. Generaly speaking, no manufactures can gain grater than 10% market shares in this industry, excepting few large organisations. Facing by the competitive impacts and in order to create gross rate increasing, those manufactures have the opportunities to develop new technologies, and innovate new products that have great differentiation to others. However, quite a few individuals can survive in such competitive industry, and successfully make stable profitability. It is critical to pay attention on how they can succeed, and valuable to analyse the major factors in depth.
The relevant information of this study was collected based on the interviews and surveys. Firstly, I conducted interviews with A company’s top management and industrial specialists. During the interviews, two important topics were discussed. One was about A company’s key points to success in relations to market segmentation, and the other was on the business relationship between A company and its channel partners. Secondly, the collective information was derived from the surveys, which were distributed to A company’s channel partners and customers. The survey was used to ask for distributor’s point of view on A company’s success, their satisfactory to the overall business model, and the degree of brand loyalty in relation to A company. At the same time, this study would also examine whether the variable of distributor’s number had any relationship with key success factors, and if any difference between distributor’s satisfactory and loyalty. SPSS software was used for data analysis.
In this research, the recommendations are concluded based on prospective bussiness strategies for the companies investigated, expecting to expand the market share and increase the profitabilities.
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巨量資料分析之虛擬矩陣設計 / Designing of Virtual Matrix of Big Data Analysis黃日佳 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究為解決在巨量資料分析下所產生之主記憶體不足之問題,設計虛擬矩 陣架構,透過虛擬矩陣架構提供快速、高效能的矩陣操作及運算,並降低巨量資 料在運算時所佔據之主記憶體容量。並結合 R 語言,提供 R 語言巨量資料分析、 高速矩陣運算之能力。
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應用九力分析建構企業競爭智慧系統之研究-以P公司為例 / Applying Nine Forces Analysis to Construct Competitive Intelligence System-with P Company as an Example傅雅蓮 Unknown Date (has links)
在全球化市場及國際化競爭的環境中,企業需加強對競爭對手的瞭解、對整體市場變動的認知、致力於開發有特色的產品、開發多元的行銷通路以及提供創新服務;而透過競爭智慧系統(Competitive Intelligence System, CIS)提供企業做預警的準備,估計競爭者未來可能採取的策略和反應,以有效地制定企業自己的策略方向及策略措施,適時反應市場變化。
本研究以五力分析為基礎與PEST結合形成九力分析,藉此分析記憶體模組產業此九項作用力間的強弱關係,並以九力觀點針對個案公司進行深入探究,得知個案公司於「供應商議價能力」之作用力對其他威脅性較高之市場因素。並透過SWOT 分析協助個案公司知悉目前定位,本研究藉由九力分析結果結合SWOT策略矩陣,建議個案公司建置競爭智慧系統,協助尋找上下游競爭決策流程之關鍵智慧議題,並深入探討如何設計對於上游採購之流程與相關競爭智慧之動態需求,並建立概念資料模型以供決策之用。
研究結果發現,記憶體模組產業目前所面臨最大挑戰為記憶體顆粒市場變化劇烈,需隨時掌握記憶體價格波動情況,並隨時監控市場交易情況,藉由建置競爭智慧系統了解各家競爭公司對於供應商之合作關係,快速反應市場的變化,提供個案公司完整之資料來源和結構化資料,以便未來企業做為決策之依據並追求機會,以提升自身競爭優勢。 / In the globalization market and competitive environment, enterprises need to understand their competitors and changes of the globalization market, to develop unique products, to diversify marketing channels, and also to provide innovative services. Through Competitive Intelligence System (CIS), enterprises can predict competitors’ strategies and responses in the future develop their own business strategy and have quick response to the change of the globalization market.
This study uses the nine forces to investigate the critical production factors that have great impacts on the memory module industry. By means of the SWOT cross-matrix analysis, the study forms find out, analyze, constructs the strength and weakness of the case in this industry. According to the analysis, the force of the supplier’s bargaining power has more influence than the other forces. Then, this study explores how to design the process for the upstream procurement and the dynamic needs of competitive intelligence. Finally, according to the result to identify the key intelligence topic of the competitive decision-making process and build conceptual data model for decisions.
The results show that the biggest challenge of the memory module industry is the price of the DRAM in the market. Therefore, enterprises need to know the whole industry market conditions. By implementing the Competitive Intelligence System, it is easily to understand various competitors for the cooperation between suppliers, and to respond to market changes rapidly. Furthermore, CIS provides complete data sources and structured data to the enterprise as a basis for decision-making and help business to look for the opportunities to enhance their competitive advantage in the future.
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台灣DRAM製造廠商風險管理問題之研究-以案例研討為中心 / CASE STUDY ON THE RISK MANAGEMENT OF DRAM MANUFACTURING COMPANY IN tAIWAN郭頴彥, Kuo, Ying-Yan Unknown Date (has links)
二十一世紀初的經濟不景氣橫掃了全球的DRAM製造產業,讓全世界的DRAM製造產商大賠了120億美金,國內廠商受傷尤其嚴重,甚至發生公司債之債務不履行事件,國內廠商岌岌可危。本論文主要係以案例探討之方式,研究國內DRAM製造廠商之經營模式、產業特性與風險管理問題,尤其在面對國際間產業劇烈之競爭下,國內之DRAM製造商的經營條件比國際大廠更為艱困,例如:金融環境、政府支援程度、生產規模、技術自主問題等與國外廠商皆有一段差距,因此在經營上所面對之風險與其他國家製造商相較,其實更為險峻。 / 本文以案例公司發生公司債之債務不履行事件為切入點,深入地了解一家在本國企業中屬於中大型企業之DRAM製造公司,為何會有債務不履行之情況發生?其近因似為案例公司在財務上過度倚賴公司債為籌資工具,且公司債之到期或轉換公司債之履約期間過於密集,以致產生流動性問題,然而其遠因乃在於DRAM產品價格快速的滑落,廠商缺乏適當的風險管理工具及機制以應付DRAM之價格風險。DRAM產品為成本競爭導向之標準產品,成本競爭來自於生產良率、製程微縮與新建更大尺寸廠房,當每家廠商都競逐於經濟規模以降低成本時產業會變得不穩定而暴起暴落,在產品價格處於高點時,所有廠商將產能利用率(稼動率)推到最高,此時因產能稼動率高,因此平均每單位晶片之生產成本較低,所以廠商獲利頗豐,並可輕易自資本市場取得資金擴充產能;等到市場供過於求,產品價格下跌處於低點時,廠商只好減產以降低損失,在其他條件不變下,此時因產能稼動率低,因此平均每單位晶片之生產成本反而較產品價格好時還要高,產品價格下跌所帶來的巨額損失,對廠商的虧損有乘數效果,此時廠商在資本市場或銀行等間接金融市場都不容易籌措到資金,本文以案例公司所面對之風險管理問題,提供幾個避險之建議,其中包括金融業、政府等應該能夠扮演更積極的角色,創造共贏共榮的局面,並避免類似之事件再發生,此為本文最大之貢獻。
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