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Purification of His-tagged Proteins Using WorkBeads 40 TREN as a Pre-Treatment Step Prior Loading Sample onto IMAC Resins with the Purpose to Enhance PerformanceThorsén, Jenny January 2021 (has links)
This work is the result of evaluating a novel strategy for the purification of recombinant His-tagged proteins. Proteins purified in this study were the E. coli translational proteins IF-3, RF-1, and RFF. The study aimed to analyse the potential of using Bio-Works WorkBeads™40 TREN, a multimodal anion ion exchange chromatography resin, as a pretreatment step upstream an immobilized metal ion chromatography (IMAC) resin to enhance performance efficiency of His-tagged protein purification. The method demonstrated here shows potential for anyone seeking to increase the purity of His-tagged protein purification or to introduce an effective purification procedure by replacing a polishing step downstream IMAC with WorkBeads 40 TREN upstream IMAC. The latter contributing to guard the IMAC column from heavy bioburden. This study showed that running WorkBeads 40 TREN prior IMAC captures impurities and removes 97-98 % more dsDNA compared to direct IMAC. WorkBeads 40 TREN is therefore highly advantageous to include early in a purification process to remove protein binding DNA fragments. Moreover, WorkBeads 40 TREN increases purity in the final product by capturing more host cell proteins than when running direct IMAC. This concept is general and WorkBeads 40 TREN could be used upstream a variety of resins such as Protein A and RPC.
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Ethnicity and primary care. A comparative study of doctor-patient relationship, perceived health, symptomatology, and use of general practitioner services by Asian and white patients, and the Bradford general practitioners' attitudes towards these patients.Ahmad, Waqar I-U. January 1989 (has links)
Britain's Asians are a young population and their socio-economic
status is low, with racial disadvantage in housing, employment,
education and health. Research on their health has usually not
been conducted in its socio-economic and demographic context and
there is little on their use of primary care. Three studies were
conducted to investigate their relationship with primary care in
Bradford. A study of general practice attenders of white/British,
Pakistani and Indian origin confirmed the demographic and
socio-economic differences between the groups. The former had
higher rates of alcohol and cigarette consumption. For Pakistanis
and Indians, fluency and literacy in English was poor. Ethnic and
linguistic match between doctor and patient was more important in
patients' choice of doctor than the doctor's sex. Differential
employment status of Asian and white/British accounted for some of
the differences in health. A study of general practice attendance
showed similar rates of surgery consultations between Asians and
Non-Asians; the latter made greater use of domiciliary services.
Both these studies were conducted in an inner Bradford health
centre with an Asian male, a white male and a white female doctor.
Bradford GPs were found to perceive that Asian patients made
greater use of surgery and domiciliary consultations; attended
more often for trivial complaints; and had lower compliance rates
than Non-Asians. These perceptions were not supported by objective
data. Better qualified GPs had a smaller, and Asian doctors had a
greater proportion of Asian patients on their lists. Research, and
action on Asians' health, needs to take account of their poorer
socio-economic status. / Yorkshire Regional and Bradford District Health Authority.
