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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

論古漢語韻母在閩南語白讀中的表現 / On the phonologic phenomena of ancient Chinese remained in the finals of Southern Min dialects

蔡穎慧 Unknown Date (has links)
第一章〈緒論〉,旨在確立動機與目的,在了解目的後;進一步整理前人的說法,希冀在前人的研究基礎上,做更深入的研究、探索;進而進再談論到研究背後的理論基礎與研究步驟;最後,則說明本研究所使用的語料的取用原因及來源。   第二章〈閩南語韻母的文白讀判讀〉,除了將閩南語韻母離析出文讀層與白讀層外,還進一步將白讀層韻母再細分為更多層次。   第三章〈西漢韻母現象在閩南語白讀中的表現〉,主要是透過上古至西漢間,韻部系統關係與分合關係的發展,來觀察在閩南方言中的表現情形。   第四章〈六朝江東韻母現象在閩南語白讀中的表現〉,主要是透過六朝時期南方江東地區的韻部合流、對立的關係,來檢視在閩南方言中的表現。   第五章〈結論〉,旨在統整前面幾章的重點,歸結閩南語不同層次的演變類型,並解釋古漢語韻母的時代特色與閩南語不同演變類型的關係。


方念萱, FANG, NIAN-XUAN Unknown Date (has links)
民國六十四年「廣播電視法」通過,其中第條規定:「電台對國內廣播播音語言應以 國語為主,方言應逐年減少;其所占比率,由新聞局視實際需要定之。」自此三家電 視台即謹守廣電法規定,方言(閩南語)節目總量從未超過總播出時間的百分之十二 。 民國七十七年起,報章雜誌上出現了方言族群的投書,紛紛呼籲「電視節目增闢方言 時段」、「實施雙語教育」等,一時電視節目中方言節目比率成為爭論的議題。 本研究旨在分析方言節目收視行為,以閩南語語族為例,探討族群認同與族群媒介使 用的關聯,研究問題如下: (一)方言節目觀眾是誰?有那些特質? (二)族群認同和方言節目收看之間關聯性如何? (三)方言使用,是認同方言族群的指標,其與方言節目收看之間關聯性如何? 本研究以本省籍成年人為母體,全省抽樣,進行訪談。大體而言,本研究之主要發現 如下: (一)就人口變項與「方言節目收看頻率」的關聯性而言,閩南語族群中,老年人較 青年及中年看得多;女性較男性看得多;教育程度愈高,看得愈少;專業程度高者和 其人在收看方言節目頻率上有顯著差異。 (二)就方言族群「族群認同」與「方言節目收看頻率」之間關聯性而言,可分兩個 層面來看:在「族群認同」的信仰層面,「方言節目收看頻率」並未受「族群認同」 程度的影響;在「族群認同」的行為層面,以「方言使用」為「族群認同」行為指標 ,則「方言使用」的多寡和「方言節目收看頻率」有關聯。

閩南語的副詞變調音韻中的介面現象 / Tone Sandhi of Adverbsin Southern Min: Interfaces in Phonology

陳雅玫, Chen, Ya-mei Unknown Date (has links)
本文主要是從音韻,句法,語義及言談分析四部門的介面關係來探討閩南副詞的各種變調現象.副詞的句法及語義修飾功能可能影響閩南語重疊副詞的變調行為.當重疊副詞的句法與語義功能呈現差異時.它則單獨形成一個音韻片語.副詞內在的語義特性與閩南語一般副詞的變調有密切的關連.副詞可以是副語修飾語或句子修飾語.述語修飾語在語義上修飾述語或述語內的成份,因此與述語共同形成一個音韻片語;句子修飾語在語義上修飾主詞,句子或說話者,其必須單獨形成一個音韻片語.最後,我們從言談分析的角度重新分析閩南語的副詞.訊息結構中的焦點,主題及評論等結構會促成副詞音韻片語的重組.當副詞構成整個主題或評論時,它必須單獨形成一個獨立片語 / This thesis explores the adverbial phrasings in Southern Min from the interface among phonology, syntax, semantics, and discourse. The syntactic andsemantic modification functions of the adverbs may affect the tonal phrasings of there duplicated adverbs in this language. When an adverb shows a syntax-semanticmismatch, it would form a separate phonological phrase. The intrinsic semanticproperties of the adverbs are crucial to tonal phrasings of the general adverbsSouthern Min. An adverb may serve as a predicate modifier, a sentence modifier, or both. A predicate modifier joins with the predicate to form aphonological phrase;a sentence modifier forms a separate phonological phrase.Finally, we reanalyzethe adverbs in question from the viewpoint of discourse information structure. An adverb which is a focus, topic, domains. Specifically,a topic or commentcoincides with the phonological phrase.

