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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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大學廣告創意課程研究:一個實務取向的課程規劃 / The Study on the University Advertising Creative Curricular -- A Curriculum Design Based on Practitioners' Perspectives.

張怡琪, Chang,Vivian Unknown Date (has links)
本研究從實務界選擇廣告創意人的準則出發,探討大學教育在因應廣告創意的實務需求時,所提出並加強的課程設計方向。務使大學廣告創意教育所培育的廣告創意人才,符合實務界的用人期待。 廣告是一門實用科學,如何讓教育與實務緊密結合,是廣告教育的最大挑戰。因此課程設計益發重要。在文獻探討中,實務界認為大學廣告課程有太過學術化、脫離現實競爭等議題。實務界希望他們的創意人員,在學校能就概念、技術、溝通三種技巧學習,還要理解廣告公司環境裡的競爭性、官僚行為、內部政治跟商業行為等等;期待創意課程同時涉足判斷力養成、有策略紀律、熟悉國際廣告、團隊精神、提案技巧、對公司政治具備敏感度等等。 在個案研究及深度訪談後,進行對廣告創意課程的設計。個案研究以廣告系修習廣告文案進階課程的學生進行教學實驗。深度訪談則集中在國內各大廣告公司資深創意人對國內廣告創意教育的認識與建議上。 研究發現符合實務界理想的廣告創意課程有下列方向:現實感、發想概念的能力、判斷力的養成、教導想法、職業認知、提案技巧、作品集、加強實務師資、從國際廣告吸取經驗、團隊精神。並據此由實務界觀點出發,結合作者經驗建構出八節符合實務需求的廣告創意課程:1.如何從創意哲學中培養看廣告概念的眼光。2.創意簡報。3.消費者心聲。4.廣告概念。5.創意概念。6.創意執行手法。7.創意素材。8.評估廣告。 / This study started with how advertising agency chose their employees, and how the university advertising creative curricular played their role on educating students to meet the expectation, and how to design or reinforce the current creative curricular. The objective was to educate the students in a way that met the practitioners’ perspective. Advertising was a pragmatic science. How to tie education with practitioners’ expectation tightly was a real challenge. In literature studies, the practitioner considered that the university creative curriculum constrained with over-academic, and lack of the knowledge of competition in real world. The practitioners were looking for creative personnel who studied the skills of concept, technique and communication, as well as the competition, bureaucracy, politics and business reality in the advertising agency. The creative curriculum was expected to teach following disciplines: self-editing, adherence to strategy, exposing to awards annuals, partnership, presentation, agency politics…etc. After conducting a case study and several in-depth interviews, a design for creative curriculum was ready to form. The case study was experimented with students who took advertising copywriting program in university. And the in-depth interviews were from agency’s senior creative personnel who talked about their point-of-views on their knowledge and suggestion for university creative curricular. Research suggested that the creative curriculum to meet the practitioners’ perspective must include the following principles: learning the reality, capable of generating concepts, teaching cerebration, understanding the nature of business, presentation skill, portfolio, uses of practitioners’ experiences, learning from global advertisements, and team work. And based on those practitioners’ perspectives, along with the writer’s personal experience, an eight-lesson program for university advertising creative curriculum was designed: 1. To See an Ad. 2. Creative Brief. 3. Cunsumer Insight. 4. Advertising Concept. 5. Finding the Creative Concept. 6. Some Tools to Create an Ad. 7. Creative Executions. 8. How to Evaluate Creative.

外語教學的「真實性」問題:現行國中英語教科書中課程活動設計之「真實性」探討 / Authenticity in Foreigner Language Teaching: A Case Study in Task-based Activities in Current Textbooks

