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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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應用模糊統計於試題難易度評量 / Application of fuzzy statistics in assessment for test difficulty

謝昇倫 Unknown Date (has links)
試題難易度評量一直是許多人研究的課題。但傳統方法的五點量表問卷只提供固定尺度的選擇,似乎無法完整地表達受測者真實且複雜的思考。因此本文將以模糊問卷調查進行試題難易度的探討。許多研究應用模糊平均數、模糊眾數或模糊中位數等概念於試題難易度評量。而本文將以此為基礎,定義一種新的距離,再透過一些轉換取得試題的難易度指標,進而比較各試題之間難度的差異。本文的另一個重點,是各個不同難度因子的向度來決定各試題的難度。再以模糊相對權重的概念,對各向度的難易度指標作加權,進而比較、分析。 / Assessment for test difficulty have been the subject of many studies. The traditional method of a Likert scale questionnaire provides only a fixed scale choice, but it seems that we can’t fully express the real and complex thinking of respondents. Therefore, the thesis will apply fuzzy questionnaire to probe into test difficulty. Concepts such as Fuzzy mean, Fuzzy mode or Fuzzy median are applied in studies of assessment for test difficulty. The thesis will be based on these conceptions to define a new distance, and obtain the difficulty index of test through some conversion. Moreover, it will compare the differences of difficulty among test items. Another focus of this paper is to determine the difficulty of each item according to various dimensions of difficulty factors. Afterwards, the difficulty index of each dimension will be weighted, compared, and analyzed with the concept of fuzzy relative weight.


蘇榮章, Su,Rong-Chang Unknown Date (has links)
基於遠距教學的推行已成為世界各國人們邁向終身學習的重要途徑,而遠距教學所呈現出之多元化學習模式,賦予學生擁有較以往更多的自主性與主控權,因而,激發學生主動學習的態度,對學生在遠距教學中之學習成效,實有莫大影響。目前,有越來越多的聲浪建議將數位式學習遊戲納入遠距教學的應用當中,旨在促進學習者之學習動機,以期能夠激發學習者更主動地學習。根據過往的研究文獻指出,決定遊戲是否能夠使學生提高學習動機的一個很重要關鍵在於,學生是否能在遊戲過程中感到愉悅。 因此,本研究之目的在於發展並測試一套以測量「數位學習遊戲帶給學習者的愉悅程度」為基礎的評估工具,本研究稱之為「數位學習遊戲中學習者愉悅程度量表」,研究分兩階段進行,第一階段是建構量表內容,第二階段是測試量表的信效度。 在第一階段中,研究者收集以往國內外有關「數位教育遊戲設計與應用」、「數位教育遊戲評估」、「遊戲中玩家愉悅」等主題之相關文獻並彙整分析,且透過與指導教授的討論並由指導教授擔任內容效度的審查人員,進行量表內容的評估以確立量表的內容效度,初步建立之量表涵蓋八個構面:專注力(8題)、明確的目標(5題)、適時的回饋(6題)、符合學習者技術等級的挑戰(10題)、學習者對遊戲的控制感(9題)、沈浸於遊戲當中(7題)、社交上的互動(6題)、學習成果與獲得知識層級(5題),全量表共56題。 至於第二階段;本研究在信度方面以內在一致性信度及前測階段之隔週再測信度來檢定,效度方面則以建構效度、效標關聯效度、聚斂與分歧效度以及區辨效度來檢定。以立意取樣方式,並配合使用網路發放問卷的線上填答模式進行資料收集,最後共得166份有效樣本資料做為量表檢測的數據來源。研究結果顯示;在信度方面,全量表的Cronbach’s α係數為0.94,前測階段之隔週再測的類組內相關係數為0.636。在建構效度方面,經因素分析萃取出九個因素共計四十八題,其中經考量而將因素八與因素九合併為同一構面,在量表之所有題項歸類重組後,分別命名為:專注力(六題)、明確目標(四題)、適時回饋(五題)、挑戰性(六題)、控制感(七題)、沈浸(七題)、社交互動(六題)及學習成效(七題),此八個構面可解釋的變異量為70.863%。另外,以整體愉悅感受測試效標效度,顯示有顯著相關(r = 0.548 ; p < 0.01),量表之聚斂效度係數介於 0.446 至 0.812 ,達顯著相關( p < 0.01),且分殊效度不錯。在區辨效度方面,由於不同種類之樣本(不同遊戲之受測者)彼此數目差異太大,因而,不同受測遊戲之受測者的愉悅程度,經分析結果顯示並無顯著差異(F(3, 162 ) = 0.818 ; p < 0.01)。 本研究發展之「數位學習遊戲中學習者愉悅程度量表」,可做為「遊戲設計」、「教學應用」與「使用者學習」此三階段中預測與衡量「遊戲帶給使用者愉悅程度」的評估工具。此外,研究結果也可做為介入性措施研究時介入方案設計之參考依據。

