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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

The relationship between perceived career mobility, career mobility preference, job satisfaction and orgarnizational commitment

Joao, Tanzia Frances 11 1900 (has links)
The objective of this study was to explore the relationship between perceived career mobility, career mobility preference, job satisfaction and organisational commitment. A secondary objective was to determine whether various age, gender, tenure, marital status and race groups differed significantly regarding their perceived career mobility, career mobility preference, job satisfaction and organisational commitment. A perceived career mobility scale and career mobility preference scale, the Minnesota Satisfaction Questionnaire (short form) and the Organisational Commitment Scale, were applied to a non-probability convenience sample consisting of 82 South African accountants, auditors and financial staff members. Significant relationships were observed between the variables. Significant differences were found between age and race groups‟ perceived career mobility, gender and tenure groups‟ career mobility preference, and age and tenure groups‟ organisational commitment. The findings contribute valuable new knowledge that may be used to inform retention practices in the financial sector. / Industrial and Organisational Psychology / M.A. (Industrial & Organisational Psychology)

Pós-graduação stricto sensu: busca de qualificação profissional ou suporte frente às vicissitudes do mundo do trabalho / Stricto sensu postgraduation: search for professional qualification or support for vicissitudes of the world of work

Yasmin Lilla Veronica Bujdoso 13 April 2009 (has links)
Trata-se de uma pesquisa de caráter quantitativo e qualitativo, composta de um levantamento da pós-graduação brasileira com foco na comparação das áreas Direito, Engenharia Civil e Medicina e por 24 entrevistas semi-estruturadas individuais gravadas com 18 mestrandos e seis orientadores da Faculdade de Direito, da Escola Politécnica e da Faculdade de Medicina da Universidade de São Paulo. O objetivo geral da pesquisa é comparar como se desenvolve o processo de pós-graduação das três profissões mais tradicionais em uma universidade pública de destaque, relacionando o processo de elaboração da dissertação com a concomitante inserção do aluno na atividade profissional. Como resultado destaca-se que os mestrandos seguiriam a carreira acadêmica, mas simultaneamente à carreira profissional. Enquanto os mestrandos de Direito e Engenharia civil acreditavam no mestrado como facilitador para uma melhor inserção no mercado de trabalho, os de Medicina referiam a busca pelo mestrado como conseqüência natural pela sua proximidade com a universidade. Nas três áreas a universidade se defronta com contradições entre a formação de uma elite pensante, a real vocação do curso de pós-graduação stricto sensu na formação de pesquisadores, e sua qualificação profissional segundo um perfil demandado pelo mercado global. / This is a quantitative and qualitative approach research, consisting of a survey of Brazilian postgraduation focused in the comparison of Law, Civil Engineering and Medicine areas and composed by 24 semi-structured recorded individual interviews with 18 Masters students and six advisors of the Faculty of Law, the School of Engineering and the Faculty of Medical Sciences of the University of São Paulo. The general objective of the research was compare the postgraduation developing process of the three most traditional professions in a distinct public university, relating the dissertation elaboration process with the concomitant insertion of the student in the professional activity. As result, was emphasized that Masters students would follow the academic career, but simultaneously to the professional career. While Law and civil Engineering Masters students considered Master Course as facilitative for a better insertion in the job market, Medicine ones related the seek for Master Course as natural consequence by their proximity to the university. In the three areas the university confronts with contradictions between the elite think tank formation, the real vocation of the postgraduation stricto sensu course in the researchers education, and their professional qualification according to a profile demanded by the global market.

Career mobility of employees with disabilities in a Gauteng-based state-owned enterprise

