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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

以漢語趨向動詞「起來」、「下去」、「上來」為例的語法化研究 / On Mandarin Directional Verbs Qi-lai, Xia-Qu, and Shang-lai: A Reflection of Grammaticalization

李陳福, Li, Chen-Fu Alfred Unknown Date (has links)
本篇論文引用Hopper在1993年所提出的五項原則,論證漢語中「起來」、「下去」、「上來」的多義現象是反映語法化的現象。在「起來」、「下去」、「上來」語法化的過程中,可以發現許多語意和語法的痕跡,例如語意選擇的限制、受詞位置的限制、受詞限定的要求、與完成貌時貌標記使用的限制。根據Lehmann 1991年的研究,這些痕跡說明「起來」、「下去」、「上來」在語法化的過程中是由「子句中」向「子句間」變動。這樣的語意變動主要來自於概念上由空間向時間的比喻轉換。除此之外,在「起來」、「下去」、「上來」的句子中,這樣的轉換還受到不同的語意角色要求所限制。 / This thesis applies Hopper*s Principles (1993) to assert that the semantic varieties of Mandarin directional verbs qi-lai, xia-qu, and shang-lai are reflections of grammaticalization. The grammaticalization of Mandarin qi-lai, xia-qu, and shang-lai has left traces on selectional restriction, syntactic constraints on object positions, object definiteness, and requirements of perfective aspect marker. Based on Lehmann (1991), these traces lead to the conclusion that Mandarin qi-lai, xia-qu, and shang-lai shift from clause-internal to cross-clause grammaticalization. The semantic shifts of Mandarin qi-lai, xia-qu, and shang-lai are considered to be motivated by SPACE-to-TIME metaphorical transfer. The transfer is also constrained by theta-role requirements.

從韻律音韻學理論之觀點研究閩南語特殊變調 / A Prosody-theoretic Approach to Southern Min Special Tone Sandhi

歐淑珍, Ou, Shu-Chen Unknown Date (has links)
本論文旨在探討閩南語的三種變調: (1)形容詞重疊變調 , (2) -a後綴變調,和 (3) 輕聲變調. 形容詞重疊變調是在 McCarthy & Prince (1986, 1990) 等人所發展出來的韻律構詞學( Prosodic Morphology) 理論框架下重新分析. 作者認為形容詞三疊是由抑揚格音步前綴而來, 而不是江文瑜教授(1992)所說的音節後綴; 此外,聲調扮演了構詞功能的角色. -a 後綴變調則是運用字構音韻學( Lexical Phonology)理論來分析的. 根據黃宣範教授(1988) 和連金發先生(1995)對-a後綴構詞特性的分類, 作者將-a後綴重新分為六類. 再觀察它們與音韻規則的互動關係, 主張-a後綴構應分屬於三個字構層次中, 此理論的層級排列( Level Ordering) 和嚴格循環論( Strict Cyclicity)也在本章獲得證實. 輕聲變調是採用韻律音韻學(Prosodic Phonology) 來分析的. 作者認為輕聲有兩個規律: 浮游低調展延和原調展延, 且運作於一個(強起)( left-leaded)的音韻片語中, 如此一來,簡化了煩雜的青聲句法結構. 兩個輕聲規律的不同展現於展延節點,方向,屬性,音節數目等方面. 本章的分析技巧也支持了韻律體係在語言系統中的必要性 / This thesis explores three kinds of special tone sandhi in Southern Min: (i) reduplicated adjective tone sandhi, (ii) -a suffix tone sandhi, and (iii)neutral tone sandhi. Reduplicated adjective tone sandhi is analyzed within the framework of prosodic morphology (McCarthy and Prince 1986, 1990). Unlike Chiang's (1992)suffix syllable template, the author argues that AAA is reduplicated by theprefixation of an iambic template.Following Yip (1980), tone may play a morphological role. -a suffix is discussed from the perspective of lehor argues that AAxical phonology. According to the morphological functions figured from Lien (1995) and Huang (1988), six categories of the suffix -a are distinguished. Through the interactions of morphological and phonological rules, the concepts of levelordering and strict cyclicity in lexical phonology are proved necessary in this language. Neutral tone sandhi is investigated in terms of prosodic phonology. Theauthor argues that the domain of neutral tone sandhi is a left-headed phonological phrase, which is more economical than previous syntactic approaches (Cheng 1968; Hong 1995). There are two neutral tone rules: thefloting low tone spreading and the base tone spreading. They are differentin spreading node, direction, order and so on. The analysis supports Yip'stwo-tiered tonal geometry andcallsfor the need of prosodic Hierachy in thelinguistic system.

