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The effects of sugar on the body: A teaching unit for the secondary levelGriffith, Janet 01 January 1985 (has links)
No description available.
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In-Source, Droplet-Based Derivatization in an LC-MS Platform: Development, Validation, and ApplicationsHeiss, Derik 23 September 2022 (has links)
No description available.
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Production d'acide lactique par Lactobacillus casei subsp. rhamnosus sur jus de datte : cinétique et optimisation en cultures discontinues, semi-continues et continues / Production of lactic acid by Lactobacillus casei subsp. rhamnosus on date juice : kinetic and optimisation during batch, fed-batch and continuous culturesNancib, Ayacha 24 October 2007 (has links)
L’objectif de ce travail a été de développer un procédé performant de production d’acide lactique par Lactobacillus casei subsp. rhamnosus sur jus de datte. Dans une première partie, des cultures en mode discontinu ont été réalisées afin d’étudier les besoins nutritionnels de la souche. Ces études ont pour but de décrire les effets des sources carbonées, azotées et les vitamines sur la production d’acide lactique. Nous avons montré que le sulfate d’ammonium est une bonne alternative économique et nous avons pu déterminer la faisabilité de minimiser l’ajout de l’extrait de levure par l’utilisation partielle de l’extrait de levure combinée avec du sulfate d’ammonium plus l’ajout de vitamines du groupe B. Des cultures pures et mixtes de Lactobacillus casei et Lactococcus lactis ont été réalisées. Le système de culture mixte donne de meilleurs résultats concernant la production d’acide lactique et l’utilisation des sucres comparés à ceux obtenus en cultures pures de Lactobacillus casei ou Lactococcus lactis. L’effet des sucres purs (glucose et fructose) et mixtes (glucose/fructose) sur la production d’acide lactique a été étudié. La production d’acide lactique est plus importante avec un mélange de sucres qu’avec des sucres non mélangés ce qui explique les performances de fermentation sur jus de datte. Dans une seconde partie, une stratégie d’alimentation du réacteur en culture semi-continue a été mise en œuvre, permettant d’améliorer les performances de la fermentation. Les deux facteurs influençant le bon fonctionnement sont le débit et la concentration du milieu d’alimentation. Dans une troisième partie, une étude cinétique a été développée en réacteurs continus. Nous avons étudié l’influence du taux de dilution sur la croissance, l’utilisation du substrat et la production d’acide lactique. La productivité du procédé continu a été considérablement augmentée en comparaison avec le procédé discontinu. Enfin, dans une dernière partie, un modèle a été établi. Ce modèle, bien qu’imparfait, permet apparemment de simuler la croissance, la consommation des sucres de jus de datte et la production d’acide lactique en culture discontinue / The aim of this work was to develop an efficient process of lactic acid production by Lactobacillus casei subsp. rhamnosus on date juice In a first part, the batch cultures were realized to carry out the nutritional requirement of the strain. These studies allowed us to describe the effects of carbon substrates, nitrogen substrates and vitamins on the lactic acid production. We showed that ammonium sulphate is a satisfying economic alternative and we have determined feasibility of minimizing the addition of the yeast extract by the partial use of yeast extract combined with the ammonium sulphate plus the addition of vitamins of the group B. Pure and mixed cultures of Lactobacillus casei and Lactococcus lactis were carried out. The mixed system gives better results concerning the lactic acid production and the use of the sugars compared with those obtained in pure cultures of Lactobacillus casei or Lactococcus lactis. The effect of pure sugars (glucose and fructose) and mixed sugars (glucose/fructose) on the lactic acid production was studied. The lactic acid production is more important on mixed sugars than on pure sugars what explains the performances of fermentation on date juice. In a second part, a mode of fed batch operations was defined to improve the performances of the fermentation. The two factors influencing the process are the feeding rate and the concentration of the feeding medium. In a third part, kinetic study in continuous culture was developed. We studied the influence of dilution rate on growth, substrate utilization and lactic acid production. The productivity of the continuous process was considerably increased in comparison with the batch process. Finally, a tentative model has been established for the fermentation process. The corresponding model, although not perfect, is apparently able to simulate growth rate, substrates uptake and lactic acid production in batch culture
