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地方儀式與儀式劇: 以廣西岑溪地區南渡鎮為例 = Local ritual and ritual drama : the case of Nandu Town, Cenxi, Guangxi. / Local ritual and ritual drama: the case of Nandu Town, Cenxi, Guangxi / Di fang yi shi yu yi shi ju: yi Guangxi Cenxi di qu Nandu Zhen wei li = Local ritual and ritual drama : the case of Nandu Town, Cenxi, Guangxi.January 2015 (has links)
本文的主旨在於探討儀式傳統向戲劇轉化的問題。本文以岑溪市南渡鎮地方儀式傳統為基礎,從社會綜合市鎮格局形成、儀式傳統中的基本儀式形態、作為戲劇化載體的儀式劇形態,以及儀式劇在整個儀式傳統中的定位與脈絡等方面,對「儀」與「戲」在特定社會轉變背景下的關係作出深入的探究。 / 本文分七章就上述論題展開論述。第一章為緒論部分,主要涉及研究緣起、地方儀式傳統與儀式劇研究回顧、問題意識形成以及研究資料方法等內容。 / 第二章集中論述自清乾隆年間起,南渡鎮因鹽課政策的改變逐漸形成了綜合性市鎮,為南渡儀式傳統的形成打下了物質基礎。 / 第三章主要論述南渡儀式傳統的基本形態,包括相關家族移民史、道法源及當地紅事、白事、神事的表演形態。南渡道館存有兩部主要儀式劇:《枉府西遊》與《八仙下凡》,均形成於清中晚期,且衍生於當地道館中的民間佛教信仰。 / 第四章論及南渡道館中的「喃嘸」傳統。南渡「喃嘸」傳統具有廣府與客家融合,茅山、玄科、儀式佛教合而為一的地方「喃嘸」特色。 / 第五章探究南渡「喃嘸」傳統的戲劇化現象。 / 第六章探討南渡「喃嘸」傳統中「儀」與「戲」的互動。 / 第七章為本文結論。 / This dissertation focuses on the question of the theatricalization of local ritual tradition. Our study concentrates on the local ritual tradition in a community town of Nandu, Cenxi. We study the process of theatricalization of local ritual tradition and the relationship between "ritual" and "drama". / This dissertation consists of seven chapters. Chapter one is an introduction which defines the research question and methodology. It also includes a literature review on local ritual tradition and ritual drama. / Chapter two discusses the historical process of urbanization of Nandu Town since Qianlong in relation to the change of tax policy on salt and the emerging need for entertainment of the newly formed town. / Chapter three investigates the forms of ritual in Nadu. There are two main ritual dramas: the Western Travel drama (枉府西遊) and the Eight-Immortals (八仙下凡), both of which formed in late Qing and developed from ritual Buddhism. / Chapter four studies the ritual tradition of Nandu. The ritual is fundmentally made up of three religious sects: Maoshan teachingm , Xuan teaching, as well as ritual Buddhism . / Chapter five focuses on the dramatization of the ritual tradition of Nandu. / Chapter six disscuses the interaction between ritual and drama in Nandu tradition. / Chapter seven is the conclusion of this dissertation. / Detailed summary in vernacular field only. / Detailed summary in vernacular field only. / Detailed summary in vernacular field only. / Detailed summary in vernacular field only. / Detailed summary in vernacular field only. / Detailed summary in vernacular field only. / Detailed summary in vernacular field only. / Detailed summary in vernacular field only. / 謝健. / Parallel title from added title page. / Thesis (Ph.D.) Chinese University of Hong Kong, 2015. / Includes bibliographical references (leaves 180-197). / Abstracts also in English. / Xie Jian.