以型態組合為主的關鍵詞擷取技術在學術寫作字彙上的研究 / A pattern approach to keyword extraction for academic writing vocabulary

邵智捷, Shao, Chih Chieh Unknown Date (has links)
隨著時間的推移演進,人們瞭解到將知識經驗著作成文獻典籍保存下來供後人研究開發的重要性。時至今日,以英語為主的學術寫作論文成為全世界最主要的研究交流媒介。而對於英語為非母語的研究專家而言,在進行英語學術寫作上常常會遇到用了不適當的字彙或搭配詞導致無法確切的傳達自己的研究成果,或是在表達上過於貧乏的問題,因此英語學術寫作字彙與搭配詞的學習與使用就顯得相當重要。 在本研究中,我們藉由收集大量不同國家以及不同研究領域的學術論文為基礎,建構現實中實際使用的語料庫,並且建立數種詞性標籤型態,使用關鍵詞擷取關鍵詞擷取(Keyword Extraction)技術從中擷取出學術著作中常用的學術寫作字彙候選詞,當作是學術常用寫作字彙之初步結果,隨即將候選詞導入關鍵詞分析的指標形態模型,將候選詞依照指標特徵選出具有代表指標意義的進一步候選詞。 在實驗方面,透過對不同範圍的樣本資料進行篩選,並導入統計上的方法對字彙進行不同領域共通性的分析檢證,再加上輔助篩選的機制後,最後求得名詞和動詞分別在學術寫作中常用的字彙,也以此字彙為基礎,發掘出語料庫中常用的搭配詞組合,提出以英語為外國語的研究學者以及學生在學術寫作上的常用字彙與搭配詞組合作為參考,在學術寫作上能夠提供更多樣性且正確的研究論述的協助。 / With the evolution over time, people start to know the importance of taking their knowledge and experience into literature texts and preserving them for future research. Until now, academic writing research papers mainly in English become the world’s leading communication media all over the world. For those non-native English researchers, they often encounter with the inappropriate vocabularies or collocations which causes them not to pass on their idea accurately or to express their research poorly. As a result, it’s very important to know how to learn or to use the correct academic writing in English vocabularies and collocations. In this study, we constructed the real academic thesis corpus which includes different countries and fields of academic research. The keyword extraction technique based on the several Part-of-Speech tag patterns is used for capturing the common academic writing vocabulary candidates in the academic works to be the initial result of the common vocabulary of academic writing. The candidate words would be introduced to the index analysis model of keyword and be picked out to the further meaningful candidate words according to the index characteristics. For the experiments, the sample data with different fields would be filtered and the vocabularies on different fields of commonality would be analyzed and verified through statistical methods. Moreover, the auxiliary filter mechanism would also be applied to get the common vocabularies in academic writing with nouns and verbs. Based on these vocabularies, we could discover the common combination with the words in the academic thesis corpus and provide them to the non-native English researchers and students as a reference with the common vocabularies and collocations in academic writing. Hopefully the study could help them to write more rich and correct research papers in the future.

