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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Physicalisme et qualia : limites de la rationalité scientifique au XXe siècle / Physicalism and qualia

Ciaunica, Anna 24 September 2011 (has links)
Réduit à sa plus simple expression, ce travail de recherche met face à face deux acteurs s’affrontant dans un duel philosophique : le physicalisme et l’argument de la connaissance de Franck Jackson. La question clé autour de laquelle s’agencera notre discussion ici est (1) Est-il vrai que « Tout est physique » ? Le coeur de la thèse que nous défendons peut être résumé ainsi : (T) Le clivage post-platonicien (tacite) entre les formes objectivées et les formes subjectivées de la pensée, provoque des fossés explicatifs (explicites), qui sont franchis (très souvent) via des sauts conceptuels (mystérieux), intercalés entre les étapes d’une argumentation. Il sera argumenté ici que la distribution actuelle des débats sur l’axe états physiques (objectifs) / états qualitatifs (subjectifs) subit une pression souterraine post-platonicienne. Conséquemment, une bonne partie de l’énergie des penseurs actuels est dépensée à la recherche du « bon saut » ou « crochet » conceptuel permettant d’attacher les rives du mental à celui du physique. Nous soutiendrons que le coeur du problème ne consiste pas à résoudre le différend entre les physicalistes et les avocats des qualia, mais plutôt à trouver la réponse à la question : pourquoi en sommes-nous arrivés là, i.e., à ce clivage sur l’axe phénoménal/physique ? / “Everything is physical” physicalists claim. “Everything except qualia” reply the defenders of the Knowledge Argument. This thesis argues that both parties to this debate are committed to a traditional picture according to which one can tacitly adopt the standpoint of an off-stage narrator, capable of distinguishing ab initio between the different items in this conceptual scenario. The main claim here is that every time we artificially introduce a sharp conceptual distinction separating these two items or levels (mental and physical), we must automatically make a sophisticated conceptual leap in order to link the first-person qualitative perspective with the external physical world. Thus the physicalism/qualia dispute is only a by-product of an extended theoretical conception of the mind/world link which entails two distinct kinds of problems: (i) structural problems (to define and determine conceptually dual items like thought/matter, reason/senses, subject/object, etc.). Such problems require us to question “how are these items supposed to work together?” and this leads us to the second group of problems: (ii) mediation problems. The first group of problems inevitably leads to explanatory gaps; the second ends up needing to appeal to conceptual leaps in order to ensure the necessary link between two separate items. This exerts a powerful influence over the cast of our thoughts: seen from this angle, all philosophical enterprise comes down to the question of where to place the three following parameters: the world as it is, the conceptual picture which aims to represent the world as it is and the theorist-painter gifted with the ability to capture the world picture as it is. We also face the problem of finding the right mediators to assure coherence among the members of this trio, and the problem of setting the valid criteria guaranteeing the theorist-painter that what is captured on his conceptual canvas does indeed correspond to the world as it is, i.e. that he is not laboring under the delusions of an evil genie. In this thesis I argue against this way of putting things.

Vyhodnocení vlivu otce na růstovou schopnost potomstva plemene Aberdeen Angus chovaného v režimu ekologického zemědělství

Janoš, Tomáš January 2016 (has links)
The Master´s thesis is focus on intensity of growth of Aberdeen Angus breed in organic breeding's. In thesis is observed influence of sire, year, sex and breeding on weight of descendants. The animal weights were gained from yield inspections of beef cattle. Descendants were observed in four organic breeding's which are situated in region Zlín. Influence of sire on birth weight descendants very often reach highly important differences (p < 0,01). Effect of sire on weight (at birth, 120, 210 and 365 days) was influenced by number of descendants from particular father. In individual breeding's were used different number of sires. In 2011 was manifested significant decline of birth weight (p < 0,01) on all farms and average birth weight was 35,96 +- 1,96 kg. Weights in rest of check periods mostly reached the highest values in last four years. The birth weight of all breeding's was quite equable 37,28 - 39,37 kg. At farms A (404,09 kg), B (416,18 kg) and C (416,28) was annual weights of animals over 400 kg and at farm D was the lowest annual weight of animals 336,13 kg. The weights were influenced by number of weighted animals in 365th day of life