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Analyse des variations de la teneur en vitamine C dans le fruit de tomate et rôle de l’environnement lumineux / Analysis of ascorbic acid content variation in tomato fruit and role of light environmentMassot, Capucine 01 December 2010 (has links)
Les fruits et légumes constituent la principale source de vitamine C dans l’alimentation humaine, mais leur concentration en vitamine C varie fortement en fonction de la saison et des conditions de culture. Au cours de cette thèse, nous avons testé successivement différentes hypothèses afin de mettre en évidence le rôle de la lumière dans ces variations, en prenant comme modèle le fruit de tomate. Nous avons supposé i) un effet direct du rayonnement intercepté par les fruits sur le métabolisme de la vitamine C (synthèse, recyclage, dégradation), ou ii) un effet du rayonnement sur les feuilles augmentant le transport de molécules (sucres, vitamine C, …) favorisant l’accumulation de vitamine C dans le fruit. Nos résultats ont souligné la complexité de la régulation de la teneur en vitamine C dans les fruits par la lumière, qui dépend principalement du microclimat radiatif du fruit et dans une moindre mesure du rayonnement intercepté par les feuilles, en interaction avec le stade de développement du fruit. L’étude de la relation sucres/vitamine C dans les fruits a montré que les sucres n’étaient pas limitants pour la synthèse de vitamine C. L’impact du rayonnement sur le métabolisme de la vitamine C a été étudié, en interaction avec la température, sur fruits détachés. Le rayonnement augmente les teneurs en vitamine C des fruits pour les températures inférieures ou égales à 23°C en liaison avec l’augmentation des expressions des gènes de la voie de biosynthèse et des activités des enzymes de recyclage, particulièrement à 12°C. À forte température (31°C), la lumière ne modifie pas la teneur en vitamine C du fruit malgré l’augmentation de l’expression de certains gènes de la voie de synthèse, mais on observe une diminution du recyclage de la vitamine C (DHAR) et une augmentation d’un produit de dégradation de la vitamine C (thréonate). Les données recueillies ont permis d’initier un modèle d’accumulation de la vitamine C au cours du développement du fruit qui dans le futur prendra en compte les facteurs de l’environnement / Fruits and vegetables are the major source of vitamin C in human diet; however, their vitamin C content varies with environmental conditions and agricultural practices. In this work, we successively tested different hypotheses concerning light impact on these variations, using tomato fruit as model. We hypothesized that i) light reaching fruit could have a direct impact on vitamin C metabolism (synthesis, recycling and degradation) or that ii) light reaching leaves could increase the transport of molecules triggering vitamin C accumulation in fruit (sugars, vitamin C…). Our results showed that vitamin C variations with light are complex and depend mostly on light reaching the fruit and to a lesser extent on light reaching leaves,according to fruit developmental stage. The study of vitamin C/sugars relationship in fruit showed that sugars were not determinant in explaining variations in vitamin C. Light impact on vitamin C metabolism were studied, in interaction with temperature, on off-vine fruit ripening. Light increased fruit vitamin C content for temperature lower or equal to 23°C byincreasing transcripts of vitamin C biosynthetic pathway and activity of vitamin C recycling enzyme, particularly at low temperature (12°C). At high temperature (31°C), light did not increase fruit vitamin C content but it decreased DHAR activity and increased threonate content likely produced from vitamin C degradation. The data obtained were used to initiate the building of a model describing vitamin C content during fruit development that will integrate environmental factors in the future
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Impact de Plasmopaca viticola sur le métabolisme de l'amidon et le fonctionnement stomatique chez la vigne / Impact of Plasmopara viticola on starch metabolism and stomachal functions in grapevine leavesGamm, Magdalena 03 November 2011 (has links)
Le mildiou est une maladie de la vigne affectant les feuilles et les baies et pouvant entraîner des diminutions importantes de la quantité et de la qualité de la vendange. L'agent responsable, Plasmopara viticola, un oomycète biotrophe obligatoire, provoque différentes altérations physiologiques au niveau de la feuille infectée. D'une part, il y a des accumulations anormales d'amidon au niveau des taches d'huile, symptômes caractéristiques de la maladie. D'autre part, l'infection induit une dérégulation des mouvements stomatiques. Les stomates, ouvertures naturelles permettant les échanges gazeux entre la plante et l'atmosphère, restent anormalement ouverts de nuit et ne se ferment plus en réponse à un stress hydrique ou à un traitement à l'ABA. Les deux parties de cette thèse avaient pour objectif de i) expliquer l'origine et le mécanisme de l'accumulation d'amidon et ii) isoler et identifier