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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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日本語を母語とする中国語学習者における中国語の自動詞表現・他動詞表現・受身表現の選択について : 非人為的事態の場合

SUGIMURA, Yasushi, 杉村, 泰 10 November 2014 (has links)
No description available.

近義詞「生命、生活」與「Life」之華英對比辨析- 以語料庫及問卷研究為本 / A Comparison of Mandarin Near Synonyms sheng1 ming4 (生命) and sheng1 huo2 (生活) with English ‘life’: A Contrastive Study Based on Corpus and Questionnaire

楊美儀, Yong, Mei Yee Unknown Date (has links)
「生命、生活」英文釋義均為「Life」,以英語為母語的外籍學生極易因母語干擾而產生使用偏誤,因此有必要進一步辨析此組詞彙。前人對於「生命」、「生活」的探究多止於字辭典討論,至今未有語料庫相關的研究,因此本文以語料庫為本(Chinese Gigaword 2,British National Corpus),分析語料庫中「生命」、「生活」與「Life」語料的語義關係。 本文首先彙整「生命」、「 生活 」與「Life」在華文及英文辭典中的詞義,探究其詞義之異同,再進一步分析及描述「生命」、「 生活 」與「Life」抽樣語料在語料庫中的分佈情形,包括語料詞頻、詞類及搭配共現等分佈情形。結果顯示,「生命」、「生活」與「Life」華英詞義無法完全對應,「Life」語料詞義頻率最高的三項詞義皆可與「生命」和「生活」詞義對應,但對應的不完全是「生命」及「生活」語料詞義頻率最高的三項詞義。「生命」與「生活」詞義的主要差異在於「生命」詞義趨向抽象,比喻能力較強,通常指向時間及強調對象。而「生活」詞義趨向具體,通常指向狀態及強調形式。本研究接下來使用語料庫「詞彙特性素描」功能觀察「生命」、「生活」與「Life」在語料庫中整體搭配共現的頻率與詞類分佈,以及使用「詞彙對照素描」功能觀察「生活」與「生命」搭配詞的「共現模式」及「唯一模式」。「Life」與「生命」及「生活」的搭配共現分佈相似但種類較少,主要反映在名詞上,英文與華文搭配詞的語義大多可對應。  最後,本論文以問卷實驗進一步探討以英語為母語的外籍學習者對「生活」與「生命」的習得和偏誤狀況,然後對比外籍學習者與華語母語者的差異。結果顯示,外籍學習者對「生命」與「生活」確有混淆的狀況,但對「生活」的掌握比「生命」較為嫻熟,而且會因英語出現而影響對「生命」與「生活」語義的認知,對「生命」與「生活」常用搭配詞的掌握能力也遠較母語者低落。 本論文的貢獻在於以語料庫為本,對英譯同是「Life」的華文易混淆近義詞「生命」與「生活」的語義進行了多面向綜合探究,包括華英詞義對比分析、語料庫的分佈情形、詞彙搭配的分佈及分類等。此外,也以問卷實驗探討外籍學習者對「生命」與「生活」這組詞彙的習得與偏誤狀況,並且與華語母語者做出對比,整理出其差異之處。上述結果證實語料庫對於近義詞研究有積極的作用,亦對華語文近義詞教學提供了參考作用。 / The Mandarin of sheng1 ming4 and sheng1 huo2 are both translated as 'life' in English. The native English-speaking students who study Mandarin often err in selecting the appropriate Mandarin term for ‘life’ due to cross-language interference. Hence, a more in-depth analysis of these two terms is necessary. Previous research for sheng1 ming4 and sheng1 huo2 were carried out mostly through the use of dictionaries. None of the research was corpus-based and supplemented by questionnaire. Thus, the aim of this thesis is to analyse the semantically relationship between sheng1 ming4, sheng1 huo2 and 'life' based on the Chinese Gigaword2 and British National Corpus. This thesis begins by summarizing the meanings of sheng1 ming4, sheng1 huo2, and ‘life’ based on their definitions as provided by Mandarin and English dictionaries. This thesis then expounds on the similarities and differences among the three words, and further analyses and describes the distribution of sheng1 ming4, sheng1 huo2 and ‘life’ in the corpus, including the distributions of frequency, senses and collocation. The results show that semantic of ‘life’ could not completely correspond with sheng1 ming4 and sheng1 huo2, however, the top 3 of highest semantic frequency of ‘life’ could correspond with sheng1 ming4 and sheng1 huo2, but not vice versa, the top 3 of highest semantic frequency of sheng1 ming4 and sheng1 huo2 are not completely correspond. The main difference between sheng1 ming4 and sheng1 huo2 is that sheng1 ming4 is more abstractive, with stronger metaphor ability, commonly directed to time or specific subject; while sheng1 huo2 is more concrete, commonly directed to status or form. Furthermore, this thesis utilizes the ‘word sketch’ function and observes the ‘common pattern’ and the ‘only pattern’ of sheng1 ming4 and sheng1 huo2 by ‘sketch difference’. The distribution of the collocation of ‘life’, sheng1 ming4 and sheng1 huo2 is similar but with less variations, mostly reflected in noun, and the collocation of English is commonly correspond with the meaning of Mandarin collocation. Lastly, this thesis surveys the acquisition of sheng1 ming4 and sheng1 huo2 by foreign students who are native speakers of English, and compares how these students perform in the questionnaire tasks. The results show that foreign students are confusing by selecting sheng1 ming4 or sheng1 huo2, but better at mastering sheng1 huo2 than sheng1 ming4, and that their interpretation of sheng1 ming4 and sheng1 huo2 are commonly affected by their command of English. In addition, their command of collocation between sheng1 ming4 and sheng1 huo2 is much lower than that of Mandarin native speakers. The findings of this thesis is obtained through conducts comprehensive inquiry from multiple perspectives method: including the contrastive analysis of Mandarin-English meaning, distribution and differentiation of word collocation for the Mandarin near synonyms sheng1 ming4, sheng1 huo2 and ‘life’. Furthermore, to survey acquisition of foreign students with regard to sheng1 ming4 and sheng1 huo2 via questionnaire, and compare the differences with Mandarin native speakers. The differences are then summarized. The above-mentioned results support the positive effect of corpus when researching near synonyms and serves as a reference for the teaching of Mandarin near synonyms.

