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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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王逸慧, Wang, I-Huei Unknown Date (has links)
本研究旨在研擬一套九年一貫課程之基本能力評量政策,研究以問卷調查法進行。首先分析所蒐集之文獻,繼而就文獻與研究問題發展問卷,問卷編製完成即進行第一階段之問卷調查,問卷填答對象共1137位,包括教育行政人員、國中小校長、主任、教師及家長等九類。該問卷之填答結果經分析與統整後,研究者預先擬出草案,並就草案之適切性徵詢100位審查者(包括教育學者專家、行政人員及中小學校長、主任、教師、家長等三大類),在參酌所得意見與建議後將草案修改為方案,以為本研究之結論, 方案主要內容如下: 壹、九年一貫課程之學生基本能力應以「國家基本能力評量」與「學校自辦基本能力評量」共同鑑衡之 貳、「國家基本能力評量」之實施要點: 一、評量時機:除數學因學習階段劃分的不同而於五年級及國三進行評量之外,餘六大學習領域皆在六年級及國三時進行評量。 二、評量次數:「國小基本能力評量」實施一次,「國中基本能力評量」與現行「基本學力測驗」整合。 三、實施規模:「國小基本能力評量」採抽全部學校之部分學生施測,「國中基本能力評量」則對全體學生進行評量。 四、評量機構:建議由國家教育研究院下設「課程發展組」及「測驗與評量組」負責。 五、評量發展方式:分四個步驟。分別是(一)由教育部委託國家教育研究院邀集相關人員發展「能力指標」下所涵蓋之「具體學習表現」;(二)國家教育研究院依「各學習領域能力指標」及「具體學習表現」長期進行試題研發、編製及題庫建立;(三)執行評量;(四)檢討並改進評量題目、方式與政策。 六、試題類型:各學習領域兼採封閉題型與開放題型,前者佔分多於後者。「綜合活動」、「藝術與人文」及「健康與體育」三領域之性質特殊,應加重開放題型之比例。 七、通過標準之訂定:「國小基本能力評量」僅告知受測學生及其家長通過與否,其通過標準由「教育行政人員」、「教育學者」、「測驗專家」、「中小學教師及學校行政人員」與「家長」共同研商。「國中基本能力評量」之評量結果以分數或等第呈現,通過標準由各高中職、五專自行設定。 八、結果的應用:「國小基本能力評量」的結果須作為「長期教育績效的監控」、「評鑑學校辦學品質的依據」及「教育研究的資料」,而「國中基本能力評量」的結果除具上述三種功能之外,尚需作為高中職、五專的選才依據。 九、經費來源:「國小基本能力評量」之試題研發及實施評量費用,由政府編列預算支應。「國中基本能力評量」之試題研發由政府編列預算支應,評量實施費用由受測學生負擔。 參、「學校自辦基本能力評量」之實施要點: 一、實施規模:由各校自行實施,但允班級數較少之學校採聯合式之區域性聯合實施。 二、評量時機:教師隨各學習領域課程之進行評量學生表現,並於各學習領域之學習階段結束時檢覈學生是否達到「能力指標」及「具體學習表現」。 三、評量發展方式:共分為六步驟,分別為(一)由各校「課程小組」與「課程發展委員會」研訂各學期學生應達至之「能力指標」及「具體學習表現」,並據此發展課程內容;(二)發展評量結果表格以利教師紀錄學生學習結果;(三)研商各能力指標之評量方式、評量向度、計分標準及紀錄方式。(四)教師紀錄學生在學期中之表現於「基本能力檢覈表」;(五)將「基本能力檢覈表」之紀錄結果轉化為「基本能力評量結果學期報告表」告知學生及其家長;(六)於學習階段結束時檢覈各能力指標是否皆已進行評量,並將學生於該學習階段之學習表現紀錄於「基本能力評量結果學習階段報告表」以告知學生及其家長。 四、評量原則:評量方式須多元化,且結果之呈現須質量並重。 五、過標準之訂定:由各校「課程小組」與「課程發展委員會」共同訂定。 六、經費來源:試題開發及評量實施費用,由學校所屬主管教育行政機關編列預算支應。 方案擬定後,研究者自行評估本方案具有七大特色與三項可能潛隱之問題,並提出以下建議作為未來政策規劃與執行之參考:一、本研究所研擬之方案可作為政府規劃基本能力評量之參考;二、教育行政機關應責成專責機構及早規劃基本能力評量之相關措施;三、評量機構應研發具學科統整性質之試題,且評量方式力求多元化;四、應提供進修課程以提昇教師的評量專業知能與技術;五、可舉辦優良試題設計競賽延攬人才及提供評量範例;六、各高中職、五專在選才時宜參酌學生多樣表現,避免僅將基本能力評量結果視為唯一依據;七、宜向社會大眾宣導正向的價值觀以祛除「分數至上」及「文憑主義」的迷思;八、應提供偏遠或較少班級數的學校在新課程實施與評量時的支援與協助。