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Детекција биоактивних супстанци одабраних врста гљива рода Ganoderma (Basidiomycota) и њихова биолошка активност / Detekcija bioaktivnih supstanci odabranih vrsta gljiva roda Ganoderma (Basidiomycota) i njihova biološka aktivnost / Detection of bioactive substances selected fungal species of the genus Ganoderma (Basidiomycota) and their biological activityRašeta Milena 23 September 2016 (has links)
<p> У оквиру ове докторске дисертације испитан је хемијски састав и биолошке активности ЕtOH, H<sub>2</sub>Oи CHCl<sub>3 </sub> екстраката четири врсте гљива рода<em> Ganoderma</em> (Basidiomycota): <em> G. applanatum, G. lucidum,G. pfeifferi, G. resinaceum</em> са територије Војводине.Хемијски састав анализираних врста је одређен<br />применом: ААЅ методе (састав макро- имикроелемената у сувим остацима гљива) и LC-MS/MS технике (квантитативни састав фенолних једињења и флавоноида) при чему је детектовано 12 једињења. Спектрофотометријским методама је одређен садржај протеина, шећера, укупних фенола и флавоноида, код којих је највећи садржај протеина утврђен за ЕtOH екстракте <em> G. applanatum </em>и <em>G. pfeifferi</em>. Испитивања биолошких активности екстраката обухватила су: одређивање<span id="cke_bm_779S" style="display: none;"> </span><em> in vitro</em><span id="cke_bm_779E" style="display: none;"> </span> и <em> in vivo</em> антиоксидантне, антимикробне, антиинфламаторне, антипролиферативне и антијабето<span id="cke_bm_780E" style="display: none;"> </span>гене aктивности. </p><p>Антиоксидантна активност (способност неутрализације слободних радикала и редукциони потенцијал) је одређена спектрофотометријским методама, при којој су најбољу активност остварили Н<sub>2</sub>О екстракти <em> G</em>. <em>applanatum.</em> Антимикробнa активност анализираних екстраката одређена је испитивањем антибактеријског, антифунгалног и антивиралног потенцијала где се издвојила<em> G. pfeifferi</em> врста. Антиинфламаторни потенцијал EtOH и CHCl<sub>3 </sub>екстраката одређен је<em> ex vivo </em> методом мерењем способности инхибиције продукције медијатора инфламације (продукти метаболизма арахидонске киселине) при којој су бољу активност испољили CHCl<sub>3</sub> екстракти.</p><p>Ефекат EtOH и H<sub>2</sub>O екстраката врста рода Ganoderma на раст MCF ћелијске линије испитан је MTT тестом, а посебно су се издвојили EtOH екстракти врста после 72h.</p><p>Остварена антидијабетогена активност EtOH и Н<sub>2</sub>О екстраката врста <span id="cke_bm_795S" style="display: none;"> </span><em>G. pfeifferi </em><span id="cke_bm_795E" style="display: none;"> </span>и <em> G. resinaceum</em> код алоксан-индукованог <em> D. mell<span id="cke_bm_796E" style="display: none;"> </span>itus-a </em> на експерименталним животињама праћена je регенерацијом ß- ћелија Лангерхансових острваца панкреаса. Као потенцијални нефро- и хепатопротективни агенси се издвајају екстракти<em> G. resinaceum.</em></p><p>Сумарно, укупни биопотенцијал анализираних врста рода Ganoderma на основу спроведених анализа хемијске kарактеризације и биолошке активности упућује на могућност њихове потенцијалне примене као нутрацеутика и додатака исхрани, у будућности уз неопходност додатних микохемијских истраживања ових врста, посебно терпеноида и полисахарида, као и других биолошких активности као што је неуропротективна.</p> / <p> U okviru ove doktorske disertacije ispitan je hemijski sastav i biološke aktivnosti EtOH, H<sub>2</sub>Oi CHCl<sub>3 </sub> ekstrakata četiri vrste gljiva roda<em> Ganoderma</em> (Basidiomycota): <em> G. applanatum, G. lucidum,G. pfeifferi, G. resinaceum</em> sa teritorije Vojvodine.Hemijski sastav analiziranih vrsta je određen<br />primenom: AAЅ metode (sastav makro- imikroelemenata u suvim ostacima gljiva) i LC-MS/MS tehnike (kvantitativni sastav fenolnih jedinjenja i flavonoida) pri čemu je detektovano 12 jedinjenja. Spektrofotometrijskim metodama je određen sadržaj proteina, šećera, ukupnih fenola i flavonoida, kod kojih je najveći sadržaj proteina utvrđen za EtOH ekstrakte <em> G. applanatum </em>i <em>G. pfeifferi</em>. Ispitivanja bioloških aktivnosti ekstrakata obuhvatila su: određivanje<span id="cke_bm_779S" style="display: none;"> </span><em> in vitro</em><span id="cke_bm_779E" style="display: none;"> </span> i <em> in vivo</em> antioksidantne, antimikrobne, antiinflamatorne, antiproliferativne i antijabeto<span id="cke_bm_780E" style="display: none;"> </span>gene aktivnosti. </p><p>Antioksidantna aktivnost (sposobnost neutralizacije slobodnih radikala i redukcioni potencijal) je određena spektrofotometrijskim metodama, pri kojoj su najbolju aktivnost ostvarili N<sub>2</sub>O ekstrakti <em> G</em>. <em>applanatum.