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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Human Activity Recognition and Prediction using RGBD Data

Coen, Paul Dixon 01 August 2019 (has links)
Being able to predict and recognize human activities is an essential element for us to effectively communicate with other humans during our day to day activities. A system that is able to do this has a number of appealing applications, from assistive robotics to health care and preventative medicine. Previous work in supervised video-based human activity prediction and detection fails to capture the richness of spatiotemporal data that these activities generate. Convolutional Long short-term memory (Convolutional LSTM) networks are a useful tool in analyzing this type of data, showing good results in many other areas. This thesis’ focus is on utilizing RGB-D Data to improve human activity prediction and recognition. A modified Convolutional LSTM network is introduced to do so. Experiments are performed on the network and are compared to other models in-use as well as the current state-of-the-art system. We show that our proposed model for human activity prediction and recognition outperforms the current state-of-the-art models in the CAD-120 dataset without giving bounding frames or ground-truths about objects.

La place des virus dans le monde vivant / The Place of Viruses in the Living World

Kostyrka, Gladys 29 October 2018 (has links)
Cette thèse examine les débats portant sur la place des virus dans le monde vivant. Ces débats concernent tout d’abord le problème de la nature des virus : sont-ils vivants, non vivants, ou entre vivant et non vivant ? Sont-ils des organismes ? Mais ils soulèvent également la question de la classification des virus : faut-il les classer avec les (autres) êtres vivants ? Enfin, ils portent aussi sur les rôles que pourraient avoir les virus dans les origines de la vie, dans l’évolution et dans l’écologie du monde vivant. Nous cherchons d’abord à expliquer l’existence de ces débats au 21e siècle, en étudiant les causes des désaccords entre les biologistes. Notre objectif est également de comprendre l’histoire particulière de ces débats sur les virus. En effet, ils ont été importants dans la première partie du 20e siècle, soit après la découverte des virus dans les années 1890 et avant l’élaboration d’un concept moderne de virus dans les années 1950. Mais après les années 1950, les débats semblent avoir connu un certain retrait, avant d’être ravivés au début du 21e siècle. Cela pose alors la question de la nouveauté des débats actuels : ne sont-ils pas qu’une répétition des anciennes discussions sur la place des virus dans le monde vivant ? Nous montrons ce qui fait la nouveauté de la controverse actuelle, qui se déroule alors même qu’un concept de virus a été construit et en grande partie accepté. Tout en examinant les différentes causes des désaccords entre les biologistes dans le passé et actuellement, nous soulignons en particulier le rôle des définitions dans la recherche scientifique. Enfin, nous affirmons que cette controverse n’est pas purement spéculative. / The place of viruses in the living world has been and still is intensively debated. Different problems are discussed. First, the nature of viruses is not straightforward: are they living, non-living orsomewhere in-between?Are they organisms? Moreover, their biological classification is problematic : should biologists classify viruses with (other) living entities? Finally, biologists also disagree on theputative roles of viruses in the origins of life, as well as in the evolution and ecology of the living world. My first aim is to explain the very existence of such debates in the 21st century. Through a careful examination of the historical context and of the scientific discourse, I investigate the possible causes of disagreement among the biologists. Secondly, I show the complex history of these debates. Discussions about the place of viruses in the living world were indeed very lively during the first part of the 20thcentury, after the discovery of viruses in the 1890s and before the construction of a modern concept ofvirus in the 1950s. These discussions have been revived at the beginning of the 21st century after a certain eclipse during the second part of the 20th century. This revival is in itself problematic. Is the present controversy a simple repetition of an old controversyI describe the distinctive traits of the present controversy that happens despite the fact that a concept of virus has been generally acknowledged after the 1950s. While examining the various sources of disagreements among biologists, I claim that definitions often play a critical role in scientific research. Finally, I show that this controversy is not mere speculation.

Vibration Analysis Of Pcbs And Electronic Components

Aytekin, Banu 01 April 2008 (has links) (PDF)
In this thesis, vibration analyses of electronic assemblies that consist of an electronic box, printed circuit board and electronic components are presented. A detailed vibration analysis of a real electronic assembly is performed by finite element methods and vibration tests. Effects of component addition and component modeling are investigated by finite element analysis in detail. Results are compared in order to identify the most efficient, reliable and suitable method depending on the type of problem. Experimental results for the vibration of an electronic box, PCB and components are presented and discussed. Furthermore, an analytical model that represents a printed circuit board and electronic component is suggested for fixed and simply supported boundary conditions of the PCB. Different types of electronic components are modeled analytically to observe different dynamic characteristics. The validity of the analytical model is computationally checked by comparing results with those of finite element solution.

Uremic Toxicity of Indoxyl Sulfate

Niwa, Toshimitsu 02 1900 (has links)
No description available.