複式評量融入數學教學對不同學習風格的高二學生學習成效之研究 / A study on the learning performance of 11th graders based on composite assessment embedded in mathematics teaching and on learning styles

林振清 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究主要目的是探討複式評量融入數學教學對不同學習風格的高二學生在圓與球面課程的學習成效。研究採用不等組前後測準實驗研究設計,以桃園縣一所完全中學高中部二年級社會組兩班共80名學生為研究對象,教師為研究者,非隨機分派一班為實驗組,進行「複式評量融入數學教學」之實驗教學,另一班為控制組,實施「傳統數學科教學」。學生學習風格採用Kolb學習風格量表區分為「主動驗證」及「被動觀察」兩類型。為探究不同學習風格的學生接受不同教學方法後,在數學學習態度、成就及保留三方面的差異性,採用二因子共變數分析之統計方法檢定研究假設,並於實驗教學後以實驗教學回饋單調查其對複式評量之看法及態度,檢定分析及調查結果整理後得如下結論。 一、排除前測影響後,學生在數學學習態度上的表現: (一)學習風格因子與教學方法因子之間沒有交互作用。 (二)學習風格因子不會造成顯著差異。 (三)教學方法因子會造成顯著差異;複式評量教學優於傳統教學。 二、排除前測影響後,學生在數學學習成就上的表現: (一)學習風格因子與教學方法因子之間有交互作用。 (二)以傳統教學法而言,學習風格因子會造成顯著差異;主動驗證風格優於被動觀察風格。 (三)以被動觀察風格而言,教學方法因子會造成顯著差異;複式評量教學法優於傳統教學法。 (四)以被動觀察風格接受傳統教學法後為最差。 三、排除前測影響後,學生在數學學習保留上的表現: (一)學習風格因子與教學方法因子之間有交互作用。 (二)以複式評量教學法而言,學習風格因子會造成顯著差異;主動驗證風格優於被動觀察風格。 (三)以主動驗證風格而言,教學方法因子會造成顯著差異;複式評量教學法優於傳統教學法。 (四)以主動驗證風格接受複式評量教學法後為最佳。 四、實驗組學生在圓與球面課程實施「複試評量融入數學教學」後,絕大多數的學生喜歡此教學方法,而對未來數學課程實施「複試評量融入數學教學」則絕大多數抱持贊成的看法。 最後針對研究結果提出數點建議,以供教師教學及後續研究之參考。 / The purpose of this study is to explore the effects on learning performance of 11th graders based on two factors – teaching methods and learning styles. This study was conducted as a quasi-experimental design. Two classes,which have a total of 80 students, were sampled from a high school in Taoyuan County. One was assigned as an experimental group and the other one as a control group. The first one took a “composite assessment embedded in mathematics teaching” method learning, while the second one took a “traditional mathematics teaching” method learning respectively. This study used the learning styles inventory (LSI) of Kolb to classify learners into two groups – “active experimentation (AE)” and “Reflective Observation (RO)”. Two-way ANCOVA was conducted to test all hypotheses in order to find variations of mathematical learning attitudes, mathematical learning achievements, and mathematical learning retention. The study also investigated the views of points of the students in control group after the experiment. According to the analysis, we reach the following conclusions︰ 1. In mathematical learning attitudes: (1) Teaching methods and learning styles don’t interact significantly. (2) There is no significant difference between two learning styles. (3) There is a significant difference between two teaching methods. The effect on experimental group is better than that on control group significantly. 2. In mathematical learning achievements: (1) Teaching methods and learning styles interact significantly. (2) For the control group, there is a significant difference between two learning styles. The effect on style AE is better than that on style RO significantly. (3) For the style RO, there is a significant difference between two teaching methods. The effect on experimental group is better than that on control group significantly. (4) The effect on control group with the style RO is the worst. 3. In mathematical learning retention: (1) Teaching methods and learning styles interact significantly. (2) For the experimental group, there is a significant difference between two learning styles. The effect on style AE is better than that on style RO significantly. (3) For the style AE, there is a significant difference between two teaching methods. The effect on experimental group was better than that on control group significantly. (4) The effect on experimental group with the style AE is the best. 4. After the experiment, most of the students in the experimental group like “composite assessment embedded in mathematics teaching” method. They also agree that “composite assessment embedded in mathematics teaching” should be conducted in the future. Finally, suggestions for the teachers and future researches are also discussed.