台灣閩南語中的分類詞 / Classifiers in Taiwan Southern Min

陳孟英 Unknown Date (has links)
台灣閩南語(以下簡稱台語)的研究近年日益受到重視,但討論台語分類詞的文獻卻相當稀少。分類詞定義不清,是歷年文獻對台語分類詞看法不一或略而不談的主因。同樣地,由於台語分類詞的定位不明,也使得分類詞在台語教學中未能受到應有的重視。   因此,本論文將以Her & Hsieh(2010)和Her(2012)所提出的分類詞與量詞的語法測試、集合論差異、和語意數值作為基礎,重新界定分類詞,並依此定義,重新審視歷年文獻所提出的台語分類詞或量詞語料。這些文獻和語料的來源涵蓋了教育部或教育局、國科會研究計畫、語言學者、資深台灣閩南語教師、及一手田野調查的資料。本論文將文獻依其對分類詞的定位分成三大類:量詞(未提及分類詞時)、分類詞視為量詞次類(如:個體量詞等)、分類詞。   本論文研究目的有四:首先,藉由明確的分類詞定義,重新檢視文獻中的分類詞或量詞語料,盡可能呈現出台灣閩南語的分類詞清單。其次,以這些此分類詞清單基礎,歸納出台灣閩南語分類詞的語意歸類系統。第三點,對比台灣閩南語和台灣華語的分類詞語意歸類系統。最後,將觀察到的兩方言差異提供給台語教學者作為分類詞教學上的參考依據。

從韻律音韻學理論之觀點研究閩南語特殊變調 / A Prosody-theoretic Approach to Southern Min Special Tone Sandhi

歐淑珍, Ou, Shu-Chen Unknown Date (has links)
本論文旨在探討閩南語的三種變調: (1)形容詞重疊變調 , (2) -a後綴變調,和 (3) 輕聲變調. 形容詞重疊變調是在 McCarthy & Prince (1986, 1990) 等人所發展出來的韻律構詞學( Prosodic Morphology) 理論框架下重新分析. 作者認為形容詞三疊是由抑揚格音步前綴而來, 而不是江文瑜教授(1992)所說的音節後綴; 此外,聲調扮演了構詞功能的角色. -a 後綴變調則是運用字構音韻學( Lexical Phonology)理論來分析的. 根據黃宣範教授(1988) 和連金發先生(1995)對-a後綴構詞特性的分類, 作者將-a後綴重新分為六類. 再觀察它們與音韻規則的互動關係, 主張-a後綴構應分屬於三個字構層次中, 此理論的層級排列( Level Ordering) 和嚴格循環論( Strict Cyclicity)也在本章獲得證實. 輕聲變調是採用韻律音韻學(Prosodic Phonology) 來分析的. 作者認為輕聲有兩個規律: 浮游低調展延和原調展延, 且運作於一個(強起)( left-leaded)的音韻片語中, 如此一來,簡化了煩雜的青聲句法結構. 兩個輕聲規律的不同展現於展延節點,方向,屬性,音節數目等方面. 本章的分析技巧也支持了韻律體係在語言系統中的必要性 / This thesis explores three kinds of special tone sandhi in Southern Min: (i) reduplicated adjective tone sandhi, (ii) -a suffix tone sandhi, and (iii)neutral tone sandhi. Reduplicated adjective tone sandhi is analyzed within the framework of prosodic morphology (McCarthy and Prince 1986, 1990). Unlike Chiang's (1992)suffix syllable template, the author argues that AAA is reduplicated by theprefixation of an iambic template.Following Yip (1980), tone may play a morphological role. -a suffix is discussed from the perspective of lehor argues that AAxical phonology. According to the morphological functions figured from Lien (1995) and Huang (1988), six categories of the suffix -a are distinguished. Through the interactions of morphological and phonological rules, the concepts of levelordering and strict cyclicity in lexical phonology are proved necessary in this language. Neutral tone sandhi is investigated in terms of prosodic phonology. Theauthor argues that the domain of neutral tone sandhi is a left-headed phonological phrase, which is more economical than previous syntactic approaches (Cheng 1968; Hong 1995). There are two neutral tone rules: thefloting low tone spreading and the base tone spreading. They are differentin spreading node, direction, order and so on. The analysis supports Yip'stwo-tiered tonal geometry andcallsfor the need of prosodic Hierachy in thelinguistic system.

