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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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張皓得, ZHANG,HAO-DE Unknown Date (has links)
本論文研究《馬氏文通》,其研究之重點在於探討馬建忠《馬氏文通》的語法理論,以及《馬氏文通》對后來語法研究的影響。 本論文凡六章。 第一章緒論,分為兩節。第一節略述筆者撰述本論文之研究動機、研究目的及研究方法。第二節略述《馬氏文通》以前的語法研究概況。 第二章為《馬氏文通》的概說,敘述《馬氏文通》的作者、撰述動機、體例和用例,并且分析馬氏所用的主要語法術語,以作為研究《馬氏文通》的基礎。 第三章論《馬氏文通》的詞法理論,分為實字和虛字兩節來探討《馬氏文通》對名字、代字、動字、靜字、象字、介字、連字、助字、歎字各詞類的界說、分類、用法及用例。 第四章論《馬氏文通》的句法理論。第五節以起詞、語詞、止詞、轉詞、加詞、司詞句子成分及頓、讀、句為研究對象,探討馬建忠的句法理論。第二節以主次、實次、偏次、正次、前次、同次和平比、差比、極比為研究對象,探討《馬氏文通》的「次」和「比」語法範疇論。 第五章論述「馬氏文通」對后來語法研究的影響。主要陳述「馬氏文通」對后來語法術語、詞類體系及分類、各詞類的小分類、句子分析、句子分類和語法範疇研究的影響。 第六章為結論。先將本論的內容扼要整理,再論《馬氏文通》在語法理論上的特色,探究《馬氏文通》中國語法文學史上的地位,并予以評價。


金永哲, JIN,YONG-ZHE Unknown Date (has links)
全文凡七章,研究宗旨,乃在將碧山詞所呈現的多樣藝術現象,分類歸納,找出作者與作品的關系,并益以前賢的意見,力求對碧山與其作品做客觀公正的評價,此乃本文用心之所在。 首章緒論,略述研究動機及方法,并說明宋季元初時代變局、元蒙對漢人政策、及當代詞壇等影響碧山詞的外在因素。 第二章,先參酌原刻景印百部業書、樂府補題,宋人筆記、唐宋詞人年譜、宋元人傳記資料索引等,以敘述碧山生卒年代、交游、仕宦,再據前人曲調及詞句二方面的資料,探究周邦彥、姜夔、秦觀、史達祖、吳文英等婉約派詞人對碧山詞的影響。末迄今存碧山詞之版本。 第三章,將內容分類為蚑物、故國、歸思、懷人、時光等,以探討詞中呈現的主要內涵境界,并分風格為沈鬱、婉麗、清疏、奇幻等,以窺見詞中多采多姿的風貌。 第四章,敘述碧山詞的格律與修辭。從詞調、平仄、押韻等聲律技巧;用事、文典、對偶、譬喻襯托、類詁、數字、摹寫、擬人化、替代等遣辭藝術;起句、過片、結句等句法結構;及情景相融、今昔對比、虛實相生等章法運用分述之。 第五章,從單純、復合、真體、抽象等不同角度,分類論述詞中浮現的意象,如語義類型、麗藻、色彩、自然界物象等,又將自然界物象分為梅、白蓮、綠蔭、葉、彈等托葸鮮明的動植物意象而說明之。 第六章,先彙列歷代詞話、近人文學史及詩詞學論著對碧山詞的權種評見,以見其詞的價值所在。且透過歷代具有分量的詞選對碧山詞的取舍情況,而得選輯者對其詞的評價。續論碧山詞對后人的影響,文以清代詞人為主,并析論述他們以法碧山詞的情形。 第七章結論。綜論造成碧山詞與眾不同的風貌的各種因素,并試從前人論評的仁智互見中,求見碧山詞在文學史上應有之地位。


陳韻竹, CHEN, YUN-ZHOU Unknown Date (has links)
本論文旨在比較歐陽修、蘇軾二家辭賦之風格,考其藝術成就,形式特色,並觀照宋 代古文運動,與其古文理論相互印證。分為七章,約十二萬言。 第一章:緒論。乃概述辭賦的流變,並釐定研究範圍,說明研究動機與目的,以及研 究重點與方法。 第二章:歐陽修辭賦之評介。先研析歐陽修生平,再對歐陽修辭賦逐篇評介,考其著 作年代,稽鉤其事實,探究其動機,並略述其大意。 第三章:歐陽修辭賦之分析。將歐陽修辭賦略分為古賦、駢賦、律賦、文賦四類,逐 項分析之,而由當時之文學背景、文學風尚,以見其形式特色和時代意義。 第四章:蘇軾辭賦之評介。循第二章之規模,研討蘇軾生平,再就諸篇辭賦之著作年 代、背景、動機、內容大要,加以分析。 第五章:蘇軾辭賦之分析。乃將蘇軾辭賦略分為辭、古賦、駢賦、律賦、文賦五類, 由歐、蘇承傳之脈絡,以見二者之異同,探討蘇軾卓然不群之風格。 第六章:歐、蘇辭賦之綜合比較。本章由組織結構、修辭技巧、情志內涵三端,探討 歐、蘇辭賦之內質與外象,全面的觀照並比較之。 第七章:結論:乃將歐、蘇之古文理論,與其辭賦表現相互印證,並述其文學成就與 影響。

