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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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大學生電腦使用對睡眠型態影響因素之探討 / The impact of computer using on sleep in college students

宋鈺宸, Sung, Yu Chen Unknown Date (has links)
研究背景與目的:大學生睡眠型態呈現睡眠時相延遲、睡眠不足、睡眠品質不佳的狀況,造成身心健康與學業問題。此種睡眠型態,一方面受到生理發展的影響因素,形成內在日夜節律型態偏向夜貓型的情形,二方面為社會與心理的影響因素,隨著年齡增加,家長對於孩子生活監控程度降低,特別是邁入大學以後,生活自主權增加,大學生有更多的自由安排自己的生活與睡眠時間,而大學生生活時間的安排與規劃,影響著夜晚的睡眠。現今科技可日新月異,科技產品的使用,包括看電視、打電腦與使用手機,成為大學生生活中不可或缺的活動之一。其中,電腦與上網為休閒活動時重要的角色。過去研究發現大學生一天使用電腦約3至5小時以上,國外調查睡前活動的研究發現約42.4%的大學生睡前使用電腦,而睡前使用電腦使得就寢時間延遲,形成總睡眠時數減少,睡眠不足造成白天的疲倦感增加,除此之外也有可能影響入睡時間與睡眠品質,因此本研究目的希望找出電腦使用對於睡眠影響的因素,減少電腦使用對大學生睡眠作息造成的影響。本研究根據訪談的結果及過去的文獻彙整,假設電腦使用使得沈浸狀態(flow)與激發狀態(arousal)較高,進而影響睡眠,包括就寢時間較晚、入睡時間較長、睡眠品質不佳、總睡眠時數不足、週末較晚起床補眠的狀況。 研究方法:本研究為瞭解個體電腦使用的沈浸與激發狀態變化對睡眠的影響,採受試者內設計,以重複測量的方式進行研究,測量受試者一週使用電腦的型態與睡眠之關係。受試者需符合睡前4小時內使用電腦1小時以上的習慣,排除任何生理、心理、睡眠疾患與極端日夜型態者(circadian type),並排除使用非法或影響睡眠的藥物。研究共募集國立與私立大學共76名學生,研究一週間請受試者於睡前填寫電腦使用型態問卷與與沈浸量表、激發狀態量表與睡眠日誌。資料回收後進行階層線性分析。階層一分析個人內每天電腦使用的沈浸程度、生理激發程度與認知激發程度是否可預測各睡眠變項,階層二分析個人間的日夜節律型態與焦慮特質調節沉浸、生理激發與認知激發程度與睡眠變項的關係。 研究結果:本研究發現每人每天睡前4小時電腦使用的內容,包括遊戲類、人際互動類與娛樂活動類的沈浸程度皆比文書作業的沈浸程度來得高,就受試者內的比較而言,當晚上電腦使用的沈浸程度越高,當晚的就寢時間提早、入睡時間減少、總睡眠時數增加與提升睡眠品質。而睡前4小時電腦使用時間長度可預測認知激發程度,但認知激發並無法預測睡眠變項;另外,不論睡前電腦使用內容或總時間無法預測生理激發,但晚上電腦使用後的生理激發程度越高,當晚的就寢時間越晚且總睡眠時數越少。此外,認知激發與生理激發的關係為正相關。在階層二個人間調節變項的分析,由於沈浸程度對睡眠變項的預測,以及生理激發程度對就寢時間與總睡眠時數的預測,皆未有尚未解釋的部分,因此在研究模型中無需再加入調節變項。 研究討論:研究結果發現沈浸程度在睡前電腦使用對睡眠影響的過程中扮演正向角色,但若睡前從事虛擬角色的線上遊戲,雖然沈浸程度偏高,但就寢時間偏晚且總睡眠時數較少;此外睡前的電腦使用時間越長,認知激發越高,而認知激發與生理激發呈現正相關,因此有可能認知激發程度提高,使生理激發程度也越高,而生理激發程度越高,導致就寢時間較晚,總睡眠時數較少。建議睡前選擇電腦使用內容並控制使用時間,以減少電腦使用對睡眠的不良影響。 / OBJECTIVE: College students tend to delay their sleep phase and have high prevalence of sleep problems, such as poor sleep quality and insufficient sleep. Many factors may be associated with the sleep patterns. First, delay sleep phase in college students may be affected by a natural tendency of delayed endogenous circadian phase in during puberty. Second, psychosocial and behavioral factors, such as late evening social events and computer use, may also contribute to these sleep patterns. Among these, computer use has been shown to be associated with poor sleep in previous studies. However, it’s unclear that what mechanisms through which computer use has an impact on sleep in college students. The goal of this study is to identify the underlying factors that mediate the effect of computer use to sleep. According to our pilot study in which college students were interviewed for their computer-use habits and sleep pattern, we hypothesize that mental flow, physical arousal and cognitive arousal are the factors mediating the impacts of computer use to sleep patterns characterize college students, including delayed sleep phase, longer sleep onset