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Etude biochimique, structurale et fonctionnelle du complexe chaperonne d'histone/facteur d'élongation Spt6/Iws1 / Biochemical, structural and functionnal studies of the histone chaperone / elongation factors SPT6/IWSIDiebold, Marie-Laure 26 March 2012 (has links)
Les ARN messagers (ARNm) fonctionnels sont produits au cours d'un mécanisme complexe qui allie la transcription, qui permet la synthèse d'un pré-ARNm, la maturation de ce transcrit et son export. De plus, ces différentes machineries vont devoir faire face à la structure compacte de la chromatine, nécessitant une activité de décondensation/recondensation de la chromatine qui est notamment régulée par les mécanismes épigénétiques. Un très grand nombre de facteurs sont donc requis pour la production des ARNm fonctionnels . Parmi ces facteurs, les protéines Spt6 et Iws1 sont impliquées dans le mécanisme général de la transcription, dans la modulation de la structure de la chromatine et la maturation et l'export des ARNm. Ces travaux de thèse ont permis de caractériser biochimiquement, structuralement et fonctionnellement ces deux protéines, leur complexe et leur interaction avec d'autres effecteurs de la transcription. Ces travaux ont notamment permis de comprendre en termes moléculaires et fonctionnels (i) comment Spt6 est recrutée par l'ARN polyméraseII au cours de la transcription et (ii) comment le complexe Spt6/Iws 1 est formé. Ils ont également permis d'identifier de nouveaux interactants potentiels de Spt6, et notamment le facteur d'élongation de la transcription TFIIS. Ces travaux ont ainsi permis de révéler le rôle essentiel et extrêmement complexe joué par Spt6 et Iws1 lors de la production d'un ARNm, mais également de permettre l'étude future de leur interaction avec d'autres facteurs transcriptionnels. / Production of functional messenger RNA (mRNA) requires a complex mechanism that couples transcription with maturation and export of the mRNA. In addition to this mechanism, chromatin needs to be unwound to allow the transcription machinery access the DNA, this unwinding being also highly regulated. Thus, production of a functional mRNA requires a huge number of factors implicated in these different processes. Among these proteins Spt6 and Iws1 are participating in the mechanism of transcription, chromatin unwinding, and maturation and export of the mRNA. The work carried out during this thesis has enabled the biochemical, structural and functional characterization of these proteins, their complex and their interaction with other effectors of transcription. This work has specifically enabled the molecular and functional characterization (i) of the recruitment of Spt6 by RNA polymerase II and (ii) of the formation of the Spt6/Iws1 complex. Moreover, this work has identified putative new partners of Spt6, not ably the elongation factor TFIIS. Thus, our work has highlighted the essential and complex role of Spt6 and Iws1 during the production of functional mRNA, and has also enabled future studies of the complexes formed by these two proteins with other transcriptional factors.
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Evolução geológica, geoquímica e isotópica das mineralizações de geodos com ametista, Artigas, República Oriental do UruguaiDuarte, Lauren da Cunha January 2008 (has links)
O Distrito Mineiro de Artigas, no Uruguai, compreende uma das maiores jazidas de ametista e ágata de que se tem conhecimento e é comparável às jazidas da região do Alto Uruguai, próximas ao município de Ametista do Sul, Brasil. A mineralização ocorre em geodos parcialmente preenchidos por ágata, quartzo incolor, ametista e ± calcita, que ocorrem nesta seqüência, da borda para o centro das cavidades. As rochas hospedeiras da mineralização são basaltos andesíticos da Formação Arapey, equivalente à Formação Serra Geral, no Brasil. Na área de estudo ocorre uma seqüência de seis derrames, de composição entre basalto e andesito. As estruturas de resfriamento são dos tipos I e II, que diferem pela ausência e presença de disjunção colunar, respectivamente, na porção interna do derrame. Destes seis derrames dois são do tipo I (maciço na zona central) e portadores de minério. Com base em observações de campo de estruturas rúpteis associadas às zonas mineralizadas, foi elaborado um modelo epigenético para a mineralização de ametista em geodos em basalto. Neste modelo, os geodos são formados após a solidificação da lava, por deformação ou dissolução do basalto, depois de alterado para argilominerais do grupo da esmectita pela interação com fluidos hidrotermais. O preenchimento ocorre após a abertura e pelo mesmo fluido que abriu a cavidade. O fluido é meteórico, de baixa salinidade e tem composição próxima a de água pura. A temperatura do fluido é < 200°C, com base na mineralogia de alteração da rocha hospedeira. A temperatura de cristalização dos minerais no interior dos geodos não ultrapassa 70°C. Esta temperatura foi calculada com base nos coeficientes de partição do oxigênio entre quartzo e água e entre calcita e água para