從優選理論觀點分析台灣年輕人閩南語的國語口音 / An Optimality Theory Approach to the Mandarin Accent of Southern Min Spoken by Taiwan Youngsters

陳奕文, Chen, Yi-Wen Unknown Date (has links)
本論文觀察台灣年輕人說閩南語的國語口音,建立語料庫作為分析基礎,並根據優選理論中的浮動制約模型(Floating Constraint, Reynolds 1994)分析語料。 本文語料主要分為兩大組:A組及B組。除AB兩組均保留雙唇濁塞聲母 /b/之外,A組的國語口音較明顯,亦即軟顎濁塞聲母 /g/ 較常丟失、齒齦清塞音韻尾 /t/ 較常丟失、雙唇及軟顎清塞音韻尾 /p, k/ 常丟失或發為 /t/。B組的國語口音較不明顯,亦即較常保留上述輔音。 本文針對AB兩組的聲母及韻尾語料數據,各提出一組浮動制約。相較於A組,B組在聲母的浮動制約多了一個信實制約MAX-PLACE、在韻尾部分也多了另一個信實制約MAX-CONSONANT(CODA)。因此B組的信實制約有較多機會浮動至高層,也導致較多信實的輸出值。由此可見,兩組差異之關鍵在於浮動而非固定的制約,因此認為浮動制約模型適合用於處理此種語言變異現象。 / This thesis establishes a corpus of Taiwan youngsters’ Mandarin-accented pronunciation of Taiwanese voiced stop onsets /b/ and /g/ and voiceless stop codas /p, t, k/. The Floating Constraint model (Reynolds 1994) within the Optimality Theory framework is adopted to analyze the corpus data. The corpus includes two groups: Group A and Group B. Both groups retain the voiced bilabial stop onset /b/. Group A has higher percentages of omitting /g/ onset and /t/ coda, and codas /p/ and /k/ are often altered to /t/ or omitted. On the other hand, Group B tends to preserve those sounds. For each group, a set of floating constraints is proposed to account for their onset and coda data. The differences between Group A and Group B lie essentially in the number of floating faithfulness constraints. The Group B grammar allows one more floating constraint MAX-PLACE for onsets, and one more floating constraint MAX-CONSONANT(CODA) for codas. I have shown that the Mandarin accent is better accounted for in terms of the “floating” constraints, but not the “fixed” constraints.

