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La reincidencia propia específica en la jurisprudenciaMedina Cofré, Andrea January 2011 (has links)
Memoria (licenciado en ciencias jurídicas y sociales) / Este trabajo de investigación tiene por objeto la sistematización de jurisprudencia nacional relativa a la agravante de responsabilidad penal establecida en el artículo 12 N° 16 del Código Penal, denominada por la doctrina como reincidencia propia específica.
Esta circunstancia modificatoria de responsabilidad constituye un interesante objeto de estudio, toda vez que en nuestra doctrina no existe univocidad en relación con sus requisitos de procedencia, y además se discute sobre las posibles contravenciones a principios del derecho penal tales como el principio de non bis in idem y el principio de legalidad.
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Pojkens roll i bilderboken : En genusstudie av fyra svenska bilderböcker från 1970-talet och 2010-talet. / The Role of the Boy in Picturebooks : A gender study of four Swedish picturebooks from the 1970s and the 2010s.Olsson, Mikaela January 2019 (has links)
Syftet med denna uppsats är att undersöka genus i bilderböcker publicerade under 1970-talet och 2010-talet och jämföra dem för att se om det finns en skillnad mellan åren. Jag har arbetat med pojkar och maskulinitet i fyra svenska bilderböcker för att se hur pojkarnas känslor är gestaltade samt hur de behandlas av andra karaktärer. Jag har även tittat på leksakerna som syns i illustrationerna för att se om de kan ge en indikation över pojkarnas genus samt studerat om genus är tydligast i bild eller text. För att nå mina resultat har jag använt termen performativt genus samt ett schema över stereotypa könsroller skapat av Maria Nikolajeva för att se om pojkarna agerade i likhet med deras födda genus och om de var gestaltade på ett stereotypt maskulint sätt. Jag använde även Gillian Roses metod kompositionsanalys för att analysera bilderna. Min undersökning fann att pojkarna både visade sina performativa genus och ett större antal stereotypa manliga egenskaper men alla visade även ett par stereotypa kvinnliga egenskaper. Leksakerna existerade främst som rekvisita men befäste pojkarnas manliga genus då de flesta var maskulina. Jag kunde även se en skillnad i hur böckerna från 1970-talet och 2010-talet gestaltade genus, främst gällande hur känslor visades. De äldre böckerna fokuserade mer på pojkarnas fysiska aktiviteter medan de nyare fokuserade på deras känslotillstånd.
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Modelación no lineal de un edificio de hormigón armado y aplicación de metodología de diseño por desempeñoBedecarratz Salvadores, Eduardo Antonio January 2018 (has links)
Memoria para optar al título de Ingeniero Civil / En 2017, un grupo de investigadores y diseñadores, por medio de ACHISINA, presentaron un documento guía para realizar diseños sísmicos basados en desempeño. En este documento se describe brevemente la modelación requerida y los criterios de desempeño a satisfacer en Chile. El propósito de este trabajo es realizar una modelación no lineal de un edificio chileno de hormigón armado que presentó daños por flexo-compresión durante el 27F en uno de sus muros, y verificar que los criterios de desempeño establecidos en el documento mencionado señalen correctamente en el modelo las fallas que presentó el edificio.
El análisis se centró, principalmente, en el comportamiento del muro que presentó daño localizado por flexo-compresión en el primer piso. Se trata de un muro T, con un largo de alma de 8 metros, y un largo de ala que alcanza los 18 metros. Según los planos de construcción, el muro debería haber tenido una disposición de trabas alternadas en la punta, pero en la realidad las trabas no estaban presentes. Por lo tanto, se consideró un modelo de hormigón no confinado y un modelo de acero que considere el pandeo. Los muros fueron modelados usando elementos de área que están a la vez divididos en fibras de comportamiento no lineal. Se consideró diafragma rígido, y las losas fueron incorporadas solo en zonas donde puedan generar efectos de acople en muros, siendo modeladas como vigas de ancho 12 veces el espesor y con rótulas plásticas en sus extremos.