La hiérarchie des individus biologiques : problèmes ontologiques et épistémologiques / La gerarchia di individui biologici : problemi ontologici ed epistemologici / The hierarchy of biological individuals : ontological and epistemological problems

Dieli, Anna Maria 02 February 2018 (has links)
Au cours de cette thèse on développera l'hypothèse que l'individu biologique soit une unité fonctionnelle hiérarchiquement organisée : une définition qui correspond à l'ontologie des systèmes biologiques et influence la pratique de la biologie. Le but de cette thèse est de démontrer que l'organisation des entités en niveaux n'est pas une question purement méthodologique : le fait d'avoir des Individus à plusieurs niveaux fait partie de l'ontologie des systèmes biologiques. Le point de départ de la thèse c'est le constat qu'il y a des individus biologiques à plusieurs niveaux : c'est-à-dire des entités spatio ­temporellement limitées et uniques. Même s'il y a plusieurs types de niveaux d'entités biologiques (évolutionnaires, physiologiques, moléculaires, etc. ) c'est certainement les niveaux de sélection qui occupent une grosse partie du débat. A quel niveau agit-elle la sélection et si elle est la force la plus Importante de l'histoire, est une question majeure. Ce qui caractérise la biologie est donc une complexité dynamique. Les caractéristiques de chaque entité sont influencées par celles des entités è côté. Pour cette raison, se demander quelle est l'unité de sélection n'est pas une question pertinente pour comprendre l'ontologie de systèmes biologiques. Tout d'abord, Il n'y a pas que les niveaux de sélection: réduire l'émergence des niveaux supérieurs à l'action de la sélection naturelle est une vision simpliste. Notamment, l'exemple du cancer nous conduit à considérer les niveaux fonctionnels comme importants pour la compréhension de l'ontologie des vivants. Les transitions évolutionnaires, par exemples, nous montrent que les nouvelles formes d'organisation sont caractérisées par des nouvelles fonctions. La naissance d'une organisation complexe permet de réaliser plus de fonctions. En conclusion, on peut montrer comment une définition de l'individu biologique comme unité fonctionnelle permet de réconcilier la métaphysique des sciences avec une notion de sens commun et, en même temps, d'être utile pour la pratique de la science. / One of the main problems related to the definition of individuality in biology is how to account for the hierarchical structure of nature, which has been prominently emphasized in evolutionary theory (Dobzhansky 1937; Eldredge 1985; Mayr 1963; Liebermann, Vrba 1995). Nowadays, works in several areas validate a hierarchical approach to the study of biological individuality: the debate on the units of selection, for example, springs from the idea that hierarchy is the product of evolution by natural selection. Moreover, studies on major evolutionary transitions inquiry why selection at lower levels does not disrupt integration at higher levels (Maynard Smith, Szathmary 1995). Finally, the hierarchy theory (Gould, Vrba 1986) proposes a new formulation of the Darwinian theory, ln order to overcome reductionism. Moreover, nowadays cancer, thanks to its analysis from a multi-level perspective, is increasingly considered as a pathology linked to the tissue organization more then to the cell regulation (Sonnenschein, Soto 1999). ln effect, cancer was originally considered to be a deregulation of the normal growing program of the cell. Exploring the notion of hierarchy and levels of individuals in biology has epistemological and ontological consequences. First of all, from an epistemological point of view we have to understand whether complexity is the necessary outcome of natural selection. Another problem is to understand why selection at lower levels does not disrupt integration at higher levels (Maynard Smith, Szathmary 1995, Calcott Sterelny 2011 ). A paradigmatic case in which integration between lower and higher levels is lost is cancer, in which selection acting on cells destroys tissue and organism organisation (Nowell 1976, Okasha 2006). This pathological case seems to show that biological individuals have a hierarchical organization ln which the identity of parts depends both on their interactions and on higher-level effects. Therefore, relations among levels are crucial: we need a relational ontology of levers· (Bertolaso 2013, 2016), which will allow understanding how each level ls the result of relations among underlying parts. Then, from an ontological point of view, the problem we face today in defining the most fundamental level in biological hierarchy is the same of the old metaphysical problem of defining parts and wholes. This is an ontological concern: asking what makes of an aggregate a real individual The aim of this dissertation ls to show that a definition of individual as functional unit gives reason of the hierarchical organization of living beings: it allows a contextual analysis of the individual (Goodnight). Through such a definition, we can overcome reductionism without supporting a naif pluralism.

