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一九九零年後東南亞國協內部信心安全建立機制之研究高文忠 Unknown Date (has links)
東協成立的目的之一,就是要促進東協各會員國之間「在平等與夥伴的精神之下,採取共同努力,促進區域內各國的經濟成長、社會進步與文化發展,以增進東南亞國家成為繁榮與和平的基礎。」隨著冷戰結束,大國影響改變,中共與日本積極介入東南亞地區,加上1999年 4 月,隨著柬埔寨的加入東南亞十個國家全部成為東協成員,實現了東協最初建立的願望。但在相互平等、不干涉內政及和平解決衝突的基礎上,東協推動區域安全合作的機制(東協方式的協商模式)面臨極大挑戰與衝擊。
本論文共分七章,第一章緒論,揭示本文研究動機與目的、研究方法、研究範圍與限制及論文架構等。第二章探討東南亞安全環境,從東協的成立,在諸多歷史情結與仇恨糾結中,東協十國出現的背景原因,及探討冷戰前後影響東協安全合作機制形成的因素,從中瞭解「信心安全建立措施」在東協國家間的重要性。第三章 1967-1989東協「信心安全建立措施」的歷史脈絡,從「東協方式」談起,以新自由主義的概念嚐試瞭解不同於歐盟整合的「東協方式」。第四章1990年後東協內部「信心安全建立措施」的發展與特徵。針對冷戰後東協內部安全機制加以探討,如各國之間透過那些機制和平解決雙邊邊界問題等。第五章東協國家主導的由外而內安全合作模式,探討東協區域論壇及亞太安全合作理事會之成立背景、主要議題及對東協安全合作機制的影響。第六章今後東協推動內部「信心安全建立」的機會與挑戰。東協內部對「信心安全建立措施」的看法與態度亦影響執行成效,東協內部解決衝突的機制是否健全,由「信心建立措施」發展到「預防性外交機制」之可行性。第七章結論。藉著上述的探討,瞭解東協內部信心安全建立機制之演進及發展,為東南亞區域安全找到新的方向。
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中國大陸國家預防腐敗局之研究 / The research of national bureau of corruption prevention of China王力 Unknown Date (has links)
七、就國家預防腐敗局之未來發展模式,國家預防腐敗局需要建立獨立監察權,且其成員任命方式必須擺脫派系協商的影子,但在中共目前政治角力過程下,國家預防腐敗局之未來發展將視內部政治利益與輿論壓力的角力結果而定。 / The extent of corruption is an important index to review the administrative efficiency of the governments among advanced countries. The corruption issue affects the image of a country, the foreign direct investment and the rating of financial market. The role of National Bureau of Corruption Prevention of China (thereafter as “NBCP”) stresses the problems of corruption in internal systems of China and political restructuring. Therefore, this study adopts the literature analysis method to explore and analyze the corruption problems in China, the development of corruption prevention scheme, the performance and deficiencies of NBCP, and the future prospects and challenges of NBCP.
After the analysis and discussions in this study, the conclusions are as follows.
First, the problems of corruption in China could be interpreted by the rent-seeking theory. After China’s reform, the local government officials could take advantage of the permission of economically-designated zone or taxation, etc. to collude with private enterprises based on interests, and form the corruption groups.
Second, according to the past literatures, the patterns of corruption in China could be categorized as the exchange of privilege for privilege and the exchange of privilege for money, and the transition of both corruption groups and regimes is closely bound up. From the perspective of rent-seeking theory, the exchange of privilege for privilege is the pattern of corruption before China’s reform, with the exchange of privilege for money standing for the ones after China’s reform.
Third, from the perspective of operation of political system in China, the transition of regimes could be interpreted as the process of collapse and rebuilding in the dynamics of cooperative games. The reasons of collapse could result from the disequilibrium in the allocation of internal interests and then conflicts from the disequilibrium. Therefore, by the reshuffle of political interests during the transition of regimes, the new corruption groups and new scheme for the allocation of economic interests appear.
Fourth, China used to deal with corruption through regime consultation. For instance, the corruption case of Chen, Lian-yu in the administration of Jiang, Ze-ming ,which was shifted from original tone of “Chen, Lian-yu suspected in corruption” to “Chen, Lian-yu’s violating disciplines”, shows that the strategy for corruption in China could be categorized by the features of regime consultation. Hence, the setup of NBCP implies the compromises among different political groups.
