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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

臺灣地區本國銀行與外商銀行效率和生產力分析-全域共同邊界法之應用 / The efficiency and productivity analysis of domestic banks and foreign banks in Taiwan - the application of global metafrontier approach

陳昱銘, Chen,Yu Ming Unknown Date (has links)
臺灣於1990年放寬銀行設立的限制後,本國銀行和外商銀行的數目快速增加,使得金融市場更加競爭,因此銀行的經營績效是個重要的議題,銀行可透過績效的評估結果找出可能的改善方向。本國銀行與外商銀行的進入條件、經營形態、銀行制度等因素可能使得兩種類型的銀行生產技術有所不同,因此本研究採用全域共同邊界法研究37家本國銀行與20家外商銀行在2005-2015年間效率與生產力的分析,並採用變動規模的方式拆解Malmquist生產力指數,使得生產力變動來源能更精準地衡量。最後使用Tobit迴歸分析找出影響銀行技術效率、最佳實務差距和技術差距比率之因素。 / Since Taiwan relaxed the restriction of setting up a bank in early 1990s, the number of both domestic and foreign banks in Taiwan had increased rapidly. This leads to the result that the financial market become more competitive. Consequently, the performance of bank is an important issue. It can be used to find some way for improvement. Due to the different entry conditions, types of operating system and bank systems between domestic and foreign banks, this paper uses global metafrontier approach to research the efficiency and productivity change of 37 domestic banks and 20 foreign banks during 2005-2015 in Taiwan. Furthermore, this research adopts VRS to decompose Malmquist productivity indexes, which makes the sources of the productivity change can be measured more accurately. Finally, Tobit regression analysis is used to investigate the factors accounting for the differences in technical efficiency, best practice gap and technology gap.

半導體產業設備產能使用效率影響因素之實地實證研究 / The Influencing Factors of Equipment Capacity Utilization in Semiconductor Manufacturing Factory--Field Empirical Study

