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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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教育學傳記研究課程之美學探究-在臺灣高等學府中的發展及其教育意涵 / An aesthetic inquiry into “Pedagogical Biography Study” course:its development and educational implications in the Taiwanese university

沈奕君, Shen, I-Chun Unknown Date (has links)
教育學傳記研究乃是19世紀初期發跡於德國教育學的新興派典。2001年,在臺灣教育學傳記研究學者的專業旨趣下,於政治大學的教育學院中以一門研究所層級的課程型態現身。研究者在修習該課堂的學習歷程中,開展出不同視域的世界觀,發生內在思想及學習樣態的轉變,原生命存有的傷痛經驗也逐漸舒緩治癒。同時,在修習課堂滿兩年,體察到課堂群體他者亦產生相似的學習轉變歷程,生發過往受教經驗中不曾有過的「美」之體驗。作為中等教育的師資培育生,基於對現今教育現況「苦難」的體悟,進而欲探究教育學傳記研究課堂的美學價值,它對師資培育歷程將存在何種教育意涵與啟示。 本研究以政治大學教育學院於2014年開設的「教育學傳記研究」課堂作為美學文本,採美學探究取向進行實徵性的研究。透過爬梳教育學傳記研究領域在德國的發展,及其蘊涵的學理內涵,以勾勒其美學的價值,並解讀與詮釋課堂中三位學習者學習體驗的口述經驗資料,最後綜合美學論述觀點以及學習者於教育學傳記研究課室中的互動經驗,探討該課程在臺灣高等學府脈絡下呈顯「悟」、「變」、「識」的美學樣貌;同時揭露傳記性經驗陶養的知識觀、以「生命的理解」作為教育行動的基礎、對人性關懷的教育行動三面向的教育意涵。整體而言,教育學傳記研究課堂的存在正朝向還原長久以來在「人力資源」論述中人被異化的教育本質,企圖孕育一種能變革社會的深化動能,在陶養的循環歷程中開顯出「人性關懷」的教育使命。 / Pedagogical Biography Study has become a research paradigm for educational studies in Germany since the 19th century. Its values, principles and significance were put into practice as a graduate-level course in National Chengchi University in Taipei, Taiwan in 2001. The author, who also participated in this academic journey, has developed a different perspective of viewing the world throughout the learning process. The course has contributed to a changed outlook on life for me, including the change of learning attitude and the consolation for the loss of my cousin. Most importantly, with the two-year-long participation in the course, it became self-evident that I share similar transitional experiences with my classmates, which brought about an unprecedented aesthetic experience. As a student in junior high school teacher education, I am well aware that the current situation of education in Taiwan is “suffering.” Therefore, I attempted to inquire the aesthetic value of the “Pedagogical Biography Study” course and explore its pedagogical implications in teacher education. This research is conducted based on an aesthetic inquiry into the “Pedagogical Biography Study” course, which was offered in Fall, 2014. Individual oral narratives as well as the conversation among class members were treated as aesthetic texts. Through the analysis of the documents concerning the development and implications of Pedagogical Biography Study in Germany, this research constructed its aesthetic significance. Besides, I analyzed and interpreted three class members’ narratives of their learning process throughout the semester. At the end, I integrated the aesthetic discourse and the learners’ interactional experience to discuss three kinds of aesthetic conceptions, Awareness, Change and Consciousness. Furthermore, three elements of pedagogical implication were found: 1) the conception of knowledge constructed by biographical experiences, 2) an educational practice agency of understanding the life and 3) taking educational practice with the concern for humanity. In conclusion, this research unraveled the existence of the Pedagogical Biography Study course in the university and discovered the possibility of restoring the essence of education which has long been ignored in the social discourse of “human resources.” It attempted to provoke social transformation and to launch the educational mission of raising the concern for humanity in the Bildung process.

