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Copper-64 radiopharmaceuticals for receptor-mediated tumor imaging and radiotherapyEiblmaier, Martin 11 April 2008 (has links)
This study investigated several somatostatin analogues labeled with copper-64 for imaging and targeted therapy of SSTr positive cancer. Among three new cross-bridged bifunctional chelators coupled to Y3-TATE, 64Cu-CB-TE2A-Y3-TATE had the most favorable tumor targeting properties. The introduction of ionizable linker groups could not remedy the slow clearance from the kidney, and other modifications will be necessary to resolve this issue. The emerging idea of using the copper-64-labeled somatostatin antagonist 64Cu-CB-TE2A-sst2-ANT as a tumor targeting agent will require further experimentation. This radiopharmaceutical showed promising initial results in a biodistribution study in male Lewis rats, however, it should be compared to 111In-DOTA-sst2-ANT in the same model. Nuclear localization of copper-64 from two somatostatin analogues differing in their chelate stability strengthened the hypothesis of copper-64 dissociation from the bifunctional chelator prior to trafficking to the nucleus. However, the increased nuclear uptake of copper-64 from the less stable 64Cu-TETA-Y3-TATE did not result in a significant effect on cell killing of A427-7 cells. In experiments with [64Cu]copper acetate and the EGFR-antibody 64Cu-DOTA-cetuximab, the tumor suppressor protein p53 was identified as a mediator of the nuclear transport of copper. 64Cu-DOTA-cetuximab was also utilized in five cervical cancer cell lines with a wide range of EGFR expression. EGFR quantification by saturation receptor binding, and EGFR function as determined via internalization of 64Cu-DOTA-cetuximab closely followed the expression pattern of these cell lines found via EGFR mRNA profiling. This constitutes a first step in the evaluation of cetuximab for the treatment, and of 64Cu-DOTA-cetuximab for the imaging of advanced cervical cancer, as EGFR expression on the tumor cell surface clearly can be quantified and visualized with this experimental system. Copper-64 has been used in this study to probe the basic biochemical process of intracellular copper trafficking, and for the targeting of cell surface receptors via radiolabeled peptides and antibodies, providing an example of the powerful combination of radiopharmaceutical chemistry and cell biology.
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Synthèse d'agents chélateurs bi-fonctionnels pour le marquage de peptides avec le [indice supérieur 64]Cu / Development and evaluation of bifunctional chelating agents for peptide labeling with [superscript 64]CuDenis, Céline January 2015 (has links)
Résumé : Grâce à des caractéristiques physiques particulières, le [indice supérieur 64]Cu (T[indice inférieur 1/2]= 12.7 h; β[indice supérieur+], 0.65 MeV [17.8 %]; β[indice supérieur −], 0.58 MeV [38.4 %]) est un candidat idéal pour l’imagerie TEP et la radiothérapie ciblée du cancer. Son utilisation est actuellement limitée par la disponibilité de chélateurs bi-fonctionnels (CBFs) offrant une résistance élevée aux réactions de transmétallation in vivo. Récemment nous avons développés deux nouveaux CBFs cycliques, DOTHA[indice inférieur 2] et NOTHA[indice inférieur 2], portant des ligands hydroxamates pour la complexation au [indice supérieur 64]Cu. Ces CBFs possèdent une cinétique de marquage rapide dans des conditions très douces, une stabilité élevée in vivo et un profil de biodistribution favorable avec une clairance rapide. Nous proposons maintenant d’étendre notre approche à la préparation de CBFs acycliques plus flexibles et compacts afin de moduler les propriétés biologiques et la pharmacocinétique des traceurs peptidiques. Le but de mon projet de maîtrise est de développer une série de chélateurs acycliques dérivés de l'histidine et de l'acide glutamique et fonctionalisés avec des groupements hydroxamates pour identifier un CBF offrant un complexe stable in vivo avec le [indice supérieur 64]Cu(II). Les CBFs ont été préparés en solution pour faciliter l’optimisation de chaque étape réactionnelle. Les groupements