中文祈使句 / Imperatives in Chinese

楊佩霖, Yang, Pei Lin Unknown Date (has links)
韓(1999)提出祈使句是指句中主要動詞是祈使情態(imperative mood)的句子,與其他句型相較下,在其他語言中祈使句具有特別的動詞構詞或句法表現;然而,中文祈使句並無任何構詞或句法機制以表現祈使情態,因此,中文祈使句的句法表現和直述句相似。本論文動機為觀察到中文祈使句與其他語言祈使句的相異處,進而研究中文如何區別中文祈使句與其他句型的差異。同時,前人對於中文祈使句的研究多從描述性觀點出發,缺理論辯證,以致分析上產生缺失;因此,本文試從衍生句法的觀點分析中文祈使句的句法結構。 本論文主要有三個研究目的: 首先,本論文研究中文祈使句的句法特徵。其次,本論文研究如何區別中文祈使句與其他句型的差異,並發現中文的附加問句可以用來區別祈使句與直述句。並且,本論文發現中文的否定祈使句“別”字句與義務性情態詞“要/不要”在句法表現上雖有相同處,但亦表現出多方面的句法相異處。再者,本論文從衍生句法的觀點研究中文祈使句的句法結構。因為中文缺乏句法標記與構詞變化,因此無法從句法層面看出中文祈使句的話語效力 (force)與情態(mood), 但藉由時制定位(tense anchoring)與祈使句的關係,本論文提出中文祈使句結構中具有祈使算子(imperative operator)。 / Han (1999) proposes imperatives are sentences whose main verbs are in the form of the imperative mood. Imperative sentences possess a distinct morphology within the verb or may be distinguished by their syntactic realization from other clause types. However, Chinese imperatives do not demonstrate verb-inflection nor do they impose morphological mechanisms to indicate mood; thus, it seems that imperatives in Chinese are similar to declaratives. This thesis observes the differences between imperatives in Chinese and in other languages, and these differences lead us to conduct a study on how Chinese distinguishes imperatives from other clause types. Moreover, this thesis finds that the previous analyses of Chinese imperatives lack theoretical grounds, as several problems and wrong prediction arise under those analyses. Thus, this study researches on the structure of Chinese imperatives from the perspective of generative grammar. The thesis has three main goals. First, this thesis investigates the syntactic characteristics of Chinese imperatives. Second, this thesis seeks to discern how Chinese distinguishes imperatives from other clause types. This study utilizes tag questions to distinguish imperatives and declaratives. Furthermore, this study finds that the imperatives bie1 and deontic Modalsobligation yao sentences are alike in some ways, but different in other ways. Third, from a generative perspective, this thesis proposes a syntactic structure of imperatives in Chinese. Although it seems difficult to find syntactic evidence of the imperative force and mood as well as a structure of imperatives because Chinese imperatives lack a morpho-syntatic strategy, this thesis proposes that Chinese possesses an imperative operator in imperatives, by examining the evidence from tense anchoring and imperatives.

從優選理論分析台灣閩南語的重疊構詞 / An OT Approach to Reduplication in Taiwan Southern Min

許淨涵, Hsu, Ching Han Unknown Date (has links)
本文以優選理論為框架探討閩南語三字組及四字組重疊構詞,三字組及四字組重疊構詞可分成完全重疊與部分重疊,重疊詞要緊鄰其對應詞基越好,此外,對於四字組部分重疊構詞有對整方向不一致的體現,筆者認為不同的制約排序會產生不同的重疊規則,並採用音韻共存理論(Cophonology Theory)來解釋閩南語多元的重疊構詞策略是由多個次語法運作的結果。在三字組重疊構詞,根據句法結構判斷主重音的位置,主重音的分佈影響重疊的規則,但有語意強調某成份時,主重音會轉移且會使原成份之本調喪失變成輕聲,有主重音的音節才可進行重疊構詞,同時,重疊詞要越緊鄰其對應詞基。在四字組完全重疊構詞,語義的強調與弱化影響詞基音節以及音步的重疊運作,音節與音步制約層級不同可解釋不同的重疊規則;在四字組部分重疊構詞,不同於過去研究以單一方向對整制約論證,筆者提出雙向的對整制約來解釋四字組部分重疊構詞。簡言之,本篇論文藉由優選理論的觀點,首度就閩南語重疊構詞提出一個整體分析。 / This thesis examines the derivation of the reduplication in Taiwan Southern Min under the framework of Optimality Theory. Reduplication can be divided into two categories. One is trisyllabic reduplication and the other is quadrisyllabic reduplication. Besides, each type of the trisyllabic and quadrisyllabic reduplication has both partial and full reduplication. This thesis adopts Cophonology Theory to account for the subgrammar of the divergent reduplications. Based on Locality Generalization, the reduplicant should be adjacent to its corresponding base. In trisyllabic reduplication, from the perspective of syntactic relation, stress affects the derivation of the reduplication. The primary stressed syllable is the only syllable which can be reduplicated. This thesis proposes constraint *RED(W) to require this condition. In quadrisyllabic reduplication, given the base is disyllable AB, semantic weakness and stress closely relate to the full reduplication AABB and ABAB. The different ranking of the Adjacency-BR-by-syllable and Adjacency-BR-by-foot explains the full reduplication. In quadrisyllabic partial reduplication, this thesis proposes the different edges alignment constraint Align(RED, R; Rightmost Monosyllabic Morpheme, L) and Align(RED, L; Leftmost Monosyllabic Morpheme, R) to explain ABAC and ACBC, respectively. In summary, based on the constraint-based theory, and the interaction of Nonhead stress, Focal stress, *RED(W), alignment, anchoring, adjacency, and contiguity constraint, this thesis has given a general explanation of the reduplication in Taiwan Southern Min.