台灣與韓國國民中學道德教育課程之比較研究 / A comparative research of Taiwan & Korea of middle school curriculum in moral education

李性淑, Lee, Seong-Suk Unknown Date (has links)
本論文以台灣與韓國國中道德教育課程標準與現行教科書為主要論點。研究重要結論如下: 一、從課程標準之沿革看國中道德教育之目標,兩國均重視培養學生的道德觀念及民族意識,其背景理念同為儒家思想與現代市民倫理。 台灣自民國五十七(1968)年實施九年國民教育以來歷經四次的課程標準修訂,其初以道德教育為主的「公民與道德」教學,從民國七十二年的課程標準之後,則強調未來公民須知的政治、經濟、法律、社會及文化之知識教育。民國八十三(1994)年公佈的「國民中學課程標準」裡,表明國中階段的教育目的的培養,而缺乏價值判斷能力之培養。 韓國自 1954 年第一次教育課程以來經歷了六次的修訂,其教學重點仍以生活擴展理論做為準則,基本上以個人、社會、國家及反共、統一為主題。 1992 年所公佈的現行第六次教育課程則區分為個人生活;家庭、鄰居、學校生活;社會生活;國家、民族生活等四個範圍,其特點以強化禮節教育試圖維持社會秩序。道德科從 1973 年正式成為獨立一門學科之後,一直保持學校教育中的首要科目,並扮演民主市民教育、價值觀教育、統一教育。近年來社會各層面時常發生價值衝突現象,因此道德價科書中以多引述兩難困境培養學生的判斷能力。從以上的論述,可知韓國的道德教育也含蓄公民教育。 二、國中道德教育教科書方面: 1.台灣公民教育與道德教育合併為一科,故教科書之名稱為『公民與道德』,韓國則將『道德』獨立成為一學科,而以『社會』科負責公民知識教育。 2.教科書之編輯重點,台灣以教育、社會、法律、政治、經濟以及文化為教學重點,按各主題編一冊,共六冊,故每冊章與章間相互關聯,自成體系。韓國則以個人生活、家庭‧鄰里‧學校生活、社會生活、國家‧民族生活等分四大範圍,各學年應用一本,因而各學年間,課本的內容有系統的編排。 3.課文中道德內涵的呈現,台灣雖比以往減少然而還是以引用孫中山和蔣中正的話語占得多。韓國則以現實生活中常遇到的具體實例和故事來顯示。 三、未來發展趨勢:現行課程標準係預備二十一世紀而設計的,因此兩國均重視人性化、本土化、世界化的精神,加強鄉土教育和世界觀教育。隨著社會變遷兩性平等逐漸實現,因此兩性教育也被受注目。 道德教育途徑的多樣化,突出反映在德目主義和全面主義相結合。像台灣與韓國雖然有獨立的一門學科,然而亦重視「潛在課程」及環境薰陶。其餘教學方法上,運用多樣的教學法來補救傳統注入德目教條式教學的弊端。

以資料發掘技術分析政大通識課程 / Using data mining to analyze general courses of national cheng - Chi University

樓玉玲, Lo, Yu-Lin Unknown Date (has links)
資料發掘研究重點在於幫助使用者從眾多現存資料中發掘出隱藏於其內前所未知且可能非常有用的資訊。本研究應用資料發掘技術於通識課程規劃上,經由文獻探討建立初步的研究架構,採用政大學生選修通識課程之資料進行資料發掘,最後分析結果可作為未來政大通識課程規劃之參考。 傳統規劃通識課程的方式多是以老師為出發點,這樣的規劃方式難免有欠考量之處,而學生選課必須依據老師所開的課程,未必能選修到自已真正有興趣的通識課程。本研究以學生需求觀點為出發點,將學生選修通識課程行為對應到顧客購物行為觀念上,再應用資料發掘技術來分析政大通識課程,建立學生─顧客、課程─商品及老師─商品品牌的對應分析模式,透過資料發掘技術的分析方法,找出學生選擇通識課程的特性與關鍵,可以提供通識課程規劃另一個方向的思考,使得通識課程的規劃更加更切合學生需求。

