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我國國家檔案館保存策略之研究 / The study of preservation strategy for the National Archives of Taiwan陳淑美, Chen, Shu-Mei Unknown Date (has links)
國家檔案移轉前在各機關保存時間長達數十年,若原管有機關未善盡保存維護之責,或是施以錯誤的保管方式,等到檔案徵集移轉時再來搶救,恐為時已晚。為了讓檔案能夠延長保存壽命,進而減輕國家檔案移轉後所需花費的修護成本,應透過培訓、輔導等方式強化各機關檔案人員對於保存維護觀念的正確認知,宣導檔案保存環境控制與保管作為的有效作法,才能有效降低國家檔案劣化的數量與嚴重程度。 / Archives are not only important records of the development of human civilization but also concrete proofs of the works of government agencies. All the advanced nations attach great importance to the management of archives. They have therefore set up modernized buildings to house and preserve such precious archival materials, and have provided adequate space and facilities for quality service to users. By doing so, precious cultural assets can be best kept. These actions significantly symbolize the progress of a nation.
In formulating correct strategies of archival preservation, we need to carefully take into consideration space planning, environment control, repair & restoration, duplicate & storage, and risk management. All of these rely on professional expertise. The National Archives Administration (NAA) under the Cabinet-level National Development Council is accountable for overall management of national archives in Taiwan. However, many of the archival materials had been damaged or deteriorated even before having been transferred to NAA due to their long history and the poor handling by the original agencies. Preservation of such archives urgently need efficient strategies. This dissertation therefore aims to conduct some researches on the operations of national archives agencies in advanced nations, analyze their preservation strategies, and compare the differences of their works and emphases. More importantly, this author tries to come up with standard operation procedures, which are coherent, complete and accurate, for Taiwan to preserve our national archives. Hopefully this will offer reference in planning for a new national archives hall, so as to enhance the efficiency and upgrade the quality of national archives preservation. The major study results and suggestions are as follows:
I. There is urgent need for a national archives hall.
This study finds out that seriously damaged or deteriorated archives in different agencies account for ten percent of the total archives. It can therefore be estimated that national archives worth preserving might be lost before being transferred to NAA. Statistics show that there are over 100-km long national archives waiting to be transferred. Yet, due to the limited space in NAA, it is impossible to speed up the transfer process. Therefore, in view of international trend or the need to retain precious national memories, to build a new national archives hall is top on the agenda.
2. Priorities should be set to best preserve national archives.
National archives are not only large in quantity but also diverse in media types and material sorts. With limited resources, NAA has to allocate budgets to continue preventive protection measures. Meanwhile, it needs to establish objective criteria for assessing the value, usage, and preservation of different national archives before setting priorities for the restoration and digitalization of each sort. It is equally important to ensure long-term preservation and offer convenient service to users, so as to enhance the management efficiency of national archives.
3. The quality and quantity of workforce in national archives preservation need to be strengthened.
Faced by the challenges in both large number and different types of national archives, NAA assuredly needs more financial, workforce and equipment support to continue fulfilling its missions. In order to more effectively preserve national archives and keep the operation going smoothly, more professionals are needed, and skills and experiences must be passed down to new staff members.
4. The preservation-related knowledge of staff members in different agencies needs to be strengthened.
The current national archives had been kept by different agencies for several decades before having been transferred to NAA. If the original agencies failed to do their jobs well or kept their archives in a wrong way, it would be too late to rescue those archives after transfer. Therefore, in order to prolong the life of archives and reduce the expenses on repairing them after transfer, staff members in all agencies should receive training and assistance to gain better knowledge of archival preservation. After that, they can together take correct, effective measures as environment control and careful preservation to significantly reduce the number and degree of deteriorated archives.