um fluido com assinatura isotópica de T18O de -5 ‰. A intensa alteração hidrotermal nas rochas portadoras do minério e nos derrames, no âmbito do Distrito Mineiro de Artigas, corrobora para eventos epigenéticos relacionados com a mineralização. Isótopos de T34S nas encaixantes do minério indicam percolação de fluido em grande escala, e assinatura isotópica compatível com as unidades sedimentares subjacentes ao pacote vulcânico. A integração dos dados obtidos sugere que os geodos de ametista foram formados após a solidificação da lava e os minerais que preenchem os geodos cristalizadados por um fluido de origem meteórica. / The Artigas Mining District, in Uruguay, is a world-class amethyst deposit, and is comparable with those in Alto Uruguai region, Brazil (Ametista do Sul). The mineralization occurs as geodes partially filled by agate, colorless quartz and amethyst, ± calcite, which occur in this sequence from the rim to the inner part of the cavities. The host rocks are andesitic basalts from the Arapey Formation. The study area comprises a sequence of six lava flows, including basaltic to andesitic composition. The cooling structure of the flows is type I and type II; those are differentiated by the inner part of the flow. Type II has columnar joints, whereas type I is massive. Two out of six flows are mineralized and structured as type I flows. Based on field observations of brittle failures associated with the geode zone, an epigenetic model is elaborated for the mineralization of amethyst in geodes hosted by basalts. In this model, the geodes are formed after the flow solidifies. The cavities are formed by deformation or dissolution, after the basalt was altered to clay minerals (smectite group) by hydrothermal fluids. The filling occurred after the cavity was formed by the same fluid. The fluid is close to pure water in composition, of meteoric origin, with low salinity. The temperature is <200°C, based on alteration mineralogy in the host rock. The crystallization temperature is <70°C. The temperature is calculated based on fractionation coefficient of oxygen isotopes between quartz and water and between calcite and water. The value of T18O of the mineralized fluid is assumed to be -5 ‰. The intensive alteration in the host rocks and in lava flows within the mining district, favors the epigenetic hypothesis related to the mineralization processes. T34S isotopes on the host rock, agree with large scale hydrothermal fluid percolation. The data obtained suggest that the amethyst geodes were formed after the lava solidified and was filled by meteoric hydrothermal fluids.
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Ankle Morphology: Interface of Genetics, Ontogeny and UseTurley, Kevin 03 October 2013 (has links)
A central concept in Evolutionary theory is the character trait. It provides a context in which to explore differences and similarities among taxa, both extant and extinct. It is expanded in scope in Evolutionary Developmental theory to functional units with a biological role, "evolutionarily stable configurations." The talo-crural joint is such a configuration, a highly canalized structural unit in primates forming the interface between organism, and foot and substrate. It is a microcosm in which to examine the relationship of shape with environment and function and the interplay of genetics, ontogeny, and use.
Geometric Morphometric analysis of landmark data was employed in studying the articular surfaces of the talus in a diverse sample of adult specimens in nine catarrhine taxa. The influence of four factors on talar shape was examined: superfamily, a proxy for phylogeny; size and mass, a proxy for physical attributes; and substrate preference, a proxy for behavior. All significantly affected shape, and substrate preference was unrelated to the others. Appositional articular morphology, the shape of the subchondral bone surfaces of the talo-crural joints in an expanded sample of 12 taxa, showed a significant effect of the four proxies on the tibial and talar components, and substrate preference was weakly related to the other proxies in each. Singular Warp analysis of the cross-covariance matrices of the joints demonstrated sorting of taxa by substrate use and signals of convergent and divergent evolution among hominoids and cercopithecoids in joint shape. The ontogeny of the appositional articular shape was examined using adult and subadult specimens grouped by molar eruption. Singular Warp analysis demonstrated a genetic signal in the subadults, strongest in the slowly maturing African hominoids, and an epigenetic signal across taxa to substrate use in the adults.
The talo-crural joint, a highly canalized, modular, and integrated "evolutionarily stable configuration," provides a model for the study of the evolution of shape. The epigenetic signal observed is consistent with plasticity or developmental plasticity in response to the interaction of the joint complex with the environment due to a behavioral effect, substrate use.
This dissertation included previously unpublished, co-authored material.