latency, insufficient sleep and poor sleep quality. METHOD: Seventy-six college students who are habitual computer users (using computer at least one hour before sleep every day) participated in the study. They were required to complete a set of questionnaires everyday for one week, including the computer-use questionnaire, the Flow Scale, and the Pre-Sleep Arousal Scale. Hieratical Linear Model was conducted to analyze within-individual level (level one) and between- individual level (level two). In our study, within-individual levels were mental flow, physical arousal and cognitive arousal that mediated the impacts of computer use to sleep patterns when college students used computer before sleep every night. In addition, between- individual levels in our study were various circadian types and anxious trait between college students. They may moderate the impacts of mental flow, physical arousal and cognitive arousal to sleep patterns in college students. RESULT: The results showed within-individual level that contents of computer using, including play on-line games, interpersonal interaction, and entertainment, could predict increased flow level. Higher flow level in turn predicted earlier bedtime, shorter sleep latency, more sleep duration and better sleep quality. In addition, physical arousal was not affected by computer use, but had a negative impact on sleep. Higher physical arousal level was able to predict later bedtime and shorter sleep duration. Computer-use time during the four hours prior to bedtime was associated with pre-sleep cognitive arousal. Cognitive arousal did not show significant association with any sleep variables, however. Furthermore, there was a positive relationship between cognitive arousal and physical arousal. In addition, because the results of between- individual levels showed that the mental flow, physical arousal and cognitive arousal completely explained sleep patterns, there was no need to add between- individual moderations. CONCLUSION: Our study showed that flow level while engaging in computer use may have positive effect on sleep. However, playing on-line games before sleep, although may lead to higher flow level, were associated with later bedtime and shorter sleep duration. Also, the more time spending on computer before sleep, the higher the cognitive arousal. Higher cognitive arousal level may be associated with higher physical arousal level. And, higher physical arousal level lead to later bedtime and shorter sleep duration. The results suggested that in order to prevent the negative impacts of computer-use among college students, they should reduce computer using time and avoid on-line games before sleep. Future study can develop intervention program based on current findings to prevent college students from the negative impacts of computer.