El modelo del edificio fue sometido a análisis estático no lineal y análisis dinámico no lineal, utilizando diferentes registros del 27F de Santiago. Los resultados muestran que para desplazamientos de techo relativamente bajos (deriva de techo ~0.003), el muro que sufrió daños en la realidad alcanza en el modelo niveles de deformación que implicarían daño por flexo-compresión, esto a causa de que el muro forma parte de un sistema que trabaja conjuntamente, como un gran muro en T. También se realizaron modelos no lineales con distintos criterios de modelación para comparar el impacto del diseño en el desempeño global del edificio.
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REPRESENTAÇÃO SOCIAL DOS PSICÓLOGOS JURÍDICOS E DA RESOLUÇÃO CFP Nº 019/2010.Castro, Maristela Miranda de Carvalho 20 February 2013 (has links)
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Previous issue date: 2013-02-20 / A presente dissertação é fruto da necessidade de discussão acerca da atuação do psicólogo jurídico no Brasil e enfatiza aspectos como a influência das representações sociais e da identidade profissional no exercício da atividade. O objetivo do presente estudo é verificar a percepção que o psicólogo jurídico tem da Resolução CFP Nº 019/2010 e como isso influencia sua prática profissional. Para o alcance do objetivo proposto, foi utilizada a pesquisa qualitativa como metodologia, com a técnica de Grupo Focal, do qual participaram três psicólogos jurídicos, além da aplicação de entrevista para outros três participantes, todos psicólogos jurídicos inscritos no CRP 09 (GO/TO). O estudo apresentou dados significativos acerca de como a representação social dos psicólogos jurídicos é influente na prática profissional e na construção da identidade profissional.
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A importância da consensualidade na implementação da logística reversa / The importance of consensuality in implementation of reverse logistics.Carvalho, Juliane Erthal de 27 February 2015 (has links)
Partindo-se do pressuposto de que a análise do aspecto socioeconômico não pode ser descolada do prisma ambiental e considerando que as ações de uma esfera impactam sobre a outra, a presente dissertação tem por objetivo investigar (i) o papel assumido pelo Estado e pelos agentes econômicos na implementação da gestão de resíduos sólidos e (ii) em que medida os cidadãos podem participar e colaborar com esse processo. No primeiro capítulo, analisa-se a reformulação do modelo de organização estatal, que passou a se retirar do âmbito de prestação direta de certas atividades para, a partir de então, atuar na regulação e normatização do setor econômico. Esse processo de modificação exigiu uma forma de interação consensual do Estado com a sociedade civil, em que a participação social tende a impor maior rigor de observância dos diversos interesses coletivos na formulação das políticas públicas e das decisões administrativas. No segundo capítulo, pretende-se analisar que a dicotomia entre o aspecto ambiental e o desenvolvimento socioeconômico já não encontra mais sustentação, buscando demonstrar-se que ambas as esferas devem coexistir. Para isso irá se perpassar por discussões relativas à sustentabilidade e à atuação normativa e regulatória do poder público em relação à gestão de resíduos sólidos. No terceiro capítulo, irá procurar se delimitar aspectos da logística reversa desde conceitos, abrangência até formas de efetivação, elencando-se também alguns aspectos normativos e práticos. No último capítulo, irá se avaliar como a redução da atuação impositiva do Estado é relevante para a implementação do instrumento da logística reversa e como pode haver uma gestão coordenada de interesses estatais, dos agentes econômicos e cidadãos. Desse modo, objetiva-se recorrer ao instrumento da logística reversa para se aprofundar a reflexão sobre a importância do método consensual de elaboração das decisões administrativas. / Starting from the assumption that the analysis of the socio-economic aspects can not be separated from the environmental perspective, since the actions of one sphere have an impact on the other, this thesis aims to investigate (i) the role of the State and the economic agents in the implementation of solid waste management and (ii) the extent of how much the citizens can participate and contribute to this process. The first chapter analyzes the reformulation of the state organization model, which change from the scope of direct provision of certain activities to the act in the regulation and standardization of the economic sector. This modification process required a form of consensual interaction of the State with civil society, in which social participation tends to impose stricter observance of the many collective interests in the formulation of public policies and administrative decisions. The second chapter intend to analyze the dichotomy between the environmental aspect and the socio-economic development that no longer find support, and for that, seek to demonstrate that both spheres must coexist. For this reason, it is necessary to enter in the discussions on sustainability and normative and regulatory role of the government in relation to solid waste management. The third chapter search for the definition of some aspects of the reverse logistics, as concepts, scope and forms of execution, describing some normative and practical aspects. The last chapter will assess how the reduction of imposing role of the State is relevant to the implementation of reverse logistics tool and how can there be a coordinated management of state interests, economic agents and citizens. Thus, the objective of this work is to use the reverse logistics tool to further reflect on the importance of consensual method of the preparation of administrative decisions.
