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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

On the Measurement, Theory and Estimation of Fiscal Multipliers

Gechert, Sebastian 10 November 2014 (has links) (PDF)
The study is intended to identify relevant channels and possibly biasing factors with respect to fiscal multipliers, and thus to contribute to improving the precision of multiplier forecasts. This is done by, first, defining the concept of the multiplier used in the present study, presenting the main theoretical channels of influence as discussed in the literature and the problems of empirical identification. Second, by conducting a meta-regression analysis on the reported multipliers from a unique data set of 1069 multiplier observations and the respective study characteristics in order to derive quantitative stylzed facts. Third, by developing a simple multiplier model that explicitly takes into account the time elapse of the multiplier process as an explanatory factor that has been largely overlooked by the relevant theoretical literature. Fourth, by identifying, for US macroeconomic time series data, the extent to which fiscal multiplier estimates could be biased in the presence of financial cycles that have not been taken into account by the relevant empirical literature.

The effects of information and communication technologies on the banking sector and the payments system

Arbussà i Reixach, Anna 22 November 2001 (has links)
This dissertation studies the effects of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) on the banking sector and the payments system. It provides insight into how technology-induced changes occur, by exploring both the nature and scope of main technology innovations and evidencing their economic implications for banks and payment systems. Some parts in the dissertation are descriptive. They summarise the main technological developments in the field of finance and link them to economic policies. These parts are complemented with sections of the study that focus on assessing the extent of technology application to banking and payment activities. Finally, it includes also some work which borrows from the economic literature on banking. The need for an interdisciplinary approach arises from the complexity of the topic and the rapid path of change to which it is subject.The first chapter provides an overview of the influence of developments in ICT on the evolution of financial services and international capital flows. We include main indicators and discuss innovation in the financial sector, exchange rates and international capital flows. The chapter concludes with impact analysis and policy options regarding the international financial architecture, some monetary policy issues and the role of international institutions. The second chapter is a technology assessment study that focuses on the relationship between technology and money. The application of technology to payments systems is transforming the way we use money and, in some instances, is blurring the definition of what constitutes money. This chapter surveys the developments in electronic forms of payment and their relationship to the banking system. It also analyses the challenges posed by electronic money for regulators and policy makers, and in particular the opportunities created by two simultaneous processes: the Economic and Monetary Union and the increasing use of electronic payment instruments.The third chapter deals with the implications of developments in ICT on relationship banking. The financial intermediation literature explains relationship banking as a type of financial intermediation characterised by proprietary information and multiple interactions with customers. This form of banking is important for the financing of small and medium-sized enterprises. We discuss the effects of ICT on the banking sector as a whole and then apply these developments to the case of relationship banking.The fourth chapter is an empirical study of the effects of technology on the banking business, using a sample of data from the Spanish banking industry. The design of the study is based on some of the events described in the previous chapters, and also draws from the economic literature on banking. The study shows that developments in information management have differential effects on wholesale and retail banking activities. Finally, the last chapter is a technology assessment study on electronic payments systems in Spain and the European Union. It contains an analysis of existing payment systems and ongoing or planned initiatives in Spain. It forms part of a broader project comprising a series of country-specific analyses covering ten European countries. The main issues raised across the countries serve as the starting point to discuss implications of the development of electronic money for regulation and policies, and in particular, for monetary-policy making.