Remoção de vermelho reativo 120 em solução aquosa usando hidroxicarbonatos de Mg-Al, Mg-Fe e Mg como sólidos sorventes

Dávila, Ivone Vanessa Jurado January 2016 (has links)
O vermelho reativo 120 é um corante sintético muito usado na indústria têxtil. Os efluentes industriais contendo este tipo de composto, podem causar importantes problemas ambientais e de saúde. O presente trabalho objetiva estudar a remoção do vermelho reativo 120 em soluções via adsorção usando três tipos de sólidos: hidrotalcita de magensio-alumunio (HDL-MgAl), magensio-ferro (HDL-MgFe) e hidroxicarbonato de magnésio (HC-Mg). Para tal, foi avaliada a influência dos parâmetros concentração de sólido sorvente (0,05-0,35 g em 100 mL) e tempo de residência (5-120 min). Foram realizados experimentos de adsorção em batelada a fim de determinar as condições operacionais mais adequadas para a remoção do corante vermelho reativo 120 nos três sólidos. Os materiais foram caracterizados por Difração de raios-X e BET. Ainda, isotermas de adsorção foram construídas. Os resultados mostram uma boa cristalização e uma estrutura entre camadas caraterísticas da estrutura das hidrotalcitas As áreas superficiais BET dos três sólidos avaliados foram de 74,8, 118,9 e 67,3 m2/g para HDL-MgAl, HDL-MgFe e HC-Mg respetivamente. A condição mais adequada para a remoção do vermelho reativo 120 foi determinada para 2,5 g.L-1 para HDL-MgAl e HC-Mg, e 2 g.L-1 para HDL-MgFe com porcentagem de remoção superiores ao 90%. Na determinação do tempo de adsorção os parâmetros usados foram concentração de 2,5 g.L-1 para HDL-MgAl e HC-Mg, e 2 g.L-1 para HDL-MgFe. Foi determinado que a condição mais adequada para a remoção do vermelho é dada em um tempo de 60 minutos para os três sólidos sorventes. As isotermas foram favoráveis para os três sólidos testados e os modelos que melhor descreveram os dados de equilíbrio do corante vermelho reativo 120 na remoção com os sólidos HDL-MgAl e HC-Mg foram Langmuir e Redlich-Peterson e para HDL-MgFe, o modelo mais adequado foi Redlich-Peterson. / Reactive Red 120 is a synthetic dye widely used in the textile industry. Industrial effluents containing this type of compound can cause major environmental and health problems in living organisms. In this context, the present work aims to study the removal of reactive red 120 for adsorption solutions using three types of solids: hydrotalcite of magesium-aluminium (HDL-MgAl), magesium-iron (HDL-MgFe) e hydroxicarbonate of magnesium (HC-Mg). The influence of the concentration of solid sorbent parameters (0,05 to 0,35 g in 100 mL) and residence time was evaluated (5-120 min). Adsorption experiments were conducted in batch mode in order to determine the most suitable operating conditions to remotion of reactive red dye 120 in the three solids. The materials were characterized by Diffraction X-ray and BET. Still, adsorption isotherms were built. The results for the tested solids show a good crystallization characteristics and structure between layers of the structure of hydrotalcites The BET surface areas of the three evaluated solids were 74,8, 118,9 and 67,3 m2/g for HDL-MgAl, HDL-MgFe and HC-Mg respectively. The most appropriate condition for the removal of reactive red 120 was determined to 2.5 g.L-1 for HDL-MgAl and HC-Mg, and 2 g.L-1 to HDL-MgFe with removal percentage higher than 90%. In determining the adsorption time parameters used were concentration of 2,5 g.L-1 for HDL-MgAl and HC-Mg, and 2 g.L-1 for HDL-MgFe. It was determined that the most suitable condition for the removal of red is given in a time of 60 minutes for the three solid sorbents. As regards the study of equilibrium, it was found that the favorable isotherms. The models that best described the data balance of the reactive red dye 120 in the removal with HDL-MgAl and HC-Mg solid were Langmuir and Redlich-Peterson. On removal of the dye with HDL-MgFe the most appropriate model was Redlich-Peterson.