Fifth, in terms of organizational structure, NBCP is under the Ministry of Supervision, without independent supervision, and only works as the research and staff unit of independent supervision, which differs from the independence of the anti-corruption institute of Hong Kong and Singapore.
Sixth, under the present dual-track system of China, the Commission for Discipline Inspection of the Central Committee of the CPC and Ministry of Supervision play the main roles in the system of anti-corruption. In the short term, as to the internal role, NBCP is regarded as the execution unit of Commission for Discipline Inspection of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China. As to the external role, NBCP is responsible for receiving the opinions from international organizations and integrating the technology of international anti-corruption.
Seventh, the future model of NBCP should build up the independent supervision and appoint the members without the influence of the political groups. However, in the struggle of different political groups in Chinese Communist party, the future development of NBCP will depend on the outcome of the struggle between internal political interests and public stress.
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Strafzumessungsrelevanz der VorsatzformenChung, Hung-Ping 29 July 2020 (has links)
Fragen: Es gibt nach h.M. der deutschen Strafrechtswissenschaft drei Vorsatzformen: Absicht, sicheres Wissen und dolus eventualis. Soll unterschiedliche Vorsatzform, ceteris paribus, auch bei der Strafzumessung unterschiedlich bewertet werden? Warum?
Methode: Diese Fragen werden in einem interdisziplinären Dialog zwischen Norm und Empirie untersucht. Neben der strafrechtlichen und verfassungsrechtlichen Ausführung bezieht sich diese Arbeit großenteils auf die Erkenntnisse aus den Bereichen Kriminalpolitik, Kriminologie, Psychologie, Verhaltensökonomie und Neurowissenschaft. Zur Auswertung der Erkenntnisse wird großer Wert auch auf Forschungsmethode gelegt.
Ergebnisse: Zur ersten Frage: Die Schuldangemessenheit gebietet, unterschiedliche Vorsatzformen bei der Strafzumessung unterschiedlich zu bewerten, wenn sie quantitative oder qualitative beachtliche Unterschiede aufweisen. Zur zweiten Frage: Der in Kapitel 6 erarbeitete Maßstab, Vorsatzformen nach dem Risiko für die Tatbestandsverwirklichung abzustufen, erweist sich als am aussichtsvollsten, sich auf solide Grundlagen der Norm und Empirie zu stützen. Möglichkeiten für Vorsatzabstufung nach diesem Maßstab werden erörtert. Eine klare Antwort bedarf aber einer Anpassung der Vorsatzformen an empirisches Wissen, weil die Studien aus anderen Bereichen den Nuancen von rechtlichen Begriffen nicht genug Rechnung tragen. Ferner wäre eine Vorsatzabstufung nach dem Bedarf einer Straftäterbehandlung, wie in Kapitel 4 gezeigt, erfolgversprechend, sollte die Beziehung zwischen den Vorsatzformen und dem Rückfallrisiko festgestellt werden.
Ausblick: Der Verfasser plädiert für eine normativ sowie empirisch fundierte Strafrechtsdogmatik. Das heißt, Strafrechtler sollen empirische Beweise vorbringen, nötigenfalls durch eigene Studien, soweit ihre Argumente empirische Thesen enthalten. Zum Schluss verweist der Verfasser auf die Erforderlichkeit, das Potenzial und die Grenzen dieses Ansatzes und die Herausforderungen auf diesem Weg. / Question: According to the prevailing view of German legal doctrines, there are three severe types of mens rea, collectively referred to as "Vorsatz," i.e., intent, knowledge, and dolus eventualis. This work examined two questions: Should criminal acts committed with different "Vorsatz" types, all other things being equal, be punished differently? Why?
Method: This work answered these questions in an interdisciplinary discourse between jurisprudence and empirical research, based chiefly on knowledge from criminal and constitutional law jurisprudence, penal policy, criminology, psychology, behavioral economics, and empirical research methods.