DISC人格、團隊組成、團隊互動對績效的影響-以AMBA團隊經營課程為例 / The influences of extended DISC, team characteristic, and team interaction on performance- a case of team building course of AMBA

張容瑄 Unknown Date (has links)
近年來,團隊這個名詞並不陌生,許多學校與企業都運用團隊來做為學習或工作的基本單位,原因在於團隊能夠帶來一加一大於二的綜效,達成較好的學習效果或工作成效,因此團隊績效是一個重要的探討議題,過去常以「I-P-O」的團隊績效模型來加以探討,而在模型中與其密切相關的元素則包括團隊組成與團隊互動,此外研究也顯示,雖然企業主普遍認為員工需具有溝通、人際相處及團隊互動的相關知識與技能,學校教育卻很少有提供這方面的課程。研究者剛好有機會連續三年參與本校AMBA之「團隊經營」課程的開發與執行,因此以97年度與98年度課程為例,除了探討此課程的成效外,也以此參與此課程的團隊為例,探討DISC人格、團隊組成、團隊互動對團隊績效的影響。 由於本個案之課程本身並非設計做研究用,因此研究過程乃是收集現有的資料做分析與歸納,更因為個案的團隊數量有限,因此採用質化的方式,以團隊組成為輸入變相,團隊過程為中間變相,團隊績效為輸出變相,97與98兩屆團隊各自比較與分析後,歸納兩屆的相同之處並對照文獻做討論。 結果發現,本課程可以為參與同學帶來團隊知識與團隊互動兩方面團隊能力的提升,不同的團隊能力可經由不同的活動達到效果,而不同的評分方式則會對團隊績效造成部分影響,有關團隊組成、團隊互動與團隊績效三者之間的關連,則提出幾個基本命題如下,可用作之後研究的參考: 有關團隊組成與團隊績效 1. 若團隊成員平均成熟度較高,則團隊績效較好。 2. 若團隊成員年齡標準差較大,則團隊績效較好。 3. 若團隊成員保證者所占百分比較低,則團隊績效較好。 4. 若團隊D+I的元素所占百分比較高,則團隊績效較好。 有關團隊組成與團隊互動 1. 若團隊成員平均成熟度較高,則團隊在溝通+合作的綜合表現較好。 2. 若團隊成員年齡標準差較高,則團隊在合作上表現較好。 3. 若團隊成員保證者所占百分比較低,則團隊在合作上表現較好。 4. 若團隊成員保證者所占百分比較低,則團隊在個人投入程度上表現較好。 5. 若團隊D+I的元素所占百分比較高,則團隊的任務性衝突較多。 有關團隊互動與團隊績效 1. 若團隊溝通狀況較好,則團隊績效較好。 2. 若團隊合作狀況較好,則團隊績效較好。 3. 若團隊溝通+合作狀況較好,則團隊績效較好。 4. 若團隊凝聚力較高,則團隊績效較好。 5. 若團隊成員個人投入程度較高,則團隊績效較好。 6. 若團隊整體互動狀況較好,則團隊績效較好。