國民小學校長課程領導與教師教學效能關係之研究-以臺北縣為例 / A Study of the Relationship between Principals' Curriculum Leadership and Teachers' Teaching Effectiveness in Elementary Schools--An example of Taipei County

陳慕賢 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究之目的主要為探討國民小學校長課程領導與教師教學效能二者之間的關係。   本研究主要採用文獻分析法、問卷調查法以及訪談法等研究方法。在問卷調查方面,以臺北縣90所公私立國民小學的90位校長與810位教師為調查對象,問卷回收後以描述統計分析、t考驗、單因子變異數分析、典型相關分析、多元逐步迴歸分析等統計方法進行資料分析。在訪談方面則從上述學校中選擇2所學校,每校訪談校長、主任、教師各1位。本研究期能透過上述的設計,了解校長與教師對課程領導與教師教學效能二者關係的具體看法與建議。   本研究之結論歸納如下:   一、臺北縣國民小學校長與教師均肯定校長課程領導。   二、臺北縣國民小學校長與教師均肯定教師教學效能。   三、不同背景變項的校長對於本身課程領導的評價差別不大。   四、在教師的背景變項中,除了最高學歷之外,其餘變項均會影響其對校長課程領導的評價。   五、不同背景變項的校長在教師教學效能上的評價差別不大。   六、在教師的背景變項中,除了年齡與服務年資之外,其餘變項對教師教學效能的影響不大。   七、校長實施課程領導確實有助於提升教師教學效能。   八、在校長課程領導各層面中,以「促進教師專業成長」對於整體教師教學效能的預測力最高。   本研究依據結論,於教育行政機關、校長、教師以及未來研究,提出以下具體建議:   一、對教育行政機關的建議    (一)重視校長的培育與進修,不斷提升校長實施課程領導的實力。    (二)依據地方差異,給予課程領導行政支援。   二、對國民小學校長的建議    (一)發揮課程領導權利,善盡課程領導義務。    (二)營造優質校園文化,建構學習型學校。    (三)促進教師專業成長,提升教師教學效能。   三、對國民小學教師的建議    (一)成為「合作的學習者」,彼此交流教學經驗與資源。    (二)成為「行動的研究者」,探索提升教學效能之道。   四、對未來研究的建議    (一)在研究範圍方面:本研究以台北縣為研究範圍,建議未來研究可以全臺灣地區為研究範圍,以擴大研究的廣度。    (二)在研究方法方面:除了文獻探討、問卷調查與訪談之外,建議未來研究再增加個案研究法,以擴大研究的深度。 / The purpose of this study was to inquire the relationship between principals' curriculum leadership and teachers' teaching effectiveness in elementary schools.   This study methods were adopted literature review, questionnaire and in-depth interviews. In questionnaire aspect, the subjects included 90 principals and 810 teachers from 810 public and private schools in Taipei County. The collected data were analyzed through the methods of descriptive statistic, t-test, one-way ANOVA, Pearson's product-moment correlation, canonical correlation and multiple stepwise regression analysis. In addition, interviews had selected two schools from the sample of questionnaire. It is hoping that through this design to collect and understand the relationship between principals' curriculum leadership and teachers' teaching effectiveness as well as real life phenomenon of the researched subject.   Conclusions were made as followings:   1. Most principals and teachers agree the behavior of principals' curriculum leadership in elementary schools of Taipei County.   2. Most principals and teachers agree the behavior of teachers' teaching effectiveness in elementary schools of Taipei County.   3. Principals among diverse background variables take a similar view in their own curriculum leadership.   4. Teachers among diverse background variables, except the highest academic background, the rest variables will affect evaluations on principals' curriculum leadership.   5. Principals among diverse background variables take a similar view in teachers' teaching effectiveness.   6. Teachers among diverse background variables, except age and service seniority, the rest variables will have little influence on teachers' teaching effectiveness.   7. To put principals' curriculum leadership into practice is indeed conducive to promote teachers' teaching effectiveness.   8. Among all dimensions of principals' curriculum leadership, the highest prediction to total teachers' teaching effectiveness is promoting teachers' professional growth.   According to the conclusions, following are the suggestions:   1. Suggestions for educational administration organizations    1) Respecting the nurture and further education of principals and enhance the strength of curriculum leadership constantly.    2) In accordance with variation of locality, offering administrative supports for curriculum leadership.   2. Suggestions for principals of elementary schools    1) Functioning curriculum leadership rights, fulfilling curriculum leadership obligations.    2) Building high quality campus cultures, constructing learning schools.    3) Promoting teachers’professional growth, enhancing teachers' teaching effectiveness.   3. Suggestions for teachers of elementary schools    1) Becoming cooperative learners, communicating the experiences of and resources to each other.    2) Becoming action researchers, enhancing the way to teachers' teaching effectiveness.   4. Suggestions for future research    1) Aspects in research scope: the study ranging from Taipei County, suggest future research could include the whole Taiwan area to expand the breadth of study.   2) Aspects in research method: besides literature review, questionnaire and in-depth interviews, suggest future research could add case study to expand the depth of study.