李惠娟, Lee, Sharon Unknown Date (has links)
半導體相關產業的發展是支撐我國在世界經濟體系中佔有重要地位的主要原因之一,而其中尤以半導體產品的製造與代工備受矚目。近年來半導體相關產業的發展呈現成長狀態,連帶引發半導體製造廠之產能呈現供不應求的現象,因此如何作好產能管理,使能盡量符合顧客需求,便成為管理當局關注的議題。 半導體製造廠的產能管理著重在機台設備面,此與本產業之多數製程係仰賴精密機台之功能有關。為了探討如何充份利用設備產能,故本研究從成本動因的角度,探討可能影響機台設備產能的因素。 由於半導體相關產品種類繁多,功能各有不同,因此在接受顧客訂製時亦呈現多樣化現象。當半導體產品之設計不同時,將衍生複雜性之問題,可能對機台設備效率發生影響,因此本研究之研究問題一即在探討產品複雜性對設備效率之影響為何。 此外,為求品質方面的優異、加快研發產品的問世速度,以及排程上的適切,許多相關作業活動和作業型態因應而生,使整體生產作業之複雜性提高,而生產作業複雜性是否成為影響設備效率之因素,即為本研究之研究問題二欲探討的內容。 在半導體製造廠之幾近全自動化的生產作業環境中,機台設備除了具有製程上的能力外,其自動化的運作方式是否會對效率面發生影響,亦為本研究有興趣的主題;由於機台設備之自動化運作設計有助生產周期縮短及浪費現象減少,為增加效率之來源,即為效率動因的定義,因此形成本研究之研究問題三探討的內容,即效率動因(機台的自動化運作時間)對設備效率之影響。 本研究透過田野研究及文獻探討形成三項主要假設: 1.產品複雜性與設備效率存在負相關: 當產品之製程技術等級愈高,表示產品愈複雜,導致設備效率愈差。 2.生產作業複雜性與設備效率存在負相關: 當品質各項作業、研發相關作業和小批量作業數量愈多,影響正常生產愈大,使生產情況愈複雜,導致設備效率愈差。 3.效率動因與設備效率存在正相關: 當機台設備之自動化運作時間愈多,表示各項操作作業愈單純,可使設備效率愈好。 本研究採取田野(Field)及田野實證(Field Empirical)研究方式。為了使學術界對半導體製造產業有更多瞭解,因此本研究先從事田野研究,由筆者在民國88年9月至民國89年6月,每週親自至個案公司1-3天,以觀察、閱讀公司內部資料和訪談的方式進行對此產業的瞭解。接著以個案公司之民國89年1-3月的機台設備日資料為樣本,進行設備綜合效率(OEE)之實證迴歸分析,並佐以DEA敏感性分析結果以為驗證。 設備綜合效率(OEE)之實證迴歸分析結果顯示:生產作業複雜性對設備效率確實有負向影響,且自動化效率動因對設備效率有正向影響。在(DEA)敏感性分析結果方面,生產作業複雜性對設備效率確實有負向影響,且自動化效率動因對設備效率有正向影響。 此項研究結果的隱含意義在於: 一、概括而論,由品質作業、研發作業和批量水準構成的生產作業複雜性確實對機台設備效率有負向影響,因此管理當局應著重於品質鑑定作業、品質內部失敗作業、研發相關作業和未滿載批次作業之管理。 二、由機台設備之自動化運作時間構成的效率動因對機台設備具有正向影響,因此在實務運作上,各相關部門在進行作業設計時應考慮此點,而當機台設備運作異常時,設備工程師等人員應充分展現支援的能力,使之盡速恢復自動化運作狀態。 由於OEE及DEA兩個迴歸模型所驗證的結果大致上相同,故本研究之結果應具可信度。 根據實證研究結果,本研究對實務界的建議為: 1.建議實務界可繼續針對各種功能性不同的機台設備群組作效率影響因素分析,有助管理與控制導致不同設備效率損失的影響因素,且可利用DEA方法以彌補OEE效率評估之缺失,俾能取得更有意義的參照結果。 2.DEA的實證結果顯示品質作業中的事前維修保養作業似有助設備效率之提升,與OEE之實證研究結果不同,建議管理當局可以告知製造部人員關於DEA的實證結果,則製造部人員應更能體認到品質的預防作業之重要性,同時亦建議個案公司可繼續進行事前維修保養作業對設備效率之影響研究。 3.未滿載批次之批量水準對設備效率有不利影響,建議個案公司儘量避免,利用併貨方式處理之。但若真的無法併貨時,則亦應考慮各機台設備之產能利用狀況,盡量分配給負擔較輕的機台進行製造作業,以減少瓶項機台的發生機率。 本研究對學術界的建議為: 1.對各種不同功能性的設備而言,若能取得影響其效率的產品複雜性因素,則可幫助實務界進行產品設計和設備產能分配之決策,本研究未達成此目的,建議後續研究者可繼續為之。 2.建議後續研究者可以針對本研究採用之效率動因觀念,積極地找出會使設備效率提升的因素為何,作為引導員工行為的依據。 3.不論學術界或實務界欲採用DEA方法來評估生產效率時,皆應謹慎選擇投入和產出項目,否則容易得到錯誤的引導。 / The development of semiconductor industry, especially the semiconductor manufacturing and foundry, is one of the main contributors that win Taiwan worldwide attention and upgrade the rank of Taiwan’s competitive advantage. In recent years, the continuous growth of semiconductor industry has brought about shortage of supply. Therefore, how to manage production capacity effectively and to meet market needs has become a critical management issue. The focus of capacity management in fab is on manufacturing equipment, because it is the equipment that makes manufacturing activities work. In order to study how to fully utilize equipment, this research emphasizes searching for the influencing factors for equipment efficiency in semiconductor manufacturing, which is often measured by OEE. Those factors are designed as product complexity, process complexity, and efficiency drivers. Based on theoretical foundation, this study comes out three hypotheses as follows: 1. Product complexity negatively influences equipment efficiency. 2. Process complexity negatively influences equipment efficiency. 3. Efficiency driver positively influences equipment efficiency. (Efficiency driver is not clear for me here) The research proceeds with two methods: field study and field empirical study. For the former, observation, document reading and interview techniques are adopted one to three days a week, from September 1999 to June 2000. As to the latter, daily data from one semiconductor manufacturing fab are collected. The sample size is 4382. Two analyses are done: one is specified by OEE and the other is by DEA, which is for sensitivity analysis. The empirical results of both analyses indicate that process complexity and efficiency driver empirically has significant negative and positive effects on equipment efficiency respectively. The results support two hypotheses of this study. The empirical results suggest that: 1. In general, process complexity in terms of quality, R&D and batching activities has negative influence on equipment efficiency. Therefore, the management should make efforts on managing the monitor and test, internal failure, R&D and batching activities. 2. The auto-operation status can help enhance equipment efficiency, and thus should be taken into account when designing all the relevant activities. Besides, it should be emphasized if any out-of-order status are confronted, all supporting personnel, such as equipment engineers, should try as soon as possible to get equipment repaired and restored to work automatically. Results from sensitivity analysis arrive at roughly the same conclusions. Therefore, this research should be reliable and valid, and the findings can be possibly good reference for the management in semiconductor industry and future researchers.)