「很X」構式在口語語料之句法語意分析 / The Syntactic and Semantic Analysis of Hěn X Constructions in Spoken Copora

陳妍儒, Chen, Yen Ju Unknown Date (has links)
本論文探討「很X」構式在口語語料中的語意變化,透過「很X」在口語語料庫及電視節目語料中的分布,分析「很X」語法化及詞彙化的情形,藉由語言學的角度,提供未來華語教學實用多樣的內涵。 過去相關文獻多集中於構式、詞類的分析,較少使用口語語料作為研究素材,而言談過程常是造成語言變化的重要因素,因此本文應用語法化及詞彙化理論,探討政治大學口語語料庫及公視節目「爸媽囧很大」中「很X」的分布情形,分析詞類結構、句法範疇及字數三個方面。兩個語料來源中「很X」的分布情形一致,「很」的語法化一直演變,「X」可擔任的範疇向其他詞類擴張,也可以由單詞、詞組、句子等字數不同的單位擔任。「很X」也藉由詞彙化持續演變,「很X」凝結為一個單位,用以修飾其他詞組或是句子。「很」除了保有表示高程度的副詞功能外,亦開始具有突顯「X」特性的功能,與特定詞類搭配時,「很X」必須一起出現才足以表達說話者的意思,這些現象顯示了「很X」的主觀性有逐漸提升的趨勢。本文以語法化和詞彙化理論來分析討論口語語料中「很X」的句法語意變化以及分布情形,研究結果可提供華語教學者進行相關學術研究、編撰教材以及實地教學的素材來源。 / The study aims to investigate the syntactic and semantic changes of hěn X constructions in spoken copora. Many studies have discussed the history of hěn, the development of its degree adverb function and the host expansion of X. To understand the gradual changes of hěn X in daily usages, the study, extracting the data from the NCCU Corpus of Spoken Chinese and Taiwan Public Telivision show, examines the grammaticalization and lexicalization patterns of hěn X . Several findings are found. First, the syntactic and semantic distributions of both sources are consistent. While adjectives and stative verbs still claim the majority of X, new categories of words are discovered, showing host expansion of hěn X. Second, not only words but also phrases and clauses can play the role of X. The flexibility of the length of hěn X demonstrates the gradual grammaticalization of hěn.On the other hand, hěn X can also be used as a unit to modify other grammatical constittuents, showing lexicalization process is also happening regarding. In particular, when hěn X is regarded as a unit, hěn appears to be obligatory, not only indicating degree but also highlighting the characteristics of X. The analysis of the spoken materials also clearly demonstrates that subjectivity is increasing in hěn X. These findings of hěn X in spoken copora can be applied to linguistic studies and Mandarin teaching.

