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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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台灣電視新聞的言談結構標記 / Discourse Structure Markers of TV News in Taiwan

王佩郁, Wang, Pei-yu Unknown Date (has links)
本文主要探討台灣電視新聞的言談結構(discourse structure),以及標示各單位的言談標記(discourse marker)。本研究分析25則電視新聞,文類限定於社會新聞。首先,在結構上,每一則新聞包含兩大結構︰導語(news kernel)以及旁白與影片(news body)。兩大結構又可細分為七個較小的單位,分別為︰開場白 (opening)、摘要 (abstract of the news)、事件現場畫面 (event scene presentation)、主要新聞事件 (main news events)、後續發展 (follow-up)、評語 (evaluation)、結尾 (routine ending)。而這七個單位還可再細分為更小的單位。此外,本文所探討的言談標記可分為五類︰1. 指涉詞 (referential forms) 2. 連詞 (connectives) 3. 地方副詞 (locative phrase) 4. 話題轉換填充詞 (topic shift fillers) 5. 畫面轉換 (shot shift)。是故,本文研究重點有二︰1.將新聞結構分為三個階層—Level 1、Level 2、Level 3,並探討出現於不同階層的言談標記在類型與數量上是否反映出階層 (hierarchy)? 2. 標示各個結構的言談標記為何? 研究結果指出︰1. 三個階層的言談標記在類型上除了Level 1固定有畫面轉換之外,其餘兩個階層皆無固定的言談標記。另外,在數量上僅Level 1可同時出現多個言談標記,Level 2與Level 3在數量上並無差異,顯示出電視新聞為口說語(spoken language)的一種,訊息與訊息之間的連結性比表現出文體結構階層性更為重要 2. 標示各單位的言談標記並無一致性。受到各單位特性影響,言談標記呈現不同的分佈。 / The present study examines twenty five pieces of broadcast news about crimes and damages in Taiwan. The purpose is to examine the relationship between the discourse structures and their corresponding markers. The discourse structure of a piece of broadcast news is divided into seven components and they are categorized into three levels. Level 1 includes news kernel and news body. Level 2 includes abstract in news kernel, main news events, follow-ups, evaluation, and routine ending in news body. Level 3 contains the smaller units in the Level 2 units. The boundary markers to be examined are divided into four categories: topic shift filler, referential forms, connectives, and shot shift. The present study has two major findings. First, the amounts of markers only show significant difference in Level 1. Down to Level 2 and Level 3, linearity overrides hierarchy. Second, the types of markers are decided by the nature of each unit. The opening is always marked by shot shift and speaker shift plus topic shift fillers/temporals/additives. The abstract section is marked by locative phrase plus referential forms. The event scene presentation section is marked by shot shift and speaker shift plus referential forms. The main news events section is marked by shot shift plus temporals which signal the exact time. Then, the follow-up section is marked by shot shift plus referential forms/connectives. The evaluation section is marked by shot shift plus referential forms. The routine ending section is marked by a relatively longer pause.

漢語動結式中的中心語與論元體現 / Headedness and argument realization in mandarin resultative compounds

