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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.


張維 Unknown Date (has links)
全球半導體產業歷經了三階段變革,產生了一個新興事業-SIP產業。SIP屬於知識經濟,交易過程所牽涉的內、外部資料相當龐大,僅憑決策主管過去的經驗或是本身的直覺是不夠的。因此當前產業界最需要的就是能將大量的資料進行即時的分析,幫助訂定最佳方案的決策方案,創造最大利益。 本論文基於個案公司矽智財交易模式決策支援的觀點,分析矽智財交易決策牽涉的內、外部資料類型;此外以商業智慧的角度來思考,將矽智財交易模式決策相關資料以資料倉儲架構的方式彙整起來,協助業者進行更進一步的分析及應用。經過研究者對個案公司交易模式的深入探究,本研究將影響SIP技術買賣評價以及交易模式決策之因素分成四大構面,每個構面亦由許多細項因素所組成,總數約四十項左右。接著,本研究整理個案公司「交易模式決策之資訊需求」將其分為四大維度,再依據「維度之資訊需求」細分成十個子維度,建立一雪花綱目(snowflake schema)結構的資料倉儲,提供各項決策事實量值。 本研究釐清了個案公司對SIP產品交易模式決策需求,並蒐集SIP產品交易流程,探討矽智財交易所需要的內部與外部資料類型,整合矽智財交易各個資訊系統資料庫,建構商業智慧所需的資料倉儲,作為個案公司進行交易模式決策及建立商業智慧的理論與實務基礎。希望透過商業智慧系統的建置,協助個案公司訂定最有利的交易決策。 / Global semiconductor industry has gone through three steps revolution; it created a new business industry – SIP business. SIP business belongs to Knowledge Economy; SIP transaction involves huge internal and external information. It’s insufficient if the transaction is based on previous experience and personal instinct. Therefore, the most important thing for SIP industry is to promptly analysis the huge data and help to setup the best strategy and create maximum benefits. Based on the studied company SIP transaction model, this thesis analysis the involved internal and external information for SIP transaction strategy made. In addition, using data warehouse from Business Intelligence perspective to compile SIP transaction strategy related information helps SIP companies do further analysis. Through the deep research of the studied company transaction mode, author divides the SIP technology value evaluation and transaction model into four directions. Each direction consists of many detailed factors, total are around forty factors. This research arranges the studied company’s transaction mode required information and divides into four dimensions, furthermore, according to the needs of each dimensions detailed breakdown to 10 sub-dimensions and establish a snowflake schema data warehouse structure, providing data for strategy making. This research verifies the studied company SIP transaction mode, collects SIP transaction flow, studies the SIP transaction needed internal and external data, integrates each Information data base of SIP transaction and construct Business Intelligence needed Data Warehouse , to become the theory and execution reference of the transaction mode and Business Intelligence establishment for the studied company. Hopefully, by use of the establishment of Business Intelligence could assist the studied company stipulate the most beneficial business model. Keyword: Silicon Intellectual Property, Business Intelligence, Data Warehouse

商業智慧在飛行訓練上之應用—以C航空公司為例 / The Application of Data Mining on Flight Training—A Case of C Airlines

陳淳德 Unknown Date (has links)
近年來,各大企業透過商業智慧(Business Intelligence, BI)的概念導入,協助企業將類型廣泛的資料加以彙整與統計並加以分析,以便快速了解市場趨勢、走向以及需求的變化,企業便可即時做出正確的反應並進行準備。然而,商業智慧之工具在航空產業中飛航專業人員訓練相關的應用上並未受到廣泛討論,本文希望透過商業智慧工具所取得的相關的資料,經過詳盡的解說、分析以及給予建議,提供訓練相關單位日後研擬訓練課程的參考依據。同時透過近年國內外航空業重要之操作異常事件加以選擇,針對相對影響嚴重之課目先行加以探討。 透過羅吉斯模型針對Engine Failure After V1課目作探討得到以下結論,在訓練類別方面,若以Airline Pilot Pre-Qualification(APQ)為基準,Airline Pilot Pre-Qualification較Initial Equipment Training容易通過訓練並達到標準,Requalification Training、Transition Training、Upgrade Training 較Airline Pilot Pre-Qualification容易通過訓練並達到標準;在飛航組員之背景方面,以MIL為基準,MIL背景的飛航組員較AB-INITIO以及CPL容易通過訓練並達到標準,顯示具備軍方飛行經驗背景的人員較其他兩者容易通過測驗。 個案公司長期以來重視航空人才的培養,飛航組員訓練為飛安之本是一貫始終的信念,並堅持以詳盡嚴謹的訓練計畫以及扎實穩健的教育訓練,培育出符合標準之飛航組員。為使飛航組員之訓練能更精進,透過商業智慧系統的導入及應用,將可協助個案公司以較具有效率之方式進行分析與研究,此也為提升訓練品質以及訓練單位競爭優勢之一項有利工具。因此,希望能藉由本研究提供個案公司檢討並改進訓練之執行方式,以培訓出專業優秀的飛航組員,並滿足安全營運需求。