</em> Antimikrobna aktivnost analiziranih ekstrakata određena je ispitivanjem antibakterijskog, antifungalnog i antiviralnog potencijala gde se izdvojila<em> G. pfeifferi</em> vrsta. Antiinflamatorni potencijal EtOH i CHCl<sub>3 </sub>ekstrakata određen je<em> ex vivo </em> metodom merenjem sposobnosti inhibicije produkcije medijatora inflamacije (produkti metabolizma arahidonske kiseline) pri kojoj su bolju aktivnost ispoljili CHCl<sub>3</sub> ekstrakti.</p><p>Efekat EtOH i H<sub>2</sub>O ekstrakata vrsta roda Ganoderma na rast MCF ćelijske linije ispitan je MTT testom, a posebno su se izdvojili EtOH ekstrakti vrsta posle 72h.</p><p>Ostvarena antidijabetogena aktivnost EtOH i N<sub>2</sub>O ekstrakata vrsta <span id="cke_bm_795S" style="display: none;"> </span><em>G. pfeifferi </em><span id="cke_bm_795E" style="display: none;"> </span>i <em> G. resinaceum</em> kod aloksan-indukovanog <em> D. mell<span id="cke_bm_796E" style="display: none;"> </span>itus-a </em> na eksperimentalnim životinjama praćena je regeneracijom ß- ćelija Langerhansovih ostrvaca pankreasa. Kao potencijalni nefro- i hepatoprotektivni agensi se izdvajaju ekstrakti<em> G. resinaceum.</em></p><p>Sumarno, ukupni biopotencijal analiziranih vrsta roda Ganoderma na osnovu sprovedenih analiza hemijske karakterizacije i biološke aktivnosti upućuje na mogućnost njihove potencijalne primene kao nutraceutika i dodataka ishrani, u budućnosti uz neophodnost dodatnih mikohemijskih istraživanja ovih vrsta, posebno terpenoida i polisaharida, kao i drugih bioloških aktivnosti kao što je neuroprotektivna.</p> / <p>Whitin this doctoral thesis the chemical composition and biological activity of EtOH, H<span id="cke_bm_699S" style="display: none;"> </span><sub>2</sub><span id="cke_bm_699E" style="display: none;"> </span>O and CHCl<sub>3 </sub>extracts of four fungal species which belong to genus<em> Ganoderma </em> (phylum Basidiomycota)<span id="cke_bm_700E" style="display: none;"> </span>: <em> G. applanatum, G. lucidum, G. pfeifferi, G. resinaceum</em> were determinated. The samples were collected from different localities in Vojvodina. Chemical characterization included: AAS methods (compositon of macro- and microelements in d.w. of fungi) and LC-MS/MS technique (quantitative analysis of phenolic compounds and flavonoids) wherein the 12 selected phenolic compounds were detected. The total proteins, sugars, phenolics and flavonoids content were determined using spectrophotometric methods. The highest protein content was determined in EtOH extracts of<span id="cke_bm_707S" style="display: none;"> </span><em> G. applanatum </em><span id="cke_bm_707E" style="display: none;"> </span>and <em>G. pfeifferi</em> species. In order to assess the biological potential, the in vitro and in vivo antioxidant, antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory, antiproliferative and antidiabetic activities of the extracts were investigated.<span id="cke_bm_708E" style="display: none;"> </span><br /> The antioxidant activity (the ability of neutralizing free radicals and reduction potential) estimated byspectrophotometric methods. The highest antioxidant potential was noticed in H<sub>2</sub>O extracts of <em>G. applanatum.</em> Evaluation of antimicrobial activity included the estimation of antibacterial, antifungal and antiviral activity, whereby the species <em> G. pfeifferi </em> showed the highest potential The anti-inflammatory activity of EtOH and CHCl<sub>3</sub> extracts was determined by ex vivo method measuring the ability of production inhibition of inflammation mediators (products of arachidonic acid metabolism), where the CHCl<sub>3</sub> extracts were exhibited better activity.<br /> The effect of EtOH and H<sub>2</sub>O extracts of<em> Ganoderma</em> species on the growth of the cell line MCF-7, has been examined using MTT assay (stand out ethanolic extracts of analyzed species after 72h incubation period).<br /> Achieved antidiabetic activity of EtOH and H<sub>2</sub>O extracts o<em>f<span id="cke_bm_725S" style="display: none;"> </span> G. pfeifferi<span id="cke_bm_725E" style="display: none;"> </span> </em>an<em>d G. resinaceum</em> at alloxan-i<span id="cke_bm_726E" style="display: none;"> </span>nduced D. mellitus in experimental animals was followed by regeneration of cells of Langerhans pancreatic islets. Extracts of <em> G. resinaceum </em> were allocated as a potential nephro- and hepatoprotective agents.<br />In summary, the overall biological potential of the analyzed species of the genus <em>Ganoderma</em> based on results for chemical and biological characterization indicate that they could be used as a nutraceuticals and food supplements in the future, with further the necessity of additional mycochemical investigation (especially terpenoids and polysaccharides) and other biological activity such as neuroprotective.</p>