鍾怡如, Chung, Yi-Ru Unknown Date (has links)
本研究以民國75至86年間,新銀行開放設立前已存在之本國舊銀行實際經營資料,利用資料包絡分析法估計成本效率值,並將之分解為純技術效率、規模效率及配置效率。再利用Tobit迴歸分析,以探討開放新銀行設立對本國舊銀行經營效率之影響。 研究結果發現,整體舊銀行投入資源之運用效率,仍有很大的改善空間。此外,成本無效率之來源主要為技術無效率。 考慮其他影響效率之因素後,開放新銀行設立對舊銀行之經營效率具有顯著之正向影響。此結果顯示新銀行設立對舊銀行之經營形成很大的競爭壓力,導致本國舊銀行不論在資源投入、規模調整或資源配置上,皆積極努力地改善。本實證結果與政府希望透過開放新銀行,對經營僵化之國內銀行業加以刺激,以提升舊銀行經營效率之目標相一致。 / This study empirically examines whether opening up the new banks to establish affects various efficiency ratios of Taiwan old banks or not. It uses Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA) to assess cost efficiency, pure technical efficiency, scale efficiency and allocative efficiency based on the Taiwan old banks data from 1986 to 1997. Then, applies the Tobit censored regression model to examine the relationship between opening up the new banks to set up and these efficiency measures. The empirical result shows that the usage efficiency of resource inpute of whole old banks isn't up to the appropriate point, so there is plenty of space for improvement. Besides, cost inefficiency primarily results from technical inefficiency, not allocative inefficiency. After considering other factors of the effects of efficiency, it's obviously positive relationship between opening up the new banks to set up and operating efficiency of old banks. The result shows that these new banks establish put competitive stress on the operation of old banks. So those old banks try hard to improve their resource input, scale adjustment, or resource allocation, etc. This result corresponds with the government's intention to raise the operating efficiency of original banks.

MLB球員在合約年與非合約年效率衡量之研究 / The efficiency of MLB players before and after signing multi-year contracts

