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Étude des modifications sub-cellulaires associées au vieillissement musculaire chez Caenorhabditis elegans-Rôle du facteur de transcription UNC-120/SRF / Studies of sub-cellular modifications associated with muscle aging in Caenorhabditis elegans : role of the transcription factor UNC-120/SRFMergoud dit Lamarche, Adeline 13 July 2016 (has links)
Le vieillissement s'accompagne d'une perte progressive de la masse et de la fonction musculaire, appelée sarcopénie. Différents mécanismes ont été proposés pour expliquer la sarcopénie. Cependant, la majorité d'entre eux ont été identifiés dans le contexte d'une atrophie induite expérimentalement (par dénervation, immobilisation, jeûne...) ou via des études corrélatives chez l'homme. Ainsi nous ne connaissons pas aujourd'hui l'importance et la chronologie de ces facteurs dans le contexte du vieillissement physiologique. Caenorhabditis elegans est un organisme modèle de référence pour les études de longévité. Grâce aux outils génétiques disponibles chez le nématode C. elegans, des voies moléculaires, qui contrôlent la longévité et dont le rôle est conservé chez les mammifères, ont pu être identifiées, comme la voie du récepteur de l'insuline/IGF-1. Toutefois le vieillissement musculaire a été très peu étudié dans cet organisme.Le premier objectif de mon projet de thèse était de décrire chez C. elegans les changements subcellulaires qui sont associés la perte de mobilité avec l'âge afin d'identifier des biomarqueurs potentiels du vieillissement musculaire. Le deuxième objectif était d'utiliser ces biomarqueurs comme outil pour identifier des gènes modificateurs de la sarcopénie. Nous avons ainsi pu mettre en évidence une diminution de l'expression de gènes impliqués dans la structure et la fonction musculaire très tôt au cours de la vie adulte. Ce phénotype est suivi par une fragmentation progressive des mitochondries puis une accumulation de vésicules d'autophagie. Ces biomarqueurs ont été utilisés pour tester le rôle potentiel, dans le maintien du muscle, de facteurs impliqués dans la différenciation musculaire au cours de l'embryogenèse.L'ensemble des résultats obtenus nous permettent de proposer un modèle selon lequel le facteur de transcription unc-120, orthologue du Serum Response Factor, agirait en aval de la voie de signalisation de l'insuline/IGF-1 dans le contrôle des différents biomarqueurs du vieillissement musculaires / Aging is accompanied by a progressive loss of muscle mass and function, named sarcopenia. Different mechanisms have been proposed to explain it. Furthermore most of them have been identified in the context of an experimental induced atrophy (by denervation, immobilization, fasting...) or via correlative studies in humans. Thus today we do not know the importance and chronology of these factors in the context of physiological aging. Caenorhabditis elegans is a reference model organism for longevity studies. Thanks to genetics tools available for the nematode C. elegans, evolutionarily conserved molecular pathways, which control longevity, have been identified, such as the Insulin/IGF-1 receptor pathway. However muscle aging has been very poorly studied in this organism. The first aim of my thesis project was to describe, in C. elegans, subcellular changes that are associated with mobility loss with age in order to determine potential biomarkers of muscle aging. The second aim was to use these biomarkers as tools to identify genes able to modify sarcopenia. Specifically, we could highlight a decrease of expression of genes involved in muscle mass and function very early during adulthood. This phenotype is followed by a gradual mitochondrial fragmentation then an accumulation of autophagic vesicles.These biomarkers have been used to test the potential role in muscle maintenance, of factors involved in muscle differentiation during embryogenesis. Altogether these results suggest a model in which the transcription factor unc-120, ortholog of Serum Response Factor, would act downstream in the insulin/IGF-1 signalization pathway on the control of the different biomarkers of muscle aging
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Primena modifikovanog bentonita kao katalizatora u Fenton i foto-Fenton procesu uklanjanja tekstilne reaktivne boje / Application of modified bentonite as catalyst in Fenton and photo-Fenton removal process of textile reactive dyePucar Milidrag Gordana 13 August 2019 (has links)