Cogito, sujet, subjectivité chez Foucault / The cogito, subject and subjectivity in Foucault

Tang, Mingjie 03 July 2015 (has links)
Les recherches foucaldiennes sur la question du sujet, du sujet de connaissance et de la subjectivité se manifestent depuis ses premières études sur la folie à l’âge classique, en passant par les archéologies des sciences humaines à l’âge classique et moderne, jusqu’à ses derniers recherches imparfaites sur la parrêsia de l’Antiquité au christianisme. La découverte foucaldienne des dispositions historiques du sujet ne sert pas à ruiner la subjectivité, la volonté ou la liberté de l’individu, mais à réélaborer la question traditionnelle du sujet universel en la replaçant dans l’histoire d’une manière non pas du primat mais du fonctionnement du sujet. Ainsi les problématisations du sujet se trouvent dans son rapport à la vérité comme une relation de véridiction, dans son rapport au pouvoir comme une relation de gouvernementalité (de soi et des autres), dans son rapport à soi comme une relation de spiritualité. Ce sont ces trois rapports variables à chaque époque et pour chaque individu qui constituent une généalogie de la question du sujet. Dans ces multiples modalités du sujet, dans cette ontologie historique de nous-mêmes, nous découvrons une sorte de liberté, d’espace du sujet, d’unité de notre subjectivité qui ne peut s’appliquer que de manière individuelle et vigilante. C’est-à-dire, le seul moyen qui peut nous faire sortir du dilemme du sujet, nous permettre de refuser d’être ni le sujet souverain ni l’objet soumis dans l’histoire ou par le langage, c’est de mener ses propres rapports individuels à la vérité, aux autres et à soi. / The foucauldian research on the question of the subject, the subject of knowledge and the subjectivity arise from his early studies of madness in the classical age, to the archeology of the human sciences in the classical period and modern, until his last research unfinished of the parrhesia from antiquity to Christianity. What Foucault discovered in the historical dispositions of the subject is not used to destroy the subjectivity, the will or the freedom individual, but to re-elaborate the traditional question of universal subject by placing it in the history of which the subject is not an alternative element of domination or obedience but a reciprocal element of operation. Thus the foucauldian problematizations of subject can be found in its relation to the truth as a veridiction relationship, in its relation to the power as a governmentality relationship (of self and of others), in its relation to oneself as a spiritual relationship. These three variables relationships for each period and for each individual establish a genealogy of the subject. In these multiple modalities of the subject, in this historical ontology of ourselves, we could find a kind of freedom, a place of the subject, the integrity of subjectivity which can only be applied individually and vigilant manner. That is to say, the only way by which we could get out of the subject's dilemma, by which we could refuse to be neither objective subject nor the subject object in the history or in the language, is to take its own individual relationships to the truth, to others and to oneself.

Remoção de vermelho reativo 120 em solução aquosa usando hidroxicarbonatos de Mg-Al, Mg-Fe e Mg como sólidos sorventes