謝嘉峰 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究以資料包絡分析法來衡量職業球員的績效表現,球員在簽訂複數年合約前後與績效表現之關聯性,來探討球員是否有合約週期的現象,進而再探究球員處於合約年的比率多寡,是否會對球隊的勝率造成影響。   本研究以2002年球季結束後至2008年球季開始前,這段期間曾與球團簽訂複數年合約的美國大聯盟球員為研究對象。實證結果顯示投手在簽訂複數年合約前一年,純粹技術效率有明顯增加,野手部分則顯示在簽約前兩年整體技術效率呈現顯著增加。研究結果顯示支持合約週期理論,即球員在合約年之前會刻意增加表現,以便爭取較佳之合約。另外,以2009年各球隊的勝場數為研究對象,實證結果顯示,當球隊中有較多投手處於複數年合約的第一年,則球隊的勝場數顯著較少。 / This research applies Data envelopment analysis to examine the performance of Major League Baseball (MLB) players before and after signing multi-year contracts. The research also aims to explore the claim of contract cycle theory by investigating whether contract status has an influence on wining ratio of a team. The sample includes players who signed multi-year contracts between end of season 2002 and prior season 2008. The result illustrates that pitchers’pure technical efficiency increase significantly before signing the contract and fielders’total technical efficiency increase significantly 2 years before the contract signing. The results support the contract cycle theory that players show a tendency to improve their performance prior to signing a contract in order to earn a better contract. In addition, the teams with more players who are in their first year of multi-year contract have a significantly less number of wining ratio.

球員在合約年及非合約年績效—以NBA為例 / The athletics' efficiency performance before and after signing a new multi-year contract: using NBA as an example.

邱咏平 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究使用資料包絡分析法衡量NBA球員之績效值,並探討球員在簽訂複數年合約前後與績效之關聯性,是否有Stiroh(2002)提出之合約年效應,並進而比較NBA官方提供績效值與DEA法計算出之球員績效值何者對於球員薪資具有較佳的解釋能力。 本研究取用2000年至2011年共11年間曾經歷合約到期並再次向球團簽訂複數年合約的184名球員做為樣本;實證結果發現,在控制年齡、年資、提前續約與否、球員位置及先發球員與否後整體技術效率方面及球員每分鐘平均績效值顯示在球員簽約前績效有顯著提高之現象; NBA官方提供績效值與純技術效率簽約前後係數也是負的,雖然未達到統計上顯著水準,因此,本研究結果顯示NBA球員在簽約新約前的確有合約週期現象,亦即為爭取較佳合約球員在簽約前會刻意表現較佳之績效。 此外,根據Vuong Test比較NBA官方提供績效值與DEA法計算出之績效值和球員每分鐘績效值與薪資關聯性的測試結果,顯示由官方提供之績效值對薪資關聯性較高,說明目前NBA官方提供之績效值仍然是球團用來與球員薪資的談判重要參考指標之一。 / The research applies Data Envelopment Analysis to examine the NBA players’ efficiency performance before and after signing a new multi-year contract, and whether there exists the Contract Cycle Effect that suggested by Stiroh (2002). The research also tries to compare NBA efficiency score and DEA efficiency score to test which has a higher association with salary. The samples selected 184 NBA players who signed a new multi-year contract from 2000 to 2011. After controlling the players’ age, seniority, extension, position and starting or not, the empirical results denote that DEA total efficiency score and the NBA efficiency per minute indicate a higher efficiency score before signing a new contract, The NBA official efficiency score and DEA technical efficiency score also reveal a negative coefficient before and after new contract singed, although the statistical test didn’t reach the significant level. The results imply that NBA players do exist the Contract Cycle Effect phenomenon that players will perform better efficiency in order to get a better contract. The Vuong test results reveal that the official NBA efficiency score has a higher association with salary comparing with DEA efficiency score. The finding suggests that the official efficiency score is one of the major references for the NBA teams on salary arbitration.