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Contrôle de l'expression du gène HOXA9 dans les cellules souches/progénitrices hématopoïétiques : rôle des enzymes épigénétiques MOZ et MLL, et du facteur de polyadénylation Symplekin / Control of the HOXA9 gene expression in the hematopoietic stem/progenitor cells : role of the epigenetic factors MOZ, MLL and of the polyadenylation factor SymplekinLargeot, Anne 25 June 2013 (has links)
Mon travail de thèse porte sur l’étude du rôle de l’histone acétyl-transférase MOZ et de l’histone méthyle-transférase MLL dans l’hématopoïèse. Elles contrôlent l’expression de nombreux gènes, nottament des gènes HOX, des facteurs de transcription connus pour leur rôle dans l’hématopoïèse normale et pathologique. Les deux protéines ont des gènes cibles communs tel qu'HOXA9. Ces observations nous ont conduit à rechercher une coopération fonctionnelle entre MOZ et MLL. Nous avons montré que MOZ était associée avec MLL dans les cellules souches/progénitrices humaines CD34+ afin d’activer la transcription des gènes HOXA5, HOXA7 et HOXA9. En effet, les deux protéines interagissent et sont recrutées au niveau de leur promoteur. Nous avons mis en évidence une interférence fonctionnelle entre ces deux facteurs épigénétiques, puisque MOZ est nécessaire au recrutement et à l’activité enzymatique de MLL au niveau des gènes HOXA5, HOXA7 et HOXA9 et réciproquement.Afin de caractériser le mécanisme d’action impliquant la coopération entre MOZ et MLL, nous avons recherché d’autres partenaires associés à ce duo. Nous avons identifié la Symplekin, un membre de la machinerie de polyadénylation. Nous avons mis en évidence l’interaction de la Symplekin avec MOZ et MLL dans les cellules de la lignée hématopoïétique humaine KG1. Les trois protéines sont co-recrutées sur le promoteur du gène HOXA9. Nous avons démontré le rôle ambivalent de la Symplekin. Bien qu’elle soit importante pour la polyadénylation et par conséquent pour la stabilité de l’ARN Hoxa9, la Symplekin empêche le recrutement de MOZ et de MLL au niveau du gène HOXA9, conduisant ainsi à une diminution de sa transcription. / My thesis project has consisted of the study of MOZ, and MLL. They are epigenetic regulators. MOZ and MLL activate transcription of HOX genes, which are transcription factors essential during haematopoiesis. MOZ and MLL have some target genes in common. In our study, we characterised a cooperation between MOZ and MLL in human haematopoietic stem/progenitor cells CD34+. They are both recruited onto HOX promoters. MOZ is essential for MLL recruitment, and this is reciprocal. In conclusion, we provided an example of a mechanism involving a direct cross-talk between two histone modifying enzymes.In order to dissect the mechanism of action of this complex, we decided to identify novel proteins interacting with both MOZ and MLL. A member of the RNA polyadenylation machinery has been isolated: Symplekin. We confirmed the interaction between MOZ, MLL and Symplekin in the human haematopoietic immature cell line KG1. We showed that Symplekin is co-recruited to HOXA9 promoter along with MOZ and MLL. We demonstrated the dual role of this member of the polyadenylation machinery. Indeed, besides the fact that Symplekin is important for Hoxa9 polyadenylation, thus its stability, it prevents MOZ and MLL recruitment onto HOXA9 promoter, leading to a decrease of HOXA9 transcription.Our work improved the understanding of the mechanism of action of MOZ and MLL in HOX control.
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Evolução geológica, geoquímica e isotópica das mineralizações de geodos com ametista, Artigas, República Oriental do UruguaiDuarte, Lauren da Cunha January 2008 (has links)
O Distrito Mineiro de Artigas, no Uruguai, compreende uma das maiores jazidas de ametista e ágata de que se tem conhecimento e é comparável às jazidas da região do Alto Uruguai, próximas ao município de Ametista do Sul, Brasil. A mineralização ocorre em geodos parcialmente preenchidos por ágata, quartzo incolor, ametista e ± calcita, que ocorrem nesta seqüência, da borda para o centro das cavidades. As rochas hospedeiras da mineralização são basaltos andesíticos da Formação Arapey, equivalente à Formação Serra Geral, no Brasil. Na área de estudo ocorre uma seqüência de seis derrames, de composição entre basalto e andesito. As estruturas de resfriamento são dos tipos I e II, que diferem pela ausência e presença de disjunção colunar, respectivamente, na porção interna do derrame. Destes seis derrames dois são do tipo I (maciço na zona central) e portadores de minério. Com base em observações de campo de estruturas rúpteis associadas às zonas mineralizadas, foi elaborado um modelo epigenético para a mineralização de ametista em geodos em basalto. Neste modelo, os geodos são formados após a solidificação da lava, por deformação ou dissolução do basalto, depois de alterado para argilominerais do grupo da esmectita pela interação com fluidos hidrotermais. O preenchimento ocorre após a abertura e pelo mesmo fluido que abriu a cavidade. O fluido é meteórico, de baixa salinidade e tem composição próxima a de água pura. A temperatura do fluido é < 200°C, com base na mineralogia de alteração da rocha hospedeira. A temperatura de cristalização dos minerais no interior dos geodos não ultrapassa 70°C. Esta temperatura foi calculada com base nos coeficientes de partição do oxigênio entre quartzo e água e entre calcita e água para um fluido com assinatura isotópica de T18O de -5 ‰. A intensa alteração hidrotermal nas rochas portadoras do minério e nos derrames, no âmbito do Distrito Mineiro de Artigas, corrobora para eventos epigenéticos relacionados com a mineralização. Isótopos de T34S nas encaixantes do minério indicam percolação de fluido em grande escala, e assinatura