國中生性別、電腦使用型態、電腦使用時間與學習成就的關係─科技社會學的觀點 / Junior high school students' gender, the types and the time of computer usage, and study achievement – viewpoint of sociology of technology

陳宏璋, Chen, Hung-Chang Unknown Date (has links)
本研究之目的主要在於了解電腦使用型態和使用時間對學習成就的影響。但根據科技社會學的觀點,研究者認為電腦對學習成就的影響可能會依性別而有所不同,因此兼論性別對電腦使用型態和時間的影響,以及在不同的性別脈絡下,電腦使用型態和使用時間對學習成就的影響是否仍然相同? 為達上述之研究目的,研究者使用中央研究院2001年「臺灣教育長期追蹤資料庫」(TEPS)的全國國中生家長和學生樣本進行分析,該資料庫實際調查樣本數為20,004,但實際分析樣本約在10,000到12,500之間。研究者依不同目的,進行T考驗、卡方考驗、單因子變異數分析、二因子變異數分析和多元迴歸的統計分析,主要發現如下: 一、國中生電腦使用型態和使用時間對學習成就有影響: (一)從未使過電腦的國中生,學習成就最差;使用過電腦的國中生,電腦使用型態對學習成就的影響會因性別和使用時間而有所不同。 (二)電腦使用時間超過3小時的國中生,學習成就最差;使用時間不到3小時的國中生,電腦使用時間對學習成就的影響會因性別和使用型態而有所不同。 二、國中生性別對電腦使用型態和使用時間有影響: (一)在電腦使用型態方面,國中女生「人際取向」和「學習取向」的比例較高,國中男生則以「娛樂取向」比例較高。 (二)在電腦使用時間方面,國中男生不論是在總時間或個別使用型態(人際取向、學習取向和娛樂取向)的使用時間皆高於國中女生。 (三)不論性別男女,「學習取向」的使用時間都最少,「娛樂取向」的使用時間次之,「人際取向」的使用時間都最多。 三、不同性別國中生電腦使用型態對學習成就的影響有差別: (一)國中男生「學習取向」使用型態的學習成就與「娛樂取向」大多沒有顯著差異,只有在使用時間「2到3小時」時,「學習取向」才顯著地高於「娛樂取向」。而「學習取向」和「娛樂取向」的學習成就在使用時間「不到3小時」前,皆高於「人際取向」。 (二)國中女生「學習取向」使用型態的學習成就較高,和國中男生不同的是,她們是在「娛樂取向」和「人際取向」之間學習成就沒有顯著差異,而使用時間大於1小時以後,國中女生「學習取向」和「娛樂取向」兩者的學習成就也沒顯著差異。 四、不同性別國中生電腦使用型態對學習成就的影響有差別: (一)國中男生電腦使用時間越長學習成就越低的情況發生在「學習取向」和「娛樂取向」型態,在「人際取向」裡不同時間沒有顯著差異,不論使用時間多長,學習成就都一樣差。 (二)國中女生電腦使用時間越長學習成就越低發生在「學習取向」和「人際取向」型態,在「娛樂取向」裡不同時間沒有顯著差異,不論使用時間多長,學習成就都不太高。 研究者從主要的研究發現檢視科技社會學理論,提出三點反省:一、科技本身仍對社會具有影響力,但也受到社會因素的影響;二、科技不只形塑特定團體的利益,也同時將損害形塑進去;三、不同的社會團體在使用科技時會互相排除,並不是優勢族群就會自動勝出。 從本研究的發現與結果,研究者建議家長應為子女購置電腦設備,而教師及家長應引導孩子做有益學習的使用,控制使用時間以及注意使用電腦時的兩性公平。研究者也認為在後續研究上,可從質化方法探索形成差異的真正成因;也可從量化方法分析數學或語文等其他學習成就,或以不同變項為分析脈絡、不同年齡層學生為研究對象,以及探討更專業的電腦使用中的性別差異。 / The main purpose of this research is to realize the effect of the types and the time of computer usage on study achievement. According to the sociology of technology, I argue that the effect of computers on study achievement will be different by gender. Therefore, I will discuss the effect of gender on the types and the time of computer usage, and investigate if the effect of the types and the time of computer usage on study achievement will be the same under different gender context? In order to accomplish these purposes, I analyzed the nationwide samples of junior high school students and their parents. These samples (N=20,004, but approximately 10,000~12,500 in analysis) came from “2001 Taiwan Education Panel Survey” collected by Academia Sinica. Statistical methods of this research are Student’s t-test, Chi-square test, one-way ANOVA, two-way ANOVA and multiple regression. The main findings are listed below: 1. The types and the time of computer usage of junior high school students have influenced their study achievement: (1) Students who have never used a computer have the worst study achievement, whereas when students have had experience of computer usage, the effect of types of computer usage on their study achievement is different both by gender and the time of computer usage. (2) When students’ time of computer usage is over 3 hours, they have the worst study achievement. But for those using a computer less than 3 hours, the effect of time on their study achievement is not the same by gender and the types of computer usage. 