幼兒園推動本土語言的歷程探究 ~與閩南語邂逅 / The Research of Promoting Taiwanese Course in Pershool

陳靜美, CHEN, JING-MEI January 1900 (has links)
本研究以本土語言(閩南語)教學,如何在幼兒園推動與實施的歷程探究,探究本土語言(閩南語)在幼兒園實施的困境及問題。研究問題(一)幼兒園推動本土語言(閩南語)教學的實施策略與歷程為何?(二)教師、教保員在實施本土語言(閩南語)教學之策略?(三)所遇困境與因應策略為何?本研究是以質性研究採結構性深度訪談的方式,邀請幼兒園教學現場人員包含:合格老師2位、教保員1位及私立幼兒園園長3位,有具閩南語身分背景及非閩南語身分背景的現場教學人員;藉由不同條件的現場教學人員,探究推動本土語言(閩南語)實施教學困境與歷程。本研究結果如下: 一、本土語言教學推動有助於母語的保存。 二、全語言教學環境有助老師進行閩南語教學。 三、老師對教學策略的運用有助閩南語的推動。 四、母語在家庭與社會的流通性不佳,會造成母語教學推動的困境因素。 研究結果中發現,母語最好的發芽地在家庭,母語要真正永續需要政府政策的支持。最後,根據研究結果提出具體的建議,期望作為推動本土語言教學研究者的參考。 / This study is based on how local language (Taiwanese) teaching is promoted and carried out and discussing the problems and difficulties of its implication in Pershool. Research problems are: (1) What are the strategies and processes of promoting local language (Taiwanese) teaching course in Pershool? (2) What are the strategies of teachers’ teaching on the implication of promoting local language (Taiwanese) courses? (3) What are the difficulties and the strategies of solving them? This study adopts the approach of structural interviews, so we interview two certificated teachers, one child-care worker and three principals who are Taiwanese or non-Taiwanese native speakers in Pershools. By interviewing those teachers in different conditions, we can research the difficulties and processes of promoting local language (Taiwanese) teaching courses. The results of the study are as followings: (1)Promoting native language helps preserve mother tongue language. (2)Whole language teaching and learning environment helps teacher's teaching in Taiwanese. (3)The usuage of teahcer's teaching strategies helps promote Taiwanese. (4)The poor circulation of mother tongue langauage in families and societies cases the predicament of promoting mother tongue language teaching. The result shows that the on-side evaluation program promotes the motivation of learning native language. Mother Language Day is one of the strategies to spur the Pershool on promoting mother tongue language teaching. However, the promotion by the school isn’t enough. The origin of mother tongue language is our home. And the sustainable development of native language requires the support by government. Last, according to the result, we expect that this study can be referenced by the future researchers and Pershools to promote local language teaching. / 謝 誌 I 中文摘要 II Abstract III 目 次 IV 表 次 VI 圖 次 VII 第一章 緒論 1 第一節 研究動機 1 第二節 研究目的與問題 3 第三節 名詞釋義 5 第二章 文獻探討 6 第一節 本土語言的教學現況 7 第二節 本土語言的教學策略 12 第三節 本土語言教學困境與解決方法 17 第三章 研究方法 23 第一節 質性研究與研究流程 23 第二節 研究場域與研究對象 27 第三節 資料收集 32 第四節 資料整理與分析 34 第五節 研究信效度與研究倫理 36 第四章 研究發現與討論 38 第一節 閩南語教學歷程 38 第二節 實施之困境與因應策略 52 第五章 研究結論與建議 56 第一節 結論 56 第二節 建議 58 第三節 省思 60 參考文獻 62 一、中文部分分 62 二、英文部分 66 附錄 67 訪談大綱 67 訪談同意書 68 訪談逐字稿範例 69 台灣母語日實施企劃範例 76 表 次 26 表3-1研究流程 26 表3-2受訪者教學背景 29 表3-3訪談對象、日期、地點一覽表 34 圖 次 41 圖1兒歌唸唱教學 41 圖2中秋節戲劇表演 42 圖3節慶活動包春捲 42 圖4古早味做菜燕 42 圖5古早味麥芽餅製作 42 圖6童玩製作做風吹 43 圖7風的主題活動—風吹被風吹 43 圖8全語言情境—兒歌區 44 圖9全語言情境—圖卡區單字篇 44 圖10全語言情境—圖卡區水果篇 45 圖11全語言情境—教室裡的學習區 45 圖12全語言情境—童玩遊戲區丟沙包 45 圖13 全語言情境—童玩遊戲區跳格子 46 圖14全語言情境—古早文物區 46 圖15全語言情境—洗手區 46 圖16全語言情境—融入主題教學 47 圖17母語日早會篇—互動式 48 圖18母語日早會篇—認識自己的五官 48 圖19母語日早會篇—認識生活物件 48 圖20母語日早會篇—融入主題 48 圖21廣播電台時間 49 圖22童玩遊戲—踢罐子 50 圖23童玩遊戲—打陀螺 50 圖24童玩遊戲—丟沙包 50 圖25童玩遊戲—挑橡皮筋 50 圖26全語言情境—操作區 54 圖27全語言情境—教室裡的教學互動 54 圖28雙語教學策略—我說你來找 55 圖29雙語教學策略—介紹物件的名稱 55