isotópica compatível com as unidades sedimentares subjacentes ao pacote vulcânico. A integração dos dados obtidos sugere que os geodos de ametista foram formados após a solidificação da lava e os minerais que preenchem os geodos cristalizadados por um fluido de origem meteórica. / The Artigas Mining District, in Uruguay, is a world-class amethyst deposit, and is comparable with those in Alto Uruguai region, Brazil (Ametista do Sul). The mineralization occurs as geodes partially filled by agate, colorless quartz and amethyst, ± calcite, which occur in this sequence from the rim to the inner part of the cavities. The host rocks are andesitic basalts from the Arapey Formation. The study area comprises a sequence of six lava flows, including basaltic to andesitic composition. The cooling structure of the flows is type I and type II; those are differentiated by the inner part of the flow. Type II has columnar joints, whereas type I is massive. Two out of six flows are mineralized and structured as type I flows. Based on field observations of brittle failures associated with the geode zone, an epigenetic model is elaborated for the mineralization of amethyst in geodes hosted by basalts. In this model, the geodes are formed after the flow solidifies. The cavities are formed by deformation or dissolution, after the basalt was altered to clay minerals (smectite group) by hydrothermal fluids. The filling occurred after the cavity was formed by the same fluid. The fluid is close to pure water in composition, of meteoric origin, with low salinity. The temperature is <200°C, based on alteration mineralogy in the host rock. The crystallization temperature is <70°C. The temperature is calculated based on fractionation coefficient of oxygen isotopes between quartz and water and between calcite and water. The value of T18O of the mineralized fluid is assumed to be -5 ‰. The intensive alteration in the host rocks and in lava flows within the mining district, favors the epigenetic hypothesis related to the mineralization processes. T34S isotopes on the host rock, agree with large scale hydrothermal fluid percolation. The data obtained suggest that the amethyst geodes were formed after the lava solidified and was filled by meteoric hydrothermal fluids.
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Réorganisation de la chromatine au cours de la spermatogenèse / Chromatin Reorganization during SpermatogenesisMontellier, Emilie 05 December 2013 (has links)
La spermatogenèse, processus de production des gamètes mâles, représente un modèle physiologique pertinent pour l'étude de la dynamique de la chromatine. En effet, la chromatine de type somatique subit un remodelage drastique en fin de spermatogenèse, lors des étapes post-méiotiques. La chromatine, organisée en nucléosomes, est restructurée par enlèvement massif des histones qui sont remplacées par des petites protéines basiques spécifiques des spermatozoïdes, les protamines. Les mécanismes moléculaires responsables de cette transition structurale de la chromatine sont encore mal connus et constituent le champ d'investigation de notre laboratoire. D'autre part, la programmation de l'expression des gènes doit être finement régulée au cours de la spermatogenèse, afin de permettre l'expression des facteurs qui guideront les transitions structurales de la chromatine en post-méiose. Les marques épigénétiques mises en œuvre pour déterminer le statut d'expression des gènes sont encore mal documentées. Enfin, après fécondation de l'ovocyte par le spermatozoïde, le génome mâle subit à nouveau une restructuration visant à inverser le processus et à rendre la chromatine de type somatique, tout en prenant en compte les informations épigénétiques amenées par le spermatozoïde. Les évènements chromatiniens visant à reprogrammer le génome mâle après fécondation sont eux aussi peu connus. Au cours de ma thèse, je me suis intéressée à décrypter l'action de nouveaux acteurs épigénétiques, tels que des variants d'histones et des modifications post-traductionelles des histones, dans le cadre de la spermatogenèse chez la souris. Je démontre leurs implications lors du remplacement massif des histones en post-méiose, mais également vis-à-vis de la régulation de l'expression des gènes, ainsi que lors du développement embryonnaire précoce après fécondation. / The process of male gametogenesis, called spermatogenesis, represents a relevant physiological model to study chromatin dynamics. Indeed, a drastic chromatin remodeling occurs during the postmeiotic steps of spermatogenesis. The nucleosomal-based chromatin is restructured by massive eviction of histone and subsequent replacement by sperm small basic proteins, the protamines. Molecular mechanisms involved during this structural transition of chromatin are obscure, and constitute the area of investigation of our lab. On the other hand, gene expression program has to be tightly regulated during spermatogenesis, to allow expression of factors that will guide postmeiotic chromatin structural transitions. Implemented epigenetic marks which determined this gene expression program are poorly documented. Finally, the male genome undergoes a new chromatin restructuration after fertilization by an inverted process that lead to a somatic chromatin, while taking into account epigenetic information carried by the spermatozoa. Chromatin events involved in male genome reprogramming after fertilization are also poorly documented. During my PhD thesis, I have been interested in deciphering the role of new epigenetic actors in the context of murine spermatogenesis, as histone variants and histones post-translational modifications. I reveal their involvement in the massive postmeiotic histone replacement, for the regulation of gene expression, and in the early embryonic development.
