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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.


佐藤, 彰 23 July 2018 (has links)
京都大学 / 0048 / 新制・課程博士 / 博士(工学) / 甲第21309号 / 工博第4507号 / 新制||工||1701(附属図書館) / 京都大学大学院工学研究科機械理工学専攻 / (主査)教授 椹木 哲夫, 教授 泉田 啓, 講師 中西 弘明, 教授 松野 文俊 / 学位規則第4条第1項該当 / Doctor of Philosophy (Engineering) / Kyoto University / DGAM

商業智慧在飛行訓練上之應用—以C航空公司為例 / The Application of Data Mining on Flight Training—A Case of C Airlines

陳淳德 Unknown Date (has links)
近年來,各大企業透過商業智慧(Business Intelligence, BI)的概念導入,協助企業將類型廣泛的資料加以彙整與統計並加以分析,以便快速了解市場趨勢、走向以及需求的變化,企業便可即時做出正確的反應並進行準備。然而,商業智慧之工具在航空產業中飛航專業人員訓練相關的應用上並未受到廣泛討論,本文希望透過商業智慧工具所取得的相關的資料,經過詳盡的解說、分析以及給予建議,提供訓練相關單位日後研擬訓練課程的參考依據。同時透過近年國內外航空業重要之操作異常事件加以選擇,針對相對影響嚴重之課目先行加以探討。 透過羅吉斯模型針對Engine Failure After V1課目作探討得到以下結論,在訓練類別方面,若以Airline Pilot Pre-Qualification(APQ)為基準,Airline Pilot Pre-Qualification較Initial Equipment Training容易通過訓練並達到標準,Requalification Training、Transition Training、Upgrade Training 較Airline Pilot Pre-Qualification容易通過訓練並達到標準;在飛航組員之背景方面,以MIL為基準,MIL背景的飛航組員較AB-INITIO以及CPL容易通過訓練並達到標準,顯示具備軍方飛行經驗背景的人員較其他兩者容易通過測驗。 個案公司長期以來重視航空人才的培養,飛航組員訓練為飛安之本是一貫始終的信念,並堅持以詳盡嚴謹的訓練計畫以及扎實穩健的教育訓練,培育出符合標準之飛航組員。為使飛航組員之訓練能更精進,透過商業智慧系統的導入及應用,將可協助個案公司以較具有效率之方式進行分析與研究,此也為提升訓練品質以及訓練單位競爭優勢之一項有利工具。因此,希望能藉由本研究提供個案公司檢討並改進訓練之執行方式,以培訓出專業優秀的飛航組員,並滿足安全營運需求。

多軸飛行器用於自拍情境之互動模式研究 / Exploring Interaction Modalities for a Selfie Drone

陳建方, Chen, Chien Fang Unknown Date (has links)
「自拍」是時下特有的社群文化,使用手持相機或自拍棒輔助拍照多有限制。然而搭載相機鏡頭的多軸飛行器(Camera-equipped drone)日漸普及,未來將有機會成為新的攝影器材。 本研究由初步訪談並分類「日常生活中操作相機」之心智模型:(1)以自身為中心,指揮攝影師移動之操控者模式(User Mode),適合近距操作,如自拍;(2)使用者透過相機視角,取得觀測角度之觀景窗模式(Viewfinder Mode),適合取得遠距影像,如災區探勘;(3)以第三人稱同時控制攝影者與被攝者的導演模式(Director Mode),擅於處理人與鏡頭相對空間關係,適合已預想好全局構圖與分鏡腳本。本研究依上述分類討論文獻與商品之優勢與限制,探索「操作空間中任務擺放之相機(多軸飛行器)」的理想互動方法後,將「操作空間中的相機」互動切分為兩階段流程設計:(1)Positioning階段:以User Mode直視飛行器,指揮相機位置;(2)Fine Tuning階段:以Viewfinder Mode透過觀景窗取得影像並微調拍攝參數。 本研究將著重於Positioning階段之飛行器控制互動方法,透過探討使用者的空間認知,提出三種符合使用者心智模型之飛行器運動座標系(球狀、柱狀與修正之三維座標),結合智慧型手機操作的類指向輸入方法(Semi-Direct Pointing),並實作沉浸式VR多軸飛行器體驗模擬器「Skyfie」,並進行兩次使用者測試,模擬使用者在3D空間中指揮飛行器移動至指定位置進行拍攝,實驗結果證明本研究提出之三種座標系統皆比傳統三維座標容易操作,並於最後討論各運動座標系適用之情境。 / Taking Selfie is a brand new type of photographic behavior and has become a phenomenon on social medias. In Asia, many people love taking and sharing selfies in their daily life and have create several tools to take good selfies suck as a selfie stick or a portable tripod. In the meantime, camera-equipped drones are getting more and more popular today. We can envision a future where personal flying selfie bots are always with us. Among the previous works and commercial products, the interaction techniques for controlling drone are mostly designed in drone-centric mode that require a longer training and are not easy for taking an anticipated shot. We investigate the user needs in taking selfies and propose an interaction technique that contains Positioning state and Fine Tuning state which are designed with user and viewfinder mode. Users can place a drone in a specified coordinate system by our semi-direct pointing technique and then compose the framing on the smartphone screen. We propose 3 coordinate systems for positioning stage and conduct two user studies in a simulated VR environment to validate the performance and user acceptances. In conclusion, we find that all three coordinate systems are more user friendly compare to traditional Cartesian coordinate system considering the test results and implementation cost.