漢語動補結構中的致使義:從論元體現而論 / Causativity in Chinese resultative compounds: on the account of argument realization

黃心綸, Huang, Hsin Lun Unknown Date (has links)
漢語的動補結構長久以來一直是漢語語言學中一個複雜難解的議題,動補結構中的論元在句法上應如何體現及其相對應的語意應如何解讀更是許多語言學家致力解決的問題。衍生語法學派 (Derivational Grammar) 的學者 (Cheng and Huang, 1994; Cheng et al, 1997; Huang, 2006, 2007; Li, 1995) 及詞彙功能語法學派 (Lexical Functional Grammar) 的學者 (Her, 2004, 2007, 2009; Shibagaki, 2009) 均曾試圖提出對於漢語動補結構最正確有效的分析,本論文旨在證明衍生語法學派之理論在動補結構分析上的錯誤及不足,並點出詞彙功能語法學派之理論在預測動補結構的論元體現 (argument realization) 及語意解讀 (semantic interpretation) 上有較全面的分析。 然而,某些動補結構,如「這一大桌子菜胖死我了」,含有不同於其他動補結構的致使義 (Causativity),進而產生特殊的論元體現模式,此情形卻未被涵蓋在詞彙功能語法學派的理論分析中,本論文也依循詞彙功能語法的理論框架,試圖提出足以預測此種特定動補結構論元體現的句法規則,以彌補詞彙功能語法理論在分析此動補結構的論元體現上之遺漏,使其整體分析更臻完善。 / Resultative compounds in Mandarin Chinese have long been a complicated issue in Chinese linguistics. Many researchers have put great effort in trying to solve the problem of how arguments of Chinese resultative compounds should be syntactically realized and how corresponding interpretations should be achieved. Researchers of Derivational Grammar (Cheng and Huang, 1994; Cheng et al, 1997; Huang, 2006, 2007; Li, 1995) and those of Lexical Functional Grammar (Her, 2004, 2007, 2009; Shibagaki, 2009) have all attempted to propose analyses that are accurate in predicting the argument realization and compound predication of Chinese resultative compounds. This thesis aims to prove the insufficiency in the prediction power of derivational accounts and endeavors to show that the account of Lexical Functional Grammar is superior in the analysis of resultative compounds in terms of argument realization and compound interpretation. However, some resultative compounds, such as that in zhe yi da zhuozi cai pang-si wo le (‘This whole table of dishes is making me fat.’), have certain causativity that makes them different from others in terms of argument realization. Resultative compounds like these are not included in the analysis of lexicalist accounts. Based on the theoretical framework of Lexical Functional Grammar, this thesis also makes an attempt to propose a syntactic rule that predicts the correct argument realization pattern of the kind of resultative compounds mentioned above. It is the goal of this thesis that the proposed rule covers the analysis of the resultative compounds that is missing in previous accounts and makes the lexicalist account given in this thesis a better solution in working on the issues of Chinese resultative compounds.