Dávila, Ivone Vanessa Jurado January 2016 (has links)
O vermelho reativo 120 é um corante sintético muito usado na indústria têxtil. Os efluentes industriais contendo este tipo de composto, podem causar importantes problemas ambientais e de saúde. O presente trabalho objetiva estudar a remoção do vermelho reativo 120 em soluções via adsorção usando três tipos de sólidos: hidrotalcita de magensio-alumunio (HDL-MgAl), magensio-ferro (HDL-MgFe) e hidroxicarbonato de magnésio (HC-Mg). Para tal, foi avaliada a influência dos parâmetros concentração de sólido sorvente (0,05-0,35 g em 100 mL) e tempo de residência (5-120 min). Foram realizados experimentos de adsorção em batelada a fim de determinar as condições operacionais mais adequadas para a remoção do corante vermelho reativo 120 nos três sólidos. Os materiais foram caracterizados por Difração de raios-X e BET. Ainda, isotermas de adsorção foram construídas. Os resultados mostram uma boa cristalização e uma estrutura entre camadas caraterísticas da estrutura das hidrotalcitas As áreas superficiais BET dos três sólidos avaliados foram de 74,8, 118,9 e 67,3 m2/g para HDL-MgAl, HDL-MgFe e HC-Mg respetivamente. A condição mais adequada para a remoção do vermelho reativo 120 foi determinada para 2,5 g.L-1 para HDL-MgAl e HC-Mg, e 2 g.L-1 para HDL-MgFe com porcentagem de remoção superiores ao 90%. Na determinação do tempo de adsorção os parâmetros usados foram concentração de 2,5 g.L-1 para HDL-MgAl e HC-Mg, e 2 g.L-1 para HDL-MgFe. Foi determinado que a condição mais adequada para a remoção do vermelho é dada em um tempo de 60 minutos para os três sólidos sorventes. As isotermas foram favoráveis para os três sólidos testados e os modelos que melhor descreveram os dados de equilíbrio do corante vermelho reativo 120 na remoção com os sólidos HDL-MgAl e HC-Mg foram Langmuir e Redlich-Peterson e para HDL-MgFe, o modelo mais adequado foi Redlich-Peterson. / Reactive Red 120 is a synthetic dye widely used in the textile industry. Industrial effluents containing this type of compound can cause major environmental and health problems in living organisms. In this context, the present work aims to study the removal of reactive red 120 for adsorption solutions using three types of solids: hydrotalcite of magesium-aluminium (HDL-MgAl), magesium-iron (HDL-MgFe) e hydroxicarbonate of magnesium (HC-Mg). The influence of the concentration of solid sorbent parameters (0,05 to 0,35 g in 100 mL) and residence time was evaluated (5-120 min). Adsorption experiments were conducted in batch mode in order to determine the most suitable operating conditions to remotion of reactive red dye 120 in the three solids. The materials were characterized by Diffraction X-ray and BET. Still, adsorption isotherms were built. The results for the tested solids show a good crystallization characteristics and structure between layers of the structure of hydrotalcites The BET surface areas of the three evaluated solids were 74,8, 118,9 and 67,3 m2/g for HDL-MgAl, HDL-MgFe and HC-Mg respectively. The most appropriate condition for the removal of reactive red 120 was determined to 2.5 g.L-1 for HDL-MgAl and HC-Mg, and 2 g.L-1 to HDL-MgFe with removal percentage higher than 90%. In determining the adsorption time parameters used were concentration of 2,5 g.L-1 for HDL-MgAl and HC-Mg, and 2 g.L-1 for HDL-MgFe. It was determined that the most suitable condition for the removal of red is given in a time of 60 minutes for the three solid sorbents. As regards the study of equilibrium, it was found that the favorable isotherms. The models that best described the data balance of the reactive red dye 120 in the removal with HDL-MgAl and HC-Mg solid were Langmuir and Redlich-Peterson. On removal of the dye with HDL-MgFe the most appropriate model was Redlich-Peterson.

The SLD vertex detector upgrade (VXD3) and a study of bbg events

Dervan, Paul John January 1998 (has links)
This thesis presents a variety of work concerning the design, construction and use of the SLD's vertex detector. SLD's pioneering 120 Mpixel vertex detector, VXD2, was replaced by VXD3, a 307Mpixel CCD vertex detector in January 1996. The motivation for the up-grade detector and its subsquent construction and testing are described in some detail. This work represents the collaborative work of a large number of people. My work was mainly carried out at EEV on the testing of the CCDs and subsequent ladders. VXD3 was commissioned during the 1996 SLD run and performed very close to design specifications. Monitoring the position of VXD3 is crucial for reconstructing the data in the detector for physics analysis. This was carried out using a capacitive wire position monitoring system. The system indicated that VXD3 was very stable during the whole of the 1996 run, except for known controlled movements. VXD3 was aligned globally for each period in-between these known movements using the tracks from e+e- → Z° → hadrons. The structure of three-jet bbg events has been studied using hadronic Z° decays from the 1993-1995 SLD data. Three-jet final states were selected and the CCD-based vertex detector was used to identify two of the jets as a ь or ъ. The distributions of the gluon energy and polar angle with respect to the electron beam direction were examined and were compared with perturbative QCD predictions. If was found that the QCD Parton Shower prediction was needed to describe the data well. These distributions are potentially sensitive to an anomalous b chromomagnetic moment к. к was measured to be -0.031±0.038 0.039(Stat.)±0.003 0.004(Syst.), which is consistent with the Standard Model, with 95% confidence level limit, -0.106 < к < 0.044.