DSP Based Brushless Motor Driver for Flux-Weakening Control

Shih, Fu-Tsun 08 July 2002 (has links)
The design of this thesis intends to present that 120¢X Communication and Flux-Weakening Control techniques can be successfully applied to a Digital Signal Processor (DSP) together with the hardware structure of an inverter. Experimental results are shown that utilizing IPM Motor as Drive Motor of Electric Vehicle, 120¢X Communication techniques can reduce ripple torque and maintain the stability of output torque. Furthermore, through Phase advanced control motor, it enables a higher output torque during the mid-lower speed. Using Flux-Weakening Control helps motor from higher output speed to the highest output speed. Moreover, the security of motor driver can be enhanced by designing circuit, which prevents over voltage. The function of motor driver will be better due to the decreased hardware size and increased accuracy that are the advantage of writing DSP scripts to analyze rotor speed.

Feature modeling and tomographic reconstruction of electron microscopy images

Gopinath, Ajay, 1980- 11 July 2012 (has links)
This work introduces a combination of image processing and analysis methods that perform feature extraction, shape analysis and tomographic reconstruction of Electron Microscopy images. These have been implemented on images of the AIDS virus interacting with neutralizing molecules. The AIDS virus spike is the primary target of drug design as it is directly involved in infecting host cells. First, a fully automated technique is introduced that can extract sub-volumes of the AIDS virus spike and be used to build a statistical model without the need for any user supervision. Such an automatic feature extraction method can significantly enhance the overall process of shape analysis of the AIDS virus spike imaged through the electron microscope. Accurate models of the virus spike will help in the development of better drug design strategies. Secondly, a tomographic reconstruction method implemented using a shape based regularization technique is introduced. Spatial models of known features in the structure being reconstructed are integrated into the reconstruction process as regularizers. This regularization scheme is driven locally through shape information obtained from segmentation and compared with a known spatial model. This method shows reduced blurring, and an improvement in the resolution of the reconstructed volume was also measured. It performs better than popular current techniques and can be extended to other tomographic modalities. Improved Electron Tomography reconstructions will provide better structure elucidation and improved feature visualization, which can aid in solving key biological issues. / text

Förlossningsvårdens betydelse för amningsstarten : Upplevelser och faktorer ur barnmorskans perspektiv

Ghasemi, Sepideh January 2015 (has links)
I barnmorskans kompetensområde ingår att främja tidig amningsstart och ge amningsstöd under barnets första vakenhetsperiod strax efter födelsen. Det finns evidens för att tidig amningsstart leder till helamning under en längre tidsperiod. Det är därför viktigt att den första amningen sker inom 120 minuter efter barnets födelse. Förlossningsbarnmorskans stöd i samband med den första amningen har stor betydelse för att detta ska möjliggöras. I föreliggande studie beskrivs en rad faktorer som både stör och främjar den tidiga amningsstarten. Barnmorskor har enligt sin kompetensbeskrivning samt direktiv från WHO och UNICEF ett tydligt ansvar att främja amning inom denna tidsram. Syftet med denna studie är att beskriva förlossningsbarnmorskans stödjande roll i samband med amning inom 120 minuter efter födelsen och identifiera de faktorer som upplevs påverka stödet. Sammanlagt 81 förlossningsbarnmorskor har deltagit i denna enkätstudie som analyserades med en kombinerad kvalitativ och kvantitativ metod. I resultatet framkom att förlossningsbarnmorskor prioriterar ett närvarande och informativt amningsstöd. De involverar partnern och eftersträvar att genom närvaro och dialog vara ett stödjande och stärkande stöd. Stort fokus läggs på främjandet av barnets naturliga amningsbeteende. Barnmorskorna uppmuntrar föräldrarna att vara närvarande och observanta på barnets signaler. Så långt det går undviks störande vårdrutiner och ett handgripligt amningsstöd.  Det mest framträdande i resultatet är att den pressade arbetssituationen inom förlossningsvården tvingar barnmorskor att välja mellan ett handgripligt amningsstöd eller ett uteblivet stöd. Denna resursbrist och stressiga arbetsmiljö leder i sin tur till uppgivenhet hos barnmorskor. Resultaten i denna studie föranleder diskussion kring resursbristens negativa effekter på amning ur ett långtidsperspektiv. Effekterna av en senarelagd amningsstart, ett uteblivet amningsstöd och negativ första amningsupplevelse är troligen en sjunkande amningsfrekvens. Teoretiskt sett är den rådande resursbristen inom svensk förlossningsvård ett direkt hot mot folkhälsan då en eventuell sjunkande amningsfrekvens skulle bidra till en fortsatt ökning av olika metabola sjukdomar, hjärt-kärlsjukdomar och cancer.

