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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Strategische und operative Handlungsoptionen für wissenschaftliche Einrichtungen zur Gestaltung der Open-Access-Transformation

Pampel, Heinz 11 June 2021 (has links)
Die vorliegende Arbeit befasst sich mit der Rolle von Forschungseinrichtungen in Deutschland bei der Transformation des wissenschaftlichen Publikationswesens von Subskription zu Open Access im Bereich wissenschaftlicher Fachzeitschriften. Die Open-Access-Transformation zielt darauf ab, das tradierte Subskriptionsmodell zu überwinden und innovative Verfahren der digitalen Wissenschaftskommunikation zu ermöglichen. Diese Arbeit untersucht, welche Handlungsoptionen sich Forschungseinrichtungen zur Gestaltung der Open-Access-Transformation eröffnen. Auf Grundlage einer Darstellung der Handlungsoptionen in den Bereichen Strategie und Kommunikation, Services und Infrastrukturen, Geschäftsbeziehungen mit Verlagen und Kooperationen wurde die Umsetzung dieser Handlungsoptionen in der Praxis analysiert. Hierzu wurde eine Erhebung unter 701 wissenschaftlichen Einrichtungen in Deutschland durch-geführt. Mit einer Rücklaufquote von 403 antwortenden Einrichtungen (57,49 %) wird die Betei-ligung an der Umfrage als sehr positiv bewertet. Diese bislang wohl umfangreichste Studie zum Thema, zeigt, dass die akademischen Einrichtungen in Deutschland bis dato nur wenige Handlungsoptionen zur Förderung von Open Access umsetzen. Während die Verbreitung von Open-Access-Repositorien positiv zu bewerten ist, stehen der Um-gang mit Open-Access-Publikationsgebühren und damit verbunden auch das Monitoring von Publikationskosten noch am Anfang. Die Ergebnisse der Erhebung deuten auf einen hohen Handlungsbedarf hin. Über die quantitative Erhebung hinaus, die die Lücke einer fehlenden Datenbasis zu Open Ac-cess in Deutschland schließt, formuliert die Arbeit in einem anwendungsbezogenen Ansatz Empfehlungen für die weitere Befassung mit der Open-Access-Transformation an Forschungseinrichtungen in Deutschland. Ein Fokus liegt dabei auf Aktivitäten, die sich im Bereich der wissenschaftlichen Bibliotheken ergeben. / This thesis investigates the role of research institutions in Germany in transforming scholarly publishing from subscription to Open Access in the field of scientific journals. Open Access transformation aims to overcome the traditional subscription model to further innovative methods of digital scholarly communication. The study examines the options open to higher education institutions and research performing organizations for shaping the Open Access transformation. The thesis presents a description of these options in the areas of strategy and communication, services and infrastructures, business relations with publishers and cooperation. Then, the implementation of these options in practice was analyzed. For this purpose, a survey was conducted among 701 academic institutions in Germany. The response rate of 403 responding institutions (57.49%) can be considered very positive. This survey, which is probably the most comprehensive on the subject to date, shows that higher education institutions and research performing organizations in Germany have so far implement-ed only a few options for promoting Open Access. While the distribution of Open Access repositories is positive, the handling of Open Access publication charges and the associated monitoring of publication costs are still at the beginning. The results of the survey indicate a high need for action. The presented quantitative survey closes the gap of missing data on Open Access in Germany. Based on this new dataset, the study formulates recommendations for further engagement with the Open Access transformation at research institutions in Germany. One focus is on activities that arise in the area of academic libraries.

A Mixed-Method Study on Barriers to the Publication of Research Data in Learning Analytics

Biernacka, Katarzyna 07 November 2024 (has links)
Diese Studie untersucht umfassend Barrieren bei der Veröffentlichung von Forschungsdaten im Bereich Learning Analytics (LA) mithilfe eines Mixed-Methods-Ansatzes. Methodologisch gegliedert in vier Phasen – Systematic Literature Review (SLR), Leitfrageninterviews, eine weltweite Online-Umfrage und adaptive Workshops – zeigt die Forschung eine Vielzahl interdisziplinärer und internationaler Perspektiven auf. Das SLR bildet die Grundlage, indem es rechtliche, ethische und ressourcenbezogene Hindernisse für die Datenveröffentlichung identifiziert. Durch die Integration dieser Erkenntnisse in Interviews zeigt sich ein vertieftes Verständnis kultureller und institutioneller Unterschiede, die die Datenpublikation beeinflussen. Eine globale Umfrage verdeutlicht zudem eine Diskrepanz zwischen der Bereitschaft von Forschenden, Daten zu teilen, und ihrer Bewertung der Vorteile geteilten Wissens. Dies weist auf Vertrauensthemen und den geringen wahrgenommenen Nutzen gemeinsamer Daten in der Forschung hin, trotz zunehmender Infrastrukturen und Förderungen für Open Data. Adaptive Workshops beleuchten die Lücke zwischen der Anerkennung der Bedeutung von Datenfreigabe und der Fähigkeit der Forschenden, diese effektiv umzusetzen. Insbesondere Datenschutzbedenken, etwa zur DSGVO, und der Verlust von Kontrolle über geteilte Daten erweisen sich als große Hürden. Die Ergebnisse dieser Studie verdeutlichen, wie Barrieren der Datenpublikation je nach Disziplin und Region variieren und tief in kulturellen und institutionellen Rahmen eingebettet sind. / This study investigates barriers to research data publication in Learning Analytics (LA) through a mixed-method approach encompassing a Systematic Literature Review (SLR), semi-structured interviews, a global survey, and adaptive workshops. The SLR establishes a foundation by identifying legal, ethical, and resource-related barriers to data publication across disciplines. Findings from the SLR integrate in the subsequent interviews, which reveal cultural and institutional nuances affecting researchers' motivations and capabilities for data sharing. A global survey uncovers a discrepancy between researchers' willingness to share data and their perceived benefits from accessing others' data, highlighting trust issues within the scientific community despite growing support for open data. Adaptive workshops underscore the gap between researchers' recognition of data sharing importance and their practical ability to implement it, with data protection concerns, particularly related to GDPR compliance, emerging as major barriers alongside fears of losing data control. The findings from this study illustrate how barriers to data publication vary by discipline and region, being deeply embedded within cultural and institutional frameworks.


