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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Die Terapeutiese begeleiding van die kind na die dood van 'n ouer

Grobler, Hermien 11 1900 (has links)
Text in Afrikaans / Summaries in English and Afrikaans / Die dood van 'n ouer he! 'n effek op die totale lewe van die kind en dompel die kind in emosionele nood wat terapeutiese begeleiding noodsaak. Na afloop van die afsterwe van 'n ouer, vind daar fisieke, emosionele, sosiale en kognitiewe veranderinge in die kind se lewe plaas waarop hy nie voorbereid is nie, en wat hy ook nie verstaan nie. Hierdie veranderinge veroorsaak dat die kind se leefwereld in so mate verander dat sy funksionering benadeel word. Daar is met hierdie studie gepoog om vas te stel watter effek die dood van 'n ouer op die kind he! en tot watter mate terapeutiese begeleiding die kind se emosionele nood kan verlig. Daar is in die studie gevind dat rou inderdaad 'n gekompliseerde proses is wat lei tot die ontstaan van talle onbeantwoorde vrae, gevoelens van magteloosheid en emosionele pyn. Kinders wat in rousmart verkeer word dikwels deur die samelewing misgekyk en kry as gevolg hiervan nie voldoende hulp nie. Di! lei tot die ontstaan van persoonlikheidsontwikkelingsprobleme, relasionele probleme en intra-psigiese probleme soos 'n swak selfbeeld, ego-verdedigingsmeganismes, persoonlike kwesbaarheid, ongunstige betekenisgewing en ongunstige belewenisse. Hierdie probleme veroorsaak dat die kind in sy selfaktualisering gerem word en as gevolg hiervan nie sy gegewe moontlikhede verwerklik nie. Die studie het verder bewys dat die kind wat 'n ouer aan die dood afgestaan het, wel deur middel van terapeutiese begeleiding deur 'n sielkundige gehelp kan word om die verlies van 'n ouer in so 'n mate te hanteer dat die faktore wat die kind se selfaktualisering rem, opgehef kan word. Die studie voorsien die sielkundige van riglyne ten opsigte van die proses van terapeutiese begeleiding aan die kind wat 'n ouer aan die dood afgestaan het. Riglyne word gebied ten opsigte van die hantering van die kind se onmiddellike situasie, die evaluasie van die kind-inrousmart, die vasstelling van doelstellings en doelwitte vir terapeutiese begeleiding, die selektering van terapeutiese tegnieke, die terapeutiese hulpverlening aan die kind, die hulpverlening aan die oorblywende ouer en die hulpverlening aan die onderwyser wat gemoeid is met die kind-in-rousmart. Riglyne word ook gebied ten opsigte van die terminering van terapie. / The death if a parent has an influence on the total life of a child and causes emotional trauma that necessitates therapeutic guidance. After the death of a parent, physical, emotional, social and cognitive changes occur in the child's life for which he is not prepared and that he also does not understand. These factors cause such a change in the child's life-world that his functioning is hampered. In this study it was endeavoured to determine what effect the death of a parent has on a child's life and to what extent therapeutic guidance can alleviate the child's emotional trauma. In this study it was found that mourning is indeed a complicated process that gives rise to countless unanswered questions, feelings of helplessness and emotional pain. Children suffering grief in mourning are often ignored by society and as result of this, they do not receive adequate assistance. This leads to problems concerned with the development of the personality, relational problems and intrapsychological problems such as a poor self-concept, ego defence mechanisms, personal vulnerability, negative ways of acquiring meaning and unfavourable ways of experiencing life. These problems give rise to the hampering of the child's selfactualisation and because of this he cannot realise his potential. The study has furthermore proved that the child who has lost a parent through death, can be helped by a psychologist. This can be done by means of therapeutic guidance so that the child can handle the loss of a parent to such an extent that the factors that hamper his self-actualisation can be removed. The study provides guidelines for therapeutic guidance to the child who has Jost a parent through death. Guidelines are given on handling the child's immediate situation, the evaluation of the child in mourning, the determination of aims and objectives for therapeutic guidance, the selection of therapeutic techniques, therapeutic assistance to the child, assistance to the remaining parent and assistance to the educator who is involved with the child in mourning. Guidelines are also given for the termination of therapy. / Educational Studies / D.Ed (Clinical Psychologist)

"Gråt inte mamma! Vi ses i Nangijala!" : Skildringar av döden i Astrid Lindgrens Bröderna Lejonhjärta och Cecilia Davidssons Lill-Pär och jag / ”Don’t cry, mummy! We will meet in Nangiyala!” : Portrayals of death in Astrid Lindgrens The Brothers Lionheart and Cecilia Davidsson’s Lill-Pär och jag