中醫醫藥典籍中之Metadata的初探─以「本草備要」、「醫方集解」為例 / A Preliminary Study on Metadata in Chinese Medicines Literatures – on Examples of “Ben Cao Bei Yao” and “Yi Fang Ji Jie”

吳俊德 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究之方向係探究建置大型中醫藥倉儲所需之後設資料(Metadata),並透過此一初探,瞭解與描述其中所需之分析方法,本研究設想Zachman Framework為合適之資料倉儲開發方法,因而由5W1H面向來衍生該專業領域所需之概念。此類概念可再透過一分析程序,確立後設資料。 因時間之限制,本研究採用「本草備要」、「醫方集解」為範例文件進行相關分析,以減少中醫流派林立及中文本身不準確性帶來之問題,當然,本研究在其中亦力求在整體架構上維持其他中醫藥典籍之適用性。 為達成目標,本研究首先探討了至今中草藥資料庫、資料倉儲、電子超文件領域之發展,因而本研究決定將個別之中醫典籍視為「資料專櫃」,而將分類樹、Metadata描述性資料置於目次(catalog)的概念之下,這樣的做法有利於整合其他典籍及其後設資料於大型資料倉儲中。 首先,本研究由重要中醫藥典籍導出基礎性中草藥概念與名詞,其後透過典藏面及應用面之統計分析,確認範例典籍中的Metadata。在實作方面,本研究以BNF來描述和定義Metadata,並以XML為工具完成雛型以供測試之。其中,本研究發現,基於資料倉儲觀點所擷取之後設資料的分析單位較傳統圖書典藏所得之為小。此外,本研究擷取過程中所涉及之Metadata,以功能性者為多,本研究亦採取了若干語言分析以期同時能維持典籍之文字結構。 / The objective of this research work is to acquisit and design Metadata for the construction of data warehouse of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) literatures in the context of knowledge management. In order to solve the problem of preservation and utilization of TCM literatures, this work aims to designate the Metadata based on the viewpoint of knowledge engineering and data warehouse. In this work, the characteristics of the TCM regarding Metadata result in the 5W1H’s principle, while this work argues for its advantages for deriving more functional descriptions and keeping the syntax structure of the originals at the same time. To minimize the constraints of time, this work chooses “Ben Cao Bei Yao” and “Yi Fang Ji Jie” as the target to analyze. In constructing a prototype, the tacit knowledge in the example TCM literatures is converted through an analytic process explicitly into the organizational knowledge that can be easily preserved and processed by machines. Therefore, a statistical process is employed to derive and verify the Metadata in the context of the example TCM literatures. Then, the components regarding the Metadata are implemented with XML tools to develop the prototype. Last but not the least, this work presents its findings as follows: 1. The unit of analysis for deriving Metadata related to data warehouse is usually in a smaller degree of finesse in comparison to what is addressed in the area of traditional library management. 2. Through the Metadata derived in this work based on a data warehouse approach presents more functional elements, we can still maintain the linguistic structure of the example literatures with some careful linguistically analyses in the last step.