De la disparition d'une méthode : l'analyse entre philosophies du contrat social et sociologies classiques. Étude d'épistémologie / The method and its disappearance : analysis between philosophies of social contract and classical sociologies. A study in epistemology / Mizení metody : analýza mezi filosofiemi společenské smlouvy a klasickými sociologiemi : epistemologická studie

Marsalek, Jan 28 May 2015 (has links)
Dans la continuité déloyale de la tradition épistémologique française, notre travail a pour objet le phénomène de la disparition d’une méthode, que nous appelons « analytique ». A travers les oeuvres de T. Hobbes, J.-J. Rousseau, H. Spencer et E. Durkheim, nous montrons la variation du statut épistémologique de l’analyse, et fondons le concept d’« événement épistémologique ». Notre point de vue est strictement épistémologique : au détriment des thèmes qui relient les auteurs les uns aux autres, nous nous penchons sur la méthode qui, au lieu de se dissiper suite au refus qu’elle essuie, change de lieu, s’égare. C’est l’identification de l’analyse dans la pensée qui ne s’en réclame pas comme d’un principe actif qui nous autorise à parler de sa disparition. Son statut s’en trouve « dégradé » : méthode dans les philosophies du contrat social, l’analyse persiste chez Spencer et Durkheim, de façon inavouée, en tant que matrice, que promesse, que stratégie démonstrative. / No summary available.

Philosophie de l'Anthropocène : interprétations et épistémologie / Philosophy of the Anthropocene : interpretations and epistemology

Federau, Alexander 03 June 2016 (has links)
Depuis plusieurs décennies, une partie de la communauté scientifique observe et dénonce l’ampleur des changements environnementaux anthropogéniques. Un concept récent est issu de ces inquiétudes, qui cristallise l’idée d’une transformation planétaire durable : c’est l’Anthropocène, la proposition de définir une époque géologique nouvelle, faisant suite à l’Holocène, et qui affirme que l’homme est désormais une force géologique. Ce travail avance que l’Anthropocène pousse le dualisme moderne entre la nature et l’homme dans ses derniers retranchements. Dans la première partie, les débats actuels des géologues autour de l’Anthropocène sont examinés, ainsi que les concepts précurseurs à l’Anthropocène. Les multiples dimensions de la « force géologique » sont présentées, ainsi que les conséquences pour la protection de l’environnement. La seconde partie est interprétative. Une typologie des différentes lectures de l’Anthropocène est donnée. Les modalités de la collaboration nécessaire entre les sciences naturelles et les sciences humaines sont examinées. La question du dépassement du dualisme est analysée, en particulier par le renouvellement du rapport au temps que l’Anthropocène impose. Enfin, il est montré en quoi l’Anthropocène nous demande d’adapter nos représentations planétaires. Il n’existe pas de consensus sur la signification de l’Anthropocène, qui est une bénédiction pour les uns, l’annonce d’une catastrophe pour les autres. La thèse offre un regard philosophique et une interprétation originaux sur une question controversée d’une grande actualité. / For several decades, part of the scientific community has observed and denounced the magnitude of the anthropogenic environmental change. A recent concept has emerged from these concerns, which crystallises the idea of a lasting planetary transformation: the Anthropocene, the proposal to define a new geological epoch that ends the Holocene, and in which the human being has become a geological force. This work assumes that the Anthropocene brings modern dualism between man and nature to its extreme limits. In the first part, the actual debates from geologists on the Anthropocene are discussed, as well as the precursors. The multiple dimensions of the Ôgeological forceÕ are presented, as well as the consequences for the protection of nature. The second part is interpretative. A typology of different understandings of the Anthropocene is given. The modalities of interdisciplinary work between natural and social sciences are examined. The question of how it is possible to overcome modern dualism is analysed. A special question is to understand how the Anthropocene gives a new meaning to our understanding of time. Finally, it is shown how and why the Anthropocene asks us to adapt our planetary representations. There is no consensus on the meaning of the Anthropocene, which is a blessing for some, the announcement of a disaster for others. The thesis offers a philosophical look and original interpretation on a controversial issue of great news.

