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Étude de l’implication des phosphoinositides dans la formation de l’enveloppe nucléaireZhendre, Vanessa 13 December 2010 (has links)
Des pathologies telles que la myopathie et certains types de cancer, peuvent être causées par une mauvaise formation de l’enveloppe nucléaire (EN), processus se produisant lors de chaque division cellulaire mais aussi lors de la formation du pronoyau mâle. Un modèle in vitro, dérivé de gamètes d’oursins, a été utilisé afin d’étudier les différentes étapes de formation de l’EN et a permis de révéler plusieurs informations essentielles. Un des points critiques est que des membranes fortement enrichies en phosphoinositides polyphosphorylés (PPIs) sont essentielles à la formation de l’EN, notamment lors des étapes de fusion membranaire. Ces membranes proviennent du cytoplasme de l’ovocyte fécondé (MV1) et des noyaux de spermatozoïdes (NERs). Nous avons construit des modèles membranaires mimant les compositions lipidiques de ces membranes, puis étudié leur structure, leur dynamique ainsi que leur morphologie par spectroscopie de RMN des solides et microscopie électronique. Nous avons montré que les PPIs induisent une courbure membranaire positive, conduisant à la formation de petites vésicules ou de micelles allongées. Plus important encore, dans le modèle « MV1», les membranes sont très fluides. Le modèle « NERs » est constitué de membranes globalement ordonnées, semblables aux phases dites « liquides ordonnées » avec une modulation apportée par la PPIs. Nous avons également construit un modèle membranaire minant la composition lipidique des vésicules MV2, membranes non-enrichies en PPIs mais représentant 90 % des vésicules participant à la formation de l’EN. Ce modèle membranaire présente une dynamique intermédiaire à celle observée pour les modèles MV1 et NERs. Ces propriétés nouvelles ont permis de proposer un mécanisme décrivant le rôle des PPIs lors de la fusion membranaire conduisant à la formation de l’enveloppe nucléaire. / Diseases, such as myopathies and some types of cancer, can be caused by abnormal nuclear envelope (NE) assembly, a process that takes place at each cell division and during male pronuclear formation. A cell-free assay from sea urchin gametes, that mimics the in vivo male pronucleus formation, has been used to dissect the various stages of NE assembly. This in vitro assay has revealed several novel features. One of the critical aspects is that membranes highly enriched in polyphosphorylated phosphoinositides (PPIs), are essential for NE formation, especially during the stage of membrane fusion. Theses membranes are extracted from the cytoplasm of the fertilised oocyte (MV1) and sperm nuclei (NERs). We made model membranes with similar lipid composition to MV1 and NERs and studied their structure, dynamics and morphologies by solid-state NMR spectroscopy and electron microscopy. We show that PPIs have a positive membrane curvature, inducing small vesicles and elongated micelles. More importantly, we illustrate that “MV1-like” membranes are very fluid. “NERs-like” membranes are globally ordered and belong to the family of liquid ordered phases. We also evidenced that PPIs can counterbalance in part the ordering effect of cholesterol. Moreover we made model membranes with similar lipid composition to MV2, non-enriched in PPIs membranes which constitute 90% of the vesicles forming the NE. This model membrane shows an in-between dynamics compared to MV1 and NERs. We therefore propose a mechanism describing the role of PPIs during membrane fusion leading to nuclear membrane assembly.