吳郁賢, Wu, Yu Hsien Unknown Date (has links)
有關漢語動結式的議題,中心語與論元體現皆呈現了複雜的現象。就中心語這部份,過去研究(Cheng & Huang, 1994; Gu, 1992; Huang & Lin, 1992; Y. Li, 1990, 1993, 1995, 1999; C. Li, 2008, 2009; Shen, 1992; Tai, 2003)的論點相當分歧,顯示漢語動結式中心語的位置仍有討論的空間;至於論元體現方面,由於論元與詞類間的互動會帶出許多不同的語意和句法表現,而先前的研究(Her, 2004, 2007; Li, 1990, 1995)尚未足以完整的解釋這些情形。 本研究主要從詞彙的角度來探討中心語和論元體現這兩個議題。首先,依照Her (2004, 2007)的分析方式,本研究嘗試排列出漢語動結式合法的論元結構,並利用這些論元結構描述各個動結式的論元體現,解釋可能的語意及句法結構。接著,同樣根據所提出的合法論元結構,以顯現的論元為主,並採用有關判斷中心語的假設(Zwicky, 1984; Y. Li, 1990, 1995; Chung, 2006; C. Li, 2008, 2009),整理出漢語動結式中心語的位置。最後,詞彙功能語法中的詞彙映照理論驗證了本研究前半部分對論元體現與中心語的討論,這個理論也另外解釋漢語動結式處所詞倒置的現象。 / Two issues regarding Mandarin resultative compounds, headedness and argument realization, present a complex phenomenon. For one thing, extensive studies (Cheng & Huang, 1994; Gu, 1992; Huang & Lin, 1992; Y. Li, 1990, 1993, 1995, 1999; C. Li, 2008, 2009; Shen, 1992; Tai, 2003) concerning headedness fail to critically determine the head of a Mandarin resultative compound. For another, despite previous research (Her, 2004, 2007; Li, 1990, 1995), the interaction between arguments and grammatical functions of Mandarin resultative compounds remains inconclusive. To settle the foregoing matters, the purpose of this thesis is to probe into argument realization and headedness from a lexicalist approach, aiming to provide a full account of both issues. In the first part of this thesis, following Her’s (2004, 2007) analysis, the thesis focuses on formulating systematic feasible argument structures for Mandarin resultative compounds, then examining the argument structures of a resultative compound to explain its possible readings and syntactic representations. Based on the available argument structures proposed in the first half, the second part of the thesis investigates the headedness of Mandarin resultative compounds, suggesting that the head can be determined when arguments are overt. The criterion for headedness that is adopted in this thesis involves assumptions proposed by Zwicky (1984), Y. Li (1990, 1995), Chung (2006), and C. Li (2008, 2009). Finally, the thesis demonstrates that both issues of argument realization and headedness are well governed by Lexical Mapping Theory and that Lexical Mapping Theory further clarifies constructions with locative inversion of Mandarin resultative compounds.

論中文範域論旨角色 / On the thematic role extent in mandarin Chinese

謝依庭, Xie, Yi Ting Unknown Date (has links)
範域 (Extent)這個論旨角色在漢語中是個常見卻鮮少被研究的論旨角色 (Halliday, 1964; Teng, 1975; Dowty, 1991; Huang, 1993; Her, 2009),本研究旨在探討漢語中的範域論旨角色並且為以客體(Theme),感受者(Experiencer),以及範域(Extent)三個論旨角色為論元的句子提出合理的解釋,例如 “一本書寫了他三年”此類句子。 本篇論文的第一部份探討漢語中的數量詞(number expression)以及時間詞(duration)並且指出在漢語中他們經常被指派為範域論旨角色(Extent)。接著探討 “一本書寫了他三年”此類句子,並且提出活動動詞(activity verb)以及達成動詞(accomplishment verb)會模仿心理動詞(psych verb)因此產生此類句型,也就是客體(Theme)在主詞位置,而感受者(Experiencer)以及範域(Extent)為受詞。由於動詞 ‘寫’模仿了心理動詞,而且此類句型著重在受詞受到動詞的影響,因此原本的主事者(Agent) ‘他’成為主事者和感受者的複合角色(composite role),但是只有感受者參與詞彙照映(lexical mapping)。論文最後一部份為“一本書寫了他三年”此類句子進行詞彙照映(lexical mapping),本篇論文參照Zaenen (1993)的混合解釋方法(mixed account)以及Her (1999, 2003, 2007)的統一映照理論(unified mapping principle)成功的解釋了此類句子的論元體現(argument realization) 。 / Extent (Dowty, 1991; Her, 2009) is also referred to as Range (Halliday, 1964; Teng, 1975) or Domain (Huang 1993). It is a less studied yet commonly seen thematic role in Mandarin Chinese. This thesis aims to investigate the thematic role Extent in Mandarin Chinese, and to propose an explanation for the sentence where the verb has three arguments as Theme, Experiencer and Extent, such as yi4ben3 shu1 xie3le5 ta1 san1 nian2 ‘It took him three years to write a book’. In the first part, this thesis explores the thematic role Extent in Mandarin Chinese, and it is proposed that number expression and duration be considered as Extent. Then, the sentences having three arguments such as in the sentence yi4ben3 shu1 xie3le5 ta1 san1 nian2 ‘It took him three years to write a book’ are investigated. It is proposed that activity verb and accomplishment verb model the syntactic behavior of psych verb so that they can have Theme in the subject position and Experiencer and Extent as two complements. Since the activity verb xie3 ‘write’ models the psych verb and the sentence structure focuses on the [affected] feature of the object, the Agent ta1 ‘he’ becomes a composite role of Agent and Experiencer, but only the Experiencer can participate in the lexical mapping. In the last part of the thesis, the lexical mapping of the sentence yi4ben3 shu1 xie3le5 ta1 san1 nian2 ‘It took him three years to write a book’ is demonstrated. This thesis adopts Zaenen’s (1993) mixed account and Her’s (1999, 2003, 2007) unified mapping principle (UMP) to successfully account for the argument realization of the sentence.