le facteur responsable de la dérégulation stomatique. Les modifications du métabolisme de l'amidon au niveau des feuilles infectées ont d'abord été étudiées à l'aide d'une analyse transcriptomique afin d'identifier les gènes codant pour des enzymes impliquées dans ce métabolisme dont l'expression était affectée. Après validation de deux gènes de référence, une étude par qRT-PCR a permis de vérifier les changements d'expression de certains de ces gènes au cours de la cinétique de l'infection, puis les activités des enzymes correspondantes ont été déterminées. Ces approches, complétées par des dosages de l'amidon et des sucres solubles ainsi que la mesure de l'activité photosynthétique, ont permis de corréler différents événements avec l'infection. D'après nos résultats, l'accumulation de l'amidon dans les taches d'huile pourrait résulter d'une augmentation de sa synthèse liée à l'augmentation de l'activité AGPase, combinée à une diminution de sa dégradation par modification de l'activité des amylases. Une diminution de la photosynthèse et une augmentation de l'activité invertase traduisent une transition source-puits au niveau des taches d'huile. La deuxième partie de la thèse a porté sur la recherche d'une molécule soluble d'origine végétale ou pathogène, secrétée dans l'apoplasme au cours de l'infection et responsable du dysfonctionnement stomatique. Sur « épidermes isolés », les fluides apoplastiques extraits de feuilles infectées induisent une ouverture stomatique à l'obscurité et contrecarrent la fermeture induite par l'ABA à la lumière, mimant ainsi la dérégulation observée sur feuille entière. Le composé actif serait une protéine assez stable, de taille >50 kDa et modifiée post-traductionellement par une glycosylation essentielle à son activité sur l'ouverture stomatique. Après séparation par chromatographie d'exclusion des fluides apoplastiques de feuilles infectées, deux fractions ont été retenues : une présentant une forte activité sur l'ouverture stomatique, et une seconde sans activité. Neuf protéines de vigne ont été identi fiées spécifiquement dans la fraction active après une analyse comparative de ces deux échantillons par spectrométrie de masse. Des expérimentations supplémentaires seront nécessaires pour purifier et identifier la protéine recherchée. / The grapevine downy mildew affects leaves and young berries and can affect the harvest quality and quantity. The causal agent is the obligate biotroph oomycete Plasmopara viticola that induces severe physiological alterations in infected leaves. One is the abnormal accumulation of starch in oil spots, the characteristic symptoms of the disease. Another is a deregulation of stomatal movements. Stomata, natural openings on the leaf surface allowing gas exchanges between the plant and the atmosphere, stay abnormally open during the night and do no longer close upon water stress or ABA treatment in infected leaves. This thesis is divided into two chapters that aim to i) explain the origin and mechanism of the abnormal starch accumulation and ii) isolate and identify the compound responsible for the stomatal deregulation. The modifications of starch metabolism in infected leaves were first studied by transcriptomic analysis allowing to identify transcriptional modifications of genes involved in starch metabolism. After the validation of two reference genes, a qRT-PCR analysis was performed in order to verify the expression alterations of some of these genes and the corresponding enzymatic activities were measured. The quantification of soluble sugars and starch, and the measurement of photosynthetic activity were included in the analysis and their alterations could be correlated with the infection. Altogether, the obtained results hint towards an increase of starch synthesis via an increase in AGPase activity, that, combined with a decrease of its degradation by modification of amylase activities, could be responsible for the observed starch accumulation in oil spots. Concurrently, a source-sink transition is apparent in infected leaves by decrease of photosynthetic activity and increase of a cell wall invertase activity. The second part of this thesis dealt with a soluble molecule of plant or pathogen origin that is secreted into the apoplast during infection and could be responsible for the stomatal deregulation. The apoplastic wash fluids from infected leaves increase tha stomatal aperture in the dark in grapevine epidermal peels and counteract the ABA-induced stomatal closure, thus mimicking the deregulation observed on whole leaves. The active compound seems to be a stable protein of > 50kDa with a glycosylation that is essentiel for its activity. After separation of the fluids by size exclusion chromatography, two fractions were compared : one active on stomatal aperture and an inactive one. 9 grapevine proteins could be identified in the active sample by mass spectrometry analysis, but further analyses are needed to purify and identify the one responsible for the stomatal deregulation.
