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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.


張, 善実 03 1900 (has links) (PDF)
No description available.


加藤, 恵梨 01 March 2011 (has links)
No description available.


Taylor, Becky 17 February 2012 (has links)
No description available.

中国人日本語学習者による文末表現の使用に関する考察 : 断り発話を事例として

朴, 仙花 17 February 2012 (has links)
No description available.

字彙預測功能與閱讀教學 / The Role of Predictive Words in Reading Comprehension Instruction

趙淑亭, Chao, Shu-ting Unknown Date (has links)
某些字彙可預告句子間的關係及文章架構。這些特殊的預測性字彙包含了連接詞及一部份的名詞、動詞、形容詞及副詞。本研究的目的是探討學習這類預測性字彙在提昇學生閱讀能力的成效。 研究對象是桃園縣某所高中104位三年級學生。研究主要工具包括一份評估學生閱讀能力的全民英檢考題;兩份問卷用來調查學生對於預測性字彙及文章架構的認知;及最後進行的訪談以了解教學成效。研究過程分為三個步驟: (1)前測--- 閱讀能力測驗及問卷。以測驗成績將分數高於平均的學生分至A組而分數低於平均的學生分至B組,來調查不同程度的學生對此教學的回應有無任何差異。而問卷則是調查學生對所要教授的預測性字彙及文章架構有無任何背景知識 (2)教學實驗---為期四個月的預測性字彙與文章結構教學 (3)後測--- 問卷及個別訪談,以瞭解學生在學過預測性字彙與文章結構後,在提昇閱讀能力方面有無任何成效。 研究結果發現,此教學實驗對學生的英文閱讀能力有正面影響。學生回應在閱讀時的速度及在興趣和信心這兩方面都比在接受教學之前提升。A組的學生在有關篇章結構的閱讀測驗題目中表現較B組學生好。同時A組的學生也比較知道如何使用預測性字彙來解析文章結構。至於學生常用的字彙為連接詞。 / Certain lexical items are strongly associated with identifiable clause and textual patterns. In other words, they represent the organization of discourse. These words include connectives and a set of open-system vocabulary with similar properties like connectives. The purpose of the study is to investigate how the instruction in lexical signals and pattern may facilitate reading comprehension. The researcher also examines what kind of predictive words are used most frequently in the process. One hundred and four students, from a senior high school in Taoyuan, were the participants of the study. The reading comprehension test of GEPT, intermediate level (LTTC, 2002), was used to classify the subjects into two sub-groups before the instruction. Group A was the one with the scores above the mean of the test scores. Group B was the one with the scores below the mean. The researcher classified the two groups so as to examine if the subjects in the two groups had any different feedback or response to the instruction. A questionnaire was applied to investigate if the subjects had any idea about the use of signals and patterns before the instruction. Then, a four-month signal and pattern instruction was conducted on all the participants in the study. After the instruction, the second questionnaire was applied to the subjects to gather their feedbacks and responses to the instruction. Furthermore, 30 subjects were randomly selected for interview to get in-depth information for qualitative analysis. The results show the instruction had a positive effect on the subjects when they read English texts. Their reading speed, interests and confidence increased after the teaching of organizing signals and text patterns. And they were confident in using signals to spell out clause patterns. However, some of the subjects had problems of identifying textual patterns, which usually involve several clause patterns combined together to form a text. The signals they used most frequently were connectives, the most overt signals in texts. And the subjects in Group A performed better than those in Group B when making use of predictive signals to spell out patterns. The result shows a strong relationship between the subjects’ English proficiency level and their manipulation of discourse-organizing words and textual patterns.