Modise, Catherine Mmanare 08 1900 (has links)
M. Tech. (Department of Human Resource Management, Faculty of Management Sciences), Vaal University of Technology. / This study noted the implications of the absence of a strategic framework to manage the career mobility of employees with disabilities in the Gauteng-based, state-owned enterprise (SOE). In response to the limited research on career mobility of employees with disabilities (EwDs), the study aimed to investigate EwDs understanding of the phenomenon, identify its enablers and inhibitors, as well as propose a strategic framework for managing it. The study is significant for the inclusion of EwDs and contributing to employers achieving employment equity targets, as required of them by the Employment Equity Act (55 of 1998). In order to achieve the study’s objectives, an exploratory design was employed by conducting individual interviews with five purposively selected participants on junior management levels. A semi-structured interview schedule was developed and piloted with two champions who represent the interests of EwDs in disability forums within the SOE. Given the prevailing circumstances of the COVID-19 pandemic, the researcher collected the data online via Microsoft Teams (MS Teams). The data were analysed manually for emerging themes using Braun and Clarke’s six steps of data analysis. The study found that career mobility was understood by participants to include promotion (job change), succession planning and gainful employment supported by opportunities for skills transfer and reasonable accommodation. Factors identified as enablers of career mobility are training and career development, disability awareness and sensitisation, reasonable accommodation, social networks and benchmarking. Those factors perceived as inhibiting career mobility are mind-set, inaccessible training, lack of confidence and poor succession planning. Through conversations with the participants, the researcher identified critical components for the development of a strategic framework to enhance career mobility for EwDs as organisational diagnostics (input factor), enabling policies and support systems (process factors) and inclusion and career mobility evident in employment equity targets being met (outcomes) to manage career mobility of EwDs in the workplace. The main limitations of the study are that the results cannot be generalised to other settings without validation of the proposed strategic framework due to the sample size involved. It is recommended that future studies consider sensitivity regarding the prevailing circumstances around research during periods of pandemics and the use of language in the field of disability research. It is further recommended that employers consider implementing benchmarked disability awareness and sensitisation programmes to create a conducive environment for EwDs to achieve career mobility in the workplace. Lastly, employers should develop and implement programmes that will enhance mental health and well-being of EwDs and consider the establishment of empowered disability forums.

Die beroepsmobiliteit van maatskaplike werkers in Suid-Afrika

Pieterse, Hendrika Christina 11 1900 (has links)
Text in Afrikaans / In hierdie studie is gepoog om insig in die beroepsmobiliteit van maatskaplike werkers te verkry. Om dit te kon bereik, is eerstens 'n uitgebreide literatuurstudie onderneem en is die aard van beroepsmobiliteit, faktore wat 'n invloed op die beroepsmobiliteit van maatskaplike werkers kan he en die gevolge daarvan op maatskaplikewerkdienslewering, die maatskaplike werker en die maatskaplikewerkorganisasie verken en beskryf. Tweedens is 'n empiriese studie onderneem en is inligting oor die navorsingsonderwerp deur middel van posvraelyste as data-insamelingsinstrument by maatskaplike werkers en maatskaplikewerkorganisasies verkry. Die empiriese studie het aangedui dat maatskaplike werkers meestal aan onrealisties hoe roleise in die werksituasie en hul persoonlike lewens blootgestel is en dat die omgewings waarin hul figureer, soos die werksomgewing en persoonlike omgewings, dikwels as onvriendelik beleef word en dat dit 'n stabiele arbeidsmag verhinder. Faktore wat met die werksomstandighede van maatskaplike werkers verband hou, dra by tot die beroepsmobiliteit van maatskaplike werkers, sowel as faktore wat met persoonlike omstandighede verband hou, terwyl oorplasings en bevorderings ook 'n rol in die werksomset van maatskaplike werkers speel. Interaksie en wedersydse beinvloeding tussen die verskillende faktore vind voortdurend plaas. Daar is tot die gevolgtrekking gekom dat die maatskaplike werker, deur beroepsmobiel te wees, poog om 'n passing tussen roldruk en omgewingsdruk te bewerkstellig. Met betrekking tot die gevolge van die werksomset van maatskaplike werkers, is bevind dat maatskaplikewerkdienslewering, die maatskaplike werker en die maatskaplikewerkorganisasie positief en negatief beinvloed word wanneer maatskaplike werkers van werk verwissel of ophou om beroepsarbeid te verrig. Tendense kon deur die ondersoek vasgestel word en dit kan hydra tot die ontwikkeling van 'n teorie oor die beroepsmobiliteit van maatskaplike werkers. Aanbevelings is gemaak ten einde die beroepsmobiliteit van maatskaplike werkers te verminder en/of te voorkom / This study attempts to gain insight into the occupational mobility of social workers. In order to achieve this, an· extensive literature study was undertaken and the nature of occupational mobility, factors that could affect the occupational mobility of social workers and the consequences thereof on the delivery of social work, the social worker and the social work organisation were explored and described. Secondly, an empirical study was undertaken and information on the research topic was obtained from social workers and social work organisations through postal questionnaires as data gathering instruments. The empirical study indicated that social workers are mostly exposed to unrealistically high role demands in the work situation and in their personal lives and that the environments in which they figure, such as the work and personal environments, are often experienced as unfriendly and that these hinder a stable labour force. Factors related to the working conditions as well as to the personal situations of social workers contribute to the occupational mobility of social workers while transfers and promotions also play a part in the work turnover of social workers. Interaction and mutual influencing between the various factors take place constantly. It is concluded that occupational mobility is the result of the social workers' efforts to bring about a harmony between role and environmental pressures. With regard to the work turnover of social workers, it was found that the delivery of social work service, the social worker and the social work organisation are affected positively and negatively when social workers change jobs or cease to perform professional work. The study was able to pinpoint trends and this can contribute to the development of a theory on the occupational mobility of social workers. Recommendations were made to reduce and/or prevent the occupational mobility of social workers / Social Work / D. Phil. (Maatskaplike Werk)

