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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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我國視障者從事醫療按摩之法制建構—以英國視障物理治療師之促進法制為借鏡 / Draft law about visually impaired persons engaged in medical massage – with British visually impaired physiotherapists as a example

陳奇威 Unknown Date (has links)

永續無障礙交通人行環境營造之研究 / The Research on Establishing A Sustainable and Accessible Pedestrian Environment

林珊汝, Shan-Ju Lin Unknown Date (has links)
我國的無障礙環境推動雖已提升至憲法保障層級,惟目前無障礙交通人行環境之營造甚少納入永續經營的概念。依據本文所蒐集國內外的相關文獻中,亦未單以無障礙交通人行環境的角度,來探討是否合乎永續發展的理念。 因此,本文嘗試以經濟合作與發展組織(OECD)於1996年所定義「永續運輸之9項發展原則」,來分析美國、英國、日本之無障礙交通人行環境推動是否符合永續發展理念。再以前揭3個國家之經驗,以及永續運輸之9項發展原則等角度,來研擬我國無障礙交通人行環境營造之相關法令修正、政策與相關配套、設計規範等建議。本文即希望透過這種開創性的連結,重新賦予無障礙交通人行環境營造的契機,使之具備永續發展的精神,也希望帶給後續研究者一種新的思考方向。 本文之研究範圍界定為交通人行環境中之人行道部分,但完整之無障礙環境範圍含括生活輔具、建築設備、建築物、交通運具、大眾運輸設施等,所以除了本研究範圍外,其他相關範疇仍需後續研究之努力,使完整的無障礙環境均能具備永續發展的精神。 / Though the implementation of barrier-free environment on Taiwan has been up to and assured by Constitution, the concept of sustainable development still seldom showed in the construction of barrier-free environment for the pedestrians. Moreover, in all domestic and foreign literatures conducted and analyzed in the study, it does not discuss whether the construction is consonant with the concept of sustainable development solely through the viewpoint of pedestrians’ barrier-free transit environment. Therefore, the study adopted the nine principles put forward by the NRTEE concern to explore whether the promotions of a barrier-free environment for the pedestrians by the U.S., U.K., and Japan are consistent with their sustainable development policies. Subsequently, the study tried to give suggestions on pedestrians’ barrier-free environment related laws, regulations, policies, and programs through examining the experience of previous 3 countries as well as the principles of OECD. The study hoped to realize the constructing concept of a barrier-free environment for pedestrians through an innovative link and to make pedestrian transport sustainable. Hopefully the study could lead researchers a new way of thinking. The research scope of the study is limited only in the sidewalks in pedestrian transport. The whole barrier-free environment, however, involves assistance facilities, buildings, construction facilities, vehicles, and public transport. Therefore, more endeavors on in-depth studies in previous related fields should be done to create an integral barrier-free environment with sustainable development spirit.


林政緯, Lin, Cheng-Wei Unknown Date (has links)
近年來在我國,有關就業歧視所引起的爭議,已經因各弱勢團體權利意識之覺醒,而有逐漸受到社會的重視,除了一般較為熟知之性別歧視外,尚有其他有關宗教信仰、族群、黨派、身心障礙、語言、年齡及容貌等因素所造成的工作機會或待遇的不平等之現象,也曾引起廣泛的討論,究竟這些現象在我國之嚴重程度如何?我國現行法規制度是否能夠有效因應?有沒必要參酌其他先進國家法制,作禁止歧視之統一性立法?都是值得進一步探討的課題。 因此,本論文針對禁止身心障礙就業歧視制度發展最完備的美國作為探討的對象,首先討論美國禁止身心障礙就業歧視制度之早期發展沿革,包括了禁止身心障礙之概念與理論之簡介以及一九六四年所通過之民權法第七章(Title VII of the Civil Right Act of 1964)、一九七三年通過之復健法(Rehabilitation Act of 1973)之重要規定及對於禁止身心障礙就業歧視問題之影響。其次,則針對一九九0年所通過之美國身心障礙人士法(Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990)作討論。而美國身心障礙人士法乃是禁止身心障礙就業歧視制度之核心規範,因此,本文除了討論該法之立法背景外,同時更針對該法之重要條款規定以及平等就業機會委員會(Equal Employment Opportunity Commission: EEOC)對於該法所頒佈之相關指導原則作一個綜合之分析討論。進而,更針對該法在美國所引發之重大爭議中,選取美國最高法院在最近所作出之最具代表性之六個判決,也對判決作一個綜合之評析,以明瞭其利弊得失之所在及我國可資借鏡參考之處。 再其次,則討論我國目前建構禁止身心障礙就業歧視制度之現狀及所遭遇之困境,主要是對於身心障礙者之就業困境及遭受就業歧視之情形、禁止身心障礙就業歧視之相關規範與制度、身心障礙之就業歧視評議制度運作情形及處理禁止身心障礙就業歧視所引發之爭議等幾個議題作分析,以期能夠對於我國目前建構禁止身心障礙就業歧視制度之現狀及其所遭遇之困境有所瞭解。最後,則以美國處理禁止身心障礙就業歧視問題之經驗,希望能對於我國建立一個正確之禁止身心障礙就業歧視制度之建構方向,以及關於目前我國在處理禁止身心障礙就業歧視問題之一些具體建議。 / Disputes resulted from the employment discrimination have been gradually noticed by Taiwan society due to the awakening consciousness of each disadvantaged minority in these years. In addition to the commonly known of sexual discrimination, other factors of unequal employment and treatment are also widely discussed, such as religion, race, party, disability, language, age and appearance. However, how serious are these phenomena in our country after all? Do existing laws and regulations could solve them effectively? Is it necessary to refer to other modern countries’ legal systems to legislate against discrimination? All of the above are worthy of further discussion. Therefore, America, the country with the most complete legislation system to protect a disability from employment discrimination, is the object for discussion in this article. First to discuss is its early development history, including the introduction of concept and theory, the important regulations of Title VII of the Civil Right Act of 1964 and Rehabilitation Act of 1973 and their influences. Second to discuss is the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990, which is the core regulation of the legislation system to protect a disability from the employment discrimination; Therefore, in addition to discussing its legislation background, this article also discusses comprehensively of its important regulations and the regulations to implement the equal employment provisions of the Americans with Disabilities Act on it at the same time. Then selects 6 most representative decrees made by Supreme Court of the United State with regard to the important disputes, and also analyze those decrees comprehensively to realize their advantages and disadvantages to find some experiences that could learned in Taiwan. Moreover, is to discuss that the situation and the difficulty in the establishment of the legislation system to protect a disability from employment discrimination, which mainly focus on the analysis of the employment difficulties and discrimination faced by the people with physical and mental disabilities, relevant regulations and legislation system against employment discrimination, operation of committee on employment discrimination, and disputes arose from employment discrimination. Finally, it is expected to establish a correct direction for the establishment of legislation system to protect a disability from employment discrimination and to seek out specific suggestions relevant to problems we have in the management of the employment discrimination faced by the people with physical and mental disabilities through America’s experiences.