Meynen, Gloria 29 February 2012 (has links)
Den Namen »Büro« leitet die vorliegende Arbeit von den Überresten der Sumpfpflanze »eriophorum angustifolium« her, die auch Burra genannt wird. Im Mittelalter wurden aus den verwesten Fasern dieser Pflanze Rechentücher gewebt. Ausgehend von den Techniken und Praktiken der Buchhaltung und des Rechnens liegt der Schwerpunkt dieser Arbeit auf einer Geschichte der Routinen. Im ersten Teil leitet die Autorin die Techniken des deduktiven Beweisens von der Erfindung der ebenen Fläche ab. Mit den Techniken des Zeigens und Verweisens beschreibt sie die Anfänge der Abstraktion. Ein zweiter Teil wendet sich den Operationen der euklidischen Fläche zu. Ausgehend von der Etymologie der römischen Zahl X werden die Anfänge der Büroroutinen in den Operationen des Dezimierens, Abschlagens und in der Durchkreuzung gesucht. Mit ihnen konzentriert sich die Autorin auf die Techniken des Löschens und der Frage, wie man Zeichen in und auf der Fläche bewegen kann. Routinen werden als kleine Routen auf der Fläche aufgefasst, ihre Anfänge in den frühen Multiplikationsverfahren, einer Wissensgeschichte des Multiplikationszeichen X, in dem Zeilenvorschub und der doppelten Anschreibung der Posten in der doppelten Buchhaltung gesucht, die Luca Pacioli mit zwei gekreuzten Linien testiert. Das vorliegende Buch legt den Schwerpunkt auf die Kulturtechniken von Bild, Schrift und Zahl und kommt zu dem Schluss, dass das Büro im frühen 13. Jahrhundert ein neues operationales Wissen einführt. Es ist ein Ort, der der Gedächtniskultur der Erinnerung und Wiederholung ein Wissen der konstanten Zirkulation und Veränderung entgegensetzt. / The author traces the words »bureau« and »bureaucracy« back to the relics of eriophorum angustifolium, i.e. a marsh plant, that is also known under the colloquial name of »burra«. In the Middle Ages this plant was used as raw material for a portable abacus made of chunk wool. Starting from practices of counting and calculating this dissertation explores routines of office work. In the first part (A) the author argues that the practices and technics of diagrammatic reasoning depend on the invention of the plane surface. By exploring the routines of pointing and referring this part deals with the beginnings of abstraction. The second part (B), a media history of routines, takes a closer look at those operations that were performed on the plane surface. Starting from the etymology of the numeral X that the Romans used for operations of foiling and decimating, the author finds the origins of bureaucratic routines in techniques of erasure. Based on the thesis that routines are small routes on plane surfaces the author identifies the beginnings of bureaucratic operations in early multiplication algorithms, the operation sign x, and finally in the cancelling of posts in early double-entry bookkeeping. Thus, the second part of the dissertation closely relates the history of writing, spelling and accounting to the technics of erasing. By analysing the operations of writing, drawing and counting the author comes to the conclusion, that at the beginning of the 13th century the office is a place of new operational knowledge – it confronts a static memory culture of repetition and remembering with a mobile culture of circulation and constant change.

Integrating Natural Language Processing (NLP) and Language Resources Using Linked Data

