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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Le sous-développement social et les violences contre les femmes dans la société libyenne avant le "printemps arabe" (2011) : enquête sur la ville de Tripoli / The social underdevelopment and violence against women in Libya : survey jails and prisons in Tripoli

Ben Wazira, Lotfia Bachir 29 September 2015 (has links)
Cette recherche porte sur la "violence faites aux femmes" en Libye, et plus précisément à Tripoli. Depuis plusieurs années, cette question est interrogée sur les scènes nationale et internationale, donnant lieu à l'adoption de plusieurs textes législatifs. Pourtant, malgré cela, les crimes sexistes continuent de se pratiquer dans les pays développés mais aussi et plus particulièrement dans les pays pauvres. Afin d’étudier le lien entre ces violences et l"état de sous-développement, cette thèse présentera dans une première partie, le champ théorique de l'enquête avant d’expliquer, dans une seconde partie, les particularités du terrain d'enquête, à savoir la société libyenne. Les données concernant les conditions d’existences des femmes, et la législation touchant leur statut permettront, dans le cadre d'une troisième partie, d'analyser les résultats obtenus à un questionnaire soumis à un panel de 45 hommes condamnés ou en attente de jugement, pour le commission d'actes de violence envers les femmes. / This research concerns the "violence against women" committed in Libya. For years, this question has been asked on the national and international scene, resulting in the adoption of several law. Yet, despite this, gender-based crimes continue to be practiced in developed countries but also and especially in poor countries. To investigate the link between the violence and the state of underdevelopment, this thesis will present, in a first part, the theorical scope of the study before, in a second part, explaining the characteristics of the field survey : the Liban society. The data concerning the liffe conditions of women, and legislations affecting their will, in the third part, permit to analyse the results to a questionnaire sent to a panel of 45 men, convicted or awaiting judgement for the commission of acts of violence again women.

Living with and beyond dementia : a phenomenological investigation of young people's lived experience with dementia and the transition from pre-diagnosis through diagnosis and beyond to living well with dementia

Douglas, Jane E. January 2017 (has links)
Younger People with Dementia (YPwD) are those who receive a diagnosis of dementia under the age of 65. In Scotland the number of people with dementia who meet this definition is approximately 3200 (Alzheimer Scotland, 2017). The purpose of this study was to explore the human experience of living with dementia at a younger age and to consider interpretations of well-being as defined by the subjective experience of the participants. At the start of this study there was limited quality research available which explored the lives and experiences of YPwD. At that time there was some recognition within professional groups and practitioners that YPwD would benefit from age appropriate services. This study used an Interpretive Phenomenological design to explore the experiences of YPwD and used in-depth qualitative interviews with eight people who were diagnosed with dementia under the age of 65, to capture their journey through pre-diagnosis, diagnosis and beyond. Interpretive Phenomenological Analysis was utilised for the primary analysis. A secondary analysis was then conducted with the initial findings using Self-determination Theory, Basic Psychological Needs Theory, autonomy, competence and relatedness to identify areas of well-being. The study identified four superordinate themes situated within a four phase transition pathway, which identified how a diagnosis of dementia impacted on the person and the process they underwent following diagnosis. These are:pre-diagnosis phase, living in a changing world, awareness of the changing self, discombobulation; diagnostic phase, anger and relief, the fragmented self, consideration; post diagnostic phase, the challenge of learning to livewith dementia as a younger person, the evolving self, assimilation; and the phase living well beyond dementia, consolidated self, consolidation. The study highlighted that while having a diagnosis of dementia at a younger age is a challenging and devastating experience, it is possible to live a good and productive life beyond the diagnosis of dementia. The secondary analysis using Self-determination Theory, Basic Psychological Needs Theory identified that where the basic psychological needs were supported, this enabled participants to embrace their lives living with and beyond dementia with improved wellbeing. The findings suggest that the basic psychological needs were thwarted in the pre-diagnostic phase and during and immediately after diagnosis, creating feelings of ill-being. The study acknowledges the strong sense of identity around the younger person with dementia and suggests that this group perceive their dementia, and the support they need to live with the condition to be a different experience to that of older people. The ability of a number of the participants to live an active life within a supported community cannot be underestimated, and suggests that this area of care and support needs to be evaluated in light of the changing needs of people living with dementia, particularly those who are diagnosed at such an early part of their lifecycle.