中文情態詞「會」之語意分析 / Semantic Analysis on the Modal Verb HUI in Mandarin Chinese

張清秀, Tracy Chang, Ching-Hsiu Unknown Date (has links)
情態動詞「會」在前人的研究當中,具有許多不同的功能,例如表能力、表預知、表一般特性等不同的功能。本論文採用Monosemy View,認為「會」在語言表面上所呈現出之不同用法,並不是武斷毫無關係的,而是存在著非常密切的語意關連性。再者,透過此觀點,我們希望嘗試找出這些不同功能之間的語意關係。本研究提出三個假設如下:第一,情態動詞「會」有一個語意核心,表說話者對於句子命題的體現(realization),有著非常高的把握;第二,情態動詞「會」在句子裡擔任一個運符(operator)的角色,其作用是將說話者對此句子的語態加諸在此句子之上;第三,本篇論文提出「會」所呈現出許多不同的功能,是經由情態動詞與句子之情態內容所交互作用的結果。 / Carrying multiple functions--such as ability, prediction and generic--the modal verb hui in Mandarin Chinese has been extensively studied by previous researchers. This thesis, following the monosemy view, claims that the various functions of hui are not arbitrary, but closely related to one another. To account for the correlation between the various functions of hui, this thesis proposes three hypotheses. First, hui denotes assurance, indicating that the speaker’s attitude towards the realization of the propositional content is full of high assurance. Secondly, hui functions as an OPERATOR of the proposition denoted by the sentence. Thirdly, hui's multiple functions are context-derived. This thesis maintains that it is the interaction between the modal verb hui and the sentence’s proposition that results in the different functions carried by hui.