Hellmann, Sebastian 09 January 2014 (has links)
This thesis is a compendium of scientific works and engineering specifications that have been contributed to a large community of stakeholders to be copied, adapted, mixed, built upon and exploited in any way possible to achieve a common goal: Integrating Natural Language Processing (NLP) and Language Resources Using Linked Data The explosion of information technology in the last two decades has led to a substantial growth in quantity, diversity and complexity of web-accessible linguistic data. These resources become even more useful when linked with each other and the last few years have seen the emergence of numerous approaches in various disciplines concerned with linguistic resources and NLP tools. It is the challenge of our time to store, interlink and exploit this wealth of data accumulated in more than half a century of computational linguistics, of empirical, corpus-based study of language, and of computational lexicography in all its heterogeneity. The vision of the Giant Global Graph (GGG) was conceived by Tim Berners-Lee aiming at connecting all data on the Web and allowing to discover new relations between this openly-accessible data. This vision has been pursued by the Linked Open Data (LOD) community, where the cloud of published datasets comprises 295 data repositories and more than 30 billion RDF triples (as of September 2011). RDF is based on globally unique and accessible URIs and it was specifically designed to establish links between such URIs (or resources). This is captured in the Linked Data paradigm that postulates four rules: (1) Referred entities should be designated by URIs, (2) these URIs should be resolvable over HTTP, (3) data should be represented by means of standards such as RDF, (4) and a resource should include links to other resources. Although it is difficult to precisely identify the reasons for the success of the LOD effort, advocates generally argue that open licenses as well as open access are key enablers for the growth of such a network as they provide a strong incentive for collaboration and contribution by third parties. In his keynote at BNCOD 2011, Chris Bizer argued that with RDF the overall data integration effort can be “split between data publishers, third parties, and the data consumer”, a claim that can be substantiated by observing the evolution of many large data sets constituting the LOD cloud. As written in the acknowledgement section, parts of this thesis has received numerous feedback from other scientists, practitioners and industry in many different ways. The main contributions of this thesis are summarized here: Part I – Introduction and Background. During his keynote at the Language Resource and Evaluation Conference in 2012, Sören Auer stressed the decentralized, collaborative, interlinked and interoperable nature of the Web of Data. The keynote provides strong evidence that Semantic Web technologies such as Linked Data are on its way to become main stream for the representation of language resources. The jointly written companion publication for the keynote was later extended as a book chapter in The People’s Web Meets NLP and serves as the basis for “Introduction” and “Background”, outlining some stages of the Linked Data publication and refinement chain. Both chapters stress the importance of open licenses and open access as an enabler for collaboration, the ability to interlink data on the Web as a key feature of RDF as well as provide a discussion about scalability issues and decentralization. Furthermore, we elaborate on how conceptual interoperability can be achieved by (1) re-using vocabularies, (2) agile ontology development, (3) meetings to refine and adapt ontologies and (4) tool support to enrich ontologies and match schemata. Part II - Language Resources as Linked Data. “Linked Data in Linguistics” and “NLP & DBpedia, an Upward Knowledge Acquisition Spiral” summarize the results of the Linked Data in Linguistics (LDL) Workshop in 2012 and the NLP & DBpedia Workshop in 2013 and give a preview of the MLOD special issue. In total, five proceedings – three published at CEUR (OKCon 2011, WoLE 2012, NLP & DBpedia 2013), one Springer book (Linked Data in Linguistics, LDL 2012) and one journal special issue (Multilingual Linked Open Data, MLOD to appear) – have been (co-)edited to create incentives for scientists to convert and publish Linked Data and thus to contribute open and/or linguistic data to the LOD cloud. Based on the disseminated call for papers, 152 authors contributed one or more accepted submissions to our venues and 120 reviewers were involved in peer-reviewing. “DBpedia as a Multilingual Language Resource” and “Leveraging the Crowdsourcing of Lexical Resources for Bootstrapping a Linguistic Linked Data Cloud” contain this thesis’ contribution to the DBpedia Project in order to further increase the size and inter-linkage of the LOD Cloud with lexical-semantic resources. Our contribution comprises extracted data from Wiktionary (an online, collaborative dictionary similar to Wikipedia) in more than four languages (now six) as well as language-specific versions of DBpedia, including a quality assessment of inter-language links between Wikipedia editions and internationalized content negotiation rules for Linked Data. In particular the work described in created the foundation for a DBpedia Internationalisation Committee with members from over 15 different languages with the common goal to push DBpedia as a free and open multilingual language resource. Part III - The NLP Interchange Format (NIF). “NIF 2.0 Core Specification”, “NIF 2.0 Resources and Architecture” and “Evaluation and Related Work” constitute one of the main contribution of this thesis. The NLP Interchange Format (NIF) is an RDF/OWL-based format that aims to achieve interoperability between Natural Language Processing (NLP) tools, language resources and annotations. The core specification is included in and describes which URI schemes and RDF vocabularies must be used for (parts of) natural language texts and annotations in order to create an RDF/OWL-based interoperability layer with NIF built upon Unicode Code Points in Normal Form C. In , classes and properties of the NIF Core Ontology are described to formally define the relations between text, substrings and their URI schemes. contains the evaluation of NIF. In a questionnaire, we asked questions to 13 developers using NIF. UIMA, GATE and Stanbol are extensible NLP frameworks and NIF was not yet able to provide off-the-shelf NLP domain ontologies for all possible domains, but only for the plugins used in this study. After inspecting the software, the developers agreed however that NIF is adequate enough to provide a generic RDF output based on NIF using literal objects for annotations. All developers were able to map the internal data structure to NIF URIs to serialize RDF output (Adequacy). The development effort in hours (ranging between 3 and 40 hours) as well as the number of code lines (ranging between 110 and 445) suggest, that the implementation of NIF wrappers is easy and fast for an average developer. Furthermore the evaluation contains a comparison to other formats and an evaluation of the available URI schemes for web annotation. In order to collect input from the wide group of stakeholders, a total of 16 presentations were given with extensive discussions and feedback, which has lead to a constant improvement of NIF from 2010 until 2013. After the release of NIF (Version 1.0) in November 2011, a total of 32 vocabulary employments and implementations for different NLP tools and converters were reported (8 by the (co-)authors, including Wiki-link corpus, 13 by people participating in our survey and 11 more, of which we have heard). Several roll-out meetings and tutorials were held (e.g. in Leipzig and Prague in 2013) and are planned (e.g. at LREC 2014). Part IV - The NLP Interchange Format in Use. “Use Cases and Applications for NIF” and “Publication of Corpora using NIF” describe 8 concrete instances where NIF has been successfully used. One major contribution in is the usage of NIF as the recommended RDF mapping in the Internationalization Tag Set (ITS) 2.0 W3C standard and the conversion algorithms from ITS to NIF and back. One outcome of the discussions in the standardization meetings and telephone conferences for ITS 2.0 resulted in the conclusion there was no alternative RDF format or vocabulary other than NIF with the required features to fulfill the working group charter. Five further uses of NIF are described for the Ontology of Linguistic Annotations (OLiA), the RDFaCE tool, the Tiger Corpus Navigator, the OntosFeeder and visualisations of NIF using the RelFinder tool. These 8 instances provide an implemented proof-of-concept of the features of NIF. starts with describing the conversion and hosting of the huge Google Wikilinks corpus with 40 million annotations for 3 million web sites. The resulting RDF dump contains 477 million triples in a 5.6 GB compressed dump file in turtle syntax. describes how NIF can be used to publish extracted facts from news feeds in the RDFLiveNews tool as Linked Data. Part V - Conclusions. provides lessons learned for NIF, conclusions and an outlook on future work. Most of the contributions are already summarized above. One particular aspect worth mentioning is the increasing number of NIF-formated corpora for Named Entity Recognition (NER) that have come into existence after the publication of the main NIF paper Integrating NLP using Linked Data at ISWC 2013. These include the corpora converted by Steinmetz, Knuth and Sack for the NLP & DBpedia workshop and an OpenNLP-based CoNLL converter by Brümmer. Furthermore, we are aware of three LREC 2014 submissions that leverage NIF: NIF4OGGD - NLP Interchange Format for Open German Governmental Data, N^3 – A Collection of Datasets for Named Entity Recognition and Disambiguation in the NLP Interchange Format and Global Intelligent Content: Active Curation of Language Resources using Linked Data as well as an early implementation of a GATE-based NER/NEL evaluation framework by Dojchinovski and Kliegr. Further funding for the maintenance, interlinking and publication of Linguistic Linked Data as well as support and improvements of NIF is available via the expiring LOD2 EU project, as well as the CSA EU project called LIDER, which started in November 2013. Based on the evidence of successful adoption presented in this thesis, we can expect a decent to high chance of reaching critical mass of Linked Data technology as well as the NIF standard in the field of Natural Language Processing and Language Resources.:CONTENTS i introduction and background 1 1 introduction 3 1.1 Natural Language Processing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 1.2 Open licenses, open access and collaboration . . . . . . 