Hisendes locals i turisme: tres assaigs

Rigall i Torrent, Ricard 19 December 2003 (has links)
Aquesta tesi utilitza l'anàlisi econòmica per a estudiar les hisendes locals, especialment els aspectes relacionats amb la provisió i finançament dels béns i serveis públics locals. Les hisendes locals, tant a Catalunya com a la resta d'Espanya, pateixen diversos problemes. Dos són especialment rellevants per a aquesta tesi. El primer és la reduïda dimensió dels municipis, l'altre la seva insuficient dotació financera. A la tesi es tracten aquestes dues qüestions en cinc capítols. Primer s'introdueix la problemàtica, exposant-ne els antecedents, la situació actual i la metodologia per al seu anàlisi. A continuació s'aborda la relació entre la grandària dels municipis i la seva capacitat per a proveir béns i serveis públics. De manera recurrent es produeixen debats sobre els problemes que pateixen els municipis petits. El problema més evident d'aquests municipis és el dèficit de serveis públics. Es sol argumentar que els municipis petits pateixen aquests dèficits en la provisió de serveis públics a causa de la manca d'un nombre crític d'habitants. Normalment es presenta la consolidació municipal com a solució a aquest problema. En aquest treball analitzem les diferents vessants de la qüestió dels dèficits de serveis municipals.Es continua analitzant com influeix sobre el sector privat la incapacitat per part dels municipis de prestar la quantitat i/o qualitat correcta de béns i serveis públics. Sembla clar que l'atractiu d'un hotel per als seus clients depèn tant dels serveis que ofereix com de l'entorn en què es troba. Com s'ha dit sovint "un hotel de quatre estrelles necessita un entorn de quatre estrelles". Aquests atributs que configuren l'entorn són complementaris a l'oferta privada dels serveis hotelers i són essencials a l'hora de definir les opcions de comercialització, ja que sembla raonable que diferències en les dotacions de serveis públics, capital natural i imatge de la localitat generaran diferències en els preus d'hotels que altrament són idèntics. A la següent etapa s'estudia la situació financera a la qual s'enfronten els municipis a l'hora de proveir els béns i serveis públics, especialment en el cas de les localitats amb forta implantació de l'activitat turística. L'objectiu d'aquest estudi és doble. Primer, realitzar una anàlisi i un diagnòstic del finançament als municipis turístics i, segon, discutir diferents vies de millora. En una primera part s'exposa el marc que cal tenir en compte a l'hora de considerar les qüestions de provisió de serveis públics i els consegüents aspectes pressupostaris. Després es presenta un model estilitzat de provisió de béns públics i d'estructura pressupostària que explicita, amb la intenció de portar a terme l'anàlisi economètrica, les interrelacions rellevants entre provisió de serveis públics, ingressos fiscals i despeses. Tot seguit es presenten les dades que han de servir per a una anàlisi empírica que té dues vessants. Primer, estudiar si realment els municipis amb un fort pes de l'activitat turística presenten diferències en l'àmbit pressupostari i, segon, concretar quantificar en què consisteixen i de què depenen les diferències. El sisè apartat tracta la complementarietat entre béns i serveis públics des d'un marc normatiu, posant de manifest els aspectes que ha de tenir en compte un municipi turístic en les qüestions de provisió i finançament dels béns públics i que fan que tingui un comportament diferent d'un municipi no turístic. El penúltim apartat del treball inclou la discussió i l'avaluació d'algunes propostes correctores dels problemes detectats a l'anàlisi estadística i economètrica. El treball conclou amb un resum de les principals conclusions.La tesi conclou amb una discussió dels resultats obtinguts. / This thesis employs economic analysis to study local public finance, especially the aspects related to the provision and financing of local public goods.The second chapter analyses the deficit in the provision of public services in small municipalities. I begin with a theoretical setting where there are several municipalities each inhabited by a representative individual who must choose the quantity of public services given their prices. I develop an empirical analysis which focuses in testing our model and quantify the effects. With these results I question the common reasoning that, in order to suppress the deficit in the provision of services, municipality consolidation is unavoidable.The third chapter identifies and isolates the attributes which explain the variability of hotel supply prices. I proceed in two steps. First, I develop a "traditional" model of hedonic prices in a competitive market. Second, the paper builds a model of hotel price setting to estimate supply and demand functions. The main results are, first, to quantify the importance the effect of the tourism town in hotel prices and, second, to have the implicit prices for different hotel attributes.The fourth chapter deals with the claim that municipalities in tourism regions suffer from an endemic financial disequilibrium: quite high expenses (related with a de facto population which exceeds by far the de iure population) and inadequate revenues, which often depend on the de iure population. This might result either in higher deficit and borrowing figures or in lower provision of public goods. The latter would be particularly worrying for the quality of the tourism product, given the local government's essential role in tourism policy. This chapter models the decision of public good provision with the purpose of contrasting the existence of financial disequilibrium in tourism municipalities, as well as of explaining its origin. The evidence I present is conclusive, but not completely in favor of the thesis sustained by tourism municipalities: although it exists in general and strongly a financial deficit, the position of small tourism municipalities is quite different.The thesis ends with a summary of the main results.