企業管理碩士班學術英文課程與教學個案研究:以台灣某科技大學為例 / A case study on EAP curriculum and instruction in graduate business administration programs in Taiwan

林美瑩, Lin, Mei Ying Unknown Date (has links)
英語在貿易、科技等領域為當今國際交流的主要語言,更是學術界之主要溝通媒介,在台灣高等教育亦是如此。本研究旨在探討企業管理碩士班學術英文課程規劃之現況,以台灣某科技大學之企業管理所及國際企業管理所為對象,採問卷、課室觀察、訪談之研究方式,從教師及學生的觀點深入評析97、98學年度兩所的學術英文課程規劃、實施現況、學生的學術英文需求、及學生自評之學術英文能力。從兩所學生回收的有效問卷共98份,篩選後的學生訪談者共14位。兩位授課教師的訪談則分別於97、98學年度各進行一次。問卷結果採描述性統計加以敘述分析,課室觀察及訪談結果則以持續比較法(constant comparison method)進行分析。研究結果顯示兩所之課程規劃均注重培養教師及學生的學術英文能力;雖教師方面含海外師訓、定期教學研討會,然全英授課課程之師資來源為一困難。學生方面則從招生至畢業規定,均將促進語文能力納入整體課程規劃中。教師在教學、教材選擇、評量方面均致力培養學生的學術英文能力。學生的學術英文需求特別注重術語、讀、口語溝通、上台報告之能力,然本土文化之知識極待加強。學生普遍自評學術英文能力普通或不佳。本研究結果為商管學術英文課程規劃者及研究者提供了一個全面性的參考資料。 / English is the main lingua franca for international communication in fields such as business and technology; it is also the major medium in teaching and learning. This phenomenon has a significant impact on higher education in Taiwan. This study aimed to probe into the status quo of EAP (English for Academic Purposes) curriculum design in graduate business administration programs. An MBA and an IMBA program at a national university of science and technology in Taiwan was targeted. Questionnaires, classroom observation, and semi-structured interviews were adopted as research instruments. Teachers’ and students’ perspectives of the curriculum design, implementation, students’ EAP needs, and students’ self-evaluated EAP abilities in the academic years of 2008 and 2009 were investigated. A total of 98 valid questionnaires were collected, and 14 student interviewees were selected. Two teachers were first interviewed in the academic year of 2008, and again in 2009, respectively. The analysis of questionnaires was conducted through descriptive statistics, while the qualitative data was analyzed by constant comparison method. Results of this study indicated that the two programs included nurturing teachers’ and students’ EAP abilities in the curriculum design. For teachers, overseas teacher training and regular teaching seminars were provided. However, finding teachers to teach English-medium courses presented a difficulty. Developing students’ language abilities was included in the overall curriculum design, from admission to graduation regulations. Teachers were committed to cultivating students’ EAP abilities in instructional practices, material selection, and evaluation. The EAP needs of terminology, reading, oral communication, and presentation abilities were particularly valued. Nonetheless, students’ knowledge of local culture needed to be strengthened. Students generally rated their EAP abilities average or below average. In sum, this study may be of importance in improving EAP curriculum design in graduate business programs in future.