視障者網路無障礙法制之研究 / Legal Regime of Web Accessibility for People with Visual Impairments

楊雯婷, Yang, Wen-Ting Unknown Date (has links)
網路是現代人「與外界接觸」不可或缺的重要工具,但在這個明眼人居多且多數人皆透過視覺學習與理解事物的世界,許多網站或系統之設計完全未考慮視障者能否使用,當網路對人們的重要性高到不可忽視的地步,甚至網路近用開始牽涉基本權行使和生存資源與機會的分配時,若明眼人皆得以合法近用網路,則基於平等與禁止歧視原則,視障者理應得到相同對待,網站或系統經營者應使其設計滿足「網路無障礙」之要求。而滿足「網路無障礙」之要求需要成本,僅係「鼓勵」難使所有公司、業者皆將「身障數位權利」放在心上並身體力行「網路無障礙」,因此,合理而適當之法律強制規定乃為必需。然而,我國目前雖設有無障礙網站之認證制度,相關法制規範卻未完善,進而導致認證制度之推廣狀況不佳。 目前國內外有關「網路無障礙」之法制相關研究並不多,且也少有回應現代網路實際發展狀況,或從視障者需求出發而為討論,因此本研究希望透過「視障者接觸外界之行為分析」與「網路發展歷程」,構築一個完整的「網路無障礙法制」之討論框架,本研究將視障者網路近用不能之權益侵害歸納為「侵害視障者平等接觸資訊之權利」、「侵害視障者平等接觸著作之權利」與「侵害視障者平等進出或使用(虛擬)空間與設施之權利」。第三章討論視障者「接觸資訊」之權利,雖然現今網路的功能五花八門,但「接觸資訊」仍為其中重要之一環,且許多網路無障礙相關的重要法規皆係以保障「接觸資訊」之權利為基礎,例如:美國二十一世紀通訊與視訊接取無障礙法,此外,著作也是資訊的一種,不同的是著作受到著作權法保護,因此本章也介紹國內外保障視障者接觸著作(尤其數位著作)之法理與法規;第四章則討論視障者「使用網路空間與設施」之權利,這樣的切入點和前兩者不同處在於,其並非以「功能性」之方式針對特定項目而為保障,而是以更加宏觀的角度看待網路,將網路視為能自由進出的「空間」或能使人們達成特定目的的「設施」,目前以這樣觀點而為網路無障礙保障之法規,僅美國身心障礙人士法。 本研究認為,任由視障者因其障礙而成為網路科技發展下的邊緣人,違背近代以「社會模式的障礙」而非「身體能力主義」看待身障者之原則,為促進弱勢族群―特別是視障者近用網路之權益,必須開始重視「網路無障礙」之議題,因此方提出「視障者網路無障礙法制之研究」,也期待本論文之研究,能為此一議題帶來不同思考角度。 / The Internet is an indispensable tool to engage with the outside world. However, there are many websites or systems inaccessible to the visually impaired people due to the design negligence. It may because many engineers only consider the convenience of normal people when designing websites or systems. But when the importance of the Internet is getting higher, even associating with the basic human rights and resource allocation, the Internet users with visual impairments should be treated like the normal people due to the principle of equality and prohibition of discrimination. It means that the websites or systems operators should meet the “Web Accessibility” requirements. Of course, the cost is required, and it can be expected that only “encouragement” is not enough to let people always put “Digital Disability Rights” in mind. Therefore, an appropriate legal mandatory is necessary. In our country, there is a Web Accessibility certification standard while lacking of legal coercion and which leads to poor promotion of the certification standard. There are only a few research focusing on the legal regime of Web Accessibility while usually did not respond to the actual development of modern Internet technology. So we want to build a complete discussion framework for legal regime of Web Accessibility via the analysis of the behaviors of the visually impaired people and the development of the Internet. We classify the right infringements of the web inaccessible to the visually impaired people into the infringements of the rights to equal access to information, copyright works, and cyberspaces/facilities on the Internet. In the chapter 3, we discuss the visually impaired people’ right to access the information. Although the use of Internet is very wide, access the information still play an important role when we talk about Internet nowadays. And we also introduce some laws that protect the right of visually impaired people access the copyright works. In the chapter 4, we discuss the visually impaired people’ right to get into the cyberspaces and to use the facilities on the web. In this chapter, we take a more macro view of the Internet rather than focusing on one or two often used functions. Now the points of Ablebodyism are replaced by the principle of Social Model of Disability and we should not let the visually impaired people become outcast of the technology world. So we propose this research. And hope this research will contribute to enhancing the rights of visually impaired people.