漢語複合動趨結構的詞彙化現象 / Predicate Patterns in Mandarin Complex V-D Constructions: With the Perspective of Lexicalization

江正達, Chiang,,Cheng-ta Unknown Date (has links)
以往從句法或詞彙學的角度對漢語複合動趨結構[V-D-lai/qu]的研究,並沒有達到具全盤性且令人滿意的共識。本篇論文採用了詞彙化的觀點,認為從語意及構詞句法兩個方面出發,藉由探討複合動趨結構由句法轉向詞彙的過程,有助於理解此一結構在詞彙句法上表現的紛歧。   我們認為複合動趨結構立基於[D-lai/qu],並據此推論出三個相關類型:詞彙結構[V-[D-lai/qu]]和句法結構[[V-D]…lai/qu]及[V…[D-lai/qu]]。在[D-lai/qu]的詞彙化過程中,語意結構的改變促使詞彙句法結構隨之變動,而複合動趨結構因採用了[D-lai/qu]結構為基礎,也自然具備了同樣性質的變化。由上述複合動趨結構的例子中,證實了詞彙化過程中語意結構的改變通常早於詞彙句法結構,並會與之互動促其產生變化,進而步入更高一層的詞彙化階段。 / Traditional syntactic and lexical approaches do not reach a satisfactory conclusion to explain Mandarin complex V-Ds. In this thesis, the framework of lexicalization is adopted. Through discussing both semantic and morphosyntactic structures, lexicalization helps to clarify how complex V-Ds turn from syntactic constructions to lexical items. And this change can be a key point in explaining why complex V-Ds present variant syntactic behaviors, especially in relation to OBJs. It is asserted that the complex V-Ds must be built on the [D-lai/qu] structure. According to it, three patterns in complex V-Ds are formulated: lexical [V-[D-lai/qu]] structure and syntactic [[V-D]…lai/qu] and [V…[D-lai/qu]] constructions. In the lexicalization of the [D-lai/qu] structure, deviation of “lai/qu” claims change in the semantic structure. And this change also affects the morphosyntactic structure, banning the syntactic realization of LOCATION argument. The same change is applied to complex V-Ds since the [D-lai/qu] structure is the basis of them. From the lexicalization process of the above two, semantic reduction does precede the grammatical reduction. Semantic structure interacts with morphosyntactic structure and the change in semantic structure urges morphosyntactic performances to alter. Since the morphosyntactic structure starts to change, the internal connections can become opaque and lead to a higher degree of lexicalization.

Taking Care of "Take": Frame and Constructions / 從語意架構和構造語法的觀點分析英語多義詞Take

李美芳, Mei-fang F. Lee Unknown Date (has links)
英語動詞take有許多不同的語意,而這些語意之間則存有密切的關聯性。藉著分析take的各種語意,可以讓我們更深入地瞭解多義詞現象。本論文藉助認知語言學派的語意架構理論和構造語法理論,深入分析了take出現在不同句法結構中所產生的不同語意及這些語意彼此之間的關聯性。研究結果發現︰當take出現在及物結構中(Caused-Affected Construction)時,透過語言使用者在觀點上不同的選擇(Windowing of Attention),會衍生出四個基本語意,分別為選擇、拿取、消耗、及狀態改變。此外,take可以與七類型的介詞片語共同表達出七種不同的語意功能。最後,take還可以與介詞組合成片語動詞,產生特殊的語意,為使動結構的邊緣衍生用法。 / The English verb take attests a wide range of meanings and provides rich resources for the exploration of polysemy. Attempting to examine how the various senses of take are related to one another, this thesis investigates the meaning relatedness under the framework of Frame Semantics, which postulates that a conceptual representation is required to fully capture verb semantics (Fillmore and Atkins 1992, 2000), and Construction Grammar, which holds that constructions found in language are the basic units of language and that verb semantics interacts with constructions, thus yielding different meanings (Goldberg 1995, Jackendoff 1997). A careful examination of data reveals that take derives a variety of senses both from its interaction with the semantics of other components in the constructions and from different windowings of take’s conceptual frame. When integrated with the Caused-Affected Construction, the take construction acquires the senses of choosing, grabbing, consuming, and changing. When integrated with the Caused-Motion Construction, the take construction is found to be prototypically followed by prepositional phrases exhibiting seven semantic functions. When occurring in less prototypical cases of the Caused-Motion Construction, the meaning of the take construction blends into the meaning of the preposition following right behind it.