桃園縣國民小學總務主任養成教育課程與專業能力之研究 / A study on training curriculum and professional competence of the directors of general affairs of elementary schools

王碧禛 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究旨在瞭解桃園縣國民小學總務主任養成教育課程與專業能力之現況,並分析總務主任背景變項不同其專業能力之差異情形,以及對養成教育課程看法之差異,並探討養成教育課程與專業能力之關係。 本研究以問卷調查法為主,半結構訪談法為輔,以探討所欲研究之問題。本研究之問卷係依據文獻探討所獲得之參考資料,經專家效度分析後,編擬之「桃園縣國民小學總務主任養成教育課程與專業能力之研究調查問卷」。研究對象為桃園縣國民小學98學年度擔任總務主任及96、97學年度曾擔任總務主任者為研究對象。共計發出問卷285 份,回收254份,有效問卷252份,有效回收率為88.4%。 問卷彙整後,以描述性統計、t考驗、單因子變異數分析與Scheffé事後比較、Pearson’s積差相關、多元逐步迴歸分析等統計方法進行資料分析。並依問卷調查的結果,歸納相關的問題,做為訪談的依據,實地訪談總務主任6位、教育處科長1位,綜合問卷調查與訪談資料,進行研究結果之分析與討論。 其研究結論如下: 一、桃園縣國民小學總務主任專業能力整體表現良好。 二、桃園縣國民小學總務主任認為養成教育課程對總務主任專業能力有幫助。 三、總務主任的年齡、年資及是否取得採購證照對其專業能力有顯著差異。 四、總務主任的年齡、年資及是否取得採購證照對養成教育課程的看法有顯著差異。 五、養成教育課程與總務主任專業能力有顯著正相關。 六、養成教育課程對總務主任專業能力具有預測力。 最後依據研究結果與結論,提出具體建議,以作為教育行政機關、國民小學總務主任及未來研究的參考。 關鍵字:專業能力、養成教育課程、總務主任、國民小學 / The purpose of the study is to explore the status on training curriculum and professional competence of the directors of general affairs of elementary schools in Taoyuan County, then to analyze the differences in professional competence and in the opinions of directors on training curriculum as background factors of the director change. The relationship between the training curriculum and the professional competence is explored as well. This study employs the research method of questionnaire surveys and semi- structured interviews. The researcher has developed an instrument titled as "The Questionnaire Survey on Training Curriculum and Professional Competence of the Directors of General Affairs of Elementary Schools in Taoyuan County". Two hundred and eighty-five subjects are selected from the teachers who were the directors of general affairs of elementary schools in Taoyuan County in the years of 2007~2009. A total of 254 questionnaires were returned. Out of those, 88.4% was valid (252 out of 285). Valid sample data was analyzed and processed using the methods of description statistics, t-test, one-way ANOVA, posteriority comparison by Scheff’e, Pearson's product-moment correlation and stepwise multiple regressions. The frame of the interview questions was designed according to the findings from the questionnaire. Six directors and one section chief from bureau of education were interviewed to clarify and extend the findings of the survey. Then, the data retrieved from questionnaires and interviews were compiled, categorized, synthesized and analyzed. Following is the summary of the study: 1. The directors performed well in all the items of the professional competence. 2. The point of view of directors with respect to the training curriculum was positive to the professional competence. 3. The items of the directors’ age, working years and license in the background factors made a significant difference to professional competence. 4. The items of the directors’ age, working years and license in the background factors made a significant difference to the point of view of the training curriculum. 5. The training curriculum and the professional competence were positive correlative for the directors of general affairs. 6. The training curriculum was able to forecast the level of the professional competence. This study is finalized at proposing practical suggestions based on the findings and conclusions to educational administration authorities, directors of general affairs of elementary schools for further study and reference. Keywords: professional competence, training curriculum, directors of general affairs, elementary school