以非派生和派生之優選理論來分析臺灣閩南語仔前變調以及暱稱仔詞綴變調 / The pre-a1 tone change and hypocoristic -a2 suffix tone change in Taiwan southern min: a parallel and serial OT analysis

陳元翔, Chen, Yuan-hsiang Unknown Date (has links)
本篇論文嘗試以非派生和派生兩種不同結構基礎的優選理論來分析臺灣閩南語仔前變調以及暱稱仔詞綴變調。非派生的優選理論認為聲調改變僅需一個步驟就可以完成。仔前和暱稱仔詞綴音節本身都有兩種讀法,不同的變異體可透過共同音韻模型 (Cophonological model) 下的次文法,也就是制約的重新排序來解釋。本篇研究認為調素傳替與否是仔前音節不同聲調的來源,透過 SHARE (t) 和 NOLONG (t) 兩種制約的排序,可以預測調素是否傳替。另外,透過 SHARE,NOLONG 和 TONAL MARKEDNESS 三種制約的互動和階層性的排序,可以預測暱稱仔詞綴的變調兩讀。派生優選理論則認為仔前和暱稱仔詞綴的聲調變化是一種階段性,而且是一種趨向最佳化的改變,亦即每一個步驟的輸出值都比上一個步驟的還來的優質,為仔前和暱稱仔詞綴變調提供另一個理論詮釋的觀點。在派生優選理論的框架下,仔前變調需要三個步驟,亦即一般變調、調域傳替以及調素傳替的有無。暱稱仔詞綴變調也是需要三個步驟,第一是沒有聲調徵性的聲調加插;第二是調域傳替或是低調域加插;第三是調素傳替或是低聲調徵性的加插。同樣的, 透過 SHARE (t) 和 NOLONG (t) 的排序,可以預測仔前音節的不同聲調。透過 SHARE,NOLONG,TONAL MARKEDNESS 和 REGISTER MARKEDNESS 的排序, 可以預測暱稱仔詞綴的不同聲調。 / This thesis attempts to analyze the pre-a1 tone change and hypocoristic -a2 suffix tone change in Taiwan Southern Min from the perspective of Optimality Theory and Harmonic Serialism, a derivational version of Classic OT. Classic OT, which implements parallelism, explicates the tone change phenomenon in one-step fashion. The two tonal variants of the pre-a1 and -a2 syllables can be accounted for through the constraint re-ranking in Cophonology Theory. The interaction between SHARE (t) and NOLONG (t) determines whether the terminal toneme will perform spreading in the pre-a1 tone change. In the -a2 suffix tone change, the interaction amongst SHARE, NOLONG and TONAL MARKEDNESS determines whether -a2 will receive a tone spread from the neighboring TBU or associate with a default L. Harmonic Serialism, which assumes harmonic improvement over the course of serial derivation, provides an alternative treatment for the pre-a1 tone change and -a2 suffix tone change. In Harmonic Serialism, the pre-a1 tonal alternation proceeds with three steps, viz. regular tone sandhi, register spreading and terminal toneme spreading. -a2 suffix tone change also requires three steps in terms of Harmonic Serialism, that is, featureless tone insertion in the first step; register spreading or low register insertion in the second step; and toneme spreading or low tonal feature insertion in the final step. Likewise, the ranking conditions between SHARE (t) and NOLONG (t) predict whether toneme will spread in the pre-a1 tone change. In the -a2 suffix tone change, the alternative rankings among SHARE, NOLONG, TONAL MARKEDNESS and REGISTER MARKEDNESS decide the application of tone spreading or default L insertion.