chélatants hydroxamates ont été sélectionnés pour leur habilité à former des complexes stables avec différents métaux et ils ont été liés en position N-terminale et sur la chaîne latérale des acides aminés grâce à des réactions de substitution nucléophile. Les groupements para-methoxy-benzyles ont été judicieusement sélectionnés pour la protection des groupements hydroxamates afin de faciliter, au besoin, une déprotection sélective sous des conditions très douces. L’optimisation du marquage a été effectuée avec l’isotope stable du cuivre et ensuite avec le [indice supérieur 64]Cu en faisant varier le contre ion métallique, le pH, la concentration, et la température. Le CBF offrant la plus grande stabilité, soit celui dérivé de l’histidine, a été conjugué à un peptide, le H[indice inférieur 2]N-PEG-[D-Tyr[indice supérieur 6],βAla[indice supérieur 11],Thi[indice supérieur 13],Nle[indice supérieur 14]]bombesin(6-14) (BBN), se liant fortement aux récepteurs de la relâche de la gastrine surexprimés dans les cancers du sein et de la prostate. La stabilité et l’activité spécifique du CBF-histidine et du radiotraceur marqués au [indice supérieur 64]Cu s’est avérée faible in vitro. Il est connu que l’activité antibactérienne de ligands hydroxamates est associée à leur capacité à complexer le fer. En perspective, comme nos chélateurs complexent très fortement le Fe(III), une alternative pour ces composés serait d’évaluer leur capacité à inhiber la croissance et la prolifération des bactéries. || Abstract : Thanks to its particular physical characteristics, [superscript 64]Cu (T[subscript ½= 12.7 h; β[superscript +], 0.65MeV [17.8 %]; β[superscript −], 0.58MeV [38.4 %]) is an ideal candidate for PET imaging and targeted cancer radiotherapy. Currently, its use is limited by the availability of bi-functional chelators (BFCs) which give high resistance to in vivo transmetallation reactions. Recently, we developed two new cyclic BFCs, DOTHA[subscript 2] and NOTHA[subscript 2], bearing hydroxamate pendant arms for the complexation with [superscript 64]Cu. Those BFCs have fast labeling kinetics under very mild conditions, a high in vivo stability and a biodistribution profile which is favorable with a fast clearance. Now, we propose to expand our approach to the preparation of acyclic BFCs, which are more flexible and compact, in order to better modulate biological properties and the pharmacokinetics of the peptidic tracers. The goal of my Master’s degree project is to develop a series of acyclic chelators derived from histidine and glutamic acid and functionalized with hydroxamate pendant arms to identify a BFC that shows highly stable in vivo complexes with [superscript 64]Cu(II). BFCs have been prepared in solution to facilitate the optimization of each reactive step. Hydroxamate chelating groups have been selected for their ability to form stable complexes with different metals and they have been conjugated in N-terminal position and on the lateral chain of amino acids via nucleophilic substitution reactions. Para-methoxy-benzyl groups have been judiciously selected for the protection of the hydroxamate groups to facilitate, if needed, a selective deprotection under mild conditions. The labeling optimization has been performed with a stable copper isotope, and then with [superscript 64]Cu varying the metallic counter-ion, pH, concentration and temperature. The BFC having the highest stability, the one derived from histidine, was conjugated to a peptide, H[subscript 2]N-PEG-[D-Tyr[superscript 6],βAla[superscript 11],Thi[superscript 13],Nle[superscript 14]]bombesin(6-14) (BBN), strongly bounding the gastrin releasing peptide receptor, which is overexpressed in breast and prostate cancers. Both the stability and specific activity of BFC-histidine of the radiotracer labeled with [superscript 64]Cu were low in vitro. It is known that the antibacterial activity of hydroxamate ligands is associated with their ability to complex iron. In perspective, because our hydroxamate ligands strongly complex Fe(III), an alternative for these compounds would be to assess their ability to inhibit the growth and proliferation of bacteria.