2. Gender of junior high school students has influenced the types and the time of computer usage: (1) In the types of compute usage, girls have a higher percentage of the “relationship type” and the “learning type” than boys while boys have a higher proportion of the “entertainment type” than girls. (2) In the time of computer usage, boys spend more time than girls, no matter on total or individual types. (3) Regardless of gender, students spend least time on the “learning type” and most time on the “relationship type”. Time spent on the “entertainment type” is in the middle. 3. The types of computer usage exert a different effect on study achievement in different gender context: (1) To boys, most differences in study achievement are not significant between the “learning type” and the “entertainment type” except that the time of computer usage is 2~3 hours. The study achievement of the “learning type” and the “entertainment type” is higher than the “relationship type” when they use a computer for less than 3 hours. (2) To girls, the study achievement of the “learning type” is higher. But different from boys, the differences in their study achievement are not significant between the “entertainment type” and the “relationship type.” Moreover, the differences in study achievement are not significant between the “learning type” and the “entertainment type” when they use a computer for more than 1 hour. 4. The time of computer usage exerts a different effect on study achievement in different gender context: (1) To boys, the situation that the more time one uses a computer, the less study achievement he has only occurs in the “learning type” and the “entertainment type.” Study achievements have no significant difference between diverse time of computer usage in the “relationship type.” No matter how long the time is, the study achievements are all the same bad. (2) To girls, the situation that the more time one spends on the computer, the less study achievement she has only occurs in the “learning type” and the “relationship type”. Study achievements have no significant difference between diverse time of computer usage in the “entertainment type”, no matter how long the time is, the study achievements are not high. After reflecting over the theory of sociology of technology from findings, I bring up three opinions: 1. Technology has an influence on the society by itself, but it is affected by social factors as well. 2. Technology shapes not only the benefits of specific groups but also the damage. 