以事件相關電位探討中文語音辨識中的字形一致性效應 / Event-Related Potentials studies for the Orthographic Consistency effects on Chinese spoken word recognition

陳薇帆, Chen, Wei Fan Unknown Date (has links)
本研究以事件相關電位方法,探討中文字在進行聽覺詞彙辨識的作業中,分別受字形表徵的同音字密度多寡、以及字音-字形對應一致性的影響。首先 進行中文字的字音-字形一致性語料庫的建立,量化中文字的音形對應一致性程度。透過明確的定義並操弄中文字的音形對應一致性,以及中文字同音 字密度的特性,探討在進行中文字聽覺詞彙辨識歷程中,字形表徵屬性如何對語音辨識作業產生影響的認知歷程。實驗分為三種情境(1)同音密度低 (low HD)、(2)同音密度高/音形對應一致性高(high HD/high P-O)、 (3)同音密度高/音形對應一致性低(high HD/low P-O)。前兩項的比較為高同音字密度下的音形對應一致性效果,而後兩項的比較則為在高音形對應一致性下的同音字密度的效果。實驗一採語意判斷作業,研究結果顯示,在高同音字密度時,高音形對應一致性的字引發較大的 N400;而在高音形對應一致性時,同音字密度效果在 LPC 得到顯著的差異。反應中文字在聽 覺詞彙判斷作業上,字形可自動被激活,進而影響語音的辨識。實驗二採押 韻判斷作業,研究結果同樣發現高音形對應一致字引發較大的 N400,實但同音字密度效果性效果在判斷押韻作業上並未達顯著效果。另外,在高音形對應一致性情形下所得到的押韻效果最大,尤以同音字密度高且音形對應一致性高的情況下,押韻效果出現的時間較早。本研究結果支持雙向交互激發模型(BIAM)的假設:中文口語詞彙辨識的歷程中,也會自動激發字形訊息,而語音、字形、語意之間的對應一致性越好,口語詞彙辨識及其整體處理的效能也越高。

日本語彙複合動詞的自自交替現象 / Transitivity-Transtivity alternation of lexical compound verbs in Japanese

張惠茹 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究以日文的語彙複合動詞為研究對象,探討自自交替發生時的條件及制約,以及在整個複合動詞中所佔的位置。 本論文共分為七章。第一章為緒論,闡述本研究的目的及考察對象。第二章則針對語彙複合動詞的自他交替及自自交替之過往相關文獻進行研究,並提出尚未解決的問題。第三章到第六章則依照字組下去分別做探討。字組依序為「出る/出す」「通る/通す」「回る/回す」「抜く/抜ける」為後項的複合動詞。第三~六章主要在探討前項動詞與後項動詞的特徵,以及自自交替形成的原因。最後第七章為結論。 透過本研究,我們可以得到以下結論。 (1)形成自自交替的前後項動詞皆為位置變化動詞。 (2)自自交替發生的原因依據前項動詞的性質而有所不同。例如前項動詞為非能格 自動詞時,自自交替的原因主要為再歸導致的他動性低下;前項動詞為非對格 自動詞時,自自交替的原因為「非対格性優先の原則」;前項為他動詞時,自 自交替的原因則來自於文全體的他動性低下。 關鍵字:語彙複合動詞、自自交替、自他交替、他動性、非對格優先原則、 位置變化  本研究の目的は、語彙的複合動詞における自自交替の発生条件、制約及び位置づけを明らかにすることである。  本研究は7章で構成される。第一章は序論で、本研究の目的及び研究対象を述べる。第二章ではまず自他交替と自自交替に関する先行研究を検討し、さらに本研究の位置づけについて述べ、問題点を提出する。第三章から第六章においては、「出る/出す」「通る/通す」「回る/回す」「抜く/抜ける」の組み合わせに分け、それぞれ考察を行い、「前項動詞と後項動詞の特徴」と「自自交替が可能になる理由」について分析する。第七章は結論である。  本研究を通して次のような結論が得られる。  (1)自自交替における前項動詞と後項動詞は、両方とも位置変化を表していること が判明した。  (2)自自交替が可能になる理由は、前項動詞の性質によって異なる。前項動詞が 非能格自動詞である場合は、主に再帰による他動性低下の影響を受け、自自 交替が可能になる。前項動詞が非対格自動詞の場合は、「非対格性優先の 原則」の制約で自自交替を成す。前項動詞が他動詞である場合は、文全体 の他動性低下という原因で自自交替が可能になるのである。  キーワード:語彙的複合動詞、自自交替、自他交替、他動性、非対格性優先の原 則、位置変化


松岡, みゆき 31 March 2003 (has links) (PDF)
No description available.