吳秋慧, WuChiu-hui Unknown Date (has links)
「真實性」是外語教學在內容設計及呈現上一項不可忽視的原則。它強調:教科書的編寫,要有意識地為學習者展現出語言在實際運用中的意義和功能。而除了文本(text)之外,有越來越多的教育者也強調「真實性的教學活動(authentic tasks/activities)」在教學過程中的重要性。本篇論文主要在探討是否現行國中英語教科書中的活動設計符合「真實性」的原則。此研究以Littlewood(2004)提出的教學活動分類作為架構,觀察台灣現行使用率最高的五套國中英語教科書中的教學活動分屬何種類型,分析及探究其中有哪些活動是符合「以真實溝通為目的」的原則,同時比較真實性教學活動分布在這五版教科書中的情況。 分析結果顯示,絕大多數的活動設計,是以學習語言形式為主要目的,極少數的活動有機會讓學習者運用語言、傳達訊息。此外,有些教科書中,甚至完全缺少以真實溝通為目的的教學活動。也就是說,透過現行的教科書,學生只是從事句型文法的練習,極少實際利用學到的語言進行溝通。顯然這些開放後由民間出版社編輯的英語教科書,就教學活動真實性的問題,尚有很大的改善空間。 / Authenticity has been regarded as one of the essential principles in EFL/ESL teaching. It is emphasized that the content of the textbooks can realistically reflect the genuine meaning and function of the language used in real-life situations. Aside from the authenticity of text itself, more and more teachers and educators recognize the value of using authentic activities for teaching and learning purposes. The thesis aims to examine whether and how the language learning activities in our EFL textbooks pertain to authenticity. We explore what authentic learning activities in these textbooks are, and how they are different as found in different textbooks. By following a rating scale developed on the basis of Littlewood’s (2004) five activity types (non-communicative learning, pre-communicative language practice, communicative language practice, structured communication and authentic communication), we evaluate and compare the language learning activities provided in five sets of English textbooks frequently used in Taiwan in terms of their task authenticity. The result of our analysis reveals that most language learning activities in the five commonly used sets of English textbooks are designed mainly for the practice of the linguistic forms. Few of the activities provide learners with the chance of exposure to real communication situations and applying their language skills in authentic ways. Even some of the textbook series don’t contain any authentic learning activities at all. It is clear that textbook writing in Taiwan still focuses on linguistic forms – a situation that has lasted for decades and more changes in textbook writing are needed in order to move forward to genuine communication.


王裕鈜 Unknown Date (has links)
根據美國訓練發展協會2006年針對一些全球布局的的標竿大型機構所做的企業訓練調查結果顯示,運用科技辦理訓練的百分比已由1999年的14﹪逐年遞增至2005年的37﹪,而且預測未來訓練以科技方式傳遞的百分比將益形提升。由此觀之,數位學習不只是全球網路科技化之產物,未來政府人力培訓方向除因應國際化潮流外,更應結合數位學習落實於人力資源發展相關策略及作法。因此欲藉由探討公部門訓練機構推動作法,暸解相關推動策略,並透過個案研究,瞭解研習中心相關的推動策略及相關衍生問題。 本研究以公部門訓練機構推動數位學習策略,作為實證研究標的,並擇定地方行政研習中心作為主要研究對象。而本研究不同於國內數位學習相關研究,其研究對象大多集中於企業界及學校之應用推廣,或以企業學校推動內部單位數位學習為研究標的,或以使用者滿意度、網站平台功能面為研究取向,有關公部門訓練機構推動數位學習層面甚少著墨。而本研究之範圍主要探討研習中心對外推動數位學習之策略應用層面,而非在於學員認知感受、學習平台功能取向、技術層面等。 因此,本研究將透過過國內外文獻檢閱,試圖找尋歸納出推動數位學習的關鍵因素,並透過問卷方式調查行政院所屬13個公務人員訓練機構推動數位學習情形,並藉由個案研究深入探討研習中心推動公務人員數位學習策略,並針對其推動過程中影響的構面進行分析,最後再彙整推動策略可能遭遇的困難與解決方式,提出相關建議事項,以供其他公部門訓練機構作為推動參考。故本研究的目的為: 一、透過文獻檢閱瞭解數位學習意義內涵,並蒐集與調查目前國內外推動數位 學習情形、運用於公務人力培訓現況及推動的關鍵因素。 二、調查分析目前行政院所屬13個公務人員訓練機構推動推動數位學習情形 及對於推動關鍵因素之認知。 三、藉由個案研究及深入訪談,探討地方行政研習中心推動地方政府數位學習 之現況、實施策略及執行窒礙,並加以診斷其原因。 四、提出增進地方行政研習中心推動數位學習成效之具體建議,作為公部門訓 練機構推動參考。

