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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

The cause and consequence of job change

Cheng, Tang-Kai 21 August 2000 (has links)
The main purpose of this thesis is to study the cause and the consequence of job change. It seeks to explore why some people change job more frequently than others. It also examines the effects of job change such as salary and job satisfaction.. The sample of this study comes from Social Change of Taiwan 1996-1997. The main findings can be summarized as follows : 1. As for the times of job change : Someone who don¡¦t have any child and who haven¡¦t married yet or later and the with longer working experience have the tendency of changing his job more frequently than the others . Education, professional skills and the company¡¦s size of the first job is negatively correlated to the frequency of job change . 2. The frequency of job change is positive correlated to salary. 3. The correlation between the frequency of job change and job satisfaction is not proved.

The research of relationship between recognition of changing in external environment,career anchor & job change intention ¡VAn example of military instructor in college

Chang, Sung-shan 28 July 2004 (has links)
The role of military instructor was quite important in the early age of development in Taiwan.Military instructor dedicate much of their time and efforts for keeping safty and harmony inside school,but their social status has been queried by Taiwan society. It is important for education administration and military instructor to understand the career anchor. The purpose of this study are to find the relationship between recognition of changing in external environment,career anchor & job change intention-An example of military instructor in college.This research uses t test,single variance analysis,pearson analysis and step-by-step regression to study the relations of variance.800 questionnaires were released.419 are available.The results of this research result from the statistical analysis of three variables.They are recognition of changing in external environment,career anchor & job change intention. According to the analysis of the research data,we can get the findings of the study as follows¡G 1.The recognition for social support of organization has negative influence to turnover. 2.The recognition for development of organization in the future has negative influence to outbound after resign. The recognition for social surpport of organization has positive influence to outbound after resign. 3.The interaction between the recognition for social surpport of organization and anchor of service/challange has negative influence to turnover. 4.The interaction between the recognition for development of organization in the future and anchor of service location has negative influence to outbound after resign. It is hoped that this results will provide useful information to the policy and decision makers as well as education administrations on how to manage and improve the quality of a military instructor's service on a campus.

Consequences of voluntary job changes in Germany: A multilevel analysis for 1985-2013

Latzke, Markus, Kattenbach, Ralph, Schneidhofer, Thomas, Schramm, Florian, Mayrhofer, Wolfgang 03 February 2016 (has links) (PDF)
Analyzing the development of the consequences of voluntary job changes in Germany between 1985 and 2013, the study focuses on income gains and job satisfaction increases. Drawing on arguments of the job-search literature on the one hand and the proliferation of choices on the other we investigate whether the returns of job changes have increased or decreased. Results show that income gains have decreased over time while the job satisfaction surplus has remained stable. We further conclude that in determining the outcomes of job changes over time, structural factors seem to be more important than individual ones.

The Simultaneous Effects of Fit With Organizations, Groups, and Jobs on Job Satisfaction, Job Performance, and Job Change Intention: A Case Involving food and beverage employees in the hotel industry in Taiwan

Huang, Pei-wen 20 July 2004 (has links)
SAbstract tudies have shown that person-organization (PO) fit and person-job (PJ) fit will affect an individual¡¦s work attitude. In addition, person-group (PG) fit has commonly been reported as a determinant to job performance and satisfaction. PO, PG or PJ fit can explain work variability separately, however, identification of their relationship will add to our understanding of why job performance, job satisfaction or job change intention differs in different levels of fit. This work will assist in the development of job congruence strategies to improve productivity and reduce turnover rates. This study examined if a directional relation exists among PO, PG and PJ fit and their impacts on job satisfaction, job performance and job change intention. The participants in this study are food & beverage employees in the hotel industry in Taiwan. This study asked 21 cooperating hotels to choose one restaurant. Questionnaires were sent to all employees in the restaurant. The valid returned questionnaire sample was 340. The Spearman Correlation was used to analyze the fitness between the person and each level of environment. Multiple Regression was used to analyze the impact of each level of fit on job attitude. The findings showed that the higher the PO, PG and PJ fit, the higher the job satisfaction and performance and the lower the job change intention. Moreover, employees tradeoff different levels of fit in determining their job attitude. That is to say, PO, PG and PJ fit have independent and interactive impacts on job satisfaction, job performance and job change intention.