比較HAPPEN與其同義字: 以母語及學習者語料庫為基礎的非賓格存現動詞之研究 / Comparing unaccusative HAPPEN and its synonyms: a study of existence/appearance verbs based on native speaker and learner corpora

王亮鈞, Wang, Liang Chun Unknown Date (has links)
本研究,基於分辨非賓存現動詞及瞭解二語學習者如何讓習得此類動詞之需求,旨在分析一個高頻率之非賓格存現動詞 HAPPEN與其三個同義字(OCCUR,APPEAR,與EXIST)和中文同義字「發生」從語言使用者角度作比較。採用了母語語料庫 (英文採用英國國家語料庫 BNC;中文採用十億詞語料庫 GW 2.0)及學習者語料庫(含語言訓練與測驗中心學習者語料庫the LTTC,國際英語學習者語料庫the ICLE,及政治大學外語學習者語料庫the NCCU)作為第一部分的語料庫分析。此外,為了探索二語英文錯誤及母語中文遷移的關係,我們也進行了以語料庫為基礎的心理語言學實驗(兩個關於中英文HAPPEN句子結構的接受度判斷測驗)。 本研究結果發現,其一,就語料庫中的文法形式(Grammatical form)來分析HAPPEN、OCCUR、APPEAR與EXIST,英文母語語料庫中的高頻文法形式(例如:happened或happen)與學習者語料庫中有相同的現象。然而大部份的高頻文法形式都是二語學習者經常誤用之處,且容易與兩個常見非賓動詞錯誤—過度被動化錯誤(Overpassivization)和及物化錯誤(Transitivization)—共現(Collocated)。其二,從語料庫錯誤分析各種錯誤類型得知, HAPPEN與OCCUR較常出現過度被動化錯誤;APPEAR與 EXIST較常有及物化錯誤。此結果顯示每個非賓存現動詞可能會犯不同錯誤,也因此造成其錯誤的原因有所不同。其三,從分析心理語言實驗結果得知,我們發現母語中文文法句型(L1 Chinese grammatical patterns),例如:「V-了」-「出現了」;抑或是「V+N」-「發生車禍」、「發生戰爭」、「存在缺失」,都影響了二語學習者對英文非賓動詞之文法形式的正確判定。由此揭示了母語中文大多都對二語英文非賓動詞習得有所干擾。 基於所得結果,我們提出「完成體」(Perfectivity)及「及物性」(Transitivity)之不同來探討中英文間存現動詞用法之異同,並試著解釋造成二語非賓動詞學習複雜化的原因。 此研究克服了過去文獻中比較非賓存現動詞之困難也透過語料庫結合心理實驗研究法提供對非賓動詞習得之解釋方法。這些發現可進一步作為詮釋非賓動詞的假說,並將其應用於語言教材設計或被視為未來跨語言分析研究之基石。 / Owing to the necessity to identify unaccusative existence/appearance verbs and realize how they are acquired by L2 learners, this present thesis aims to analyze a highly frequent English unaccusative verb HAPPEN and compare it with its three other synonyms (OCCUR, APPEAR, and EXIST), as well as its Chinese counterpart發生 fāshēn ‘happen.’ Native speaker corpora (the British National Corpus (BNC) for English and Chinese Gigaword 2 Corpus (GW 2.0) for the Chinese), and L2 learner corpora (the Language Training and Testing Learner Corpus (the LTTC), International Corpus of Learner English 2.0 (the ICLE), and the National Chengchi University Foreign Language Learner Corpus (the NCCU)) are utilized to analyze the unaccusative verbs in the first main section. In addition, in order to discover the relationship between L2 English errors and L1 Chinese transfer, psycholinguistic experiments (two acceptability judgments tasks with comparable Chinese and English HAPPEN sentence constructions) based on the corpora data were conducted in this thesis. The results in this thesis showed that, first, the highly frequent grammatical forms of unaccusative verbs (e.g., happened or happen) in the English native speaker corpus share some similarities with those of L2 learner corpora. However, these grammatical forms were usually misused by L2 learners and were frequently collocated with the two common unaccusative errors (overpassivization, e.g., *What is happened? and trasitivization, e.g., *I happen a car accident.). Second, as for the distributions of unaccusative error types, HAPPEN and OCCUR were found to mainly co-occur with overpassivization errors, whereas APPEAR and EXIST were found to mainly co-occur with transitivization errors. This indicates that each unaccusative verb may have different potential for L2 unaccusative errors, and therefore the causes of these errors with different verbs may vary. Third, from the analysis of psycholinguistic experiments, we discover that the L1 Chinese grammatical patterns, such as the V-le grammatical pattern (e.g., 出現了chūxiànle ‘appear-le’) and the V+N grammatical pattern (e.g., 發生車禍fāshēngchēhuò ‘The car accident happened’, 發生戰爭 fāshēngzhànzhēng ‘The war occurred’, and存在缺失 cúnzàiquēshī ‘The pitfalls existed’) may influence L2 learners’ correct judgment as to the grammatical forms of unaccusative verbs. This reveals that generally L1 Chinese might have some interference with L2 unaccusative acquisition. Based on the results, we proposed that the perfectivity and transitivity differences between English and Chinese unaccusative existence/appearance verbs could distinguish the uses among the English HAPPEN and the Chinese發生 fāshēn ‘happen’ with their synonyms. These differences could also provide a possible reason for the cause of the problematic L2 unaccusative acquisition. This thesis overcomes the difficulties of comparing unaccusative existence/appearance verbs in the previous studies and attempts to unravel the enigma of acquiring this verb type from the integrated corpus-based and empirical findings. These findings in turn serve as the suggested assumptions to interpret unaccusative verbs, which can be applied to the design of language teaching materials or can be viewed as the basis of cross-language analysis in the future studies.