朱逸欣, Chu ,Yi-hsin Unknown Date (has links)
俄語學習者在學習過程中一定會碰到俄語語言學術語。而俄語語言學術語的漢語翻譯存在著許多的問題,容易造成學習者的誤解或誤用。因此本論文透過分析俄語語言學術語翻譯現況和問題來源,並且從術語的特徵來討論術語翻譯時所需注意的要點,探討俄語語言學術語的可譯性,以及實際的術語翻譯手段。 本論文從製作俄漢語言學術語詞典資料庫的角度出發,提供解決語言學術語翻譯問題的方法。透過資料庫的製作,根據資料庫中俄語語言學術語的學科資訊,以及俄語和漢語術語同義詞等資料,分析語言學術語學科分佈現象和語言學同義詞的關係及類型,並且探討語言學同義詞產生的原因

從神聖奧義到語言對話:奧古斯丁語詞理論與高達美哲學詮釋學 / From Mystery to Dialogue: the Augustinian Theory of the Word and Gadamer's Philosophical Hermeneutics

郭書玲, Kuo, Shu-ling Unknown Date (has links)
本論文的題目是「從神聖奧義到語言對話」(Vom Mysterium zum Dialog),副標題是「奧古斯丁語詞理論與高達美哲學詮釋學」(die augustinischen Verbumlehre und Gadamers philosophischen Hermeneutik)。這「語詞理論」(Verbumlehre),又譯「聖言論」,指的是基督教哲學中最重要的奧秘:「道成肉身」(Verbum Incarnatum)。在奧古斯丁的《論三位一體》中,這奧秘是由人的心靈活動、由內言與外言的關係來解釋的;而在《真理與方法》中,高達美則轉而由道成肉身的比喻去解釋對話的普遍性。 語詞理論──這由奧古斯丁所確立的神學思想如何在哲學詮釋學中發生作用,即是本論文所進行的研究主題。本書透過四方面來展開這份研究:首先,探討高達美哲學詮釋學的對話論述;第二,說明奧古斯丁神學對詮釋學語言的影響;第三,探究路德宗神學對奧古斯丁思想的保存與發展,藉此闡明修辭學傳統如何作為詮釋學的普遍方面;最後說明奧古斯丁神學與修辭學之關聯,討論詮釋學經驗的語言性如何能表述世界。

語法與語句處理對於中文關係子句接應代詞之影響 / The Grammar and Processing of Resumptive Pronouns in Chinese Relative Clauses

甯俐馨, Ning, Li Hsin Unknown Date (has links)
本文旨在從語法及語句處理的觀點探討中文關係子句中接應代詞(resumptive pronouns) 的現象。在語法上,本研究認為中文的接應代詞屬於詞基生成 (base-generated) 元素而非句法變項 (syntactic variables) 。接應代詞的出現受限於派生簡約原則 (derivational economy) 及合法度 (grammaticality) 的要求,唯有當間隙型關係子句 (gap relatives) 為非法時,接應代詞才是必要的;在其他情況下,接應代詞在中文裡為選擇性的策略之一。在語句處理上,本研究施測了三份合法度問卷並進行了兩項線上閱讀測驗。合法度的判別及線上的閱讀反應時間顯示,接應代詞之所以不被喜歡是因為接應代詞本身會引發花園路徑效果 (garden path effect) (在此為主要子句假象 (main-clause illusion) 的形成)。然而,接應代詞在間隙型關係子句為非法或引發花園路徑效果 (在此為重建困難 (difficult reconstruction) 所造成) 時卻變得較受喜愛。當間隙型關係子句涉及到複雜結構或複雜語句處理領域 (在此指的是重建複雜 (intricate reconstruction) ) 時,中文母語使用者並不會偏好使用間隙(gap)或是接應代詞來形成關係子句。這些研究結果意味著中文接應代詞不僅受限於合法度的要求,也受制於語句可處理性 (processability) 的程度,亦即有無受到花園路徑效果所影響。 / This thesis examines resumptive pronouns in Chinese relative clauses from the perspectives of grammar and processing. In the grammar, it is claimed in this research that resumptives in Chinese are base-generated pronouns rather than syntactic variables. Their occurrence can be predicted via derivational economy and grammaticality. Resumptives in Chinese are obligatory only when the gap relatives are ungrammatical. Otherwise, resumptives are optional. As for processing, three grammaticality judgments and two on-line self-paced reading tasks were conducted. The grammaticality judgments and the on-line reading times show that resumptives were dispreferred because they induced a garden-path effect (the main-clause illusion). However, resumptives became preferred when the gap relatives resulted in ungrammaticality or led to a garden path, thus inducing the difficulty of reconstruction. There was no preference for gaps or resumptives when the gap relatives involved complex structures or complicated processing domains (the intricate reconstruction). These results suggest that resumptives in Chinese are related not only to the issue of grammaticality but also to that of the processability (i.e. the garden-path effect).