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MR zobrazení a MR spektroskopie člověka při fyzické zátěži (MR spektroskopické zobrazování, MR difúzometrie, MR relaxometrie aj.) / MR imaging and MR spectroscopy of human during physical stress (MR spectroscopy imaging, MR diffusometry, MR relaxometry etc.)Šedivý, Petr January 2018 (has links)
The dissertation is concerned to in vivo phosphorus MR spectroscopy (31 P MRS) and 1 H MR imaging (MRI) of muscle in combination with physical workload. The theoretical part of the thesis describes methodology of 31 P MRS measurement and its clinical use in research of metabolic changes in diabetes, heart failure and peripheral artery disease (PAD). The results of the thesis are divided into methodical and clinical parts. Methodical results deal with the construction of experimental equipment, software modification and development, and show of the reproducibility of the dynamic 31 P MRS. The MRI after exercise was used to the describe involvement of the individual calf muscles to muscle contraction during pedal movement in MR compatible ergometer. The first part of the clinical results of the thesis describes changes in muscle metabolism during diabetes and critical ischemia. In patients with critical ischemia the effect of treatment by angioplasty or transplantation of mesenchymal stem cells was evaluated. In the second part of the clinical results the metabolism of patients with heart failure complicated by sideropenia was studied. In these patients the effect of experimental treatment by iron carboxymaltose was described.
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RMN de matériaux paramagnétiques : mesures et modélisation / Multinuclear NMR of paramagnetic compounds : measurements and modellingCastets, Aurore 18 November 2011 (has links)
Ce travail consiste en l’étude par RMN multinoyaux de matériaux paramagnétiques d’électrodes positives pour batteries au Li. La RMN du solide permet une caractérisation de l’environnement local du noyau sondé grâce à l’exploitation des interactions hyperfines dues à la présence d’une certaine densité d’électrons célibataires (déplacement de contact de Fermi) ou de conduction (déplacement de Knight) sur ce noyau (densité transférée selon des mécanismes plus ou moins complexes). Les matériaux étudiés sont des phosphates de métaux de transition tels que Li3M2(PO4)3 (M = Fe, V), la famille des tavorites LiMPO4X (M = Fe, Mn; X = OH, F) ou encore les phases homéotypiques MPO4.H2O (M = Fe, Mn, V). Pour tous ces matériaux, caractérisés par RMN du 7Li, 31P et 1H, l’environnement local de ces noyaux a été étudié afin d’envisager les mécanismes de transfert de spin possibles. Des calculs ab initio ont été effectués pour reproduir les déplacements de RMN, puis établir des cartes de densité de spin afin d’étayer ou compléter la compréhension de ces mécanismes. / Paramagnetic materials for positive electrodes for Li batteries have been studied by multinuclear NMR. The local environment of the probed nucleus can be characterized by solid state NMR making use of hyperfine interactions due to transfer of some electron spin density (Fermi contact shift) on this nucleus, via more or less complex mechanisms. We studied a series of transition metal phosphates as Li3M2(PO4)3 (M = Fe, V) with anti-NASICON structure, LiMPO4X (M = Fe, Mn; X = OH, F) belonging to the tavorite family and the homeotypic phases MPO4.H2O (M = Fe, Mn, V). All these materials have been characterized by 7Li, 31P and 1H NMR, and the local environments of these nuclei have been analyzed to propose possible spin transfer mechanisms. First principles DFT calculations have been carried out to, first of all, reproduce the experimental NMR shifts, and then to confirm or complement the understanding of these mechanisms, in particular by plotting spin density maps.