解除管制對台灣民航業服務品質之影響 / The effect of deregulation on the service quality in the Taiwan airline industry.

黃純滿, Hwang, Chwen Maan Unknown Date (has links)
美國於1978年通過航空解除管制法案。此法案甫經宣佈,旋即在全球各地 風起雲湧,引發一股風潮。世界各國航空界皆唯美國馬首是瞻,紛紛採行 解除管制措施。為順應世界航空運輸業走向自由化之趨勢,我國亦於民國 七十六年實施放寬進入管制政策,亦即一般通稱的開放天空政策。然而, 我國的開放天空並未完全解除對民航業的管制,而僅止於放寬新業者的進 入,及允許業者增闢航線等管制措施而已。由於新業者加入競爭,打破國 內航空市場長久以來以中華、遠東為領導者,台灣、永興為跟隨者的寡占 局面,致使台灣地區的航空市場深受前所未有的劇烈衝擊,也使現有航空 業者面臨市場攻防戰之強大壓力。鑑於政府放寬進入管制政策的目的之一 ,乃希望藉由輔導新航空公司之設立,以提高服務品質,促進飛機汰舊換 新,使國人享有安全、快捷的航空運輸服務,故本研究之目的即在以數學 演繹法與統計分析法,深入探討解除管制政策對台灣民航業整體服務品質 之衝擊。經由理論與實證之分析,本研究的結果顯示:台灣民航業於放寬 進入管制後,由於放寬進入所引發之需求與負載效果均為正,故廠商家數 之增加,將導致飛行班次增加,服務品質因而提升。因此,建議政府完全 解除進入管制,促使服務品質大幅提升,以嘉惠消費大眾。

以自率光束法提升四旋翼UAV航拍影像之定位精度 / Using self-calibration to promote the positioning accuracy of images acquired from a quadrotor UAV