行政院衛生署所屬醫院經營績效之研究-三階段資料包絡分析法之應用 / A study of efficiency of the hospitals of department of health,executive yuan : an application of three-stage data envelopment analysis

黃厚輯, Huang,Hou Chi Unknown Date (has links)
署立醫院為全國分佈最廣,且數量最多之公立醫院體系,負有貫徹國家公共衛生政策之責任,故其經營績效之良瓠影響各地區民眾健康照護水準甚鉅。惟署立醫院目前之經營仍仰賴國庫補助,在國庫補助逐年縮減的情形下,署立醫院惟有提升經營績效,才能維持醫療照護品質。 本研究運用三階段DEA分析法,評估步驟第一階段運用一般DEA分析法,以原始投入及產出項衡量各DMU的相對效率值,求得總差額值;第二階段運用SFA將差額分解,探討環境變數對於各DMU的影響程度,並利用SFA的結果調整產出項,將處於不同外在環境或是不同運氣之DMU,調整為相同之情況;第三階段則利用第二階段調整後的產出項,再次以DEA分析法評估調整後的效率值。 由研究結果可知,各署立醫院之無效率主要來自於非處於最適經營規模所造成之無效率,整體而言,大部分署立醫院之產能實際上係存在擁擠現象,而產生規模不經濟,故建議主管機關應嘗試調整部分署立醫院之經營規模,考慮醫療的投入與產出的效率性,以符合經濟規模的要求,應可有效提升管理效率。 另部分署立醫院在各方面之管理效率均較呈現相對較佳之結果,因此,建議由主管機關主導,加強各署立醫院醫療資源之整合及技術交流,透過相互觀摩學習,以同時提升整體署立醫院之經營管理效率。至有關目前區域聯盟之整合作業,建議「北區區域聯盟」應加強注意手術業務部分之資源整合,而「中南區區域聯盟」應加強注意門診病患業務部分之資源整合。

台灣國際觀光旅館業效率、生產力變動與獲利率之探討 / Efficiency, productivity change and profitability in Taiwan's international tourist hotel industry