5 1.3 Linked Data in Linguistics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 1.4 NLP for and by the Semantic Web – the NLP Inter- change Format (NIF) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 1.5 Requirements for NLP Integration . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 1.6 Overview and Contributions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 2 background 15 2.1 The Working Group on Open Data in Linguistics (OWLG) 15 2.1.1 The Open Knowledge Foundation . . . . . . . . 15 2.1.2 Goals of the Open Linguistics Working Group . 16 2.1.3 Open linguistics resources, problems and chal- lenges . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17 2.1.4 Recent activities and on-going developments . . 18 2.2 Technological Background . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18 2.3 RDF as a data model . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21 2.4 Performance and scalability . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22 2.5 Conceptual interoperability . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22 ii language resources as linked data 25 3 linked data in linguistics 27 3.1 Lexical Resources . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29 3.2 Linguistic Corpora . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30 3.3 Linguistic Knowledgebases . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31 3.4 Towards a Linguistic Linked Open Data Cloud . . . . . 32 3.5 State of the Linguistic Linked Open Data Cloud in 2012 33 3.6 Querying linked resources in the LLOD . . . . . . . . . 36 3.6.1 Enriching metadata repositories with linguistic features (Glottolog → OLiA) . . . . . . . . . . . 36 3.6.2 Enriching lexical-semantic resources with lin- guistic information (DBpedia (→ POWLA) → OLiA) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38 4 DBpedia as a multilingual language resource: the case of the greek dbpedia edition. 39 4.1 Current state of the internationalization effort . . . . . 40 4.2 Language-specific design of DBpedia resource identifiers 41 4.3 Inter-DBpedia linking . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42 4.4 Outlook on DBpedia Internationalization . . . . . . . . 44 5 leveraging the crowdsourcing of lexical resources for bootstrapping a linguistic linked data cloud 47 5.1 Related Work . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48 5.2 Problem Description . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50 5.2.1 Processing Wiki Syntax . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50 5.2.2 Wiktionary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52 5.2.3 Wiki-scale Data Extraction . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53 5.3 Design and Implementation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 54 5.3.1 Extraction Templates . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 56 5.3.2 Algorithm . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 56 5.3.3 Language Mapping . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 58 5.3.4 Schema Mediation by Annotation with lemon . 58 5.4 Resulting Data . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 58 5.5 Lessons Learned . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 60 5.6 Discussion and Future Work . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 60 5.6.1 Next Steps . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 61 5.6.2 Open Research Questions . . . . . . . . . . . . . 61 6 nlp & dbpedia, an upward knowledge acquisition spiral 63 6.1 Knowledge acquisition and structuring . . . . . . . . . 64 6.2 Representation of knowledge . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 65 6.3 NLP tasks and applications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 65 6.3.1 Named Entity Recognition . . . . . . . . . . . . 66 6.3.2 Relation extraction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 67 6.3.3 Question Answering over Linked Data . . . . . 67 6.4 Resources . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 68 6.4.1 Gold and silver standards . . . . . . . . . . . . . 69 6.5 Summary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 70 iii the nlp interchange format (nif) 73 7 nif 2.0 core specification 75 7.1 Conformance checklist . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 75 7.2 Creation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 76 7.2.1 Definition of Strings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 78 7.2.2 Representation of Document Content with the nif:Context Class . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 80 7.3 Extension of NIF . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 82 7.3.1 Part of Speech Tagging with OLiA . . . . . . . . 83 7.3.2 Named Entity Recognition with ITS 2.0, DBpe- dia and NERD . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 84 7.3.3 lemon and Wiktionary2RDF . . . . . . . . . . . 86 8 nif 2.0 resources and architecture 89 8.1 NIF Core Ontology . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 89 8.1.1 Logical Modules . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 90 8.2 Workflows . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 91 8.2.1 Access via REST Services . . . . . . . . . . . . . 92 8.2.2 NIF Combinator Demo . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 92 8.3 Granularity Profiles . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 93 8.4 Further URI Schemes for NIF . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 95 8.4.1 Context-Hash-based URIs . . . . . . . . . . . . . 99 9 evaluation and related work 101 9.1 Questionnaire and Developers Study for NIF 1.0 . . . . 101 9.2 Qualitative Comparison with other Frameworks and Formats . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 102 9.3 URI Stability Evaluation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 103 9.4 Related URI Schemes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 104 iv the nlp interchange format in use 109 10 use cases and applications for nif 111 10.1 Internationalization Tag Set 2.0 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 111 10.1.1 ITS2NIF and NIF2ITS conversion . . . . . . . . . 112 10.2 OLiA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 119 10.3 RDFaCE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 120 10.4 Tiger Corpus Navigator . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 121 10.4.1 Tools and Resources . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 122 10.4.2 NLP2RDF in 2010 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 123 10.4.3 Linguistic Ontologies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 124 10.4.4 Implementation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 125 10.4.5 Evaluation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 126 10.4.6 Related Work and Outlook . . . . . . . . . . . . 129 10.5 OntosFeeder – a Versatile Semantic Context Provider for Web Content Authoring . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 131 10.5.1 Feature Description and User Interface Walk- through . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 132 10.5.2 Architecture . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 134 10.5.3 Embedding Metadata . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 135 10.5.4 Related Work and Summary . . . . . . . . . . . 135 10.6 RelFinder: Revealing Relationships in RDF Knowledge Bases . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 136 10.6.1 Implementation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 137 10.6.2 Disambiguation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 138 10.6.3 Searching for Relationships . . . . . . . . . . . . 139 10.6.4 Graph Visualization . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 140 10.6.5 Conclusion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 141 11 publication of corpora using nif 143 11.1 Wikilinks Corpus . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 143 11.1.1 Description of the corpus . . . . . . . . . . . . . 143 11.1.2 Quantitative Analysis with Google Wikilinks Cor- pus . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 144 11.2 RDFLiveNews . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 144 11.2.1 Overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 145 11.2.2 Mapping to RDF and Publication on the Web of Data . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 146 v conclusions 149 12 lessons learned, conclusions and future work 151 12.1 Lessons Learned for NIF . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 151 12.2 Conclusions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 151 12.3 Future Work . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 153