The Relationships among High Performance Work Systems, Employee Perceived Organizational Support, and Employee's Job change intention

Lee, Guan-Cyun 23 August 2012 (has links)
In the times of globalization, informationization, rapid changing knowledge economy, corporate are facing intensive challenges. Management team knows that they should not only focus on competitive landscape but also enhance human capital in order to strengthen competitiveness and rejuvenate the organization. Accordingly, employees are motivated by every kind of intentions. They regard the degree of support of their work in the organization, the more they satisfy, the more they feel interested with the job, which might commit themselves to meet the organization¡¦s goal and be proud to be one of the whole team. This research is to test if employee perceived organizational support has an mediating effect to high performance work systems and employee¡¦s job change intention. This study collects data along with a 2- phase questionnaire, which were filled out by first-line servicing employee, with a total of 260 valid samples. In phase I analyzed high performance work system measurement result, phase II started 2 weeks after phase I questionnaire in order to prevent common method variance, which collected perceived organizational support and employee¡¦s job change intention. In this study, the result shows that high performance work systems have a significant impact on employee perceived organizational support, and have the negative impact on employee¡¦s job change intention. Moreover, employee perceived organizational support has a negative impact on employee¡¦s job change intention while it has the mediating effect between high performance work systems and job change intention. Keywords¡GHigh Performance Work Systems, Employee Perceived Organizational Support, Employee's Job change intention

Enjeux des mobilités professionnelles :Antécédents et Conséquences. Perspectives individuelles et organisationnelles.

Equeter, Emily 03 October 2015 (has links) (PDF)
Cette thèse de doctorat, réalisée sous la direction du Pr. Catherine Hellemans, est issue d’un projet de recherche interdisciplinaire financé par l’Université Libre de Bruxelles et intitulé « Mobilisations professionnelles et engagements personnels dans le travail contemporain :les nouvelles tensions des espaces de qualification ».Les carrières contemporaines sont depuis quelques années considérées comme des carrières sans frontières, qui se déploient à travers de multiples organisations, professions et cadres culturels. En raison notamment des transformations du marché du travail, la mobilité professionnelle – définie comme une transition de rôle professionnel impliquant un changement de position, de tâches et/ou de responsabilités – marque de plus en plus les parcours professionnels. Elle est devenue pour les organisations une stratégie empreinte de réactivité et de flexibilité.Nos recherches visaient à déterminer les enjeux de la mobilité, c’est-à-dire, les raisons pour lesquelles elles sont entreprises par les organisations et les individus, et leurs conséquences. Plus précisément, il s’agissait d’établir la mesure dans laquelle une mobilité, en tenant compte de ses caractéristiques (volontaire ou non ;réussie ou non), influence ou non l’engagement au travail du travailleur, son implication à l’égard de l’organisation, son sentiment de bien-être, et son attitude à l’égard de futures mobilités. Les études ont été menées au sein de trois secteurs d’activités :le secteur bancaire, le secteur infirmier et le secteur de la recherche universitaire. Ce sont les mobilités inter- et intra-organisationnelles qui étaient au coeur de nos investigations dans les deux premiers secteurs, et les mobilités internationales dans le troisième.Les résultats ont mis en évidence que les différents types de mobilité sont liés à des enjeux relativement distincts et que, de manière générale, une mobilité organisée dans de bonnes conditions peut être un levier motivationnel. L’évolution des carrières lance vraisemblablement de nouveaux défis aux travailleurs, aux organisations et à nos sociétés. / Doctorat en Sciences psychologiques et de l'éducation / info:eu-repo/semantics/nonPublished

Perceived job change toward dimensions of knowledge work among three levels of employees in a Korean bank

Lee, Chan January 2004 (has links)
No description available.

Mitt framtida arbetsliv : En hermeneutisk förståelse för generation Y:s syn på inre och yttre belöning och dess koppling till arbetstrivsel / My future work life : A hermeneutic understanding regarding Generation Y's view of intrinsic and extrinsic rewards in relation to job satisfaction

Gunnarsson, Matilda, Lindén, Maria January 2019 (has links)
Det finns olika beskrivningar av hur generation Y beter sig på arbetsmarknaden varav en återkommande är att de ofta byter jobb. Det finns även tidigare forskning kring hur arbetstrivsel kan motverka personalomsättning och här nämns bland annat den inverkan som belöning kan ha. Syftet med detta arbete är att uppnå en hermeneutisk förståelsetillväxt för generation Y:s syn på framtida arbetsliv och deras resonemang kring inre och yttre belöning. Lawler och Porters (1967) motivationsteori behandlar belöning och arbetstrivsel och kopplar detta till fenomen som personalomsättning. Likt mycket annan organisationsforskning som berör företagsekonomiska problem utgår de från en mer funktionalistisk, kvantitativ ansats. I denna studie har semistrukturerade intervjuer genomförts som sedan tolkats genom tillämpningen av en hermeneutiskt spiral. Utifrån detta tolkningsarbete kunde slutsatsen dras att relationer och utvecklingsmöjligheter kan kopplas, både direkt och indirekt, till arbetstrivsel och spelar en central roll i generation Y:s framtida arbetsliv och deras intentioner att stanna eller lämna ett arbete. Vidare visar studien att det även finns normer kring jobbyte som företeelse vilket generation Y har att förhålla sig till. Studien bidrar till en mer holistisk förståelse kring generation Y och kan ge organisationer en ökad medvetenhet kring normer om jobbyte samt förhoppningsvis leda till en utökad förståelse för dagens och morgondagens arbetskraft. / The behaviour of Generation Y in the labor market has been described in several different ways, one of the recurrent descriptions is that they often change jobs. There are also previous research about how job satisfaction can counteract turnover and amongst other things the impact of rewards are mentioned within this research context. The purpose of our study is to attain a growth of hermeneutic understanding about the future work life of Generation Y and their reasoning about intrinsic and extrinsic rewards. Lawler and Porters (1967) theory of motivation deals with topics like rewards and job satisfaction and links these to phenomenon such as turnover. They, as well as much other organizational research, have a functionalist, quantitative point of view while dealing with problems related to business economics. Semi-structured interviews have been conducted and later interpreted through the application of a hermeneutic spiral. Based on this interpretation process we have reached the conclusion that relations and development possibilities can be linked, bothdirect and indirect, to job satisfaction and that they play a central role in Generation Y’sfuture work life and that these elements also influence intentions to stay at or leave a job. Furthermore our study shows that job change is a phenomenon surrounded by norms that Generation Y has to relate to. Our study contributes to a more holistic understanding of Generation Y and can give organizations a raised awareness about norms related to job change and hopefully lead to an extended understanding about the work force of today and tomorrow.