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Desenvolvimento da técnica de desacoplamento heteronuclear em banda larga para espectroscopia de alta resolução por ressonância magnética nuclear / Broadband heteronuclear decoupling for High Resolution NMR SpectroscopySilva, Eduardo Gomes da 07 October 1994 (has links)
O objetivo deste trabalho foi implementar a técnica de dupla ressonância denominada Desacoplamento Heteronuclear em Banda Larga. Tal técnica consiste em eliminar a interação dipolar magnética nuclear existente entre núcleos atômicos raros que desejamos observar (13C, por exemplo) e núcleos atômicos abundantes que existem em sua vizinhança (1H, por exemplo). Para implementar algumas das técnicas de Desacoplamento Heteronuclear em Banda Larga (DBL), foi desenvolvido o instrumental eletrônico necessário, que consistiu em projeto e construção de moduladores de pulsos de radiofreqüência com controle de fase, em programação de seqüências especiais de pulsos para DBL e em sistemas de controle digital. As técnicas de DBL implementadas foram: \"Noise Modulation\", \"Squarewave modulation\", \"MLEV-64\" e \"WALTZ-16\". Avaliamos o desempenho destas técnicas através de resultados experimentais obtidos utilizando o composto ADAMANTANO (Cl10H16). Todos os equipamentos desenvolvidos foram incorporados ao espectrômetro de alta resolução por ressonância magnética nuclear existente no Laboratório de Espectroscopia de Alta Resolução (LEAR), do Departamento de Física e Informática, Instituto de Física de São Carlos, USP, e estão sendo utilizados rotineiramente nos experimentos de espectroscopia de alta resolução / The goal of this work was to improve the double resonance technique called Broadband Heteronuclear Decoupling. This technique consists on eliminate the dipolar heteronuclear interaction that exists between rare nucleous (13C, for example) and abundant nucleous that exists around (1H, for example). To improve some techniques of Broadband Heteronuclear Decoupling (BBDec), an electronic apparatus was made, which consisted of design and implementation of radiofrequency pulse modulators with phase control, special BBDec pulse sequences programming and digital control systems. The implemented Broadband Heteronuclear Decoupling techniques were: Noise Modulation, Square-wave Modulation, MLEV-64 sequence and WALTZ-16 sequence. We evaluated the performance of these techniques utilizing the experimental results obtained with the sample ADAMANTANO (Cl10H16). All developed apparatus was incorporated with the high resolution NMR spectrometer that exists at the High Resolution Spectroscopy Laboratory (LEAR), of the Instituto de Física de Sao Carlos, USP, and are being used at all high resolution NMR experiments
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Uma certa maneira de desejar a liberdade: caminhos da literatura de Carlos Heitor Cony no pós-1964 / \"A certain way of wishing freedom\": paths of literature of Carlos Cony in the post-1964Ruivo, Marina Silva 08 March 2012 (has links)
Esta tese objetiva perseguir os caminhos tomados pela ficção de Carlos Heitor Cony depois do golpe civil-militar de 1964, acontecimento que afetou a todo o País e que atravessou em definitivo a vida e a obra do escritor e jornalista. Para tal, centra-se na análise de dois de seus mais relevantes romances, Pessach: a travessia (1967), e Pilatos (1974), debruçando-se nos diálogos que ambos travam com mitos bíblicos, no modo como se relacionaram com os momentos socioculturais vividos pelo Brasil pós-golpe e, ainda, refletindo sobre os lugares que ocupam no seio da trajetória ficcional de Cony. Nessa direção, se a aproximação deliberada do universo político constituiu sem dúvida uma inovação de Pessach, mais significativo parece ser o elemento de que este romance colocou em xeque muitos dos ingredientes anteriores desta produção literária. Ao fazê-lo, acabou por questionar a própria possibilidade de continuidade da literatura do personagem escritor, Paulo Simões; do autor da obra, Cony; e da própria literatura brasileira naquele momento. Depois dele, surgiu Pilatos, inovando no insólito e grotesco de sua linguagem, mas nem por isso deixando de se fundar em muitos pontos de seus predecessores conyanos. E se por um lado pareceu voltar o leme novamente para o rumo da literatura, por outro inaugurou um longo e enigmático