Integrating Natural Language Processing (NLP) and Language Resources Using Linked Data

Hellmann, Sebastian 12 January 2015 (has links) (PDF)
This thesis is a compendium of scientific works and engineering specifications that have been contributed to a large community of stakeholders to be copied, adapted, mixed, built upon and exploited in any way possible to achieve a common goal: Integrating Natural Language Processing (NLP) and Language Resources Using Linked Data The explosion of information technology in the last two decades has led to a substantial growth in quantity, diversity and complexity of web-accessible linguistic data. These resources become even more useful when linked with each other and the last few years have seen the emergence of numerous approaches in various disciplines concerned with linguistic resources and NLP tools. It is the challenge of our time to store, interlink and exploit this wealth of data accumulated in more than half a century of computational linguistics, of empirical, corpus-based study of language, and of computational lexicography in all its heterogeneity. The vision of the Giant Global Graph (GGG) was conceived by Tim Berners-Lee aiming at connecting all data on the Web and allowing to discover new relations between this openly-accessible data. This vision has been pursued by the Linked Open Data (LOD) community, where the cloud of published datasets comprises 295 data repositories and more than 30 billion RDF triples (as of September 2011). RDF is based on globally unique and accessible URIs and it was specifically designed to establish links between such URIs (or resources). This is captured in the Linked Data paradigm that postulates four rules: (1) Referred entities should be designated by URIs, (2) these URIs should be resolvable over HTTP, (3) data should be represented by means of standards such as RDF, (4) and a resource should include links to other resources. Although it is difficult to precisely identify the reasons for the success of the LOD effort, advocates generally argue that open licenses as well as open access are key enablers for the growth of such a network as they provide a strong incentive for collaboration and contribution by third parties. In his keynote at BNCOD 2011, Chris Bizer argued that with RDF the overall data integration effort can be “split between data publishers, third parties, and the data consumer”, a claim that can be substantiated by observing the evolution of many large data sets constituting the LOD cloud. As written in the acknowledgement section, parts of this thesis has received numerous feedback from other scientists, practitioners and industry in many different ways. The main contributions of this thesis are summarized here: Part I – Introduction and Background. During his keynote at the Language Resource and Evaluation Conference in 2012, Sören Auer stressed the decentralized, collaborative, interlinked and interoperable nature of the Web of Data. The keynote provides strong evidence that Semantic Web technologies such as Linked Data are on its way to become main stream for the representation of language resources. The jointly written companion publication for the keynote was later extended as a book chapter in The People’s Web Meets NLP and serves as the basis for “Introduction” and “Background”, outlining some stages of the Linked Data publication and refinement chain. Both chapters stress the importance of open licenses and open access as an enabler for collaboration, the ability to interlink data on the Web as a key feature of RDF as well as provide a discussion about scalability issues and decentralization. Furthermore, we elaborate on how conceptual interoperability can be achieved by (1) re-using vocabularies, (2) agile ontology development, (3) meetings to refine and adapt ontologies and (4) tool support to enrich ontologies and match schemata. Part II - Language Resources as Linked Data. “Linked Data in Linguistics” and “NLP & DBpedia, an Upward Knowledge Acquisition Spiral” summarize the results of the Linked Data in Linguistics (LDL) Workshop in 2012 and the NLP & DBpedia Workshop in 2013 and give a preview of the MLOD special issue. In total, five proceedings – three published at CEUR (OKCon 2011, WoLE 2012, NLP & DBpedia 2013), one Springer book (Linked Data in Linguistics, LDL 2012) and one journal special issue (Multilingual Linked Open Data, MLOD to appear) – have been (co-)edited to create incentives for scientists to convert and publish Linked Data and thus to contribute open and/or linguistic data to the LOD cloud. Based on the disseminated call for papers, 152 authors contributed one or more accepted submissions to our venues and 120 reviewers were involved in peer-reviewing. “DBpedia as a Multilingual Language Resource” and “Leveraging the Crowdsourcing of Lexical Resources for Bootstrapping a Linguistic Linked Data Cloud” contain this thesis’ contribution to the DBpedia Project in order to further increase the size and inter-linkage of the LOD Cloud with lexical-semantic resources. Our contribution comprises extracted data from Wiktionary (an online, collaborative dictionary similar to Wikipedia) in more than four languages (now six) as well as language-specific versions of DBpedia, including a quality assessment of inter-language links between Wikipedia editions and internationalized content negotiation rules for Linked Data. In particular the work described in created the foundation for a DBpedia Internationalisation Committee with members from over 15 different languages with the common goal to push DBpedia as a free and open multilingual language resource. Part III - The NLP Interchange Format (NIF). “NIF 2.0 Core Specification”, “NIF 2.0 Resources and Architecture” and “Evaluation and Related Work” constitute one of the main contribution of this thesis. The NLP Interchange Format (NIF) is an RDF/OWL-based format that aims to achieve interoperability between Natural Language Processing (NLP) tools, language resources and annotations. The core specification is included in and describes which URI schemes and RDF vocabularies must be used for (parts of) natural language texts and annotations in order to create an RDF/OWL-based interoperability layer with NIF built upon Unicode Code Points in Normal Form C. In , classes and properties of the NIF Core Ontology are described to formally define the relations between text, substrings and their URI schemes. contains the evaluation of NIF. In a questionnaire, we asked questions to 13 developers using NIF. UIMA, GATE and Stanbol are extensible NLP frameworks and NIF was not yet able to provide off-the-shelf NLP domain ontologies for all possible domains, but only for the plugins used in this study. After inspecting the software, the developers agreed however that NIF is adequate enough to provide a generic RDF output based on NIF using literal objects for annotations. All developers were able to map the internal data structure to NIF URIs to serialize RDF output (Adequacy). The development effort in hours (ranging between 3 and 40 hours) as well as the number of code lines (ranging between 110 and 445) suggest, that the implementation of NIF wrappers is easy and fast for an average developer. Furthermore the evaluation contains a comparison to other formats and an evaluation of the available URI schemes for web annotation. In order to collect input from the wide group of stakeholders, a total of 16 presentations were given with extensive discussions and feedback, which has lead to a constant improvement of NIF from 2010 until 2013. After the release of NIF (Version 1.0) in November 2011, a total of 32 vocabulary employments and implementations for different NLP tools and converters were reported (8 by the (co-)authors, including Wiki-link corpus, 13 by people participating in our survey and 11 more, of which we have heard). Several roll-out meetings and tutorials were held (e.g. in Leipzig and Prague in 2013) and are planned (e.g. at LREC 2014). Part IV - The NLP Interchange Format in Use. “Use Cases and Applications for NIF” and “Publication of Corpora using NIF” describe 8 concrete instances where NIF has been successfully used. One major contribution in is the usage of NIF as the recommended RDF mapping in the Internationalization Tag Set (ITS) 2.0 W3C standard and the conversion algorithms from ITS to NIF and back. One outcome of the discussions in the standardization meetings and telephone conferences for ITS 2.0 resulted in the conclusion there was no alternative RDF format or vocabulary other than NIF with the required features to fulfill the working group charter. Five further uses of NIF are described for the Ontology of Linguistic Annotations (OLiA), the RDFaCE tool, the Tiger Corpus Navigator, the OntosFeeder and visualisations of NIF using the RelFinder tool. These 8 instances provide an implemented proof-of-concept of the features of NIF. starts with describing the conversion and hosting of the huge Google Wikilinks corpus with 40 million annotations for 3 million web sites. The resulting RDF dump contains 477 million triples in a 5.6 GB compressed dump file in turtle syntax. describes how NIF can be used to publish extracted facts from news feeds in the RDFLiveNews tool as Linked Data. Part V - Conclusions. provides lessons learned for NIF, conclusions and an outlook on future work. Most of the contributions are already summarized above. One particular aspect worth mentioning is the increasing number of NIF-formated corpora for Named Entity Recognition (NER) that have come into existence after the publication of the main NIF paper Integrating NLP using Linked Data at ISWC 2013. These include the corpora converted by Steinmetz, Knuth and Sack for the NLP & DBpedia workshop and an OpenNLP-based CoNLL converter by Brümmer. Furthermore, we are aware of three LREC 2014 submissions that leverage NIF: NIF4OGGD - NLP Interchange Format for Open German Governmental Data, N^3 – A Collection of Datasets for Named Entity Recognition and Disambiguation in the NLP Interchange Format and Global Intelligent Content: Active Curation of Language Resources using Linked Data as well as an early implementation of a GATE-based NER/NEL evaluation framework by Dojchinovski and Kliegr. Further funding for the maintenance, interlinking and publication of Linguistic Linked Data as well as support and improvements of NIF is available via the expiring LOD2 EU project, as well as the CSA EU project called LIDER, which started in November 2013. Based on the evidence of successful adoption presented in this thesis, we can expect a decent to high chance of reaching critical mass of Linked Data technology as well as the NIF standard in the field of Natural Language Processing and Language Resources.

