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My Journey, Our Journey, Their Journey: The ‘Say-Walahi’ GenerationIlmi, Ahmed 11 December 2009 (has links)
The aim of the study is to look at the social formative processes of the Somali-Canadian youths, known as the ‘say-wallahi’ generation, go through. My research primarily focuses on how I learned to survive as a racialized person in the White Canadian nation space by holding onto my Somali identity, and how my journey diverges and converges with Somali-Canadian youth. First, I examine how the media socially constructed the Somali identity through a colonial gaze in a Toronto Life article. Secondly, I narrate some of my own schooling experiences for they speak to the deep psychological and spiritual scars that I embody as a racialized Somali. Especially, my interest is to show how instrumental Somali dhaqan was to my survival of the colonial/racializing gaze. Finally, I stress the importance of and the need for Somali youth to engage in de-colonizing/ de-racialization processes that encompasses their re-discovery of their indigenous Somaliness.
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My Journey, Our Journey, Their Journey: The ‘Say-Walahi’ GenerationIlmi, Ahmed 11 December 2009 (has links)
The aim of the study is to look at the social formative processes of the Somali-Canadian youths, known as the ‘say-wallahi’ generation, go through. My research primarily focuses on how I learned to survive as a racialized person in the White Canadian nation space by holding onto my Somali identity, and how my journey diverges and converges with Somali-Canadian youth. First, I examine how the media socially constructed the Somali identity through a colonial gaze in a Toronto Life article. Secondly, I narrate some of my own schooling experiences for they speak to the deep psychological and spiritual scars that I embody as a racialized Somali. Especially, my interest is to show how instrumental Somali dhaqan was to my survival of the colonial/racializing gaze. Finally, I stress the importance of and the need for Somali youth to engage in de-colonizing/ de-racialization processes that encompasses their re-discovery of their indigenous Somaliness.
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Evaluating educational value in museum exhibitions: establishing an evaluation process for the Negro Leagues Baseball MuseumDoswell, Raymond January 1900 (has links)
Doctor of Education / Department of Educational Leadership / Gerald D. Bailey / The role and function of museums in education has been debated along several lines of inquiry. For the majority of museum institutions, the most vital, consistent audience they have comes from the public and private schools in their communities. This is critical for museums trying to maintain relevancy in the national education climate that has increased emphasis on curriculum and testing standards.
Founded in 1990, the Negro Leagues Baseball Museum (NLBM) in Kansas City, Missouri has preserved and taught African American baseball history from the late 1800s through the 1960s. Although the museum had received positive commentary from visitors, and well received attention from the international press, it had not undergone any major changes to its design since it opened its permanent facility in 1997. Of chief concern to the museum was its ability to attract school age learners with their teachers to the institution. The museum had a number of layers by which it presented historical information and each layer needed some level of evaluation. There were a number of informative examples of museum evaluation and assessment available for review, but no tool or model existed specifically designed to assist museums in evaluating exhibition content for educational value.
This study reports on methods by which the Negro Leagues Baseball Museum (NLBM) could improve and enhance exhibitions. It explored the current trends and scholarship involving museums and education, museum exhibition evaluation, and Negro Leagues historical scholarship. A multi-step research processed evolved for use in the study, featuring detailed literature reviews and interviews from educators, historians, museum professionals, and a grant awarding foundation expert. This study targets museum professionals responsible for interpretation and creation of exhibitions, including curatorial staff and museum educators. The study also informs other museum leaders regarding the process by which high quality educational material is created for the museum environment.
A set of important themes and evaluation questions were formed as a result of the interviews and literature review. The study offered critical thinking questions for the evaluation process and suggests recommendations for implementation. The study also implies action plan strategies for implementation of an evaluation process.