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Über die szientometrische Bedeutung des Impact-FaktorsNourmohammadi, Hamzehali 03 May 2007 (has links)
Auf der Basis des Impact-Faktors, entsprechend der Definition Eugene Garfields, werden die Implikationen dieses IF für szientometrische Überlegungen und deren Folgen für das Zeitschriftenwesen untersucht. Die Ergebnisse der vorliegenden Arbeit zeigen: Der Impact-Faktor ist ein Wert, der einen Hinweis auf den durchschnittlichen Bekanntheitsgrad eines Beitrags in einer vom SCI erfassten Zeitschrift gibt. Der Impact-Faktor ist ein Wert, der in hohem Maße vom Umfang des SCI bestimmt ist. Über die dort erfassten Zitationen wird ermittelt, wie oft eine Zeitschrift zitiert worden ist. Der Impact-Faktor ist in hohem Maße davon bestimmt, in wieweit die Quellen zugänglich sind, die zitiert werden. Der lineare Zusammenhang, den R. Rousseau und G.V. Hooydonk (1996) zwischen dem Impact-Faktor von Zeitschriften und der Zahl der darin erschienenen Aufsätze (Produktion) hergestellt haben, gilt nur in dem von ihnen untersuchten Bereich des Impact-Faktors 0,5 – 3. Bei höheren Werten kommt es zu einer Abflachung, bei Werten über 7 sogar zu einer Umkehr der Steigung. Es gibt einen Zusammenhang zwischen der Höhe des Impact-Faktors und seinem jährlichen Zuwachs im SCI. Je höher der IF, desto höher ist auch sein jährlicher Anstieg. Bei genauerer Analyse zeigte sich, dass der Zuwachs, zum Zeitpunkt der vorliegenden Untersuchung, gegen einen Grenzwert von 0,42 ging. Die Impact-Faktoren von Zeitschriften und deren Preise für die Abonnements hängen statistisch nur schwach voneinander ab. Ob Zeitschriften erworben werden müssen ist weitaus stärker von den Zitationen abhängig, die diese Zeitschriften auf sich versammeln. Der IF steigt mit der Auflagenhöhe von Zeitschriften, wenn diese bereits einen höheren IF aufweisen. Für wissenschaftliche Autoren ist der Druck, in Zeitschriften mit einem hohen IF zu publizieren, beobachtsam. Je höher dieser allgemeine Druck ist, desto geringer ist die Wahrscheinlichkeit für einen einzelnen Autor wiederholt in derartigen Zeitschriften publizieren zu können. / The current thesis investigates the Impact Factor (IF) in scientific journals and its consequences for scientometric considerations. The results are: The Impact Factor is a value for Journals listed in the Science Citation Index, which show the average degree of acquaintance in the scientific community. It is much less a sign of quality than often believed. The IF is highly determined by the degree of the extent of the SCI. The Impact Factor is also, to a considerable degree determined by the availability of the cited sources. Methodological the IF depends strongly on the topical adjustment of the SCI. A linear correlation, found by R. Rousseau and G.V. Hooydonk (1996) between the Impact Factor and the number of papers per journal, is only valid in the analysed range of 0.5 - 3 examined by these authors. At higher IF values it comes to a flattening, and for values greater 7 even to a reversal of the curve. There is an annual increase of the Impact Factor in the SCI, in which the annual rate is rising as higher the IF is. More exact analyses have shown that the increase had an upper of 0.42, at the investigated time. Impact factors of Journals and prices for their relations depend only on a weak statistic from each other. Whether Journal is acquired, depends by far more strongly on the citations, which meets these magazines on itself. The IF rises with the number of copies of magazines if these already exhibit a higher IF. A clear separation between a cause and effect cannot be recognized here. It would be both possible that Journals with high IF experience increased demand, so that the copy number thereby rises and that the IF rises, because the Journal enjoys a high interest. Scientific authors are under pressure to publish in journals with Ifs as high as possible. The higher this general pressure is the smaller is the probability for an author to publish in such journals repeatedly. Exceptions are the publishers or editors of these Journals.