Answering Conjunctive Queries and FO+MOD Queries under Updates

Keppeler, Jens 26 June 2020 (has links)
In dieser Arbeit wird das dynamische Auswertungsproblem über dynamische Datenbanken betrachtet, bei denen Tupel hinzugefügt oder gelöscht werden können. Die Aufgabe besteht darin einen dynamischen Algorithmus zu konstruieren, welcher unmittelbar nachdem die Datenbank aktualisiert wurde, die Datenstruktur, die das Resultat repräsentiert, aktualisiert. Die Datenstruktur soll in konstanter Zeit aktualisiert werden und das Folgende unterstützen: * Teste in konstanter Zeit ob ein Tupel zur Ausgabemenge gehört, * gebe die Anzahl der Tupel in der Ausgabemenge in konstanter Zeit aus, * zähle die Tupel aus der Ausgabemenge mit konstanter Taktung auf und * zähle den Unterschied zwischen der neuen und der alten Ausgabemenge mit konstanter Taktung auf. Im ersten Teil werden konjunktive Anfragen und Vereinigungen konjunktiver Anfragen auf relationalen Datenbanken betrachtet. Die Idee der q-hierarchischen Anfragen (und t-hierarchische Anfragen für das Testen) wird eingeführt und es wird gezeigt, dass das Resultat für jede q-hierarchische Anfrage auf dynamischen Datenbanken effizient in dem oben beschriebenen Szenario ausgewertet werden können. Konjunktive Anfragen mit Aggregaten werden weiterhin betrachtet. Es wird gezeigt, dass das Lernen von polynomiellen Regressionsfunktionen in konstanter Zeit vorbereitet werden kann, falls die Trainingsdaten aus dem Anfrageergebnis kommen. Mit logarithmischer Update-Zeit kann folgende Routine unterstützt werden: Bei Eingabe einer Zahl j, gebe das j-te Tupel aus der Aufzählung aus. Im zweiten Teil werden Anfragen, die Formeln der Logik erster Stufe (FO) und deren Erweiterung mit Modulo-Zähl Quantoren (FO+MOD) sind, betrachtet, und es wird gezeigt, dass diese effizient unter Aktualisierungen ausgewertet können, wobei die dynamische Datenbank die Gradschranke nicht überschreitet, und bei der Auswertung die Zähl-, Test-, Aufzähl- und die Unterschied-Routine unterstützt werden. / This thesis investigates the query evaluation problem for fixed queries over fully dynamic databases, where tuples can be inserted or deleted. The task is to design a dynamic algorithm that immediately reports the new result of a fixed query after every database update. In particular, the goal is to construct a data structure that allows to support the following scenario. After every database update, the data structure can be updated in constant time such that afterwards we are able * to test within constant time for a given tuple whether or not it belongs to the query result, * to output the number of tuples in the query result, * to enumerate all tuples in the new query result with constant delay and * to enumerate the difference between the old and the new query result with constant delay. In the first part, conjunctive queries and unions of conjunctive queries on arbitrary relational databases are considered. The notion of q-hierarchical conjunctive queries (and t-hierarchical conjunctive queries for testing) is introduced and it is shown that the result of each such query on a dynamic database can be maintained efficiently in the sense described above. Moreover, this notion is extended to aggregate queries. It is shown that the preparation of learning a polynomial regression function can be done in constant time if the training data are taken (and maintained under updates) from the query result of a q-hierarchical query. With logarithmic update time the following routine is supported: upon input of a natural number j, output the j-th tuple that will be enumerated. In the second part, queries in first-order logic (FO) and its extension with modulo-counting quantifiers (FO+MOD) are considered, and it is shown that they can be efficiently evaluated under updates, provided that the dynamic database does not exceed a certain degree bound, and the counting, testing, enumeration and difference routines is supported.