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Les esclaves révolutionnaires : étude du discours historien sur l'agentivité des esclaves à l'ère des révolutionsSarobe, Alexandre 04 1900 (has links)
Depuis les années 1960, l’histoire de l’esclavage et celle des Révolutions atlantiques se sont taillé une place de conséquence sur la scène historiographique. Ces développements ont eu un effet bénéfique sur la représentation des populations d’origine africaine dans la littérature historique, contribuant notamment à remettre sur la carte la Révolution haïtienne à partir des années 1990-2000. Ce mémoire a pour objet de se pencher sur un certain nombre de travaux sur les différentes révolutions des Amériques, soit l’américaine, l’haïtienne et les sud-américaines, afin d’étudier la place changeante que les historien.ne.s accordent à l’agentivité des Noir.e.s surtout esclaves. Le premier chapitre suit l’évolution de cette historiographie à travers une étude sérielle de la bibliographie mobilisée par Aline Helg dans Plus jamais esclaves!, avant d’aborder les ouvrages pionniers d’Anna Julia Cooper et de C.L.R. James et une sorte de préhistoire de la notion de révolution atlantique. Le second chapitre s’intéresse quant à lui à une sélection de recherches ciblant individuellement les différentes révolutions des Amériques pour y observer le traitement du rôle des esclaves. Le dernier porte pour sa part sur le traitement de l’agentivité des esclaves dans quatre ouvrages de synthèse publiés entre 1988 et 2016 et accordant une place plus ou moins large aux différentes révolutions américaines. / Since the 1960s, the history of slavery and that of the Atlantic Revolutions have
carved out a significant place in the historiography. These developments have had a
beneficial effect on the representation of populations of African origin in the historical
literature, contributing in particular to putting the Haitian Revolution back on the map in
the 1990s and 2000s. The purpose of this thesis is to examine a few works on the various
revolutions of the Americas, namely the American, the Haitian and the South American,
in order to study the changing importance that historians attribute to the agency of black
people, and principally to slaves. The first chapter follows the evolution of this
historiography by submitting to serial analysis the bibliography assembled by Aline Helg
in Slaves No More!, before examining the pioneering works of Anna Julia Cooper and
C.L.R. James and a sort of prehistory of the notion of the Atlantic revolution. The second
chapter focuses on a selection of work individually targeting the different revolutions of
the Americas, in order to observe the treatment of slaves’ roles. The last deals with the
treatment of the agency of slaves in four surveys published between 1988 and 2016
covering summarily or in detail the various American revolutions.
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“Many of them are among my best men”: The United States Navy looks at its African American crewmen, 1755-1955Davis, Michael Shawn January 1900 (has links)
Doctor of Philosophy / Department of History / Mark P. Parillo / ABSTRACT
Historians of the integration of the American military and African American military participation have argued that the post-World War II period was the critical period for the integration of the U.S. Navy. This dissertation argues that World War II was “the” critical period for the integration of the Navy because, in addition to forcing the Navy to change its racial policy, the war altered the Navy’s attitudes towards its African American personnel.
African Americans have a long history in the U.S. Navy. In the period between the French and Indian War and the Civil War, African Americans served in the Navy because whites would not. This is especially true of the peacetime service, where conditions, pay, and discipline dissuaded most whites from enlisting.
During the Civil War, a substantial number of escaped slaves and other African Americans served. Reliance on racially integrated crews survived beyond the Civil War and the abolition of slavery, only to succumb to the principle of “separate but equal,” validated by the Supreme Court in the Plessy case (1896). As racial segregation took hold and the era of “Jim Crow” began, the Navy separated the races, a task completed by the time America entered World War I. The Navy paid the price in lost efficiency to maintain the policy. After the war, the Navy chose to accept African Americans solely for duty as messmen and stewards.
Matters changed in World War II. The Navy eventually lifted its restrictions on African American enlistment and promotions, commissioned its first African American officers, and finally committed itself to a program of integration. The increased interaction between whites and African Americans had also led to white officers and policymakers re-assessing the value of African American sailors, a crucial sine qua non for the actualization of integration in the postwar years.
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Débats contemporains dans l’historiographie de la Révolution haïtienneGrou, Élizabeth 09 1900 (has links)
L’historiographie de la Révolution haïtienne est en plein essor depuis les vingt dernières années. Il existe désormais un large éventail d’interprétations sur les événements qui mènent à la création d’Haïti. L’objet de ce mémoire est d’exposer différentes perspectives sur des questions qui demeurent cruciales dans l’historiographie contemporaine. Le mémoire est divisé en trois sections. Chacun des chapitres développe une problématique particulière de l’historiographie en mettant en parallèle les conclusions de différents chercheurs. Le premier chapitre est consacré au thème de la transformation de la révolte en révolution. Ensuite, il sera question de l'impact de la Révolution haïtienne sur l'histoire de l'esclavage dans le monde atlantique. Pour conclure, la dichotomie entre l’absence de longue date de la Révolution haïtienne dans l’historiographie occidentale et l’attention qu’elle reçoit aujourd’hui sera examinée dans le troisième chapitre. Aujourd’hui, la réécriture de la Révolution haïtienne est très populaire et attire des chercheurs de différents milieux. C’est dans ce contexte que ce mémoire présente une mise en perspective des principaux débats idéologiques de l’historiographie de la Révolution haïtienne depuis les années quatre-vingt-dix. / The historiography of the Haitian Revolution has flourished over the last twenty years. A wide range of interpretations of the events that lead to the creation of Haiti now exist. The purpose of this thesis is to assess different perspectives on issues central to the contemporary historiography. The thesis is divided into three sections. Each chapter develops a particular problem in the historiography by exploring the findings of various researchers. In the first chapter, the theme of the transformation of the revolt in revolution will be studied. Then, we will analyse how researchers assess the impact of the Haitian Revolution on the history of slavery in the Atlantic world. To conclude, the dichotomy between the longstanding absence of the Haitian Revolution in the Western historiography and the attention it receives today will be discussed in the third chapter. Today, the Haitian Revolution draws a great amount of attention from researchers from different backgrounds. It is in this context that this thesis presents a perspective of the major ideological debates in the historiography of the Haitian Revolution since the 1990s.