轉變中的臺灣公民社會與公民教育-有關學校公民教育問題面向及其發展趨勢之研究 / Civil Society and Civic Education in Changing Taiwan:Concerning the Analysis of School Civic Educational Problem Dimensions and Developmental Tendencies

莊富源 Unknown Date (has links)
自一九八Ο年代威權體制開始解體以來,臺灣的公民教育已然進入另一個新的蛻變階段,而其所賦予的積極意義,乃在於反映並凸顯出對以往整體公民教育的價值取向、概念論述、典範遞移、課程內涵、以及課程決定等有關問題面向所作的一種審視與反思,從而標舉一個能以「公民社會」理念作為建構總體教育目標時代的正式來臨。影響所及,值此一轉變關鍵的時刻,國人如何循由對「政治民主化、經濟自由化、社會多元化、文化本土化、以及意識主體化」等五大價值取向的認知與涵養,結合民主教育、法治教育、倫理道德教育、以及生活教育等四大核心課程內涵的深化與落實,並在致力於涵蘊「公民社會」為其學科典範遞移最高指標的同時,能進一步以強調「差異的(或多元的)公民資格觀」的概念論述及推動「公民參與」的課程決定方式,藉以充實及強化公民教育的運作機制和功能,業已成為今後公民教育責無旁貸的重要發展趨勢所在。 關鍵詞:公民教育、公民社會、價值取向、課程內涵、概念論述、典範遞移、 課程決定、公民資格、科際整合、顯著課程。 / Since the authoritarian system was began to fall apart during 1980’s in R.O.C.(Taiwan), civic education at school has gone into an another new transformation stage and bestowed a progressive meaning too, it is so necessary as to make a review and self-examination that reflect or manifest the totality of problem dimensions about value orientation, conceptual discourse, paradigm shift, curriculum content, and curriculum decision-making for the past. Thus much to construct and mark a period of “civil society” concept of the macro educational goal is coming formally. Due to the impact, especially it happened just changing time, we need how to recognize and nourish the five value orientations of “democratization to politics, freedom to economics, plural to societies, localization to culture, and subjectivity to conscious”. Combine with the four codes of curriculum content about democracy of education, law-related education, ethics and moral education, and experiential education that must be deepened and practiced for the citizens. At the same time, it also devoted to cherish the conceptual of “civil society” to be the highest characteristic of a paradigm shift of the civic education course. Moreover, it is obliged to emphasize the “differential or plural citizenship” and push the curriculum decision-making model of the “civic participation” that its operational machinery and functions could be fulfilled and competent. In summary, there is no passing buck to these important developmental tendencies of civic education in the changing future. Key Words: civic education, civil society, value orientation, curriculum content,conceptual discourse, paradigm shift, curriculum decision-making,citizenship, interdisciplinary integration, evident curriculum.

華語教學中的婚俗文化教學研究 / A Research on Integrating Wedding Culture into Teaching Chinese as a Second Language

鄭侑青, Cheng, Yu Ching Unknown Date (has links)
華語教師不僅作為語言的教導者,其身上更大的使命應為中華文化的傳播者,筆者認為華語教學中的婚俗文化教學為文化教學中相當重要的主題,不過現行教材少見針對此主題之著墨,學習者與教學者不得其門而入,因此嘗試將婚俗文化融入華語教學。 本研究以問卷研究法調查華語學習者於婚俗文化主題學習之意願,首先參考現行教材中是否針對婚俗文化作系統性的編排,接著探討通行於台灣的婚俗文化有哪些重要層面,並根據內容分析法統整出跨文化教學與文化教材編寫原則,在整理出華語教材中的文化教材編寫原則後,實際編寫婚俗文化課程教材,並透過行動研究實際應用在三個階段的文化課教學。 於華語教師的面向而言,透過三階段的行動研究歷程與學生回饋,其教學歷程與成效能成為日後華語教師欲進行此主題研究或教學時的參考;於外籍學生而言,在學習語言的同時能學習台灣婚俗文化的知識及此主題的語言交際用法,於兩造皆能產生貢獻。 婚禮習俗及其文化為中華文化之精髓,具有長遠的發展過程並承載著人們的生活、思想、觀念、宗教、生活習慣等,於社會語境和跨文化交際層面也有重要且正面的意義價值。因此,本文藉由研究華語教學中的婚俗文化教學,期待達成兩大目標: 1. 將華語學習者感興趣的婚俗文化與華語教學相結合 2. 編寫可實際執行之婚俗文化教材供學習者與教學者參考使用 希望透過本研究拋磚引玉,使更多研究者投入文化教學研究,將不同文化融入華語教學,語言與文化教學的結合將有助於華語學習者看見語言中的台灣文化之美。