silêncio do escritor, a respeito do qual este trabalho procura lançar também mais algumas luzes. / This thesis aims at pursuing the paths taken by Carlos Heitor Conys fiction after the civil-military coup of 1964, event that affected the whole country and definitely crossed the life and work of the writer and journalist. To this end, it focuses on the analysis of the two of his most important novels, Pessach: a travessia (1967), and Pilatos (1974), leaning on dialogues that both have with biblical myths, in the way how they connected with the socio-cultural moment lived in Brazil in the post revolution and, also, reflecting the places they occupy within Conys fictional trajectory. In this direction, if the deliberate approach to the political universe constituted without doubt an innovation of Pessach, more significantly seems to be the element that this novel put into question many of the ingredients prior to this literary production. In doing so, it ended up questioning its own possibility of literature continuity of the writer character, Paulo Simões; of the author of the novel, Cony; and of the Brazilian literature itself at that moment. After this, emerged Pilatos, innovating in unusual and grotesque language, but by no means lacking basis on many points of its conyanos predecessors. And if on one hand it seemed to have turned back the rudder to the direction of literature, on the other hand it inaugurated a long and enigmatic silence of the writer in respect of which this work also seeks to shed some more lights
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Uma certa maneira de desejar a liberdade: caminhos da literatura de Carlos Heitor Cony no pós-1964 / \"A certain way of wishing freedom\": paths of literature of Carlos Cony in the post-1964Marina Silva Ruivo 08 March 2012 (has links)
Esta tese objetiva perseguir os caminhos tomados pela ficção de Carlos Heitor Cony depois do golpe civil-militar de 1964, acontecimento que afetou a todo o País e que atravessou em definitivo a vida e a obra do escritor e jornalista. Para tal, centra-se na análise de dois de seus mais relevantes romances, Pessach: a travessia (1967), e Pilatos (1974), debruçando-se nos diálogos que ambos travam com mitos bíblicos, no modo como se relacionaram com os momentos socioculturais vividos pelo Brasil pós-golpe e, ainda, refletindo sobre os lugares que ocupam no seio da trajetória ficcional de Cony. Nessa direção, se a aproximação deliberada do universo político constituiu sem dúvida uma inovação de Pessach, mais significativo parece ser o elemento de que este romance colocou em xeque muitos dos ingredientes anteriores desta produção literária. Ao fazê-lo, acabou por questionar a própria possibilidade de continuidade da literatura do personagem escritor, Paulo Simões; do autor da obra, Cony; e da própria literatura brasileira naquele momento. Depois dele, surgiu Pilatos, inovando no insólito e grotesco de sua linguagem, mas nem por isso deixando de se fundar em muitos pontos de seus predecessores conyanos. E se por um lado pareceu voltar o leme novamente para o rumo da literatura, por outro inaugurou um longo e enigmático silêncio do escritor, a respeito do qual este trabalho procura lançar também mais algumas luzes. / This thesis aims at pursuing the paths taken by Carlos Heitor Conys fiction after the civil-military coup of 1964, event that affected the whole country and definitely crossed the life and work of the writer and journalist. To this end, it focuses on the analysis of the two of his most important novels, Pessach: a travessia (1967), and Pilatos (1974), leaning on dialogues that both have with biblical myths, in the way how they connected with the socio-cultural moment lived in Brazil in the post revolution and, also, reflecting the places they occupy within Conys fictional trajectory. In this direction, if the deliberate approach to the political universe constituted without doubt an innovation of Pessach, more significantly seems to be the element that this novel put into question many of the ingredients prior to this literary production. In doing so, it ended up questioning its own possibility of literature continuity of the writer character, Paulo Simões; of the author of the novel, Cony; and of the Brazilian literature itself at that moment. After this, emerged Pilatos, innovating in unusual and grotesque language, but by no means lacking basis on many points of its conyanos predecessors. And if on one hand it seemed to have turned back the rudder to the direction of literature, on the other hand it inaugurated a long and enigmatic silence of the writer in respect of which this work also seeks to shed some more lights