3. When using technology, different social groups will exclude each other. The superior group does not always overwhelm inferior group automatically. From the findings and outcomes, I propose that parents should purchase computer equipment at home, and teachers and parents should lead children to use the computer in a benefic way, control the time of computer usage, and keep an eye on gender equity when children use a computer. I also suggest in the follow-up other researchers could use a qualitative way to explore the real reason of difference and use a quantitative way to analyze other achievements (ex. math and literature). They can take other variables as context, take other ages as objects, and discuss gender difference in professional computer usage.


顏邦峻 Unknown Date (has links)
大約在民國九十年間,發生了線上遊戲裡,玩家在遊戲中獲得的金錢以及裝備被竊取一空的案件,由於當時尚屬於新興型態的電腦犯罪,還造成警方是否要受理這種案件的爭論,由於『偷竊』所謂的稀有裝備或遊戲貨幣-也就是竊盜線上遊戲中稀有裝備或是遊戲貨幣,也就是所謂的「竊取」在現實社會裡僅是一種儲存在電腦中的「電磁紀錄」,是否是刑法上的犯罪行為,在當時曾引發爭議,有鑑於此類案件越來越多,而法務部的函釋是認為電磁紀錄屬於刑法所保護的動產,因此竊盜或詐欺線上遊戲中之遊戲貨幣或是稀有道具亦能成立刑法上的竊盜或詐欺罪,不過這樣的說法是否是正確的?引發本文的研究動機。 第二章先討論虛擬財物是否是現實生活上所欲保護的財產?如果答案是肯定的,「在線上遊戲中竊盜、詐欺遊戲中的道具、裝備」此種犯罪行為,在民國九十二年以前未增訂刑法第三十六章「妨害電腦使用罪章」時,實務與學說,是怎樣適用當時相關刑法規定?進一步蒐集實務的判決,從中整理實務的看法,再輔以學說的解釋加以分析評釋實務的判決,最後再提出本文的觀點。 第三章則是在新法適用下實務判決的觀點,並且觀察新舊法的適用下,實務與學說是如何適用刑法第二條之規定,到底是屬於事實變更?還是法律變更?並且介紹外國立法例提供參考。 由於電腦科技日新月異,電腦犯罪手法也不斷推陳出新,舊有的刑法條文以不能因應現代的電腦犯罪案件,為了因應新型態的電腦犯罪案件,於民國九十二年六月三日,立法院三讀通過刑法修正案,刪除了現行刑法第三百二十三條將電磁紀錄擬制為動產的規定,而且增訂了刑法第三十六章「妨害電腦使用罪章」來處罰實務目前發生的電腦犯罪行為。然而,令本文好奇的是,修法過後是否就可以解決線上遊戲裡遊戲貨幣或是稀有道具的竊盜行為?況且增訂刑法第三十六章的目的就是要針對當前越來越多的電腦犯罪案件有刑法上的規範,不過增訂之後是否就能如立法者所期望的能夠涵蓋並解決當前的電腦犯罪案件?因此第四章則是對於增訂刑法第三十六罪章各條之評析,不僅是要透過立法理由探求立法者的真意,還要輔以學說與外國立法例對於新修法的法條做徹底的剖析。 第五章結論則是針對是否必要新增刑法第三十六罪章提出否定的看法,而建議採取如同美國立法的方式,針對客體對象(政府或個人)、情節嚴重性(損害是多少金額以上)……等,透過特別立法的方式,將新興的網路與電腦犯罪以危險犯之特別立法加以防制。

大話雲端-妨害電腦使用罪之法益定性與立法建議 / Let's cloud computing!?: Legally protected good and Legislation of Computer crime

王文成, Wang, Wen Cheng Unknown Date (has links)
本論文共分為六章來呈現整體架構,於以下分別敘述。 第一章是緒論,就整體論文的研究動機、問題意識、研究方法以及論文結構作一個完整的交代,得以令人快速了解論文的內容以及契機。 第二章即就雲端運算的定義、發展、特色等要素,來釐清雲端運算就何所指,以及雲端運算對於現行電腦使用關係與現行電腦犯罪規範的影響。並進而指出現行電腦犯罪的規制可能因為雲端運算的到來而失去遞續性,產生了適用上的困境。 第三章的部分即是自我國電腦犯罪的發展過程作分析介紹,並且也就外國立法例的處理態度做對照,從我國電腦犯罪於妨害電腦使用罪章制定之前對於電腦犯罪規制的傳統見解,到妨害電腦使用罪章的修訂過程以及結果所呈現的整體罪章特色,以及所產生問題等皆是本章要處理的問題。並且在比較法的部分,亦詳實的呈現了當初設計規制時的該國情勢,以及修法後所遭到的批評,並且配合整體國際情勢對於我國電腦犯罪規制的去從給予一點建議。 第四章的部分則是以罪章施行後的實際面向來探討罪章所產生的適用上問題。畢竟自罪章制定施行至今已有約十年之久,於實務上的適用案例亦多達數百件,則實務上如何適用此些條文即是令人好奇之處。同時就該罪章所規制的各種行為態樣而言,在規制的設計上於現今受到何種批評,此些批評可能來自學界於分析法條後所產生的檢討聲浪,亦可能來自實務界於適用上所產生的困惑表示,更重要的則是有關行為規範的遞續性,亦即在雲端運算時代來臨後,此些行為態樣具體而言在適用上可能碰到何種困難,以及應該就何方向作改進。 第五章的部分則是對於前揭章節的分析結果的具體運用。首先必須從頭開始分析「電腦犯罪」,找出面對變動迅速的資訊科技的正確態度,並進而實踐此種態度來設計電腦犯罪的規制。在確立正確態度之後,即要基於此種態度對於電腦犯罪的規制作設計,包括罪章的保護法益、電腦概念的確定、以及細部的行為態樣以及處罰架構等問題,以建構一個對於電腦犯罪的規制模型。並且為了確保所建構的模型不但得以解決現有問題,亦存在本文所強調的遞續性,故在建構出規制模型後,本章仍挑起了以前述章節中所提及的案例,以及雲端運算出現後可能會產生的案例為對象,以所建構的模型來適用於該些案例的擔子。 最後的章節即是結論,亦即對於上述各個章節所得出來的研究成果作一個最大的總結,其中除了彙整每章所得出的結論外,亦以一氣呵成的敘述方式來為整本論文最終所要表達的立場作一個鮮明的闡述。

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