獨輪車在幼兒園內的教育意涵 -奎山幼兒園幼童搬運牛奶日常活動的影像分析 / Educational Meaning of Wheelbarrow in Kindergarten - Documentary Analysis to Children’s Daily Activity of Delivering the Milk in Kui-Shan Preschool

曾舒萍 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究透過解析與詮釋奎山幼兒園幼童使用獨輪車來搬運牛奶的日常活動影片,來理解「獨輪車」存在於幼兒園的教育意涵。具體而言,即是以幼童透過使用獨輪車搬運牛奶的日常活動經驗為研究對象,探討該經驗如何在幼童的身體知覺、社會互動關係、勞動的身體經驗等面向上帶來學習。研究方法採「影像解讀分析」及「個人經驗訪談」兩個部分進行,前者主要從拍攝的12部幼童使用獨輪車搬運牛奶活動影片中選取其中具代表性的3部影片進行影像微觀解析;後者則訪談從奎山幼兒園直升至小學部三年級、六年級的學生各3名,共計6名,回觀其個人使用「獨輪車」之主觀經驗整。透過爬梳奎山學校歷史及創辦人熊慧英的「社會化統整性活動課程」教育理念,以及「獨輪車」在人類生活歷史演化圖像作為本研究之參照背景,以理解奎山幼兒園每日由3名幼童協同用獨輪車,在長達近400公尺的路途中為全班將「牛奶」搬回活動室的複雜任務,對幼童學習與發展的教育意涵。在資料解析與詮釋後,研究結果讓我們認識孩童共同協力推動「獨輪車」中,過程中的「衝突」將可帶來孩童間群性關係的拓展(合作、協商、解決問題)及養成觀點取替的能力;而為了能推動笨重難行的獨輪車,用力的同時孩童的身體自然會產生需要達成平衡的知覺;而象徵人類身體勞動經驗的「獨輪車」也在服務他者的搬運中,讓孩童完成以「勞動身體」作為認識自我的途徑,此也是熊慧英推動「社會化統整性活動課程」以建構幼童健全人格之教育目標所強調的一環。 / By analyzing and interpreting the documentaries of Kuei-shan Kindergarten which let children use wheelbarrow to transport milk, this thesis illustrates the educational meaning of wheelbarrow’s existence. Generally speaking, by using the daily practice of transporting milk by wheelbarrow, the study try to examine the learning process in different aspects, such as children’s perception, children’s social interaction and laboring’s body experience. First of all, from the perspective of wheelbarrow’s cultural history to clarify the symbolization of human laboring. In the second place, by introducing Kuei-shan Kindergarten’s 51 years history and the founder (Miss Xiong Hui-Ying)’s background, to demonstrate how she established “Socialize Integrated Curriculum ” through experiments. “Socialize Integrated Curriculum” use transporting milk as an example, to accomplish such difficult work, the three children cooperate with each other to transport the milk back to their classroom daily by nearly 400 meters way. In other words, by making 12 documentaries of how children transport milk by wheelbarrow, I observed the educational meaning of this daily practice. Then I picked 3 documentaries to analyze and interpret my observation. Furthermore, through the interview with 6 Kuei-shan elementary school students (3 from the third grade, 3 from the sixth grade) who graduated from Kuei-shan Kindergarten, I review the educational meaning of the practice. To sum up, the study suggests that Kindergartens should help children construct personality through “Socialize Integrated Curriculum ”,including perception, challenge, labor and sociability, in order to fulfill modern children’s needs. Key words: Child, Body of labor, Social Interaction,Sociability,Socialize Integrated Curriculum , wheelbarrow