李, 津安 31 March 2006 (has links) (PDF)
No description available.

「ウナギ文」の分析 - 連結メトニミーとして -

山本, 幸一 31 March 2006 (has links) (PDF)
No description available.

基於語料庫方法辨析漢語動補結構「用X 」及「弄X」之使用情況 / A Corpus-based Study of Mandarin Verbs Yong and Nong in Verb-complement Structure

楊雅筑 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究探討漢語動補結構在語料庫中的使用情況,透過語料庫研究方法,辨析動詞「用X」及「弄X」與動補結構的關係,並探究動補結構中「用X」及「弄X」相互替代的使用現象,最後由詞彙語意及語義韻律的角度提出說明。 本研究利用中文詞彙網路(Chinese Wordnet)、《平衡語料庫》(Sinica Corpus 4.0)以及《批踢踢語料庫》(PTT Corpus),觀察語料庫中動詞「用」、動詞「弄」、動補結構「用X」及動補結構「弄X」的語料分布,以及語料與動詞義項的互動情況。研究發現,在語料庫中,動詞「用」的主要語義是「利用特定對象的特定功能」,而動詞「弄」的主要語義則是以「造成特定結果」和「代動詞,做」,且在語料庫中,「用X」結構的分布集中、「弄X」分布廣泛。研究亦發現,《平衡語料庫》中的動補結構語料相對來說較《批踢踢語料庫》中的語料組合穩定,此一現象是由於不同語料庫中的語料結合緊密程度不同所致。 藉由動詞代換檢測及動詞義項的比對,可知在動結式動補結構這個特定的環境下,動詞「用」和「弄」顯示了與近義詞相似的特質,甚至展現出詞彙語意關係中的上下位(hyponymy)或者蘊含關係(entailment)。研究最後透過觀察「用X」和「弄X」動補結構的語義韻律,探究動詞「用」和「弄」在動詞義項以外的異同之處,並發現語料庫中的動補結構「用X」及「弄X」在語義韻律的分布上有相似的表現。 / This paper aims to explore the cause of the mutual substitution of verbs yòng(用) and nòng(弄) in verb-complement structure in Taiwan Mandarin. The study adopts a semantic corpus-based approach to examine this phenomenon. To find out the resemblance of meanings shared by the verbs yòng and nòng, this study first retrieved their senses by using Chinese Wordnet and analyzed the sentences from the Sinica Corpus. Three hundred instances of yòng and 240 instances for nòng were analyzed and classified according to their corresponding verb senses. The results showed that yòng and nòng both contain the concept of “utilize certain tool/method/means to fulfill particular purposes”, proving that they could possibly form a synonymous set of verb. The analysis then focused on the behavior of the verbs in verb-complement structures. The verb-complement structures of yòng and nòng from the Sinica Corpus and the PTT Corpus were further inspected: 14 entries of ‘yòng-complement’ (179 instances) and 32 entries of ‘nòng-complement’ (157 instances) were found in Sinica Corpus, while 21 entries of ‘yòng-complement’ (82 instances) and 97 entries of ‘nòng-complement’ (781 instances) were found in the PTT Corpus. The distributions showed that the verb-complement structures in Sinica Corpus were relatively more stable than those in the PTT Corpus, and the phenomenon was inferred to be caused by the distinct degree of the structure combination. In order to examine the possibility of the mutual substitution of yòng and nòng, a verb-substitution test was conducted. The results were further examined by comparing with the verb-complement structures found in the PTT Corpus. In addition, introspective survey of native speakers of Mandarin was also added to re-confirm the substitution test result. Lastly, the verb senses and the semantic prosody of the verb-complement structures were also analyzed. The study showed that the verbs yòng and nòng have shared senses when they appear in resultive verb-complement structures, and the mutual substitution patterns were also discovered. As for the analysis of semantic prosody of the verb-complement structures, the result showed that yòng-complement and nòng-complement have identical distribution tendency: structures with neutral semantic prosody occupied the greatest proportion, followed by the negative ones and the positive ones, which also proved the synonymous relationship between the verbs yòng and nòng in the verb-complement structures.

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