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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

二代測序多基因面板在乳腺癌和卵巢癌篩檢的貝葉斯成本效果分析 / Bayesian cost-effectiveness analysis of NGS multi-gene panel testing for breast and ovarian cancer

杜春艷 January 2017 (has links)
University of Macau / Institute of Chinese Medical Sciences

錄影監視系統建置數量對治安影響程度之探討-以臺北市為例 / The determinants of the number of closed-circuit television's configuration for the extent of the public security impact : the case of Taipei City in 2005-2015

王中正 Unknown Date (has links)
鑒於科技建警時代來臨,錄影監視系統運用範圍越來越廣泛,加上媒體大幅報導使用成效,導致新增議題持續不斷發生。本文先以預防犯罪角度探究錄影監視系統建置成因、運用及維護管理模式,取臺北市12個行政區2005年至2015年間各式刑案發生數,採竊盜案件發生數、強盜搶奪案件發生數及違反偽造文書印文案件發生數為被解釋變數,其中對照組為偽造文書印文案件發生數,監視器總數量為主要解釋變數,輔以守望相助組織、員警人數等與警政業務相關及多數犯罪實證研究文獻較常使用之解釋變數,從縱斷面及橫斷面的資料進行觀察,再透過「追蹤資料」(Panel Data)並運用「最小平方法」(Ordinary least squares,OLS)、固定效果模型及隨機效果模型進行資料分析,評估錄影監視系統數量配置上差異是否與刑案發生數有顯著關聯,藉以探討錄影監視系統建置數量多寡對於治安影響的程度。 研究發現,根據最小平方法的估計,監視器總數量與竊盜案件發生數呈負的顯著關聯,與強盜搶奪案件發生數及偽造文書印文案件發生數則無顯著關聯,顯示錄影監視系統僅對於特定類型刑案發生有犯罪預防效果,運用錄影監視系統雖然有利於破獲強盜搶奪案件,但在預防強盜搶奪案件發生效果並不顯著,同時驗證臺北市在錄影監視系統數量分配上並非僅以轄區人口數、土地面積及暴力、竊盜案件平均發生數為基礎。最後,本研究建議警政機關在錄影監視系統配置上應視影響刑案發生數之因素分配,如做整體預防犯罪決策應多考慮其他社會因子,在未來設置時,應適時變更宣導方向提高民眾治安滿意度,並針對系統設備有效管理維護,因時因地制宜,經由整合公私部門提高覆蓋率,以減少治安死角。 / In view of the coming of technical police age, the Closed-circuit television (CCTV) is applied more and more broadly. With the greatly reported effects by the press, new issues keep emerging. This article discovers the coming reasons, application and managed modes behind CCTV. We adopt the statics of the offense known to the police, larcenies, forceful taking and forgery from 2005 to 2015 among 12 districts in Taipei City as the dependent variable, the number of the forgery as the control group, and the number of monitors as the main response variable. We also take commonly used response variables in mutual help organizations, the number of the relevant police duties , and research papers of criminal evidence to observe the information vertically and horizontally , then conduct data analysis via Panel Data, Ordinary Least Squares (OLS), Fixed Effect Model and Random Effect Model and estimate if there’s connection between the number of CCTV and criminal cases to see if the number of CCTV and has any impact on the public order. The research shows that the number of CCTV has significantly negative relevance with the larcenies, while forceful taking and forgery go opposite, according to the estimation of OLS. It shows that CCTV has positive influence on criminal prevention only to certain criminal cases. CCTV is benefit busting forceful taking, but not preventing it. Nevertheless, it proves that the distribution of CCTV in Taipei City isn’t just based on the district population, area, violence and the avg. number of force taking simultaneously. Finally, we suggest that Police Agency & Subordinate Branch allot CCTV depending on the factors of criminal cases. For example, considering more sociocultural factor when making decisions about criminal prevention and changing the ways of propaganda timely to improve the public order satisfaction. Furthermore, managing and maintaining system facilities effectively and change tactics as the situation and time demand to reduce the high crime rates by integrating public and private sectors and higher coverage.