吳文宗 Unknown Date (has links)
根據<CFO Magazine>調查,75%的高階主管在面臨擬定策略時,通常無法獲得即時且完整的資訊,以致於在競爭激烈的產業環境中,失去了主動出擊的機會,也錯失了替公司創造財富的機會。 企業要提升競爭力,除了與企業本身運作的良窳相關外,也與整體的資訊支援能力有高度的關係。企業相關資訊系統的資訊如何作適度的整合,以利相關使用者,因此導入整合管理、決策與資訊科技的商業智慧系統,對內可以提升管理績效,對外以形成競爭優勢,實際化資訊為行動,並將其績效評估以指標式呈現,藉助有效的績效管理來提升服務,降低管理成本,以求競爭力的提升。Kaplan and Norton在平衡計分卡一書上說「如果您不能對他進行衡量,您便無法管理它」。 在傳統資訊應用的環境裡,只要使用者一有資訊的需求,就會要求資訊人員設計程式來列印所需的報表,或查詢所需的資訊,但也因為要更深入瞭解報表的內容,所以需要用更多的報表來作補充說明,如此就陷入了所謂的「傳統報表的惡性循環」裡,而使用者卻感覺永遠少一張報表。 「Get the right information,to the right people,at the right time」是商業智慧系統應用的最佳境界,然而其資料的來源,除了外部資訊外,絕大部份是從企業的歷史資料或由現有的應用系統提供,商業智慧是整合企業所有應用系統的資料,以提供給所有的使用者使用,也就是這些應用系統所產生的資料是商業智慧的基礎,有了這些資料,商業智慧才能發揮功效,兩者是相輔相成,企業如能充分發揮商業智慧和應用系統的各自特點,結合應用,必能提高企業的競爭力。 因此本論文提供一個銷售分析的實際案例,以Top Down的思考模式來定義各階層使用者的需求,而實際開發的步驟是以Bottom Up的方式來建置,以整體規劃,分階段執行的建置方式來確保商業智慧系統專案的成功。


林敏 Unknown Date (has links)
海關一向在我國整體經貿發展中扮演重要的角色,近年來,為因應快遞業務、國際物流中心的崛起等國際貿易型態的轉變,正逐步引進新的經營理念,推動業者自主管理,並於貨物通關流程中引進風險管理理念;自1995年全面實施海空運貨物通關自動化以來,通關流程中各作業點均已納入自動化範疇,但因現行資訊系統只適合在系統規範的模式下提供資訊,難以依據不同的決策需求靈活、隨意組合查詢條件,迅速產生所需資訊,亦無法提供多樣性的趨勢資訊供決策階層運用。 商業智慧系統的出現,就是利用企業在日常經營過程中搜集的大量資料,將它們轉化為資訊和知識,提供決策階層使用;本研究針對海關決策分析資訊需求進行商業智慧應用設計,並探討前述科技對提升資訊作業與展示效益的可能改善,以及分析性資料的方便取得對管理面及決策的支援程度。 經由本研究獲得以下結論:應用商業智慧,資訊系統可依據需求適時提供正確資訊,提升資訊作業之效益;應用於電子通關作業,因多維度分析資料的方便取得,能迅速掌握決定通關方式的相關因素,可提升通關作業效益,此外,亦能藉由相關分析資訊的輔助,提升海關行政管理效能。 / Customs service has been playing an important role in the country’s trade development. In the past years, to respond to the emerging of the express business and global logistics, the Customs is introducing new concept into its operation including promoting autonomous management and adopting the principle of risk management in deciding how goods are cleared through Customs. Although the automated cargo clearance system, which was implemented in 1995, has covered all the cargo clearance procedures, it can only provide information in a predefined specification. Being a transaction system, it can hardly meet the decision-making requirements which often contain flexible query conditions, not to mention providing a wide variety of trend information to the top executives. Business Intelligence System can integrate data gathering from daily business operation and transform them into information and knowledge for decision making. By designing a Business Intelligence application according to Customs decision analysis requirements, this study explore how Customs can benefit from this technology in information management and information presentation as well as the effect of easy access to analytical information on Customs administration and decision making. The study reaches the conclusion that, by adopting Business Intelligence, information system can easily deliver the right thing to the right person at the right time. Customs clearance efficiency can be enhanced as well because Business Intelligence facilitate multi-dimensional analysis on factors related to ways of clearance. In addition, with the help of analytical information, Customs can also raise its efficiency in administration.

趨近一般化資料倉儲與資料探勘之效能評估模型 / Toward a More Generalized Benchmark Workload Model for Data Warehouse and Data Mining