謝幸宜, Hsieh, Hsing Yi Unknown Date (has links)
整合了GPS、INS的無人飛行載具(Unmanned Aerial Vehicles, UAVs),可提供安全、快速的資料蒐集方法,而能執行自動駕駛(automatic pilot)功能的UAV系統,更可提高資料蒐集的自動化程度。資料收集時,UAV系統中的GPS天線、INS系統以及像機的透視中心並不一致,欲以UAV系統執行航測任務時,須先了解UAV的系統幾何與特性,才能從GPS、INS的記錄資料中取得適當的外方位參數參考值。此外,目前的UAV系統多搭載非量測型像機(non-metric camera)獲取影像,但非量測型像機的內方位參數常以近景攝影測量的方式率定而得。然而,能以近景攝影測量方式獲得內方位參數的商業軟體很多,其所使用的函數模式卻未必完全相同,將影響內方位參數的率定成果,若再於空三平差過程中把不同軟體解得的內方位參數視為固定值,將使空三平差的結果產生較大的影像定位誤差。而自率光束法除了可用於近景攝影測量中的像機率定,也能應用於航空攝影測量中,將航測作業中的像坐標系統誤差模式化並加以改正,以提升該次作業的空三平差精度。因此,本研究以較安全的四旋翼UAV系統搭載非量測型像機獲取影像,比較:(1)一般航測方法(即光束法)執行空三平差、(2)使用自率光束法的空三平差、(3)先將所有影像觀測量以熟知的系統誤差模式改正後,再使用自率光束法的空三平差(以下簡稱預改正(pre-corrected)的自率光束法空三平差)所能達到的精度。測試結果顯示:使用預改正的自率光束法空三平差時,使用Brown(1976)與Ebner(1976)兩種附加參數模式,皆可得到最佳的空三平差精度,而使用Brown附加參數模式的自率光束法空三平差精度次之,且均比一般航測方法的空三平差精度佳。但於自率光束法的空三平差過程中使用Ebner的附加參數模式,所得的空三平差精度則最差。 / Unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) integrating with GPS and INS provide a safe and fast method for data acquisition. The UAVs which can implement automatic pilot promote the automation of data collection. In UAV systems, the GPS antenna and the INS system are not aligned with the perspective center, so that the GPS and INS records should be revised according to the geometry of UAV systems for exterior orientation references. And the cameras equipped with UAVs are often belonging to the non-metric camera, whose interior orientation parameters can be acquired by close-range photogrammetry softwares. However, there are several different camera models used in the softwares and the interior parameters calibrated by different softwares would not be the same, so that the interior parameters of the non-metric camera should not be regard as constant in aerotriangulation. Self-calibration can not only calibrate the camera in close-range photogrammetry but also model and compensate the departures from collinearity in aerotriangulation to promote the positioning accuracy. This study uses the images acquired from a safe UAV system, a Quadrotor UAV, and compares the results by using different aerotriangulation procedures. In this paper, the optimal accuracy can be obtained by using self-calibration in bundle adjustment with all measurements been pre-corrected for radial and decentering lens distortion. And the suboptumal accuracy can be obtained by using Brown’s (1976) added parameters in bundle adjustment, better than the results of using bundle adjustment. But using Ebner’s (1976) added parameters in bundle adjustment cannot help promoting the positioning accuracy.

俄國空軍發展研究 / A Study On the Development of Russian Air Force

許博凱, Hsu, Po-Kai Unknown Date (has links)

論美國武裝無人機的國際法問題 / On International law issues concerning U.S. armed UAVs

王正, Wang, Cheng Unknown Date (has links)
無人飛行載具或簡稱無人機是一種不實際搭載乘員的飛行裝置,不論研發的目的為何其核心概念皆是希望以機械來代替人力從事較為辛苦或較為危險的工作;歷史上記載無人機由來已久,但是類議題真正受到國際社會關切乃是2001年9月11日九一一事件後才開始。為了回應九一一事件對美國的威脅,美國除了以行使自衛權為由進攻阿富汗外,更發動了以全球伊斯蘭極端主義份子為對象的「全球反恐戰爭」並且開始大量投入武裝無人機執行定點攻擊行動,狙殺蓋達組織領導人或是與其有關聯的極端主義團體的成員。 隨著反恐戰爭的推進,美國派出的武裝無人機架次也逐年上升,隨之而來的是急遽上升的傷亡人數;驟增的傷亡數,尤其是平民傷亡引起了國際社會關切,其中「美國的武裝無人機攻擊是否違反國際法上關於武力使用的規範」成了急待解決的問題。本論文以當前國際法上關於武力使用的兩大規範:使用武力的合法性(Jus ad bellum)、武力使用的方式(Jus in bello)為途徑,檢視當前美國武裝無人機攻擊是否符合前述兩大規範,進而替美國武裝無人機攻擊衍生的國際法問題提供一個解答。