王裕鈜 Unknown Date (has links)
根據美國訓練發展協會2006年針對一些全球布局的的標竿大型機構所做的企業訓練調查結果顯示,運用科技辦理訓練的百分比已由1999年的14﹪逐年遞增至2005年的37﹪,而且預測未來訓練以科技方式傳遞的百分比將益形提升。由此觀之,數位學習不只是全球網路科技化之產物,未來政府人力培訓方向除因應國際化潮流外,更應結合數位學習落實於人力資源發展相關策略及作法。因此欲藉由探討公部門訓練機構推動作法,暸解相關推動策略,並透過個案研究,瞭解研習中心相關的推動策略及相關衍生問題。 本研究以公部門訓練機構推動數位學習策略,作為實證研究標的,並擇定地方行政研習中心作為主要研究對象。而本研究不同於國內數位學習相關研究,其研究對象大多集中於企業界及學校之應用推廣,或以企業學校推動內部單位數位學習為研究標的,或以使用者滿意度、網站平台功能面為研究取向,有關公部門訓練機構推動數位學習層面甚少著墨。而本研究之範圍主要探討研習中心對外推動數位學習之策略應用層面,而非在於學員認知感受、學習平台功能取向、技術層面等。 因此,本研究將透過過國內外文獻檢閱,試圖找尋歸納出推動數位學習的關鍵因素,並透過問卷方式調查行政院所屬13個公務人員訓練機構推動數位學習情形,並藉由個案研究深入探討研習中心推動公務人員數位學習策略,並針對其推動過程中影響的構面進行分析,最後再彙整推動策略可能遭遇的困難與解決方式,提出相關建議事項,以供其他公部門訓練機構作為推動參考。故本研究的目的為: 一、透過文獻檢閱瞭解數位學習意義內涵,並蒐集與調查目前國內外推動數位 學習情形、運用於公務人力培訓現況及推動的關鍵因素。 二、調查分析目前行政院所屬13個公務人員訓練機構推動推動數位學習情形 及對於推動關鍵因素之認知。 三、藉由個案研究及深入訪談,探討地方行政研習中心推動地方政府數位學習 之現況、實施策略及執行窒礙,並加以診斷其原因。 四、提出增進地方行政研習中心推動數位學習成效之具體建議,作為公部門訓 練機構推動參考。

以動態評量回饋系統提升國中數學學習成效 / The study of using of Dynamic Asessment Feedback system to enhance the mathematics achievement of junior high school

