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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.


謝武星, Chia, Wu-Sin Unknown Date (has links)
面對知識管理時代與學術論文不斷的激增下,快速擷取學術論文的研究主題領域是相當重要的項研究。本研究從文獻結構中分析,應用了特徵擷取、中文字詞分析、統計及演算等方法,對中文學術論文標題及其中文參考文獻標題進行分析,以擷取可描述該篇論文研究主題之專業詞彙。 對應論文的研究主題擷取,本研究建立了專業詞彙資料庫以及虛字符號字庫,應用在研究主題詞彙擷取時,論文標題的詞彙比對。專業詞彙資料庫,包括了各專業詞彙,以及詞彙間的研究主題關係,此外,也包含了詞彙間的同義詞關係。虛字符號字庫,則包含了需要在去除標題中各虛字符號時,所比對的字庫。 在最後的結果分析上,採用詞頻統計統計出論文及其參考文獻標題所出現的專業詞彙次數,並使用論文與參考文獻的對應分析產生六種可能的結果,說明應用此結果加上次數統計的方式,如何確切的擷取可描述該論文研究主題的詞彙。而在研究過程中,本研究以“中文文獻及字詞的資訊化處理”此研究主題的論文為例,建置雛型系統及詞庫來加以探討及印證。

閩南語的副詞變調音韻中的介面現象 / Tone Sandhi of Adverbsin Southern Min: Interfaces in Phonology

陳雅玫, Chen, Ya-mei Unknown Date (has links)
本文主要是從音韻,句法,語義及言談分析四部門的介面關係來探討閩南副詞的各種變調現象.副詞的句法及語義修飾功能可能影響閩南語重疊副詞的變調行為.當重疊副詞的句法與語義功能呈現差異時.它則單獨形成一個音韻片語.副詞內在的語義特性與閩南語一般副詞的變調有密切的關連.副詞可以是副語修飾語或句子修飾語.述語修飾語在語義上修飾述語或述語內的成份,因此與述語共同形成一個音韻片語;句子修飾語在語義上修飾主詞,句子或說話者,其必須單獨形成一個音韻片語.最後,我們從言談分析的角度重新分析閩南語的副詞.訊息結構中的焦點,主題及評論等結構會促成副詞音韻片語的重組.當副詞構成整個主題或評論時,它必須單獨形成一個獨立片語 / This thesis explores the adverbial phrasings in Southern Min from the interface among phonology, syntax, semantics, and discourse. The syntactic andsemantic modification functions of the adverbs may affect the tonal phrasings of there duplicated adverbs in this language. When an adverb shows a syntax-semanticmismatch, it would form a separate phonological phrase. The intrinsic semanticproperties of the adverbs are crucial to tonal phrasings of the general adverbsSouthern Min. An adverb may serve as a predicate modifier, a sentence modifier, or both. A predicate modifier joins with the predicate to form aphonological phrase;a sentence modifier forms a separate phonological phrase.Finally, we reanalyzethe adverbs in question from the viewpoint of discourse information structure. An adverb which is a focus, topic, domains. Specifically,a topic or commentcoincides with the phonological phrase.

臺灣話「人」的言談功能 / Discourse Functions of Lang in Spoken Taiwanese

劉淑茹, Liu, Shu Ru Unknown Date (has links)
傳統的研究將臺灣話的「人」視為人稱代名詞,並著重於它的指示代名詞使用。但出現於言談中的「人」卻多不做此用。因此,本研究旨在探討這種不做指示代名詞用的「人」,及其在言談上的功能。   根據Schiffrin提出的言談分析模式,「人」在五個層面--語意結構、行為結構、交談順序結構、訊息狀態、及交談者關係--都有其功能。大體而言,「人」的主要功能是在語意結構上,它在言談間作為一個「逆向承接標記」,它的出現顯示著上下文有著相反或對比的關係。藉由這種承接的作用,能使說話者更明確地表達語意,並使聽話者更精確地掌握語意,因而使得言談更為順暢。 / The present study investigates the behavior of the non-referential lang and the functions it performs in Taiwanese spoken discourse.   Based on Schiffrin's (1987) model of discourse coherence, lang. plays roles on the five planes of discourse. The predominant function of lang is found in the ideational structure, where it explicitly marks contrastive relations between propositions. In the action structure, it prefaces speech acts like defense, dispute, and refutal when a speaker disagrees the other participant's accusation, assertion, and request. In the exchange structure, it is employed to claim/fight for or retain the turn. In the information state, it signals contrasts between the upcoming proposition and speaker knowledge or speaker/hearer meta-knowledge. In the participation framework, it functions to change the relative relations between interlocutors in a conversation and to indicate a discrepancy between interlocutors in the subjective attitude toward an event. As a whole, lancr serves as a contrastive marker, thus informing a discontinuity in a discourse.   The syntactic distribution of lang and its co-occurrence restrictions with Taiwanese sentence-final particles further support our analysis that lang functionsas a marker of contrast.

