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台灣證券商進入大陸市場之研究許佩茹 Unknown Date (has links)
為了加速台灣證券商於大陸市場佈局的腳步,雙方政府應積極的解除兩岸法令架構的限制,爭取台灣證券商以全資全照的方式登陸,使台灣證券商透過法令開放的時間點,在內地實際地提供相關金融服務,深化與大陸的交流,奠定未來台灣證券商於對岸的長期穩健成長之基礎。 / Chinese securities industry has been benefiting by domestic economic growth and enormous growing potential. Cooperation between cross-strait securities industry turns into a new page due to deregulation of financial constraints. This paper is based on development of each securities industry, analyzing the advantages owned by Taiwanese security firms and providing suggestions for entering Chinese market.
The economic growth rate and popularity growth are key factors of security development which show coastal area and southern area of China have more security growing potential. In Pearl River delta and Yangtze River Delta, the security firms are highly concentrated and most are state-owned.It is more appropriate for Taiwanese security firms to choose less competitive regions when entering those two areas.
Taiwanese security firms prefer choosing wholly-owned enter model in order to protect specific firm’s know-how and reputation. Due to decrease of external uncertainty, deregulated investment policies and strong growth potential in China, security firms prefer wholly-owned enter mode to manage resource efficiently. The complex organization structures of Chinese security firms and cultural differences are the main reasons of choosing enter mode for Taiwanese security firms.
Security firms which have less market share and lower state-owned characters are appreciable for being cooperative targets. Accumulated market experience, capital capacity have positive influence on joint venture performance. Complementary product services provide various accesses to expand security firm’s income. Foreign security firms have been making effort in Chinese market by participating financial revolution actively which has built a good relationship with Chinese government. From experiences, the ownerships between cooperative parties and the relationship with Chinese government are key factors to build joint ventures successfully. Therefore, it is top priority for government to improve the relationships between cross-strait to endeavor acquiring entire license in order to speed up entering Chinese market.
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台商赴中國大陸與海外其他地區投資之進入模式比較 / A Comparison of entry modes for Taiwan investment in Mainland China and other overseas areas林佳蓉, Lin, Chia Jung Unknown Date (has links)
企業從事海外投資首先面臨的重要課題即為選擇適當之「進入模式(entry mode)」,因進入模式之適當與否將對日後的經營管理與營運績效產生重大影響。企業進入國際市場的策略類型很多,每一類型都與其企業經營目標息息相關。而台商面對眾多影響進入模式的因素時,若無正確的衡量標準而逕赴海外投資,勢必增加其投資風險。
本研究以描述性統計分析、交叉分析及變異數分析等統計方法實證分析台商赴中國大陸及海外其他地區投資之進入模式之比較及影響因素。經實證結果指出,企業之投資動機、企業規模、對外投資國家地區及產業類別對台商赴中國大陸或其他海外地區投資之進入模式之選擇具顯著性影響;國際化經驗對台商赴中國大陸或海外其他地區投資之進入模式無顯著影響。 / In the 1980s, Taiwan’s outward investment mainly went to Southeast Asian countries. However, in the late 1990s, the island’s investment there declined significantly, while in mainland China it rapidly increased. Recently, mainland China has made its promotion of investment by domestic and foreign enterprises alike more selective by implementing a new labor law and a unified corporate income tax rate; and Vietnam and other developing countries have moved vigorously to attract investment from Taiwan. As a result, some Taiwan businesses have shifted their investment to Vietnam, India, Indonesia and other developing countries. This appears to constitute a new trend in Taiwanese overseas investment.
The foremost issue for an enterprise investing overseas is choosing an appropriate “entry mode”, because the entry mode will affect the enterprise’s management and performance. There are many kinds of strategies that enterprises use to enter international markets, and every kind is closely related to the goals of the investor. When Taiwan enterprises investing overseas and face numerous factors that affect their entry mode, the lack of appropriate measurement standards will inevitably increase their investment risk.
This study uses descriptive statistical analysis, cross-analysis, and ANOVA to analyze empirically the differenced of entry modes and the factors that influence Taiwanese investment in mainland China and other overseas areas. The statistics show that the investment motivation, scale of investing business, outward investment destination, and industry category significantly affect the entry mode that Taiwan enterprises adopt when investing in mainland China and other overseas areas; international experience, however, does not significantly affect the entry mode that Taiwanese enterprises adopt.