Conclusion: To the first question: The proportionality between the penalty and criminal act demands that criminal acts committed with different "Vorsatz" types shall be differently punished if they exhibit considerable qualitative or quantitative differences. To the second question: The state of research, as discussed in Chapter 6, indicated that a gradation of "Vorsatz" types according to the risk they pose for crime completion is the most promising guideline that could enjoy both normative and empirical justifications. Possibilities of "Vorsatz" gradation are suggested. However, revisions of the definition of "Vorsatz" types are prerequisite for all these possibilities, because the studies in other disciplines did not take sufficiently into consideration the nuances of legal notions. On the other hand, a gradation of "Vorsatz" types according to the requirements for successful offender rehabilitation, as shown in Chapter 4, would also be promising if the relation between "Vorsatz" types and recidivism risk could be proven.
Prospects: The author called for a criminal legal dogmatics on both normative and empirical bases. It means that criminal law scholars should provide evidence for arguments comprising empirical hypotheses. The necessity, potential, and limitations of this approach and challenge toward it are discussed.
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精省後中央與地方權限衝突之研究林谷蓉, Lin, Ku Jung Unknown Date (has links)
一、 從權限劃分制度,探討我國均權制度形成背景( 中山先生對於集權分權
二、 地方自治是否為憲法保障之制度,將影響地方自治團體與國家間之關
三、 對精省後中央與地方權限衝突中最具代表性的四大面向-自治事項與委
(一) 、自治事項與委辦事項之釐清部分:
(二) 、立法權限之衝突部分:
(三) 、人事權限之衝突部分:
(四) 、財政權限之衝突部分:
四、 嘗試對於精省後中央與地方權限衝突類型化,藉由近年爭議最具代表
五、 自美國、德國、日本與英國之解決機制作為借鏡與參考,尤重視自治經
六、 綜合四大面向的研究心得,以期發現造成中央與地方權限衝突的「五大
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日治時期臺灣防疫體制下的預防接種與人事變遷 / The Vaccination and Fluctuation of the Epidemic Preventive Infrastructure in Japan-ruled Taiwan沈佳姍, Shen chia san Unknown Date (has links)
繼應用面,本文次論人事、體制之制度面發展。首先,臺灣在1902~1905年,先後出現在臺灣設置血清藥院聲音、鼓勵細菌血清學研究、設置牛疫血清作業所、起議在臺實施全新生兒種痘和創設中央科學研究所。1916年開始製販血清疫苗,擇製本島常見菌種、強調「賣捌」非「販賣」,此後製品種類陸續增加。臺製疫苗亦供應沖繩和中國等等臺灣以外地區。1922年起,臺灣不再製造牛疫血清,改由朝鮮提供防疫之常備用品;1939年士林廠房完工,臺灣開始製造乾燥和精緻血清疫苗。另就中央衛生部人事和業績比較,細菌血清類研究和專任人力常多居各研究單位之首,1920年代達高峰;1930年代研究比重雖看似降低,然其負責人員數量、製劑內容和販賣數量,卻更深刻且快速進展,故臺灣中央一直重視免疫醫學或細菌學研究。而使臺灣於各階段發生細菌學興起、開始製販血清疫苗、研製機構體制和製品製程改變原因,首先,使細菌學、免疫學和血清研製機構在臺展開,首須歸因後藤新平和高木友枝等臺灣首長個人意識,以及其背後穩固之內務省衛生局(行政)、傳染病研究所(技術)和眾議會(審議)等人事資源和總體意向,並因人際網絡使臺灣得參酌美國作法。1916年臺灣開始製販血清疫苗,源自1914年傳研移管;擇製某類型製劑且限定專賣,則為前期人事派系延續和檢定制度便宜之計。傳承人事脈絡與社會局勢,再配合新發地政治社會需求,使1920年代後期起中央研究所人事漸變化,來自地方者再回歸地方,中央日益學術、大學化。最極致表現是1936~1939年中央研究所成為臺北帝大附屬和東大傳研化。此外,臺灣與海外各血清疫苗單位有連絡互通;臺灣是日本諸外地中最早大量製販各種血清疫苗者;也是日本國境內,極少數可以帝大附屬研究所之姿製販血清疫苗者。 / The dissertation aims to use historical data a long with GIS methods to explore the vaccination prevention to certain infectious diseases in colonial Taiwan (1895 – 1945).