從語言文化學角度論植物詞語:俄漢對比與翻譯 / Study on the comparison and translation between Russian and Chinese plant words from linguoculturological perspectives

郭庭睿 Unknown Date (has links)
俄羅斯的植物文化與人民的生活作息密不可分,俄羅斯植物因人們的信仰具有靈性,故在民俗活動中具有許多功能。俄羅斯文人將思鄉、戀愛、哀悼等諸多情感投射於植物,賦予植物豐富的美學價值。植物的美學意涵在中國文人墨客的生花妙筆之下,與俄羅斯相比毫不遜色,他們將花卉的意涵昇華至道德思想中,以植物象徵氣節、品格,或是烏托邦式的理想世界,這點是俄羅斯植物文化中罕見的現象。花木表現了各種形式的美,同時蘊含了無法言傳的情感,充分體現了中國人謙抑的民族性。 在俄語學界早已興起以文化背景為研究基礎的語言學說,其中最受人注目的理論便是韋列夏金與科斯托馬羅夫提出的語言國情學。他們提出詞彙背景理論,提倡學習語言應同時著重國情文化知識的涉獵,在當時的學界掀起了不小的旋風。然而隨著時代演變,語言國情學受其視角限制難以前進,在學者們的努力之下,蛻變成為語言文化學(лингвокультурология)。 本論文的中心理論為語言國情學及語言文化學皆看重的文化伴隨意義理論。文化伴隨意義不僅具有雙重性的矛盾現象,在語言對比的層面上,更分為許多類型。藉由分析植物詞語的內部意涵,可探究俄羅斯文化的另一風貌。俄漢植物詞語的對比研究及其翻譯策略一直以來較無系統性的整理與探討,此即本論文之研究緣起。

台灣大學生英文議論文中人稱代名詞使用之功能分析 / A functional analysis of personal pronoun use in argumentation by Taiwanese college students