鄭佳虹, Cheng, Chia-Hung Unknown Date (has links)
本研究主要目的在瞭解透過動態評量回饋系統輔助教學對提升國中數學學習成效及數學學習態度的影響。本研究針對新北市某國中八年級兩班學生共38人,每週進行五節,總計為六週之數學教學實驗。本研究採準實驗研究設計,自變項為教學模式,在實驗組以動態評量回饋系統融入學習之數學教學課程而在對照組使用一般傳統教學方法進行數學評量及回饋課程。依變項為「數學學習成效測驗」、「數學學習態度量表」,共變項為八上三次段考平均。以單因子共變數分析與二因子重複量數混合設計變異數分析進行統計分析,研究結果如下: 一、在數學科學習成效方面:以動態評量回饋系統輔助數學教學,能提升數學科學習成效。 二、在數學學習態度方面:在數學學習態度分向度之「外在動機」向度上,實驗組與對照組有顯著差異,證實以動態評量回饋系統輔助數學教學,能提升數學學習態度之外在動機。在數學學習態度整體面向並未有顯著差異,證實以動態評量回饋系統輔助教學並未能提升數學整體學習態度。 三、學生對動態評量回饋系統輔助教學的回饋: 1、學生普遍具有正向、積極的反應。 2、學生願意多花時間來加強數學的學習。 綜上所述,本研究針對結果提出具體建議,以提供教學設計、數學教學及未來相關研究之參考。 / The purpose of this study was to investigate junior high school students’ mathematics learning achievement by using a Dynamic Assessment and Feedback (DAF) system. The overall investigation process is designed as a quasi-experiment, where two classes of eighth-grade junior high school students in New Taipei County were randomly assigned to either the experimental(n=18) or the control groups(n=20). It took totally six weeks, and there were five classes per week to perform the instructional experiments. In the experiments, the independent variables were instructional strategies and the dependent variables were Mathematics Achievement Test and Mathematics Learning Attitude. The measurement instruments include Questionnaire for Mathematics Learning Attitude, Mathematics Achievement Test, and Questionnaire for Students’ Perception of Mathematics Instruction with DAF system. According to the students’ Mathematics Achievement Test, the statistical analysis was performed by one-way ANCOVA. By conducting t-test for the scores of the math learning attitude measurement, the analysis of math learning attitude was carried out by the two-way Mixed ANOVA. After analyzing the data, the findings of this study are summarized below: 1.Mathematics Achievement: The experimental group scored higher in the Mathematics achievement test than the control group did. 2.Mathematics Learning Attitude: No significant interaction between the teaching methods was found in attitude for learning Mathematics. A significant difference was found between the experimental group and the control group in their extrinsic motivation for Mathematics Learning Attitude. 3.The students’ feedback after the (DAF) system mode: I.Most students in the experimental group did enjoy the DAF system. II.Most students were willing to spend more time using the DAF system to practice Mathematics. Finally, based on these findings, this study proposes several suggestions for school administrators, teachers in junior high school math curriculum and future research are also discussed.

分段式評量教學法對高二學生數學學習成就之研究 / A study of mathematics performance of junior high school students under the divided assessment teaching method