臺灣華語的口語詞彙辨識歷程: 從雙音節詞來看 / Spoken word recognition in Taiwan Mandarin: evidence from isolated disyllabic words

錢昱夫, Chien, Yu Fu Unknown Date (has links)
論文提要內容:(共一冊,17770字,分六章) 本研究用雙音節詞來探討不同音段和聲調在臺灣華語的口語詞彙辨識歷程中的重要性。Cohort模型(1978)非常強調詞首訊息的重要性,然而Merge模型(2000)認為訊息輸入和音韻表徵的整體吻合才是最重要的。因此,本研究企圖探索不同音段和詞首詞尾在臺灣華語的口語詞彙辨識歷程中的重要性。然而,聲調的問題並無在先前的模型裡被討論。因此,聲調在臺灣華語的口語詞彙辨識歷程中所扮演的角色也會在本研究中被討論。另外,詞頻效應也會在本研究中被探索。本研究的三個實驗均由同樣的十五名受試者參加。實驗一是測試不同音段在臺灣華語的口語詞彙辨識歷程中的重要性。實驗一操弄十二個雙音節高頻詞和十二個雙音節低頻詞,每一個雙音節詞的每一個音段都分別被噪音擋住。實驗二是在探索詞首和詞尾在臺灣華語的口語詞彙辨識歷程中的重要性。實驗二操弄十二個雙音節高頻詞和十二個雙音節低頻詞。這些雙音節詞的詞首CV或詞尾VG/N都分別被雜音擋住。實驗三操弄二十四個雙音節高頻詞和二十四個雙音節低頻詞。這些雙音節詞的聲調都被拉平到100赫茲。在這三個實驗中,受試者必須聽這些被操弄過的雙音節詞,並且辨認它們。受試者的反應時間和辨詞的準確率都用E-Prime來記錄。實驗結果顯示,傳統的Cohort模型不能被完全支持,因為詞首訊息被噪音擋住的詞仍能被受試者成功的辨識出來。強調聲音訊息和音韻表徵的整體吻合度的Merge模型,比較能解釋實驗的結果。然而,Merge模型必須要加入韻律節點才能處理臺灣華語的聲調辨識的問題。本研究也顯示,雙音節詞的第一個音節的母音在口語詞彙辨識歷程中是最重要的,而雙音節詞的第二個音節的母音是第二重要的。這是因為母音帶了最多訊息,包括聲調。另外,雙音節詞的詞首和詞尾在臺灣華語的口語詞彙辨識歷程中是扮演差不多重要的角色。母音對於聲調的感知是最重要的。詞頻效應也完全表現在臺灣華語的口語詞彙辨識歷程中。 關鍵詞:口語詞彙辨識歷程、臺灣華語、華語聲調、音段、Cohort模型、Merge模型 / The present study investigated the importance of different segments and the importance of tone in spoken word recognition in Taiwan Mandarin by using isolated disyllabic words. Cohort model (1978) emphasized the absolute importance of the initial information. On the contrary, Merge (2000) proposed that the overall match between the input and the phonological representation is the most crucial. Therefore, this study tried to investigate the importance of different segments and the importance of onsets and offsets in the processing of Mandarin spoken words. However, the issues of tone were not included in the previous models. Thus, the importance of tone was also investigated in this study. The issues about frequency effect were also explored here. Three experiments were designed in this study. Fifteen subjects were invited to participate in all three experiments. Experiment 1 was designed to investigate the importance of different segments in Taiwan Mandarin. In experiment 1, 12 high-frequency disyllabic words and 12 low-frequency disyllabic words were selected. Each segment of each disyllabic word was replaced by the hiccup noise. Experiment 2 was designed to investigate the importance of onsets and offsets. In experiment 2, 12 high-frequency disyllabic words and 12 low-frequency disyllabic words were chosen. The CV of the first syllable and the VG/N of the second syllable were replaced by the hiccup noise. Experiment 3 was designed to investigate the importance of Mandarin tones. In experiment 3, 24 high-frequency disyllabic words and 24 low-frequency disyllabic words were selected. The tones of the disyllabic words were leveled to 100 Hz. In the three experiments, subjects listened to the stimuli and recognized them. The reaction time and accuracy were measured by E-Prime. The results indicated that traditional Cohort model cannot be fully supported because words can still be correctly recognized when word initial information is disruptive. Merge model, which proposed that the overall match between the input and the lexical representation is the most important, was more compatible with the results here. However, Merge model needs to include the prosody nodes, so that it can account for the processing of tones in Taiwan Mandarin. In addition, the current study also showed that the first vowel of the disyllabic word is the most crucial and the second vowel of the disyllabic word is the second influential since the vowel carries the most important information, including tones. The results of experiment 2 demonstrated that the onsets and offsets are almost the same important in Mandarin. Furthermore, vowel is the most influential segment for the perception of Mandarin tones. Finally, frequency effect appeared in the processing of Mandarin words. Keywords: spoken word recognition, Taiwan Mandarin, Mandarin tones, segments, Cohort, Merge

中文顏色詞彙處理機制:心理語言學的實證 / The Lexical process of color terms in Chinese: Evidence from Psycholinguistics