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Efeito do tabagismo no perfil de metilação e hidroximetilação global de DNA e nos genes MIR-9-3 e MIR- 137 em mucosa oralCosta, Ludimila de Araújo 18 March 2016 (has links)
Submitted by Vasti Diniz (vastijpa@hotmail.com) on 2017-09-04T14:53:59Z
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Previous issue date: 2016-03-18 / Epigenetic is the study of inherited and reversible changes in functional genome that do not alter the sequence of nucleotide bases. Modulate gene expression mainly by interference of external factors, such as smoking. MicroRNAs are a family of small post transcriptional regulatory RNAs genes which expression can also be controlled by DNA methylation.The aim of this study was to investigate the influence of smoking on the methylation and hydroxymethylation status of global DNA and specific sites of miR-9-3 and miR-137 genes in the healthy oral mucosa. Samples of oral epithelial cells were collected using mouthwash from a population of 95 individuals who were divided into three groups according to smoking status: never (n=30), current (n=29) and former smokers (n=36). Genomic DNA was extracted, and global DNA methylation and hydroxymethylation was performed using an ELISA-based technique; DNA methylation at specific sites of miR-9-3 and miR-137 was performed using methylation-specific PCR. Higher levels of global DNA methylation were found in current smokers with over 15 years of consumption, but no differences were found in relation to global DNA hydroxymethylation. Global DNA methylation was higher than the hydroxymethylation level but they were not correlated in the oral mucosa. For specific sites, the miR-137 promoter had partially methylated DNA in all groups and miR-9-3 hypomethylation was detected in current smokers in comparison to never and former smokers. There were no differences in epigenetic marks analyzed in relation to gender and age. We concluded that smoking habits were capable of inducing changes in global DNA methylation and miR-9-3 promoter methylation status. / Epigenética é o estudo das mudanças herdadas e reversíveis no genoma funcional que não alteram a sequência de bases nucleotídicas. Modulam a expressão gênica principalmente por interferência de fatores externos, como o tabagismo. Os microRNAs constituem uma família de pequenos RNAs reguladores pós transcripcionais da expressão gênica também controlados pela metilação do DNA. O objetivo deste estudo foi investigar a influência do fumo sobre o perfil de metilação e hidroximetilação global do DNA, e o perfil de metilação em sítios específicos dos genes miR-9-3 e miR-137 na mucosa bucal de indivíduos sem alterações clínicas visíveis. Para tanto, amostras de células bucais foram obtidas por bochecho de 95 indivíduos, os quais foram divididos em três grupos de acordo com o hábito de fumar: não fumantes (n=30), fumantes (n=29) e ex-fumantes (n=36). O DNA genômico foi extraído e a análise da metilação e hidroximetilação global foi realizada pelo teste ELISA e a metilação nos sítios específicos dos genes pela técnica de PCR específica para metilação. As análises estatísticas foram realizadas pelo software BioEstat 5.0 ao nível de significância de 5%. Os dados mostraram que indivíduos fumantes por um período superior a 15 anos apresentaram maior nível de metilação global que não fumantes e ex-fumantes. Não foram detectadas diferenças em relação ao nível de hidroximetilação global entre os grupos. O nível de metilação global apresentou-se maior quando comparado ao nível de hidroximetilação global, porém esses níveis não estão correlacionados na mucosa oral. Em relação aos sítios específicos, o gene miR-137 apresentou-se parcialmente metilado em todos os grupos, e o miR-9-3 mostrou uma tendência a hipometilação no grupo de indivíduos fumantes em comparação aos não fumantes e ex-fumantes. Não foram observadas diferenças nas marcas epignéticas analisadas em relação a gênero e idade. Conclui-se que o hábito de fumar pode modificar o perfil de metilação global do DNA e no promotor do gene miR-9-3.