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Between pragmatism and the defence of a “Sister State” : the national association for the advancement of colored people and the U.S. occupation of Haiti, 1915-1922Belony, Lyns-Virginie 08 1900 (has links)
À l’origine, la nouvelle concernant l’occupation américaine d’Haïti en 1915 a suscité peu d’indignation aux États-Unis. En effet, on reproche à la république son instabilité politique et on juge aussi qu’une intervention américaine concourrait à l’édifice de l’autorité de la loi. À partir de 1915 et surtout en 1920, l’Association nationale pour l’avancement des gens de couleur (NAACP), fondée en 1909, critique cette ingérence et milite pour y voir un terme. W.E. B. Du Bois et James Weldon Johnson, deux figures publiques noires importantes travaillant au sein de l’organisation, dénoncent avec conviction l’occupation d’Haïti. Les historiens ont jusqu’ici jugé que la NAACP fut inspirée par des considérations de solidarité raciale en adhérant à la cause de la souveraineté haïtienne. Si la thèse présente ne réfute pas cette possibilité, elle cherche tout de même à démontrer que le cadre conceptuel de la solidarité raciale ne saurait illustrer toute la complexité de la campagne haïtienne érigée par la NAACP. Par conséquent, une attention dirigée davantage sur le contexte social et politique américain entre 1915 et 1922 révèle que pour la NAACP, la dénonciation de l’occupation américaine d’Haïti représentait d’une part une opportunité de discuter des problèmes sociaux touchant les Afro-Américains, et d’autre part, une occasion de renforcer sa position aux États-Unis. / Initially, the news of the U.S. occupation of Haiti in 1915 generated little concern in the United States. Indeed, Haiti’s political instability made it such that a U.S. intervention seemed unavoidable. As of 1915 and especially 1920, the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP), founded in 1909, denounced the U.S. interference in the Caribbean island. W.E.B. Du Bois and James Weldon Johnson, two of the association’s most influential black members, were deeply invested in condemning the U.S. occupation of Haiti. Historiographical tendencies have long located the NAACP’s engagement with Haiti in a conversation about black solidarity, but have failed to adequately consider the local politics that may have inspired the NAACP’s work. While this thesis does not refute the importance of black solidarity, it does recognise the limits of this conceptual approach in trying to explain the complexity of the NAACP’s work on the behalf of Haiti’s sovereignty. Placing more attention on the social and political context in the United States between 1915 and 1922 reveals that the NAACP utilised the occupation of Haiti as a means of attracting broader attention to domestic issues affecting black Americans, but also as a means of reinforcing the organisation’s own profile in the United States.
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Débats contemporains dans l’historiographie de la Révolution haïtienneGrou, Élizabeth 09 1900 (has links)
L’historiographie de la Révolution haïtienne est en plein essor depuis les vingt dernières années. Il existe désormais un large éventail d’interprétations sur les événements qui mènent à la création d’Haïti. L’objet de ce mémoire est d’exposer différentes perspectives sur des questions qui demeurent cruciales dans l’historiographie contemporaine. Le mémoire est divisé en trois sections. Chacun des chapitres développe une problématique particulière de l’historiographie en mettant en parallèle les conclusions de différents chercheurs. Le premier chapitre est consacré au thème de la transformation de la révolte en révolution. Ensuite, il sera question de l'impact de la Révolution haïtienne sur l'histoire de l'esclavage dans le monde atlantique. Pour conclure, la dichotomie entre l’absence de longue date de la Révolution haïtienne dans l’historiographie occidentale et l’attention qu’elle reçoit aujourd’hui sera examinée dans le troisième chapitre. Aujourd’hui, la réécriture de la Révolution haïtienne est très populaire et attire des chercheurs de différents milieux. C’est dans ce contexte que ce mémoire présente une mise en perspective des principaux débats idéologiques de l’historiographie de la Révolution haïtienne depuis les années quatre-vingt-dix. / The historiography of the Haitian Revolution has flourished over the last twenty years. A wide range of interpretations of the events that lead to the creation of Haiti now exist. The purpose of this thesis is to assess different perspectives on issues central to the contemporary historiography. The thesis is divided into three sections. Each chapter develops a particular problem in the historiography by exploring the findings of various researchers. In the first chapter, the theme of the transformation of the revolt in revolution will be studied. Then, we will analyse how researchers assess the impact of the Haitian Revolution on the history of slavery in the Atlantic world. To conclude, the dichotomy between the longstanding absence of the Haitian Revolution in the Western historiography and the attention it receives today will be discussed in the third chapter. Today, the Haitian Revolution draws a great amount of attention from researchers from different backgrounds. It is in this context that this thesis presents a perspective of the major ideological debates in the historiography of the Haitian Revolution since the 1990s.