張銀玲, Chang, Yin Ling Unknown Date (has links)
為了呼應將人際層面融入寫作教學的趨勢,本論文將透過分析人稱代名詞(一種明顯的人際關係標記)在議論文中的使用功能來探討不同程度的台灣大學生如何使用人稱代名詞建構作者與讀者之間的關係。本研究的第一部份著重在七十六篇文章的文本分析。首先,這些文章按照評分結果將其分成高、中、低三組,然後分析人稱代名詞最常出現的搭配語言形式,並歸納出不同人稱代名詞的篇章功能。第二部份則是分析學生問卷及訪談學生,藉以作進一步的闡述。問卷的目的在找出學生對議論文寫作的看法,而訪談學生則是想找出使用不同人稱代名詞的原因。本研究發現不同程度的三組學生在人稱代名詞的整體使用數量、種類、及頻率分配上都有不同,程度高的一組明顯少於中間程度及較低組。同時,結果也顯示這些學生會搭配不同的語言形式(例如動詞、助動詞、加強標記等)來行使不同的篇章功能,而且不同程度的學生在功能運用上也會有所差異。整體而言,低組同學呈現較多的自我投射,中間組同學比較注重與讀者和其他外人的關係,而高組同學在呈現觀點時較為客觀。在選擇人稱代名詞時,學生會從自己本身、讀者、文章寫作等三方面的相互關係作出考量,決定採取主觀或客觀的觀點、表達權威或謙卑的態度、顯示親近或疏離的關係、使用直接或間接的策略。大致上來說,這些學生使用較多的人性訴求來凝聚跟讀者之間的關係,同時也強化自己論點的力道。這樣的策略充分反映出台灣文化中的人道主義和集體主義。本研究發現學生在議論文寫作中會以功能和人際關係為導向來選擇和使用人稱代名詞。 / In response to the call for the incorporation of interpersonal dimension into the writing pedagogy, this study provides a functional analysis of personal pronouns—an explicit interpersonal marker—used in argumentative texts by Taiwanese college students. The purpose is to see how students of different proficiency levels construct the writer-reader relationship through personal pronouns during the composition. The first part of the study centers on the analysis of 76 learner essays. They are first rated and sorted into three groups of different quality—High, Mid, and Low. Later, the linguistic forms associated with personal pronouns are examined, and the discourse functions personal pronouns fulfill in contexts are also identified. The results of the text analysis are further supplemented by the post-writing questionnaires and the oral interviews on students to obtain more in-depth discovery and interpretation. While the questionnaire aims to reveal how the students perceive argumentative writing, the interview intends to find out the reasons for their choices of personal pronouns. The results have shown that the use of personal pronouns in the three groups differs in quantity, type and distribution. The High group writers use significantly fewer pronouns than the other two. Moreover, the students use personal pronouns with salient accompanying linguistic forms (e.g. verbs, modals, emphatic markers) to perform various discourse functions, and students of different levels also vary in maneuvering the functions. Overall, the Low group writers tend to be more self-involved, and the Mid group writers are more likely to include in-group and out-group members in discourse. The High group writers, however, present their arguments more objectively. In selecting personal pronouns, the students usually take account of the interrelationship among the writer, the reader and the text, on whose basis the alternatives between subjectivity and objectivity, authority and modesty, intimacy and detachment, or directness and indirectness are weighed. In general, the students use more personal appeals to achieve mutual solidarity with the reader and to intensify their convictions as well, which reflects humaneness and collectivism that have been highly valued in Taiwanese culture. The study has found that the students' strategic choices of personal pronouns in argumentative writing are usually functionally and interpersonally-oriented.

台灣以中文為母語的小孩的誘發過度泛化現象 / Priming overextensions in Taiwan Mandarin children

陳采君, Chen, Tsai Chun Unknown Date (has links)
本篇研究的目的是要去比較中文跟英文小孩的誘發過度泛化現象的不同之處。誘發過度泛化現象指的是小孩子因為受到之前誘發過的字的影響進而造成對物品過度泛化現象的情況而稱之。Gershkoff-Stowe et al. (2006) 認為Dell (1986) 提出的擴散激活機制 (spreading activation mechanisms) 可用來解釋小孩的三種泛化錯誤類型: 類別錯誤 (category errors) 、語用錯誤 (pragmatic errors) 跟提取錯誤 (retrieval errors),此三種泛化錯誤的基底機制應該都是同樣的。另外,他們也認為最近激活跟形狀的類似對小孩的命名應該都扮演了很重要的角色。年紀較大的小孩也應該會擁有比較成熟的心理詞彙所以會比起年紀較小的小孩比較不容易受到之前提取過的字的影響。因為中文跟英文心理詞彙的不同,我們想去檢視是否一樣的理論也可套用在中文小孩身上。實驗方法沿用了Gershkoff-Stowe et al. (2006)的相同實驗法,做了與他相同的兩個實驗。第一個實驗是熟悉物與不熟悉物的命名,兩歲小孩要做六次的試驗,然後我們是用三張圖片做為誘發圖片,然後請小孩去命名一個真實的物品。第二個實驗是虛構物品命名,我們在這個實驗裡比較兩歲小孩跟四歲小孩的不同表現。實驗過程跟實驗一是一樣的,只是實驗二是看虛構物品不是真實物品,且有八個試驗機會而不是六個。結果顯示有一個跟英文大致上類似的結果。然而我們仍有發現一些不同之處。第一,我們發現熟悉物在中文裡比起英文似乎有更強的力量。第二個則是兩個語言不同的構詞法可能會對於比較成熟的心理詞彙造成不一樣的誘發方式。 / This purpose of this study is to compare the difference of priming overextension phenomena between Mandarin Chinese children and English children. Priming overextension means that children overextend some words due to the effects of the previously primed words. Gershkoff-Stowe et al. (2006) found that spreading activation mechanisms (Dell, 1986) should be the underlying mechanisms of three types of children’s overextension errors, i.e., category errors, pragmatic errors, and retrieval errors. Moreover, they thought that recent activation and perceptual similarity both play an important role on children’s object naming. Besides, older children should have a more mature mental lexicon and thus less susceptible to previously retrieved words than younger children. Due to the difference of the lexicon networks between Mandarin Chinese and English, we want to examine whether the same theory also could apply to Mandarin children. Two experiments which followed Gershkoff-Stowe et al. (2006) were conducted. The first one was familiar or unfamiliar object naming. 2-year-old Children underwent six trials and were primed by three pictures and then were asked to name a real object. The second experiment was novel object naming. We compared the performances of children aged 2 and aged 4 together. The procedure was the same as the experiment 1 despite the fact that children in experiment 2 named novel objects rather than real ones and they underwent 8 trials rather than six. And results showed a generally similar finding with English. However, there are still something different between these two languages. First, we found that familiar objects should have stronger strengths in Mandarin than in English. Second, different morphology in two languages may result in different priming way for more mature mental lexicons.