The smallpox vaccination was the earliest vaccination has been practiced in Taiwan. The change of polices and influstructure in cowpox manufacture revealed how the vaccination adminstration transformed and shaped local society. With the cowpox vaccine popularized, the immunity was gained as well as the low infection and mortality rate after 1910s implied its effectiveness. Secondly, the plague vaccination in 1900~1904 was the first big-scale preventive injection by the Taiwan official, but rarely injected after 1904 due to the high cost and side effects. following that, the cholera serum was often used in scale in 1916 which 3 million people received injecttion during 1919~1920, a period of cholera pandemic. One effective that cholera imunizationleft was that Taiwanese strated to accept needle injection a way of vaccinated prevention. The pandemic influenza invaded Taiwan in 1918~1921but the etiology was unknown currently. As the second wave of the epidemic occurred, the authorities began to pay attention and encouraged people to take injection from indirect causes of death such as pneumococcal. This injection strategy was applied in the whole Japanese ruled era. The epidemic cerebrospinal meningitis, since its vaccination reported in 1917, was larger implemented in the 1920s, then greatly practiced after the 1930s. Furthermore, the epidemic encephalitis or encephalitis named after Taiwan before 1935 usually referred to the epidemic cerebrospinal meningitis. Therefore, the epidemic encephalitis or encephalitis vaccination actually meant the meningococcal meningitis vaccination. In general, most implementation of vaccination appeared around 1916 progressed in 1920s and prevalently practiced after the 1930s. The police of vaccination brought down the infection and mortality rate in Taiwan a long withthe attitude of acceptance to immunization injection among people.
Furthermore, Taiwan set up a professional animal serum factory and established the Central Science Institute of Taiwan Governor in 1903. In 1916, Taiwan started to make and sell serums and vaccines to the public which indicated the vaccination were already prevalent among Taiwanese. The govenemnt monopolized the sale of vaccines and the products could however offer to China and other places. In 1939, Taiwan went a step further to manufacture the dried vaccine, toxoid, and anatoxin.
The phenomenon above implied various meanings. First, the promotion of bacteriology, immunology and serum in Taiwan were based on personal commitment by Gotou Shinpei (1857-1929) and Takagi Tomoe (1858-1943). With their connection to the Bureau of Sanitation of the Ministry of Interior, the Institute of Infectious Diseases (Kitazato Shibasaburou, 1853-1931), and House of Representatives, their works might link to the Rockefeller Institute which brought strong trust to the developing of bacteriology. In 1916 the attempt to produce and sell vaccine was a side-effect deriving from the domentic friction of the Institute of Infectious Diseases in 1914. It caused by the struggle of the administrative and resources, the dispute of practical and academic, and maturates of the bacteriology; lead to the essentially open to the serums and vaccines market in Japan and its foreign lands, included Taiwan. Taiwan closed to the faction of Kitazato. Soon after, the great spread of infectious diseases in 1918-1921 bright the emergency to apply and manufacture of biologics in 1920s in Japan and all of its territories. Taken the impact, the Central Research Institute of Taiwan Governor changed its infrastructure and products in the 1930s. It is worth noting that the Central Research Institute of Taiwan Governor and the Taiwan Medical Specialized School became branches of the (Taipei and Tokyo) Imperial University in 1936-1939, for the necessity of dried vaccine, toxoid, and anatoxin.
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國家公權力對於罷工之介入 ─以警察權限發動為中心 / Study on the Impact of Authority Intervene in Strike ─The Case of Exercising the Police Authority章文傑 Unknown Date (has links)
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世界貿易組織之食品衛生檢驗與動植物檢疫措施協定相關爭端解決案例之探討隋芳婷 Unknown Date (has links)
No description available.