冷戰後東北亞國家與中共間信心建立措施 / Confidence Building Measures Between Northeast Asia Countries and PRC after Cold War

康琪祥, Kang, Chi Hsiang Unknown Date (has links)
中共自從1978年十一屆三中全會之後,由鄧小平為核心的中共第二代領導集體在外交路線上改變了對國際形勢的判斷,也為中共的全國工作重點轉移到了經濟建設。冷戰後中共除了繼續執行獨立自主的對外關係,也重新調整外交政策,在繼續加強與開發中國家合作的前提之下,發展與周邊國家的睦鄰友好關係。同時為確保國內經濟持續發展,中共需要一個和平穩定的國際環境,尤其是周邊國家。基於這樣的外交方針,冷戰後中共進行一系列與周邊國家降低軍事衝突及穩定區域安全的措施。其中東北亞諸國,不論是地緣或是歷史情結上與中共有著密不可分的關係,不論是日本或是朝鮮半島上分裂的南、北韓,均與中共有不同程度的潛在衝突,影響中共追求穩定國際環境的需求。而美國在重新調整其全球戰略之後,將關注焦點從歐洲轉移到亞洲,加上駐有大量軍力於南韓及日本,讓整個東北亞地區情勢益形複雜。信心建立措施是近年來國際間用來降低國家間或是區域間潛在衝突的工具,如何運用信心建立措施來降低東北亞區域國家間的軍事衝突,確保東北亞區域和平,以利中共全力發展經濟,是本論文探討重心。 / After 1978, People’s Republic of China(PRC)has began to change its foreign policy and tried to play a friendly role to its neighboring countries in order to create a stable and peace international environment. Northeast Asia is one of turbulent regions. This region also includes Japan and North Korea and South Korea. Nations here have different level of potential conflicts against the PRC. U.S. also involves in this area. Since 1975 Confidence Building Measures (CBMs) already provide many solution for Europe countries in solving their conflict. So the CBMs may help provide the same solutions for the Northeast Asia region also. This thesis tries to explain how Japan, North, South Korea as well as the U.S. in their manipnlating the CBMs vis-a-vis PRC, and, finally, how the CBMs would decrease the possibility of potential conflict in this region.

我國預防接種受害救濟運作之研究 / A Study of the Vaccine Injury Compensation Program in Taiwan

鄭美琴 Unknown Date (has links)
行政院衛生署為解決預防接種受害者,透過侵權行為之民事訴訟,求償困難。爰參考先進國家經驗,創設了無過失補償之預防接種受害救濟制度,俾使因接種受害者者,免於訴訟,即能迅速獲得解決後續問題之經費補償,以節省社會成本付出。另為使該制度順利進行,並依法設立預防接種受害救濟基金,加以運作。 本文依相關資料分析結果,該基金平均每年當期賸餘高達1,100餘萬元,收支失衡,不符政事型基金之收支平衡處理原則;支出方面,不論從核准金額或核准件數觀之,實際獲准與申請給付各項標準之比例,均屬偏低,致大部分受害者或家屬,均未獲得適足的補償,無法充分發揮救濟補償之政策目的;收入方面,以現金流量模擬未來10年收支狀況得知,按目前徵收基準以1劑1元方式徵收,未來每年均仍有當期賸餘產生,將造成社會資源的閒置浪費,資源使用未達最佳效率,而有調降徵收基準的空間。