四技二專英文科測驗之演變與高職英文課程綱要之互動 / A Study on the Development of the English Tests of the Technological and Vocational Education Joint College Entrance Examination (TVEE) and its Interaction with the Guidelines of the Vocational High School English Program (VHSEP)

劉妃欽, Liu, Fei Chin Unknown Date (has links)
本研究旨在探討四技二專英文科測驗與高職英文課程綱要之互動,分別從以下三方面來探討: 一、四技二專英文試題的發展歷程。二、高職英文課程綱要在不同階段的特色。三、四技二專英文科試題與高職英文課程綱要之互動。 本研究採試題定性分析法,以分析81年至97年四技二專英文科試題及76、87、95年教育部所頒布之高職英文課程綱要,同時參考相關之測驗、教學研究論文,探討四技二專英文科測驗與高職英文課程綱要之互動。主要發現如下: 第一, 81-87年四技二專英文科測驗的重點在於僅測驗學生單項的語言知識,且偏重學生的記憶力而非綜合分析的能力,題幹也較少提供足夠的情境及線索供受試者參考。測驗的重點與課程綱要在某方面有相呼應之處,例如著重文法及單項的語言知識;閱讀測驗的取材雖多樣化,設計卻有不當之處;另外, 課程綱要雖重視聽說讀寫技巧, 但測驗僅能測出讀的能力。 第二,88-89 年試題轉變為漸漸著重整合式試題及語言的使用,例如,發音及拼字不再出現,且因課程綱要鼓勵老師使用溝通式教學法,所以測驗的特質亦略具溝通式語文學習,取材的內容著重與生活相關。當時的課程綱要亦有此特色。然聽、說、寫能力並沒有被測驗出來,題幹所提供的線索不足,文法測驗停留於單句的測驗,都是與課程綱要不符合之處。 第三,90-97年為試題產生最大變革的階段,90年教育部成立技專校院入學測驗中心,負責命題、建立題庫、分析試題、開發新題型等工作。因此90年度之後考試題型固定,溝通式語文教學及測驗目標確定,多為整合式題型,題幹有足夠的線索及情境,整體理解重於局部理解。例如:文法測驗併入克漏字測驗, 閱讀測驗需應用閱讀策略。此時的課程綱要著重後設認知理論,要學生培養有效的學習策略,測驗有反應此特色。但聽、說、寫能力並沒有被測驗出來,這違反課程綱要的目標。 此研究結果對於四技二專英文科測驗及高職英文教學有相當的啟示,是值得投注更多關注與研究的領域。

澳門高校本科專業設置與人才培養研究 :以中葡雙語人才教育為例 = A study on Macau higher education institutions undergraduate programs and human resources development : a case of Sino-Luso bilingual professionals education / Study on Macau higher education institutions undergraduate programs and human resources development : a case of Sino-Luso bilingual professionals education;以中葡雙語人才教育為例;Case of Sino-Luso bilingual professionals education

廖紫薇 January 2018 (has links)
University of Macau / Faculty of Social Sciences. / Centre for Macau Studies

幼稚園教師合班教學類型的課堂經驗與幼兒課程經驗之研究 / Teachers' experiences and young children's experienced curriculum in three co-teaching types classrooms