<p>Cilj ovog rada bio je ispitivanje mogućnosti primene modifikovanog bentonita kao katalizatora (ferioksalat i Al, Fe-bentonit katalizatori) u Fenton i foto-Fenton procesu uklanjanja tekstilne reaktivne boje Reactive Red 120. Do sada su objavljene studije primene heterogenog Fenton procesa sa različitim koncentracijama gvožđau katalizatorima i sa kompleksom ferioksalata,međutim, njihovo poređenje u smislu efikasnosti obezbojavanja nije istraženo, što je bio jedan od fokusa istraživanja u ovom radu. Osim toga, potencijal sunčeve energije predstavlja 16,7% od ukupno iskoristivog potencijala obnovljivih izvora energije u Srbiji, dok je prosečno sunčevo zračenje u Srbiji oko 40% više od evropskog proseka, čineći ga vrlo zanimljivim za primenu u ovom tipu tretmana. U cilju što boljeg iskorišćenjasunčevog zračenja i unapređenja fotokatalitičkih performansi procesa primenjen je parabolični koncentrišući reaktor, koji je za ovu vrstu procesa prvi put upotrebljavan. Proučavano je u kojoj meri je solarna fotokataliza značajan segment tehnike za tretman otpadnih voda tokom degradacije perzistentnih jedinjenja, kao što je organska azo boja. Takođe, utvrđen je i potencijal fotolize vodonik-peroksida za obezbojavanjem sintetičkog rastvora date boje. Prva faza imala je za cilj sintezu materijala primenom različitih metoda pripreme i<br />konstrukciju solarnog paraboličnog reaktora, koji će se koristiti u Fenton i foto-Fenton procesima degradacije boje Reactive Red 120. Druga faza je podrazumevala karakterizaciju novosintetisanih materijala i optimizaciju procesa fotokatalize primenom Fenton i foto-Fenton procesa i određivanje postignutih efikasnosti primenjenih procesa. Takođe, vršeno je određivanje stepena mineralizacije i identifikacija degradacionih produkata nakon procesa degradacije tekstilne boje Reactive Red 120, kao i primena foto-Fenton procesa na realnom efluentu. Na osnovu dobijenih rezultata tokom primene Fenton procesa i korišćenjem oba tipa katalizatora u periodima niskog i visokog intenziteta zračenja, sa aspekta postizanja visoke efikasnosti obezbojavanja i najmanjeg izluživanja gvožđa,<br />može se zaključiti da je Fenton proces najefikasniji na pH vrednosti 3. AlFeB je pokazao veću reaktivnost čak i pri manje upotrebljenim dozama od0,05 g u odnosu na CuOFeB (0,2 g), kao i mogućnost manje upotrebe vodonik-peroksida od 2,5 mM, za postizanje visoke efikasnosti obezbojavanja i postignut visok stepen mineralizacije. Viši intenzitet sunčevog zračenja omogućava odvijanje reakcije obezbojavanja na višim pH vrednostima primenom oba katalizatora tokom fotoFenton procesa. Ovo je posebno izraženo kod CuOFeB tokom letnjeg perioda (pH 7), čak i pri nižim dozama katalizatora. Međutim, najveći udeo u procesu obezbojavanja pri upotrebi CuOFeB katalizatora ima fotoliza vodonik-peroksida (80%). Suprotno ovim rezultatima, pri istim reakcionim uslovima, potrebna je veća količina AlFeB katalizatora (0,1 g) i niža pH vrednost reakcije, a efikasnost procesa značajno zavisi od početne koncentracije H<sub> 2</sub>O<sub>2</sub>. Činjenica da se u pripremi katalizatora koristio bentonit kao prirodan, širokorasprostranjen i jeftin materijal i solarno zračenje kao obnovljiv i alternativni izvor fotona, gore navedene rezultate bi trebalo uzeti u obzir prilikom analize troškova efikasnosti primenjenog procesa. Takođe, primena unapređenih procesa oksidacije se razmatra kao predlog za najbolju dostupnu tehniku kada je u pitanju tretman otpadne vode tekstilne industrije, dok se kao dodatne nove tehnike uzimaju u obzir foto-oksidacije i ispitivanje mogućnosti njihove primene u prečišćavanju otpadne vode u tercijarnom tretmanu na poluindustrijskim sistemima.<br /> </p> / <p>The aim of this study was to investigate the decolorization efficiency of Reactive Red 120 (RR120) synthetic solution using ferrioxalate (CuOFeB) and Al, Fe-bentonite (AlFeB) catalysts in Fenton and photo-Fenton process. So far, studies of the application of a solar-assisted heterogeneous Fenton process with various Fe loaded catalysts and with ferrioxalate complex have been published, but according to the author’s knowledge, their comparison in terms of efficacy of decolorization has not been performed, which was one of the focus of research in this paper. In addition, the potential of solar energy represents 16.7% of the total utilized potential of renewable energy sources in Serbia, while the average solar radiation in Serbia is about 40% higher than the European average, making it very interesting for application in this type of treatment. In order to optimize the use of solar radiation and to improve the photocatalytic performance of the