臺灣與美國流行音樂錄影帶中的性內容與愛情表現之比 較研究 (2000 與 2010) / Love relationship and sexual content in popular music videos of Taiwan and the U.S.A.: a comparative study (2000 and 2010)

吳怡馨, Wu, Yi Hsin Unknown Date (has links)
本研究以內容分析法比較共200首台灣與美國音樂錄影帶中的性內容以及愛情關係表現。研究結果顯示美國音樂錄影帶中的性內容普遍高於台灣的音樂錄影帶,不論是在歌詞表達或影像呈現中。但值得一提的是,臺灣2010年音樂錄影帶中相較於2000年音樂錄影帶中性內容增加的幅度大於美國2010年音樂錄影帶中相較於美國2000年因樂錄影帶中性內容的增加。而且愛情表現方面,台灣的歌曲不論是在2000年還是2010年都有超過80%以上的歌曲為愛情歌曲;美國歌曲則較為多元,從2000年到2010年,少了20%的愛情歌曲。 總體來說,此研究結果與先前研究的結果類似:台灣歌曲中的愛情表達多為無性的表達,而美國歌曲中則較易將愛情等同或化約成肉體慾望,且不論歌曲主題,性內容也較常表達在歌曲中。雖然台灣音樂錄影帶及歌曲中的性內容還尚未達到足以造成威脅的程度,由2010年的增加多於同時期美國的音樂錄影帶顯示未來研究更應重視這一塊因為大眾流行音樂錄影帶在年輕族群的生活中扮演了重要的角色。若其不當性內容持續增加,勢必會對年輕族群的性觀念及行為造成影響。 / This study examines 200 music videos from Taiwan the USA for their sexual content lyrical and visual presentation. The second focus is the illustration of themes in songs. Results of a content analysis shows that in terms of sexual content in music videos, the USA is still more sexual than Taiwan as a whole; however, the increase of sexual imagery in music videos is greater in Taiwan in 2010 compared to in 2000 than that from USA in 2010 compared to 2000. Within-country comparisons show that the increase in images is greater than that in lyrics from 2000 to 2010 in both countries. For themes in songs, in both years, over 80% of the songs analyzed from Taiwan are love theme songs. Songs from the USA are more varied, and from 2000 to 2010, there are 20% less love theme songs. On the whole, this study agrees with previous studies, which found that love manifested in lyrics is often an asexual kind of love in Taiwan, while in the USA physical desires are often outright portrayed, regardless of the song themes. Although the sexual level in music videos images have not yet reached an alarming level, researchers should, however, keep track of the sexual content because music videos do take up a part in forming a socializing environment, especially for the young people.

論動結式與使動用法的關系 : 從使動用法到動結式的演變軌迹 = The relationship between verbal complement construction and the use of causative : the evolving footprint from the use of causative to verbal complement construction / Relationship between verbal complement construction and the use of causative : the evolving footprint from the use of causative to verbal complement construction;"從使動用法到動結式的演變軌迹"

傅京 January 2006 (has links)
University of Macau / Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities / Department of Chinese

合成詞的內部構造和詞的語法屬性的相關性 = The correlation between the structures of compounds and the grammatical feature of the compounds in Chinese / Correlation between the structures of compounds and the grammatical feature of the compounds in Chinese

陳麗萍 January 2004 (has links)
University of Macau / Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities / Department of Chinese


廖, 紋淑 03 1900 (has links) (PDF)
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