Eilers, Juliane January 2017 (has links)
Detta arbete syftar till att undersöka, analysera och jämföra hur döden skildras i två skönlitterära barnböcker. Litteraturanalysen och tidigare forskning ska tydliggöra vilken vetenskaplig forskning som finns om hur barn förstår och bearbetar döden i olika åldrar och vilka konsekvenser, ansvarsområden och pedagogiska verktyg detta ålägger vårdnadshavare och skolan. Den ena boken som kommer att undersökas är Bröderna Lejonhjärta av Astrid Lindgren som publicerades 1973, den andra heter Lill-Pär och jag av Cecilia Davidsson och publicerades 2013. Fokus kommer att ligga på hur författaren skildrar döden i böckerna och även hur protagonisterna uttrycker, hanterar och bearbetar sin sorg över förluster och mötet med döden. Vidare ska skillnader i de två böckerna analyseras, samt hur och i vilken utsträckning man kan använda sig av böckerna i arbetet med barn som sörjer efter en förlust. Studien kommer att fokusera på språkstil, ordval, bilder och symbolspråk samt genre. Det kommer slutligen redovisas en sammanfattning om hur böckerna kan användas i undervisningssammanhang. / The purpose of this qualitative litterary study is to analyse death as a motif in two children’s books. Scientistic researches aim to show how children handle and understand death in different ages and which consequences this imposes for the adults around the children. Furthermore, the study will show how fictional children’s books can become a tool for guardians and the school who meet children in grief. The books that will be analysed are Astrid Lindgren’s The Brothers Lionheart, which was published in 1973 and Cecilia Davidsson’s Lill-Pär och jag, which was published in 2013. The main focus lies on how the main characters in the books handle their grief and how the authors describe death as a motif. To analyse that motif, the study will focus on language style, choice of words and symbols in the text. Whether the books are useful for communication between teachers and children who grief is analysed in this study.

Sibs Remembered: Online Support and Resources for Bereaved Siblings

Beck, Candace 23 January 2012 (has links)
No description available.

Opvoedkundig-sielkundige riglyne vir die terapeutiese hantering van die verlies- en treurproses

Van Niekerk, Anna Maria Susanna 06 October 2011 (has links)
Text in Afrikaans / Die doel van hierdie studie was om die aard en negatiewe gevolge van die verlies- en treurproses te ondersoek, en riglyne daar te stel vir die terapeutiese hantering van die verlies- en treurproses. Aan die hand van ‘n literatuurstudie is die aard, gevolge en terapie-benaderings met betrekking tot die verlies- en treurproses bestudeer. Die Opvoedkundig-sielkundige Relasieteorie is verken, en is as raamwerk in ’n empiriese studie gebruik. Die hantering van die verlies- en treurproses is kwalitatief ondersoek. Deur terapeutiese intervensie in drie deelnemers se verlies- en treurproses, is insig verkry met die oog op die samestelling van ’n terapieprogram, sowel as vir riglyne vir die terapeut en die kliënt. Ek het wegbeweeg van navorsing wat primêr beskrywend van aard is en op diagnostiese oorwegings fokus, na raamwerke waar intervensie-strategieë en spesifieke tegnieke gebruik kan word wanneer die terapeut en die kliënt betrokke is in deurlopende psigoterapie. Die navorsingsresultate toon dat dit belangrik is om nie slegs op die verlies te fokus nie, maar ook op onopgeloste kwessies wat vantevore in die kliënt se lewe plaasgevind het. Insig en kennis van hulleself, hul verhoudings, verdedigingsmeganismes, emosies, denke en gedrag, en die invloed wat dit op hulle verlies- en treurproses het, was nodig sodat die kliënte hul ongewenste aangeleerde gedrag kon wysig, om sodoende hulleself beter te verstaan in die hantering van hulle verlies en die treurproses. / The purpose of this study was to investigate the nature and negative consequenses of, and to set guidelines for the therapeutic handling of the loss and grief process. A literature study was undertaken to determine the nature, consequences, and therapeutic techniques, with regard to the loss and grief process, based on Psychological Relations theory. By means of therapeutic intervention in the three participants’ loss and grief processes, I gained insight to compose a therapeutic programme, as well as therapeutic guidelines and intervention strategies and specific techniques that can be used when the therapist and the client are involved in continuous psychotherapy. The results of the study indicated that it is important to focus on unresolved issues that happened earlier in the client’s life. Insight in the person as a whole, is required to be able to understand themselves better in the handling of their loss and the grieving process. / Educational Studies / M. Ed. (Voorligting)