創業教育對創業活動之影響-各國比較研究 / Impact of entrepreneurship education on entrepreneurial activities-Comparative study of various countries

蘇怡欣, Su, I Hsin Unknown Date (has links)
創業活動為現今一國經濟發展的指標之一,也提供了許多就業機會,許多國家開始重視國內的創業績效,因此發展出許多相關政策。而創業教育也逐漸受到重視,創業家精神、創業機會的認知等相關意識須從小培養,而在各個成長階段又該具備什麼樣的創業相關知識與技能,能透過哪些創業教育類別帶給學童,是值得探討的課題。 不同的國家有著不同的社會環境、人文品種,在不同的國家文化下,創業教育也有所改變,本研究將深入探討台灣、美國、以色列、芬蘭、西班牙、中國、新加坡、韓國、日本九個具代表性的國家在創業教育上之特別作為,並藉由全球創業觀察數據資料來檢視九大國家的創業教育績效是否呼應其創業教育的實施,以表現較良好的國家作為台灣在創業教育上的借鏡,效法其優點,使台灣日趨進步。


雷漢聲, LEI, HAN-SHENG Unknown Date (has links)
本論文共一冊約十萬字,內分五章十三節,茲摘要如下: 第一章 緒論 第一節 研究目的與動機 本論文旨在瞭解美國企管碩士教育課程設計之發展趨勢與需求者對課之期望情況,以 為中華民國企管碩士教育之未來發展方向提出建議。 第二節 研究架構 以最近數年中美所發表之有關企管碩士計劃之期刊、論文歸納出七個主要論題:分析 比較中、美企管研究所在上述論題所做之努力之差異。 以問卷調查之方式來確定國內需求者對上述論題之重視程度。 第二章 研究方法 第一節 內容分析法 應用於文獻探討以瞭解企管碩士教育之發展趨勢;應用於各所之課程目錄分析中,以 瞭解中、美各所之發展重點。 第二節 因素分析法 應用於問卷資料分析上,以瞭解各類需求者對各個論題之重視程度。 第三章 中美企管研究所課程設計之比較 本章共分五節:一、中美基本必修課之相似程度與涵蓋範圍之比較。二、選修課程之 涵蓋廣度與專精深度之比較;三、中美企管所採行專門化或廣泛性企管碩士計劃之比 率比較;四、中美學生平均年齡與工作經驗比較;五、師資、畢業要求修件之比較。 第四章 課程需求情況之研究 本章共分兩節:一、美國的需求情況,根據最近幾年已發表之文獻探討之;二、台灣 地區之需求情況;以71年畢業之企管碩士為對象,瞭解其對課程安排之看法。 第五章 結論與建議 對前述研究做簡單結論,並對中華民國企管碩士教育未來發展方向提出建議。