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Reifungsbedingte Membranveränderungen an Eberspermien und deren Bedeutung für die Kältesensitivität der SpermienJakop, Ulrike Sandra 26 November 2013 (has links)
Wie in anderen Zellen sind auch bei Säugerspermien spezifische Lipide und Proteine der Zellmembran aufgrund ihrer heterogenen lateralen Verteilung in speziellen Domänen angereichert, die in unterschiedlichen räumlichen und zeitlichen Dimensionen existieren und der Zelle funktionale Variabilität ermöglichen. Aufgrund der fehlenden aktiven Proteinbiosynthese bietet dies den Spermien eine Möglichkeit, auf unterschiedliche Anforderungen zu reagieren. In der vorliegenden Arbeit wurden daher sogenannte detergenzresistente Membrandomänen (DRMs) aus Eberspermien unterschiedlicher Reifestadien präpariert und untersucht. Dabei stieg bereits in den Dichtegradienten mit zunehmender Reife die Dichte, bei der die opaleszenten Banden auftraten. Eine Analyse dieser mittels 31P-NMR zeigte mit zunehmender Reife eine Anreicherung an Glycerophosphatidylethanolamin und Phosphatidylinositol bei den Glycerophospholipiden, der Gehalt an Sphingomyelin hingegen nahm während der Nebenhodenreifung und auch nach der Ejakulation ab. Diese Veränderungen könnten auf eine Destabilisierung von Membrandomänen hindeuten, um eine Zusammenlagerung zu größeren Domänenclustern zu erleichtern, möglicherweise in Vorbereitung auf Kapazitation und Akrosomenreaktion. Zunächst werden die destabilisierten Membrandomänen jedoch durch die Anlagerung von Seminalplasmaproteinen geschützt, was vermutlich für das verringerte Lipid- zu Proteinverhältnis der DRMs bei Ejakulatspermien sorgt. Aufgrund der generellen Kälteempfindlichkeit von Eberspermien findet ihre Lagerung üblicherweise bei 16°C statt. Dies ist aus mikrobiologischer Sicht nachteilig gegenüber einer kälteren Lagerungstemperatur. Eine Untersuchung der Spermien von 64 Ebern zeigte jedoch bei 10% der Ejakulate eine individuum-spezifische Resistenz gegenüber der Lagerung bei 4°C. Die DRMs der kälteresistenten Spermien hatten einen erhöhten Anteil an langkettigen, mehrfach ungesättigten Fettsäuren, wie 31P-NMR und MALDI-TOF MS Analysen zeigten. / The lateral distribution of lipids and proteins in the plasma membrane is heterogeneous. Therefore specific lipids and proteins in membranes of mammalian spermatozoa are enriched in special domains of varying size and different time scales enabling the cell’s membrane functional variability. Being transcriptional inactive this is especially relevant for spermatozoa in responding to multiple challenges on their way to fertilization. Therefore so called detergent resistant membrane domains (DRMs) from boar spermatozoa of different developmental stages were investigated. Already in the sucrose density gradients differences were visible, so the opalescent bands of more maturated sperm had a higher density. An analysis of these bands by 31P-NMR showed an enrichment of glycerophosphatidylethanolamine and phosphatidylinositol during maturation and a decrease of sphingomyelin during maturation in the epididymis and even after ejaculation. This suggests destabilization of DRMs and hence of putative membrane domains. This could enable clustering to bigger membrane domain platforms in preparation for capacitation and acrosome reaction. First, however, seminal fluid proteins cover the spermatozoa protecting the membrane with the destabilized membrane domains. This could have led to the detected decrease of the lipid to protein ratio in DRMs of ejaculated sperm. Boar spermatozoa are sensitive to storage at cold temperatures and are therefore usually stored at 16°C, which is especially disadvantageous with regard to growing of bacteria. A screening of sperm from 64 boars showed a ratio of 10% individuals with cold resistant sperm which could be stored at 4°C without quality loss. The DRMs of cold resistant sperm had a higher proportion of longchained, polyunsaturated fatty acids, as shown by analysis with 31P-NMR und MALDI-TOF MS.