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La implementación del plan de incentivos a la mejora de la gestión y modernización municipal entre el 2010 y el 2013, en el caso de la municipalidad de San Martín de Porres.Rodríguez Pajuelo, Roberto Juniors 19 May 2016 (has links)
El Perú, de acuerdo a nuestra Constitución, es un país unitario y
descentralizado, sin embargo en el diseño de la descentralización no se previó mecanismos de coordinación intergubernamental, además que buena parte del marco normativo de la descentralización se aprobó con posterioridad e incluso después de la creación de regiones (por ejemplo la Ley N° 29158, Ley Orgánica del Poder Ejecutivo – LOPE, se aprobó en diciembre del 2007, sin embargo, las competencias exclusivas y compartidas del Poder
Ejecutivo con los Gobiernos Regionales y Locales quedaron supeditadas a la aprobación de las Leyes de Organización y Funciones de los ministerios), ello ha determinado que la coordinación intergubernamental se vea debilitada y que prevalezca un enfoque más bien vertical de coordinación. / Tesis
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Los problemas en la implementación de la política pública de trata de personas, en el eje de persecución y sanción del delito, entre los años 2010 y 2014.Manrique Pino, Víctor Andreé 07 March 2016 (has links)
La Trata de Personas es considerada la esclavitud del siglo XXI y para
afrontarla, desde el año 2000, 167 estados miembros de la Organización de Naciones Unidas han suscrito el “Protocolo para prevenir, reprimir y sancionar la Trata de Personas, especialmente en mujeres y niños”, o también conocido como “Protocolo de Palermo”. Este documento establece diversas obligaciones a sus estados parte para combatir la Trata de Personas. / Tesis
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Desempeño electoral en reelecciones : mitos y realidades del nivel subnacional : estudio cuantitativo de las provincias del Perú en las elecciones municipales del 2010Pedraglio Teillier, Darío Santiago 14 March 2017 (has links)
El presente trabajo se enfoca en discutir qué factores influyen sobre el
desempeño electoral de los alcaldes y/u organizaciones que buscan la
reelección en el Perú, en particular en el nivel subnacional. Para esto se
analizan las elecciones provinciales del 2010, estudiando a todos aquellos
alcaldes y/u organizaciones que —en este año— buscaron ser reelectos, a
través de la modelación —mediante una regresión lineal— del desempeño
electoral de los alcaldes y/u organizaciones que buscaron la reelección. Como
posibles respuestas se plantea que: el desempeño de las autoridades afectará
la performance electoral de incumbentes; que ciertas estrategias clientelares
jugarán un rol cuando los electores decidan si dan o no su voto a la autoridad
que busca la reelección; que la fuerza electoral histórica de los incumbentes
pesará sobre el desempeño de estos en sus intentos reelectorales; y que habrá
un arrastre electoral. Se encuentra que: la capacidad de gasto de incumbentes
influye sobre desempeño electoral en la reelección; que el aumento del gasto
en años electorales es visto favorablemente por electores; que candidatos que
ganaron —en el 2006— con mayores porcentajes y mayor diferencia respecto
al segundo se desempeñan mejor en las reelecciones; y que el hecho de
compartir partido con un candidato regional fuerte —es decir, que quedó entre
los dos primeros de su elección— favorece al candidato del nivel inferior, en
este caso, provincial. / Tesis
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”Nya tider har gett nya regler” : En kritisk diskursanalys av synen på teknikutveckling i Yttrandefrihetskommitténs delbetänkande SOU 2010:68 / “New rules for new times” : A critical discourse analysis of the perceptions of technological development in the interim government report by the Committee on Freedom of Expression (SOU 2010:68)Pehrsson, Sofie Violett, Sörensson, My January 2012 (has links)