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Identificação de proteínas diferencialmente expressas e avaliação da composição química da parede celular de folha de clones de Eucalyptus grandis em resposta à ferrugem (Puccinia psidii Winter) / Identification of proteins differentially expressed and evaluation of the chemical composition of the leaf cell wall in Eucalyptus grandis clones in response to the rust fungus (Puccinia psidii Winter)Boaretto, Luis Felipe 31 March 2008 (has links)
O Eucalyptus é o gênero mais importante para a indústria brasileira de papel e celulose. Eucalyptus grandis Hill ex. Maiden e seus híbridos são preferencialmente usados pela indústria devido ao rápido crescimento e alta produtividade volumétrica. Embora possua características adequadas à utilização comercial, vários estresses abióticos e bióticos influenciam sua produção. O IPGRI (International Plant Genetic Resources Institute) destaca a Puccinia psidii como sendo a maior ameaça para a cultura nos tempos atuais. A doença não co-evoluiu com o hospedeiro e por essa razão, torna o patógeno um elemento potencial a vencer as barreiras impostas pelo hospedeiro. O fungo ataca plantas jovens, incluindo mudas em viveiros, plantas em jardins clonais e plantações comercias com até 2 anos de idade. Com o objetivo de identificar proteínas diferencialmente expressas e avaliar as mudanças ocorridas na composição química da parede celular das folhas, o presente trabalho analisou o impacto da presença do fungo sobre os clones comerciais, resistentes (7) e suscetíveis (24), de eucalipto. Os clones de E. grandis, 7 e 24, previamente inoculados com uredósporos de P. psidii, foram utilizados para extração de proteínas após 24 horas de interação com o fungo. As análises foram realizadas com auxílio de SDS-PAGE de primeira e segunda dimensão, em gradiente de pH na faixa de 4-7, utilizando-se 750 µg de proteínas. As imagens dos géis, em triplicata, analisadas pelo programa (Image Master Elite v. 3.01), possibilitaram a identificação de 466 spots. A comparação entre os perfis eletroforéticos dos clones que foram analisados e os controles não inoculados, mostrou que o processo de infecção do fungo nas plantas induziu o aparecimento de 72 spots exclusivos para o clone 7 além de alterações do volume de outros 115 spots. Já para o clone 24, a exposição ao fungo promoveu o aparecimento de 22 spots exclusivos e alterações de outros 98. Os perfis eletroforéticos dos clones controle, que não foram expostos ao fungo, mostraram diferenças genéticas entre os clones 7 e 24. O clone resistente, apresentou grande concentração de spots na região entre 14 a 45 kDa. Já para o clone suscetível, os spots se concentraram na região entre 25 a 97 kDa. A avaliação do conteúdo de carboidratos e ácidos urônicos da parede celular mostrou alterações no conteúdo dos açúcares no material inoculado com P. psidii, após 24 horas, 6 e 12 dias de inoculação. Os teores de glicose observados para os clones 7 e 24, já após 24 horas da inoculação, mostraram-se bastante alterados, indicando que esse açúcar possui papel chave no processo de formação da parede celular e conseqüentemente no mecanismo de defesa vegetal. / Eucalyptus is the most important genus for the Brazilian pulp and paper industry. Eucalyptus grandis Hill ex. Maiden and hybrids are preferentially used by the industry due to its rapid growth and high volumetric productivity. Although they possess characteristics adequate for commercial use, various biotic and abiotic stresses influence production. IPGRI (International Plant Genetic Resources Institute) highlight Puccinia psidii as the largest current threat to the culture. The disease did not co-evolve with the host and for this reason has become the pathogen with most potential to overcome the barriers imposed by the host. The fungus attacks young plants, including saplings in nursery, clonal gardens and commercial plants up to 2 years-old. With the objectives of identifying the proteins differentially expressed and evaluate the changes occurring in the chemical composition of the cell walls in the leaves, the present work analyzed the impact of the presence of the fungus on the commercial eucalyptus clones, resistant (7) and susceptible (24). The E. grandis clones (7 and 24) were inoculated with P. psidii urideospores and proteins extracted after 24 hours interaction with the fungus. The analyses were carried out using a pH gradient (4-7) in the first and SDS-PAGE in the second dimension, loading 750 µg onto the gel. The gel images, in triplicate, were analyzed using the software Image Master Elite v. 3.01, allowing the identification of 466 spots. The electrophoretic profiles for each clone were analyzed and compared to the uninoculated controls, showing that the fungal infection process induced the appearance of 72 exclusive spots in clone 7 and an alteration in the volume of another 115 spots. In clone 24, exposure to the fungus induced the appearance of 22 exclusive spots and altered another 98. The electrophoretic profiles of the control clone, not exposed to the fungus, demonstrated genetic differences between the 7 and 24. The resistant clone (7) presented a large concentration of spots around 14 to 45 kDa. In contrast, the susceptible clone (24) presented a concentration of spots around 25 to 97 kDa. Evaluation of the carbohydrate and uronic acid content of the cell wall showed an alteration in the sugar content in the material exposed to P. psidii after 24 hour, 6 and 12 days after inoculation. The glucose levels observed for clones 7 and 24 were considerable altered 24 hours after inoculation, indicating that this sugar has a key role in cell wall formation and consequently in the plant defense mechanism.