蕭裕台 Unknown Date (has links)
長久以來,序列式詞彙處理模式以及互動式詞彙處理模式經常爭論孰為合理的語誤生成模型。這份研究企圖利用心理學實證角度探究此議題。原屬於心理學範疇的史楚普技術(1935)或可提供語言學多方面的視角,尤其在我們處理顏色詞彙時詞彙譯碼歷程上與視覺表徵之間的關係。因此我們試圖將此經典心理學技術轉化成宜於語言學研究的語誤誘發實驗。藉由控制變項間的語音近似度,創制了四項實驗,分別是:顏色唸名實驗、顏色誦讀實驗、史楚普唸名實驗、同音詞唸名實驗。結果顯示,即便受試者對語音近似度並未在單項實驗中產生語誤數量與反應時間的差異,但它在不同實驗任務之間卻誘使受試者產生不一樣的反應結果,包括數量上及時間上的顯著差異。 此外,我們針對語誤,分析其與目標字之間的關係,研判部分音韻效應是否對詞彙處理網絡造成顯著影響。結果顯示,史楚普效應、音韻結構、音法限制以及聲調效應在語誤數量中均出現顯著的生成量;音節首、韻部以及母音則並未出現顯著效應。史楚普技術除了在語誤證據中為文字閱讀提供自動化效應的解釋外,也讓我們看到音韻效應在不同視覺任務指派中產生顯著差異的結果。如此看來,互動式模型提供了較為簡潔的解釋。來自二元視覺刺激(視覺色彩與顏色詞)的詞彙競爭,該框架可以合理提供理論基礎,並解釋不同視覺任務之間音韻關係依存度的不同。 另一方面,我們亦援引同樣技術設計出以音韻單位為導向的唸名實驗,討論語言輸出前規劃單位之議題。我們發現,僅含聲調的音節以及無聲調的音節可在詞彙網絡中做為語言規劃之心理處理單位,促進詞彙處理效能。其他單位如音節首、介音、母音、韻尾、聲調則無法出現顯著效應。同時亦於實驗中發現,中文聲調於規劃階段時,應是屬於詞彙結構上的聲調,而非純粹的聲韻調。 / Serial-ordering model and interactive processing model have long been discussed as whether people process languages in a sequential level of processing or the consequence of levels interacting altogether by looking at speech errors. Stroop technique (1935) in psychology could give linguistics some insights on the relation between lexical encoding and visual representation when people process colors. We tried to adapt this classical psychological experiment for an experiment of speech error elicitation. By means of controlling the phonological similarity, we created four experiments: color naming, color reading, Stroop naming, and homophonous naming tasks. The result first showed that even though phonological similarity did not induce significant difference in error amount and response time within single task, it still caused significant difference in these results among these tasks. Second, after analyzing the linguistic relation between targets and speech errors, we found that Stroop effect, syllable structure, phonotactic regularity, and tone induced apparent effects in error generation, while initial, rhyme, and vowel did not. Stroop effect not only provided the evidence from speech errors where character representation was an autonomous mechanism in lexical process, but also provided a fact that phonological effect would impacted differently on amount of error according to the type of visual task. It seems that interactive account could help explain the result easily, as the competition from dual visual inputs could be given a theoretical basis to account for the phonological dependency according to certain visual task which subjects were assigned to. Finally, we also discussed the issue of advanced planning unit in lexical process. In the shared unit task with Stroop technique, we found that only the units of tonal syllable and bare syllable could serve as possible planning units in lexical network, and tone in Chinese should be attributed to a type of lexical tone in planning, rather than a pure phonological tone. To sum up, the purpose of the study attempts to provide empirical evidence to examine the above issues.

介系詞In/On片語語意分析:以母語及學習者語料庫為基礎之研究 / Semantic analysis of in/on prepositional phrases: A study based on english native speaker corpus and learner corpus