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Análise de metilação de DNA nos genes da citoqueratina 14 (KRT14) e 19 (KRT19) em amostras de pele exposta e não exposta ao solBarroso, Haline 27 February 2015 (has links)
Submitted by Vasti Diniz (vastijpa@hotmail.com) on 2017-09-05T14:37:36Z
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arquivototal.pdf: 798401 bytes, checksum: 41671bb8b384bd28413ef4c5851e99ce (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2017-09-05T14:37:36Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1
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Previous issue date: 2015-02-27 / It is well established that solar UV radiation can cause mutations in DNA and increase the risk of developing skin cancer. However, little is known about the ability of UV radiation to cause epigenetic changes in the skin. DNA methylation, characterised by the addition of a methyl group in cytosines within CpG dinucleotides, can modify gene transcription, leading to decreased expression or even silencing of a gene. Epigenetic changes could represent an important pathway by which environmental factors influence aging and disease risks, with a tissue-specific manner. Epithelial keratins are called cytokeratins, the main function of cytokeratins is to maintain the integrity and mechanical stability through cell-cell contacts with epithelial tissue. The aim of this study was to investigate the sun exposure influence on DNA methylation status in the cytokeratin 14 (KRT14) and 19 (KRT19) genes of skin cells of subjects whithout history of skin disease. Skin biopsies were obtained by punch of sun-exposed (outer forearm) and sun-protected areas (inner arm) from 30 corpses of the Brazilian Services of Death Investigation. The KRT14 gene DNA methylation analysis was performed using Methylation-Specific PCR (MSP), and the KRT19 gene DNA methylation analysis was performed using Methylation-Sensitive Restriction Enzymes (MSRE) of sun-exposed and sun-protected skin areas. Statistical analysis showed no significant differences between sun-protected and sun-exposed areas and the most frequently methylated condition for CpG studied for KRT14 and KRT19 genes (p> 0.05; McNemar). We conclude that sun exposure does not induce changes in DNA methylation status in the KRT14 and KRT19 genes. / Pesquisas tem mostrado que a radiação UV do sol pode causar mutações no DNA e aumentar o risco para o desenvolvimento de câncer de pele. Entretanto, ainda pouco se sabe sobre a capacidade da radiação UV em causar alterações epigenéticas na pele. A metilação do DNA é caracterizada pela adição do grupo metil em uma citosina precedida por uma guanina (dinucleotídeo CpG), o que pode alterar a transcrição gênica, diminuindo a expressão ou silenciando um gene. Alterações epigenéticas podem representar um importante caminho de como os fatores ambientais influenciam no envelhecimento e no desenvolvimento de certas doenças de maneira tecido específica. Queratinas epiteliais são chamadas de citoqueratinas, e sua principal função é manter a integridade e estabilidade mecânica do tecido epitelial. Neste trabalho investigamos se há influência da exposição solar sobre o perfil de metilação de DNA nos genes das citoqueratinas 14 (KRT14) e (KRT19), em células da pele de indivíduos sem histórico de doenças de pele. Biopsias de pele foram obtidas através de um Punch circular da de área exposta e não exposta ao sol de 30 cadáveres do Serviço de Verificação de Óbito. A análise de metilação do gene KRT14 foi realizada pelo método de PCR Específica para Metilação (MSP), e para o gene KRT19 foi realizado o método de Restrição Enzimática Sensível à Metilação (MSRE) das áreas expostas e protegidas do sol. A análise estatística mostrou que não há diferenças significativas entre as regiões exposta e não exposta ao sol, sendo a condição metilada a mais frequente tanto para o gene KRT14 quanto para o gene KRT19 (p>0,05; McNemar). Assim, concluímos que não há influência da exposição solar no perfil de metilação de DNA nos genes KRT14 e KRT19.