台灣閩南語新調群分析 / Tone group parsing of Taiwan Southern Min

楊雯婷, Yang, Wen-ting Unknown Date (has links)
本文調查年輕世代 (1988 至 1995 年間出生者) 閩南語的變調範域 (Tone Sandhi Domain),即調群 (Tone Group)。文中以「傳統調群」表文獻記載的變調範域,以「新調群」表本文重新調查的變調範域。論文的研究立基於音韻句法互動之上,並持間接指涉假設觀點,從韻律音韻學的角度出發,認為句法音韻間存有一韻律介面,且調群為此介面上的韻律單位:音韻詞組 (Phonological Phrase, ϕ)。 本文發現新調群與傳統調群的劃分相異。前人研究指出,調群邊界 (#) 標於音韻詞組右端,音韻詞組為一最大投射 XP,且不可為附加語及附著語。新調群僅部分可以傳統音韻詞組界定,其他則對應至句法上的主要語 X,以及附加語最大投射 XP。此外,新調群的邊界為選擇性地出現,具語言變異。新調群出現四種於傳統調群未見的劃分形式:依調群邊界前的語法單位分為主要語 X 類別:(1) V # NP # (2) V # QP # 及附加語 XP 類別: (3) QP # A # (4) AdvP # V #。 本文提出調群新定義,並以優選理論中的 ROE 模型進行分析,提出三個新制約:Align-R (XP-Fnc, ϕ)、ϕ-min 及 Align-R (X-head, ϕ)。Align-R (XP-Fnc, ϕ) 用以區分功能性投射與詞彙性投射;ϕ-min 限制音韻詞組至少含兩音節;Align-R (X-head, ϕ) 解釋調群邊界標註於主要語 X 右端。分析時著重制約 Align-R (XP-Fnc, ϕ) 、ϕ-min 及 Align-R (X-head, ϕ) 與切分線 | (Critical Cut-Off Line) 的關係。整體制約排序為:Ident-T-Rϕ | Align-R (XP-Fnc, ϕ) >> ϕ-min >> Align-R (X-head, ϕ) >> *T >> Align-R (XP-Lex, ϕ)。除信實性制約 Ident-T-Rϕ 之外,其他標記性制約皆列於切分線之下,預測語言變異。 / The goal of this thesis is to explore the tone sandhi domain, tone group (hereafter, TG), of Taiwan Southern Min of younger generation. A corpus is built and analyzed within the framework of Prosodic Theory, a derived theory from the Phonology-Syntax Interface Theory. In the literature, TG boundary # was marked at the right edge of an XP which is neither an adjunct nor a clitic. However, the TG boundary # of younger generation is marked at the right edges of a maximal XP, an adjunctive XP and an X-head. Moreover, language variation is observed in the TG parsing: the presence of TG boundary # is optional. There are four TG parsings not observed in the literature: (1) V # NP # (2) V # QP # (3) QP # A # (4) AdvP # V #. TG is redefined as a Phonological Phrase which syntactically corresponds to a maximal XP, an adjunct XP, an X-head but not to a clitic XP. The four TG parsings are then analyzed with Rank-Ordering Model of EVAL (ROE), a subtheory within the Optimality Theory domain which particularly addresses language variation. According to ROE, constraints on the right side of critical cut-off line participate in the prediction of variation. Three constraints involving in variation are proposed: Align-R (XP-Fnc, ϕ), ϕ-min and Align-R (X-head, ϕ). Align-R (XP-Fnc, ϕ) distinguishes lexical projection and functional projection, ϕ-min requires a Phonological Phrase to be minimally disyllabic, and Align-R (X-head, ϕ) predicts # to occur at the right edge of an X-head. The analysis centers around the three constraints’ relation with the critical cut-off line. The constraint rankings are: Ident-T-Rϕ | Align-R (XP-Fnc, ϕ) >> ϕ-min >> Align-R (X-head, ϕ) >> *T >> Align-R (XP-Lex, ϕ). Except for the faithfulness constraint Ident-T-Rϕ, the other markedness constraints are arranged at the right side of the cut-off line in order to predict language variation.