黃仁澤 Unknown Date (has links)
傳統的腫瘤指標篩檢方法,往往靈敏度、普及度及特異性有限,無法得到正確、即時的診斷結果。現今癌症的研究,則透過蛋白質體學經由光譜及影像觀察癌症不同時期的蛋白質表現變化,期望未來得以發展較佳之診斷工具。本研究中主要針對兩組攝護腺癌症病人之蛋白質質譜資料,此資料應用蛋白質晶片與表面強化雷射解吸電離飛行質譜技術(SELDI-TOF-MS)收集而來。我們的研究目的在於從大量的蛋白質特徵中篩選出一群有助於分類的蛋白質特徵變數。我們提出以最小分錯率特徵選取法與最小p值( 檢定、Kruskal-Wallis檢定)特徵選取法進行初步特徵辨識度排序以及選取,並進一步發展出k-mean萃取法、最大相關係數萃取法與判定係數萃取法以改善變數間嚴重的共線性問題。我們利用支援向量機(Support Vector Machine)方法進行分類並評估分類效果,在不同的分類目的下萃取有助於辨識的蛋白質特徵,以決定最佳特徵集合。研究發現運用最小分錯率特徵選取法與最小p值分錯率特徵選取法,輔以判定係數萃取法,在各分類目的下皆有良好表現,為較佳的特徵選取方式。

勞動基準法第八十四條之一適用要件之探討─以航空業為例 / A study of requirements for article 84-1 of the labor standards law- An example of the aviation

王世明, Wang, Shi Ming Unknown Date (has links)
航空業空勤組員適用勞基法第八十四條之一過去至今爭議不斷,而2016年華航空服員罷工行動的七大訴求中空勤組員回歸勞基法的議題再次被提出討論,時至今日這項訴求尚未獲得航空公司與政府的正面回應,抗爭凸顯台灣空勤組員可能存在工作時間過長且休息不足的問題。因此本研究首先探討國際勞動公約、台灣與日本的工時適用例外法理,而後透過深度訪談了解空勤組員的工時狀況與勞基法第八十四條之一的實施現況而提出立法政策的建議,最後,再參考日本的航空公司的營運經驗,分析本文所提出的立法政策是否具有可行性。 本文經由工作時間法理的探討,認為我國的空勤組員並不完全符合工時適用例外法理的要件,簡言之,不該將全數組員納入勞基法第八十四條之一的適用對象,既使政府基於企業的需求,允許單一航段工作時間超過十二小時的越洋航線可以適用勞基法第八十四條之一,那對於適用對象與執行的勤務應有明確的限制,只有經營國內線與區域航線的公司既該排除於適用對象之外,而非將所有空勤組員納入勞基法第八十四條之一,此外,必須嚴格落實同法第二項的但書規定,不得讓勞資雙方訂定有損勞工健康與福祉的勞動條件,或者透過立法進一步要求雇主應主動提供維護健康的措施,以確保勞工在長工時的情況下,仍然可以維持健全的身心狀態。 關於立法政策建議的可行性,從日本的經驗可得而知,既使空勤組員回歸勞基法,飛航勤務仍然可以順利運作,且有機會減少因將所有組員納入勞基法第八十四條之一而徒增的人事成本,對於公司而言可以獲得較佳的勞務成效進而提升飛航安全,同時又可以消除空勤組員過勞所產生的壓力與改善勞資關係。 / There is a huge controversy over the flight crew applying to Article 84-1 of the Labor Standards Law. In the seven demands of China Airlines flight attendant strike in 2016, the issue of flight crew applied to Labor Standards Law was again discussed. Now this appeal has not yet received a positive response from the airlines and the government. The protests highlight that Taiwan's flight crew may have problems with long working hours and lack of rest. Therefore, the first part of this study is to understand the working hours of flight crew and implementation status of Article 84-1 of Labor Standards Law. According to the International Labor Convention, Taiwan and Japan's theories of working hours, then propose legislative policy. Finally, reference to the Japanese airline's operating experience, whether the legislative policy proposed in this article is feasible. According to theories of working hours, think the flight crew do not meet the requirements of Article 84-1 of the Labor Standards Law. It should not be included in the application of Article 84-1 of the Labor Standards Law. Even if the government is based on the needs of the business, let a single section of the working hours of more than 12 hours of cross-ocean routes applying to Article 84-1 of the Labor Standards Law. There should be a clear limitation on the applicable object and the service to be performed. Exclude companies that operate only domestic and regional routes. In addition, the provisions of Article 84-1.(2) of the Labor Standards Law must be strictly implemented. It is forbidden for employers and employees to set conditions for working that impair the health and well-being of workers. Or through legislation further require employers should take the initiative to provide health maintenance measures. To ensure that workers can still maintain a healthy physical and psychological condition when they are long working hours. On feasibility of legislative proposals, even if flight crew apply the Labor Standards Law, flight service can still operate smoothly, it is known from Japan's experience. And have the opportunity to reduce personnel costs, because all of the flight crew applying to Article 84-1 of the Labor Standards Law. For the company can get better service performance and thus enhance flight safety. At the same time, it can eliminate the pressure caused by overwork of flight crew and improve the labor-capital relations.

