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日本語の空間表現「に」と「で」の選択にみられる母語の影響 : 助詞選択テストの結果分析蓮池, いずみ 17 February 2012 (has links)
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和肯定表現共起的「ぜんぜん(全然)」 / 肯定表現と共起する「ぜんぜん(全然)」について蕭雅婷, Hsiao,Ya Ting Unknown Date (has links)
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擬態語動詞「あっさりする」の意味分析陳, 帥 25 February 2014 (has links)
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コーパスを利用した複合動詞「V1-抜く」と「V1-抜ける」の意味分析SUGIMURA, Yasushi, 杉村, 泰 25 March 2014 (has links)
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英語の高頻度品詞連鎖における韻律パターン認識MURAO, Remi, 村尾, 玲美 25 March 2014 (has links)
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「여기」と「이곳」の類義語分析 : 「ここ」と比較してLEE, TACK UNG, 李, 澤熊 28 February 2013 (has links)
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柳永詞的意義及其影響之研究 / The meaning and influence of Lio-yong's poetry薛侑芩 Unknown Date (has links)
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漢語兒童「然後」的使用 / The Use of Ranhou in Mandarin Child Language黃建銘, Huang, Chien Ming Unknown Date (has links)
本研究旨在探討漢語母子對話中兒童「然後」的使用與其功能。研究語料來自於八位年齡介於兩歲七個月到五歲四個月的兒童,並分成兩組:年紀較小之兒童(平均兩歲十一個月)與年紀較大之兒童(平均四歲十個月)。本研究主要根據Su (1998)的分類,把兒童「然後」分為連接詞(connective)及言談標記(discourse marker)的使用。連接詞的使用有時間性(temporal)、遞增性(additive)、因果性(causal)及轉折性(contrast)四項功能。言談標記的使用有填補語(verbal filler)、主題接續(topic succession)及主題再開(resumptive opener)三項功能。研究結果顯示年紀較大之組的兒童使用「然後」的次數較多。隨著兒童年齡增長,言談標記使用的增加比連接詞的增加還多。「然後」當連接詞時,時間性功能使用得最多。與Yeh (2011)「然後」在敘述文中的研究比較,其顯示出「然後」在敘述文中出現得比在對話中還多。另外,時間性功能隨著年紀減少,而遞增性及因果性隨著年齡增加,可用Winskel (2003)的「概念複雜性」(conceptual complexity)來解釋。「然後」當言談標記時,兒童填補語使用得最多,其隨著年紀增加而減少使用。主題再開兩組都使用得少,而主題接續只出現在年紀較大之組別。總結,兒童在「然後」的使用上有發展上的不同。 / The study investigated Mandarin-speaking children’s different use of ranhou at different ages in mother-child conversations. Eight subjects aged from 2;7 to 5;4 were divided into two groups; a younger group (mean age: 2;11) and an older group (mean age: 4;10). In this study, the children’s use of ranhou was categorized into connective use and discourse marker use, mainly based on Su’s (1998) classification. The connective use of ranhou includes temporal, additive, causal, and contrast functions. The discourse marker use of ranhou contains verbal filler, topic succession, and resumptive opener functions. The results showed that older children used more tokens of ranhou than younger children. As children got older, the discourse marker use of ranhou increased much more than the connective use of ranhou. In the connective use of ranhou, temporal ranhou was the most frequent function. Compared with Yeh’s (2011) study of ranhou in narratives, it may be suggested that ranhou occurs more in narratives and less in conversations. Additionally, the temporal function decreased with age whereas the additive and causal functions increased with age, which could be explained by Winskel’s (2003) conceptual complexity. In the discourse marker use of ranhou, the verbal filler function was used the most and decreased with age. The tokens of the resumptive opener function were few in both groups, and the topic succession function only occurred in the older group. To conclude, the results suggest that there is a developmental difference in children’s use of ranhou.
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俄國政論及文學文本中生物名詞隱喻研究 / Субстантивные биоморфные метафоры в русских публицистических и художественных текстах程琬瑜 Unknown Date (has links)
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顏色詞「黑/烏」與「白」在台灣華語、台灣客語以及台灣閩南語語意延伸之比較 / Semantic extensions of the color terms, black and white, in Taiwanese Mandarin, Taiwanese Hakka and Taiwanese Southern Min呂淑禎, Lu, Shu Chen Unknown Date (has links)
本論文探討顏色詞「黑/烏」與「白」在台灣華語、台灣客語以及台灣閩南語中語意延伸之比較。黑與白是自然界中最原始的顏色,而在Berlin and Kay (1969) 的顏色發展歷程中處於第一階段。本文觀察顏色詞黑與白背後的認知機制,並藉此將語料分成原始意義、轉喻延伸、隱喻延伸和特殊例子這些類別來詳述。本研究發現有些隱喻延伸普遍地存在三個語言當中,有些則是某個語言特有的,而這些語言特定的顏色詞通常蘊含文化根源、發展成構式或從外語借用而來。
本文還運用Kövecses (2005) 隱喻中的文化因素來審視顏色詞黑與白。研究發現就跨語言層面而言,台灣華語發展出最多的隱喻延伸,台灣閩南語次之,而台灣客語最少。這顯示了台灣華語顏色詞的蓬勃發展跟該語言的文化、經濟或科技等活躍發展密切相關。此外,本文發現顏色詞黑大多為負面意義,而顏色詞白則多為非負面意義。顏色詞黑與白也發展出許多語意延伸的對立,例如神秘與明確、惡與善、違法與合法。 / This thesis explores the similarities and differences regarding color terms of black and white among TM, TH and TSM. Black and white are the two most fundamental colors in the natural world as designated at stage one in Berlin and Kay’s (1969) evolutionary sequence. We classify data into cognitive categories of prototypical meaning, metonymic extensions, metaphorical extensions and idiosyncratic examples, observe their corresponding lexicalization types (Packard 2000) and use Kövecses’ (2005) cultural factors in metaphor to examine them.
The three languages all contain abundant data of prototypical meanings which refer to the physiologically visual color, black and white, the representative colors of human conceptual universals about night and day (Wierzbicka 1996, Goddard 1998).
Via different ICM mechanisms (Kövecses and Radden 1998), the three languages develop diverse metonymic extensions. Besides, through the general metaphor ABSTRACT QUALITY IS PHYSICAL QUALITY (Goatly 2011), numerous attributes are conceptualized through the visual color black or white in metaphorical extensions. Some metaphorical extensions are universal across the three languages; some are language-specific because of cultural roots, fixed constructions or language borrowing. Idiosyncratic examples include arbitrary items and proverbial expressions.
We also use Kövecses’ (2005) cultural factors in metaphor to observe the cross-cultural and within-culture dimensions. For the cross-cultural dimension, in terms of the source domain of color black or white among the three languages, TM develops the most prolific metaphorical extensions of color terms, TH has the least versatile generations, and the development of TSM color terms is in between. The complexity of TM color terms is closely related to the vivacity of cultural, economic or technological developments in that language.
From the most primitive opposite of darkness and brightness, color terms of black and white also distinctively contrast with each other. The negative meanings of color terms black are proportionally dominant whereas the meanings of color terms white are mostly non-negative. Furthermore, color terms black and white reveal some evident oppositions in the metaphorical extensions such as mystery and clarity, viciousness and innocence and illegality and legality.
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