再探語意預視效應:中文雙字詞處理 / Revisiting Semantic Preview Benefit: Evidence from Processing of Chinese Two-Character Words

李孟璋, Li, Bing Tsiong Unknown Date (has links)
本研究探討中文讀者對於中文雙字詞的早期語意處理,特別要探討的是中文讀者是否能在凝視一個中文雙字複合詞之前,即可提取該詞的語意資訊。在中文的閱讀研究中曾經發現單字的語意資訊可以在該單字被凝視之前提取,不論是成詞的單字或是多字詞其中的組成單字。也有證據顯示中文雙字詞或雙字複合詞呈現在中央視野時的處理方式是整詞處理。由於事實上就詞長來看,雙字詞的詞類數量為中文詞類的最大宗,也是最常被使用的詞類,因此中文雙字詞語意處理的時間歷程便是本研究的研究目標。   實驗一旨在檢視雙字詞的語意資訊是否能和單字一樣,在被凝視之前即被提取。本實驗採用邊界典範(Boundary paradigm, Rayner, 1975),除了目標詞預視(identical preview)之外,本實驗亦包含語意相關預視(semantic-related preview)、語意無關預視(semantic-unrelated preview)及非詞預視(nonword preview)。實驗發現語意相關預視能促進目標詞的處理。然而和預視空間(preview space)及預視時間(preview time)的交互作用則顯示語意預視效益(benefit)在預視空間較大的時候會隨著預視時間拉長而增加,在預視空間較小的時候,則會隨著預視時間漸減。   在實驗一中,語意關聯性的高低和該詞合理性(plausibility)的高低是共變的,因此這兩個要素構成一個混淆的因子。語意相關預視和語意無關預視之間的效果有可能來自語意關聯性的差異,或是來自在句中合理性的差異。合理性同時也能解釋在為何在實驗一中,不合理的語意無關預視在目標前詞(pretarget)上造成較短的閱讀時間。為了解決這項混淆的因子,實驗二因此採用對目標詞預視、語意相關預視、及語意無關預視都合理的句子。結果發現,語意預視的主要效果消失。然而交互作用的模式則顯示出,語意預視效益在較長的預視時間、較大的預視空間下仍會存在。但在較小的預視空間下,會隨著較長的預視時間而轉為耗損(cost)。實驗二的結果因此提供證據支持在沒有合理性的交互作用下,中文雙字詞的語意預視效應仍會發生。最後,兩個實驗的差異顯示在中文閱讀中存在合理性的預視效益,此結論和之前中文閱讀的研究結果一致。 / The present study investigates the early semantic processing of Chinese two-character words by Chinese readers. Specifically, whether Chinese readers are able to extract semantic information of an up-coming two-character compound as a whole when the word is yet being fixated. In Chinese, it has been demonstrated that semantic information can be extracted from a single character, whether it is a word or part of a word, before the character is being fixated. There is also evidence for whole word processing of foveally presented two-character compounds/words. Since two-character words actually constitute the majority of word type and are used most frequently in total, the time course of processing the meaning of such combination of characters during reading is then the goal of this study. The first experiment aimed to examine whether semantic information of a two-character word can be extracted before it is fixated, as what have been found for single characters. Boundary paradigm (Rayner, 1975) was used, with identical, semantic-related, and semantic-unrelated words, as well as nonwords as preview. Semantic-related preview did facilitate target word processing. The interaction pattern of the effects with preview space and preview time, however, showed that semantic preview benefit could increase with preview time with small preview space, but decrease with preview time under large preview space. A possible confounding factor in the first experiment was the overlap between semantic relatedness and plausibility. The effect between semantic-related and semantic-unrelated previews could be of semantic or plausibility nature. Plausibility may also explain the shortened fixation duration found in Experiment 1 when implausible semantic-unrelated preview was presented parafoveally. Experiment 2 then solved this confounding by using sentence frames which are plausible for identical, semantic-related, and semantic-unrelated previews. In Experiment 2, main effect of semantic preview benefit disappeared, while the interaction patterns showed that such benefit existed for large preview space with long preview time, but became cost for small preview space with long preview time. The results of Experiment 2 thus provide evidence for semantic preview effect of Chinese two-character words without the interaction with plausibility. Finally, the discrepancies between the two experiments indicate the existence of plausibility preview benefit, which previous studies have suggested to exist in Chinese.