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“A Foolish Adventure" in a Country that went Mad: Healing Psychosocial Suffering in Post-genocide RwandaKing, Regine 20 November 2013 (has links)
There is a scarcity of programs addressing psychosocial suffering in post-genocide Rwanda. The locally-initiated models are understudied and lack legitimate support to strengthen their interventions. This study addresses this gap by exploring the Healing of Life Wounds (HLW) program and its context of implementation. HLW is a community-based program that was introduced in Rwanda in 1995 by a Rwandan, Dr. Simon Gasibirege, to facilitate mutual healing among members of the groups involved in the 1994 genocide.
Using a critical ethnographic approach, a multi-method data set was obtained from two groups of participants from two separate organizations applying HLW model. One group of twenty-three community participants from one local association shared their experiences as they participated in HLW. The other group included seven experienced HLW facilitators who provided their perceptions about using HLW from an international organization operating in Rwanda. The data also included HLW documents and reflexive notes. Dialogic performance analysis was the overarching analytical approach of the different data sets. Data collection, analysis and interpretation were guided by principles of critical theories, indigenous methodologies and narrative inquiry.
The findings indicate that healing psychosocial suffering in the post-conflict global South requires innovative approaches that critically address on-going psychosocial issues affecting the marginalized by giving them voice and working with them to integrate contextual healing techniques.
This study suggests that healing psychosocial suffering through HLW is a consciousness-raising process by which participants gain voice, acquire new understanding of issues affecting them through the sharing of personal stories, and develop mutual support and humane identities. This development contributes to individual, group and community healing. Openness and willingness to share stories of brokenness in a trustful and supportive environment enhance HLW outcomes.
The study contributes to theories of knowledge and healing practices in cross-cultural settings, and to critical interdisciplinary and transnational research.
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The Transgressive Stage: The Culture of Public Entertainment in Late Victorian TorontoErnst, Christopher 15 November 2013 (has links)
“The Transgressive Stage: The Culture of Public Entertainment in Late Victorian Toronto,” argues that public entertainment was one of the most important sites for the negotiation of identities in late Victorian Toronto. From the vantage point of the twenty-first century, where theatre is strictly highbrow, it is difficult to appreciate the centrality of public entertainment to everyday life in the nineteenth century. Simply put, the Victorian imagination was populated by melodrama and minstrelsy, Shakespeare and circuses. Studying the responses to these entertainments, greatly expands our understanding of Victorian culture.
The central argument of this dissertation is that public entertainment spilled over the threshold of the playhouse and circus tent to influence the wider world. In so doing, it radically altered the urban streetscape, interacted with political ideology, promoted trends in consumption, as well as exposed audiences to new intellectual currents about art and beauty. Specifically, this study examines the moral panic surrounding indecent theatrical advertisements; the use by political playwrights of tropes from public entertainment as a vehicle for political satire; the role of the stage in providing an outlet for Toronto’s racial curiosity; the centrality of commercial amusements in defining the boundaries of gender; and, finally, the importance of the theatre—particularly through the Aesthetic Movement—in attempts to control the city’s working class.
When Torontonians took in a play, they were also exposing themselves to one of the most significant transnational forces of the nineteenth century. British and American shows, which made up the bulk of what was on offer in the city, brought with them British and American perspectives. The latest plays from London and New York made their way to the city within months, and sometimes weeks, of their first production. These entertainments introduced audiences to the latest thoughts, fashion, slang and trends. They also confronted playgoers with issues that might, on the surface seem foreign and irrelevant. Nevertheless, they quickly adapted to the environment north of the border. Public entertainment in Toronto came to embody a hybridized culture with a promiscuous co-mingling of high and low and of British and American influences.
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