process, parabolic concentrating reactor was used for the first time. As a significant segment of the wastewater treatment technique during the degradation of persistent compounds, such as organic azo dye, solar photocatalysis was studied. Also, the potential of photolysis of hydrogen peroxide for decolorization of the synthetic dye solution was determined. Aim of the first phase of the study was synthesizing materials by using different methods of preparation, and construction of a solar parabolic reactor, which will be used in Fenton andphoto-Fenton dye degradation processes. The second phase involved the characterization of newlysynthesized materials and the optimization of the photocatalytic process by applying Fenton and photo-Fonton processes, as well as the determination of achieved efficiency of the appliedprocesses. Also, the degree of mineralization and the identification of degradation products after applied processes were determined. Application of the photo-Fenton process on a real effluent was conducted as well. Based on the obtained results during Fenton process and using both types of catalysts in periods of low and high intensity of radiation, from the aspect of achieving high efficiency of decolorization and smallest iron leaching, it can be concluded that the Fenton process is most effective at pH 3. AlFeB showed greater reactivity even at less used doses of 0.05 g, compared to CuOFeB (0.2 g), and the possibility of using less hydrogen peroxide (2.5 mM), achieving high efficiency and a high degree of mineralization. Higher intensity of solar radiationallows the reaction to be carried out at higher pH values when using both catalysts during the photo-Fenton process. This is particularly pronounced largest part in the decolorization process using the CuOFeB catalyst has a photolysis of hydrogen peroxide (80%). Contrary to these results, under the same reaction conditions, a higher doses of AlFeB catalyst (0.1 g) is needed at lower pH value of the reaction, and the process efficiency is significantly dependent on the initial concentration of H <sub>2</sub>O<sub>2</sub>. The fact that in the preparation of the catalysts bentonite as a natural, abundant, inexpensive material was used and solar radiation as a renewable and alternative source of photons, the above results should be taken into account in the cost-effectiveness analysis of the applied process. Also, the application of advanced oxidation processes is considered as a proposal for the best available technique when it comes to the treatment of wastewater from the textile industry, while as additional new techniques, photooxidation is considered as a candidate and the possibility of their application in the treatment of wastewater in tertiary treatment on semi-industrial systems.</p>
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Prototypen im Interaktionsdesign / Prototypes in Interaction Design : a Vocabulary of Prototype Dimensions for Improved CollaborationBerger, Arne 19 June 2014 (has links) (PDF)
Die Arbeit beschäftigt sich mit dem Entwerfen in Theorie und Praxis. Dabei werden die unterschiedlichen Entwurfstätigkeiten immer als eingebettet in ein Entwurfsgefüge verstanden, in dem verschiedene kooperative Disziplinen mit unterschiedlichen Bezügen, Artefakte für die zukünftige Verwendung entwerfen.
Hier geht es speziell um das kooperative Entwerfen, das von mehr als einer Person bewerkstelligt wird. Das sind oft Ingenieur und Designer, etwa Architekt und Bauingenieur oder Produktdesigner und technischer Ingenieur oder im Interaktionsdesign Designer und Informatiker. Dabei wird in der vorliegenden Arbeit Design als eine Kooperationsdisziplin und zugleich als eine Kooperationsdisziplin im Wandel dargestellt und gezeigt, wie die Zusammenarbeit mit Prototypen als manifesten Anker- und Differenzpunkten, gewinnbringender gestaltet werden kann.
Zunächst wird die Kooperation von Designer und Ingenieur zur Lösung komplexer Probleme im Allgemeinen betrachtet. Anschließend wird die entwurfspraktische Zusammenarbeit beider Berufsgruppen im Interaktionsdesign untersucht. Dabei wird vorgeschlagen, den Entwurf in Skizzen, Mock-Ups oder Prototypen als kommunikativen Bezugspunkt zu wählen. Die Dimensionen von Prototypen im Interaktionsdesign werden bestimmt und in einer Taxonomie zusammengeführt. / Which material manifests a house? A sketch of the house? A car? A model of the car? Answering those questions is relatively simple because architecture and product design cultivate a rich and tangible tradition of prototyping and an adequate design theory.