邱士涵, Chiu,Shih-Han Unknown Date (has links)
隨著網際網路的發達以及資料庫技術的成熟,人們取得資料變得非常的容易,再加上許多網際網路的應用其實就是一個自動化的資料收集工具,資料量之大已幾近爆炸的程度。資料倉儲便是一種用來儲存大量歷史資料的資料庫,提供彙整或是統計的資訊,以提供決策使用的資訊技術。而資料探勘是從大量的資料當中把對於決策過程中有幫助的規則找出來,提供給管理人員做為決策的參考,開創新的商業契機。資料倉儲的效能表現對於使用者的工作效率有著深遠的影響。因此有些用以衡量與預測資料倉儲之效能與效率之工作量模式便孕育而生,一般稱之為績效評估工具,然而目前所公佈的一般資料倉儲績效評估工具是針對特定範圍領域建構出某些典型的領域規格,並沒有一個使用者需求導向的資料倉儲績效評估工具。在資料探勘方面,探勘結果的準確度比起資料探勘所花費的時間來得重要,目前卻沒有一個有效、使用者需求導向的工具來評估資料探勘結果的準確度。我們針對資料倉儲的效能評估以及資料探勘準確度評估,設計一個以使用者需求為導向的工作量模型,來評估資料倉儲與資料探勘工具。 / As growth of Internet and mature of database technology, people can get the data much easily than before. Many applications on Internet, in fact, are the tools of gather data automatically so that the amount of data is growing bigger and bigger. Data warehouse is one kind of database to store lots of historical data to offer statistical information for the information technology of decisions. Data mining is to find the useful rules for decisions from the amount of data to help the managers make decisions and create the new opportunities of business. The performance of data warehouse is import to user’s work efficiency. Therefore, there are some workload model arise to evaluate and predict the performance and efficiency of data warehouse called benchmark. However, the data warehouse specification announced these days are constructed to some typical domain specific, and the performance evaluation stand on synthetic workload. But, when the difference between the domain of data warehouse user applied and domain of performance evaluation tool is very large, the performance metric may different a lot to the result of benchmark tool. In data mining, the accuracy of mining result is important to business. The accuracy of mining result is more important than the time spend on data mining. However, there is no any useful tool to evaluate the accuracy of mining result and there is no any standard of performance criteria for data mining, either. We design a user requirement-oriented workload to evaluate performance of data warehouse and precision of data mining.

以業務流程角度建立資料倉儲模式之研究 - 以某事業單位為例

嚴千凱, Yen , Chien-Kai Unknown Date (has links)
政府事業單位重要的任務之一,在於擬定相關管理與營運的政策,因此有關於營運面的相關資訊,就成為重要的決策依據。除此之外來自民意單位質詢,彈性相當大,範圍包含了整個事業業務,因此對於決策資訊需求,往往都是包羅萬象千變萬化的,因此如何快速且正確地取得營運資訊,便成為各單位一嚴峻的考驗,而目前以報表為基礎的營運決策模式,已經漸漸無法符合變動性日增的決策需求,而資料倉儲與多維度模型的設計,正可符合快速變動的決策資訊需求。 本論文將透過對於個案組織的深入質化訪談,進一步建立個案組織的業務流程,並且透過對於個案組織業務內容的深入瞭解,對於其政策制訂之相關決策點、參考資訊、資訊流做詳細的分析,以便針對對決策資訊的來源與性質,找出相對應的屬性、維度與事實。如此一來,便可發現資料倉儲的設計,必須以流程模型為基礎,並且透過模型的指引,設計適合用戶業務內容的資料倉儲與資料模型,並且為未來組織轉型時的配適,提供最大的彈性。


劉映蘭, Liu, Ying Lan Unknown Date (has links)
提供以顧客為導向的服務、提升顧客價值成為各企業經營策略的出發點,因此了解顧客特徵、需求、行為成為首要任務。 隨著經濟發展,台灣整體用電需求不斷攀升,同時電力產業亦須面對全球燃料價格上漲的現況,政府邁向低碳經濟時代,推出一系列相關政策,於我國電力結構中占有重要地位的台灣電力公司也開始思考如何在需求及成本皆提升的環境下,繼續維持穩定供電,提供以用戶為導向的服務。 本文即以台電公司為個案,以資料倉儲與資料採礦技術進行【用戶區隔】了解台電用戶特徵、【選擇目標用戶】找出優先服務的用戶對象及【產品定位】推薦適合目標用戶用電特徵之電價及優惠方案,實現行銷活動STP分析過程之研究。 / Providing customer-oriented services and elevating customer value have became the starting point of business strategy. Therefore, understanding customer characteristics, requirements, and behavior has become the primary task. As the overall demand for electricity rises constantly in Taiwan along with economic development, electric power industries have to face the surging fuel prices. To put low carbon economy into practice, the government has launched various policies. Taiwan Power Company, which plays an important role in the electric power structure in Taiwan, started thinking about how to provide stable power and customer-oriented services under the circumstances both demand and cost increase. Based on the case of Taiwan Power Company, this research investigated customer segmentation - to understand customer characteristic, customer targeting - to find out the prior customer, and product positioning - to recommend target customer appropriate tariff and preferential tariff treatment through data warehouse and data mining technology. The purpose of the research was to achieve STP analysis in marketing process.