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Analysis and speciation of organic phosphorus in environmental matrices : Development of methods to improve 31P NMR analysisVestergren, Johan January 2014 (has links)
Phosphorus (P) is an essential element for life on our planet. It is central in numerous biochemical processes in terrestrial and aqueous ecosystems including food production; and it is the primary growth-limiting nutrient in some of the world’s biomes. The main source of P for use as agricultural fertilizer is mining of non-renewable mineral phosphate. In terrestrial ecosystems the main source is soil P, where the largest fraction is organic P, composed of many species with widely differing properties. This fraction controls the utilization of P by plants and microorganisms and influences ecosystem development and productivity. However, there is only scarce knowledge about the molecular composition of the organic P pool, about the processes controlling its bioavailability, and about its changes as soils develop. Therefore, the aim of this thesis was to develop robust solution- and solid-state 31P nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy (NMR) methods to provide molecular information about speciation of the organic P pool, and to study its dynamics in boreal and tropical soils. By studying humus soils of a groundwater recharge/discharge productivity gradient in a Fennoscandian boreal forest by solution- and solid-state NMR, it was found that P speciation changed with productivity. In particular, the level of orthophosphate diesters decreased with increasing productivity while mono-esters such as inositol phosphates increased. Because the use of solution NMR on conventional NaOH/EDTA extracts of soils was limited due to severe line broadening caused by the presence of paramagnetic metal ions, a new extraction method was developed and validated. Based on the removal of these paramagnetic impurities by sulfide precipitation, a dramatic decrease in NMR linewidths was obtained, allowing for the first time to apply modern multi-dimensional solution NMR techniques to soil extracts. Identification of individual soil P-species, and tracking changes in the organic P pools during soil development provided information for connecting P-speciation to bioavailability and ecosystem properties. Using this NMR approach we studied the transformation of organic P in humus soils along a chronosequence (7800 years) in Northern Sweden. While total P varied little, the composition of the soil P pool changed particularly among young sites, where also the largest shift in the composition of the plant community and of soil microorganisms was observed. Very old soils, such as found Africa, are thought to strongly adsorb P, limiting plant productivity. I used NMR to study the effect of scattered agroforestry trees on P speciation in two semi-arid tropical woodlands with different soil mineralogy (Burkina Faso). While the total P concentration was low, under the tree canopies higher amounts of P and higher diversity of P-species were found, presumably reflecting higher microbial activity. / <p>I delarbete III har titel och författaruppgifter förändrats.</p>
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Kontrastní látky pro heteronukleární MRI / Contrast agents for hereronuclear MRIKoucký, Filip January 2018 (has links)
In this thesis the pH dependency of the coordination modes of lanthanide complexes with macrocyclic ligands based on 1,4,7,10-tetraazacyclododecane skeleton was studied. The cyclen-based ligand structures in this work contained three acetate and one aminoethyl group with a N-alkyl-N-methylphosphonate substituent, DO3AN(R)P, where R is an alkyle substituent on the nitrogen atom of the pendant arm (R = methyl, benzyl). Lanthanide complexes of a previously studied prototype ligand DO3ANP with secondary amino group (R = H) have shown interesting properties in the field of 31 P NMR imaging because of their various coordination properties, which allow in situ pH measurement. These complexes can also be used for monitoring the kinetics of the chemical exchange of the amino group proton in 1 H NMR imaging using the chemical exchange saturation transfer (CEST NMR). In this thesis, two new derivatives DO3ANMeP and DO3ANBnP were prepared in order to better understand the coordination modes changes in this ligand series. Also, their coordination behaviour with selected lanthanide ions was studied (Eu3+ , Gd3+ , Dy3+ , Yb3+ ). Based on a series of NMR and luminescence measurements, it was found out, that in acidic conditions the complexes containing DO3ANP motif bind a water molecule in their coordination...