陳麗雪, Chen, Li Hsueh Unknown Date (has links)
本論文為探討台灣國際觀光旅館產業的實證文章,除第一章的緒論外,三篇相關的文章依序撰寫於二至四章。第二章的實證結果指出在第一階段的未考量準固定與調整後投入的資料包絡分析模型會高估技術與純技術效率值,但會低估規模效率值,因此,驗證考量準固定投入的必要性;第二階段使用隨機邊界分析模型排除外在因素與隨機干擾的影響,實證結果顯示外生變數對投入差額與純技術效率存在顯著的影響,其中,市場集中度與旅館規模對勞動、餐飲支出與其他支出的投入差額存在正向的影響,對純技術效率存在負向的影響;位於風景區對所有的投入差額有負向的影響,對純技術效率有正向的影響;加入國際與/或國內連鎖對勞動與餐飲支出投入差額有正向影響,但對其他支出投入差額有負向影響;SARS對勞動與餐飲支出投入差額有正向影響,對純技術效率有負向影響;金融海嘯對勞動與其他支出投入差額有正向影響,對純技術效率有負向影響;第三階段的效率評估結果顯示技術無效率的主要原因是來自不適當的生產規模,且國際觀光旅館對於技術與規模效率仍有改善空間,此外,傳統的資料包絡分析模型會高估技術與規模效率值,但會低估純技術效率值,因此,驗證使用三階段方法的適當性,最後,以服務團體旅客為主的國際觀光旅館的績效最差。第三章的實證結果顯示:在第一階段,未考量準固定與調整後投入要素的Malmquist生產力指數會低估生產力的變動,因此,驗證考量準固定投入的必要性;第三階段的生產力指數顯示前期的生產力成長已被後期的生產力惡化所取代,生產力的成長或惡化主要來自技術的進步或退步與規模效率的改善或惡化,此外,實證結果亦顯示僅考量準固定投入但未考量調整後投入的Malmquist生產力指數會低估生產力的變動,且是否考量調整後投入會造成所評估的Malmquist生產力指數其背後的因素有所不同,因此,驗證使用三階段方法的適當性;最後,以服務團體旅客為主的國際觀光旅館的生產力有較佳的改善,且雖然服務對象的不同使得生產力變動的背後因素有所不同,但規模效率的變動皆扮演重要的角色。第四章的實證結果顯示:規模效率假說在台灣國際觀光旅館產業中是被支持的;以服務個人旅客為主與同時服務團體與個人旅客對獲利率有負向的影響;SARS與金融海嘯對獲利率有負向的影響。 / The dissertation is a collection of three separate but related papers which are devoted to the empirical studies of the international tourist hotel industry in Taiwan. In addition to the introduction in chapter 1, three papers are presented in chapters 2 to 4, respectively. The empirical results in chapter 2 indicate that, in the first stage, the data envelopment analysis (DEA) models without the quasi-fixed and adjusted inputs overestimate the technical and pure technical efficiencies, but underestimate the scale efficiency of international tourist hotels so that the necessity of considering the existence of the quasi-fixed input is justified. The second stage uses the stochastic frontier analysis (SFA) model to purge the effects from exogenous variables and statistical noise. The SFA results show that the exogenous variables have significant influences on input slacks and pure technical efficiency. The degree of market concentration and hotel size have positive impacts on labor, food and beverage (F&B) expense and operating expense input slacks, as well as have negative impacts on pure technical efficiency. An international tourist hotel in the resort area has negative relationships with all input slacks and a positive relationship with pure technical efficiency. An international tourist hotel participating in the international and/or domestic hotel chain has positive relationships with labor and F&B expense input slacks, but has a negative relationship with other expense. Severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS) has positive effects on labor and F&B expense input slacks and has a negative effect on pure technical efficiency. The financial tsunami has positive effects on labor and other expense input slacks and has a negative effect on pure technical efficiency. After adjusting the variable input data from the SFA results in the second stage, the efficiency-evaluation results in the third stage show that the technical inefficiency mainly results from the inappropriate production scale. In addition, international tourist hotels have an ample space to improve their technical and scale efficiencies. The efficiency-evaluation results also show that the conventional DEA models overestimate the technical and scale efficiencies, but underestimate the pure technical efficiency of international tourist hotels so that the usage of the three-stage approach is justified. Finally, international tourist hotels which mainly receive group visitors have the worst performance. In chapter 3, the empirical results show that, in the first stage, the Malmquist index without the quasi-fixed and adjusted inputs underestimates the productivity change so as to justify the necessity of considering the existence of quasi-fixed input. After adjusting the variable input data from the SFA results in the second stage, the productivity index in the third stage shows that the initial increase in productivity has been compensated by a decrease. The productivity growth or deterioration mainly results from the technological progress or regress and the scale efficiency improvement or deterioration. The results also show that the Malmquist index with the quasi-fixed input and without adjusted inputs underestimates the productivity change. The key factors of the productivity changes estimated by the Malmquist productivity index with the quasi-fixed and adjusted inputs are significantly different from those estimated by the Malmquist productivity index with the quasi-fixed input and without adjusted inputs so as to justify the usage of the three-stage approach. Finally, international tourist hotels with mainly receiving group visitors have the better improvement of productivity. The sources of productivity changes among receiving different types of visitors are different, but the scale efficiency change plays an important role in all types. In chapter 4, the empirical results indicate that the scale efficiency hypothesis is supported in Taiwan’s international tourist hotel industry. An international tourist hotel that mainly receives individual visitors and an international tourist hotel that simultaneously receives group and individual visitors have negative impacts on profitability. SARS and financial tsunami have negative effects on profitability.

以資料包絡分析法評估地方環保機關污染防治績效分析之適用性 / Applicability of Data Envelopment to the Evaluation of the Local Environmental Protection Authorities' Pollution Prevention Performance