曾郁雯, Tseng, Yu Wen Unknown Date (has links)
過去多數英文介系詞語意之研究皆以介系詞為多義詞,並藉由語意網絡去分析其詞義(e.g. Lindner, 1983; Tyler and Evans, 2001),或透過意象圖式理論(image schema theory)來探究介系詞語意,依不同的前景名詞(figure)與背景名詞(ground)組成可產生不同的形貌結構,從而衍生出其特殊語意(e.g. Lakoff, 1987)。然而,有關介系詞片語中詞彙搭配詞組如何影響介系詞使用之研究則較不多見。故本論文著重在分析前景與背景名詞等搭配詞組之語意特徵,探究其對介系詞in和on語意及介系詞片語組成之影響。以英國國家語料庫(British National Corpus)和政治大學外語學習者語料庫(The NCCU Foreign Language Learner Corpus)作分析,比較學習者與以英語為母語者使用in和on介系詞片語在語意上的差異。 本研究共分三部分。第一部分的詞義分析比較學習者與母語人士在使用in與on之詞義之異同,在介系詞in的部分,學習者與母語人士語料相較之下僅有細微的差異,多數語料皆為原型場景(proto-scene)之詞義的使用。介系詞on的詞義使用則稍有不同;學習者較傾向作具體位置的指涉,然母語者則較傾向呈現此介系詞的抽象意涵。第二部分的語意特徵分析則比較介系詞in和on在具體(literal)與抽象(metaphorical)片語組成上,前景與背景語意特徵之異同。研究結果顯示不同的介系詞片語會由特定類型的前景與背景名詞組成,故在組成不同語意之介系詞片語時,特定語意特徵出現的頻率會呈現顯著性地差異。第三部分為學習者語料的錯誤分析,探究學習者誤用in和on介系詞片語之情形。 綜合上述研究結果可得知,組成介系詞片語的名詞詞組會依上下文語意而產生不同之語意偏好(semantic preferences),介系詞的語意除了會受到後接名詞的影響,周圍名詞也可能造成語意上的差異。這些名詞可能會選擇特定的介系詞來使用,亦會影響介系詞在片語中之語意。 本論文深入地探討了介系詞片語詞組之組成,透過大量的語料分析,為英語介系詞複雜的語意層面提出了一個較系統化且完整之解釋,期能將研究發現應用於教材設計上,希望能在學習介系詞使用上有所幫助,也供未來介系詞相關研究作為參考。 / The meanings of English preposition have been explored greatly through vast directions of research. Most studies agree that preposition is a polysemous lexical item whose senses can be construed from the semantic network (e.g. Lindner, 1983; Tyler and Evans, 2001). Its senses has also been examined under the image-schema theory from the cognitive perspective (e.g. Lakoff, 1987), in which the figure (or trajector) and ground (or landmark) interact differently to form various configurations that contribute to sets of distinct senses. Though these studies attempt to provide a comprehensive network for the meanings of prepositions, how the semantic features of the figure and ground might influence the choice of a preposition and the construction of a prepositional phrase is hardly seen. The thesis adopted a native speaker corpus (British National Corpus, BNC) and a learner corpus (The NCCU Foreign Language Learner Corpus, NCCU) to probe into how the semantic features of the figure and ground nouns can help explicate the semantic profiles of the preposition in and on, and to compare learners’ understanding of them with that of the native speakers’. Based on the corpora, the study is composed of three major analyses. The sense analysis compared the sense distributions of in and on, from which similarities and differences may be found between BNC and NCCU. The result of this analysis showed