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中小企業海外發展策略-以越南台商為例 / International Expansion Strategy of Small and Medium Enterprises-A Study of Taiwanese Firm in Vietnam連浩成, Lien, Hao Chen Unknown Date (has links)
而在文獻的驗證中,確實證明了當企業是以 Asset Exploitation 為動機時,海外市場的選擇會傾向以較低度開發的國家為主,另外在進入模式的選擇上,雖然兩家公司採取一樣的進入模式,但影響的因素卻是完全不同,不過結果仍符合文獻中所提出的假設,最後,在市場經營模式上,更是完全符合既定的印象與理論,對於當地市場不同的策略定位確實會直接影響到企業在當地市場的經營模式。
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放寬進入管制對市場服務品質的影響-以1983年至1999年臺灣民航產業為例陳曉慧 Unknown Date (has links)
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海外進入模式最適轉換時機之分析何秀青 Unknown Date (has links)
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國際市場進入策略動態變遷之研究--以資訊業為例許台融 Unknown Date (has links)
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臺商投資大陸滬寧地區之DUNNING理論測試 / The Study of Taiwan's Investment Behavior in the Shanghai and Nanjing Area - An appication of Dunning's Model.鄧應儒, Teng, Ying Ju Unknown Date (has links)
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化妝品廠商中國市場進入策略之研究 / China Market entry strategy for Cosmetics Comapny周建呈 Unknown Date (has links)
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台灣鋰鐵動力電池廠商進入中國大陸市場模式之策略分析 / The strategic analysis of Taiwan Li-Fe power cell battery manufacturers entry mode in China market陳勇廷 Unknown Date (has links)
因此本論文將研究台灣鋰鐵動力電池廠商除了增強產品研發實力外,如何透過產業結盟方式進入中國大陸市場,才有機會在未來五到十年插電式混合電車(PHEV)及純電動車(EV)普及前,成為鋰鐵動力電池產業鏈的主要供應商。 / The lithium iron power battery possesses the performance such as security, longer-lived, very large electric current charging and discharging, environmental protection, obviously superior to other batteries, the battery technology has been developed actively all over the world already. The future main market application of the lithium iron battery will be in the battery power of motor in Taiwan, the research and the development platform of electric motor car are not ripe yet at present, it is unable to march up the research and development of automobile-used in car factor. But the car sales volume of Mainland China is the leading sales market of the two major car market in the world. Under the encouragement of relevant policies, the local car factories put into the development of the new energy vehicle actively too, therefore ,the future electric motor car market of Mainland China will be developed very fast. The lithium iron power battery of Taiwanese manufacturers shall consider the strategy and make a reservation in the world, seeking to enter the supply-chain of Chinese car actively, then they will have an opportunity to occupy a ting space on the market of lithium iron power battery on the whole world.
This research shall be hopped to direct against the lithium iron motive force battery industry of Taiwan while entering market of Mainland China to find favorable tactics. We do expect on academy and at the practice can achieve the following goal .
1.Via environmental analysis to analyze the trends about the development of lithium iron battery industry of Taiwan and Mainland China at present.
2.Through SWOT, it is analyzed that it is the chance or the threat about the Taiwanese lithium iron motive force battery industry market in Mainland China , and to examine one's own advantage and weak tendency.
3.We hope it is helpful for Taiwanese lithium iron power battery manufacturers, while entering into the Mainland China market to expand the business in future. They can choose the right tactics way.
In view of these reasons, this thesis will provide to Taiwanese manufacturers of the lithium iron power battery. Besides, they must put their efforts to the strengthening capability of research and the development of products; how to enter the Mainland Chinas market by forming an alliance in the industry. Then they will have an opportunity to insert plug-in hybrid electric vehicle (PHEV) and pure electric motor car before popularizing became the main supplier of lithium iron motive force battery industry chain in the coming five to ten years.
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企業學習經驗、國家文化距離與企業海外進入模式 / Learning experience, culture distance and entry mode蔡映瑄 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究以東洋新經濟報社的資料為主,並以全球合併收購及合作創業資料庫(SDC Platinum)為輔佐來探討日本企業在全球進行海外直接投資時的進入策略影響因素。實證結果符合本研究假設,也就是說,在其他假設不變的情況下,企業和目標市場之間的文化距離會反向影響企業學習經驗和企業進入模式選擇的關係。 / Entry strategy is one of the most important issues in international business management. In the past, most of the research focused on the relationships between culture distance and learning effect versus entry mode. None of paper discusses the interrelationships among the three. In this paper, I develop the hypothesis and test whether culture distance weaken the effect leaning experience has on entry mode. In this paper, the entry mode will focus on the choice between greenfield and acquisition.
I use the data from Business Networks in the Economic Development in East and Southeast Asia and SDC Platinum to conduct the research. The regression analysis result supports the hypothesis. Firms with more international experiences tend to prefer entering foreign markets by acquisition and culture distance will weaken the effect leaning experience has on entry mode.
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