The psycho-social support by local community members for traumatized children : a case study of Liberia, Botswana, and Morocco / L'aide psychosociale des membres de la communauté locale en faveur des enfants traumatisés : une étude de cas portant sur le Liberia, le Botswana et le Maroc

King, Ariel 14 December 2018 (has links)
Cette contribution, qui s’inscrit dans le cadre d’une recherche-action menée sur différents terrains d’enquête, se propose, dans une perspective comparative, d’examiner les caractéristiques et l’apport de dispositifs ou de programmes de soutien et d’entraide mis en œuvre par des communautés locales africaines afin de prendre en charge de jeunes enfants victimes de sévices graves, livrés à eux-mêmes et en proie à la vulnérabilité ou à la maltraitance. Trois pays, en développement ou émergents, servent ici de support à l’argumentation : le Botswana, confronté au sida, à la famine et à la sècheresse ; le Liberia, meurtri par la guerre civile et son cortège de violences ; le Maroc, enfin, avec – en arrière-plan – la problématique de la pauvreté et l’évolution du statut de la femme. L’approche privilégiée, de type qualitatif, se situe au carrefour de la psychologie sociale et de la sociologie des représentations et des identités, la méthodologie retenue reposant sur une analyse classique en termes de forces et de faiblesses, d’opportunités et de blocages. Les relations de partenariat sont également à l’honneur, ainsi que le processus de mobilisation des ressources et les mécanismes de résilience. / This contribution, which is part of a research-action carried out on different fields of investigation, proposes, in a comparative perspective, to examine the characteristics and the contribution of devices or programs of support and self-help implemented by African local communities to care for children who are victims of severe trauma, including orphaned, abuse and poverty, who are left to their own capabilities or who are vulnerable to maltreatment.Three countries, developing or emerging, serve as support for this argument: Botswana, facing deaths from AIDS and famine and drought; Liberia, bruised by civil war and its continued violence; Morocco, finally, with - in the background - the problem of precarity and the evolution of the status of women.Our approach, both quantitative and qualitative, is at the crossroads of social psychology and the sociology of representations and identities. The chosen methodology is based on a classical analysis in terms of strengths and weaknesses, opportunities and blockages. Partnership relationships are also honored, as is the resource mobilization process, and resilience mechanisms.

Wie häufig sind Substanzmißbrauch und -abhängigkeit? / How frequent are substance abuse and dependences? A critical review

Perkonigg, Axel, Wittchen, Hans-Ulrich, Lachner, Gabriele 23 October 2012 (has links) (PDF)
Die Arbeit gibt einen methodenkritischen Überblick über die in Deutschland vorliegenden Ergebnisse zur Prävalenz sowie Risikofaktoren von Substanzmißbrauch und -abhängigkeit (SMA). Es wird gezeigt, daß die vorliegenden epidemiologischen Studien unvollständig und methodisch unbefriedigend sind. Vor allem die fehlende Erfassung spezifischer diagnostischer Kriterien zur Ableitung klinisch relevanter Mißbrauchs- und Abhängigkeitsstörungen erschwert eine Interpretation der Ergebnisse der vorliegenden Repräsentativerhebungen. Diese geben zwar aussagekräftige populationsbezogene Informationen über die Häufigkeit und Verteilungsmuster von legalen und illegalen Substanzen, klinisch relevante Beurteilungsaspekte wie z.B. zu Schweregrad, Toleranz und Abstinenzproblemen sowie zu Einstieg und Verlauf der "Sucht"-Problematik fehlen jedoch vollständig. Dies trifft auch für Untersuchungen zu Risikofaktoren zu. Als ein durchgängiger Mangel wird ferner die Erfassungsmethodologie angesehen, die sich bislang fast ausschließlich auf Fragebögen oder Interviews stützt, über deren Reliabilität und Validität nur unzureichende psychometrische Daten vorliegen. / A critical review of prevalence and risk factor studies of substance abuse and dependence in Germany is presented. It is shown that currently available epidemiological data are incomplete due to the failure of instruments to allow for a detailed assessment of specific substance use disorders. The neglect of diagnostic criteria for clinically significant abuse and dependence disorders makes it especially difficult to draw conclusions about the results of representative surveys. Although the give clear population-related information about frequency and distribution patterns of legal and illegal substancees, relevant clinical data regarding aspects such as severity, tolerance, problems of abstinence, onset and course of abuse and dependence are completely lacking. This is also true of studies on risk factors. An additional problem is diagnostic assessment based almost exclusively on questionnaires and interviews whose reliability and validity have not been sufficiently established.