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拜蛇還是拜佛: 從唐代金山寺的建立看鎮江納入王朝行政體系的過程. / Buddha versus snake: the process of Zhenjiang incorporated into the state in late Tang dynasty / 從唐代金山寺的建立看鎮江納入王朝行政體系的過程 / CUHK electronic theses & dissertations collection / Bai she huan shi bai Fo: cong Tang dai Jin Shan si de jian li kan Zhenjiang na ru wang chao xing zheng ti xi de guo cheng. / Cong Tang dai Jin Shan si de jian li kan Zhenjiang na ru wang chao xing zheng ti xi de guo chengJanuary 2012 (has links)
金山寺位於江蘇省鎮江市,這座今天依然著名的佛寺最初是當地祭拜水神蛇仙的場所。從公元820年代開始,金山佛寺出現,寺內拜佛的活動逐漸成為主流。這個民間拜蛇的場所,逐漸開始拜佛,這個轉變是中唐之後鎮江地區一系列社會變化的結果,闡述這些社會改變,便能大致揭示出鎮江納入王朝行政體系具體過程。 / 金山寺所在的金山,在唐代是一個方圓到一公里的岩石島嶼。這裡祭祀水神蛇仙的記錄,最早可以追述至南朝。在這裡接受祭祀的水神蛇仙中,以白蛇為首位。從隋朝開始,隨著胡商在長江下游經營活動逐漸增加,金山小島上所祭祀的水神,同時融匯了江南本土水神蛇仙信仰和在華胡商的女神信仰兩方面的祭拜傳統。這種不同文化、不同祭祀傳統的融合,是通過商稅逐漸成為中唐王朝的主要經濟來源而逐步形成的。 / 隨著唐玄宗初步確立的運河溝通南北的格局,運河於安史之亂後成為唐帝國的生命線,這一點令位於長江水道與運河水道相交匯的鎮江,以其經濟意義而成為王朝勢力的必爭之地。鎮江的地方官職(唐時稱潤州刺史)也從一個王朝官員畏懼的「凶闕」而一躍成為「望」職,常由宰相兼領。 / 鎮江經濟地位的提升以及朝廷重臣的駐守,令王朝的行政體系高調出現在鎮江,並且引發了朝廷與地方勢力之爭。恰在此時,唐王朝的鹽政令朝廷成功獲得商人以及地方權貴的支持,北方朝廷與鎮江地方社會的衝突,在商人和權貴的介入下,得到了緩和。鎮江社會的結構出現了改變,編戶數量大增。 / 隨著社會結構的轉變,王朝重臣同時成功地將王朝的文化成功地帶到了鎮江。從公元820年代開始,文化在鎮江出現的轉變,對於民間對於王朝的認同來說,是決定性的一步。鎮江的金山寺,不僅通過這種文化認同而被描述成佛寺,並且更成為當地代表北方文化的一個傳播中心。 / 從此之後,金山寺便開始被官員和文人稱為“佛寺。雖然如此,金山島上的水神並沒有消失。這位號稱是白蛇的神靈,以其融匯在華胡商女性水神信仰而由老叟變成美婦。水神祭祀和對佛教的禮拜,在晚唐五代的金山寺中並行不悖,其表現形式,則是以佛教傳統為主導、水神祭祀為輔。晚唐金山寺逐漸成為遠近聞名的佛寺,從這個時候開始,鎮江便完成了其由化外之邦至化內之地的轉變。 / Monastery Jinshan locates in Zhenjiang today. Though it is famous for its Buddhist rituals since 11th century, the monastery was originally a sacred palace for preying Water Gods of Snakes. Since the palace was first being addressed as “Buddhist monastery in mid 820s, the Buddhist tradition was recorded as the dominant one. The conversion from local serpent cult to state Buddhist Religion resulted from a mix of social transformations in Zhenjiang. Therefore, the converting process revealed the process of the place getting incorporated into the state during the transformation period of late Tang Dynasty (AD 618-903). / During Tang Dynasty, Monastery Jinshan sat on a small rocky island in the middle of lower range of Yangzi River. The earliest record of serpent cult in the island could be traced back to late fourth century. Snake White led the pantheons of water gods in Zhenjiang, and the serpent cult in Zhenjing witnessed a profound transformation because of the foreign merchants who traveled around the lower range of Yangzi River in Sui and Tang Dynasties (AD 581-907). The foreign merchants of the time profiled their Water Gods as twin females with impressively young faces. Though Chinese tradition imaged the Snake White as an old man in white suits, the convergence of the two distinct traditions ended up with a popularity of a beautiful Chinese lady of Madam Snake White whom was escorted by the other beautiful maid of Snake Blue. The mixing of the two different traditions revealed the increasingly influential economic status of merchants, especially the foreign traders, after Mid Tang Dynasty. / With the economic importance of merchants was escalating, the canal system also started to work regularly during the final 1.5 centuries in Tang. The canal system physically linked Capital Chang’an with Zhenjiang (addressed as “Runzhou City in Tang) which was the waterway conjunction of Yangzi River and the Great Canal. Since 9th century, the waterway conjunction shed off the negative image of a remote and perilous area and became one of the leading places in the empire. Zhenjiang was then governed directly by the prime ministers during late Tang Dynasty. / The arrival of the prime ministers in Zhenjiang was accompanied with the high-profiled introduction of state administration here, which aroused the confrontation and conflicts between the state and the