「意」的多義現象研究:以語料庫為本 / A Corpus-based Semantic Analysis of Mandarin Polysemy /Yi4/

莊舜雯, Chuang, Shun Wen Unknown Date (has links)
本研究以「意」的雙字詞彙為主要研究範圍,由詞彙內部結構及上下文切入以釐清「意」的多義現象。前人關於「意」的多義現象討論不多,僅有歷時的探源研究、與內在身體部位「心」的比較以及心理學認識活動的相關論述,至今尚未有關於「意」之共時性語料庫研究。於彙整《中文詞彙網路2.0》與《教育部重編國語辭典修訂本》中「意」的義項,並清楚制定「認知」、「情感」、「意志」三個語意類別後,本研究分析了《中央研究院現代漢語平衡語料庫4.0》一千萬詞條版本中的相關語料。研究結果包含了兩個面向的討論:「意」的詞彙內部結構和語意分佈之間的關係以及「意」的意象圖式。 首先,研究發現「意」在構詞上屬於名詞性黏著詞根詞素,可同時作為詞在句子中自由移動的情形不多;「意」在語意上則屬於「心理集合名詞」,而心理集合名詞為一多義詞素,詞彙語意的完整有賴其共現成分。其次,「*意」結構的詞類包含了名詞、狀態動詞、動作動詞、副詞四種詞類,而「意*」結構僅包含名詞、狀態動詞、動作動詞三種。其中,「*意」的構詞能力較「意*」強,語意分佈上則皆以「意志」類為主。 最後,從雙音詞的上下文中發掘了「意」的三條刺激反應路徑,統整出「意」的意象圖式,得知「意」的雙字詞多用於「報導」方面。若刺激類別為「文章/話語」或「外在景色」通常由「當局經驗者」報導概念內涵或刺激為其帶來之感覺,若刺激類別為「人際客體」則通常由「旁觀經驗者」報導當局經驗者理解概念之過程、心理狀態或意志狀態。華語教師在講解「意」之詞彙時,可透過解釋其共現成分之詞意為學生建立語意類別的概念,亦可運用刺激類別及報導的方式讓學生知道「意」的雙音詞使用上的差別。 關鍵字: 「意」、多義名詞、詞彙內部結構、意象圖式、中研院現代漢語平衡語料庫 / Key word: Yi4,polysemy, word component structure, image schema, Mandarin Corpus This thesis reports the polysemous usage of the disyllabic words containing Yi4 ‘meaning’ with the emphasis on their internal structure and co-text. Previous studies on Mandarin polysemy Yi4 mostly focused on the classic manuscripts, the comparison between Xin1 ‘heart’ and Yi4 ‘meaning’, or the philosophical system of knowing. However, none of them was based on real texts from the corpus. Based on the senses taken from the Chinese Wordnet 2.0 and the Revised Mandarin Chinese Dictionary, we categorized the usage of Yi4 as FEELING, COGNITION and INTENTION. Using these as the criteria, we analyzed the data from the Sinica Corpus 4.0. The results were discussed based on two aspects, the interrelationship between the internal structures and meaning distribution, and the image schema of Yi4. For the internal structures, we discovered that Yi4 serves not only as a bound-root morpheme at the syntactical level but also as a semantically polysemous psycho-collection morpheme which needs the co-occurred morpheme to fulfill its word meaning. We also found that most instances in both ‘X+Yi4’ and ‘Yi4+X’ structures belong to INTENTION, and these include nouns, action verbs, and stative verbs. However, only the ‘X+Yi4’ structure, with its stronger word-forming ability, contains adverbial use. In addition to internal structures, for the analysis of co-texts, we came up with the image schema of Yi4 which contains three stimulus-response routes. If the stimulus is article/speech/scenery, Yi4 tends to have a direct experiencer conducting a first-hand report about his/her feeling. If the stimulus comes from a human body, Yi4 prefers having an indirect experiencer conducting a second-hand report about the direct experiencer’s emotion, cognitive process or willing. Finally, this thesis also offers some pedagogical suggestions and application based on the findings.