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「輸送現象」之文獻特性分析 / Analysis of Transport Phenomenon Literature:A Bibliometric Approach林怡甄, Lin, Yi Jen Unknown Date (has links)
本研究最後依據研究發現之結果,提出以下建議:(1)本研究之各項研究成果,可作為圖書資訊界館藏發展與管理之參考。(2)輸送現象產業界應加強對於研究的重視。(3)輸送現象相關研究人員,應具備英文、德文、法文、俄文等外語能力。(4)資料庫公司應提升書目資料精確性,以利研究。(5)定期對輸送現象文獻進行分析,有助於輸送現象相關研究人員瞭解該領域之研究發展。 / This study analyzed the characteristics of transport phenomenon literature during 1900-2007 by a bibliometric approach. A total of 104854 bibliographic data were retrieved from SCIE database. The results attempt to have a better understanding of the developments and trends on transport phenomenon reaserch.
The results of the present study reveal that: (1) Transport Phenomenon literature increased steadily. The growth curve during 1965-2007 fits exponential growth. (2)USA, UK, Netherlands, Switzerland, Germany and Japan are the major countries of Transport Phenomenon publications. Taiwan ranked 22. (3)English is the most often used language. German ranked number two and the third most often used language is French. (4)Journal article is the major of publication and accounted for 91.37% of total publication. (5)The journal article distribution doesn't fit Bradford Law. However, it fits the typical Bradford-Zipf’s S-shaped curve. (6)Core journals are found to be associated with highly cited times and high impact factor. (7)For only counting first author, Lotka’s law is found to be inapplicable to author productivity distribution with n=-2.5389, c=0.7488. The K-S test also explored the invalidity of observed distribution at 0.01 level of significance. (8) Author productivity distribution also does’t fit Price Square Root Law and 80/20 Rule. (9) Indian Institute of Technology is the most important institute of Transport Phenomenon publications. In Taiwan, National Cheng Kung University published the most Transport Phenomenon literature and it ranked 22. (10)USA, French, Germany, Japan and Russia have the most relevant research institutions than other countries.
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「女性研究 」文獻之書目計量學研究 / A Bibliometric Study of Women's Studies Literature李家寧, Li, Chia Ning Unknown Date (has links)
本研究結果歸納如下:(1) 女性研究文獻篇數與年代是成正比的狀況,較符合指數成長模式。進一步以指數迴歸預測成長篇數的話,顯示女性研究文獻有成長減緩的趨勢。(2)女性研究文獻之主要出版國為美國、英國、加拿大、荷蘭、德國等國。 (3)英文為女性研究文獻最重要之寫作語文。(4)女性研究文獻之出版類型以期刊文章為主,佔總文獻之62.86%。(5)女性研究廣泛應用於各學科,主題領域前五名分別為心理學相關、女性研究(狹義)、歷史、文學及教育與教育研究。 (6) 女性研究之文獻分布相當分散,但仍有其核心期刊。(7)本研究符合布萊德福定律,但不符合布萊德福-齊夫定律曲線。(8) 高生產力期刊與高被引期刊的主題明顯分散。 (10) 洛卡定律、普萊斯平方根定律、80/20 定律不適用於本研究。(11) 研究機構的生產力分散,大學校院為主要研究機構,機構下的系所分布以心理學系所最多。(12) 美國與英國為相關研究機構最多的國家,也是延攬他國學術成果的最多的國家。
本研究最後依據研究發現之結果,提出以下建議:(1)本研究之各項研究成果,可作為圖書資訊界館藏發展與管理之參考。(2)女性研究相關研究人員,應具備跨主題領域的合作研究能力且法文、德文、西班牙文等外語能力。(4)資料庫公司應提升書目資料精確性,以利研究。(5)定期對女性研究文獻進行分析,有助於女性研究相關研究人員瞭解該領域之研究發展。 / The purpose of the study is to understand the contents, relations, development, and trends between various disciplines of “women’s studies.” This study analyzes the characteristics of women’s studies literature during 1900-2013 by bibliometric approach, collecting analytical components such as the frequencies of the publication, publication languages, countries of publications, journal sources, cited times, disciplines of subject categories and document type from three major sub-databases of Web of Science services: SCIE, SSCI, and A&HCI. A total of 16,852 bibliographic records were retrieved from the databases.