陳佳玉 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究旨在探討分段式評量教學法對高二學生於學習數學時學習成就的影響。研究對象為台北縣某國立高中二年級理組學生,分為實驗組42位及控制組44位共86位學生,以20週的時間進行實驗,觀察分析其學習成就的改變。 本研究結果發現,在相同教學時間下: 1. 分段式評量教學法在整體學習成就方面有正面影響且結果達顯著差異。 2. 對不同學習風格學習成就之正面影響雖未達顯著水準,但學習成就相對改善值似乎有增加的趨勢。 3. 對不同學習程度分組而言,中分組與低分組學生之學習成就方面有正面影響且達顯著差異。 4. 實施分段式評量教學法的學生比使用傳統教學法的學生在學習態度方面似乎較不會有放棄數學的現象。 綜而論之,分段式評量教學法可提供教學者,在面對數學學習成就低落的學生一個有效的引導方法,讓這些學生不僅不會放棄數學,還能漸漸的建立良好的學習習慣。 / This research mainly aims at evaluating how divided assessment teaching method would effect junior students’ mathematics-learning performance in high school. A case study was conducted on science-team junior students in a Taipei-county high school, composed of 42 students in experimental group and 44 ones in control group respectively, amounting to 86. This experiment spanned as long as 20 weeks for analysis on how students’ learning performance would be benefited. It is thus concluded in this research after evaluating both 2 group’s learning performance in term of equal length of time as below: 1. Divided assessment teaching method would have positive effect on learning performance at significance level. 2. Although divided assessment teaching method has positive effects on learning performance for various learning style subgroups, these positive effects are not significant. Their relative improvements of learning performance seemed to be increased, too. 3. When evaluated in term of original-performance level, students’ learning performance in average-level and in inferior-level subgroups both would be benefited positively at significance level. 4. Students taking divided assessment teaching method would have more persistent learning attitude than those taking traditional teaching method. In summary, divided assessment teaching method could help teachers to offer more effective teaching-guidance to students who had inferior learning performance. As a result, students would not only persist in mathematics learning but also cultivate enthusiastic learning attitude gradually.


范傑倫, Fan, Chieh-Lun Unknown Date (has links)

利用貝氏網路建構綜合觀念學習模型之初步研究 / An Exploration of Applying Bayesian Networks for Mapping the Learning Processes of Composite Concepts

王鈺婷, Wang, Yu-Ting Unknown Date (has links)
本研究以貝氏網路作為表示教學領域中各個學習觀念的關係的語言。教學領域中的學習觀念包含了基本觀念與綜合觀念,綜合觀念是由兩個以上的基本觀念所衍生出來的觀念,而綜合觀念的學習歷程即為學生在學習的過程中如何整合這些基本觀念的過程。了解綜合觀念的學習歷程可以幫助教師及出題者了解學生的學習路徑,並修改其教學或出題的方針,以期能提供適性化的教學及測驗。為了從考生答題資料中尋找出這個隱藏的綜合觀念學習歷程,我們提出一套以mutual information以及一套以chi-square test所發展出來的研究方法,希望能夠藉由一個模擬環境中模擬考生的答題資料來猜測考生學習綜合觀念的學習歷程。 初步的實驗結果顯示出,在一些特殊的條件假設下,我們的方法有不錯的機會找到暗藏在模擬系統中的學習歷程。因此我們進而嘗試提出一個策略來尋找較大規模結構中的學習歷程,利用搜尋的概念嘗試是否能較有效率的尋找出學生對於綜合觀念學習歷程。雖然在實驗中並沒有十分理想的結果,但是在實驗的過程中,我們除了發現學生答題資料的模糊程度為系統的正確率的主要挑戰之外,另外也發現了學生類別與觀念能力之間的關係也是影響實驗結果的主要因素。透過我們的方法,雖然不能完美的找出學生對於任何綜合觀念的綜合歷程,但是我們的實驗過程與結果也對隱藏的真實歷程結構提供了不少線索。 最後,我們探討如何藉由觀察學生接受測驗的結果來分類不同學習程度與狀況的學生之相關問題與技術。我們利用最近鄰居分類法與k-means分群法以及基於這些方法所變化出的方法,探討是否能透過學生的答題資料有效的分辨學生能力的類別。實驗結果顯示出,在每個觀念擁有多道測驗試題的情況下,利用最近鄰居分類法與k-means分群法以及基於這些方法所變化出的方法,藉由考生答題資料來進行學生能力類別的分類可以得到不錯的正確率。我們希望這些探討和結果能對適性化教學作出一些貢獻。 / In this thesis, I employ Bayesian networks to represent relations between concepts in pedagogical domains. We consider basic concepts, and composite concepts that are integrated from the basic ones. The learning processes of composite concepts are the ways how students integrate the basic concepts to form the composite concepts. Information about the learning processes can help teachers know the learning paths of students and revise their teaching methods so that teachers can provide adaptive course contents and assessments. In order to find out the latent learning processes based on students’ item response patterns, I propose two methods: a mutual information-based approach and a chi-square test-stimulated heuristics, and examine the ideas in a simulated environment. Results of some preliminary experiments showed that the proposed methods offered satisfactory performance under some particular conditions. Hence, I went a step further to propose a search method that tried to find out the learning process of larger structures in a more efficient way. Although the experimental results for the search method were not very satisfactory, we would find that both the uncertainty included by the students’ item response patterns and the relations between student groups and concepts substantially influenced the performance achieved by the proposed methods. Although the proposed methods did not find out the learning processes perfectly, the experimental processes and results indeed had the potential to provide information about the latent learning processes. Finally, I attempted to classify students’ competence according to their item response patterns. I used the nearest neighbor algorithm, the k-means algorithm, and some variations of these two algorithms to classify students’ competence patterns. Experimental results showed that the more the test items used in the assessment, the higher the accuracy of classification we could obtain. I hope that these experimental results can make contributions towards adaptive learning.