Which material manifests an interactive system? Is it the glas of the touch screen or is it the color of the buttons? Interaction design is an emerging discipline and its accompanying design theory is even more so in its early days.
The dissertation contemplates questions of materiality in interaction design. What are interactive prototypes and how can they be sufficiently described? Which properties are inscribed and interpreted by designers, engineers, users and the environment alike? How can this knowledge be utilized for a meaningful transdisciplinary collaboration and equal participation in design processes?
The book will start with the premise, that current research positions on prototypes in interaction design are based on hypotheses that are symmetrical in construction. Contemporary prototype research in interaction design focusses on either the artefact or the designer. The proposed research strives to combine those disjunct approaches on a metatheoretical level, via Somatic-Marker-Hypothesis from Neuroscience and Actor-Network-Theory from Philosophy of Technology. This serves as a declaration basis for the symmetric posture of current research and as a point of advancement for practice based research.
A variety of empirical findings will be presented. The approach to an exhaustive working definition is building on four stages of analysis. First, this builds on the proposed theoretical framework as a structure for further analyses. In a second step, this framework was used to categorise existing dimensions of prototypes in literature. This extended literature review includes Fidelity Theories and what we call Inscription Theories as well as Form-Material Theories. In a third step, the thereby evolved categories were validated and advanced with content analysis of protocols of design processes between interaction designers and software engineers. In a final step the vocabulary was validated and advanced with of expert interviews.
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Les rapports collectifs à l’environnement naturel : un enjeu anthropologique et philosophique / The collective relations to the natural environment as a philosophical and anthropological issueCharbonnier, Pierre 25 November 2011 (has links)
Lʼanthropologie, et plus spécialement les développements quʼelle a connus en contexte francophone, possède une affinité toute particulière avec lʼinvestigation philosophique sur la notion de nature : toutes deux interrogent en effet la valeur de ce terme classique du répertoire conceptuel occidental, et plus encore le sens que lʼon peut encore donner au partage entre le naturel et le social, ou le culturel. Ce faisant, elles se heurtent à des tensions analogues, lʼanthropologie bénéficiant toutefois du privilège de la méthode comparative, quilui donne accès à des cosmologies manifestant un arrangement des êtres et des personnes différents du nôtre. Ce sont ces liens que cette thèse se propose dʼexplorer, et cela à travers lʼexamen historique et critique de quelques théories anthropologiques clés. Parmi elles notamment, lʼécole durkheimienne, lʼanthropologie structurale de Claude Lévi-Strauss et de ses successeurs, et le courant dʼanthropologie de la nature, où ces questions trouvent aujourdʼhui leur épanouissement. Lʼhypothèse centrale de ce travail est que lʼanthropologie sociale est liée à la prise de conscience du rôle que lʼidée de nature a joué et joue encore dans notre trajectoire historique, c'est-à-dire de ce que lʼon a pris lʼhabitude dʼappeler la modernité, et de ce qui la sépare dʼautres expériences collectives. Cette investigation débouche sur un examen des concepts centraux de la pensée écologique, qui donne à ces enjeux un élan nouveau : une pensée environnementale est-elle une sortie du naturalisme moderne, et si oui, à quelles conditions est-elle possible et légitime ? / Anthropology and philosophy share a common interest in the idea of nature. Both of themaddress the value of this fundamental element of the Western conceptual framework and thegeneral signification of the alleged great divide between nature and society, or culture. Overthis common interrogation they are also facing the same issues and paradoxes.Nevertheless anthropology benefits from its comparative approach, which brings toknowledge different cosmological patterns, some of them dealing without the very idea ofnature. This thesis is an historical and critical exploration of some key classicalanthropological theories of the collective relationships with natural environment. Namely, theDurkheimian school of social sciences, the structural anthropology of Claude Lévi-Straussand his followers, and the present day anthropology of nature, which constitutes the main lineof French social anthropology. The core hypothesis of this work is that social anthropology isintimately linked to the theoretical acknowledgment of the role played by the idea of nature inour historical dynamics. What we usually call modernity, and in what sense it differs fromother social formations, are major anthropological concerns. These questions lead to acritical examination of the ecological thought from an anthropological point of view. Ifenvironmental philosophy is in a sense a way out of modern naturalism, which terms andconditions are required to make it possible and legitimate ?