Essays on bayesian and classical econometrics with small samples

Jarocinski, Marek 15 June 2006 (has links)
Esta tesis se ocupa de los problemas de la estimación econométrica con muestras pequeñas, en los contextos del los VARs monetarios y de la investigación empírica del crecimiento. Primero, demuestra cómo mejorar el análisis con VAR estructural en presencia de muestra pequeña. El primer capítulo adapta la especificación con prior intercambiable (exchangeable prior) al contexto del VAR y obtiene nuevos resultados sobre la transmisión monetaria en nuevos miembros de la Unión Europea. El segundo capítulo propone un prior sobre las tasas de crecimiento iniciales de las variables modeladas. Este prior resulta en la corrección del sesgo clásico de la muestra pequeña en series temporales y reconcilia puntos de vista Bayesiano y clásico sobre la estimación de modelos de series temporales. El tercer capítulo estudia el efecto del error de medición de la renta nacional sobre resultados empíricos de crecimiento económico, y demuestra que los procedimientos econométricos robustos a incertidumbre acerca del modelo son muy sensibles al error de medición en los datos. / This thesis deals with the problems of econometric estimation with small samples, in the contexts of monetary VARs and growth empirics. First, it shows how to improve structural VAR analysis on short datasets. The first chapter adapts the exchangeable prior specification to the VAR context, and obtains new findings about monetary transmission in New Member States. The second chapter proposes a prior on initial growth rates of modeled variables, which tackles the Classical small-sample bias in time series, and reconciles Bayesian and Classical points of view on time series estimation. The third chapter studies the effect of measurement error in income data on growth empirics, and shows that econometric procedures which are robust to model uncertainty are very sensitive to measurement error of the plausible size and properties.

Relationship lending and small business finance: empirical relationship lending and small business finance: empirical analysis of cost of capital, credit rationing, and firm performance

Montoriol Garriga, Judit 29 November 2006 (has links)
Aquesta tesis investiga les fonts de valor de la banca relacional per les empreses. Després d'un primer capítol introductori, el Capítol 2 revisa les contribucions més rellevants en la literatura de la banca relacional. El Capítol 3 adreça la pregunta si la banca relacional és compatible amb la competència bancària, usant dades d'una enquesta a petites empreses d'Estats Units. El resultat principal és que les tecnologies de banca relacional poden ser usades en les mercats bancaris més competitius sempre i quan les empreses es comprometin a demanar prestat de un sol banc. El Capítol 4 proposa una estratègia empírica per tal de discriminar entre les prediccions teòriques oposades de tenir una relació banc-empresa exclusiva: estimar l'efecte diferencial en el cost i la disponibilitat del crèdit segons el grau de competència bancària. El Capítol 5 estudia l'efecte de la banca relacional en la rendibilitat de l'empresa. Pels dos últims capítols s'utilitzen dades de panel de 70,000 petites i mitjanes empreses espanyoles (1993-2004). Els resultats són consistents amb la visió que els bancs s'apropien majoritàriament del valor generat en les relacions properes amb les empreses sempre i quan no s'enfrontin a la competència d'altres prestadors. / This thesis investigates the sources of the value of lending relationships to the borrowing firm. After a first introductory chapter, Chapter 2 reviews the most relevant contributions to the relationship lending literature. Chapter 3 addresses the question of whether relationship lending is compatible with banking competition, using a survey of small firms in the United States. The main result is that relationship lending technologies are used in the most competitive banking markets as long as firms commit to borrowing from a single lender. Chapter 4 proposes an empirical strategy to disentangle the opposite theoretical predictions of exclusive bank-firm relationships: estimate the differential effect on cost and availability of credit depending on banking market concentration. Chapter 5 studies the effect of relationship lending on firm performance. For the last two chapters we use a panel dataset of 70,000 small and medium Spanish firms (1993-2004). The results are consistent with the view that banks appropriate most of the value generated through close relationships with its borrowers as long as they do not face competition from other lenders.