中文「被」與印尼文“di-”的語意對比研究:以資料庫為基礎 / A Corpus-based Semantic Analysis of Passives: Comparing Bei in Mandarin Chinese and di- in Bahasa Indonesia

張雪惠, Agustini Unknown Date (has links)
This thesis combines corpus-based and contrastive approaches, seeking to provide a systematic explanation of passive construction in two typologically distinct languages, Mandarin Chinese and Bahasa Indonesia. Previous studies of bei construction and di- passive have mentioned and discussed some verbs which can or cannot be passivized; however, they have not yet provided a systematic categorization of those passivized verbs. Therefore, this thesis aims to reveal the semantic restrictions that affect the compatibility of verbs to appear in passive form. This corpus-based contrastive study also suggests similarities and differences of passives in both languages in terms of structure, meaning, and function. Analysis in this study is based on two corpora: (1) the internet posting of news articles in Bahasa Indonesia from Kompas Cyber Media between January 7-13, 2008; (2) the internet posting of news articles in Mandarin Chinese from 中國時報 ‘China Times’ between January 7-13, 2008. News articles were taken from the same or consecutive days from two main topics: international news and entertainment news. The findings in this study show that transitivity is the most prominent semantic feature of the verbal stems in order to be eligible for passivization in both languages. Bei passives are more often to co-occur with transitive verbs while di- passives can co-occur with both intransitive and transitive verbs. Regarding the relation between structure and meaning, passivization process in Mandarin Chinese only adds a causative-resultative reading and does not change the lexical meaning of the verbal stem. On the contrary, the passivization process in Bahasa Indonesia involves a complex derivation process which alters the transitivity and lexical meaning of the base verb.


葉祝滿 Unknown Date (has links)
在中國文學史上,李清照非但是一個能完整為自己發聲的女作家,也是文學史上少數未曾缺席的女性創作者,通過詞作,她向世人呈現出屬於自己的姿態,也經由詞作在歷代的傳播、接受,她獲得「婉約詞宗」的地位,更成為文學史上「女性經典」的重要代表人物。若從女性主義及接受美學的觀點來看,李清照女性經典地位的確定,有三個主要可以探討的重點:首先是「李清照女性性別與其創作關係」,二則為「李清照女性性別與詞書寫的關係」,三則為「李清照女性性別在接受與認同上的影響」。 因此本論文從「性別」角度切入,先探討李清照女性身分與創作主體的關係,從李清照家庭教育與婚姻,思考李清照女性主體性之所以型塑、建立的原因,並以其創作中最能抒發個人情感的詞作為主,輔以其他相關詩、文,作為解讀其女性意識的載體,試著重構出李清照在不同階段的女性創作意識,及自我形象刻畫的獨特性。接著以詞體為主,追溯詞學上「男子而作閨音」的特殊現象;再由男女性別認同的差異,分析男、女在不同文化的期待影響下,性別意識對詞作書寫的影響,並以「愛情、離亂」兩大主題,比較李清照與宋代重要男性詞家在書寫方式上的異同,更深入的探析性別意識在詞書寫上的影響。 最後再從「性別與認同」的角度,從文學接受史中文化規範和預期形塑對李清照「敘述認同」(ipse identity)所產生種種現象作分析,先依歷代詩話品評、筆記摘要、或是序跋評點的紀錄,分析文學接受史中「易安詞的經典化歷程」,再依李清照個人所形成的「召喚主題」,來分析李清照個人接受史上主要被關注的是哪些面向,又是以何種女性形象被接受、塑造。最後再將評論者在敘述上所採取的敘述主題、策略作分析,從評論中關於「再嫁、才女認同、詞之評價」等接受狀況,探討「性別」議題在李清照接受史上的影響為何?

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