VBS-RTK GPS輔助UAV影像自率光束法空三平差之研究 / VBS-RTK GPS Supported Self-Calibration Bundle Adjustment for Aerial Triangulation of Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Images

李敏瑜, Li, Min Yu Unknown Date (has links)
無人飛行載具(Unmanned Aerial Vehicle, UAV)於要求精度之圖資測製應用時,因飛行高度較低並可在雲下飛行取像,與大型載具相比可更機動性獲取空間解析度較高之影像,雖無法如大型載具酬載大像幅感測器供大區域圖資製作,但於小區域之圖資更新卻相當適合。但一般UAV因酬載重量限制,僅可酬載體積小且重量輕之感測器,如非量測型相機及低精度定位定向系統,即AHRS系統。因此,本研究嘗試在UAV上酬載Trimble BD970 GNSS OEM GPS接收模組,此GPS接收模組體積小且重量輕可安置於UAV上,並透過VBS-RTK GPS定位技術獲取UAV精確飛行軌跡資訊,再經時間內插相機曝光瞬時的GPS資訊供空中控制使用,輔助UAV影像空中三角測量(簡稱空三)平差,以降低地面控制點需求。 但欲引入GPS觀測量供空中控制使用必須考量GPS天線與相機投影中心偏移量之問題,但因UAV所酬載之非量測型相機,將造成此偏移量不易透過地面測量方式測得,於本研究將於空三平差時使用線性漂移參數克服此偏移量無法量測之問題;此外,UAV所酬載之非量測型相機,相機參數乃透過地面近景攝影測量以自率光束法平差方式率定所得,但率定所得相機參數無法完全描述相機在航拍取像時的情況,故本研究於空三平差將採用自率光束法克服相機參數率定不完全之問題。實驗中,首先確定GPS模組BD970在VBS-RTK GPS定位技術下在地面高速移動時可獲得高精度的定位成果;接續驗證線性漂移參數及自率光束法平差於此研究的適用性;最後亦探討不同地面控制點配置及來源對空三平差之精度探討,並提出1/5000基本圖圖資測製精度要求下,VBS-RTK GPS輔助UAV影像自率光束法空三平差的地面控制點最適配置。 / UAV(Unmanned Aerial Vehicle) is currently used in civil purpose such as mapping and disaster monitoring. One of UAV advantages is to collect images with high resolution for mapping demand. However, due to payload limitations of UAV, it is difficult to mount metric aerial camera and precise POS(Positioning and Orientation System) device. Instead, only the non-metric camera and the low accurate AHRS (Attitude and Heading Reference System) can be installed. For mapping demands, Trimble BD970 GNSS OEM board will be carried on the UAV to collect the high accurate flying trajectory as control information for AT (aerial triangulation) by VBS-RTK(Virtual Base Station - Real Time Kinematic) GPS technique. Meanwhile self-calibration bundle adjustment will be employed for AT(Aerial Triangulation) to overcome the imperfect calibration of non-metric camera by the close-range photogrammetric approach. The precise offset between image perspective center and GPS antenna center, called GPS antenna-camera offset, is hard to measure in centimenter level by terrestrial measurement approach. Therefore the drift parameters will be utilized to solve the problem of GPS antenna-camera offset while performing bundle adjustment with self-calibration for AT of UAV images. In the experiments of this study, the height positioning accuracy of BD970 by VBS-RTK GPS approach at high speed movement will be proved firstly. Then the adaptability of drift parameters and self-calibration for GPS supported AT of UAV images will be verified. Finally, the accuracy of AT by using different control information will be analized and appropriate configuration of GCPs(Ground Control Points) for VBS-RTK GPS supported self-calibration bundle adjustment for AT of UAV images will be proposed under the mapping demand with the scale of 1 : 5000.

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