An XML-based Multidimensional Data Exchange Study / 以XML為基礎之多維度資料交換之研究

王容, Wang, Jung Unknown Date (has links)
在全球化趨勢與Internet帶動速度競爭的影響下,現今的企業經常採取將旗下部門分散佈署於各地,或者和位於不同地區的公司進行合併結盟的策略,藉以提昇其競爭力與市場反應能力。由於地理位置分散的結果,這類企業當中通常存在著許多不同的資料倉儲系統;為了充分支援管理決策的需求,這些不同的資料倉儲當中的資料必須能夠進行交換與整合,因此需要有一套開放且獨立的資料交換標準,俾能經由Internet在不同的資料倉儲間交換多維度資料。然而目前所知的跨資料倉儲之資料交換解決方案多侷限於逐列資料轉換或是以純文字檔案格式進行資料轉移的方式,這些方式除缺乏效率外亦不夠系統化。在本篇研究中,將探討多維度資料交換的議題,並發展一個以XML為基礎的多維度資料交換模式。本研究並提出一個基於學名結構的方法,以此方法發展一套單一的標準交換格式,並促成分散各地的資料倉儲間形成多對多的系統化映對模式。以本研究所發展之多維度資料模式與XML資料模式間的轉換模式為基礎,並輔以本研究所提出之多維度中介資料管理功能,可形成在網路上通用且以XML為基礎的多維度資料交換過程,並能兼顧效率與品質。本研究並開發一套雛型系統,以XML為基礎來實作多維度資料交換,藉資證明此多維度資料交換模式之可行性,並顯示經由中介資料之輔助可促使多維度資料交換過程更加系統化且更富效率。 / Motivated by the globalization trend and Internet speed competition, enterprise nowadays often divides into many departments or organizations or even merges with other companies that located in different regions to bring up the competency and reaction ability. As a result, there are a number of data warehouse systems in a geographically-distributed enterprise. To meet the distributed decision-making requirements, the data in different data warehouses is addressed to enable data exchange and integration. Therefore, an open, vendor-independent, and efficient data exchange standard to transfer data between data warehouses over the Internet is an important issue. However, current solutions for cross-warehouse data exchange employ only approaches either based on records or transferring plain-text files, which are neither adequate nor efficient. In this research, issues on multidimensional data exchange are studied and an XML-based Multidimensional Data Exchange Model is developed. In addition, a generic-construct-based approach is proposed to enable many-to-many systematic mapping between distributed data warehouses, introducing a consistent and unique standard exchange format. Based on the transformation model we develop between multidimensional data model and XML data model, and enhanced by the multidimensional metadata management function proposed in this research, a general-purpose XML-based multidimensional data exchange process over web is facilitated efficiently and improved in quality. Moreover, we develop an XML-based prototype system to exchange multidimensional data, which shows that the proposed multidimensional data exchange model is feasible, and the multidimensional data exchange process is more systematic and efficient using metadata.

企業整體顧客關係管理運作模式之研究 / The Study of The Operation Model in Integrated Customer Relationship Management

楊珮伶, Yang, Pei-Ling Unknown Date (has links)
以往顧客服務對企業而言只是被動的支援單位,企業無法得知每一位顧客的想法,顧客的聲音也難以傳達到企業內部,然而資訊與通訊技術的進步打破了這樣的障礙,促使資訊透明化,企業藉由資訊科技的輔助可以直接接觸到每一個個別的顧客,了解顧客的想法與需求來帶動企業的運作,成為企業經營的競爭優勢。 顧客關係管理(customer relationship management;CRM)為近年新興熱門話題,國內外軟體大廠紛紛投入CRM市場,然而此環境尚未成熟,各家提出之系統功能相當不一致,本文提出企業在建置顧客關係管理環境時應具備七大單元,包括產品端資訊蒐集機制、互動機制、事件處理機制、儲存分析機制、內部鏈結機制、策略對應機制、回饋執行機制等,以供企業參考。 CRM重視區別出每一個個別顧客的屬性再提供客製化服務,本文針對北部某醫院進行訪談,探討其規劃中之CRM及進行狀況,驗證本文所提出模式之可行性。 / Because of the power of information and telecommunications technologies, business can keep tracking of their customers to know what they really want and how they actually use the product. Analyzing the information return from customers and products, business can provide active and accurate service to the right customer through the right channel at the right time and rise the customer satisfaction.  The purpose of this article is to show a complete CRM model which includes product information collecting mechanism, interact mechanism, event processing mechanism, storage and analysis mechanism, internal linkage mechanism, decision support mechanism, feedback implementing mechanism. When business constructs the CRM environment, they can apply this model to their organization.  This article also studies a hospital case and plans a future framework for it by applying the model.

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