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Identificação de SNPs em sítios CpG localizados em regiões genômicas relacionadas à produção em bovinos / Identification of SNPs in CpG sites located in genomic regions related to production in cattleMaldonado, Mariângela Bueno Cordeiro [UNESP] 22 August 2017 (has links)
Submitted by Mariângela Bueno Cordeiro Maldonado null (maribuenocordeiro@hotmail.com) on 2017-09-01T02:02:20Z
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TESE DE DOUTORADO 2017 - Mariangela Maldonado .pdf: 1446039 bytes, checksum: 2e08a41374d1ed14783e9142f58bdec8 (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by LUIZA DE MENEZES ROMANETTO (luizamenezes@reitoria.unesp.br) on 2017-09-01T13:59:09Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1
maldonado_mbc_dr_araca.pdf: 1446039 bytes, checksum: 2e08a41374d1ed14783e9142f58bdec8 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2017-09-01T13:59:09Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1
maldonado_mbc_dr_araca.pdf: 1446039 bytes, checksum: 2e08a41374d1ed14783e9142f58bdec8 (MD5)
Previous issue date: 2017-08-22 / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES) / Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP) / O objetivo desse estudo foi identificar polimorfismos de nucleotídeo único (SNPs) potencialmente sujeitos a controle epigenético exercido por metilação do DNA via seus envolvimentos na criação, remoção ou deslocamento de sítios CpG (meSNPs) e a partir de tal identificação criar um banco de dados para meSNPs, bem como determinar a possível associação desses marcadores com ilhas CpG (CGIs) e com o perfil metilacional de tecidos submetidos ao ensaio de recuperação de ilhas CpG metiladas combinado com plataformas de sequenciamento de nova geração (MIRA-seq) em bovinos. Usando as variantes anotadas para os SNPs identificados no Run5 do projeto 1000 Bull Genomes e a sequência genômica bovina de referência UMD3.1.1, identificamos e anotamos 12.836.763 meSNPs de acordo com o padrão de variação criado por cada SNP em um sítio CpG. Também analisamos a distribuição genômica desses meSNPs, sendo a maioria deles localizados em regiões intergênicas (68,00%) e intrônicas (26,32%). Globalmente, os meSNPs representam 22,53% dos 56.969.697 SNPs descritos na base de dados e 12,35% deles estão localizados em CGIs. Comparando o número observado com o número esperado de meSNPs nas CGIs e nos tecidos submetidos ao MIRA-seq, verificamos um enriquecimento médio (P<0,01) para meSNPs de 2,47 vezes em CGIs relaxadas e 1,90 vezes em CGIs rigorosas. Nos tecidos, o enriquecimento foi de 1,52 vezes em longissimus dorsi e 2,09 vezes em intestino delgado. Dez meSNPs com metilação diferencial, sendo 1 em longissimus dorsi e 9 em intestino delgado, causaram uma alteração na sequência genômica, a qual está associada ao fenótipo de eficiência alimentar em bovinos. / The aim of this study was to identify single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) potentially subject to epigenetic control exerted by DNA methylation via their involvement in creating, removing or displacement CpG sites (meSNPs) and from this identification create a database for meSNPs, as well as to determine its possible association with CpG islands (CGIs) and the methylation profile of tissues submitted to the methylated-CpG island recovery assay combined with next generation sequencing platforms (MIRA-seq) in cattle. Using the variant annotations for SNPs identified in Run5 of the 1000 bull genomes project and the UMD3.1.1 bovine reference genome sequence assembly, we identified and classified 12,836,763 meSNPs according to the pattern of variation caused at the CpG site. We have also analyzed the genomic distribution of the meSNPs, with the majority being located in intergenic regions (68.00%) and then in introns (26.32%) and the remainder distributed among proximal promoters (3.93%), coding regions (1.27%), untranslated regions (UTRs) (0.29%), non-coding RNAs (0.11%) and splice regions (0.08%). Overall, meSNPs represent 22.53% of 56,969,697 SNPs described in the database of which 12.35% are located in CGIs. Comparing the observed number with the expected number of meSNPs in the CGIs and tissues submitted to the MIRAseq we found a mean enrichment (P<0.01) for meSNPs of 2.47 times in the relaxed CGIs and 1.90 times in the strict CGIs. In the tissues the enrichment was of 1.52 times in ribeye and 2.09 times in small intestine. Ten meSNPs, differing in methylation status, 1 in ribeye and 9 in small intestine, caused an alteration in the genomic sequence which is associated with a feed efficiency phenotype in cattle. / FAPESP: 2015/20557-5 / FAPESP: 2016/07584-6
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Biological prognostic and predictive markers in Hodgkin lymphomaBur, H. (Hamid) 29 May 2018 (has links)
Hodgkin lymphoma (HL) is among a heterogeneous group of lymphomas. Over 80% of all patients can be cured with chemo- and radiotherapy. HL has become a model to study long-term effects of radio- and chemotherapy, because of the excellent prognosis. There are a significant number of patients who suffer or die because of the treatment-related long-term toxicity. The aim of this work was to discover new possible biological factors to predict poor prognosis and offer new aspects to individualize patient treatment in a convenient manner in HL.
The retrospective study involved HL patients uniformly treated in 1997–2015. Immunohistochemistry was used to determine the expression of various biological markers, including oxidative stress markers 8-hydroxydeoxyguanosine (8-OHdG) and nitrotyrosine and the antioxidant enzymes manganese superoxide dismutase (MnSOD) as well as peroxiredoxins (Prx II, Prx III, Prx V, Prx VI) in HL patient samples. Using immunohistochemistry, we also evaluated expression of hypoxia-inducible factors (HIF-1α, HIF-2α), prolyl hydroxylase domain enzymes (PHD1, PHD2, PHD3), the epigenetic regulator lysine (K)-specific demethylase 4 (KDM4A, KDM4B, KDM4D) as well as sirtuins (SIRT1, SIRT4, SIRT6), the DNA-repair proteins Human Rap1 interacting factor 1 (Rif1) and O6-alkylguanine DNA alkyltransferase (MGMT) from representative classical Hodgkin lymphoma (cHL) patient samples.