Essays on new Keynesian Macroeconomics

Dorich Doig, José Antonio 03 July 2008 (has links)
El modelo Neo Keynesiano estándar ha sido una de las herramientas más influyentes en debates sobre dinámica macroeconómica, política monetaria y bienestar. Además, este modelo constituye una pieza fundamental en la elaboración de los modelos macroeconómicos que muchos bancos centrales utilizan para la simulación y predicción de variables económicas como la inflación y el crecimiento. El objetivo de esta tesis es evaluar la veracidad de las siguientes tres implicancias del modelo Neo Keynesiano estándar. Primero, con estabilidad de precios plena, las pérdidas de bienestar que se generan por las rigideces de precios deben ser cero. Segundo, la inflación es un fenómeno determinado por las expectativas. Tercero, el dinero no tiene un rol independiente en el mecanismo de transmisión de la política monetaria. / The standard New Keynesian (NK) model has become one of the most influential tools in discussions of macroeconomic dynamics, monetary policy and welfare. Moreover, it has emerged as the backbone of the medium scale macroeconomic models that several central banks use for simulation and forecasting purposes. This thesis evaluates the accuracy of the following three implications of the standard NK model. First, with full price stability the welfare losses resulting from price stickiness should be zero. Second, inflation is a forward-looking phenomenon. Third, money does not play an independent role in the monetary transmission mechanism.

Coordination and conflict: an experimental approach

Gürgüç, Zeynep 02 October 2009 (has links)
Esta tesis consta de tres proyectos sobre coordinación y los conflictos utilizando un enfoque experimental. El capítulo 1 estudia si un mecanismo de votación incentiva una coordinación eficiente y concluye en comparación a un sistema de decisión carente de votación (regla del dictador), ambos mecanismos (decisión por mayoría y decisión unánime) son eficaces incentivando la coordinación en la toma de decisiones posteriores. El capítulo 2 se centra en los fallos de coordinación e investiga si una "mancha solar" puede causar un problema de coordinación sobre el equilibrio Pareto-Superior. De los resultados, se deduce que una señal aleatoria exógena genera ineficiencias, aunque sería simplemente mejor ignorarla. Por último, el capítulo 3 estudia un juego de concurso en una red de conflicto. Los resultados demuestran que las estructuras de red en cuestión importan en la determinación del nivel de las inversiones en tecnología de conflicto y, por lo tanto, afectan la intensidad total de los conflictos. / This thesis is a collection of three research projects on coordination and conflict using an experimental approach. Chapter 1 studies whether a voting mechanism induces efficient coordination; and, concludes that compared to a dictator rule where voting is absent, both of the voting rules studied, i.e. majority and unanimity, are successful in inducing coordination in subsequent decisions. Chapter 2 focuses on coordination failures and investigates whether a sunspot leads to failure in coordinating on the Pareto-Superior equilibrium; and in fact, deduces that a random exogenous signal leads to inefficiencies even though it would simply be better if ignored. Finally, chapter 3 studies a contest game in a conflict network. It shows that network structures matter in determining the level of individual investments in the conflict technology, and hence affect total conflict intensity.

Essays on experimental economics: preference Reserval and networks

Gunes, Serife Basak 02 October 2009 (has links)
Esta tesis utiliza un enfoque experimental para comprender las interacciones dentro de redes y percibir las decisiones causando inversión de preferencia (IP). El Capítulo 1 experimentalmente introduce comunicaciones no vinculantes a un modelo de producción de un bien costoso, que es no excluible entre personas vinculadas en una red. Los resultados muestran que la comunicación de dirección única no mejora coordinación tanto como la comunicación entre conjuntos máximos independientes. El Capítulo 2 analiza experimentalmente un modelo de conflictos bilaterales integrado en redes, donde los oponentes invierten para ganar recursos. Concluye sobre exceso de inversiones comparado a las predicciones de equilibrio. Por último, el Capítulo 3 mira si el efecto dotación inicial resultado de statu quo conduce IP. Esto es analizado por la interrogación de la buena voluntad de cambiar una lotería dotada para otra o pago seguro. En contrario de las predicciones, resultados demuestra que dotaciones son renunciadas con frecuencia. / This thesis uses an experimental approach in understanding group decisions and interactions in networks and perceiving individual decisions causing preference reversal. Chapter 1 experimentally introduces different communication schemes to a production model of a costly good that is non-excludable among individuals linked within a network. Results show that one-way communication is not as efficient as in earlier literature; yet communication among maximal independent sets enhances coordination. Chapter 2 experimentally analyzes a model of multiple bilateral conflicts embedded in networks where opponents invest in conflict technology to win resources. It concludes on tendency to invest in excess of equilibrium predictions. Finally, Chapter 3 looks at whether preference reversal is driven by an endowment effect explanation originating from status quo bias. This is analyzed through questioning individuals' willingness to exchange their endowed lottery for another lottery or sure money. Contrary to the predictions, results show that individuals most often disclaim their endowments.