賴光真 Unknown Date (has links)
鑑於教科書審查規準的建構在建構過程、方法模式、規準結構及規準內容等各方面均未臻理想,本研究透過文獻分析與問卷調查等方法,針對教科書審查規準的建構問題進行研究。除探討教科書審查規準的定義、功能、特質、發展模式等相關概念外,更著重於建構原則的歸納;此外,並以九年一貫課程社會學習領域教科書審查規準為例進行實際建構。研究之主要目的在於為教科書審查規準的建構,奠定理論性的與實證性的基礎,並提出研究所得供各界做為訂定、修訂或研究審查規準之參考。 經由文獻探討,本研究認為審查的實施在我國現階段的教科書發展上具有正當性與必要性,教科書審查規準之主要功能在於可以積極性地輔助審查的執行以及消極性地管制約束審查者,次要功能則是在於可以做為出版業者編輯研發教科書的參照指標,此外亦可發揮做為與公眾對話的共同語言、做為師資培訓參考教材等衍生功能。審查規準的建構,在鉅觀層面的發展模式上,應包括規準建構規劃、規準建構、規準實施、規準檢討評鑑等四大要素,以及相關的規準改革作為與回饋程序;其微觀層面的建構程序,則應包括建構定向、規準設計、規準妥適性驗證、規準修訂、規準定案等步驟及相關的回饋線。在鉅觀與微觀層面的發展與建構模式下,教科書審查規準的建構成為一個循環不斷的動態發展歷程。審查規準的建構及其妥適性的檢核,必須把握或遵循一些技術性與實質性的原則,計有四類十三項。第一類為「與規準建構程序相關的原則」,包括:適當程序原則、專業共議原則;第二類為「與規準基本定位相關的原則」,包括:分科建構原則、審查專用原則、質性處理原則;第三類為「與規準結構相關的原則」,包括:程序區隔原則、必要規準原則;第四類為「與規準內容相關的原則」,包括:廣泛周延原則、適切水準原則、效度原則、具體明確原則、內在標準原則、項目獨立原則等。如果做為事後檢核規準妥適性之用時,則尚應檢視其是否能發揮其預期的功能。 為建構九年一貫課程社會學習領域教科書審查規準,本研究透過教科書角色與功能、課程設計、及閱讀理解等相關研究的啟示,歸納出內容選材、組織結構、教學設計、圖文傳達、物理產製、研發過程等六大項,做為審查規準頂層架構的六個構面,再進一步解析各構面的細部架構。整個規準架構與既有的相關審查或評鑑規準做對照,具有相當的普效性與涵括能力,用以做為教科書審查規準之架構,應是合理而可行的。惟為實際使用,此一理論架構必須一合理的審查作業進程做階段區隔,並以手冊形式詳細闡述各規準項目的定義與審查方法,提供審查人員做為共同的背景知識與評鑑基礎。 為驗證所歸納之審查規準建構原則的妥適性,以及所建構之九年一貫課程社會學習領域教科書審查規準的妥適性,本研究問卷調查方式,諮詢各類專家學者、教師、出版業者,以及文字編輯、美術編輯、印刷、媒體等相關專業人員之意見。諮詢結果發現,在建構原則妥適性方面,其中適當程序原則、專業共議原則、分科建構原則、審查專用原則、程序區隔原則、適切水準原則、效度原則、具體明確原則、內在標準原則、項目獨立原則等建構原則並無太大爭議,至於質性處理原則、必要規準原則、廣泛周延原則等方面,部分諮詢對象抱持不同看法,認為審查規準的建構可以考慮併用質性與量性方式來處理審查結果,可以考慮區分必要規準與一般規準,並可以將部分教科書屬性、成分與研發過程等改由其他評鑑進行處理。基於審查的特質與目的,本研究仍建議應力求維持並遵循上述建構原則,若欲放鬆,則必須有良好的配套措施。 至於九年一貫課程社會學習領域教科書審查規準的妥適性,本研究係依據教科書審查規準建構原則進行檢核。在與規準建構程序、規準基本定位、規準結構相關的原則等方面,所建構的審查規準基本上均能符合。至於與規準內容相關的原則以及是否能發揮預期功能等方面,諮詢對象多半肯定所建構的審查規準能夠符合各該項建構原則,但提出有部分的修訂意見。 最後依據文獻分析的結果與實證研究的發現,本研究針對教科書審查規準的應用、未來建構、未來相關研究等,分別提出若干建議。 / Since there is still some unsatisfactory parts on the constructive process, methodology, structures and contents of screen-and-approval criteria(SAC) of textbooks, this study tries to explore these issues through literature analysis and questionnaire survey. The definition, functions, property, develop-and-construct model and constructive principles of SAC are discussed, and tries to construct SAC for social studies textbook of 1-9 curriculum guideline of compulsory education system is tried. The main purpose of this study is to establish the theoretical and empirical basis for the construction of SAC, and to offer reference for people who is going to construct SAC, modify SAC, or inquire the issues of the construction of SAC in future. The screen-and-approval process of textbook is indispensable to the development of qualified textbooks in Taiwan. The major function of SAC is to assist and to restrain the screen-and-approval process, moreover it can guide the publishers to develop and publish qualified textbooks. SAC can also be a common conversation language between public and screen-and-approval institution, and be a reference material for the teachers who are being training. On the macro-dimension, the development model of SAC should include four elements : planning, constructing, implementing, and evaluating. On the micro-dimension, the construction process of SAC should follow three steps: to decide the approach of the construction of SAC, to design SAC, and to verify the validity of SAC. Through the model and process described above, the construction of SAC forms a dynamic circulating process. For the construction of and the appropriateness verification of SAC, there are 13 principles which can divide into 4 categories that must follow. The first category includes two principles that relate to constructive process that includes: 1.the construction of SAC must arrange some adaptive processes; 2.the construction of SAC must invite some experts and stakeholders to participate. The second category includes three principles that relate to constructive approach : 3.construct a subject-oriented SAC, not a generic type one; 4. construct SAC for