En kvalitativ studie om hemtjänstpersonalens erfarenheter av arbetsförändringar till följd av Covid-19 / A qualitative study of home care staff's experiences of work changes as a result of Covid-19

Amay, Jawayriya January 2021 (has links)
No description available.

Die beroepsmobiliteit van maatskaplike werkers in Suid-Afrika

Pieterse, Hendrika Christina 11 1900 (has links)
Text in Afrikaans / In hierdie studie is gepoog om insig in die beroepsmobiliteit van maatskaplike werkers te verkry. Om dit te kon bereik, is eerstens 'n uitgebreide literatuurstudie onderneem en is die aard van beroepsmobiliteit, faktore wat 'n invloed op die beroepsmobiliteit van maatskaplike werkers kan he en die gevolge daarvan op maatskaplikewerkdienslewering, die maatskaplike werker en die maatskaplikewerkorganisasie verken en beskryf. Tweedens is 'n empiriese studie onderneem en is inligting oor die navorsingsonderwerp deur middel van posvraelyste as data-insamelingsinstrument by maatskaplike werkers en maatskaplikewerkorganisasies verkry. Die empiriese studie het aangedui dat maatskaplike werkers meestal aan onrealisties hoe roleise in die werksituasie en hul persoonlike lewens blootgestel is en dat die omgewings waarin hul figureer, soos die werksomgewing en persoonlike omgewings, dikwels as onvriendelik beleef word en dat dit 'n stabiele arbeidsmag verhinder. Faktore wat met die werksomstandighede van maatskaplike werkers verband hou, dra by tot die beroepsmobiliteit van maatskaplike werkers, sowel as faktore wat met persoonlike omstandighede verband hou, terwyl oorplasings en bevorderings ook 'n rol in die werksomset van maatskaplike werkers speel. Interaksie en wedersydse beinvloeding tussen die verskillende faktore vind voortdurend plaas. Daar is tot die gevolgtrekking gekom dat die maatskaplike werker, deur beroepsmobiel te wees, poog om 'n passing tussen roldruk en omgewingsdruk te bewerkstellig. Met betrekking tot die gevolge van die werksomset van maatskaplike werkers, is bevind dat maatskaplikewerkdienslewering, die maatskaplike werker en die maatskaplikewerkorganisasie positief en negatief beinvloed word wanneer maatskaplike werkers van werk verwissel of ophou om beroepsarbeid te verrig. Tendense kon deur die ondersoek vasgestel word en dit kan hydra tot die ontwikkeling van 'n teorie oor die beroepsmobiliteit van maatskaplike werkers. Aanbevelings is gemaak ten einde die beroepsmobiliteit van maatskaplike werkers te verminder en/of te voorkom / This study attempts to gain insight into the occupational mobility of social workers. In order to achieve this, an· extensive literature study was undertaken and the nature of occupational mobility, factors that could affect the occupational mobility of social workers and the consequences thereof on the delivery of social work, the social worker and the social work organisation were explored and described. Secondly, an empirical study was undertaken and information on the research topic was obtained from social workers and social work organisations through postal questionnaires as data gathering instruments. The empirical study indicated that social workers are mostly exposed to unrealistically high role demands in the work situation and in their personal lives and that the environments in which they figure, such as the work and personal environments, are often experienced as unfriendly and that these hinder a stable labour force. Factors related to the working conditions as well as to the personal situations of social workers contribute to the occupational mobility of social workers while transfers and promotions also play a part in the work turnover of social workers. Interaction and mutual influencing between the various factors take place constantly. It is concluded that occupational mobility is the result of the social workers' efforts to bring about a harmony between role and environmental pressures. With regard to the work turnover of social workers, it was found that the delivery of social work service, the social worker and the social work organisation are affected positively and negatively when social workers change jobs or cease to perform professional work. The study was able to pinpoint trends and this can contribute to the development of a theory on the occupational mobility of social workers. Recommendations were made to reduce and/or prevent the occupational mobility of social workers / Social Work / D. Phil. (Maatskaplike Werk)

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