以語料庫為本之近似詞教學成效之研究:以台灣大學生為例 / The Effect of Teaching Near-synonyms to Taiwan EFL University Students: A Corpus-based Approach

陳聖其, Chen, Sheng Chi Unknown Date (has links)
台灣英語教育多以考試取向為主,許多教師進行英語字彙指導時採用填鴨式教學,致使學生無法於新的情境靈活使用字彙。 本研究旨在於探究以語料庫為本之教學對於台灣大學生在英語近似詞學習成效的影響,以台北市某一所大學86位英語學習背景及能力相似之大一生為研究對象。研究人數均分成兩班進行教學實驗,一班為實驗組,以資料觀察法進行教學,另一班為對照組,以傳統形式教學為主,每週一次五十分鐘,共進行十週。資料蒐集包含近似詞學習成就測驗前、後測,並且依據研究對象於實驗教學結束後接受語料觀察教學法回饋問卷,蒐集研究對象對於語料觀察法之反應與感知,進行量化分析。最後,透過訪談高分組和低分組學生,蒐集其質性資料進行研究探討哪些因素會影響不同英語能力學生對於資料觀察法的意願與需求。本研究發現如下: 一、近似詞教學有助於提升台灣大學生的英語字彙能力。兩組教學均在後測有 進步。但就後測成績來說,實驗組顯著優於控制組。資料觀察法之近似詞教學 均較傳統教學法更能有效提升學生的英語字彙能力。 二、在不同程度的學生學習成效上,高、低分組學生均在後測成績有進步。對於 高分組而言,實驗組後測成績顯著優於控制組後測。但對於控制組而言,實驗 組的與控制組的後測成績未呈顯著差異。 三、大部分的學生對於運用資料觀察法學習單字均給予正面回饋,也肯定資料觀 察學習法活動的效益。另外,根據高、低分組學生訪談結果發現,英語程度的 高低的確會影響學生對於資料觀察法的喜愛和需求。高分組的學生希望先以資 料觀察學習法為開端,再以傳統講解式方式做總結。但對低分組的學生而言, 喜歡參與小組討論。由於單字量的不足,低分組學生希望在語料庫為主的教材 旁能附上中文解釋,降低學習焦慮。 根據上述研究結果,本研究建議大學英語教師在教學現場能夠融入語料觀察學 習法並依照不同程度的學生進行教材設計,以助提升學生學習英語單字。 關鍵字:資料觀察學習法、近似詞、語料庫為本 / Corpus Linguistics has progressively become the center in different domains of language research. With such development of large corpora, the potential applications and possibilities of corpora in second language teaching and learning are extended. A discovery-based authentic learning environment is provided as well as created by such corpus-based language learning. Synonym or near-synonym learning is a difficult aspect of vocabulary learning, but a linguistic phenomenon with ubiquity. Hence, this research aims to investigate the effectiveness of the application of data-driven learning (DDL) approach in near-synonyms instruction and compare the teaching effect on the high and low achievers through the near-synonyms instruction. Participants of this study were given instruction throughout the eight-week corpus-based teaching with materials compiled by the teacher. This is a quasi-experimental study consisting of comparison between two experimental conditions, with a pre-post test and control-experimental group design, followed by qualitative method of semi-structure interviews and questionnaire provided to the experimental group of EFL university students in Taiwan. Two intact classes of 86 college students participated in this study. The quantitative analysis of the pre- and posttest scores and questionnaire were conducted through descriptive statistics and frequency analysis in order to explain the learning effects and learners’ perceptions. The results of the study revealed that: (1) participants in the experimental group made significant improvement in the posttest; (2) EFL high proficiency learners with DDL approach performed better than high achievers who were taught by the traditional method. However, low achievers may not be able to benefit from DDL approach in the form of concordance teaching materials; (3) the majority of the participants had positive feedback on DDL activities. Also, types of preferred DDL activities were strongly influenced by students’ proficiency level. Low achievers preferred activities that should involve Chinese translation as the supplementary note while as for the high achievers, they were looking for the teacher’s explanation of words’ usages and functions in the end. This study demonstrates the importance in illuminating the dynamic relationship between DDL approach and second language near-synonyms learning, as well as provides English EFL teachers with a better concept to incorporate corpus or concordance lines into vocabulary instruction. Key words: data-driven Learning, near-synonym, corpus-based approach