local. The confrontation was pacified by the newly-established salt policy during the first half of the 9th century. The salt policy ensured the court to gain the support from the local strongmen and merchants. / The cooperation of local strongmen in Zhenjiang made it possible for the state to nurture the cultural environment that appreciated the leadership of Chang’an. The cultural transformation in Zhenjiang started with the establishment of Monastery Jinshan, and the monastery became the venue of demonstrating the cultural trend in the state. / Though Monastery Jinshan was shaped as a local authority of Buddhism, the serpent cult died hard in the island. Both Buddha and Snake White were prayed in the Jinshan, with Buddha as the higher god. The authority of Monastery Jinshan was finally constituted in 870s, indication the finalization of the incorporation. / Detailed summary in vernacular field only. / Detailed summary in vernacular field only. / Detailed summary in vernacular field only. / Detailed summary in vernacular field only. / Detailed summary in vernacular field only. / Detailed summary in vernacular field only. / 陳越溪. / "2012年6月". / "2012 nian 6 yue". / Thesis (M.Phil.)--Chinese University of Hong Kong, 2012. / Includes bibliographical references (leaves 119-125). / Electronic reproduction. Hong Kong : Chinese University of Hong Kong, [2012] System requirements: Adobe Acrobat Reader. Available via World Wide Web. / Abstract in Chinese and English. / Chen Yuexi. / Chapter 第一章 --- 緒論 --- p.1 / Chapter 第二章 --- 來自金山的“江心鏡 --- p.12 / Chapter 1、 --- 來自鎮江的進奉 --- p.12 / Chapter 2、 --- 唐代的五月初五 --- p.19 / Chapter 第三章 --- 祭祀中心與藥市 --- p.24 / Chapter 1、 --- 金山是水神祭祀中心 --- p.24 / Chapter 2、 --- 鎮江的藥市 --- p.31 / Chapter 第四章 --- 金山上的水神 --- p.35 / Chapter 1、 --- 壯麗的水神廟 --- p.35 / Chapter 2、 --- 水神是蛇仙 --- p.36 / Chapter 3、 --- 水神:老叟還是美婦? --- p.38 / Chapter 4、 --- 水神從男性變為女性 --- p.40 / Chapter 第六章 --- 運河 --- p.48 / Chapter 1、 --- 政之不行 --- p.48 / Chapter 2、 --- 地方勢力 --- p.49 / Chapter 3、 --- 潤州新進士 --- p.51 / Chapter 4、 --- 潤州新刺史齊濣 --- p.52 / Chapter 5、 --- 運河之利 --- p.57 / Chapter 6、 --- 施政不易 --- p.58 / Chapter 7、 --- 再看唐明皇守城門樓 --- p.61 / Chapter 第七章 --- 拜佛 --- p.64 / Chapter 1、 --- 僧蛇之鬭 --- p.65 / Chapter 2、 --- 顯貴移民:練湖的勝利 --- p.69 / Chapter 第八章 --- 金山名日新 --- p.76 / Chapter 1、 --- 唐朝的鹽商 --- p.76 / Chapter 2、 --- 金山名日新 --- p.82 / Chapter 3、 --- 馬祖玄素和護航寶塔 --- p.84 / Chapter 4、 --- 宰相命輪 --- p.93 / Chapter 第九章 --- 寺成 --- p.94 / Chapter 1、 --- 處心積慮的李德裕 --- p.94 / Chapter 2、 --- 削弱水神蛇仙的影響力 --- p.100 / Chapter 3、 --- 德裕努力的成功 --- p.102 / Chapter 4、 --- 漕路通了 --- p.105 / Chapter 5、 --- 金山寺成 --- p.107 / Chapter 第十章 --- 結論 --- p.115
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「導引建築業參與林口新市鎮開發策略之研究」王彩葉, WAN, CAI-YI Unknown Date (has links)
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中國大陸山東省鄉鎮企業產權改革之研究 / The Research of Townships and Villages Enterprises Property Rights Reform in Mainland China Shandong Province李焱求, LEE, HYUK-KU Unknown Date (has links)
開始於70年代末和80年代初的改革有效地重整了中國大陸農村經濟。農村工業部門成為80年代中國大陸經濟中最具活力的部門之一,而中國大陸農村工業的發展是以鄉鎮集體所有的企業為先導的。然而,80年代末和90年代初,鄉鎮企業的外部環境開始變得日益嚴峻起來。並且,隨著改革開放和市場經濟快速發展,鄉鎮企業原有制度安排存在的低效率問題日益顯現出來,私有企業和國有企業不斷提高的競爭力,以及中國大陸宏觀經濟的週期性問題,而顯著地降低了鄉鎮企業的效益。由於鄉鎮企業所面臨的問題的增多,一些地方政府開始意識到如果鄉鎮企業要繼續成為農村發展的強大動力,產權改革是必要的。當中央政府於1996年採取了「抓大放小」的政策後,產權改革試點的政治基礎大大擴展了,中國大陸的鄉鎮企業也開始出現明顯的組織和所有制的改革。到2001年,以產權制度為主要內容的鄉鎮集體企業改革進一步擴大,其中涉及產權制度的改革已達90%。本論文將描述並分析鄉鎮企業產權制度改革過程,以及改制後的影響。 / In Shandong and most other parts of China, rural industrial growth was led by enterprises that were collectively owned by townships and villages (TVEs).However, during the late 1980s and the early 1990s, increased competition from private and state-owned enterprises, management problems, and the cyclical nature of the Chinese macro-economy significantly reduced the profitability of TVEs. As the problems facing TVEs multiplied, some local governments began to realize that property rights reform might be necessary and desirable if TVEs are to continue to be a strong engine of rural growth. When the central government adopted its “Zhua-da-fang-xiao” policy in 1996, the political space for experimentation in property rights reform expanded significantly, and China’s TVEs began to undergo significant organizational and ownership changes. By the end of 2001, about 90 percent of TVEs in Shandong had undergone property rights reform. The purpose of this and its companion volumes is to describe and to analyze the process of property rights reform among township-village enterprise in Shandong and to study the consequences of the reform.
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原住民經濟變遷與觀光資源的自主治理-以新光、鎮西堡民宿事業發展為例 / The Transformation of Economy and Self-governing on Tourism Resources of Aboriginal Society - A Case Study on the Development of B&B Business in Smangus and Cinsbu Tribe蕭喻文, Hsiao, Yu Wen Unknown Date (has links)
因此,本文以文獻分析法與田野調查之深度訪談、焦點團體訪談為主要研究方法,透過制度經濟學者E. Ostrom所提出之制度個人選擇與集體選擇變量分析架構,探討部落居民以傳統觀念作為凝聚共識,對於觀光與民宿事業自主治理制度的選擇與規則制定;並以「共用資源治理永續性之制度設計原則」,對於兩部落自主治理組織制度設計與運作的強健性,加以觀察檢視。以及,藉由兩部落自主治理組織的制度設計、功能、性質與各組織間的關係,分析新光與鎮西堡部落共用資源自主治理策略,和實際運作的情形。並透過中心∕邊陲觀觀察兩部落傳統社會經濟體系,與生產型態發展、變遷的歷史脈絡,和觀光與民宿事業對於部落社區文化延續的調適與衝擊。最後,綜合分析兩部落自主治理機制建立與持續運作的因素,以及所面臨的困境。 / Compare with the primitive production mode in Smangus and Cinsbu tribe focus on slash-and-burn, hunting and fishing, the capitalistic production mode and resource utilization mode is influenced by the governmental policy. Under the policy, the tribe residents start to cultivate the beneficial crop and to develop the tourist business successively. However, the residents of Smangus and Cinsbu Tribe still express the interior cohesiveness conspicuously in the process of transforming on production activity, and still behave the highly connection on traditional relationship and tribe identity. The tribe residents follow the traditional communion idea “gaga” in Atayal to build mutual operation rules on self-governing of the tribe common-pool resources, and to map out a self-governing mode on tourist and B&B business. And this kind of cultural patterns implies the subsistence strategy of maintaining collective action and a sense of belonging, which is under the ethnic identity.
Therefore, the documentary analysis and the field study which is included in-depth interviews and focus group interviews is adopted as the main research approaches in this study. Otherwise, this study is based on the analysis of variance of individual and collective choice, which is broached by E. Ostrom, an institutional economist, to discuss how the tribe residents make rules and choose the self-governing system on the B&B business according to the common consensus of traditional idea, and to survey the reliability of design and operation of the self-governing organizations in Smangus and Cinsbu tribe according to the “Design Principles Illustrated by Long-enduring CPR Institutions”. In terms of review the design principle, function, and character of self-governing organizations and the relationship of those organizations in Smangus and Cinsbu tribe to analyze the self-governing strategy of common-pool resources and the actual situations. Moreover, through the core-periphery concept, this study also observes the economy system of traditional society, the development of production mode and the change of historical sequence, and the impact and of B&B business on the continuation of tribal culture and how the tribe residents get with it. At the end, this study analyzes the factors and difficulties, which influence the build-up of and operation of the self-governing in Smangus and Cinsbu tribe.