Die Effekte von Estradiol, Testosteron, Belamcanda chinensis und Cimicifuga racemosa auf die Expression von IGF-1 in Knochen und Leber von orchiektomierten Ratten / Effects of Estradiol, Testosterone, Belamcanda chinensis and Cimicifuga racemosa on the expression of IGF-1 in bone and liver of orchidectomized rats

Emami, Kamyar 07 July 2009 (has links)
No description available.

Die Auswirkung von DHT, Östradiol und den Phytoöstrogenen Genistein und Equol auf das muskuloskelettale System und die Prostata unter Einfluß von Vibrationstherapie bei orchidektomierten Ratten / The effect of DHT, Estradiol and the phytoestrogens Genistein and Equol on the musculosceletal system and the prostate under the influence of whole-body vibration in orchidectomized rats

Henker, Verena 06 March 2012 (has links)
No description available.

Enfance vulnérable au Burkina Faso et politiques d'insertion : analyse de la contribution de deux ONG à Ouagadougou / Vulnerable childhood in Burkina Faso and inclusion policies : an analysis of the contribution of two NGOs in Ouagadougou

Gnessi, Siaka 09 November 2017 (has links)
La protection des enfants en situation de vulnérabilité est une réalité sociale préoccupante au Burkina Faso.Malgré l'adoption et la ratification de nombreux textes juridiques et la présence significative d'acteurs censés défendre leurs droits, la question d'une prise en charge efficace de ceux-ci reste toujours posée. Comment expliquer ce paradoxe ? C'est à cette question que cette thèse s'efforce de répondre. Elle analyse le système national de protection de l'enfance au prisme des modèles organisationnels, en mettant un accent particulier sur la contribution de deux acteurs non étatiques intervenant dans le pays : Direct-Aïd et SOS Villages d'enfants. Dans une perspective comparatiste, la recherche appréhende les logiques de ces ONG, les stratégies qu'elles mettent en œuvre et les perceptions des bénéficiaires dans la ville de Ouagadougou. Deux mécanismes cohabitent en matière d'aide à l'enfance : le premier est formel et placé sous la responsabilité de structures publiques, le deuxième est non formel, animé par des composantes de la société civile. Le système de protection a besoin d'une meilleure gouvernance afin de trouver des solutions durables aux problèmes d'organisation et de coordination qui affectent la qualité de la participation des acteurs. Les perceptions, positives chez la plupart des bénéficiaires, sont des preuves que les ONG comblent un grand vide laissé par les pouvoirs publics. En revanche, les différences et même les contradictions de logiques relatives à la définition des concepts d'enfant, de protection et de vulnérabilité montrent que les structures ne sont pas sur la même longueur d'onde dans le combat quotidien qu'elles mènent. La responsabilité de l'État est ici engagée pour parvenir à une co-construction d'un système de protection plus dynamique et d'insertion mieux profitable aux jeunes en difficulté. La méthode de recherche a mobilisé les techniques de l'enquête qualitative (entretiens semi-directifs, récits de vie, focus groups, observations) en associant la photographie et le dessin. / The protection of children in situation of vulnerability is a social concern in Burkina Faso. Despite the adoption and the ratification of numerous legal texts and the significant presence of actors who are supposed to be defending child rights, the question of how to deal effectively with these rights remains an open question. How to explain this paradox ? lt is this is question that we will turn on in this thesis. lt analyzes the national child welfare system with the prism of organizational models by highlighting the contribution of two non-state actors in the country : Direct-Aïd and SOS Villages d'enfants. From a comparative perspective, the research apprehends the logics of these NGOs, the strategies they implement and the perceptions of beneficiaries in the city of Ouagadougou . Two mechanisms co-exist in child welfare : the first mechanism is formai and is under the responsibility of public structures while the second mechanism, a non-formai one, is led by components of civil society. The protection system needs better governance in order to find long-lasting solutions to organization and coordination related problems that affect the quality of the participation of stakeholders. The positive perceptions expressed by the majority of beneficiaries are evidence that NGOs fill a large gap left by the government. Nonetheless, differences and even contradictions with regard to the definition of concepts such as childhood, protection and vulnerability show that structures are not on the same wavelength in their daily struggle. The State must take it responsibility in achieving a co-construction of a protection system more dynamic and which will allow insertion that will better benefit young people in difficulty. The research method mobilized qualitative methods (semi-directive interviews, life staries, focus groups, and observations), including photography and drawing.