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Desenvolvimento de uma câmara flow-batch com aquecimento direto e de procedimentos analíticos para determinação fotométrica de açúcares redutores em vinhos e de manganês em amostras vegetais / Development of a flow- batch chamber with direct heating and analytical procedures for photometric determination of reducing sugars in wine and manganese in plant samplesBrasil, Marcos Augusto Stolf 27 July 2016 (has links)
Neste trabalho foi desenvolvido um sistema analítico tendo como elemento central uma câmara flow-batch com aquecimento direto e fotômetro acoplado, empregado para determinação de açúcares redutores em vinhos e de manganês em amostras vegetais. A instrumentação foi implementada utilizando o conceito flow-batch e o processo de multicomutação em fluxo. A proposta da câmara com aquecimento direto foi concebida para viabilizar procedimentos analíticos baseados em reações lentas. Adicionalmente, foi realizada a instalação do sistema de detecção fotométrica no próprio corpo da câmara, eliminando a necessidade de resfriamento e transporte da solução para outro componente para monitoramento. Esta estratégia possibilitou a redução das dimensões do sistema e o incremento na frequência de amostragem. O controle do sistema é realizado usando aplicativo desenvolvido na linguagem Visual Basic®, o qual aciona seus componentes e realiza a leitura do sinal analítico através de uma interface. Para propulsão dos fluidos é utilizada uma bomba peristáltica multicanal, ambos dispositivos foram desenvolvidos dentro do presente trabalho. Para a determinação de açúcares redutores em vinho, o método analítico adotado utiliza como reagente cromogênico o hexacianoferrato (III) de potássio em meio alcalino sob aquecimento (50 oC) e leitura em 420 nm. O sistema apresentou uma faixa de resposta linear entre 0,75 e 6% (m/v) frutose (R2= 0,999), limite de detecção de 0,14% (m/v; n = 11), desvio padrão relativo menor que 4%, e frequência analítica de 75 determinações por hora. O procedimento para a determinação de manganês foi baseado na reação de oxidação à permanganato, utilizando como agente oxidante periodato de sódio em meio ácido, aquecimento a 55 oC, e leitura em 530 nm. Após estabelecer as variáveis de controle, o sistema apresentou faixa de resposta linear entre 5 e 30 mg.L-1(R² = 0,997), limite de detecção de 2 mgL-1 (n = 11) Mn2+, desvio padrão relativo de 5%, e frequência analítica de 40 determinações por hora. A exatidão dos resultados foi avaliada aplicando o teste t-Student, onde foram comparados os resultados obtidos com os procedimentos propostos com aqueles obtidos com métodos de referência, e não foram observadas diferenças significativas ao nível de confiança de 95 % / In this work was developed an analytical system, employing a flow-batch chamber with direct heating coupled to a LED based photometer, which was tailored for the determination of reducing sugars in wine and manganese in plant samples. The instrumentation was implemented using the flow-batch concept and multicommutation flow analysis process. The proposed camera with direct heating was designed to enable analytical procedures based on slow reactions. The photometer coupling to the flow-batch chamber body, eliminated the need for a cooling step and as well as solution transportation for another component, where signal would be monitored. This strategy allowed the reduction of the system dimensions, and enabling an increase in sampling frequency. The system control was performed using software developed in Visual Basic ® language, which drove the actives components of the system. For fluid propulsion was used a multichannel peristaltic pump, which was also developed in the present work. For the determination of reducing sugars in wine, the analytical procedure was based on the reaction of potassium hexacyanoferrate (III) in an alkaline medium under heating at 50 ° C, which was monitored at 420 nm. The procedure provided a linear response ranging from 0.75 to 6.00 % (w / v) fructose (R2 = 0.999), a 0.14% limit of detection (w/v, n = 11), a relative standard deviation less than 4.0 %, and an analytical frequency of 75 determination per hour. The procedure for the determination of manganese was based on the permanganate oxidation reaction in acid medium, using sodium periodate solution as an oxidizing reagent. The flow-batch was maintained at 55 ° C, and signal was monitored at 530 nm. After establishing the control variables, the procedure provided a linear response ranging from 5.0 to 30.0 mg L-1 (R2 = 0.997), a detection of limit 2.0 mg L-1 (n = 11) Mn2+, a relative standard deviation of 5.0 % (n = 8) and an analytical frequency of 40 determination per hour. The accuracy of the results was assessed by applying the Student t-test between results obtained employing the proposed procedures and a reference method, and not significant difference at 95 % confidence level was observed
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Efeito da superexpressão do gene miox2 de Arabidopsis, na composição de carboidratos de parede celular secundária de plantas transgênicas de tabaco / Effects of overexpression of the miox2 gene from Arabidopsis, in secondary cell-wall carbohydrate composition in transgenic tobacco plantsConti, Gabriela 11 December 2007 (has links)