screen-and-approval use only, not for all kinds of textbook evaluations; 5.the result of screen-and-approval must display in quality mode. The third category includes two principles that relate to the structure of SAC : 6.SAC must separate to some sections according to the stages of the screen-and-approval process; 7.all SAC must be uncompromising criteria. The fourth category includes six principles that relate to the content of SAC that includes: 8. SAC must contains all criteria that textbook screen-and-approval need to consider; 9.the standard of passing of each SAC must proper; 10.all SAC must be relevant to textbook quality and effectiveness; 11.the implication of each SAC must concrete and clear; 12. SAC must exclude the criteria that relate to practical effectiveness of textbooks; 13.all SAC must exclusive mutually. For the appropriateness verification of SAC, it is necessary to check whether the SAC can function as to assist and to restrain the screen-and-approval process, and to guide the publishers to develop and publish qualified textbooks. In order to construct SAC of social studies textbooks of 1-9 curriculum guideline of compulsory education system, the structure of textbook SAC is established through the discussion or research about the role and function of textbook, curriculum design, and reading comprehension. The upper structure of SAC are constituted by 6 dimensions: content selection, organization structure, instructional design, communicate effectiveness of text and illustrations and tables, physical making-up, and R & D process. Each dimensions includes many criteria items. For practical application, the theoretical structure of SAC should separate to three sections: the complication planning of textbook series, the main components of individual textbook, and the other components of individual textbook. Furthermore, it is necessary to elaborate the definition and evaluative method of each SAC in a booklet, so as to be the background knowledge and evaluation basis for people who screen-and-approval textbooks. This study tries to verify the appropriateness of the constructive principles and SAC of social studies textbooks through consults several professors, teachers, publishers and somespecialists in edition, graphic arts, typography, and courseware. For the appropriateness of constructive principles, most of them are agreed by consultants, but those three principles that the result of screen-and-approval must display in quality mode, all SAC items must to be uncompromising criteria, SAC must contains all criteria that textbook screen-and-approval need to consider, leave some rooms for arguing. Some consultants suggest the result of screen-and-approval can display in both qualitative and quantitative mode, some items of SAC can meet selectively, and some items of SAC are criteria that ought to consider in other situation of textbook evaluation. For the sake of the nature and goal of textbook screen-and-approval, it is suggested tend to persist the three principles above. If the construction of SAC don't follow those three principles, some remedies are needed. For the appropriateness of SAC of social studies textbooks of 1-9 curriculum guideline, it can meet the constructive principles which are relevant to constructive process, approach, and structure. Most consultants agree that the SAC can meet those constructive principles which are relevant to the content and can perform the expectative functions, but some suggestions for revision are offered. Consequently, with the outcomes of literature analysis and the findings of empirical research, some recommendations for the application, construction, research of SAC are made.

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University of Macau / Faculty of Education

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