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個別農舍與集村農舍制度的比較分析-以新竹縣為例 / A Comparative Study for Institution of Individual and Cluster Farmhouses-Hsinchu county for example張耀文, Chang,Yao-Wen Unknown Date (has links)
關鍵詞: 個別農舍、集村農舍、交易成本、雙重代理、制度變遷、自我執行
、第三者執行 / The implementation of farmhouse institution has been 6 years since year 2000. From the official statistics, the individual farmhouse is still the main choice for farmers. This reveals that the cluster farmhouse which adopts and promotes by government authority has some shortcomings. In addition, the owners who own cluster farmhouse are nothing to do with agricultural operation. These may result from the rules and enforcement of cluster farmhouse. Therefore, this study conducts a comparative analysis of formal and informal rules of individual and cluster farmhouse so as to understand the reasons why farmers do not choose the cluster farmhouse with incentives provided by central government. The main conclusion and policy suggestions for farmhouse are as follows:
1. The transaction costs including searching cost, policing cost and enforcement costs for individual farmhouse is much low than that for cluster farmhouse. In addition, the incentive provided from government for cluster farmhouse is not enough. The above two reasons lead to the result that individual farmhouse is the main choice for farmers.
2. The advantage of individual farmhouse is the freedom of varied style choice and low transaction cost while its shortcoming is safety problem and lack of public facilities. The advantage and shortcoming of cluster farmhouse are opposite from individual farmhouse.
3. The implementation of farmhouse is influence by the lack of adaptation of local government, professional comprehensive and election pressure so that the implantation is different from the original basic concept of farmhouse.
4. Policy recommendation:
(1) To review the original basic concept of farmhouse and to encourage the cluster farmhouse together with country district rather the scatter development.
(2) To review the definition of farmhouse so that all the farmhouse can be use for agricultural function instead of accommodation.
(3) To cancel the tax exemption for farmhouse that is not use for agriculture so as to prevent the opportunity behaviors.
(4) To unify the responsible authority in central government so as to prevent the agency problems of implementation.
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農地成交價格與收益價格差距之研究 / The Difference between Income Value and Transaction Price on Agricultural Land劉昆霈, Liu, Kun Pei Unknown Date (has links)
研究結果發現在民國89年後所新辦的農地重劃地區將增加農地的轉用壓力,且當新辦重劃地區內成交農地臨路寬度愈大,則成交價格與收益價格差距愈發明顯,表示新辦重劃區內道路寬度的設計已超出農用基本需求,而增加農地變更使用的可能,此與農地重劃擴大農場經營之目標相互衝突。但透過公約機制與生產制度面的改良,農業經營專區則可能減少農地的變更使用,進而達到保護農業生產環境的理想。另外,在三星鄉內,農舍的興建將擴大農地價差關係,促使農地轉用價值上升,且影響隨著時間遞嬗日益彰顯,顯示農地已面臨愈來愈高的轉用壓力。 / This study looks at difference between income approach value and transaction price at Sanxing Township, Yilan County. With different point of view, the agricultural land will have diversified value types, such as market value and use value. To begin with, we conduct income approach to determine agricultural land value as pure use value. Then, we compare it with transaction price from government statistics, calculating the gap between income approach values and real selling price. Finally, we apply multiple regression analysis to find price gap influence factors. The empirical model presents special agricultural enterprise zones may reduce agricultural land development pressure, and therefore could protect agricultural production environment. But, when at recent constructed agricultural land readjustment area, agricultural land will face much more development pressure which has violated land consolidation objects. Research also indicates that our land face much more development pressure with evolution of the time.
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自然景觀與農地管制如何影響農地價格 ─花蓮縣的個案 / How Natural Landscape and Regulation of Farmland Affect Farmland Price─The Case of Hualien County李至千 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究以民國101年8月至103年12月花蓮縣非都市農地實價登錄資料作為研究樣本,透過線性迴歸模型,探討包括自然景觀因素在內之各項因素對於花蓮縣農地價格之影響。實證結果觀察到:對於花蓮縣農地市場,農地是否得興建農舍為自然景觀是否會影響農地價格之主因,且自然景觀對於農地價格之影響,受到市場對於民宿之需求而有所差異。基於上述,本研究研究結論如下:一、自然景觀因素影響花蓮「得興建農舍」之農地價格,但不影響「不得興建農舍」之農地價格。二、農舍作為民宿使用機率變高時,將加深自然景觀之價格效果。 / Factors that affect the price of the farmland vary in different market conditions, such as land use regulation or farmland policy. Previous studies on farmland prices is found to have paid little attention to farmland market in eastern Taiwan, and rarely discuss the amenity of natural landscape that might also affect the price of farmland. Lack of studies may lead to ignore the important factors of farmland price in eastern Taiwan. This study discusses the factors that affect the price of farmland in Hualien County, and adds the natural landscape as the independent variables so as to observe how natural landscape affect the farmland price in Hualien County. After Agricultural Development Act amended in 2000, farmers are allowed to construct individual farmhouses on their own farmland. Therefore, we split the data into farmland in which construction of farmhouse is allowed and farmland otherwise. Furthermore, we compare the difference between two types of farmland. Because the farmland where the farmhouses are allowed to construct are also permitted to operate the Bed and Breakfast, we also add the independent variables of the market demand for the Bed and Breakfast. In so doing, we are able to investigate whether the market demand for the Bed and Breakfast increases the natural landscape that affect the price of farmland.