As paredes celulares vegetais são estruturas essenciais para o crescimento e desenvolvimento das plantas. Além das suas diversas funções biológicas, os componentes polissacarídicos constituintes das paredes celulares (celulose, hemiceluloses e pectinas) são de vital importância como fonte natural de fibras para a nutrição humana e animal e são considerados os principais recursos renováveis do planeta, utilizados como matéria-prima para diversos processos industriais, por exemplo nos processos de produção de polpa celulósica. Todos esses fatores têm despertado grande interesse no estudo da composição e biossíntese das paredes celulares. A biossíntese dos seus polímeros se inicia no citoplasma das células, onde ocorre a formação dos precursores por uma rota metabólica complexa de biossíntese de açúcares-nucleotídeo. O entendimento da regulação dessa rota metabólica é fundamental para modular a dinâmica de biossíntese desses açúcares e assim tentar manipular as propriedades bioquímicas das paredes celulares. Nesse contexto, o presente projeto de pesquisa teve como objetivo avaliar o efeito da superexpressão do gene miox2 de Arabidopsis thaliana em plantas de Nicotiana tabacum. O produto desse gene é a enzima mio-inositol oxigenase (E.C., cuja função é converter o mio-inositol em ácido D-glucurônico, composto central da rota de biossíntese de açúcares-nucleotídeo. Foram determinadas quatro isoformas tecido-específicas para o gene miox (miox1, miox2, miox4 e miox5) em Arabidopsis, sendo que a isoforma miox2 é a predominante em caules. Esse gene foi clonado em trabalhos anteriores realizados no laboratório e no presente trabalho, o cDNA do gene miox2 foi superexpresso em plantas de tabaco (Nicotiana tabacum) a fim de se avaliar o efeito da superexpressão na composição de carboidratos de parede celular secundária. As linhagens de plantas transgênicas obtidas, não mostraram diferenças visualmente perceptíveis em comparação aos controles, indicando ausência de alterações fisiológicas e morfológicas. Foram quantificados os monossacarídeos de paredes celulares secundárias (arabinose, ramnose, galactose, glicose, xilose, manose), os ácidos urônicos (ácido galacturônico e glucurônico) e as ligninas (solúvel e insolúvel), a partir de tecido xilemático e parênquima medular do caule. A ausência de modificações significativas nas proporções desses metabólitos, indica que as plantas exercem um estrito controle na regulação da biossíntese de paredes celulares secundárias de forma que a superexpressão do gene miox2 não provocou nenhuma alteração altamente significativa. Outros genes candidatos e os mecanismos envolvidos na sua regulação deverão ser testados quanto ao nível de transcrição, modificações pós-trancricionais e pós-traducionais a fim de entender a regulação do fluxo de carbono para a biossíntese de paredes celulares. / Cell-walls are essential structures for plant development and growth. Apart from its biological functions, the polyssacharides that make cell-walls (cellulose, hemicellulose and pectins) are the principal natural fibrous materials used for human and animal nutrition. They are also considered the most important renewable resource on earth and their use as industrial raw material is inevitable. An example is the use of wood in the production of pulp and paper. For all these reasons, the study of molecular composition and biosynthesis of plant cell-walls has been a matter of great interest for researchers over the past few years. Cell-wall polyssacharides biosynthesis begins at the cytoplasm, where a pool of UDP-glucose and other activated sugar nucleotide precursors are generated by multiple and complex interconvertion reactions. Understanding how cells control the metabolic pathways responsible for sugar nucleotide precursors synthesis, would be a primary requirement for manipulating them in an attempt to generate plants with improved properties for human use. In that context, tha aim of this research work was to analyze the effects of Arabidopsis thaliana miox2 gene overexpression in a plant model system (Nicotiana tabacum). The product of miox2 gene is myo-inositol oxygenase enzyme 2 (E.C. which converts D-glucuronic acid, an important sugar nucleotide precursor, from its substrate myo-inositol. Four isoforms of miox gene, with apparent tissue specific expression (miox1, miox2, miox4 and miox5) were already determined, but miox2 is the one primarily expressed in stems. Its cDNA was cloned from Arabidopsis thaliana in previous works and overexpressed in tobacco plants. Five normal transgenic lines were obtained, showing no phenotypically differences relative to the control line. This fact implied that miox2 overexpression did not alter any physiological nor morphological aspect of plant development. The cell-wall monossacharides (arabinose, rhamnose, galactose, glucose, xylose and mannose), uronic acids (galacturonic and glucuronic acid) and lignins (soluble and insoluble) from stem xylem and parenchymal tissue were quantified. The absence of major changes in any of the compounds measured for the transgenic lines indicated that they were able to adjust their level of carbohydrate composition. Plants seem to regulate the proportions of sugar nucleotide precursors through highly complex metabolic pathways that establish strong compensatory mechanisms. It will be necessary to study other candidate genes and some aspects of their regulation at transcriptional, postranscriptional and postransaltional level, as an attempt to understand the cell-wall carbohydrate flux.