就業上肥胖歧視之研究 / On Obesity Discrimination In Employment

張弘諺 Unknown Date (has links)
在我國抑或是世界其他的國家,肥胖的問題日趨嚴重,根據世界衛生組織(World Health Organization, WHO)的研究,2008年全球約有15億以上的超重成年人,其中有2億的男性和將近3億的女性體重已經達到所謂的「肥胖」,另外2010年全世界約有4300萬5歲以下的兒童超重 。綜上所述,肥胖的問題正影響著每一個社會。 肥胖者在日常生活中的食衣住行可能會受到一定的歧視與不便,由於可以討論的範圍過廣,本文僅聚焦在「就業上的肥胖歧視」。為了探討此問題,本文第二章說明何謂就業歧視,闡述肥胖者在就業上可能會面臨的歧視有哪些、主流群體對於肥胖的態度與刻板印象,最後論證國家就業上肥胖歧視的正當性與必要性。 第三章介紹美國法就業上肥胖歧視之解決途徑。在美國關於肥胖者於就業上受到的歧視,可能有三種法律救濟途徑。第一、可以尋找聯邦或是州法律有沒有在保護基於「身心障礙」之就業歧視;第二、他可以思考目前所面臨的「肥胖歧視」,得否繫於其他法律保護的歧視類型,例如:種族或是性別;第三、他可以尋找他所居住的州或是城市是否有針對肥胖歧視的直接立法?本文就美國聯邦與各州禁止身心障礙歧視的相關立法做初步的分析,並且帶出相關之判決;另本文亦分析某些州或城市直接禁止「肥胖歧視」之反歧視法與相關案例分析。 第四章則回到我國,分析我國目前法制關於就業上肥胖歧視之議題該如何處理,主要區分私人企業與國家兩種途徑,私人企業上,我們將著重在《就業服務法》第5條之規範,提出本文對於此條文用以解決肥胖歧視之利與弊;國家方面則從我國公務人員考試涉及BMI值判斷的合憲性。 最後第五章結論的部分,綜合分析美國法制與我國法制之間的異與同,最後提出個人對於此議題之建議,以期達到消弭就業上肥胖歧視之長遠目標。 / Obesity discrimination is a serious problem affecting millions of workers. Fat people, and fat women in particular, experience job-related discrimination in hiring, wages, and the terms and conditions of their employment. Hence, this research focus on the problem of obesity discrimination in employment. Part II defines "what is obesity?",and describes mainstream attitudes towards fatness, considers the empirical and anecdotal evidence demonstrating that fat people experience employment discrimination because of their obesity. Then discusses medical information about weight and health as well as weight loss in order to debunk the myth that being fat is always unhealthy and that weight loss is a viable or desirable outcome, this part concludes that being fat is immutable and deserve legal protection. Part III introduces American legal remedies. In America have three legal avenues to explore. First, someone could pursue an action under federal and state laws that protect people from employment discrimination based on disability or perceived disability. Second, someone could consider whether the weight discrimination he (or she) experienced was tied to him(or her) sex, race, or some other protected class. Finally, someone could determine whether any state or local law where he (or she) lived specifically prohibited weight discrimination in employment , since a few jurisdictions have included weight as protected category in their antidiscrimination laws. This part will discuss federal and state disability antidiscrimination laws and cases, and reviews antidiscrimination law passed by three earlier jurisdictions that specifically include weight as a protected category. Part IV discusses how to solve obesity discrimination in employment? This part separate privately owned businesses and national measure. In privately owned businesses, this part will focus on Employment Service Act Article 5 and analyze how to use Employment Service Act solve obesity discrimination in employment. On the side, this part will discuss on some national examinations have qualification restricted are constitutionally.

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