韓国語の副詞的成分일찍 [ilt∫'ik]と 빨리[p'alli]の意味分析-日本語の「早(速)く」との対照の観点から-

李, 澤熊, LEE, TACK UNG 31 March 2008 (has links)
No description available.

複數標記「們」與分類詞的分與合 / Plural Marker -men and Numeral Classifiers: Convergence and Divergence

羅奕傑, Lo, Yi Chieh Unknown Date (has links)
自Greenberg (1972) 以來,陸續有學者探討世界語言中的複數標記和分類詞之間的關係,並指出兩者的相似之處(Greenberg, 1972; Sanches and Slobin, 1973; Borer, 2005; Her, 2012)。本文稱這些研究為CL-PM Convergence View。這些研究指出分類詞 (numeral classifier; CL) 與複數標記 (plural marker; PM)呈現互補分布的關係。學者們 (Borer, 2005; Her, 2012) 更進一步認為,分類詞與複數標記在同一名詞組裡呈現互補分布,表示兩者在句法結構上佔據相同的位置,應視為相同的成分。然而本文發現,台灣華語「Num+CL+N們」結構有一定的能產性。若將「們」視為複數標記,則台灣華語對於上述學者的理論就形成了反例。有鑑於此,本文目的在於以句法接受度實驗及語料庫兩項方法,重新檢視台灣華語「們」的各種用法,以期解決文獻上對於「們」的諸多爭議。接著,在建立語言事實後,本文探討「們」對於CL-PM Convergence View的意義,並對於台灣華語「們」與分類詞在歷時和共時上的互動作出新的解釋。 具體來說,本文釐清了下列六項事實,為文獻上的爭議提供新的證據: (一)「們」可用於非指人的名詞;(二)「N們」為定指;(三)「Proper N們」僅表示 ‘多位Proper N’;(四)「¬1群N們」合法;(五)「Num+CL+N們」合法;(六) 在有接受英語教育的前提下,母語者的英語程度越低,對於「Num+CL+N們」的接受度越高,也越容易受到英語句法結構的促發(priming),表示「Num+CL+N們」的產生與和英語的接觸有密切關係。考慮這些事實及其他台灣華語沒有爭議的特性,本文認為台灣華語「們」應視為一個集合標記(collective plural marker),而非文獻所說的伴同標記(associative plural, Iljic, 2001,2005; 陳俊光,2009)或是普通複數標記(additive plural, Li, 1999; Hunag et al, 2009)。最後,本文提出兩個論點: 第一,我們根據Her et al (to appear)的洞見,區分「語意複數」(semantic plural)及「語法複數」(grammatical plural);第二,我們提出新的事實,論證「們」在句法上,台灣華語「們」是一個附綴(clitic)而非詞綴(suffix)。這兩項論點證明台灣華語「們」並不違反CL-PM Convergence View的預測,亦可以解釋「們」與分類詞在歷時(李豔惠、石毓智,2000)和共時上的互動。 / Since Greenberg (1972), there have been many studies addressing the issue of the relationship between numeral classifiers (CL) and plural markers (PM) (Greenberg, 1972; Sanches and Slobin, 1973; Borer, 2005; Her, 2012). These scholars (henceforth CL-PM Convergence View) discovered that CL and PM tend not to co-occur in the same language, and even if they do co-occur, they are complementarily distributed within NP. Some linguists (Borer, 2005; Her, 2012) take this generalization further to propose that CL and PM in fact belong to the same category. However, when we look at Taiwan Mandarin (TM) data, a potential counterevidence can be found: [Num+CL+N-men], in which CL and –men, generally taken to be a plural suffix, co-occur within the same NP. In light of this, this study aims to take a realist look at TM –men, collecting relevant data from grammaticality judgment task and corpora so as to capture the behavior of –men. We then test CL-PM Convergence View against empirical data obtained in the study, showing that [Num+CL+N-men] does not constitute a counterexample to CL-PM Convergence View. The apparent interaction between CL and –men in TM can also be accounted for under our analysis of –men. Specifically, this study establishes the following facts for TM –men: (1) the use of –men is not restricted to human Ns; (2) N-men must be definite; (3) Proper N denotes ‘more than one Proper N’; (4) [¬1 qun N-men] is grammatical; (5) [Num+CL+N-men] is grammatical; (6) native speakers’ acceptability of [Num+CL+N-men] is in negative correlation with their English proficiency, and priming effects of English structure [Num+N-s] are observed on speakers with low English proficiency. Taking these findings into account, this study proposes that TM –men should be best analyzed as a collective plural marker, contra Iljic, (2001,2005) and 陳俊光’s (2009) “associative” analysis on the one hand, and Li (1999) and Hunag et al’s (2009) “additive” analysis on the other. Accordingly, we argue that –men as a collective does not constitute a counterexample to CL-PM Convergence View, citing two further pieces of evidence: Her et al’s (to appear) insight that “semantic plural” and “grammatical plural” should be distinguished and the proposal made there to revise CL-PM Convergence View, and the “clitic” analysis of TM –men proposed in this study. Finally, we show that the distinction between “semantic plural” and “grammatical plural” also nicely explains the synchronic and diachronic interaction between CL and –men in TM.