認知情態義與主觀化之浮現:臺灣客語評注性情態副詞的認知語用觀點研究 / The Emergence of Epistemicity and Subjectification: A Cognitive-Pragmatic Approach of Modality Disjuncts in Taiwan Hakka

葉秋杏, Yeh, Chiou-shing Unknown Date (has links)
本論文依據現代客語語料庫,探討臺灣客語評注性情態副詞在語法化、詞彙化以及語用化運作之下的發展過程,以及情態與語言演變機制之間的關係。藉由三個知識性情態詞,本文對於評注性情態副詞之分佈、語義和句法特徵進行詳細的描述。藉由檢視其構式結構以及運用相關測試,證實評注性情態副詞不但遵守副詞修飾範域:話語行為副詞 > 情態副詞 (評論副詞 > 知識性情態副詞) > 附加副詞,也同樣依循情態詞之階層分佈:知識性情態詞 > 義務性情態詞 > 動力性情態詞。在他們所處之語意語境以及語用語境影響之下,語用推論的產生導引出重新分析,此轉喻強化現象,致使評注性情態副詞在階段發展中經歷了語法及語意之轉變。在語言使用之溝通目的下,評注性情態副詞透過語境誘發之重新解釋形成了歧義現象,並進一步固定化為獨立之語意。綜言之,奠基於臺灣客語語料庫之實際語料,本文提供了對評注性情態副詞全面的深入探索。研究結果具有兩項主要貢獻:將語法化,詞彙化和語用化的理論框架納入臺灣客語情態副詞之分析;並藉由語言實證展示情態與主觀性之間相互關係之理論模式。 / This dissertation takes a corpus-based approach in an attempt to explain the development of Taiwan Hakka modality disjuncts with epistemic interpretation on the theoretical ground of the mechanisms of linguistic change, including grammaticalization, lexicalization, and pragmaticalization. The main focus of this research is on the interaction between modality and the three mechanisms. A fine-grained analysis is provided to examine the morphological characteristics and syntactic structures of epistemic and evaluative modality disjuncts, exemplified by three cases in Taiwan Hakka. Several constructions and tests are manipulated to figure out the scope of modal disjuncts, which warrant the postulation of the scope hierarchy of illocutionary disjunct > modality disjunct (evaluative > epistemic) > adjunct, as well as the ranking of epistemic modal > deontic modal > dynamic modal. Thanks to their semantic-pragmatic contexts, the operation of pragmatic inferences lead them into reanalysis, giving rise to grammatical and semantic shift from one stage to the next. Metonymic strengthening is claimed to be the key to motivate such developments. The usage in a context triggers context-induced reinterpretation, resulting in ambiguity. Overall, this dissertation, probing into actual language usages from corpora, proposes a full-fledged analysis on modality disjuncts. The findings feature two significant contributions—an integration of the theoretical frameworks of grammaticalization, lexicalization and pragmaticalization into the analysis of Taiwan Hakka modality disjuncts; and a demonstration of linguistic investigation for the theorization on the relationship between modality and subjectivity.