閩南語神經性構音障礙病患子音時長之聲學研究 / Consonant Duration in the Speech of Taiwanese Neurogenic Dysarthrics: An Acoustic Study

郭令育, Guo, Ling-Yu Hugo Unknown Date (has links)
本文旨在比較台灣閩南語常人、弛緩型(flaccid dysarthrics)、與痙攣型(spastic dysarthrics)神經性構音障礙病患子音絕對及相對音長之差異,並探討此病態語音在了解說話運動系統之特徵以及了解語言產製過程上可能的暗示。 結果顯示神經性構音障礙病患的子音絕對音長顯著長於常人受試者,但兩組病患延長的型態並不相同。首先,弛緩型病患子音音長顯著長於痙攣型病患;再者,以子音的帶音與否、發音位置、發音方法這三個向度來看,弛緩型病患之子音音長展現了全面性的延長,而痙攣型病患則產生了選擇性的延長,其子音之延長,大多集中在有聲子音上,這些差異乃因兩組病人病理狀況不同所致。 另一個結果則顯示,雖然神經性構音障礙病患,在子音音長呈現了延長的狀況,但在子音間相對音長次序上,仍保持到某種程度的完好,可是,子音雖保持一定的次序,但彼此間音長的差值及比值卻也發生了改變。而子音在音節中的所佔比例卻又和正常人無異。 因此,本文推斷,在常人子音的產製上,是要求精確的絕對音長,而且子音間音長亦要保持一定的相對關係;但若因病變致使說話者無法同時兼顧二者時,說話者會選擇犧牲絕對音長,而仍保持子音音長間的相互關係。這可能是語言產製與感知的一些經濟原則(principles of economy)互動所導致的結果。此外,構音障礙病患表就子音在音節中的相對時長這個向度上,和常人無異,這可能是語言文法與生理限制二項因素互動所致。 / This study aims (1) to investigate the absolute and relative timing of consonant duration in Taiwanese neurogenic dysarthric speech by means of acoustic measurements, (2) and to explore their implication on the characteristics of motor system and on the status of timing control in speech production. The results show that absolute consonant duration in flaccid and spastic dysarthric speech are significantly longer than that in normal controls. However, the "lengthening" phenomena display different patterns in flaccid and spastic groups. First, for the patients with the same degree of muscular dysfunction, the flaccid dysarthrics lengthen the consonant duration significantly greater than the spastic ones do. Second, whereas absolute consonant duration in flaccid group shows overall lengthening regardless of voicing state, stricture type, and place of articulation, that in spastic group displays selective lengthening. Besides, though the absolute consonant duration is lengthened in dysarthric speech, the durational opposition between consonants is more or less distinct. However, only the durational ranking between consonants (external timing relation) is maintained in dysarthric, but the durational distance or ratio between consonants (internal timing relation) is modified. Relative timing of consonant duration, that is, the consonant-to-syllable ratio (cs-ratio) within a syllable remains intact in dysarthric speech even though the segmental duration is lengthened. Lengthened absolute consonant duration in dysarthric speech is accounted for by the neurological deficits and compensatory effects. Longer absolute consonant duration in flaccid than in spastic speech is attributed to slowness and weakness without spasticity of speech musculature in flaccid dysarthria. Overall lengthening of consonant duration in flaccid group results from the entirely-impaired cranial nerves innervating speech musculature, whereas selective lengthening of consonant in spastic group is ascribed to spasticity and the selective pattern as well as directionality of neuromuscular impairments in spastic dysarthria. The reserved durational ranking between consonants in dysarthric speech may result from the compromise of principles of economy in speech production and perception. The normal-like CS-ratios in dysarthric speech stem from the interaction between biological constraints and the grammar of a language. Based on the data collected from dysarthric speech, this study discusses the temporal variance as well as invariance in speech motor system and the status of timing in the grammar of a language. The importance of principles of economy in speech production and perception is also indicated.

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