藍天虹 Unknown Date (has links)
本論文主要探討聯合國在維護國際安全與和平目的時,由原先所構思的集體安全概念,來確保不再發生世界大戰,到發展出維持和平行動及預防外交的前因後果。   聯合國於一九四五年成立後,由於東西雙方兩大集團採取對抗方式,冷戰於焉形成,集體安全概念除了在韓戰及波灣戰爭發揮維護國際社會安全與和平應有的功能外,面對其餘各項衝突均無法發揮其功能,維持和平行動乃因運而生,並延伸出預防外交的概念。   聯合國於一九四八年第一次實施維和行動,開啟了維和行動的新頁。在冷戰的四十幾年間,維持和平行動及預防外交確實發揮穩定國際安全與和平功效。隨著冷戰於一九八八年結束,國際間採取以合作代替對抗,同年聯合國維持和平行動獲得諾貝爾和平獎,及美國於一九九一年在聯合國安全理事會授權下組成多國聯軍,將伊拉克從科威特逐回其本土,以及蓋里秘書長在一九九二年向安理會所報題為和平議程中,重新賦予預防外交新的定義及做法,因而引發國際間對於聯合國在維護國際安全與和平上的厚望,預防外交頓時成為當時流行的口號,而受到國際社會的重視。   聯合國對於國際間的期望也確實給予具體的回應,維持和平行動從冷戰前四十三年間執行十三項任務,激增到冷戰後短短十五年內的四十三項任務,介入處裡的衝突,也從國際間的衝突到國家的內戰等,範圍較前廣泛;而其所執行的任務更從早期監督停火及擔任軍事緩衝者到維護人道救濟及人權,並進而協助國家重建工作等,不一而足,可說加大了預防外交的廣度與深度。維持和平行動及預防外交實施以來,雖有長足的進步,但本身仍有問題需要去面對及克服,聯合國因而成立小組研擬改進之道,逐一加以解決,然仍有部分問題未能完全解決,尚待克服。雖然聯合國仍有待精進,但是其作為國際及國內爭端的最佳仲裁機構,是無庸置疑的,這也是為何在海地任務中,由美國領軍組成的多國部隊仍須經聯合國授權,才具正當性。目前維和任務及預防外交仍是聯合國維護國際社會安全與和平的最佳方法。

研究台灣人類乳突病毒疫苗施打政策: 評估實施策略 / A Study of Human Papillomavirus Vaccination Policy in Taiwan: Focusing on the Evaluation of Implementation Strategies

鄭曄, Cheng, Yeh Unknown Date (has links)
Cervical cancer is the second most common cancer that women suffer from worldwide. Every year more than 270,000 women die from cervical cancer, and it is one of the top ten cancer that Taiwanese women suffer from. Differ from other kinds of cancer, cervical cancer can be effectively prevented by vaccination, since most cervical cancers are caused by HPV(Human Papillomavirus) infection. HPV infection is most common in people in their late teens and early 20s, and the HPV vaccine targets the HPV types that most commonly cause cervical cancer and can cause some other cancers. It also protects against the HPV types that cause most genital warts. The HPV vaccine is highly effective in preventing the targeted HPV types, as well as the most common health problems caused by them. Though HPV vaccination is included in the national immunization program in some countries, the vaccines are not provided to every female at no cost in Taiwan. While some cities and counties provides HPV vaccine for every female or a certain group of female gratuitously, female citizens of other cities and counties would have to pay approximately $300-360 USD for vaccination. This inconsistent policy among Taiwan has been questioned by local congressmen and citizens. To re-examine the HPV vaccine policy and implementation procedure among each local government in Taiwan, the Health Promotion Administration, Ministry of Health and Welfare (HPA) as well as ten local governments with different HPV vaccination policies were interviewed and evaluated. The research concludes that with no united HPV vaccination policy, the goals of the policy among the local governments is different, some even undefined, the implementation levels of each local government is uneven, and misleading communication between the central and the local governments exist. A united policy with specific goal, implementation guidelines, report system, two-way communication system should and would make the vaccination policy more ample, and equal.