中國近現代思想及文學史資料庫檢索系統 / An Information Retrieval and Analysis System for Historical and Literary Documents in Chinese

孫暐, Sun, Wei Unknown Date (has links)
數位人文是近年來數位科技應用的一種重要趨勢,是一個結合數位技術與人文研究的新興領域,透過資訊科學的技術並結合大量數位化的文史資料,輔助文史學者進行較深入的人文研究,彌補並獲得在數位化之前無法用人工逐一比對所觀察到的現象或新的詮釋。 本研究以「中國近現代思想及文學史專業數據庫」的大量文史資料作為基礎,希望建構出一個能協助文史學者對中國近現代史的歷史觀念或現象較有效率的進行分析之檢索系統。本系統讓研究者可以透過具代表性的檢索詞彙與檢索條件搜尋出與欲研究的議題相關的文獻集合,再利用PAT Tree(Patricia tree)技術與自身的專業知識,擷取出研究議題底下的專業關鍵詞彙,並針對有興趣的關鍵詞彙或關鍵詞彙組合進行相關的時序分析,提供研究者以不同的面向觀察並詮釋出新的趨勢和結論。 我們找了一些具有文史工作相關背景經驗的使用者來實際使用本系統,並進行系統滿意度的評估,從評估的結果得知大部份的使用者都給了不錯的滿意度回饋,顯示本系統對於研究者在進行相關的文史研究上,可以達到一定程度的助益。 / In recent years, digital humanities have become an important trend of the application of information technologies. It’s an emerging field by combining information technologies with humanities studies. Historians can make intensive humanities studies through the combination of information science technologies and numerous digitized historical data, finding the new historical phenomenon that cannot be obtained by manual handling the historical data. In this paper, we construct an information retrieval and analysis system based on the text material available at the Database for the Study of Modern Chinese Thought and Literature that can help historians to make historical studies more efficiently. The system can let historians find the key documents which are related to the historical studies they make by representative search word. Besides, the system can use the PAT Tree (Patricia tree) method to extract useful keywords, with the help of historians to finalize the keyword selection. The system can also do the time analysis of one keyword or two keywords and help historians make new conclusions of historical studies. We let some people who have historical work experience use the system and let them evaluate the system. Most of the evaluation results are good. It means that the system can help historians to make historical studies more efficiently.

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