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Le théâtre de la vérité chez Shakespeare / Shakespeare and the theater of truthGarello, Hélène 10 November 2018 (has links)
Notre étude s'attache à interroger les rapports entre rationalité philosophique et théâtrale dans l’œuvre de Shakespeare, et à montrer comment la théâtralisation peut contribuer à la conception de l'idée vraie. La métaphore du théâtre du monde permet d'exprimer un doute quant à notre capacité de connaître. De même qu'au théâtre, tout n'est que feinte et apparaître illusoire, il se pourrait que nous ne puissions jamais atteindre l'être des choses, mais seulement une apparence mensongère. Cependant, nous ne lisons pas ici dans le texte shakespearien un appel au scepticisme, mais le lieu de construction d'une pensée critique. Notre propos est de soutenir que le discours vrai requiert le travail de l'illusion, parce que la vérité ne peut pas être simplement dévoilée, qu'elle exige d'être mise en scène, jouée, afin d'être comprise, et que l'illusion théâtrale peut être véridique. Nous cherchons ici à analyser les différents outils propres au théâtre, qui lui permettent de dire aussi bien les difficultés à atteindre le vrai, que les conditions qui permettent de le faire. Notre travail renvoie ainsi à trois enjeux, épistémologique (quelle conception de la vérité se dégage du texte shakespearien ?) ; historique (comment cette conception peut-elle nous permettre de concevoir la formation à l'âge classique d'un modèle de représentation rationnelle de la vérité ?) et méthodologique (quelle approche la philosophie peut-elle faire des textes dramatiques, et que peut-elle en attendre ?). Nous cherchons ainsi à évaluer comment le théâtre, comme spectacle, peut servir de modèle à une pensée critique et distanciée, capable de saisir l'apparaître du monde dans sa rationalité. / Our purpose is to question the relationship between philosophical and theatrical rationality in Shakespeare's work, and to show how dramatization can contribute to the conception of a true idea. The metaphor of the world as a theater enables one to express a doubt related to one's capacity to knowledge. Since everything in theater is guise, semblance and illusion, one could expect not to be able to reach the reality of things – never getting beyond mendacious appearance. Nevertheless, in Shakespeare's plays there is no plea for skepticism, but rather stage is set for the development of a critical thought. Our argument is to sustain that true discourse requires the work of illusion, since truth cannot be simply unveiled, but needs to be staged and played out to be understood, and that theatrical illusion can be truthful. We intend to analyze the different tools specific to theater, which enables it to tell not only the difficulties inherent in reaching the truth, but also the conditions necessary to do so. Our work refers to three viewpoints, the first being epistemological (what conception of truth can be inferred from Shakespeare's plays?) ; the second historical (in what way does this conception help us understand how a model for the rational representation of truth was founded during the modern age?) ; methodological (how can philosophy approach dramatic texts, and what can be expected from this approach?). We intend to assess in what way theater, as a display, can be used as a model for critical, distanced thought, capable of grasping the appearance of the world as a rational phenomenon.
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Descartes et la question de la civilité : la philosophie de l'honnête homme / Descartes and the question of civility : the honest man's philosophyLelong, Frédéric 26 September 2014 (has links)
Ce travail porte sur la relation entre la philosophie de Descartes et la thématique humaniste de la civilité et de l’honnêteté. Une première étape de la thèse consiste en une réévaluation philosophique du concept de civilité à partir de son histoire antique et humaniste. Cette réévaluation repose sur deux axes principaux : mettre au jour les fondations métaphysiques de cette notion et le mouvement d’une intériorisation des normes civiles dans la conception de l’âme vertueuse. Il s’agit ensuite de comprendre la présence dans la pensée cartésienne de valeurs qui ne coïcident pas avec la conception habituelle de la justification rationnelle, comme la douceur, le naturel, la grâce et la convenance, et qui renvoient à la thématique de la civilité. La civilité est une perfection qui évite deux extrêmes, la barbarie et la sauvagerie, c’est-à-dire la violence excessive de la norme, et la violence d’une nature brute laissée à elle-même. Ce travail montre que la conception cartésienne de la rationalité et de la vertu morale tend également à éviter ces deux excès. D’autre part, en rattachant la philosophie de Descartes à la question de la civilité, il s’agit aussi de contester la conception solipsiste du sujet cartésien et de réhabiliter la dimension de l’extériorité dans l’appréhension de la subjectivité. La figure cartésienne du sujet moderne prend dès lors une dimension humaine et sociale au lieu de renvoyer à une dangereuse hybris de l’ego, tandis que la raison cartésienne est pensée comme civile et ouverte, non pas autoritaire ou