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Análise do transcritôma e proteôma do colmo de cana-de-açúcar relacionada ao metabolismo da sacarose / Transcriptomic and proteomic analysis of sugarcane culm relationaded to sucrose metabolismBoaretto, Luis Felipe 21 December 2011 (has links)
A cana-de-açúcar é uma importante cultura na economia brasileira, tanto pela produção de açúcar como pela produção de biocombustíveis, contabilizando mais de US$ 20 bilhões por ano, colocando o Brasil como o país produtor mais importante deste mercado. Por outro lado, a cana-de-açúcar atingiu o limite na produção de sacarose, um efeito da exploração da estreita base de genes utilizados nos cruzamentos dos programas de melhoramento convencional. O objetivo do trabalho foi avaliar a dinâmica da acumulação de sacarose nos colmos da cana-de-açúcar, através da investigação da expressão gênica nos parênquimas de estocagem dos colmos das plantas de cana-deaçúcar durante o desenvolvimento, utilizando técnicas de transcritômica e proteômica. A variedade SP80-3280 foi cultivada em condições de casa de vegetação e os internós de 4-a-9 foram coletados aos 4, 7 e 10 meses de idade. Com o intuito de aumentar o conteúdo de sacarose, as plantas de 10 meses de idade foram submetidas a um período de estresse hídrico antes da coleta. Para todos os internós foram avaliados o conteúdo de açúcares solúveis e os internós 5 e 9 foram usados para análises do transcritoma e proteoma. Os perfis de expressão dos genes envolvidos no ciclo da sacarose para 4, 7 e 10 meses de idade foram estudados utilizando-se qPCR. A técnica da proteômica de 2D-PAGE foi utilizada para a comparação do perfil de expressão das proteínas entre os internós maduros, nas idades de 7 e 10 meses, e os spots selecionados foram identificados por LC-ESI-Q-TOF-MS/MS. O total de açúcares solúveis no parênquima de estocagem aumentou cerca de 2,5 vezes quando comparamos os internós maduros do colmo das plantas de 7 e 10 meses de idade. Este aumento pode ser explicado pela mudança da expressão dos genes envolvidos no metabolismo da sacarose. Sinais endógenos e exógenos à planta são responsáveis por dispararem o mecanismo de síntese da sacarose, o qual é frequentemente regulado pelas enzimas. Nós identificamos 81 proteínas de 7 e 10 meses, as quais incluem proteínas diferencialmente expressas e preferencialmente expressas. Os dados gerados pelo perfil de expressão gênica e análise do proteoma foram comparados no sentido de entender o mecanismo molecular envolvido no processo de acúmulo de sacarose. / Sugarcane is a important crop in the Brazilian economy for both, sugar and green biofuel production, accounting for more than US$ 20 billions/year, placing Brazil as the most important country in this trade. On the other hand sugarcane has reached a limit in sucrose production, an effect of the narrow gene pool used in current commercial breeding programs. Our objective was to assess the dynamics of sucrose accumulation in sugarcane stalks, by investigating the gene expression in the storage parenchyma of sugarcane plants during development, using transcriptomic and proteomic approches. Sugarcane variety (SP80-3280) was cultivated under greenhouse conditions and internodes 4-to-9 were harvested at 4, 7 and 10 months. In order to increase the sugar content, 10 month old plants were subjected to a period of water stress before sampling. All internodes were analyzed to evaluate the soluble sugars content, the internodes 5 and 9 were used in transcriptomic, and 9 was used in proteomic analyses. Expression profiles of genes involved in sucrose cycling from the 4, 7 and 10 month old plants were studied using qRT-PCR. Proteomic approaches (2D-PAGE) were done by comparing protein expression profiles between mature internode in 7 and 10 month, and the selected spots were identified by LC-ESI-Q-TOF-MS/MS. Total soluble sugars in the storage parenchyma increased around 2,5-fold when 7 and 10 month old internodes were compared. This rise could be explained by a change in the expression of genes involved in sucrose metabolism. Endogenous and exogenous signals trigger the mechanism of sucrose synthesis which is often regulated by enzymes and signaling sugars. We identified 81 proteins from the 7 and 10 month old which included differentially expressed and exclusive spots. The data from the gene expression and proteome analyses are compared in order to understand the molecular mechanisms involved in sucrose storage.