探討PROPOSE和SUGGEST於英文學術寫作中之共現結構:以語料庫為本的研究 / A corpus-based study on the co-occurrence patterns of PROPOSE and SUGGEST in English academic writing

林晏宇, Lin, Yen-Yu Unknown Date (has links)
在英文學術論文寫作上,引述動詞在文獻的重述、引用等方面扮演著重要的角色。透過引述動詞的使用,寫作者能更清晰、有力的陳述其論點。目前雖有許多關於引述動詞在句子中表達評論語氣與修辭功能的探討,但卻少有研究提及短語詞組的使用情形。引述動詞短語詞組的進一步探究能使學生在建構學術論述寫作的同時,對於經常與之共現的搭配字詞、句構有更敏銳的覺察能力。本研究從語意及句式兩方面著手,觀察常與PROPOSE和SUGGEST兩個高頻近義引述動詞共現的字詞與詞組。此二動詞所具有的共通點為:(一)字義上皆可表示「提出某事以作進一步考量」、(二)經常用於降低或弱化陳述句中的肯定語氣。本研究的目的在於釐清這兩個近義引述動詞的特點,並更完善地歸納出它們各自所偏好的短語詞組。 本研究的研究工具為擁有近四十五億詞彙的當代美式英文語料庫(Corpus of Contemporary American English),蒐集了其中PROPOSE 和SUGGEST於學術寫作中的相關語料,以觀察此二動詞的不同詞形(V-base型、V-s型、V-ed型與V-ing型)在句子中的表現。至於本研究的分析則分成了三個部分:(一) PROPOSE 和SUGGEST的語法模組、(二) PROPOSE 和SUGGEST的搭配中,有生命性或無生命性的主詞在主要語法模組中的分布情形、(三) PROPOSE 和SUGGEST後的受詞語義分類。量化分析之餘,本研究也引進了語料庫中的索引行(concordance line)以進一步展示PROPOSE及SUGGEST出現的語言環境,分析模組在不同語境中的特點。 研究結果顯示此二動詞的用法有許多相異之處。SUGGEST具有強烈明確傾向與that子句共同出現,而PROPOSE和that子句共現的機率與其和名詞片語共現的機率相近;除此之外,PROPOSE較常與有生命性的主詞共現,SUGGEST則是偏好與無生命性的主詞共現。至於受詞方面,我們發現PROPOSE後的受詞,多屬「認知觀點」、「方法」、「規則」等語義類別,而 SUGGEST後的受詞則多與「可能性」、「狀態」、「性質特徵」有關,以上的對比結果使我們發現,在學術英文寫作中,PROPOSE通常表「提供計畫或行動供他人參考決定」,而SUGGEST則通常表「傳達可能的推論或概念」。我們也發現此二動詞若是以不同詞形呈現時,偏好的字詞也不同。舉例來說,[suggest that-clause]偏好與表達「研究結果」意義相關的主詞共現,[suggests that-clause]則多與表「研究文獻」有關之主詞一同出現。整體而言,若我們從功能的角度出發,PROPOSE通常用於表示某人提出、建議某事項,SUGGEST則多用於詮釋解讀本研究結果或先前文獻中所提出之觀點。 本研究結果揭示了近義詞間短語詞組使用上的不同,並且也證實了當動詞以不同詞形呈現時會選擇不同的搭配,產生不同的語境。本研究透過系統化分析近義引述動詞的搭配情形,期許能為語言教學教材設計及未來與動詞共現詞組相關之研究帶來啟發與助益。 / Reporting verbs are important in academic research papers for paraphrasing and reviewing previous studies to support a writer’s positions. While a large number of studies have been carried out to investigate the evaluative potential and rhetorical functions of reporting verbs in citations, comparatively little research has focused on the phraseological patterns of particular common reporting verbs, the exploration of which can be beneficial in raising student awareness of the recurrent associations of words and structures of reporting in academic written discourse. This study aims at examining the syntactic and semantic environments of two frequent near-synonymous reporting verbs, PROPOSE and SUGGEST. According to Hyland (1998a) and Hinkel (2016), PROPOSE and SUGGEST both can mean ‘putting forward something for consideration’ and are frequently applied to mitigate the certainty of a statement (e.g., Hyland, 1998a; Hinkel, 2016). We expect to distinguish the two verbs from each other and offer a more comprehensive phraseological profile of them in academic writing. We used the subcorpus of academic writing in the 450 million-word Corpus of Contemporary American English (COCA) as the source data to investigate the performance of PROPOSE and SUGGEST in V-base form, V-s form, V-ed form, and V-ing form. Based on the corpus, the analysis focused on three aspects: (1) the grammatical patterns of PROPOSE and SUGGEST; (2) the distribution of animate and inanimate subjects of the dominant patterns of PROPOSE and SUGGEST; (3) the semantic classification of the objects of PROPOSE and SUGGEST. In addition to the quantitative methods, qualitative-based concordance line analysis was also implemented to reveal the characteristics of the broader stretches of discourse where PROPOSE and SUGGEST occur. The results show that the two reporting verbs are distinct from each other. While SUGGEST has a rather strong propensity for co-occurring with that-clause, for PROPOSE, the possibilities of co-appearing with a simple noun object and with a that-clause are similar. In addition, PROPOSE is more likely to have animate subjects, whereas SUGGEST prefers inanimate subjects. As for the simple noun objects of the two verbs, a large number of instances occurring with PROPOSE systematically belong to the semantic groups of COGNITION, METHOD, and STANDARD; SUGGEST shows more preference for POSSIBILITY nouns, STATE nouns, QUALITY nouns and RELATION nouns. The inter-comparison of the results of PROPOSE and SUGGEST suggests that, in academic writing, PROPOSE usually carries the sense of ‘to offer a plan or action for others to consider’, whereas SUGGEST tends to mean ‘to communicate or show an idea, which is likely to be true’. Moreover, the differences across four word forms of PROPOSE and SUGGEST were also identified. It was found that [suggest that-clause] prefers subjects referring to research results, but [suggests that-clause] occurs with the subjects referring to articles or studies on a particular topic more frequently. Overall, in terms of functions, PROPOSE is mainly used for describing the action of offering something as a choice for people to think carefully; SUGGEST, in contrast, serves to interpret a research finding or present an argument suggested by previous studies and literature. The present study sheds light on the phraseological difference between synonyms. It has also proved that different word forms of the same lemma have different choices of collocations and phraseologies. The research findings will contribute to the teaching and research of English for academic purposes since they provide a systematic analysis of the different habitual collocations of two frequent and similar reporting verbs in research articles. We believe this study will bring some insights to the designs of language teaching materials and can serve as the basis for future studies on the co-occurrence patterns and phraseologies of verbs.