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31P-NMR-spektroskopische Untersuchungen von Heterocyclen mit alpha-P4S3-, alpha-P4Se3- und P3Se4-Gerüst / 31P NMR spectroscopic investigations of heterocycles with alpha-P4S3, alpha-P4Se3 and P3Se4 skeletonLutz, Jörg 26 September 2000 (has links)
Diese Arbeit beschäftigt sich mit der Untersuchung der Ligandeneinflüsse bei Verbindungen mit alpha-P4S3-, alpha-P4Se3- und P3Se4-Gerüst. Dazu wurden die Verbindungen alpha-P4S3L2 (L = N(C3H7)(C6H5), NC9H10, SeCH3, SeC6H5),alpha-P4Se3L2 (L = NH(C6H5), N(CH3)(C6H5), N(C2H5)(C6H5), N(C3H7)(C6H5),NC9H10, SCH3, SeCH3) und P3Se4L (L = NH(C6H5), NH(C13H9), NH(C25H19),N(CH3)(C6H5), N(C2H5)(C6H5), N(C3H7)(C6H5), NC9H10, SCH3, SeCH3, SeC6H5)synthetisiert und die 31P-NMR-Parameter bestimmt. Durch Vergleich mit31P-NMR-Daten aus der Literatur konnten die Ligandeneinflüsse untersucht werden. Dabei ergibt sich, daß der Einfluß am ligandentragenden Phosphoratom erwartungsgemäß am größten ist. Die 1J(AB)-Kopplungen der drei Käfigmolekülfamilien mit jeweils gleichem Substituenten unterscheiden sich nur wenig. Der Einfluß des Liganden auf die31P-NMR-Parameter ist bei den P3Se4-Derivaten am kleinsten. Die Umsetzung von P3Se4I mit den sekundären Aminen HN(CH3)2, HN(C2H5)2 und HN(CH3)(C6H5) in Toluol führt zu den Verbindungen alpha-P4Se3(SeP(Se)NR2)2 (NR2 = N(CH3)2,N(C2H5)2) und P3Se4(SeP(Se)NR2) (NR2 = N(CH3)2, N(C2H5)2 undN(CH3)(C6H5)). Bei den Verbindungen mit P3Se4-Gerüst handelt es sich um fluktuierende Systeme. Die Fluktuationsraten wurden bei verschiedenen Temperaturen bestimmt.
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Neues von binären Phosphorsulfiden und anderen Phosphorchalkogen-Molekülen und ihren Derivaten / News from phosphorus sulfides and other phosphorus chalcogen molecules and their derivativesNowottnick, Heike 25 July 2000 (has links)
Diese Arbeit liefert einen Beitrag zur Chemie der Phosphorsulfide. Die Sulfurierung von alpha-P4S4 mit Triphenylantimonsulfid führte zu den neuen Verbindungen delta-P4S6 und epsilon-P4S6, wobei die Entdeckung von delta-P4S6 die Lücke in der Verbindungsreihe der Phosphorsulfide mit beta-P4S5-Grundgerüst schließt. Die Reaktion von P4S10 mit Triphenylphosphin lieferte delta-P4S7. Der molekulare Aufbau dieser Phosphorsulfide wurde mit Hilfe der 31P-NMR-Spektroskopie ermittelt. Anhand der Produktverteilungen konnten Aussagen über mögliche Reaktionswege gemacht werden. Bei der Reaktion von P4S3 und P4Se3 mit NbCl5 konnten Einkristalle mit unerwarteter Struktur beobachtet werden: [beta-P4S4(NbCl5)2] und [P4Se3(NbCl5)]. [beta-P4S4(NbCl5)2 enthält als Strukturelement beta-P4S4 von dem bis heute noch keine Einkristallstrukturaufnahmen existieren. Die Verbindungsklasse alpha-P4S3((NHR)exo)2 und alpha-P4S3(NR) konnte durch weitere Moleküle dieser Art, jedoch mit größerem Rest R (R = Fluorenyl, Triphenylmethylphenyl, Adamantyl) ergänzt werden. Die Umsetzung von alpha-P4Se3I2 mit 1-Adamantanammoniumchlorid und tert.-Buytylammoniumchlorid führte zu den bislang noch nicht beschriebenen Verbindungen alpha-P4Se3Iexo(NHR)exo und alpha-P4Se3Iendo(NHR)exo. Die Untersuchung der beta-alpha-Umwandlung hat ergeben, daß bei der Reaktion an Licht die Produkte alpha-P4S3I2, P4S3 und PI3 entstanden sind. Bei der Reaktion unter Lichtausschluß erfolgt der Zerfall nur sehr langsam. Aufgrund der Reaktionen von beta-P4S3I2 und alpha-P4S3I2 mit Natriumthioslulfat und Stärke, sowie der Stabilität der Verbindung beta-P4S3(CH3)2, kann heute davon ausgegangen werden, daß freies Iod für die beta-alpha-Umwandlung notwendig ist.