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Isolamento de polissacarídeos não amiláceos da banana (musa cavendishii L. variedade Nanicão) e seu potencial uso como ingrediente funcional. / Isolation of non-starch polysaccharides from banana Cavendishii L. variety Nanicão) and its potential use as a functional ingredient.Rayo Mendez, Lina Maria 19 July 2018 (has links)
Neste trabalho, polissacarídeos não amiláceos (PNAs) da banana madura com potencial de propriedades imunomoduladoras foram obtidos por meio da remoção dos açúcares solúveis (glicose, frutose e sacarose) do purê de banana submetido a duas técnicas de extração: sólido-líquido (ESL) com agitação mecânica e assistida por ultrassom (EAU) usando etanol a 99,5 g/100 g como solvente. Para o estudo em batelada, diferentes razões da matéria-prima/solvente (1:5, 1:7 e 1:10) g/mL, tempos de extração (30, 60 e 90) min e duas temperaturas de (25 e 65) °C foram estudados. No estudo cinético, o impacto da redução da razão matéria-prima/solvente de 1:5 para 1:3 g/mL foi estudado até 90 min, nas mesmas condições estudadas na extração em batelada. O teor de açúcares solúveis (AS) medido nos extratos foi superior na temperatura de 65°C, porém às razões de 1:7 e 1:10, não resultou em maior quantidade de AS nos extratos, portanto, menores quantidades de etanol podem ser usadas diminuindo custos. Com o emprego da técnica EAU à 25 °C e tempo de extração de 30 min, foi observado que uma redução da razão matéria-prima/solvente até 1:3 g/mL produz maior rendimento de processo. No entanto, foi observado que maiores tempos de extração promoveram degradação da parede celular da matéria-prima. Entre os modelos cinéticos testados, o ajuste do modelo de Patricelli aos dados experimentais indicou que a ESL é regida pela fase de lavagem em que ocorreu 85 % da extração dos AS. Frações molares de glicose, ácidos galacturônicos, manose, arabinose, xilose, galactose de conteúdo monossacarídeo foram observadas nos rafinados, indicando possivelmente serem parte de polissacarídeos do tipo ?-glicanos, xilomananos glucomananos, arabinogalactanos e arabinoxilanos. / In this work, non-starch polysaccharides (PNAs) of ripe bananas with potential for immunomodulatory properties were obtained by means removing the soluble sugars (glucose, fructose and sucrose) from banana puree submitted to two extraction techniques: solid-liquid (SLE) with mechanical stirring and ultrasonic assisted (UAE) using 99.5 g/ 100 g ethanol as solvent. For the batch study, different ratios of the raw material/ solvent (1:5, 1:7 and 1:10) g/ mL, extraction times of (30, 60 and 90) min and two temperatures of (25 and 65 ) °C were studied. In the kinetic study, the impact of reducing the raw material/ solvent ratio from 1:5 to 1:3 g/ mL was studied up to 90 min, under the same conditions studied in batch extraction. The soluble sugar content (AS) measured in the extracts was higher at temperature of 65 °C, however, at the ratios of 1:7 and 1:10, did not result in higher amount of AS in the extracts, therefore, smaller amounts of ethanol can be costs. With the use of the UAE technique at 25 °C and extraction time of 30 min, it was observed that a reduction of the raw material / solvent ratio up to 1:3 g / mL produces a higher process yield. However, it was observed that longer extraction times promoted degradation of the cell wall of the raw material. Among the kinetic models tested, the adjustment of Patricelli model to the experimental data indicated that the SLE the predominance is by the washing phase in which 85% of the AS extractions occurred. Glucose molar fractions, galacturonic acids, mannose, arabinose, xylose, galactose of monosaccharide content were observed in the raffinates, indicating possibly being part of polysaccharides as ?-glycan, xylomannans, glucomannans, arabinogalactans and arabinoxylans.
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