We choose the non-urban farmland price registration data from August 2012 to December 2014 in Hualien County. The linear regression model is used to analyze how various factors including natural landscape affect the farmland price in Hualien County. Based on the empirical results, three conclusions are arrived at below: First, factors of natural landscape only affect the price of farmland which allow for construction of farmhouses, but not affect the price of farmland where construction of farmhouses are forbidden. Second, farmhouses that are permitted to operate the Bed and Breakfast will increase the price effect of natural landscape.
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預售屋交易紛爭分析何垂芬 Unknown Date (has links)
內政部公布之『預售屋買賣定型化契約應記載及不得記載』 及修訂公布之『預售屋買賣契約書範本』,其中『預售屋買賣定型化契約應記載及不得記載』依消費者保護法第17條第2項規定違反公告之定型化契約之一般條款無效,使該上開公告事項具有法律上強制規定之效力,而該公告事項依內政部(90)內中地字第9083627號函稱「本應記載及不得記載事項自公告六個月後生效」,所以該公告事項自91年3月6日起對預售屋交易之當事人發生強行法規之拘束力,締約雙方對此應有所認識。本文以91年3月6日『預售屋買賣定型化契約應記載及不得記載』生效後,最高法院對預售屋定型化契約條款見解,作一分析,希望能分析出內政部公布『預售屋買賣定型化契約應記載及不得記載』及『預售屋買賣契約書範本』,對預售屋實務上產生之影響及產生何種新型態的紛爭,並尋求解決之道。
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台灣地區農地重劃制度調整之研究 / A Study on the Adjustment of Farmland Consolidation Institution in Taiwan丁秀吟, Ding,Hsiu Yin Unknown Date (has links)
因此本研究基於制度變遷之理論基礎,針對台灣地區實施農地重劃之制度變遷進行分析,探討於社經環境變動過程,農地重劃所扮演角色之轉變,以為檢視現行農地重劃制度問題之基礎。並透過政府嘗試結合辦理農地重劃與農村社區土地重劃進行個案分析,揭示目前農村地區追求生產與生活功能同時兼備之必要性,以及於現行制度環境下,二個制度進行結合辦理之制度調整方向,產生了執行時程、重劃負擔及土地分配等問題與困難。故本研究進一步提出三個制度調整方案,利用ANP之多準則決策分析方法,評選出於多功能農地重劃之制度調整發展方向,為兼顧生產與生活等多功能目標之最佳制度調整方案。此外,針對多功能農地重劃制度之調整提出制度環境面與執行機制面之政策性建議,期望能對正在研擬與即將立法之農村再生條例草案中,整合型農地重劃之研擬與方向,提供於制度結合或制度創新上有所助益。 / Farmland consolidation institution in Taiwan has only been applied to improve the production environment during the past 50 years. Nowadays, due to the dramatic change of social and economic environment in Taiwan as well as the tendency of multifunctional rural community and agricultural development, the institution is due to proper consideration to be altered. In addition, the separately enforcement of three institutions i.e. farmland consolidation, building of farmhouse and rural community consolidation, results in the serious pollution of agricultural environment and the loss of high- quality farmland. How to adjust the current institution of farmland consolidation so as to reach the objectives of both better production and living environment in rural areas is an important issue.
This study, based on the institutional change theory, investigates the changing role of farmland consolidation in Taiwan. Moreover, examines the problems of integrating farmland consolidation and rural community land readjustment at Shihfen area located in Tainan County Cigou Towship is examined. After literatures review and the investigation of farmhouse as well as farmland use problems, proposes three alternative institutions of farmland consolidation. Analytical Network Process (ANP) Approach is employed to evaluate. Furthermore, the criteria and implication of the choosing institution are discussed so as to benefit the framework of integrated farmland consolidation in the Bill of the Revival of Rural Community.