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Karakterisering van Grubbs-tipe prekatalisatore met behulp van kernmagnetiese resonansspektroskopie / Christo de LangeDe Lange, Christo January 2014 (has links)
Since the development of the ruthenium containing precatalysts Grubbs 1 (1) and Grubbs 2 (2), there was an increase in the development of new precatalysts. The NMR characterization could not cope with this. The NMR characterization mainly consists of 1H, 31P, COSY and rarely 13C. Due to the high natural abundance of 1H and 31P (99.98% and 100%), these experiments could be carried out quickly and easily. The only change that had to be made was to the spectral width, to accommodate the carbene signal (Ru=CH) between δ 20.02 and δ 17.32 ppm. The lack of 13C characterization is attributed to the low natural abundance of these nuclei that is only 1.10% and the lack of published parameters. Furthermore, the broad spectral width of 300 ppm increases the difficulty because the number of scans has to be increased to increase the sensitivity of the spectra and obtain useful data.
In this study the precatalyst 1 was used to learn the NMR technique as well as to acquire the NMR parameters. 2 and two other commercial Grubbs-type precatalysts 3 and 4 underwent NMR characterization so that acquired values could be compared with the literature. Six other non-commercial Grubbs-type precatalysts 5-10 were synthesized and characterized.
Due to the instability of the precatalysts and taking into account the duration of these experiments, the characterization was done over three steps. The first step was to do the following experiments: 1H, COSY, HSQC and HMBC, which took four hours. The next step was the DEPT135 experiment of three hours, and finally the 13C experiment of seven hours. The maximum amount of information could be obtained in this way.
The combined NMR parameters for this study was obtained and used to characterize the Grubbs-type precatalysts 5-10 partially. Due to the large amount of overlapping peaks in the aromatic and alkane areas the resolution was not sufficient for full characterization. / MSc (Chemistry), North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2014
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Karakterisering van Grubbs-tipe prekatalisatore met behulp van kernmagnetiese resonansspektroskopie / Christo de LangeDe Lange, Christo January 2014 (has links)
Since the development of the ruthenium containing precatalysts Grubbs 1 (1) and Grubbs 2 (2), there was an increase in the development of new precatalysts. The NMR characterization could not cope with this. The NMR characterization mainly consists of 1H, 31P, COSY and rarely 13C. Due to the high natural abundance of 1H and 31P (99.98% and 100%), these experiments could be carried out quickly and easily. The only change that had to be made was to the spectral width, to accommodate the carbene signal (Ru=CH) between δ 20.02 and δ 17.32 ppm. The lack of 13C characterization is attributed to the low natural abundance of these nuclei that is only 1.10% and the lack of published parameters. Furthermore, the broad spectral width of 300 ppm increases the difficulty because the number of scans has to be increased to increase the sensitivity of the spectra and obtain useful data.
In this study the precatalyst 1 was used to learn the NMR technique as well as to acquire the NMR parameters. 2 and two other commercial Grubbs-type precatalysts 3 and 4 underwent NMR characterization so that acquired values could be compared with the literature. Six other non-commercial Grubbs-type precatalysts 5-10 were synthesized and characterized.
Due to the instability of the precatalysts and taking into account the duration of these experiments, the characterization was done over three steps. The first step was to do the following experiments: 1H, COSY, HSQC and HMBC, which took four hours. The next step was the DEPT135 experiment of three hours, and finally the 13C experiment of seven hours. The maximum amount of information could be obtained in this way.
The combined NMR parameters for this study was obtained and used to characterize the Grubbs-type precatalysts 5-10 partially. Due to the large amount of overlapping peaks in the aromatic and alkane areas the resolution was not sufficient for full characterization. / MSc (Chemistry), North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2014
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