調節焦點影響廣告效果之研究 / The effect of regulatory focus on advertising effectiveness

馬慶玲, Ma,Ching Ling Unknown Date (has links)
探討說服效果的調節焦點理論是近年來相當熱門的理論,然而對調節焦點的本質卻一直有些爭議。有些學者把調節焦點視為性格的一部分,也有學者視之為是受情境影響的焦點,更有學者指出在廣告訊息中也能藉由操弄調節焦點而影響消費者被訊息說服的程度。為了解調節焦點在各階段扮演的角色,本研究先蒐集參與者的長期性調節焦點,再進行實驗操弄。操弄的變項為暫時性調節焦點(促進焦點、預防焦點)、廣告訊息(促進焦點、預防焦點、中性)與產品種類(高價格、低價格),共十二組,以釐清何種調節焦點較能影響廣告效果,是否能影響對廣告的態度?對產品的態度?或者能影響購買意願嗎?此外,高/低風險的產品又會與調節焦點之間有什麼關聯呢?消費者的調節焦點是否會受到產品本身所擁有的特性而影響呢?本研究共蒐集到333份有效樣本,進行多元迴歸分析、共變數分析及以事後比較去回答所關心的問題。 本研究發現多數人在長期性調節焦點上皆同時擁有兩種焦點,且兩種焦點的交互作用會影響到廣告效果。一般而言,長期傾向促進焦點者,較容易產生較佳的廣告效果,而藉由情境的促發(暫時性調節焦點)較能有效影響消費者的購買意願。若消費者本身傾向為促進焦點,且購買意情境引發消費者的內心的渴望時,其購買意願最高。而當促發的調節焦點與廣告訊息不一致時,暫時性調節焦點亦能有效預測低價格產品的廣告態度、產品態度和購買意願。此外,廣告訊息會透過廣告態度去影響產品態度與購買意願。針對研究結果,本研究於文末進行詳細說明與討論,並提出數項建議,以供實務界和後續研究者參考。

從預防性動機談風險與現金持有政策之關聯性_以台灣資料為例 / Associate Risk with Cash Holding Policy from Precautionary Motive : Evidence from the Listed and OTC Companies in Taiwan

洪子婷 Unknown Date (has links)
本文透過Palazzo (2012) 之模型,檢視台灣上市上櫃公司之現金持有率變動程度是否與風險溢酬存在正向關係。當我們使用剩餘所得模型所估計出隱含資金成本作為風險溢酬時,符合Palazzo (2012) 預防性動機之預期,公司在面臨高風險時,傾向增加其現金持有,以備面臨流動性危機。而使用已實現報酬模型作為風險溢酬之估計時,則無法解釋正向且顯著地解釋,與Black (1993), Elton (1999) 及 Fama and French (1997) 之論點一致,已實現報酬並非預期報酬良好之估計;而採用現金持有波動度作為風險之代理變數時,亦無法正向地解釋當期現金持有變動情況。此外,並發現公司之現金持有率變動受風險影響程度與公司之未來投資機會有關,未來投資機會較多的廠商其預期報酬與現金持有政策有較大的正向關係。


蕑馨籬, Jian, Xing-Li Unknown Date (has links)
近年來,由於工商業繁榮、社會結構改變,少年犯罪問題因此層出窮,且日趨嚴重。 對社會安全、國家前途的影響甚鉅。為析有效預防少年犯罪事件之發生,有必要對構 成少年犯罪的各方面因素深知加研究。 本研究以犯罪少年及一般少年為自變項。以性別 (男性化、女性化、兩性化、未分化 )及社經地位(家長職業聲望、家長教育程度、家庭經濟地位) 為依變項。以單因子變 異數分析統計方法探討其間差異。 主要內容在於探討下列問題: 一、犯罪少年與一般省年在性別角色上的差異。 二、犯罪少年與一般少年在男性正性特質、男性負性特質、女性正性特質、女性負性 特質上的差異。 三、不同犯罪類型(暴力性、財產性、吸食藥物)受試在性別角色上的差異。 四、犯罪少年與一般少年社經地位差異。( 分家長職業聲望、家長教育程度、家庭社 經地位三方面探討)。 本研究計分五章,首章為結論,說明本研究之動機與目的,研究假設及操作型定義, 次章為對本研究有關文獻之探討。第三章為研究方法,說明本研究之樣本、研究工具 及實施程序。第四章為研究結果及討論。第五章為結論及建議。