張清良 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究之研究目的在探討九年一貫課程實施後,地方政府在此一政策執行過程中的角色與功能,主要包括:1.探討地方政府執行九年一貫課程政策之執行條件;2.分析九年一貫課程政策執行組織(地方教育主管機關)之執行情形;3.瞭解九年一貫課程政策標的團體(國民中小學)之執行情形;4.探析九年一貫課程政策執行之成效與影響因素。 本研究採取問卷調查與深度訪談法。問卷調查對象為地方政府參與九年一貫課程政策執行工作之相關人員,有效樣本為417人,研究工具為自編之「地方政府執行九年一貫課程政策調查問卷」,使用之統計方法包括皮爾森積差相關、單因子變異數分析、t考驗及多元逐步回歸分析。訪談對象則立意選取教育部行政人員、地方政府教育局人員、國民中小學校長共6人。 本研究的主要結果如下: 一、九年一貫課程政策執行條件之分析:1.政策的推動時程規劃不夠充裕,2.課程內涵結構意見分歧,3.增加學校彈性自主空間受肯定,4.政策推動人力資源不足,5.教育部經費資源投入有待提升,6.行政配套措施有待改善。 二、執行組織執行情形之分析:1.地方政府執行人力及經費不足影響推動成效,2.地方政府課程政策執行組織具有代表性,3.地方政府課程政策規畫良好,4.地方政府執行課程政策配套措施有待繼續努力,5.地方政府辦理之教師研習具有成效,6.地方政府執行人員瞭解課程內涵及相關法令規章,7.地方政府執行組織主管瞭解九年一貫課程政策,8.地方政府課程推動組織能促進課程政策的落實,9.地方政府課程輔導團能夠協助教師成長。 三、標的團體執行情形之分析:1.學校執行課程政策之人力及經費不充裕,2.社區資源投入不充足,3.學校執行課程政策之組織具有代表性,4.學校課程發展委員會運作正常但實質功能不大,5.學習領域小組運作良好,6.學校辦理之研習能協助教師專業成長,7.校長尚能發揮課程領導,協助課程政策執行,8.學校人員皆相當瞭解九年一貫課程內涵與法令規章。 四、政策執行成效之分析:1.教師具備良好的選擇教材能力,2.教師教材編輯能力尚稱良好,3.教師課程統整能力尚稱良好,4.教師具備多元評量的能力,5.教師多具協同教學能力但未廣泛運用,6.教師行動研究能力尚待提升。 五、標的團體執行情形是影響九年一貫課程政策執行成效之主要因素。 依據上述研究結果,提出對中央主管教育行政機關、地方政府、國民中小學及未來研究之建議。 / This study attempts to investigate the role and function our local government play during and after the Nine-year Integrated Curriculum policy. The study means to discuss several key concepts including implemental conditions and status quo of the local government and related organizations such as the local educational authorities, the junior high and elementary schools. The concrete effects and main influential factors are explored as well. Questionnaire survey and interview are adopted in this research. A total of 417 samples were adopted. Pearson product-moment correlation, t-test, one-way ANOVA, and multivariate regression were used to analyze the data from the questionnaires. Besides, 6 determined interviewees including Ministry of Education officials, administrators in the local educational authorities, present of school. The significant results and findings are listed as follows: 1. Implemental conditions and status quo of the Nine-year Integrated Curriculum policy: (1) The implemental timing of the curriculum policy was not planned well. (2) The content structure of the curriculum was divided and incomplete. (3) The idea to increase school’s flexibility and autonomy is approved. (4) Source and efforts involved are not sufficiently enough. (5) Governmental annual budgets should be reorganized and audited. (6) Related policy and measures should be reconsidered. 2. Implemental efforts and effects of local government: (1) The effects are reduced because of the insufficient on manpower and budget. (2) The chosen local implemental organizations are representable. (3) The curriculum planning is fine. (4) More related measures should be added to make the curriculum policy complete. (5) The effect of teachers’ retraining program is efficient. (6) The individual personnel on local government understand policy content and laws well. (7) The every authority on local government realizes Nine-year Integrated Curriculum policy well. (8) A powerful organization can push and enforce the accomplishment on curriculum policy. (9) Local curriculum group will guide and provide assistance to teachers, which will be helpful to teacher growth. 3. Implemental conditions of the junior high and elementary schools: (1) The involved manpower and budget are insufficient. (2) The community resources are not completely involved. (3) The organizations chosen to implement the curriculum policy at every school are representable. (4) The Committee of School Curriculum Development is workable but not functional essentially (5) The operation of Learning Areas Team works out. (6) The training programs every school launch will provide aid to teachers and so as to a better teacher growth. (7) Principal plays a leading role to smooth the curriculum policy implementation. (8) The individual personnel at school understand every policy content and laws well. 4. Effects on Policy: (1) Teachers mostly own the ability to make professional decisions on materials. (2) Teachers own enough ability to edit and organize materials. (3) Teachers own the ability to make curriculum integrated. (4) Teachers own the ability to do multi-evaluation. (5) Teachers mostly own ability to do co-teaching, but such method is not adopted broadly. (6) Teacher’s ability to participate action research should be trained and promoted. 5. The fundamental factor to influence the effect and success of the Nine-year Curriculum Policy is the indeed implementation of the every targeted school. Base upon the results mentioned above, several suggestions are made to the authority concerned, local government, and schools at every level. Several research directions are recommends and proposed.

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