家庭資源、課後學習對閱讀素養影響之研究─以臺灣、韓國、加拿大、芬蘭為例 / The influences of home possessions and out-of-school-time lessons on reading literacy: the cases of Taiwan, South Korea, Canada, and Finland

許瑋珊, Hsu, Wei-Shan Unknown Date (has links)
本研究旨在探究臺灣、韓國、加拿大、芬蘭在家庭資源、課後學習與閱讀素養之現況,並分析其關係,進而建構與驗證家庭資源、課後學習對閱讀素養影響之模式,最後依據研究結果提出建議。首先,針對家庭資源、課後學習與閱讀素養進行文獻探討,俾做為研究立論基礎與分析之依據;其次,透過PISA 2009資料庫中學生問卷資料與評量結果進行分析,以了解現況並驗證理論模式;最後,依據研究結果進行綜合討論,以形成結論與建議。茲將本研究之主要結論與建議歸納如下: 壹、各國學生在家庭資源、課後學習與閱讀素養有顯著差異 一、不同國家學生在家庭資源的多寡有顯著差異:加拿大學生所擁有的財富資產、教育資源最為豐富,而在文化資產方面,則以韓國學生為最高。 二、不同國家學生在課後學習的情形有顯著差異:韓國學生參加語文補救課程的比例最高,臺灣學生則在語文加強課程以及學習技巧課程的參加比例最高。 三、不同國家學生在閱讀素養的表現有顯著差異:整體而言,以韓國學生表現最好,芬蘭學生次之,接著為加拿大學生,而以臺灣學生表現為最低。 貳、各國學生在家庭資源、課後學習對閱讀素養影響模式之檢定結果 一、經適配度檢定結果顯示:本研究模式在整體適配度指標、比較適配度指標、精簡適配度指標、基本適配度指標與內在適配度指標皆佳。 二、家庭資源愈豐富,閱讀素養愈高:家庭資源對閱讀素養有顯著的正向影響,亦即各國學生所擁有的家庭資源愈多,則閱讀素養越高。 三、課後課程的學習不必然能提升閱讀素養:臺灣、加拿大、芬蘭學生在課後學習對閱讀素養呈現負向影響,然韓國學生在課後學習對閱讀素養則呈現正向影響。   最後,本研究依據研究結果,提出相關建議,俾供主管教育行政機關、學校教育人員及後續研究之參考。 / The main purpose of this research was to investigate the influences of home possessions and out-of-school-time lessons on reading literacy in Taiwan, South Korea, Canada, and Finland. The research methods included literature review and data analysis from PISA 2009 database. First, the literature review was the basis of argument and for the development of the model. Secondly, the statistical analysis was conducted by using descriptive statistics, analysis of variance, correlation, and structural eduation modeling. Finally, the comprehensive discussion was based on the research findings, and to draw the conclusions which were summarized as follows: A.The path leading from home possessions to reading literacy was positive in Taiwan, South Korea, Canada, and Finland. That is, home possessions have significant influences on reading literacy in this four countries. B.The path leading from out-of-school-time lessons to reading literacy was positive in South Korea. That is, out-of-school-time lessons have significant and positive influences on reading literacy in South Korea. However, the path leading from out-of-school-time lessons to reading literacy was negative in Taiwan, Canada, and Finland. In other words, out-of-school-time lessons have significant and negative influences on reading literacy in Taiwan, Canada, and Finland. In the end, based on the research results, the researcher proposed some suggestions for educational administrative agencies, school personnel, and future research, attempting to benefit the development of secondary school education in the future.