王薇蘋, Wang, Wei Ping Unknown Date (has links)
本研究旨在探討團隊式、主從式、輪流式之合班教學類型其教師課堂經驗與幼兒課程經驗之內涵。本研究使用自編之「幼兒課程經驗記錄表」與「教師課堂經驗記錄表」進行結構式之觀察,觀察對象為台北市公立幼稚園「團隊式」、「主從式」、「輪流式」班級之教師及幼兒,各兩班;觀察時間從早上九點至下午四點,共18天,並於觀察結束後進行教師訪談。 分析結果發現,教師課堂經驗層面,(一)團隊式教師之合作方式以「共同主導」為主,工作內容以「教學相關內容」為主。而「共同討論」比例最高,深度亦是最深,「常規」管理之時間最少。(二)主從式教師合作方式以「一主一協」為主,除中午生活活動時段「獨自帶領」比例提升;工作內容以「教學相關內容」為主。(三)輪流式教師合作方式以「獨自帶領」為主,除中午生活活動時段以「共同主導」為主;工作內容以「照料幼兒」為主,由於獨自帶領比例高,因此「常規」比例最高。 幼兒課程經驗層面,(一)三種合班教學類型皆以「生活活動」比例最高,「學習活動」次之,「轉銜活動」最少。其中上午時段以「學習活動」為主,中午以「生活活動」為主。(二)「學習活動」以「團隊式」、「主從式」之比例最高;「生活活動」以「輪流式」比例最高;「轉銜活動」以「主從式」、「輪流式」比例最高。(三)下午時段,「團隊式」、「主從式」以「學習活動」為主,但主從式多為角落與各類遊戲活動;「輪流式」則以「生活活動」為主。(四)三種合班教學類型之共同參與者皆以「教師與同儕」為主;活動主導者皆以「教師主導」為主;目標明確度以「團隊式」最高。 本研究亦發現,(一)三種合班教學類型其個別指導比例皆偏低,其與研究者進班觀察時間有關。(二)「團隊式」、「主從式」教師間會交流資訊;影響教師參與專業成長活動因素為教師時間與體力、研習內容等。(三)教師兼任行政工作之影響為中斷教學、增加教師負擔、提升教師獨自帶領比例等。(四)公幼並非完全無注音教學,原因為幼小銜接、因應家長需求。(五)自然科學比例較低,美術活動多為繪畫,素材多為彩色筆、蠟筆,缺乏多元性。 最後根據以上之結論,研究者針對幼稚園教師、幼稚園所、教育行政機關及後續研究提出建議。 關鍵字:合作教學、教學類型、課堂經驗、課程經驗、幼稚園 / The main purpose of this study is to discuss teachers' experiences and young children's experienced curriculum in three co-teaching types of classrooms, including “team work type”, “teach- assist type”, and “ rotation type”. This study uses “children's experienced curriculum record” and “teachers' experiences in the classroom record” to do the structural observation. Researcher observed three co-teaching types of classrooms choosing from Taipei city public kindergartens, two classrooms for each co-teaching type, totally six classrooms, from 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m., totally 18 days, and interviewed teachers after observation. Following are the results of this study: First, on the part of teachers' experiences, (A) The primary cooperation way of team work type is “leading together”, and the primary work of team work type is about teaching. Besides, the percentage of discussion is the most, and the classroom- rule management is the least. (B) The primary cooperation way of teach- assist type is “one teach and one assist”, but the percentage of “leading alone” is increased only in the period of noon, and the primary work is about teaching. (C) The primary cooperation way of rotation type is “leading alone”, the percentage of “leading together” is increased only at the time of daily routine in the period of noon, and the primary work is about taking care of children. Besides, the percentage of classroom- rule management is the most. Second , on the part of children's experienced curriculum, (A) In all three types of co-teaching, “daily routine ” has the highest percentage of the context of curriculum, the “learning time” has the second most percentage, and the “transition time” has the least. And the primary activity in the period of morning is “learning”, while the primary activity in the period of noon is “daily routine ”. (B) “Learning time” in the team work type and teach-assist type classrooms is the most, and the “ rotation type” classrooms have the most “daily routine ” time. The teach-assist type and “rotation type” classrooms have the most percentage of “transition time” (C) In the period of afternoon, the primary activity in the team work type and teach- assist type classrooms is “learning time”, but teach- assist type classrooms have more learning corner and play time. And the primary activity in the “rotation type” classrooms is “daily routine ”. (D) The co-participants in all three types of co-teaching classrooms are teachers and peers, and teachers are the main leaders in the activities. And the goal of team work type is most explicit. This study also found, (A) The reason that the percentage of “individual instruction” in the three types of co-teaching classrooms is low, is because of the researcher’s observation time. (B) Teachers belong to team work type and teach-assist type usually exchange information. The factors affect teachers on attending professional development activities are their time, energy, and training programs. (C) The effects that teachers participate in administrative works are interrupting teaching, increasing teachers’ burden, and the percentage of “leading alone”. (D) Owing to the demand of transition from kindergarten to primary school, and the expectations of parents, there still be Chinese phonetic symbol teaching in public kindergartens. (E) The percentage of science curriculum is low. The art activities are mainly drawing, and the materials of art are mostly crayons or color pens, which are lack of varieties. On the basis of the results, this study proposes some suggestions for kindergarten managers, administrations, teachers, and researchers. Key words: co-teaching, teaching type, teachers' experiences, young children's experienced curriculum, kindergarten