The results of the present study are as follows. (1) The growth pattern of women’s studies literature during 1900-2013 generally fits exponential growth, but the growth has been slowed down since 2011. (2) United States, United Kingdom, Canada, Netherlands and Germany are five major countries of women’s studies publications. (3) English is the most often used language. (4) Journal articles are the major type of women’s studies publications, accounting for 62.86% of total publications. (5) Women’s studies are scattered in multiple disciplines, with five subjects significantly contributing to the literature count: psychology and its related disciplines, women’s studies (in narrow definition), history, literature, and education and educational research. (6) Despite of the scattered distribution of women’s studies literature, core journals of women’s studies still can be identified. (7)The distribution of journal articles fits Bradford Law, but it does not fit the typical Bradford-Zipf’s S-shaped curve. (8) The journal subjects of highly productive journals and highly cited journals vary. (9) Author distribution is counted by single authorship and collaborative authorship; the results show that author distribution neither fits Lotka’s law, Square Root Law or 80/20 Rule. (10) Academic institutions are major producers of women’s studies, with departments in universities and colleges concerning psychology and its related disciplines being the main contributors to the publications. (11) Most productive research institutions are distributed over United States, United Kingdom, Canada, Australia and Turkey.
The findings of the study may provide better understanding of the past, current and future of women’s studies, and serve as references to identify more suitable, popular and influential journals and literature for both research purposes and library collection development and management.
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The Poor Law in Bradford c. 1834-1871. A study of the relief of poverty in mid-nineteenth century Bradford.Ashforth, David January 1979 (has links)
During the last twenty years there has been a proliferation
of local studies of Poor Law administration, many of them concerned with the period of transition from the Old to the New Poor Laws.
This thesis complements other local studies; it offers a detailed
examination of Poor Law administration in and around the rapidly
expanding industrial town of Bradford. At the same time, the thesis
seeks to broaden the scope of such local studies by placing the Poor
Law more firmly within its local social, economic and political
context. Bradford's experiences are compared with those of other,
particularly northern, urban Unions, and for the period after 1848,
detailed comparison is made between Poor Law administration in the
neighbouring Bradford and North Bierley Unions.
Chapter 1 highlights those elements of Bradford's economic and
social structure likely to exert the greatest influence on Poor Law
administration. Chapter 2 examines administrative structures and
relief practices under the Old Poor Law, with particular reference to
the area's claim to-administrative efficiency. Chapter 3 examines
local reactions to the 1834 Poor Law Amendment Act and traces the
history of Bradford's popular anti-Poor Law movement. Chapter 4
investigates the new administrative structure. Chapter 4(1) evidences
the occupational and political distinctions between the Borough and non-Borough Guardians, highlighting the political dimension of Poor
Law administration. Chapter 4(ii) analyses the mechanics of relief
distribution and Chapter 4(iii) examines the New Poor Law's'shaky
financial base. Chapter 5(i) looks at the fate of the principles of
1834 with regard to able-bodied paupers and at the debate surrounding
the introduction of the Outdoor Labour Test Order. Chapter 5(ii) deals
largely with the provision of outdoor medical relief. Chapter 5(iii)
examines the Workhouse regime and the treatment of particular groups
of inmates, such as the mentally ill and vagrants. The education provided for Workhouse children is compared with that available to
the independent poor. The Chapter concludes with a detailed
examination of the Workhouse debate of 1846-8. Chapter 5(iv) investigates
non-statutory relief provision in Bradford and attempts to assess its
qualitative and quantitative importance. Chapter 6 examines the
operation of the Law of Settlement, the workings of the non-resident
relief system and the immediate impact of the legislation of 1846-7.