Esquisses d'une intuition : essai d'ontologie pour une philosophie du sujet / Tentative insight : toward an ontology for a philosophy of the subject

Vanderschuren, Grégory 15 December 2014 (has links)
Cet essai tente d’aborder, ou plutôt de comprendre l’idée du devenir, soit l’intuition du temps et de son propre déploiement pour un sujet qui vit au semblable rythme. Pour Bergson, cela n’arrive que dans de très rares occasions, pour l’artiste, chez le philosophe ou encore lors des situations d’extrême changement, voire d’urgence pour chacun d’entre nous. Seulement, est-ce que cette "vision directe de l’esprit par l’esprit" est véritablement exceptionnelle ? Ne s’agit-il pas plutôt d’actes instantanés où nous touchons l’objet avant même d’en avoir fait l’expérience, et qui serait plutôt "condition" de celle-ci, qui signe de son sceau l’avenir en général ? Par là, bien que nous ignorions exactement quels seront les retentissements de nos actes, nous en avons une intuition, un certain aspect y serait montré ou "présence" d’un quelque chose excédant toute explication logique. Si l’on souhaite montrer que cette intuition est déjà "présence" en chacun de nos actes singuliers, et nous accompagne dans notre quotidien à partir de notre perception du monde, il conviendra de trouver un moyen, une méthode pour explorer les régions inconscientes de notre être – ou de cet Être. Nous supposerons que nous sympathisons avec le réel, que nous "composons" en ce sens avec lui dans ce qui naît de l’instant – bien que sans le savoir. Notre intuition serait la forme « à venir » de notre expérience conformément à une personne, la façon dont mes souvenirs se constituent lorsque, paradoxalement, ces derniers enveloppent et se constituent selon une forme, un droit qui n’appartient pas qu’à moi. Ainsi nous chercherons à définir comment l’individu concourt avec une réalité qui, ainsi, l’excède, le transcende, mais dont celle-ci ne peut pas non plus être telle qu’elle apparaît sans lui. Quelle est cette part qui, échappant au monde, fait du sujet l’un de ses devenirs ? Peut-on expliquer cette part de liberté, puisque s’il y a intuition, il y a une pluralité des devenirs (virtuels) ? Nous établirons une méthode pour en comprendre le cheminement ontologique. Mais dans cette science de l’Être, il s’agira de confondre à la fois la psyché et la façon dont la matière s’organise : soit selon une chora d’un point de vue cosmologique. / This essay is an attempt to approach and to understand the idea of devenir, the intuition of time, and its own deployment for a subject that live in a similar pace. According to Bergson, this happens, only in very rare occasions, to the artist, to the philosopher or still in situation of extreme change, or even of emergency to all of us. But, is this « direct vision of the spirit by the spirit really exceptional? Are they rather instant acts when we touch the object even before having experienced it, and which will be rather "condition" of it, which marks the future in general? By this, even though we do not know exactly what will the impact of our acts be, we have an intuition of it, a certain aspect would have shown or "presence" of something that exceeds any logical explanation. If we wish to show that intuition is already "presence" in each of our unique acts, and accompanies us in our daily lives from our perception of the world, it will be suitable to find a way, a method to explore the regions of our unconscious being, or of this Being. We will suppose that we sympathize with the real that we "compose" in this sense with it in what is born of the instant, even without knowing it. Our intuition would be the form "to come" of our experience, according to a person, the way that my memories form when, paradoxically, they envelop and constitute according to a form, a right that does not belong only to me. Thus, we will seek to define how the individual contribute to the reality which, thus, exceeds, transcends him but which cannot be as such without him. What is this part that, escaping from the world, makes of the subject one of its destinies? Can we explain this part of freedom, since there is intuition, a plurality of (virtual) "devenirs"? We will establish a method to understand the ontological journey. But in this science of the Being, it will be to confuse both the psyche and the way in which the matter is organized: according to a "chora" a cosmological perspective.

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