Essays on monetary, fiscal and trade policy in open economies

Forlati, Chiara 02 October 2009 (has links)
En esta tesis estudio varias cuestiones de política monetaria y fiscal usando modelos de equilibrio generales completamente micro-fundados. El primer capítulo de esta tesis trata la cuestión de cómo la políticas monetarias y fiscales se deben conducir en una unión monetaria donde hay un solo banco central que fija el tipo de interés común mientras que el gobierno todavía conserva independencia completa en las decisiones de políticas fiscales. En el segundo capítulo se dedica a estudiar si es posible racionalizar en un modelo keynesiano completamente micro-fundado la existencia de una unión monetaria. El último capítulo investiga en qué medida el incentivo de las autoridades de política económica en una economía abierta de mejorar los términos de intercambio en su favor se puede compensar por la externalidad de relocalización de la producción (home market effect). / In this thesis I study different kinds of monetary and fiscal policy issues by using fully microfounded general equilibrium models. The first chapter addresses the question of how monetary and fiscal policy should be conducted in a monetary union where there is a single central bank that sets the common interest rate while governments still retain full independence in fiscal policy decisions. The second chapter is devoted to study whether it is possible to rationalize, within a fully microfounded New Keynesian framework, the existence of a monetary union. The last chapter investigates to what extent the incentive of open economy policy makers to improve the terms of trade in their favour can be outweighed by the production relocation externality (the so called home market effect).

Incitations et contractualisation dans le secteur public / Incentives and contractualization in the public sector

Prévet, Antoine 18 June 2018 (has links)
Cette thèse porte sur les spécificités du secteur public et leurs impacts sur les incitations et la performance. Elle mobilise les outils microéconomiques de la théorie des contrats et l’analyse économétrique. Parmi ces caractéristiques, une attention particulière est portée sur les problématiques de surveillance, de gestion de l’information et de contraintes budgétaires. Le premier chapitre de cette thèse contribue au débat sur la transparence dans le secteur public en considérant l’une de ses caractéristiques majeure : un budget limité. Cette question est étudiée comme un problème de design informationnel et utilise un modèle principal agent sous aléa moral pour montrer que la transparence a plus de chance d’être sélectionnée par le principal lorsque que le budget disponible et la valeur de la tache sont faibles. Le deuxième chapitre s’attache à offrir une nouvelle explication théorique à l’intuition associant un accroissement de la pression bureaucratique à une baisse de la qualité. Dans ce but, l’idée d’«extra-mile» est introduite dans un modèle principal agent classique sous aléa-moral. Le management bureaucratique est caractérisé par l’introduction d’une procédure définie comme l’association d’une codification et d’une vérification. Une telle procédure permet une vérification plus précise de l’action de l’agent mais est source d’inefficience sociale. Le dernier chapitre, dans une démarche théorique et empirique, propose une nouvelle explication de la différence des prix de l’eau en France en se fondant sur des arguments organisationnels. / This thesis focuses on the structural specificities of the public sector and how they impact incentives and performance. It uses the microeconomic tools of contract theory and econometric analysis. Among these characteristics, special attention is paid to monitoring, information management and budget constraints by applying a theoretical lens, that allows to provide new insights into the incentive systems in place in the public sector. The first chapter contributes to the debate on transparency in the public sector by considering one of its major features, i.e. a limited budget. This issue is studied as an information design problem and employ a principal-agent model with moral hazard to show that if the principal has to choose between total transparency and total opacity, then transparency is more likely to be optimal when tasks are least valuable and budgets are lowest. The second chapter aims at capturing a new theoretical explanation for the widespread intuition that more bureaucracy could lead to less effort and quality despite improved control. To that end, the idea of “the extra mile” is introduced in a classic principal-agent model with moral hazard. Bureaucratic management is characterized by the use of procedures, defined as the association of codification and verification. A procedure allows for more accurate verification of the agent’s action, but is socially inefficient. In the third chapter, using both theory and regression analysis, we propose a new explanation for price differences in the French water industry based on organizational arguments.

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