Every child matters : a small scale enquiry into policy and practice

Hough, Christine Victoria January 2010 (has links)
1. This research study examines aspects of the effectiveness of the Every ChildlYouth Matters (ECMIYM) programme with regard to its implementation in 2006. Part 1 of the study explores the practical implications of ECM/YM for professional practice across the different welfare agencies, through a series of loosely structured interviews with managers, case workers and young offenders (aged up to 16 years). From an analysis of the data, using grounded theory approaches, three key findings were inducted. These findings suggested the following: I. A lack of consistency in the quality of targeted support provided by integrated services for the most vulnerable children and young people and their families; II. A lack of fine tuning in: a) the identification of vulnerability across different cohorts of children and young people, according to their changing circumstances; b) the ways in which information (about vulnerable children and young people) is shared and used across the different welfare agencies. 2. Reflection on these findings led to a further review of the literature that focuses on critiques of social policy. The analyses of research data within this domain suggest the limitations of social policy making that conforms to a linear, mechanistic approach, because it does not respond to individualised, local need. This suggests further that it is the policies themselves that account for the perceived lack of fine tuning identified in the above findings in part one of this research thesis. Therefore it was important, next, to capture data which drew on respondents' personal perceptions of welfare provision, which might endorse, or otherwise, those aspects in which part 1 of the study suggested that the ECM/YM agenda is failing, in some localities, to meet the needs of the most vulnerable children, young people and their families. 3. In part two of this study, further research was conducted through a series , of extended conversations with: male offenders (aged between 16 and 24 years); parents/partners of prisoners; managers from voluntary/not for profit organisations and senior multi-agency professionals. The data were analysed using a phenomenological approach. Overall, the findings suggest that a purely mechanistic, evidenced-based approach to providing welfare support for vulnerable children, young people and their families can result in negative outcomes when compared with a more contextualised, holistic approach.