that in the sense categories of in, the distribution did not differ greatly since most of the data were categorized into the proto-scene sense in both BNC and NCCU, and only slight variations could be found in other categories. In the sense categories of on, in senses that refer to location, higher frequency could be found in NCCU, while more metaphorical constructions of on were identified in BNC. In the second analysis, the semantic feature analysis, the distribution of the semantic features are compared between literal and metaphorical constructions of in and on and between BNC and NCCU respectively. For the comparison of in and on, the statistical results showed that different types of nouns could be observed in the data of particular prepositions. Thus, for nouns in prepositions of different meanings, there may be significant differences in the semantic features identified in these nouns This result implied that the nouns surrounding a preposition might have some influences toward the meaning of this preposition. In the third analysis, the errors in the learner data were identified and examined. Based on the results, we proposed that in a prepositional phrase formed by a particular meaning of a preposition, there exist a range of semantic preferences shown in their co-text. The meanings of a preposition are influenced by the lexical words surrounding the preposition, rather than by the word that goes after the preposition (the ground). This thesis extends from the previous studies on the semantics of prepositions and includes the important linguistic elements in forming the prepositional phrases in the analysis. By incorporating a large amount of data, it also provides a systematic analysis and a more comprehensive explanation toward the complex semantics of English prepositions. The findings can be applied to the design of English teaching materials and techniques and may hopefully bring some insights to further preposition-related studies.

漢語與格結構 / The Dative Structure in Mandarin

林昆翰, Lin, Kun Han Unknown Date (has links)
過去漢語與格研究多圍繞在給字句的分析上,包括給字句的類別,以及不同類別中的「給」應為何種詞類。本文以當代與格結構的核心問題為起點,主張介詞與格和雙賓與格並不具備衍生關係,而是動詞的兩個面向──中心語PLoc/轉移性質(allative)或中心語PHave/所屬性質(possessive),所決定的兩種不同的論元結構和句法形式。以其觀點而論,漢語的介詞與格由前者形成,而雙賓與格由後者形成,而漢語與格的不對稱性,即所謂巴克詭題(Baker’s Paradox),亦可從前述兩個動詞面向加以解釋。本文認為漢語的給字句和把字句的語法形式,亦是前述兩個動詞面向的展現。並且,相關的分析不止適用於漢語與格類動詞,非與格類動詞亦能獲得闡述。

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