臺灣學生學習成就評量資料庫之新移民子女分析研究 / Study of the Analysis of Immigrant Children in Taiwan Assessment of Student Achievement

謝進昌, Hsieh, Jin-Chang Unknown Date (has links)
本論文目的在分析臺灣學生學習成就評量資料庫(TASA)之新移民子女學習成就、心理、背景特質表現,及與本土子女進行比較。研究中自描述新移民族群的歷史演變、發展、可能遭遇困境與相關的研究中,進而,再搭配現行既有評量架構,以決定針對國小(四、六年級)新移民子女之數學成就、性別、家庭結構、家庭語言環境、家庭社經地位、家人、自我教育期望、親子關係、學校適應、學習策略、學習偏好、能力歸因、數學能力自我概念、內在動機、家庭作業、課業補習、課外活動等十多項心理、背景特質進行分析,而在詮釋其理論、實徵研究基礎後,運用測量不變性、多元潛在迴歸分析等技術以進行本研究各項議題之探討,希冀能就分析結果,提供未來研究之參考。 綜整分析後,可發現以下幾點結論: 一、在針對數學成就進行族群間之比較時,研究中在單向度假設與Rasch模式適配度檢定符合下,進而於排除顯著差異試題功能測量指標後,是運用多元潛在迴歸分析以進行本土與新移民子女數學成就之比較,分析結果顯示,在國小六年級內,並未存在顯著的族群差異,但是於國小四年級中,則是以本土子女的表現平均優於新移民子女,其差異效果為0.36,約屬Cohen(1992)認為介於中等至小的效果量,而接續於分析是否存在其它因素影響時,分析結果是顯示在先天消極的族群因素外,族群間家庭社經地位的不均衡才是真正影響之主因。 二、有關族群間之心理與背景特質比較方面,研究中在經採用測量不變性以確立工具品質,並伴隨著卡方獨立性考驗、獨立樣本t檢定之運用後,其分析結果大致顯示出新移民子女是較本土子女,在家中手足數僅有1位、位居老大或獨子女、繼親家庭與身處雙語環境等現況具有相對的多數,但是在學生認知家人、自我教育期望、親子關係、學校適應、學習策略運用、學習偏好以至課業補習、課外活動時間分派等,整體而言,則多是未具顯著的差異或屬Cohen(1992)所認為小的差異效果量範圍內。另一方面,研究中更突顯出的是族群間家庭社經地位的不平衡,確實占有極大的比重,是具備Cohen認為之中等至小的差異效果。 三、在分析心理、背景特質與數學成就關聯時,研究中在經採多元潛在迴歸分析後,其結果大致顯示:就族群與變項間之交互作用而言,國小四年級學生所認知之自我教育期望、內在動機等,相較於新移民子女,是對本土子女之數學成就有較高的影響力,但是國小六年級學生的家中手足數、家庭社經地位、記憶、控制策略運用與外控能力歸因的認知上,則是相對在新移民子女之數學成就上有較深厚的影響,而至於其它變項之分析,則多未存在族群的差異。進而,在排除族群的干擾,僅就各特質與數學成就關聯之主要效果而言,研究結果顯示除性別、家庭子女的出生序、家庭作業與課業補習分派時間等,存在不顯著或僅部份年級具備顯著效果外,其餘特質皆能符合本研究理論所預測之傾向,大致是以具備過多家中手足數或持過度的外控數學能力歸因者,是會對學生數學成就產生負面的影響,而其餘如來自完整家庭、身處主流語言環境、具備高家庭社經地位、教育期望、和諧親子關係、良好學校適應與擁有高度學習策略、偏好、動機等,則皆能正向的影響數學成就。 最後,研究中是就新移民子女定義、抽樣架構、測量指標等面向,提出對新移民子女學習成長資料庫之建立及與其它實務、研究之建議。 / The purpose of this study is to analyze neo-immigrant children’s achievement, performance in psychological traits and compare these with native children. Starting from the description of development, challenge and related researches of immigrant children in the past, we found the assessment frame of Taiwan Assessment of Student Achievement (TASA) just corresponded to the purpose we expect. Therefore, based on TASA , we decided to analyze the status and performance of neo-immigrant children in math, gender, family structure, language environment, socio-economic status, parents and self expectation, parents-children relationship, school adjustment, learning strategy, learning preference, ability attribution, academic self-concept, intrinsic motivation, time assignment of homework, school cramming, and extracurricular activity etc. Following the support of the theoretical and empirical evidences, we used the technique of measurement invariance and multiple latent regression to discover the different topics in the thesis. In sum, some conclusions are proposed. 1. In the comparison of math achievement between neo-immigrant and native children, we use the technique of multiple latent regression to test the difference after exclusion some items with significant differential item functioning. The result indicates that there is no significant difference between these two races in the sixth grade, but in the fourth grade the native children perform better than neo-immigrant children. The effect size is 0.36, and it is