The moderating role of graduate skills and attributes in relation to the employability and retention of graduates in a retail organisation

Mulaudzi, Livhuwani Ronnie 06 1900 (has links)
The general aim of the study was to assess the relationship between the graduateness, employability and satisfaction with retention factors of individuals and whether graduateness moderates the relationship between employability and satisfaction. The study used a quantitative, cross-sectional research design on a purposive, non-probability sample (N = 100) of predominant black (93%), male (49%) and female (51%) trainees between the ages of 17-29 years (early career). Presenting/applying information skills significantly and negatively predicted compensation while ethical/responsible behaviour significantly and positively predicted satisfaction with job characteristics and organisational commitment. Graduateness related positively to self-perceived general employability. General employability did not significantly predict the participants’ satisfaction with retention factors. Graduate skills and attributes did not significantly moderate the relationship between self-perceived employability and satisfaction with retention factors. Males had significantly stronger perceptions of employability compared to females while females had higher levels of work–life balance satisfaction compared to males. Overall, the results suggest that general self-perceived employability is more a function of graduateness than of retention, while graduateness positively relates to retention factors. / Industrial and Organisational Psychology / M. Com. (Industrial and Organisational Psychology)

Black Male Perspectives of the Role Race Plays with Black Male Leader/Leadership Development in the World of Work

Jamison, Rudolph F., Jr. 01 January 2017 (has links)
There have been relatively few studies examining the leadership of Black men, and even fewer studies examining the leadership of Black men from the phenomenology of Black men, themselves. The purpose of this Q Methodology study was to examine Black male perspectives of the role race plays with Black male leader/leadership development in the world of work. The study was designed as an exploratory attempt to surface and understand how 40 emerging African American male leaders in a large, urban city in the SE United States viewed their own leadership development. Elements of socio-analytic theory and leader-member exchange theories were the basis for the conceptual framework. The 40 participants sorted 41 statements reflecting distinct perspectives on the role race plays with Black male leader/leadership development within the world of work. Participants sorted these 41 statements within a forced distribution response grid based on what best reflected their perspectives. These 40 sorts were then correlated and the correlations were factor analyzed and rotated, leading to the extraction of five factors, each representing five distinct, shared perspectives. Following examination and analysis of these five factors, or shared perspectives, the researcher named them: 1) Faithful, Familial, and Resilient, 2) Creative, Faithful, and Independent, 3) Attentive, Connected, and Woke, and 4) Knowledgeable, Congruent, and Unapologetically Black, and 5) Responsible, Faithful, and Supportive. The results of this study suggest there is rich diversity among Black male perspectives regarding their leadership development, and demonstrates important functions outside the workplace. These diverse perspectives and those elements characterizing them should be considered as educators prepare to work with Black males and those preparing to support their development, leadership and otherwise. Finally, the researcher suggests that future research into the experiences and perceptions of Black men continue to seek methodologies that honor and magnify their voices.