Analysis of diurnal gene regulation and metabolic diversity in Synechocystis sp. PCC 6803 and other phototrophic cyanobacteria

Beck, Johannes Christian 21 June 2018 (has links)
Cyanobakterien sind meist photoautotroph lebende Prokaryoten, welche nahezu alle Biotope der Welt besiedeln. Sie gehören zu den wichtigsten Produzenten der weltweiten Nahrungskette. Um sich auf den täglichen Wechsel von Tag und Nacht einzustellen, besitzen Cyanobakterien eine innere Uhr, bestehend aus den Proteinen KaiA, KaiB und KaiC, deren biochemische Interaktionen zu einem 24-stündigen Rhythmus von Phosphorylierung und Dephosphorylierung führen. Die circadiane Genexpression im Modellorganismus Synechocystis sp. PCC 6803 habe ich mittels drei verschiedener Zeitserienexperimente untersucht, wobei ich einen genauen Zeitplan der Genaktivierung in einer Tag-Nacht-Umgebung, aber keine selbsterhaltenden Rhythmen entdecken konnte. Allerdings beobachtete ich einen überaus starken Anstieg der ribosomalen RNA in der Dunkelheit. Aufgrund ihrer hohen Wachstumsraten und der geringen Anforderungen an die Umwelt bilden Cyanobakterien eine gute Grundlage für die nachhaltige Erzeugung von Biokraftstoffen, für einen industriellen Einsatz sind aber weitere Optimierung und ein verbessertes Verständnis des Metabolismus von Nöten. Hierfür habe ich die Orthologie von verschiedenen Cyanobakterien sowie die Konservierung von Genen und Stoffwechselwegen untersucht. Mit einer neu entwickelten Methode konnte ich gemeinsam vorkommende Gene identifizieren und zeigen, dass diese Gene häufig an einem gemeinsamen biologischen Prozess beteiligt sind, und damit bisher unbekannte Beziehungen aufdecken. Zusätzlich zu den diskutierten Modulen habe ich den SimilarityViewer entwickelt, ein grafisches Computerprogramm für die Identifizierung von gemeinsam vorkommenden Partnern für jedes beliebige Gen. Des Weiteren habe ich für alle Organismen automatische Rekonstruktionen des Stoffwechsels erstellt und konnte zeigen, dass diese die Synthese von gewünschten Stoffen gut vorhersagen, was hilfreich für zukünftige Forschung am Metabolismus von Cyanobakterien sein wird. / Cyanobacteria are photoautotrophic prokaryotes populating virtually all habitats on the surface of the earth. They are one of the prime producers for the global food chain. To cope with the daily alternation of light and darkness, cyanobacteria harbor a circadian clock consisting of the three proteins KaiA, KaiB, and KaiC, whose biochemical interactions result in a phosphorylation cycle with a period of approximately 24 hours. I conducted three time-series experiments in the model organism Synechocystis sp. PCC 6803, which revealed a tight diurnal schedule of gene activation. However, I could not identify any self-sustained oscillations. On the contrary, I observed strong diurnal accumulation of ribosomal RNAs during dark periods, which challenges common assumptions on the amount of ribosomal RNAs. Due to their high growth rates and low demand on their environment, cyanobacteria emerged as a viable option for sustainable production of biofuels. For an industrialized production, however, optimization of growth and comprehensive knowledge of the cyanobacterial metabolism is inevitable. To address this issue, I analyzed the orthology of multiple cyanobacteria and studied the conservation of genes and metabolic pathways. Systematic analysis of genes shared by similar subsets of organisms indicates high rates of functional relationship in such co-occurring genes. I designed a novel approach to identify modules of co-occurring genes, which exhibit a high degree of functional coherence and reveal unknown functional relationships between genes. Complementing the precomputed modules, I developed the SimilarityViewer, a graphical toolbox that facilitates further analysis of co-occurrence with respect to specific cyanobacterial genes of interest. Simulations of automatically generated metabolic reconstructions revealed the biosynthetic capacities of individual cyanobacterial strains, which will assist future research addressing metabolic engineering of cyanobacteria.

Quantitative Modeling and Verification of Evolving Software

Getir Yaman, Sinem 15 September 2021 (has links)
Mit der steigenden Nachfrage nach Innovationen spielt Software in verschiedenenWirtschaftsbereichen eine wichtige Rolle, wie z.B. in der Automobilindustrie, bei intelligenten Systemen als auch bei Kommunikationssystemen. Daher ist die Qualität für die Softwareentwicklung von großer Bedeutung. Allerdings ändern sich die probabilistische Modelle (die Qualitätsbewertungsmodelle) angesichts der dynamischen Natur moderner Softwaresysteme. Dies führt dazu, dass ihre Übergangswahrscheinlichkeiten im Laufe der Zeit schwanken, welches zu erheblichen Problemen führt. Dahingehend werden probabilistische Modelle im Hinblick auf ihre Laufzeit kontinuierlich aktualisiert. Eine fortdauernde Neubewertung komplexer Wahrscheinlichkeitsmodelle ist jedoch teuer. In letzter Zeit haben sich inkrementelle Ansätze als vielversprechend für die Verifikation von adaptiven Systemen erwiesen. Trotzdem wurden bei der Bewertung struktureller Änderungen im Modell noch keine wesentlichen Verbesserungen erzielt. Wahrscheinlichkeitssysteme werden als Automaten modelliert, wie bei Markov-Modellen. Solche Modelle können in Matrixform dargestellt werden, um die Gleichungen basierend auf Zuständen und Übergangswahrscheinlichkeiten zu lösen. Laufzeitmodelle wie Matrizen sind nicht signifikant, um die Auswirkungen von Modellveränderungen erkennen zu können. In dieser Arbeit wird ein Framework unter Verwendung stochastischer Bäume mit regulären Ausdrücken entwickelt, welches modular aufgebaut ist und eine aktionshaltige sowie probabilistische Logik im Kontext der Modellprüfung aufweist. Ein solches modulares Framework ermöglicht dem Menschen die Entwicklung der Änderungsoperationen für die inkrementelle Berechnung lokaler Änderungen, die im Modell auftreten können. Darüber hinaus werden probabilistische Änderungsmuster beschrieben, um eine effiziente inkrementelle Verifizierung, unter Verwendung von Bäumen mit regulären Ausdrücken, anwenden zu können. Durch die Bewertung der Ergebnisse wird der Vorgang abgeschlossen. / Software plays an innovative role in many different domains, such as car industry, autonomous and smart systems, and communication. Hence, the quality of the software is of utmost importance and needs to be properly addressed during software evolution. Several approaches have been developed to evaluate systems’ quality attributes, such as reliability, safety, and performance of software. Due to the dynamic nature of modern software systems, probabilistic models representing the quality of the software and their transition probabilities change over time and fluctuate, leading to a significant problem that needs to be solved to obtain correct evaluation results of quantitative properties. Probabilistic models need to be continually updated at run-time to solve this issue. However, continuous re-evaluation of complex probabilistic models is expensive. Recently, incremental approaches have been found to be promising for the verification of evolving and self-adaptive systems. Nevertheless, substantial improvements have not yet been achieved for evaluating structural changes in the model. Probabilistic systems are usually represented in a matrix form to solve the equations based on states and transition probabilities. On the other side, evolutionary changes can create various effects on theese models and force them to re-verify the whole system. Run-time models, such as matrices or graph representations, lack the expressiveness to identify the change effect on the model. In this thesis, we develop a framework using stochastic regular expression trees, which are modular, with action-based probabilistic logic in the model checking context. Such a modular framework enables us to develop change operations for the incremental computation of local changes that can occur in the model. Furthermore, we describe probabilistic change patterns to apply efficient incremental quantitative verification using stochastic regular expression trees and evaluate our results.