An examination of the relationship between attachment and loss : the role of meaning-making

Douglas, Ryan Patrick 25 September 2014 (has links)
This dissertation examined the relationship between attachment insecurity and complicated grief by testing a path model of variables that were hypothesized to mediate this relationship. Three meaning-making variables were tested as potential mediators: benefit-finding, sense-making, and positive reappraisal. First, a series of principal components analyses were performed to determine the factor structure of these meaning-making variables. After these constructs were identified, a series of hierarchical regression analyses were conducted to determine the unique contribution of each of the primary variables in predicting either complicated grief or one of the meaning-making variables. As hypothesized, some of the attachment and meaning-making variables were highly associated with complicated grief. Attachment insecurity variables were also associated with some of the meaning-making variables suggesting that attachment may have some influence on how individuals use meaning-making strategies in the midst of a loss. These variables were then entered into a path analysis that accounted for other relevant risk factors. It was found that, contrary to the main hypothesis, the meaning-making variables did not appear to mediate the relationship between attachment insecurity and complicated grief. Multiple regression was used to determine the relative impact of meaning-making and attachment variables on complicated grief because these variables have not been previously included in one statistical model. The results suggested that both meaning-making and attachment insecurity variables can play an important role as risk factors for complicated grief and that these relationships are still present after accounting for the closeness that an individual reported towards the deceased. It was concluded that both sets of variables, attachment and meaning-making, should be included in models of the development of complicated grief and that both may have clinical implications in terms of how to approach counseling for individuals struggling with complicated grief. More research on this topic is needed to look at similar research questions within specific populations. It was also suggested that in the future, researchers need to find better ways to measure meaning-making constructs because the current findings suggest that meaning-making may be even more multifaceted than has been suggested in previous literature. / text


Westfall, Ilene Infanger. January 1983 (has links)
No description available.

Att våga vilja leva vidare : En studie av äldres erfarenheter av medverkan i sorgegrupper / Daring to want to live on : A study of older people's experiences of participation in grief groups

Olsson, Sandra January 2012 (has links)
Syftet med den här uppsatsen är att öka kunskapen om betydelsen av att som äldre bearbeta sin sorg i grupp efter att ha mist en livskamrat. Detta har uppnåtts genom att ta del av erfarenheter från före detta deltagare i Svenska kyrkans sorgegrupper. Som forskningsdesign har en kvalitativ deskriptiv ansats valts, denna omfattades av semistrukturerade intervjuer med sju personer, två män och fem kvinnor i åldrarna 67 till 81 år. Materialet har sedan analyserats genom meningskategorisering med tematisering som följd. Resultatet visar att det mest betydande med att bearbeta sin sorg i grupp har varit gemenskapen som innefattar möjligheten att få träffa, samtala och bekräftas av personer i samma situation. Det talas även om att en ömsesidig hjälp har uppstått i gruppen där deltagarna beskriver hur de själva bidragit genom att lyssna och dela med sig. Resultatet visar även att sorgen är unik för varje person. Hur sorgen hanteras beror till stor del på hur man är som person och hur ens sociala nätverk ser ut. Resultatet visar också att professionellt stöd i form av exempelvis de gruppledare som förekommer i studien eller kuratorskontakt endast fungerar som ett teoretiskt komplement och kan inte jämföras med den förståelse som gruppdeltagarna har genom att dela samma livserfarenhet. Studien belyser är att det inte finns något sätt att helt förbereda sig inför dödsfallet av en nära anhörig, men att möjligheten till sorgestöd när det otänkbara inträffat är en viktig del för att ta sig ur den svåraste perioden därefter.

Anhörigas reaktioner på att en nära familjemedlem är med i ett religiöst sekteristiskt sammanhang / Reactions of Relatives to Family Members Belonging to Religious Sects

Meakin, Eva January 2014 (has links)
Manipulation är ett gemensamt drag i sekteristiska rörelser som vill ta bort jag-identiteten och ersätta den med något annat. Syftet med studien var att belysa vilka reaktioner anhöriga får då en nära familjemedlem är med i ett religiöst sekteristiskt sammanhang. Metoden är kvalitativ med interaktiv induktion. Öppna, icke standardiserade intervjuer som följt en temaguide gjordes utifrån ett snöbollsurval som sedan analyserades på gruppnivå efter de riktlinjer Grounded Theory har. Metoden är vald därför att det finns litet forskning på området och är särskilt lämplig när sociala processer ska undersökas. Åtta intervjuer genomfördes, fem män och tre kvinnor. Dessa personer har eller har haft sina barn, barnbarn, make/maka, föräldrar eller syskon i olika religiösa sekteristiska sammanhang. De religiösa sammanhang som avses är Knutby, Livets Ord, Jehovas Vittnen och Plymouthbröderna. Resultatet visade att man förlorade en nära familjemedlem i ett religiöst sekteristiskt sammanhang och att detta är en stor förlust. Det är en komplex och kaotisk situation för de anhöriga som innebär sorg som tar sig uttryck i ilska, förtvivlan, rädsla, hopplöshet, skuld, skam, avståndstagande från religionen. De anhöriga strävar efter att hantera konsekvenserna där mer eller mindre medvetna strategier används för att överleva. De egna psykiska resurserna och meningsfullhet i livet är avgörande komponenter för hur de kommer att må.