répressive. Pour étayer cette thèse, ce travail aborde certaines tonalités éthiques du discours cartésien qui ne correspondent pas nécessairement à l’expression d’une thèse explicite mais qui éclairent la richesse et la complexité du texte. / This work focuses on the relation between Descartes’ philosophy and the humanist themes of civility and honesty. A first step in this thesis is to philosophically reevaluate the concept of civility by focusing on its history within antiquity and humanism. Such a reevaluation bears on two main approaches: one is to demonstrate the metaphysical foundations of this notion, the other is to show the movement towards the internalization of civil norms in the conception of the virtuous soul. Our aim is then to show the presence, in Cartesian thought, of such values as gentleness, “naturel”, grace or “convenance”, which do not coincide with the common conception of rational justification, and which all trace back to the thematic field of civility. Civility is a perfection that avoids two extremes, barbarism and savagery, i. e. both the excessive violence of the norm and the violence stemming from a brute nature left to itself. On the other land, by linking Descartes’ philosophy to the question of civility, our aim is also to oppose the solipsistic conception of the Cartesian subject and to rehabilitate the dimension of exteriority within the comprehension of subjectivity. Thus, the Cartesian figure of the modern subject takes on a human and social dimension instead of referring to the ego’s hybris, while Cartesian reason gets redefined as civil and opened, not at all as authoritarian or repressive. In order to support this thesis, this work broaches certain ethical tonalities within Descartes’ discourse that do not necessarily correspond with the expression of an explicit standpoint, but which shed light upon the text’s richness and complexity.
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Jouissance et liberté chez Spinoza / Enjoyment and freedom in SpinozaCortés Cuadra, Juan Vicente 21 October 2014 (has links)
Cette thèse porte sur l’unité du concept de liberté chez Spinoza. Aussi passe-t-elle par les trois objets privilégiés du philosophe, Dieu, l’homme et la multitude. A ces trois objets correspond une certaine forme de la liberté : liberté métaphysique, liberté éthique et liberté politique. Etant données, d’une part la définition de la liberté (en EID7), d’autre part l’affirmation faite par Spinoza selon laquelle seul Dieu est cause libre, le problème se pose en effet de savoir dans quel sens ou dans quelle mesure l’homme peut, du point de vue éthique et du point de vue politique, être dit libre. Nous avons tenté de résoudre le problème par l’étude d’un aspect peu ou pas étudié de la théorie spinoziste des affects, la notion de jouissance. Nous avons commencé par une étude du champ lexical motivé par l’absence de définition du terme fruitio, pour s’étendre ensuite vers d’autres termes proches, tels le gaudium (qui a deux sens différents chez Spinoza) et la delectatio. Ensuite, nous avons situé ces termes du point de vue de l’histoire de la philosophie au sein du débat auquel ils appartenaient : la question de la jouissance dans la philosophie médiévale chrétienne. Ainsi nous avons été amenés à nous interroger sur le concept central d’Amor intellectualis Dei, qui est ce en quoi consiste la liberté, à partir de l’idée de jouissance, et ce dans les deux domaines de Dieu et de l’homme. Enfin, nous avons montré qu’en politique l’unité du concept de liberté était maintenue aussi grâce à l’idée de jouissance (obtinentia). Bref, c’est toujours l’être qui jouit de sa puissance constitutive en tant que telle, parce qu’il existe et qu’il agit nécessairement, qui est dit libre. / This thesis refers to the unity of the concept of freedom in Spinoza, focusing in the three privileged objects of the philosopher: God, man and multitude. To each one belongs a certain form of freedom: metaphysical, ethical and political. Given that, in one hand, the definition of freedom (E1D7) and in the other hand the affirmation made by Spinoza, that God is the only free cause, the problem is indeed, knowing in which sense or measure man can, from the ethical and political point of view, called free. We have tried to solve the problem studying a barely or not studied at all issue of Spinoza’s theory of the affectus: the notion of fruitio (enjoyment). We started by studying the lexical field motivated by the absence of definition of the term fruitio, in order to go further with nearby terms, such as gaudium (which has two different senses in Spinoza) and the delectatio. Furthermore, we have placed these points of view of the history of philosophy in the core of the discussion where they belong: the question of fruitio in Christian medieval philosophy. Thus, we question ourselves about the main concept of Amor intellectualis Dei, which is freedom itself, starting from the idea of fruitio, and the same in both God’s and man’s domains. Finally, we showed that in politics, the unity of the concept of freedom was sustained also due to the idea of obtinentia (enjoyment). In brief, we call free the being that enjoys its constitutive power as such, because it exists and acts out of necessity.