李昀燕, Lee,Yun-Yen Unknown Date (has links)
本研究欲針對我國所有縣市之地方環保機關在污染防治業務方面,縣市之間的相對績效良窳排序,鑒於多投入多產出的同儕之間相對績效的分析情境,選擇以資料包絡分析法(Data envelopment analysis, DEA),作為本研究之主要分析方法,藉之以分析2008年至2012年5個會計年度間所出版之《中華民國環境保護統計年報》中,所揭露記載2007年至2011年5年間,有關空氣污染、水污染、廢棄物管理、環境衛生與毒化物管理等污染防治業務相關數據,此前先輔以皮爾森相關分析法,先行過濾剃除DEA效率分析所需之投入項與產出項之間,非呈正相關之數據項目。   分析結果發現,不同的污染防治情境有不同的特色:空氣污染無論是在空污防治效率或是空氣品質兩者排名,都顯示出鄰近縣市之間,或有相互影響排名的可能性,而其中最具影響性之環境因素之一乃每(萬)人所分配之汽車輛數;水污染防治效率排名前段班的縣市,大多在人口、工廠、車輛等環境負荷項目數量或密度上,低於全國平均,但數據也顯示環境負荷量低的縣市不一定就有能在水污染防治效率排名上擁有優勢;廢棄物管理效率排名,北部縣市居中,中部與南部區域內排名呈現M型化;環衛毒化物管理的效率排序,只有離島地區有區域性排名不佳的問題;整合上述四種污染防治效率排序後,臺灣本島東半部名次優於西半部,西半部的中部地區及其鄰近縣市的污染防治效率有普遍性不佳的趨勢,但污染防治效率的排序前後與環境品質的排名的相關性相當微弱,因此在污染防治的整體排名上的軒輊,完全不意味著當地環境品質現況之良窳。   在選擇投入產出項目過程中,本研究根據唐先楠(1995)與黃旭男(1996、1999)的作法,將產出根據行政機關可控制程度,粗分為兩類,可控制程度較高者,本研究稱之為「行政產出」,反之稱為「行政效果」,「行政效果」與投入資源的關係,在污染防治方面的數據上,大多呈現顯著的負相關,因此無法列入一般DEA效率分析;在DEA效率中所計之投入資源,建議採「歲出決算」方面數據,方能符合DEA投入產出項之邏輯觀-投入影響產出,反之,有鑑於預算於行政機關之編列程序,不建議採計「預算」方面的數據,恐不符合投入影響產出之因果關係,影響DEA效率分析之品質與解釋力。 / The aim of this paper is to rank the pollution prevention performance of the local environmental protection authorities in Taiwan, and ranking of the Data envelopment analysis, the solution for measure productive efficiency of decision making units (DMUs) with multi-input and multi-output. The Ranking and analysis database were 《Yearbook of Environmental Protection Statistics, Republic of China》, published by Environmental Protection Administration, Executive Yuan, published in 2008-2012, recording about pollution prevention and control business related data of air pollution, water pollution, solid waste management, environmental sanitation, toxic chemicals and so on during 2007-2011.   After those analyses, these results are showing some trend in different sort pollution prevention performance. About air pollution, both of the ranking for efficiency of air pollution prevention and for air quality are showing that the ranking close between neighboring counties, and one of the most probable factors is that the number of automobile vehicles been allocated for per 10,000 people. About the water pollution efficiency ranking, most of those top class cities and counties are having lower than the national average volume or density in population, factories, vehicles and other environmental load. While integration of all 4 kinds rank of efficiency of pollution prevention, the score of Eastern Taiwan is better than Western Taiwan, and those most worst ranking concentrated in Central Western Taiwan, but the rank of efficiency of pollution prevention does not mean those cities and counties’ environmental quality are good or bad.   In this paper, output is distinguished from the degree of control by administrative organ: if the degree is high, the output has been sorted as “Administrative Outputs”, on the contrary, the output has been sorted as “Administrative Effect”. Most of the relationship between “Administrative Effect” and input are in negative correlation obviously, so, if the output been sorted as “Administrative effect”, Most of them could not be included in the general DEA efficiency analysis. In the other hand, the input item about money, must be adopt the Final Annual Expenditure Accounts, not Budget, that make sure the causal relationship between input and output is consistent with the DEA’s assumption.