The aim of this thesis is to contribute to the field ofinformation politics, in the areas of the future regulationof The Fundamental Law on Freedom of Expression andThe Freedom of the Press Act. The focus of the study is todiscursively examine how ideas and perspectives ontechnological developments are expressed in a pendingSwedish legislative proposal. The empirical data consistsof an interim government report, SOU 2010:68, writtenby Yttrandefrihetskommittén (Committee on Freedom ofExpression) and analysed using Norman Fairclough'sCritical Discourse Analysis. The analysis is conducted onthree levels: a textual level, a discursive practice level anda social practice level.On the textual level we found that the committeecontinously uses significantly charged expressions todescribe technological development. On the discursivepractice level two discourses were identified. Adeterministic discourse is prevalent in passages wheretechnological issues are described, and an intrumentalisticdiscourse dominates passages where the politicalregulation for dealing with technological developmentproblems is described. On the social practice level wefound that a discussion with a focus on the idea oftechnological neutrality is used as a means of meeting thepolitical incitements which gave rise to the report itself.The results show that the idea of neutralizing thepublication technologies connected with the rights offreedom of expression in Swedish legislation is proposedis two ways. Firstly, by describing problems connectedwith technological development in deterministic terms,and secondly, by suggesting political measures for dealingwith the problems in instrumentalistic terms. / Program: Bibliotekarie
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Measuring Psychopathology: Exploring Construct Validity Evidence for PTSD A 2010 Haitian Earthquake ExampleHermosilla, Sabrina January 2015 (has links)
Measurement is the foundation of epidemiologic thought and practice. The appropriate measurement of exposures and outcomes of interest is the underlying assumption to all causal investigations. Poor quality measurement, be it through inappropriate data collection methods or changing diagnostic criteria, which can result in erroneous estimates, has a deleterious impact on scientists, policy makers, and the public.
Mental health disorders particularly suffer from a lack of diagnostic clarity as diagnosis is often based on self-report of overlapping symptoms with no clear measureable biomarkers. The release of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, fifth edition (DSM-5) in May of 2013 is the most recent attempt to codify existing diagnostic criteria for psychiatric disorders. Posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) diagnostic criteria shifted from a three-cluster approach of avoidance, hyper-arousal, and re- experiencing to a four-cluster approach of avoidance, arousal, negative cognitions and mood, and re- experiencing. The very existence of multiple diagnostic frameworks for the same psychiatric disorder is proof that accurate diagnosis is a complex and unresolved issue that warrants investigation.
This complexity in posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) symptom presentation, limits our ability to develop appropriate responses. In this dissertation I conducted four independent but related studies to explore the construct validity of PTSD. In Chapter 1 I systematically reviewed the extant empiric literature from PubMed and PsychINFO on PTSD symptom structure to identify a universal PTSD factor structure. I found 40 (3%) of 1,302 citations published between 1980-2014 provided empiric PTSD factor structure estimates forming the basis of my review. While consensus exists with respect to the general multifactorial make-up of PTSD, a universal understanding of the specific operationalization of this structure, supported by the empiric literature, is absent.