Low-level expression of 8-OHdG was associated with poorer relapse-free survival (RFS) in advanced-stage HL and a high extent of MnSOD predicted early relapse in the whole HL cohort. Strong expression of PHD1, KDM4B and KDM4D predicted dismal RFS in radiotherapy-treated cHL patients. The results also showed that strong expression of HIF-1α, SIRT6 and Rif1, and SIRT6 together with Rif1, were associated with prolonged RFS, especially in advanced-stage radiotherapy-treated cHL patients. In multivariate analysis, PHD1, MnSOD, 8-OHdG and Rif1 separately and together with SIRT6 were statistically significant predictors of RFS.
The results reflect the significance of the studied biomarkers in HL, especially in radiotherapy-treated patients. This might be beneficial when individualizing treatment strategies, avoiding overtreatment and controlling long-term treatment-related toxicity. Further research, however, is needed to confirm these preliminary findings. / Tiivistelmä
Hodgkinin lymfooma (engl. HL) kuuluu heterogeeniseen imukudossyöpien eli lymfoomen ryhmään. Yli 80 % lymfoomapotilaista voidaan parantaa solunsalpaaja- ja sädehoidon avulla. Hyvän ennusteen takia HL- tutkimuksen tärkeä painopiste on säde- ja solunsalpaajahoidon pitkän ajan haittavaikutukset. Huomattava määrä potilaista kärsii tai jopa kuolee hoitoon liittyvistä pitkäaikaishaitoista johtuen. Tämän tutkimuksen tarkoituksena oli löytää uusia mahdollisia biologisia tekijöitä, jotka ennakoisivat taudin huonoa ennustetta ja samalla antaa uusia näkökulmia HL potilaiden hoidon yksilöllistämiseen.
Tämä retrospektiivinen tutkimus käsitti vuosina 1997-2015 samanlaisesti hoidettuja Hodgkinin lymfooma -potilaita. Immunohistokemiallisilla värjäyksillä määritettiin biologisten merkkiaineiden, mukaan lukien oksidatiivisen stressin markkereiden 8- hydroksideoksiguanosiinin (8-OHdG) ja nitrotyrosiinin, sekä antioksidanttientsyymien mangaanisuperoksidi-dismutaasin (MnSOD) sekä peroksiredoksiinien (Prx II, Prx III, Prx V, Prx VI) ilmentymistä HL -potilasnäytteissä. Määrittelimme myös immunohistokemiallisilla värjäyksillä epigeneettisten säätelijöiden lysiinin spesifisen demetylaasientsyymin 4 (KDM4A, KDM4B, KDM4D) sekä sirtuiinien (SIRT1, SIRT4, SIRT6), hypoksiaa indusoivien tekijöiden (HIF-1α, HIF-2α), prolyylihydroksylaasientsyymien (PHD1, PHD2, PHD3) ja DNA:ta korjaavien proteiinien Rap1 vaikuttuvan tekijä 1 (Rif1) ja O6-metyyliguaniini-DNA metyylitransferaasin (MGMT) ilmentymistä edustavissa klassista Hodgkinin lymfoomaa sairastavien potilaiden (engl. cHL) näytteissä.
Heikko 8-OHdG värjäytyminen ennusti ennenaikaista taudin uusiutumaa levinneessä HL:ssa ja korkea MnSOD ilmaantuvuus ennusti ennenaikaista taudin uusiutumaa koko HL -ryhmässä. Sädehoidetuilla cHL potilailla voimakas PHD1, KDM4B ja KDM4D värjäytyminen ennusti ennenaikaista taudin uusiutumaa. Tulokset osoittivat myös, että erityisesti sädehoidetuilla levinneen taudin cHL potilailla voimakas HIF-1α, SIRT6, Rif1 ja SIRT6 yhdessä Rif1:n kanssa oli yhteydessä pidentyneeseen uusiutumavapaaseen aikaan. Monimuuttuja-analyysissä PHD1, MnSOD, 8-OHdG ja Rif1 itsenäisenä ja yhdessä SIRT6 kanssa ennustivat tilastollisesti merkitsevästi taudin ennenaikaista uusiutumaa.
Tulokset osoittavat näiden eri biomarkkereiden merkittävyyden HL:ssä, erityisesti sädehoitoa saaneilla potilailla. Tuloksista voi olla hyötyä, kun hoitokäytäntöjä yksilöidään, mikä voisi helpottaa välttämään liiallista hoitoa ja hallitsemaan pitkäaikaisiin hoitoihin liittyviä haittoja. Näiden alustavien havaintojen vahvistamiseksi tarvitaan kuitenkin lisätutkimuksia.
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