臺灣客語強化程度副詞之分析:以口語語料庫為本 / Degree Intensifiers in Taiwan Hakka: a study based on a Spoken Corpus

胡雪瀅, Hu, Hsueh-Ying Unknown Date (has links)
日常生活中,由於表達的需要,說話者常會使用強化程度副詞,作為增強或強調其所欲言的一種手段。本論文旨在藉由觀察口語語料庫中的對話,將臺灣客語六個常見強化程度副詞「恁、當、蓋、盡、異、還」視作強化程度副詞詞群,進一步以[DI. + X] 結構討論以下面向:(一) 探討其後接修飾之成分在句法、語意層面之表現。本文發現其後接成分可分為典型成分類與非典型成分類,以形容詞一類為大宗,其後接成分會受到等級性(gradability)、有界與無界性(boundedness)等參數影響語意的解讀。(二) 探討強化程度副詞[DI. + X]結構於句法所扮演的角色。本文發現此結構多半出現在謂語之位置,除了強化語意外,同時也展現說話者之態度或對某主題之評價。(三) 探討強化程度副詞[DI. + X] 結構於口語使用中的語法化與詞彙化現象,本文認為這些現象由於溝通需要,亦會伴隨提升主觀性(subjectivity),尤其是強化程度副詞「恁」的主觀性為詞群中最高。藉由上述不同面向探討與分析臺灣客語六個強化程度副詞「恁」、「當」、「蓋」、「盡」、「異」、「還」之表現,以期能更系統性解釋強化程度副詞是如何在口語使用中展現與運作。 / The aim of the present study is to examine the [DI. + X] construction manifested by the six degree intensifiers 恁an2, 當dong1, 蓋goi3 , 盡qin3 ,異i3 , and還han5 in Taiwan Hakka based on their authentic usages in a spoken corpus. Three findings can be reported as follows. First, by exploring the modified elements from the aspect of their structure and meaning, the study classifies the modified elements into canonical and non-canonical usages. X as AP takes up the majority of the occurrences of the syntactic categories. Such manifestation can be accounted for various linguistic behaviors of gradability and boundedness. Second, the [DI. + X] construction usually serves as a predicate, the prominent grammatical function, in a clause. This implies that the [DI. + X] construction is generally adopted by different speakers to not only add intensity but also make judgements or comments. Third, the [DI. + X] construction displays grammaticalization and lexicalization. Due to communication needs, these linguistic phenomena can also motivate the subjectivity. It is found that the [恁an2 + X] construction can display the highest subjectivity among the six. To sum up, this study, with its analysis of different syntactic and semantic aspects of the six degree intensifiers in Taiwan Hakka, offers useful insights into explaining the manifestation of degree intensifiers during speech.


澤西, 祐典 23 March 2015 (has links)
京都大学 / 0048 / 新制・課程博士 / 博士(人間・環境学) / 甲第19066号 / 人博第719号 / 新制||人||173(附属図書館) / 26||人博||719(吉田南総合図書館) / 32017 / 京都大学大学院人間・環境学研究科共生文明学専攻 / (主査)教授 須田 千里, 准教授 佐野 宏, 准教授 長谷川 千尋, 教授 水野 眞理 / 学位規則第4条第1項該当 / Doctor of Human and Environmental Studies / Kyoto University / DGAM

The acquisition of the English article system by Japanese learners of English as a foreign language : learning noun countability / 日本人学習者による英語冠詞システムの習得 : 名詞可算性の学習 / ニホンジン ガクシュウシャ ニヨル エイゴ カンシ システム ノ シュウトク : メイシ カサンセイ ノ ガクシュウ

都竹 絢子, Ayako Tsuzuku 20 March 2022 (has links)
英語の冠詞システムは、冠詞システムを持たない日本語を母語とする日本人学習者にとって、習得の難しい文法項目であるとされている。その原因の1つとして、冠詞使用に影響する英語名詞の可算性について正しく理解できていない、という理由が考えられる。本研究では、2つの実験研究を行い、日本人学習者が名詞の可算性を学習することで、英語冠詞を適切に使用できるようになるのかを調査した。 / The acquisition of the English article system is difficult for learners of English, especially when these learners do not have any article systems in their first language. One reason for their difficulty with English article usage is considered to stem from their inadequate understanding about noun countability. The present study examined the extent to which learning noun countability prompts Japanese learners' appropriate usage of English articles. / 博士(英語学) / Doctor of Philosophy in English Linguistics / 同志社大学 / Doshisha University

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