between medium and small degree according to Cohen(1992)’s opinion. Depended on this result, several following analyses are implemented. It shows the inequality of family socio-economic status between races is the main cause instead of the race people belong to. 2. In the comparison of psychological traits between neo-immigrant and native children, we not only use the technique of measurement invariance to ensure the qualities of assessment tools but also adopt chi-square test and independent samples t-test to examine the differences. The results indicate that the neo-immigrant children have more chances belonging to the categories of being eldest among siblings or only one child in his family, living in step-parents family, and involvement in bilingual environment. But there is almost no or just little difference between the two races in the perception of parent and self expectation, parents-children relationship, school adjustment, learning strategy application, learning preference, and the time assignment of school cramming and extracurricular activity. Besides, we found the inequality of family socio-economic status between races is the most different. The effect sizes range approximately from small to medium degree according to Cohen(1992)’s opinion. 3. In this study, we used the technique of multiple latent regression to analyze the relationship between different psychological traits and math achievement. The results indicate that as far as the interaction effects are concerned, the perception of self expectation and intrinsic motivation has greater impacts on native children’s math achievement than neo-immigrant’s in the fourth grade, but in the sixth grade the family size, family socio-economic status, the usage of memorization and control strategy, external ability attribution have greater impacts on neo-immigrant children’s math achievement than native children’s. Besides, there are no interaction effects on the remaining variables. Furthermore, as far as the main effect is concerned, the result shows that except no or just little relationship between gender, birth order, the time assignment of homework, school cramming and math achievement, the remaining variables have the similar relationships toward math achievement as we expect. That is that having too many siblings, external attribution of math ability may have negative influence on students’ achievement, but students who belong to intact family, involve in the mainstream of language environment, have higher family socio-economic status, and perceive better parent and self expectation, parents-children relationship, school adjustment etc. may have positive influence on their math achievement. Finally, some suggestions about the definition of neo-immigrant children, the way of sampling and qualities of measurement indicators are proposed. We expect they may do a greater help in the construct of the database of Prospect of Neo-Immigrant Children Learning and future usage.

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