公關實務工作者如何看待大學公關課程 / A study of public relations professionals' views on public relations curriculums in universities

嚴曉翠, Yen, Hsiao-Tsui Unknown Date (has links)
本研究根據對公共關係實務工作者訪談,瞭解實務工作者認為大學公共關係本科畢業生應具備那些公關核心知識與技能,以及實務工作者對本科教育是否能達成實務專業任用標準的看法。並透過對同時在相關科系兼任授課的實務工作者深度訪談,整理這些具備公關產學雙重身份的受訪者對目前公共關係相關科系在課程目標及課程規劃安排上的看法與建議。 本研究發現,組織及商業管理知識是被較常提及的必備知識,媒體生態及議題建構的知識是所有的受訪者都會提到而且獨立強調的核心知識。研究方法、寫作技巧及語文能力則是最常被受訪者提及的重要必備技能。受訪者者也認為應該要讓學生知道公共關係有那些特定領域(「領域知識」),以及會遭遇那些溝通情境。應以各類公共關係個案情境(情境知識)來讓學生瞭解工具策略的多元性而不是生硬的學習SOP操作程序。 另外,公關本科生並未有就業優勢,但在校任教的實務工作者會更支持本科教育及人才任用。受訪者認為公關課程目標、課程基礎配套資訊以及課程銜接等相關問題都不清楚,業界老師對公共關係教育的付出並未被善用。而學生的學習地圖也並未能被做一個更好的規劃安排,學生無法掌握學習目標及學習策略。 本研究提出的建議為,1.對公關教育及課程任務與規劃應有明確的管理指標,以利教師授課、學生學習及實務業界溝通。2.應善用業界師資資源強化公關領域知識及情境知識教育。3.應鼓勵學生參與實習及實作課程並透過參與校外相關競賽瞭解教學實力。4.應務實面對科系現況補足重要核心知識課程。 關鍵詞:公共關係、公共關係教育、核心知識技能、課程目標、領域知識、情境知識 / This study aims to learn public relations professionals’ 1) perspectives on core knowledge and skills that students majoring in public relations should be equipped with; and 2) viewpoints on whether current university public relations education has been sufficient to assist public relations graduates for related job qualification. Through in-depth interviews with public professionals who currently teach public relations-related courses in universities, I probe their philosophies of teaching, perspectives on course objectives, strategies and plans of teaching. The results of the study indicate that organization theory and business administration were the frequently mentioned as essential knowledge. Meanwhile, getting to know of ever-changing media environment and ability of agenda setting among various communication contexts were essential capability that had been particularly emphasized by all interviewees. On the other hand, research methods, writing skills, and language proficiency were skills frequently addressed by interviewees. Interviewees point out the importance of advancing public relations students’ ‘domain knowledge’ as well as communication scenarios in public relations education. In other words, for the purpose of understanding the strategies and tools of public relations, ‘knowledge of contexts’ in public relations case studies, instead of knowledge of standard operating procedures of public relations practices, should be provided to students during teaching cases. This study also shows that public relations graduates have not owned advantages in competing for public relations job applications. However, professionals who also teach in universities tend to value public relations education more and favor recruiting public relations majors than those who haven’t had the experiences of teaching. Interviewees also expressed their concern of lacking of the public relations course objectives, basic course supplement information, and curriculum linkage, it is why they tend to think public relations education still have much room to improve. They stated that students will not be able to grasp the meaning of learning if they have not developed a knowledge map of public relations. In addition, public relations educators’ contributions to the learning of public relations should be better leveraged. Based on the study, the author offers the following suggestions. 1. Instructors should make teaching objectives and class management strategies clear, as well as course assignments and project arrangement logical. This will benefit lecturers in teaching, students in learning, and public relations professionals, who may serve as guest speakers in class. 2. Department should make the best use of the resources of lecturers from public relations practicum to strengthen the education of both domain and contextual knowledge in the public relations industry. 3. Department should encourage students to take the opportunities of internship programs and to compete for off-campus public relations contests so that students will have chances to reflect what they have learned in classroom. 4. Departments should provide core public relations courses based on what public relations has to offer. Key words: public relations,education,core knowledge and skills, course objectives, domain knowledge, knowledge of contexts