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不法原因之給付—著重於規範目的與例外事由之探討 / condictio ob turpem vel iniustam causam謝允正 Unknown Date (has links)
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澳門控煙政策規劃評估研究張曦雯 January 2010 (has links)
University of Macau / Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities / Department of Government and Public Administration
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預防醫學大數據之法律研究:以「蒐集端」、「管理端」、「應用端」為中心 / Studies on the Legal Issues of Big Data for Preventive Medicine : Centered on Its Collection, Management and Application楊現貴 Unknown Date (has links)
最新之歐洲聯盟執行委員會(European Commission)就「歐盟資料保護規範」(General Data Protection Regulation ; GDPR)之條文內容,使歐盟新個人資料保護法擴及至非歐盟企業也一體適用的法律,已經於2016年年初獲得確定後,並且於2018年正式生效,尤其是法規要求於資料洩漏時必須在72小時內發出通知,知會其所屬企業公司個體、行政主管機關及個資當事人,以及必須遵守資料傳輸的重要相關規定,於本文亦有詳細介紹。
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冷戰後法國國防政策改革與空中武力調整之研究柳惠千, Liu,Solon. Unknown Date (has links)
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ACT Raising Safe Kids親職教育方案於臺灣家庭的應用––探討親職壓力與兒童行為問題的關聯與改善 / The implementation of ACT Raising Safe Kids Program in Taiwan: Exploring parenting stress and its positive changes and relationship with child behavioral problems黃薏靜 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究以美國心理學會(APA)暴力預防處與美國幼兒教育協會所共同發展的ACT親職教育方案(Adults and Children Together- Raising Safe Kids Program)為範本,將一個在美國與世界各地發展將近15年的方案首度引進臺灣並應用於臺灣的家庭中,期待能夠藉由這一套社會認知取向的預防性介入「ACT親職教育方案」來增進父母的親職教養態度與知識,降低父母親的親職壓力,並進一步了解親職壓力與兒童行為問題的關聯性。
本研究採用無母數統計法Wilcoxon等級檢定與Mann-Whitney U檢定,檢驗親職壓力感受在前測、後測及追蹤測量之間的差異,另以Spearman相關分析檢視親職壓力與兒童行為問題之間的關聯性。研究結果顯示,ACT親職教育為實驗組家長帶來正向的影響發生在三個月後的追蹤測量,特別是在「困難兒童分量表」的親職壓力上有顯著的改善,且親職壓力總分與兒童行為整體問題呈現高度正相關。 / This study investigated whether the ACTdults and Children Together: Raising Safe Kids (ACT-Rprogram causes effects on reducing parenting stress and examined the correlation between parenting stress and child behavioral problems. The ACT program, developed by American Psychological Association in collaboration with the National Association for the Education of Young Children, is a child maltreatment prevention program for parents of young children.
Twenty-three parents having children aged 0-12 completed the Parenting Stress Index-Short Form (PSI-SF) and Child Behavior Checklist (CBCL). Twelve of these parents took part in eight-week ACT-RSK program and learned effective parenting including child development, anger management, social problem-solving skills, non-violent discipline and effects of violent media on children. The remaining eleven parents were placed on the wait listreceived treatment as usual. Wilcoxon signed rank test and Mann–Whitney U test were used to respectively compare the intra-group data and inter-group data. Results indicated a positive impact especially on the difficult child subscale of parenting stress during three-month follow-up. Qualitative data collected through open questions in three-month follow-up questionnaire also demonstrated that parents perceived numerous benefits to the ACT-RSK program and felt less stress in the area of parent-child interaction.