台灣上市銀行女性董監事的比例與其經營績效之關係 / The relationship between the proportion of female directors and supervisors in listed banks in Taiwan and the operational performance of the banks

黃偉銘, Huang, Wei Ming Unknown Date (has links)
目前對於女性董事與財務績效的研究,以國外的文獻居多,台灣的研究僅有3篇,皆是以複迴歸的方式來進行研究分析,僅有一篇是針對金融業進行研究。未來全球經濟的發展,將隨著女性職場上參與程度和社經能力的提升而有所改變。而銀行業對經濟發展有密不可分的關係,故本研究以臺灣21間上市銀行2006年至2011年間的追蹤資料(即126筆樣本觀察值)來進行實證研究。採資料包絡分析法評估績效後,再以Tobit迴歸模型探討女性董監事的比例對台灣上市銀行經營績效的影響,並加入可能影響銀行經營績效的因素作為解釋變數,包括:資本適足率、逾放比率、銀行規模、政府持股比率、銀行是否加入金控、以及時間變數等因素。實證結果發現,女性董事的比例對於銀行的經營績效在統計上有負向的影響,而女性監察人的比例則沒有顯著的影響。建議末來可繼續研究女性董監事與其它產業的績效關係,以增加女性董監事與台灣產業間之關聯性的研究。 / At present, the studies of female directors and financial performances are mostly in foreign documents, and there are only three studies from Taiwan which are based on multiple regression analysis approach of research; only one of those studies focus on financial industry. The global economic development in the future will be changed along with the level of female participation in the workplace and the enhancement of their socio-economic capabilities. Moreover, banking has a close and tight relationship with economic developments. Therefore, this study was based on the traceable data of 21 listed banks in Taiwan from 2006 to 2011 (i.e., 126 sample observations) to proceed the empirical research. After adopting data envelopment analysis to evaluate the performances, it used tobit censored regression model to discuss the influence of the operational performance of listed banks in Taiwan along with the proportion of female directors and supervisors. It also added the possible factors that may affect the banks’ performance as explanatory variables including Capital Adequacy ratio, Non-Performing Loans ratio, size of banks, Public Shareholding ratio, joining in financial holding, time variables and other factors. The result of the study showed that statistically there is a negative effect to the operational performance of the banks along with the proportion of female directors; however, there is no significant impact affected by the proportion of female supervisors. In the future it suggested that the study can be continued researching about the influence of the operational performances in other industries by the proportion of female directors and supervisors in order to increase the research of the correlation between female directors/supervisors and industry performance in Taiwan.


盧明煇 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究以2000年至2004年台灣上市櫃的623家電子業為研究對象,探討員工分紅制度對企業經營績效的影響。本研究採用兩階段法,第一階段,採用DEA併用單變量統計之變異數分析法(ANOVA)及無母數分析法(Wilcoxon兩樣本檢定;K-W多樣本檢定),來驗證電子業實行員工分紅對企業經營績效的影響。第二階段,DEA併用Tobit迴歸模型,比較第一階段單變量統計檢定的研究結果。研究結果發現: (1)電子產業內有發放員工分紅者的企業經營績效顯著較低,同時電子業發放前一年度員工分紅者對當年度的經營績效為負向顯著相關。 (2)電子產業內發放員工現金紅利對企業經營績效的影響顯著高於股票紅利者,同時電子業發放前一年度員工股票紅利者對當年度的企業經營績效為負向顯著相關。 (3)電子產業內員工分紅佔公司市值比例高者對企業經營績效的影響劣於員工分紅佔公司市值比例低者,且在增加其他控制變數後,電子業發放前一年度員工分紅佔公司市值比例高者對當年度的企業經營績效為負向顯著相關。 (4)電子產業內員工分紅佔薪資比例高者對企業經營績效的影響優於員工分紅佔薪資比例低者,且在增加其他控制變數後,電子業發放前一年度員工分紅佔薪資比例高者對當年度的企業經營績效為正向顯著相關。

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