Value-based decision making and alcohol use disorder / Wertbasierte Entscheidungsprozesse und Alkoholkonsumstörungen

Nebe, Stephan 15 March 2018 (has links) (PDF)
Alcohol use disorder (AUD) is a widespread mental disease denoted by chronic alcohol use despite significant negative consequences for a person’s life. It affected more than 14 million persons in Europe alone and accounted for more than 5% of deaths worldwide in 2011-2012. Understanding the psychological and neurobiological mechanisms driving the development and maintenance of pathological alcohol use is key to conceptualizing new programs for prevention and therapy of AUD. There has been a variety of etiological models trying to describe and relate these mechanisms. Lately, the view of AUD as a disorder of learning and decision making has received much support proposing dual systems to be at work in AUD – one system being deliberate, forward-planning, and goal-directed and the other one reflexive, automatic, and habitual. Both systems supposedly work in parallel in a framework of value-based decision making and their balance can be flexibly adjusted in healthy agents, while a progressive imbalance favoring habitual over goal-directed choice strategies is assumed in AUD. This imbalance has been theoretically associated to neural adaptations to chronic alcohol use in corticostriatal pathways involved in reward processing, especially in ventral striatum. However, these theoretical models are grounded strongly on animal research while empirical research in the human domain remains rather sparse and inconclusive. Furthermore, alterations in value-based decision-making processes and their neural implementation might not only result from prolonged alcohol misuse but may also represent premorbid interindividual differences posing a risk factor for the development of AUD. Therefore, I here present three studies investigating the relation of alcohol use with the balance between goal-directed and habitual decision systems and with parameters modulating option valuation processes of these systems, namely delay, risk, and valence of option outcomes. To separate the investigation of these decision processes as predisposing risk for or consequence of alcohol use, two samples were examined: one sample of 201 eighteen-year-old men being neither abstinent from nor dependent on alcohol as well as one sample of 114 AUD patients in detoxification treatment and 98 control participants matched for age, sex, educational background, and smoking status. Both samples had a baseline assessment of several behavioral tasks, questionnaires, and neuropsychological testing and were followed-up over one year to examine drinking trajectories in the sample of young men and relapse in detoxified patients. The behavioral tasks included a sequential choice task using model-free and model-based reinforcement learning as operationalization of habitual and goal-directed decision making, respectively, during functional magnetic resonance imaging and four tasks probing participants’ delay discounting, probability discounting for gains and losses, and loss aversion. Study 1 presents the cross-sectional analysis of the sequential choice task in relation to baseline drinking behavior of the young-adult sample. These analyses did not reveal an association between non-pathological alcohol use and habitual and goal-directed control on neither a behavioral nor neural level except for one exploratory finding of increased BOLD responses to model-free habitual learning signals in participants with earlier onset of drinking. Study 2 examined the same task in AUD patients compared to control participants showing no difference in behavioral control or neural correlates between those groups. However, prospectively relapsing AUD patients showed lower BOLD responses associated to model-based goal-directed control than abstaining patients and control participants. Additionally, the interaction of goal-directed control and positive expectancies of alcohol effects discriminated subsequently relapsing and abstaining patients revealing an increased risk of relapse for those patients who showed higher levels of goal-directed control and low alcohol expectancies or low levels of goal-directedness and high expectancies. Study 3 examined modulating features of goal-directed and habitual option valuation – delay, risk, and valence of options – in association to alcohol use in the young-adult sample and AUD status in the sample of patients and matched control participants on a cross-sectional as well as longitudinal level. This study revealed no relation of delay, risk, and loss aversion with current alcohol use and consumption one year later in the young men. In contrast, AUD patients showed systematically more impulsive choice behavior than control participants in all four tasks: a higher preference for immediate rewards, more risky choices when facing gains and less when facing losses, and lower loss aversion. Furthermore, a general tendency to overestimate the probability of uncertain losses could predict relapse risk over the following year in AUD patients. Taken together, these results do not support the hypothesis that mechanisms of value-based decision making might be predisposing risk factors for alcohol consumption. The findings for patients already suffering from AUD are mixed: while choice biases regarding delays, risks, and valence of option outcomes seem to be altered systematically in AUD, there was no indication of an imbalance of habitual and goal-directed control. These findings challenge the assumption of a generalized outcome-unspecific shift of behavioral control from goal-directed to habitual strategies during the development of AUD and point towards several possible future avenues of research to modify or extend the theoretical model.