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Consumption Euler Equation: The Theoretical and Practical Roles of Higher-Order Moments / 消費尤拉方程式:高階動差的理論與實證重要性藍青玉, Lan, Ching-Yu Unknown Date (has links)
本論文第一章討論消費高階動差在實證估計消費結構性參數之重要性。消費尤拉方程式是消費者極大化問題的一階條件,而自Hall (1978)起,估計消費結構參數如跨期替代彈性時,也多是利用這個尤拉方程式所隱涵的消費動態關係,進行估計。但是由於消費資料存在嚴重的衡量誤差問題,實證上多將尤拉方程式進行對數線性化,或是二階線性化後進行估計。
然而前述一、二階線性化,固然處理了資料的衡量誤差問題,卻也造成了參數估計上的近似誤差(approximation bias)。其原因來自於線性化過程中所忽略的高階動差實為內生,而與迴歸式中的二階動差相關。這使得即便用工具變數進行估計,仍然無法產生具有一致性的估計結果。這當中的原因在於足以解釋二階動差,卻又與殘差項中的高階動差直交的良好(valid)的工具變數無法取得。
高階動差的引入,除了降低近似偏誤外,卻也必須付出估計效率降低的代價。我們因此並不建議無限制地放入高階動差。則近似階次選取,乃為攸關估計績效的重要因素。本章的第二部份,即著眼於該最適近似階次選取。我們首先定義使參數估計均方誤(mean squared error, MSE)為最小的近似階次,為最適近似階次。我們發現,該最適階次與樣本大小、效用函數的彎曲程度都有直接的關係。
本論文的最後一章,則旨在理論上建立高階動差的重要性。我們在二次式的效用函數(quadratic utility function)設定下,推導借貸限制下的最適消費決策。二次式的效用函數,由於其邊際價值函數(marginal value function)為一線性函數,因此所隱涵的消費決策,具有確定相等(certainty equivalence)的特性。這表示消費者只關心未來的期望消費水準,二階以上的更高階動差,都不影響其消費決策。然而這種確定相等的特性,將因為借貸限制的存在而不復存在,而高階動差的重要性也就因此凸顯。
我們證明,確定相等特性的喪失,其背後的理論原因在於,借貸限制的存在,使得二次式效用函數的邊際價值函數,產生凸性。消費者因而因應未來的不確定性,進行預防性儲蓄。透過分析解的求得,我們也得以進一步分析更高階動差的對消費決策的理論性質。同時我們也引申理論推導的實證意涵,其中較重要者諸如未受限消費者因預防性儲蓄行為所引發的消費過度敏感性現象,實證上樣本分割法的選取,以及高階動差的引入模型。 / The theme of this thesis seeks to explore the importance of higher-order moments in the consumption Euler equation, both theoretically and empirically. Applying log-linearized versions of Euler equations has been a dominant approach to obtaining sensible analytical solutions, and a popular choice of model specifications for estimation. The literature however by now has been no lack of conflicting empirical results that are attributed to the use of the specific version of Euler equations. Important yet natural questions whether the higher-order moments can be safely ignored, or whether higher-order approximations offer explanations to the stylized facts remain unanswered. Such inquires as in the thesis thus can improve our understanding toward consumer behaviors over prior studies based on the linear approximation.
1. What Do We Gain from Estimating Euler Equations with Higher-Order Approximations?
Despite the importance of estimating structural parameters governing consumption dynamics, such as the elasticity of intertemporal substitution, empirical attempts to unveil these parameters using a log-linearized version of the Euler equation have produced many puzzling results. Some studies show that the approximation bias may well constitute a compelling explanation. Even so, the approximation technique continues to be useful and convenient in estimation of the parameters, because noisy consumption data renders a full-fledged GMM estimation unreliable. Motivated by its potential success in reducing the bias, we investigate the economic significance and empirical relevance of higher-order approximations to the Euler equation with simulation methodology. The higher-order approximations suggest a linear relationship between expected consumption growth and its higher-order moments. Our simulation results clearly reveal that the approximation bias can be significantly reduced when the higher-order moments are introduced into estimation, but at the cost of efficiency loss. It therefore documents a clear tradeoff between approximation bias reduction and efficiency loss in the consumption growth regression when higher-order approximations to the Euler equation is considered. A question of immediate practical interest arises ``How many higher-order terms are needed?'' The second part of our Monte-Carlo studies then deals with this issue. We judge whether a particular consumption moment should be included in the regression by the criterion of mean squared errors (MSE) that accounts for a trade-off between estimation bias and efficiency loss. The included moments leading to smaller MSE are regarded as ones to be needed. We also investigate the usefulness of the model and/or moment selection criteria in providing guidance in selecting the approximation order. We find that improvements over the second-order approximated Euler equation can always be achieved simply by allowing for the higher-order moments in the consumption regression, with the approximation order selected by these criteria.