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Vital forces and organization : vitalism and philosophy of nature in Germany (1752-1802) / Forces vitales et organisation : vitalisme et philosophie de la nature en Allemagne (1752-1802)Gambarotto, Andrea 16 September 2014 (has links)
Forces vitales et organisation : vitalisme et philosophie de la nature en Allemagne (1752-1802). / In the course of the last thirty years, a considerable body of scholarship has examined the life sciences that arose in Germany at the end of the eighteenth century. This literature has shown that previous dismissals of this tradition, assumed to be infected with a pathological imagination, were unwarranted. Yet the interpretations of the period have not always been consistent with each other, and they often have been characterized by vagueness. Generally speaking, the scholarly debate has focused on the historical and conceptual relationship between three elements: (1) Kant's philosophy of biology, as it is formulated in the Critique of the Power of Judgment , (2) the biological vitalism developed at the Göttingen medical school by Blumenbach and his students Kielmeyer, Link, Reil and Treviranus, and (3) the Naturphilosophie of Goethe, Schelling, Oken and Carus. In his pioneering studies, Timothy Lenoir (1978, 1980, 1981, 1982) argues that, although the life sciences developed in Germany in the late eighteenth century have been dismissed as an era dominated by empty speculation, they were in fact the result of a coherent research program. This program was developed in Göttingen by a wellconnected group of biologists after receiving its first formulation in Kant's Critique of the Power of Judgment in 1790. In the second part of this work, Kant sees teleology as a necessary tool to understand fundamental features of living beings such as functions and development. He also considers it as a mere heuristic principle, not as a constitutive character of organized bodies. According to this account, Blumenbach was the first naturalist to accept the Kantian understanding of teleological principles and organize it as a structured research program. This program was first developed by his most distinguished students Kielmeyer, Treviranus and Reil, and then employed by Meckel, von Baer and Müller (Lenoir 1982, 54-111). The disregard of this “Kantian” tradition in life sciences has, for Lenoir, both theoretical and historical grounds. The main issue is the assumption that only reductionist models are capable of generating a quantitative account of natural phenomena. Nevertheless, the idea that biological organization is not quite reducible to the laws of physics and chemistry is fully compatible with the fidelity to quantitative rigor as a touchstone of scientific explanation. According to Lenoir, the “vitalmaterialism” of the Göttingen School accepted this challenge and developed a “teleomechanical” research program based on the Kantian distinction between constitutive and regulative understanding of teleology. […]
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Remoção de vermelho reativo 120 em solução aquosa usando hidroxicarbonatos de Mg-Al, Mg-Fe e Mg como sólidos sorventesDávila, Ivone Vanessa Jurado January 2016 (has links)
O vermelho reativo 120 é um corante sintético muito usado na indústria têxtil. Os efluentes industriais contendo este tipo de composto, podem causar importantes problemas ambientais e de saúde. O presente trabalho objetiva estudar a remoção do vermelho reativo 120 em soluções via adsorção usando três tipos de sólidos: hidrotalcita de magensio-alumunio (HDL-MgAl), magensio-ferro (HDL-MgFe) e hidroxicarbonato de magnésio (HC-Mg). Para tal, foi avaliada a influência dos parâmetros concentração de sólido sorvente (0,05-0,35 g em 100 mL) e tempo de residência (5-120 min). Foram realizados experimentos de adsorção em batelada a fim de determinar as condições operacionais mais adequadas para a remoção do corante vermelho reativo 120 nos três sólidos. Os materiais foram caracterizados por Difração de raios-X e BET. Ainda, isotermas de adsorção foram construídas. Os resultados mostram uma boa cristalização e uma estrutura entre camadas caraterísticas da estrutura das hidrotalcitas As áreas superficiais BET dos três sólidos avaliados foram de 74,8, 118,9 e 67,3 m2/g para HDL-MgAl, HDL-MgFe e HC-Mg respetivamente. A condição mais adequada para a remoção do vermelho reativo 