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以特別預防角度探討緩起訴制度 / Examine the Deferred Prosecution from the Aspect of Specific Deterrence李元棻, Lee, Yuan Fen Unknown Date (has links)
我國緩起訴制度於2002 年制定,立法者於立法時已明文緩起訴係立基於訴訟經濟之目的,以及預防被告再犯之特別預防之刑事政策為出發。而緩起訴制度自2002 年施行至今約莫13 年,是否確能落實當年立法者所預期達成之目的,有效達成被告再犯預防之特別預防目的?或反而因為附條件緩起訴存在太過便利,附條件緩起訴之相關指示與負擔選擇多元且包羅萬象,而忽視制度本身原應該追求的目的?對於制度之目的產生問題後,因我國立法時參考的外國法制為日本的起訴猶豫制度,在日本法上起訴猶豫制度之運用是否也有類似的問題?而因緩起訴制度為一種刑事政策之轉向處分,美國法制上亦有性質類似的審前轉向原則,是否有得以參考的地方?所謂「他山之石,可以攻錯」,若想要達成緩起訴預防再犯之功能,以外國法制作為借鏡下,有無可提供我國法制得以參考的地方?在這樣的思考脈絡下,最後提出本文的一點想法以及參考。
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公私協力與自主規制之研究—兼論消防火災預防行政 / A Study in the Public Private Partnership and Self-Regulation郭貞君, Kuo, Chen Chun Unknown Date (has links)
本文爰透過中外文獻梳理公私協力與自主規制法學理論,並放眼國際取樣研究運用公私協力與自主規制之消防行政實務規範,以歐盟與英國為取法對象,就消防安全管理制度硬體層面及軟體層面分別探討歐盟產品(兼及建築產品[再兼及消防安全設備產品])監管機制以及英國建築物防火安全管理機制。除解析法理基礎更探究實務規範架構於我國與先進國家之異同,期許回饋提供公私協力與自主規制所涉行政法理論若干啟示並促使本國相關消防行政規範更趨周全。 / In the wake of global trend of government department introducing private resources and establishing partnerships with private sectors to reduce financial burden and improve administrative efficacy, Taiwan authorities in recent years have also been advocating government downsizing, streamlining organizations, adopting private resources, and public private partnership. Furthermore, public private partnership contains private sector’s self-regulation element, but in jurisprudential circle, self-regulation and public private partnership are usually independently researched topics, what are the exact relationships between them; otherwise, each of both has great variety of types and has not universally consented definition, therefore, it seems to be an issue full of keen interest for General Administrative Law: whether there exists common legal context and typological pedigree in the pluralistic and divergent theories and practices of public private partnership and self-regulation. Besides, as regards Specific Administrative Law, in order to prevent fires for protecting public safety and people's lives and property, countries all over the world utilize various approaches to public private partnership and self-regulation, to construct fire protection management regime for buildings; the domestic juristic studies of public private partnership and self-regulation have overall fruitful achievements, especially the former, however, apparently none of them refers to fire protection administrative category that thus eagerly needs to be cultivated.
This thesis wherefore sorted domestic and foreign juristic literature about public private partnership and self-regulation, and combed internationally relative fire protection administrative legislation. Focusing on legislation of European Union and United Kingdom, it separately explored hardware dimension and software dimension of fire protection management regimes, that is, EU’s product safety and market surveillance regime (involving that for construction product [further involving that for fixed fire fighting equipment]) and UK’s fire safety regime. In addition to analyzing the legal theories and exploring the similarities and differences of legislative framework between EU or UK and Taiwan, it expects to provide several revelations to the jurisprudence of public private partnership and self-regulation, and to actuate the relative domestic fire protection legislation more comprehensively.
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以色列海軍之研究江炘杓 Unknown Date (has links)
研究心得有三點:第一,以—阿海軍戰爭之啟示;第二、以色列海軍發展之啟示;第三,研究以色列海軍之啟示。 / The Study of the Israeli Navy was made use of literature analysis and war history research method. It was written within the approach of the strategy research which of the aims, the means, and the ways.
The paper will (1) introduce the sea environment of Israel and sources of the threats, discuss Israel national security and its defense strategic conception, and Israeli conscriptions and its military training; (2) examine the significance and importance of the Israeli Navy war history; (3) give a description of structures of the Navy and its doctrines; and (4) propose the challenge of the Navy, analyze its problem of the defense budget distribution, open its hi-tech weapon systems, and observe its future development.
The results of this paper include: (1) excavate the most valuable warfare among the Israeli Navy war history which is the Battle of Latakia; (2) understand the structures of the Navy; and (3) find out the trend of the Navy future development.
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