2. Uncovering Preference Parameters with the Utilization of Relations between Higher-Order Consumption Moments
Our previous attempt to deliver more desirable estimation performance with higher-order approximations to the consumption Euler equation reveals that the approximation bias can be significantly reduced when the higher-order moments are introduced into estimation, but at the cost of efficiency loss. The latter results from the difficulty in identifying independent variation in the higher-order moments by sets of linear instruments used to identify that in variability in consumption growth, mainly consisting of individual-specific characteristics. Thus, one major challenge in the study is how to obtain quality instruments that are capable of doing so. With the numerical analysis technique, we first establish the nonlinear equilibrium relation between consumption risk and higher-order consumption moments. This nonlinear relation is then utilized to form quality instruments that can better capture variations in higher-order moments. A novelty of this chapter lies in adopting a set of nonlinear instruments that is to cope with this issue. They are very simple moment transformations of the characteristic-related instruments, thereby easy to obtain in practice. As expected, our simulations demonstrate that for a comparable amount of the bias corrected, applying the nonlinear instruments does entail an inclusion of fewer higher-order moments in estimation. A smaller simulated MSE that reveals the improvement over our previous estimation results can thus be achieved.\
3. Precautionary Saving and Consumption with Borrowing Constraint
This last chapter offers a theoretical underpinning for the importance of the higher-order moments in a simple environment where economic agents have a quadratic-utility preference. The resulting Euler equation gives rise to a linear policy function in essence, or a random-walk consumption rule. The twist in our theory comes from a presence of borrowing constraint facing consumers. The analysis shows that the presence of the constraint induces precautionary motives for saving as responses from consumers to income uncertainties, even there has been no such motives inherent in consumers' preference. The corresponding value function now displays a convexity property that is virtually only associated with more general preferences than a quadratic utility. The analytical framework allows us to be able to characterize saving behaviors that are of precautionary motives, and their responses to changes in different moments of income process. As empirical implications, our analysis shed new light on the causes of excess sensitivity, the consequences of sample splitting between the rich and the poor, as well as the relevance of the higher-order moments to consumption dynamics, specifically skewness and kurtosis.
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股票市場發展對企業現金持有決策之探討 / The effect of development of the stock market on the decision of corporate cash holdings謝明諺 Unknown Date (has links)
Bates et al.(2009)之實證發現,美國公司自1980年至2006年之間,平均現金比率有大幅上升的現象,但由於全球資本市場逐漸走向自由化與國際化,因此任一國家的資本市場若受到了某些衝擊,將會迅速地影響、擴散到其他國家,因此本研究認為,現金持有量的改變可能並非單一存在於某幾個國家,而是更廣泛地存在於世界各國;另外,就公司企業的融資決策而言,由於公司本身所持有之現金可能與企業融資決策的改變有較為直接的關係,因此當融資方式有所改變的時候,將較容易於現金比率上反映出來,據此,研究資本市場的變化對企業現金比率的影響,將對瞭解企業融資方式的改變有所助益。因此,本研究以世界35國國內之上市公司為樣本,分析使企業現金比率產生變化的可能原因。
本研究所選用之財務指標以及非財務指標之參數估計值為顯著者,均符合預防性動機(The Precautionary Motive)、代理問題(The Agency Motive),或是Bates et al.(2009)所提出的「交易成本的考量」等論點;另外,研究結果亦顯示,不論是依循Fama and French (1998)之計量方法,或是使用時間序列截面迴歸(TSCSREG: Time Series Cross Section Regression)之分析方式,在1996年之後,一直到2008年為止,公司的現金比率均會因為股票市場的相對發展程度較高而較高,本研究認為上述現象可能與公司於股票市場上取得資金所需承擔的發行成本之高低有關,此結論亦與前述預防性動機之推論相符合(The Precautionary Motive)。
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論澳門預防及遏止私營部門賄賂法及其完善 / Law on prevention and repression of corruption in private sector of Macau and its improvements梁國豪 January 2011 (has links)
University of Macau / Faculty of Law
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淫羊藿苷元納米混懸液的製備、表徵、藥動學和抗骨質疏鬆活性的評價 / Preparation, characterization, pharmacokinetics and anti-osteoporosis activity evaluations of icaritin nanosuspension李妍 January 2011 (has links)
University of Macau / Institute of Chinese Medical Sciences
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