Les défis sociodémographiques et politiques de la malnutrition des enfants dans les pays d'Afrique du Sahel et de la Corne de l'Afrique / Political and sociodemographic challenges of child malnutrition in African Sahelian countries and Corn of Africa

Ndamobissi, Robert 21 December 2017 (has links)
La situation d’insécurité alimentaire et nutritionnelle récurrente dont souffrent environ 155 millions d’enfants dans le monde dont 59 millions en Afrique et particulièrement ceux du Sahel et de la Corne de l’Afrique, constitue un problème majeur de santé publique, de développement et de conscience collective mondiale dans ce nouveau contexte de globalisation de la prospérité, des droits de survie, d’éducation et de protection des enfants.La malnutrition des enfants de moins de cinq ans caractérisée par le rachitisme, l’insuffisance pondérale ou l’émaciation, augmente leurs risques de décès, handicape le développement psycho moteur de même que leurs réussites scolaires et professionnelles et impacte négativement le développement économique des pays entrainant un cercle vicieux de pauvreté familiale et sociétale et d’émigrations.Parmi les pays les plus touchés par la malnutrition des enfants, les cinq pays ayant fait l’objet de cette thèse (le Burkina Faso, le Niger, le Sénégal, l’Ethiopie et le Ghana), sont fragilisés à des degrés variés, par un environnement climatique et géo-écologique austère, une instabilité du régime politique, un faible développement économique et social ainsi qu’une gouvernance nutritionnelle déficiente causée par le déficit d’engagements politiques, législatifs et financiers réels et les faiblesses des capacités institutionnelles.En plus de l’insécurité alimentaire, les enfants et leurs familles sont confrontées au manque de disponibilité et d’infrastructures sociales et de santé communautaires, à la pauvreté du ménage, au statut social précaire, au fardeau démographique, aux inégalités de genre entre hommes et femmes, aux contraintes de normes sociales, culturelles et de croyances traditionnelles, à l’ignorance qui entretiennent des pratiques comportementales inappropriées d’alimentation et de nutrition des enfants ainsi que l’environnement insalubre vecteur de maladies.Le réveil politique, l’investissement multi sectoriel et l’éducation de masse en faveur de la nutrition des enfants sont requis pour l’atteinte des engagements mondiaux pour 2030 visant le développement, la prospérité pour tous, l’élimination de la faim et de la malnutrition. / Continuous food and nutrition insecurity that affect lives of 155 millions of children in the world including about 59 million in African countries mostly in the Sahel and horn of Africa represent a critical public health and underdevelopment problem which creates a deep worldwide collective moral issue within the new global transformative agenda for the universal prosperity (no one is left behind) and child rights for survival, development and protection.Under five child malnutrition characterized by stunting, underweight or wasting increase the risk of child morbidity and mortality, handicap readiness of learning and professional skills and impact on economic development of the country resulting to a vicious circle of poverty and fragility of the family and causing international migrations.Four countries mostly affected by child malnutrition in the Sahel and horn of Africa that we have selected for this study (Burkina Faso, Niger, Senegal and Ethiopia) in comparison to Ghana are facing the severity of climatic and geo-ecologic environment, political instability, weak economic and social development and the gap of nutritional governance undermined by the lack of political, legal and financial commitments of Government and the limited institutional capacities to combat strongly undernutrition.In addition to food insecurity, malnourished children and their families are confronted to bottlenecks of supply and demand of access and use of community based basic social services, to the household poverty, the poor family social status, to demographic burden, gender based inequality, heavy social norms, traditional cultural and believes and ignorance of malnutrition which cause inadequate behavioral practices of child feeding and nutrition, child health care including unsafety water & sanitation conditions that facilitate diseases & malnutrition.Strengthening effective political engagement, accountable governance and massive financial investment for multi sector integrated interventions, promoting social protections systems and massive community based social and behavior changes in favor of child and mother nutrition are required for achieving SDG of “no one left behind prosperity, ending hunger, malnutrition… by 2030” and achieving child rights.

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