Black Sea Environmental Regime: Challenges And Opportunities

Istemil, Alara 01 July 2004 (has links) (PDF)
This thesis aims to analyze the Black Sea environmental regime, which consists of three main parts. The first part of the study, after a general introduction to the environmental aspect of international politics, puts forward the regime formation in the field of environment and the development of global and regional environmental policy and law for the protection of coastal and marine environments. The second part firstly describes the peculiar characteristics and the environmental problems of the Black Sea. Secondly, it analyzes the disintegrative and integrative motives behind the establishment of the regime. Lastly, the legal, institutional and financial framework of the regime together with the role of international donors in the Region are put forward. The third part identifies the challenges affecting the functioning of the regime as well as the opportunities for the future of the Black Sea. The main concern of this study is to have an insight of the Black Sea environmental regime to see whether the regime has been functioning sustainably to enable the protection of the Black Sea and the recovery of its ecosystem.

Définition du vivant et émergence de la vie : entre rupture et continuité, saisir l'originalité du vivant / Definition of living being and emergence of life : between continuity and breaks, grasping the novelty of living beings

Lechermeier, Gilbert 15 June 2015 (has links)
Comment caractériser le vivant dans le cadre scientifique tel qu'il se pratique et partant, identifier les contraintes et limites épistémiques qui rendent si délicate la théorisation d'un système matériel doté des propriétés que nous qualifions de vitales? Pour y répondre nous nous proposons de mener une enquête au coeur des propositions dedéfinitions de la vie, de leur inscription dans les thématiques qui courent tout au long de l'histoire de la pensée philosophique et scientifique. Elle introduira une analyse détaillée d'approches centrées sur des modèles théoriques du vivant, représentation globale de ces systèmes matériels originaux. / How to characterize the living beings in the scientific framework as it is practiced, and thereby, identify the constraints and epistemic limits which make tricky the theorization of a physical system which has the properties that we call vital? To answer we propose to conduct an investigation at the heart of various proposals of definitions of life, their connections with themes that runs throughout the history of philosophical and scientific thought. It will introduce a detailed analysis of some approaches centered on theoretical models of the living as global representation of these peculiar material systems.

Histoire de l'idée d'intuition intellectuelle à l'âge classique (1600-1770, France et Angleterre) / History of the idea of intellectual intuition in the early modern period (1600-1770, France and Great Britain)

Simonetta, David 02 December 2015 (has links)
Dans les Règles pour la direction de l’esprit, Descartes fonde sa première théorie de la science sur deux « actes de l’intellect » : intuitus et deductio. Au moment de définir le concept d’intuition, Descartes précise qu’il en fait un « usage nouveau », qui ne doit pas être confonduavec la signification courante qu’on lui a donnée dans les Écoles. L’exposition de ses premières découvertes scientifiques impliquerait donc une noétique différente de celle que lui ont enseignée ses maîtres jésuites. Reprenant un mot ancien, Descartes lui donne une signification neuve et un rôle inédit dans l’édifice de la connaissance humaine. Mais on n’a pas toujours compris le sens historique et philosophique de cette démarcation : de qui et de quoi Descartes entend-il se démarquer ? Et qu’y avait-il au juste de nouveau dans l’usage qu’il proposait ? Notre enquête propose de retracer l’histoire de cette idée d’intuition intellectuelle au cours de l’âge classique, chez les premiers lecteurs des Regulae, Malebranche, Locke, dans les entrées des dictionnaires et des encyclopédies du XVIIIe siècle,dans les nouveaux manuels de logique inspirés de Locke. Nous retraçons cette histoire jusqu’à ce que Kant, en 1770, semble y mettre le point final, en affirmant qu’il n’y a pas en l’homme de connaissance intuitive intellectuelle. Pourtant, et c’est tout le paradoxe, lorsque Kant formule ce constat d’échec, le mot même d’intuition s’est enfin, et pour la première fois,imposé dans le vocabulaire philosophique européen. / In the Rules for the Direction of the Mind, Descartes grounds his first theory of knowledge upon two "acts of the understanding" : intuitus and deductio. When he explains what he means by intuition, he warns the reader that he intends to make a "new use" of this word, which shall not be confused with the way the "schoolmen" understood it in the past. Descartes' first scientific discoveries seem to imply a new noetic, different from the one his Jesuit masters taught him while he was a student at La Fleche. But what, exactly, was new about the way Descartes used this ancient word ? The present inquiry is an attempt to give this question an answer, and also to trace this concept of intuition through the whole early modern period; in the works of the first readers of the Regulae (Baillet, Port-Royal, Malebranche), in the theory of knowledge of John Locke, in the dictionaries, lexicons and encyclopedias of the 18th century, in the new textbooks of Logic, inspired by Locken in some theological discussions over the nature of beatific vision.Our inquiry ends in 1770 when Kant declares that there's no such thing as "intellectual intuition" in man's mind, and that the only kind of intuition man's capable of is a sensitive one. Kant seems to put an endpoint to this chapter of European philosophy. But, on the other hand, when Kant writes this sentence, the word" intuition" has fully entered the European philosophical vocabulary, for the first time with its new meaning.

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