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集村興建農舍制度執行之研究 / A study on implementation of concentrated farmhouses institution in Taiwan張志銘, Chang, Chih Ming Unknown Date (has links)
傳統的委託代理研究途徑,都描述了一部分制度或政策執行的現象。多重委託多重代理理論可以更完整作為分析階層政府推動政策或制度執行過程中複雜的互動與回應基礎,而政府內部多重委託代理及複雜的訊息問題,也比模型化的理論更加複雜。除了制度環境以外,也因為集村農舍制度執行分工安排不當,致使組織職能目標及資訊傳遞太過複雜,且未建立協商平台,加深執行結果偏離維護完整農業生產環境之政策目標。本研究建議必須回歸集村興建農舍制度原本立法目的調整中央農業主管機關內部制度安排,並透過多重委託代理雙方協商平台機制,促進正確資訊流通及共同合作。最後,如果執行一再偏離農地政策目標且陷於無效率狀態,也必須考慮制度予以廢除。 / The Concentrated Farmhouses Institution was an important part in the drastic change of Farmland Policy in 2000. As the institution implementation was conceded involved agency relationship, previous literatures mostly only focused on explorations of specific regional cases and structure landscape or residential functionalities. Furthermore, it also lacked explorations on the influence of institution implementation effects from government internal implementation of work diversification and interaction. Therefore, from principal of the central government authority to implementing agency structure of the regional government, and by basing on the initial Farmland Policy aim of the Concentrated Farmhouses Institution plan, this study explored on the institutional implementation regulation and principal agent arrangement within same-level and different levels of government. It investigated the entire implementing status and cases in different regions that influence on farmland utilization and management, and expected to clarify the actual problems of institutional implementation. The outcome seeks to be the foundation of relevant studies on Farmland Policy and farmhouses institution implementation.
The approach of traditional principal agency studies all described a part of institution or norms of policy implementation. The concept of Multi-Principal and Multi-Agent could be more complete in analyzing various levels of the government in promoting the policy, or the complex interaction and response basis of institutional implementation process. In addition, the problem of governmental internal multi-principal agency and complicate messages were more complex in comparison to the model theory. Despite of the institutional environment, inappropriate diversification of work in implementation of the Concentrated Farmhouses Institutional has led to over-complexity of organizational function aim and message transmission. As there was no establishment of consultation platform, the implemented outcome has intensified the deviation on policy aim of maintaining a complete agriculture production environment. This study suggested that the internal institution arrangement in agriculture authority of the central government was required to readjust its original legislative aim of the Concentrated Farmhouses Institution. Through multi-principal agency of consultation platform mechanism of both parties, it would encourage accurate information circulation and cooperation. Lastly, if the implementation deviated constantly from Farmland Policy aim, it would fall into an ineffective status, and eventually the consideration of institution abolishment would be required.
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從我國農地政策目標檢視集村興建農舍措施之執行成效 / The agricultural policy trarger inspected construction of collective farmhouses implement fruitful results.林惠娟 Unknown Date (has links)
六、政府應結合農村社區土地重劃,提供適當之集村農舍建用農地。 / When agricultural development regulations lifted the ban and authorized the sales of farmland freely in 2000, it also supplemented related measures with incentives for farmers to build collective farmhouses so that farmers will give up constructing individual farmhouses on own their land, and jointly build collective farmhouses. This could help to eliminate the negative impact individual farmhouses have on the natural landscape of agricultural environments, and also achieve multiple objectives in upholding agriculture, farmers, environment, etc. And this is how collective farmhouses came about.
Site visits were made to completed farmhouses; cases that were being prepared were also visited. At the same time, the research study also refers to the core meaning of policies related to farmlands in the hope that it can act as a reference and also offer suggestions to future legal revision and modification.
However, the following problems and results were found after research was done in a province: as most people find it hard to integrate, coordinate, and understand the relevant legal provisions, current collective farmhouses are mostly carried out by construction companies who take on the tasks of development, gathering, and sales. However, as agricultural policies deals with land only and not individuals, such policy has, on the contrary, caused construction companies to view this as a profit target and the general public to see it as a grand dream. Given with the policy that it has helped construction company to make profit as well as the fact that the laws regulate farmland proximal to neighboring township taken as the supporting land, the site used for the construction of collective farmhouses can combine that of the supporting land to become the aggregate size of construction land. Therefore, it has encouraged companies to purchase remote and inexpensive support to work with the site of farmland in order to make up the aggregate size of the needed farmland as regulated by law. Furthermore, since the supporting land is far from the farmhouse and found without farming environment and value, it is, in fact, hard to achieve any objective of farmland solely for agricultural purpose.
As such, this study has put forth following suggestions:
1. redefine the definition of a farmer, and the conditions of builder of a farmhouse should be strictly confined.
2. the construction of collective farmhouses should be given the same severe screening standards as those of individual farmhouses.
3. farmland for agricultural purposes should be limited to a suitable distance to be used for agricultural purposes, and legal provisions should strictly prohibit further partitioning and avoidsub-partitioning.
4. construction of farmhouse should be authorized to those which are found necessary for agricultural operation.
5. community management committees should be established for collective farmhouses.