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社區資源應用於鄉鎮圖書館之研究 / A Study on the integrating community resources to the marketing of rural libraries洪聖傑, Hung, Sheng Chieh Unknown Date (has links)
最後本研究針對鄉鎮圖書館運用社區資源之方式及營運之困境提出以下建議:(一)改革鄉鎮圖書館體制,讓圖書館經營回歸專業;(二)有關單位應持續關注鄉鎮圖書館的發展,提供適當協助;(三)鄉鎮圖書館應確立自身的使命,扮演好應有的角色;(四)建立資料庫,整合社區資源;(五)強化人員培訓,切合實際需求。 / Rural libraries had become community resource centers after cooperated with communities. This is an important goal to the present rural library. However, there are still many issues to be resolved, including the lack of awareness of community resources and funding, human resources lacked. These problem formed obstacles to the development of rural libraries. This research focus on the marketing experience from those rural libraries which integrating community resources well, and expected to provide good examples to the future rural library’s management.
The purpose of this study is to understand the successful marketing experience of rural libraries. The themes are as follows: (1) How rural library explore the community resources and to seek cooperation? (2) What types of community resources utilization? (3) What kinds of the benefits brought by integrating community resources to the rural library marketing? (4) What kind of difficulties will appear in the process of marketing? (5) How rural library respond to these problems?
This study used case studies and interview as the research methodology. The interview objects are choosen from the rural libraries in Taipei and Ilan County, including Shenkeng, Wanli, sindian, Nanao, Ilan and Jhuangwei. The interviewer contains the rural library staff and the community members.
For the community resources exploring, the rural library should have three priorities: (1) understanding the community resources fully, (2) managing public relations actively, (3) the cooperation among library and the community must be mutual beneficial. The type of community resources that rural libraries use can be divided into four categories:(1) culture Resources, (2) institutional resources, (3) human resources; (4) natural resources.
The benefit which brings for the library including (1) the reading population growth; (2) establishes the characteristics of library; (3) increases the populace’s sympathy to the library. The benefit brings for the community includes (1) promotion the reading atmosphere; (2) provides the opportunity for populace to grow and study (3) impetus to community develops.
The problems that the rural Library may faced in the process of marketing including (1) lack of resources, (2) the different perception between library and community, (3) political interference in professional, (4) lack of innovation and action. In order to solve these problems, rural libraries should (1) play important role to integrate community resource, (2) enhance interaction with the community, (3) promote government officer’s attention to the library.
Finally, the suggestions for future development about the integrating community resources to the rural library marketing are as follow: (1), the reform of rural library system, let the library management follow the professional practice. (2) government should pay attention to the development of rural libraries continuously, and provide appropriate assistance, (3) rural libraries should establish its own mission, play important role in community development, (4) construct and integrate the community resources database, (5) strengthen the training of personnel to meet the real demand.
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中國大陸鄉鎮財政制度改革之研究 / Financial system reform in China: A study on township and village levels張亭玉 Unknown Date (has links)
中國大陸自改革開放後經濟快速發展, 沿海城市的發展帶動整個中國經濟實力上升,整體經濟以擴散方式逐步往內地發展。長期城鄉發展差距讓農民必須遠離農村至人力需求較高的城市打工賺錢以養家活口,農村經濟發展停滯、基礎建設不足、經費短缺,農村更因經濟吸引力不足,勞動人口大量外移,陷入無效率、停滯的狀況。
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鄉鎮圖書館結合社區總體營造之研究林書廷 Unknown Date (has links)
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平安初期密教彫刻をめぐる思想・実践・祈願 ―承和・貞観期の王権の造像を中心に―高橋, 早紀子 23 March 2017 (has links)
京都大学 / 0048 / 新制・課程博士 / 博士(文学) / 甲第20102号 / 文博第727号 / 新制||文||640(附属図書館) / 京都大学大学院文学研究科思想文化学専攻 / (主査)教授 根立 研介, 教授 吉川 真司, 准教授 稲本 泰生 / 学位規則第4条第1項該当 / Doctor of Letters / Kyoto University / DGAM
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林口重劃區土地利用發展策略之研究林淑惠, LIN, SHU-HUI Unknown Date (has links)
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