大學院校系所實際開課科目之 課程評鑑指標建構研究 / Curriculum evaluation of courses offered by the university department:Indicator construction study

李文琪, LI, Wen Chi Unknown Date (has links)
有鑑於高等教育評鑑中的課程評鑑混入行政評鑑、教學評鑑或是研究評鑑中,忽視課程評鑑的實際。從學習者被提供的課程選擇機會、以及從系所有意規劃的學習內容來看,實際開課科目是課程整體中最具體、也最能被直接檢視的部分。故本研究試圖以大學院校系所開課科目為研究重點,建構其課程評鑑指標,希望未來能有助於各系所檢視其實際開課的情況,進而做為開課科目課程評鑑的參考。 因此,本研究透過研究者文獻探析、小型專家座談、問卷調查法,彙整課程領域專家學者的意見,再經由研究者調整修改指標後,建構出本研究的大學院校系所開課科目課程評鑑指標。 本研究所建構出的大學院校系所實際開課科目課程評鑑指標共計十七條,除了作為各系所檢視與評鑑實際開課的參考,也提供未來相關研究在指標建構與課程評鑑研究的建議。 / Higher education evaluation is emphasis on administration evaluation, instruction evaluation or research evaluation, but ignores the curriculum evaluation on course offerings. Besides, from the opportunities of choosing courses by learners and from the point of view of courses planning, course offerings are the most substantial and can be examination directly from curriculum. Therefore, my research is focused on the course offerings in universities and to construct a curriculum evaluation indicator to help universities examine the effectiveness of the curriculum offered, in addition, to provide a comparison on evaluating the course offerings. In order to complete this research, the following methods were used: research literature review, small expert panel, the questionnaire survey, and compiling opinions from scholars and experts in the field course. The researcher then adjusted the index by combining the data collected to construct the indicators for the higher education curriculum evaluation. From this research at universities and colleges concerning curriculum evaluation, a total of seventeen indicators of curriculum evaluation were developed. These seventeen indicators not only can help universities examine the effectiveness of the curriculum offered, but also can help future educators plan their curriculum in an effective manner.

從教師專業知能的觀點分析越南小學師資培育課程綱要 / Vietnamese elementary teacher education curriculum: based on the teacher professional competency perspective

蔡玉鳳, Sai, Ngoc Phung Unknown Date (has links)
本研究的研究目的為:(一)瞭解越南小學師資培育課程綱要設置理念與內涵;(二)探討越南小學師資培育課程綱要的實務做法。因此採用資料分析研究法來分析越南小學師資培育課程內容,其研究結果指出越南小學師資培育課程綱要具有如下特徵: 一、課程帶有「政治思想與社會主義」的意味。 二、非常注重培養熟練教學內容知識及內容知識。 三、主張培養多元能力的小學教師。 四、缺乏完整教育方法學知識與教育基礎知識。 五、注重實習與研究活動,不過未有完整的實施配套。 六、專門教育課程安排待完整,缺乏選修科目空間。 依據研究結果,提出對小學師資培育課程、政府訂定師資培育政策與未來研究之建議。 / The purposes of this study are to (1) explore the contents and ideas of curriculum design in Vietnamese elementary teacher education (2) investigate the practice of the elementary teacher education curriculum in Vietnam. Using content analysis methodology, this study has obtained some results as follows: 1. The curriculum intends to contain political ideology and socialism. 2. Special attention is paid to pedagogical content knowledge and content knowledge. 3. The curriculum aims to foster the multiple competencies of elementary teachers. 4. The curriculum content is lack of the pedagogical methods and foundation theories of education knowledge. 5. The curriculum focuses on practical training and education study; however, it it does not contain complete supportive arrangements. 6. The professional courses in educational studies are still incomplete; the curriculum also lacks optional subjects. Based on the results, the study provides some suggestions for the design of the elementary teacher education curriculum, the government policy of teacher education, and future research.