Chapter 7 outlines the Poor Law authorities' involvement in bastardy
affiliation actions. Chapter 8 assesses the impact of the New Poor Law
and considers some of the major determinants of relief policy, including
a survey of local attitudes to poverty. Part One concludes with the
Union's division in 1848.
Part Two considers the more settled administration of the 1850s
and 1860s, building on the framework used in Part One. Chapter 9 looks
at the occupations, politics and conduct of business of the Bradford
and North Marley Boards of Guardians. Chapter 10 traces changes in
the system of distributing relief and in the Poor Law's financial base,
with particular reference to the financial reforms culminating in the
Union Chargeability Act of 1865. Chapter 11 pursues the able-bodied
debate, continues the earlier survey of outdoor medical relief and
examines the novel provision of education for the children of outdoor paupers.
Chapter 12 catalogues the erection of new Union Workhouses
in Bradford and North Bierley and traces their evolving role as general
pauper hospitals. Chapter 13 examines the enlarged contribution of
charities in Bradford while Chapter 14 surveys the continuing but reduced
impact of the Law of Settlement. Chapter 15 comments on the changes seen in the later period.
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The Pleiadic Age of Stuart Poesie: Restoration Uranography, Dryden's Judicial Astrology, and the Fate of Anne KilligrewBrown, Morgan Alexander 30 April 2010 (has links)
The following Thesis is a survey of seventeenth-century uranography, with specific focus on the use of the Pleiades and Charles's Wain by English poets and pageant writers as astrological ciphers for the Stuart dynasty (1603-1649; 1660-1688). I then use that survey to address the problem of irony in John Dryden's 1685 Pindaric elegy, "To the Pious Memory of Mrs. Anne Killigrew," since the longstanding notion of what the Pleiades signify in Dryden's ode is problematic from an astronomical and astrological perspective. In his elegiac ode, Dryden translates a young female artist to the Pleiades to actuate her apotheosis, not for the sake of mere fulsome hypberbole, but in such a way that Anne (b. 1660-d. 1685) signifies for the reign of Charles II (1660-1685) in her Pleiadic catasterism. The political underpinnings of Killigrew's apotheosis reduce the probability that Dryden's hyperbole reserves pejorative ironic potential.
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Testing and Refining a Unique Approach for Setting Environmental Flow and Water Level Targets for a Southern Ontario SubwatershedBeaton, Andrew 15 August 2012 (has links)
In this study Bradford’s (2008) approach for setting ecological flow and water level targets is tested and refined through application within the Lake Simcoe Region Conservation Authority’s (LSRCA) subwatershed of Lover’s Creek. A method for defining subwatershed objectives and identifying habitat specialists through expert input is proposed and tested. The natural regime of each streamflow and wetland site is characterized along with the hydrological alteration at each site. Potential ecological responses to the hydrologic alterations are then hypothesized for the different types of changes calculated at each site.
Methods for setting overall ecosystem health and specific ecological objective flow targets are proposed and tested. These targets are integrated into a flow regime for each site and a process for using this information for decision making is suggested. Flow magnitude quantification is attempted using hydraulic modelling and sediment transport equations, however the data used were found to be inadequate for this application.
The accuracy of the targets developed using the method presented in this paper is mainly limited by the accuracy of the hydrological model and quantified flow magnitudes. Recommendations for improving these components of the assessment are made.
The unique approach and recommendations presented in this paper provide explicit steps for developing flow targets for subwatersheds within the LSRCA. This research contributes toward the advancement of EFA within the LSRCA, which provides opportunity for enhanced protection and restoration of ecosystem health across the watershed. / Lake Simcoe Region Conservation Authority
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