Development and Renewal of Organizational Capabilities with Business Process Technologies through Turbulent Environments / A Resource-Based Perspective

Pfahlsberger, Lukas 16 January 2024 (has links)
Geschäftsprozesstechnologien unterstützen dabei, operative Tätigkeiten effizienter und effektiver durchzuführen. In einem sich dynamisch verändernden Umfeld wird es für Organisationen essenziell, diese Technologien gezielt einzusetzen, um durch schnelle Anpassung weiterhin wettbewerbsfähig zu bleiben. Die derzeitige Forschung hat bisher keine Antwort darauf gefunden, wie Organisationen dies trotz ständig wechselnder Umfeldbedingungen und fortschreitender organisationaler Reife durch gezielte Ressourcenallokation erreichen können. Diese Dissertation adressiert diese Forschungslücke, indem untersucht wird, wie organisationale Fähigkeiten mithilfe von Geschäftsprozesstechnologien innerhalb dynamischer Umfelder ausgebildet und erneuert werden können. / Business process technologies help to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of day-to-day operations. Organizations face the challenge of leveraging these technologies to quickly adapt business processes accordingly to cope with different levels of environmental turbulence. From prior research, we know how organizations apply business process technologies and how they affect performance. We do not fully understand how organizations orchestrate related resources based on changing environmental conditions and evolving organizational maturity. This dissertation addresses this research problem and presents research on how to develop and renew organizational capabilities with business process technologies through turbulent environments.

Wireless Networking in Future Factories: Protocol Design and Evaluation Strategies

Naumann, Roman 17 January 2020 (has links)
Industrie-4.0 bringt eine wachsende Nachfrage an Netzwerkprotokollen mit sich, die es erlauben, Informationen vom Produktionsprozess einzelner Maschinen zu erfassen und verfügbar zu machen. Drahtlose Übertragung erfüllt hierbei die für industrielle Anwendungen benötigte Flexibilität, kann in herausfordernden Industrieumgebungen aber nicht immer zeitnahe und zuverlässige Übertragung gewährleisten. Die Beiträge dieser Arbeit behandeln schwerpunktmäßig Protokollentwurf und Protokollevaluation für industrielle Anwendungsfälle. Zunächst identifizieren wir Anforderungen für den industriellen Anwendungsfall und leiten daraus konkrete Entwufskriterien ab, die Protokolle erfüllen sollten. Anschließend schlagen wir Protokollmechanismen vor, die jene Entwurfskriterien für unterschiedliche Arten von Protokollen umsetzen, und die in verschiedenem Maße kompatibel zu existierenden Netzwerken und existierender Hardware sind: Wir zeigen, wie anwendungsfallspezifische Priorisierung von Netzwerkdaten dabei hilft, zuverlässige Übertragung auch unter starken Störeinflüssen zu gewährleisten, indem zunächst eine akkurate Vorschau von Prozessinformationen übertragen wird. Für deren Fehler leiten wir präziser Schranken her. Ferner zeigen wir, dass die Fairness zwischen einzelnen Maschinen durch Veränderung von Warteschlangen verbessert werden kann, wobei hier ein Teil der Algorithmen von Knoten innerhalb des Netzwerks durchgeführt wird. Ferner zeigen wir, wie Network-Coding zu unserem Anwendungsfall beitragen kann, indem wir spezialisierte Kodierungs- und Dekodierungsverfahren einführen. Zuletzt stellen wir eine neuartige Softwarearchitektur und Evaluationstechnik vor, die es erlaubt, potentiell proprietäre Protokollimplementierungen innerhalb moderner diskreter Ereignissimulatoren zu verwenden. Wir zeigen, dass unser vorgeschlagener Ansatz ausreichend performant für praktische Anwendungen ist und, darüber hinaus, die Validität von Evaluationsergebnissen gegenüber existierenden Ansätzen verbessert. / As smart factory trends gain momentum, there is a growing need for robust information transmission protocols that make available sensor information gathered by individual machines. Wireless transmission provides the required flexibility for industry adoption but poses challenges for timely and reliable information delivery in challenging industrial environments. This work focuses on to protocol design and evaluation aspects for industrial applications. We first introduce the industrial use case, identify requirements and derive concrete design principles that protocols should implement. We then propose mechanisms that implement these principles for different types of protocols, which retain compatibility with existing networks and hardware to varying degrees: we show that use-case tailored prioritization at the source is a powerful tool to implement robustness against challenged connectivity by conveying an accurate preview of information from the production process. We also derive precise bounds for the quality of that preview. Moving parts of the computational work into the network, we show that reordering queues in accordance with our prioritization scheme improves fairness among machines. We also demonstrate that network coding can benefit our use case by introducing specialized encoding and decoding mechanisms. Last, we propose a novel architecture and evaluation techniques that allows incorporating possibly proprietary networking protocol implementations with modern discrete event network simulators, rendering, among others, the adaption of protocols to specific industrial use cases more cost efficient. We demonstrate that our approach provides sufficient performance and improves the validity of evaluation results over the state of the art.

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