Using creative expressive arts in therapy to explore the stories of grief of adolescents orphaned by AIDS

29 July 2015 (has links)
D.Ed. (Educational Psychology) / Children do not exist in isolation of their families and communities. Grief and loss therefore affect them on multiple levels, depending on their personal, social, communal, cultural and economic circumstances. The loss of one or both parents to AIDS in South Africa renders orphaned children and adolescents vulnerable. In addition their grief experiences are influenced by the personal, cultural and communal factors which determine how their feelings of grief and loss are understood and expressed. In certain contexts and cultures, their stories of grief and loss remain unheard and unacknowledged. In many instances, these stories are tucked away in the open spaces and silences of their thoughts and expressions. The purpose of this inquiry is to explore, through creative expressive arts in therapy, the stories of grief of adolescents orphaned by AIDS living in a South African children’s home. This critical ethnographic study describes how a qualitative arts based research method was used to integrate creative expressive arts modalities into therapy sessions as a method of data collection for the study. As such, the critical ethnographic design was employed in order to give attention to the cultural context of the 16 adolescent participants and how this context influenced their sharing of their grief experiences, following the loss of one or both parents to AIDS. This was done in order to answer the research question: ‘What is the story of grief as experienced by the adolescents orphaned by AIDS living in a South African children’s home, as explored through creative expressive arts in therapy?’ In light of this, the research aim of the study was to give an ethnographic account of grief as experienced by adolescents orphaned by AIDS living in a South African children’s home, as explored through creative expressive arts in therapy. Group therapy sessions using creative expressive arts facilitated the development of various data sets which were analysed by means of discourse analysis, in order to derive common themes relating to their stories of grief and loss. The adolescents storied their thoughts and feelings about grief in therapy, through creative expressive arts modalities, demonstrating how their bereavement is impacted by the personal, cultural and social context of the South African children’s home in which they live. The findings and practical implications of this qualitative, critical ethnography provide insight into the grief experienced by South African adolescents orphaned by AIDS. This research endeavour will also expose some of the underlying assumptions about grief of adolescents who have lost one or both parents to AIDS. The study will also indicate how their v life circumstances and grief experiences are subject to elements of power, control and even religious orientation in their culture and community. In order to give voice to the grief experiences of children and adolescents as forgotten mourners, recommendations advocate further research be conducted on the grief experiences of adolescents orphaned by AIDS in South Africa. This can be done in the form of in-depth case studies or larger studies which make use of one or more creative expressive arts modalities in therapy.

"Det jag inte kan dela med någon annan kan jag dela med Gud" : En religionspsykologisk analys över sorgens påverkan på människan enligt Van Deurzens teori och hur sorgen hanteras enligt Parks meningsskapande teori.

Boman, Lars January 2016 (has links)
The aim of this paper was to examine how grief affects the physical, social, psychological and spiritual dimensions according to Van Deurzen’s existential psychology theory, and how grief is handled according to Parks’ meaning-system theory. The human being is controlled, according to Van Deurzen, by physical, psychological, social and spiritual forces, also called dimensions. These forces are challenged when we experience a crisis. The search for meaning is important to humanbeings according to Park. Religion can offer a meaning-system that helps people manage crisis. The empirical study involved a qualitative approach with a primarily theory-driven analysis. Eight semistructured interviews were conducted with mourners that had lost their spouses and had attended a grief group organized by the local parish. The results showed that grief affected the respondents’ different aforementioned dimensions in different ways. Not all respondents’ dimensions were affected by grief. In some cases there was no change. The results showed above all that many respondents’ developed the social dimension despite the loneliness they felt after their spouse’s death. The results indicated that several respondents’ used religion as a meaning-system, and for others ‘the feeling of being needed’ was also of importance as a meaning-system. Several respondents expressed the significance of attending the local parish grief group as providing a positive impact on how they were able to cope with their grief. Suggestions for future research are provided.

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