6. the government should integrate village communities for land re-zoning in order to provide suitable farmland for collective farmhouses.
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集村興建農舍之制度經濟分析 / Institutional Economic Analysis of Cluster Farmhouse徐宏明, Shiu,Hung-Ming Unknown Date (has links)
自民國89年起政府將農地政策明訂為「落實農地農用」之方向,為配合此一目標而建立「集村農舍制度」,農舍議題遂成為各方矚目之焦點。由於農舍興建與「農地利用」、「農村景觀」與「農民生活」等議題關係密切,且實際的集村農舍制度規則與執行因涉及制度參與者互動情形,而影響制度執行與最後目標之實現。惟既有的集村農舍研究多以個別觀點,從管制與被管制者的政策、法律保留原則或住宅管制等面向切入,就制度實際運作情形甚少著墨,對於整體制度問 題亦無深入探討,而研究結果多僅表示贊同或反對意見,無法針對集村興建農舍制度獲得較完整的分析。爰此,本研究透過新制度經濟之觀點,探討集村興建農舍之主要制度理念、正式規則之制度環境、及主管農舍業務組織間制度安排問題,並以「新竹湖口」與「雲林斗六」兩個集村案例,進行案例分析與實地訪查,利用與相關承辦人員深度訪談等研究方法,檢驗目前制度之執行與其保護優良農地落實性。再者應用具動態性之制度變遷理論分析,探討我國加入WTO之調整與民國89年總統大選等重要政經因素對於集村農舍制度之影響。最後依據研究結論,對目前集村農舍制度問題提出對策與政策建議,希冀未來集村興建農舍之規則與執行更能落實保護優良農地之理念。本研究之主要結論與建議如下:
(一) 集村農舍制度因加入WTO之調整與總統大選等政經因素影響,減弱保護優良農地之制度理念的落實性,呈現不合理的制度變遷趨勢。
(二) 規則欠缺農地利用面與引導農舍區位面之管制等制度環境問題,以及農地與農舍管理組織間業務重疊與職權模糊等制度安排問題,產生制度無效執行,甚至出現耗損優良農地資源之情形。
(三) 以「湖口」與「斗六」兩集村案例歸納其共同現象,目前集村興建農舍制度並未實質照顧農民,亦未能達到保護優良農地之制度目標,須加以研議調整。
(一) 「落實制度理念」-降低建商介入炒作影響制度理念落實的可能、增加落實制度理念之依據、檢討「專案分割」對制度理念落實之影響。
(二) 「合理的制度環境」-使務農者成為制度主體、提升誘因機制之質量。
(三) 「有效的制度執行」-地方政府組成集村申請案審查小組、農地利用計畫報請農委會審查列管、加強地方審查人員對於集村制度理念之宣達與執行審查業務教育。
(四) 近程與中長程措施
1. 近程建議-明確釐清農舍之定位與推動「示範集村農舍」計畫
2. 中長程建議-調整制度方向為「以集村方式興建為主」 / Central government has defined the enforcement of farmland for agricultural use as the national farmland policy since 2000. In order to fit the objective of the policy, the central government adopts the institution of cluster farmhouse. The problems of farmhouse cause public attention because it raises other issues, such as ' utilization of farmland ', ' rural landscape ' and ' farmer's life. The enforcement of cluster farmhouse institution involves the interaction of the actors, which subsequently influence the realization of the ultimate goal. The existing studies on cluster farmhouse focus mainly on the viewpoints of the owners and regulators of farmland, the principal of law reservation or housing control. In contrast to existing studies, this study, based on the concept of Institutional Economics and deep interviews with the relevant officers who take charge of the cluster farmhouse, investigate the institutional environment; institutional arrangement and enforcement of cluster farmhouse. The political and economy factors that influence the institution will be explained. Finally, a prospective promise of improvement for cluster farmhouse will be provided. The main conclusions and policy suggestions are as follows:
1. The institutional change of cluster farmhouse is deeply influenced by the political economic factors such as to join WTO and to run presidential election which subsequently affects the implementation of the institution.
2. The institutional environment of cluster farmhouse which lacks the consideration of farmland use, location of farmhouses and its institutional arrangement results in its enforcement deviated from the original concept.
3. In essence, cluster farmhouse, from the two cases in this study, has not really looked after farmers. The institution also unable to reach its goal of protecting good farmland at present.
4. Policy recommendations:
(1)To reduce the possibility for building traders becoming as a leading role in the process of cluster farmhouse .
(2)To make the people who engage in farming become the subject of the institution, and enhance the quality of the incentive mechanism .
(3) To promote the concept of cluster farmhouse more rigorously, and thoroughly educate people more on the regulation of enforcement and examination .
(4)To clarify the role of farmhouse and to give an good example of cluster farmhouse, and then to modify the regulation for building the cluster farmhouse instead of individual farmhouse .
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