In Chapter 2, I used population-based, cross-sectional data from adult survivors of the 2010 earthquake in Haiti, to assesses model fit of six theoretical factor structures of PTSD: one-factor Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM)-IV; three-factor DSM-IV-TR (arousal, avoidance, and intrusion); three-main factor (arousal, avoidance, and intrusion) and one-hierarchical factor DSM-IV-TR; four-factor King 1998 (avoidance, hypervigilance, emotional numbing, re-experiencing); four-factor Simms 2002 (avoidance, dysphoria, hyperarousal, intrusion); and four-factor DSM-5 (arousal, avoidance, intrusion, negative mood and cognition) models through confirmatory factor analyses (CFA). While all models adequately fit the data, the three-factor DSM-IV-TR (arousal, avoidance, and intrusion) model best fit the sample (χ2=593.257, 116 degrees of freedom; RMSEA=0.056; CFI=0.927; TLI=0.915, WRMR=1.769; AIC=24,760.459; and BIC=24,952.178).
Again drawing on the cross-sectional, population data from Haitian earthquake survivors, in Chapter 3 I used multiple linear regressions to model pre-, peri-, and post-earthquake factor associations with mean PTSD symptom cluster (arousal, intrusion, and avoidance, validated in Chapter 2) endorsement. I found that mean PTSD symptom factor endorsement is heterogeneously associated with pre-, peri-, and post- earthquake factors, consistent with dimensional theoretical foundations: arousal endorsement more likely to be associated with pre-earthquake factors, intrusion endorsement more likely to be associated with factors across the temporal field, and avoidance endorsement more likely to be associated with post- earthquake factors.
In Chapter 4, I used exploratory factor analysis (EFA) to assess the factor stability of the DSM-IV-TR (arousal, intrusion, avoidance) defined PTSD structure when major depressive disorder (MDD) items are introduced, in the same Haitian post-earthquake population-based study. A six-factor, 25-item model was estimated and fit the data (χ2=253.427, 165 degrees of freedom, p<0.001; RMSEA=0.021, 90% CI:0.016, 0.026; CFI=0.987; TLI=0.976) better than the PTSD-only model specified in Chapter 2. PTSD-specific items did not load on the original PTSD factors or with the original factor items (new factors included items from 0-3 different original PTSD factors), in the presence of MDD items. PTSD dimensionality was not stable in the presence of MDD items, thus challenging the discriminant validity of PTSD.
This exploration into PTSD construct validity found that while consensus exists with respect to the general multifactorial make-up of PTSD, a universal understanding of the specific operationalization of this structure, supported by the empiric literature, is absent. The tight range in model fit statistics documented in the CFA provides additional evidence of this, suggesting that empirical-based model selection is insufficient to universally characterize PTSD. Given the overall consensus of general factors, the significant and heterogeneous pre-, peri-, and post-earthquake factor associations with the unique PTSD symptom clusters provides additional evidence of the multidimensional theoretical mechanisms behind PTSD psychopathology. PTSD model stability, an indication of discriminant validity, failed to hold when challenged by MDD items, further challenging PTSD construct validity.
There are several important implications of this work. First, based on the systematic review and CFA findings, adjudication of PTSD model selection based on empiric findings is insufficient and should be theoretically driven. Future investigations should always include the most commonly supported models as they develop and refine additional models, thus enabling rigorous cross-context, cross-potentially traumatic event, and cross-study comparisons that are currently not possible. Second, the multidimensional modeling of PTSD factors provided valuable insight into the psychopathology of PTSD without additional data collection burden and should be widely adopted. Researchers should look to model PTSD both as a dichotomous variable and on a continuous scale, both as a complete construct and by each dimensional component. Third, while the exploration into discriminant validity builds on another study that found PTSD factor structure unstable in the presence of MDD item challenges, more research is needed here to understand the theoretic and empiric utility of the specified six-factor model across settings and diagnostic criteria. Fourth, while endeavoring to explore construct validity, exploratory qualitative methods with populations beyond the highly studied U.S. military populations are needed to propose additional items that could, provide valuable missing empiric evidence for PTSD factor dimensionality.
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