動勢場之身體意象預防方案:以女大學生為例 / Dongshi field based body image prevention program for college women

馬心怡, Ma, Hsin Yi Unknown Date (has links)
研究背景:身體意象困擾為現代女性自我發展之重要議題之一,且為飲食疾患之危險因子,身體意象預防方案因而受到重視,過去方案多注重負向之影響因素。近年來,「正向身體意象」概念發展並重視個體對自己身體的正向感受以及身心調和,但仍欠缺實踐之方法。本研究旨在以動勢場概念發展身體意象預防性介入方案,探討此預防方案提升女大學生對自我身體欣賞、覺察程度,及降低負向身體意象之效果。因研究工具受到中文化限制,本研究之研究一將針對身體意象問卷進行中文化以及信效度檢驗,研究二探討介入方案之療效。 研究方法:研究一採用問卷法,中文化問卷後針對201名女性大學生進行資料搜集,在問卷之信效度檢驗上,採用內部一致性信度、建構效度以及效標關聯效度進行檢驗。研究二招募三組受試者,依次是實驗組(N = 14)、體育課組(N = 15)以及控制組(N = 20),共有49名某國立大學女性大學生參與本研究。實驗組受試者接受每週1次,每次1.5小時,共計8次之團體介入。三組皆採用自陳氏問卷,於介入前、介入後以及三個月追蹤之三個時間點進行資料搜集。 研究發現:本研究中文化問卷大致具有足夠之信效度,可作為測量工具。介入結果顯示相較於體育課組以及控制組,實驗組在身體覺察上於後測以及三個月追蹤皆較前測有顯著之效果。 結論:本研究嘗試以舞蹈治療作為基礎,發展身體意象預防方案,結果可有效提升個體的身體覺察程度,但方案內容仍有待改進之空間。最後,提出本研究限制以及未來研究方向。 / Background: Body image concern is one of the important issues of modern women's self-development, and also the risk factors for eating disorders. Thus body image prevention program has been taken seriously, which, in the past the programs were more emphasized on negative factors. In recent years, the concept of "positive body image" has been developing and emphasizing on one's own positive feelings about individual's body and body-mind attunement, but still lacking of practical and well organized method to put into practice. This study aims to develop a body image prevention program based on the concept of Dongshi, to explore the effectiveness of the improvement of body appreciation and body responsiveness, also the effectiveness to decrease the impact of negative body image. Due to the limitations of the Chinese version research tools, Study 1 of this study will focus on examing the reliability and validity of the Chinese version’s body image questionnaires. Study 2 will explore the effectiveness of the prevention program. Methods: In Study 1, the questionnaires were used to study the data of 201 female college students. On the reliability and the validity of the questionnaires, the internal consistency reliability and construct validity were tested. In Study 2, three groups were recruited as the intervention group (N = 14), the physical education class group (N = 15) and the control group (N = 20), a total of 49 female college students from a national university participated in the study as samples. The intervention group received a weekly intervention, 1.5 hour each time, a total of 8 sessions in group involved. All three groups were collected from the self-reported questionnaire, and data collection from three periods: before the intervention, after the intervention and 3 months follow-up. Result: It is found that the Chinese edition questionnaires in this study are sufficiently reliable and can be used as a measurement tool. The results of the intervention showed that in comparing with the physical education group and the control group, the intervention group had significant effect on the post-test and the three-month follow-up in the body awareness. Conclusion: This study attempts to develop a body image prevention program based on dance therapy. The results can effectively improve the individual's body awareness, but the content of the program still has room for improvement. Finally, the limitations of this study and future directions for research are proposed.

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