120 foi determinada para 2,5 g.L-1 para HDL-MgAl e HC-Mg, e 2 g.L-1 para HDL-MgFe com porcentagem de remoção superiores ao 90%. Na determinação do tempo de adsorção os parâmetros usados foram concentração de 2,5 g.L-1 para HDL-MgAl e HC-Mg, e 2 g.L-1 para HDL-MgFe. Foi determinado que a condição mais adequada para a remoção do vermelho é dada em um tempo de 60 minutos para os três sólidos sorventes. As isotermas foram favoráveis para os três sólidos testados e os modelos que melhor descreveram os dados de equilíbrio do corante vermelho reativo 120 na remoção com os sólidos HDL-MgAl e HC-Mg foram Langmuir e Redlich-Peterson e para HDL-MgFe, o modelo mais adequado foi Redlich-Peterson. / Reactive Red 120 is a synthetic dye widely used in the textile industry. Industrial effluents containing this type of compound can cause major environmental and health problems in living organisms. In this context, the present work aims to study the removal of reactive red 120 for adsorption solutions using three types of solids: hydrotalcite of magesium-aluminium (HDL-MgAl), magesium-iron (HDL-MgFe) e hydroxicarbonate of magnesium (HC-Mg). The influence of the concentration of solid sorbent parameters (0,05 to 0,35 g in 100 mL) and residence time was evaluated (5-120 min). Adsorption experiments were conducted in batch mode in order to determine the most suitable operating conditions to remotion of reactive red dye 120 in the three solids. The materials were characterized by Diffraction X-ray and BET. Still, adsorption isotherms were built. The results for the tested solids show a good crystallization characteristics and structure between layers of the structure of hydrotalcites The BET surface areas of the three evaluated solids were 74,8, 118,9 and 67,3 m2/g for HDL-MgAl, HDL-MgFe and HC-Mg respectively. The most appropriate condition for the removal of reactive red 120 was determined to 2.5 g.L-1 for HDL-MgAl and HC-Mg, and 2 g.L-1 to HDL-MgFe with removal percentage higher than 90%. In determining the adsorption time parameters used were concentration of 2,5 g.L-1 for HDL-MgAl and HC-Mg, and 2 g.L-1 for HDL-MgFe. It was determined that the most suitable condition for the removal of red is given in a time of 60 minutes for the three solid sorbents. As regards the study of equilibrium, it was found that the favorable isotherms. The models that best described the data balance of the reactive red dye 120 in the removal with HDL-MgAl and HC-Mg solid were Langmuir and Redlich-Peterson. On removal of the dye with HDL-MgFe the most appropriate model was Redlich-Peterson.
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Certifiering av biogödsel/kompost : Avvikelser från SPCR 120/SPCR 152 / Certification of digestate/compost : Non-conformities from SPCR 120/SPCR 152Andersson, Elin, Badeie, Amir January 2009 (has links)
Avfall Sverige äger två certifieringssystem: SPCR 120 Biogödsel och SPCR 152 Kompost. Dessa två certifieringssystem används för att certifiera biogasanläggningar och kompostanläggningar. Certifieringen säkerställer att biogödseln respektive komposten har en hög kvalité och kan användas inom till exempel jordbruk. Certifieringssystemen har varit i bruk sedan 1999 och har än så länge resulterat i åtta certifierade biogasanläggningar och tre certifierade kompostanläggningar. Det är SP Sveriges Tekniska Forskningsinstitut som genomför besiktningarna ute hos de olika anläggningarna samt ansvarar för utfärdandet av certifikaten.Denna rapport föregicks av en inläsning på certifieringsreglerna SPCR 120 Biogödsel och SPCR 152 Kompost, samt genomgång av samtliga besiktningsrapporter från 2005 och framåt. Därefter byggdes en databas upp där avvikelser, från certifieringsreglerna som påträffats vid besiktningarna, kunde registreras under respektive besiktning och anläggning. Från databasen kan också information om anläggningarna och besiktningsmännen fås ut såsom namn, adress och telefonnummer.Slutligen har avvikelserna sammanställts i olika diagram för att visa vilka områden i certifieringssystemen som genererat flest avvikelser. Det är dessa diagram som fått störst fokus i denna rapport, utöver bakgrundsfakta om biologisk behandling och information om certifieringsreglerna SPCR 120 Biogödsel och SPCR 152 Kompost. Resultatet visar att de största problemområdena är insamling och transport samt egenkontrollen av slutprodukten.
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