Die beroepsmobiliteit van maatskaplike werkers in Suid-Afrika

Pieterse, Hendrika Christina 11 1900 (has links)
Text in Afrikaans / In hierdie studie is gepoog om insig in die beroepsmobiliteit van maatskaplike werkers te verkry. Om dit te kon bereik, is eerstens 'n uitgebreide literatuurstudie onderneem en is die aard van beroepsmobiliteit, faktore wat 'n invloed op die beroepsmobiliteit van maatskaplike werkers kan he en die gevolge daarvan op maatskaplikewerkdienslewering, die maatskaplike werker en die maatskaplikewerkorganisasie verken en beskryf. Tweedens is 'n empiriese studie onderneem en is inligting oor die navorsingsonderwerp deur middel van posvraelyste as data-insamelingsinstrument by maatskaplike werkers en maatskaplikewerkorganisasies verkry. Die empiriese studie het aangedui dat maatskaplike werkers meestal aan onrealisties hoe roleise in die werksituasie en hul persoonlike lewens blootgestel is en dat die omgewings waarin hul figureer, soos die werksomgewing en persoonlike omgewings, dikwels as onvriendelik beleef word en dat dit 'n stabiele arbeidsmag verhinder. Faktore wat met die werksomstandighede van maatskaplike werkers verband hou, dra by tot die beroepsmobiliteit van maatskaplike werkers, sowel as faktore wat met persoonlike omstandighede verband hou, terwyl oorplasings en bevorderings ook 'n rol in die werksomset van maatskaplike werkers speel. Interaksie en wedersydse beinvloeding tussen die verskillende faktore vind voortdurend plaas. Daar is tot die gevolgtrekking gekom dat die maatskaplike werker, deur beroepsmobiel te wees, poog om 'n passing tussen roldruk en omgewingsdruk te bewerkstellig. Met betrekking tot die gevolge van die werksomset van maatskaplike werkers, is bevind dat maatskaplikewerkdienslewering, die maatskaplike werker en die maatskaplikewerkorganisasie positief en negatief beinvloed word wanneer maatskaplike werkers van werk verwissel of ophou om beroepsarbeid te verrig. Tendense kon deur die ondersoek vasgestel word en dit kan hydra tot die ontwikkeling van 'n teorie oor die beroepsmobiliteit van maatskaplike werkers. Aanbevelings is gemaak ten einde die beroepsmobiliteit van maatskaplike werkers te verminder en/of te voorkom / This study attempts to gain insight into the occupational mobility of social workers. In order to achieve this, an· extensive literature study was undertaken and the nature of occupational mobility, factors that could affect the occupational mobility of social workers and the consequences thereof on the delivery of social work, the social worker and the social work organisation were explored and described. Secondly, an empirical study was undertaken and information on the research topic was obtained from social workers and social work organisations through postal questionnaires as data gathering instruments. The empirical study indicated that social workers are mostly exposed to unrealistically high role demands in the work situation and in their personal lives and that the environments in which they figure, such as the work and personal environments, are often experienced as unfriendly and that these hinder a stable labour force. Factors related to the working conditions as well as to the personal situations of social workers contribute to the occupational mobility of social workers while transfers and promotions also play a part in the work turnover of social workers. Interaction and mutual influencing between the various factors take place constantly. It is concluded that occupational mobility is the result of the social workers' efforts to bring about a harmony between role and environmental pressures. With regard to the work turnover of social workers, it was found that the delivery of social work service, the social worker and the social work organisation are affected positively and negatively when social workers change jobs or cease to perform professional work. The study was able to pinpoint trends and this can contribute to the development of a theory on the occupational mobility of social workers. Recommendations were made to reduce and/or prevent the occupational mobility of social workers / Social Work / D. Phil. (Maatskaplike Werk)

The moderating role of graduate skills and attributes in relation to the employability and retention of graduates in a retail organisation

Mulaudzi, Livhuwani Ronnie 06 1900 (has links)
The general aim of the study was to assess the relationship between the graduateness, employability and satisfaction with retention factors of individuals and whether graduateness moderates the relationship between employability and satisfaction. The study used a quantitative, cross-sectional research design on a purposive, non-probability sample (N = 100) of predominant black (93%), male (49%) and female (51%) trainees between the ages of 17-29 years (early career). Presenting/applying information skills significantly and negatively predicted compensation while ethical/responsible behaviour significantly and positively predicted satisfaction with job characteristics and organisational commitment. Graduateness related positively to self-perceived general employability. General employability did not significantly predict the participants’ satisfaction with retention factors. Graduate skills and attributes did not significantly moderate the relationship between self-perceived employability and satisfaction with retention factors. Males had significantly stronger perceptions of employability compared to females while females had higher levels of work–life balance satisfaction compared to males. Overall, the results suggest that general self-perceived employability is more a function of graduateness than of retention, while graduateness positively relates to retention factors. / Industrial and Organisational Psychology / M. Com. (Industrial and Organisational Psychology)

Stories of Resistance: Black Women Corporate Executives Opposing Gendered (Everyday) Racism

Jordan, Cheryl D. 04 August 2011 (has links)
No description available.

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