家長對幼兒的學習期望與期望確認之研究 / Early Learning Expectation and Outcomes Confirmation:Parent's Perspective

黃侑華 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究旨在探討幼兒家長對幼兒的學習期望與如何確認期望達成之歷程。因過去的相關文獻以量化調查研究為主,缺乏質性觀點;又過去多以消費者行為模式探討選擇幼兒園的決策行為,但不能深入了解家長選擇這些因素背後的想法。因此本研究以質性訪談的方式,探究家長對幼兒的教育期望、對幼兒園的課程期望與這些期望如何被達成或期望是否改變的歷程,試圖建構家長在選擇幼兒園與對幼兒期望之間的關係。 研究設計上,先就過去文獻之研究進行整理與分析,提出尚未被探究及可深入探究的議題,蒐集相關資料而擬定訪談大綱,針對台北市公私立幼兒園大班家長進行深入訪談,公私立幼兒園各兩所共計十四位家長。 本研究結論可歸納為下列五點: 一、教育期望:公私立家長對幼兒學習的教育期望主要皆為生活自理、人際互動、品格個性與認知學習等等;而在認知學習上公私立幼兒園家長看法不同。 二、課程期望:公私立家長對幼兒學習的課程期望都會先要求教學方式,再要求與教育期望相關的課程內容,其中,私立家長進而要求認知方面的課程;此外,公私立家長都會期望園所在音樂或工作等美感領域課程上進行多元化或才藝教學。 三、期望確認:公私立家長都會將選擇幼兒園前的期望與選擇後的經驗做確認,確認方式以觀察幼兒在學校或家庭中的行為表現為主,而參與園所活動也是家長了解課程的一種方式。四、滿意度:樣本家長對幼兒園滿意度高,滿意的項目集中在課程與師資上;而期望確認及其歸因推論影響滿意度。五、期望改變:公立幼兒園家長對幼兒的課程期望會因園所特色而改變,並隨著上小學的時間拉進,公私立家長皆會增加與銜接小學相關的新期望。 根據研究結論,本研究對幼兒園提出以下建議,做為增進幼兒園品質參考: 一、幼兒園需要了解家長的期望,跟著家長一起做確認,幫助教師與園所看見家長觀點進而反思與成長。二、建立園所教學特色並努力發展,成為有深度的課程。 三、教師應幫助家長用更多的方式來確認學習,以客觀的資料去補充主觀的觀察結果。四、教師應讓家長看見教學的多元化,用不同的方式讓家長了解音樂或美術等方面的課程是包含在原本的課程規劃中;教師也應加強美感領域課程的專業能力。 / The purpose of this study is to inquire parent's perspective of early children’s learning expectation and outcomes confirmation. There are many quantitative studies about this process, while few are conducted qualitatively. In the past few years, most research focus on how to make a decision to choose kindergartens by consumer’s decision behavior. But we can’t understand what the real reasons of the parents’ decision. This study explores the parents’ educational expectations on early children in a qualitative way, including curriculum expectations and how these expectations will be achieved or changed, attempt to construct the relationship between the choice of kindergartens and child learning expectations. In this research, we review prior studies and purpose issues that has not yet been explored and can be in-depth inquired, gathering relevant information and arranging the interview outline for the Taipei public and private kindergarten parents, a total of fourteen parents in two public and two private kindergartens. The conclusions of this study can be summarized as the following five points: First, educational expectations: public and private kindergarten parents have different views on the cognitive learning. Second, the curriculum expectations: In addition to the curriculum related to educational expectations, parents would expect the music or arts-type learning, they hope kindergarten provide the field of diversified curriculum or skills and talent teaching. Third, expectation confirmation: parents really do expect confirmation, confirm the performance of the main way to observe the behavior of children in school or at home, and participate in kindergarten activities also the way of parents to confirm the curriculum. Forth, satisfaction: parents kindergarten satisfaction is high, satisfactory project focused on curriculum and teacher; expect recognition and attributed inference affect satisfaction. Fifth, the expectations change: the curriculum expectations of public kindergarten parents will change with kindergarten’s features, and parents would increase the new expectations related to the convergence Primary.

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