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A cidade ferve e o bicho espreita: os dominantes e a pol?tica em Feira de Santana (1945-1964)Lins, Rafael Quintela Alves 27 August 2014 (has links)
Submitted by Verena Bastos (verena@uefs.br) on 2015-07-27T21:23:02Z
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Previous issue date: 2014-08-27 / Funda??o de Amparo ? Pesquisa do Estado de S?o Paulo - FAPESP / Is found here a study of Feira de Santana's political situation between the coups-de-?tat of october 1945 (end of Estado Novo's dictadorship) and april 1964 (beginning of civilian-military dictadorship). About this historical experience, we analyze: 1) the transformations in Feira de Santana's living, shown in the growth of the city and electoral emergence; 2) the power practices of dominant individuals and groups, noticed in their organization and political project; 3) the rearrangements of power, observed in the disputes around the city's administration. For that, we use as empirical material: the newspapers Folha do Norte, Gazeta do Povo e O Coruja; the IBGE'S census; the law projects and records of the counselor's chamber and the novels Setembro na Feira and O bicho que chegou a Feira. The teoric-methodologic basis was constructed around Antonio Gramsci's notion of political theory and Michel de Certeau's reflections around power relations. Finally, we treat the local politics in a wide, integrating manner, inseparable of social relation's picture happening in Brazil in those years. / Acha-se aqui um estudo da situa??o pol?tica de Feira de Santana/BA entre os golpes de outubro de 1945 (fim da ditadura do Estado Novo) e abril de 1964 (in?cio da ditadura civil-militar). Dessa experi?ncia hist?rica analisamos: 1) as transforma??es da vida feirense, figuradas no crescimento da cidade e na emerg?ncia eleitoral; 2) as pr?ticas de poder de sujeitos e grupos dominantes, percebidas a partir das suas organiza??es e projetos pol?ticos; 3) os rearranjos do poder, observados nas disputas em torno da dire??o municipal. Para tanto, utilizamos como material emp?rico: os jornais Folha do Norte, Gazeta do Povo e O Coruja; os Sensos do IBGE; os Projetos de Lei e Atas da C?mara dos Vereadores; os romances, Setembro na Feira e O bicho que chegou a Feira. A base te?rico-metodol?gicas foi constru?da a partir das no??es de teoria pol?tica de Antonio Gramsci e das reflex?es de Michel de Certeau sobre as rela??es de poder. Por fim, miramos a pol?tica local de forma ampla, integrante e indissoci?vel do conjunto das rela??es sociais em curso no Brasil daqueles anos.
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Futebol e cultura de massa em Maracanã, adeus: onze contos de futebol: sociedade brasileira pós-64 / Soccer and mass culture in By,by, soccer - eleven football stories: Brazilian society post-64Fernando Ferreira Mello 24 November 2014 (has links)
O presente trabalho se propõe a analisar a leitura sociocultural do Brasil pós-64 feita por Edilberto Coutinho através das narrativas do livro Maracanã, Adeus e, tendo como base os postulados mais recentes da Teoria da Literatura, procurar identificar as contribuições literárias, históricas, sociológicas e antropológicas deixadas pelo autor em sua narrativa. O estudo procurará demonstrar determinadas minúcias do comportamento do brasileiro e de sua sociedade pelo viés futebolístico, pensando o futebol como Esporte Nacional e elemento dessa cultura. Procurará também apresentar mecanismos de controle social e cultural exercidos durante esse período pelos governos militares e, principalmente, a maneira escolhida pelo escritor para apresentar esse poder. Esta pesquisa privilegia o estudo das técnicas contemporâneas de escrever e das possíveis inovações estilísticas introduzidas no conjunto dos contos e busca contextualizar a escolha do autor pelo conto enquanto gênero literário. E com todo rigor científico comprovar a importância de Edilberto Coutinho no cenário literário brasileiro / The present work proposes to analyse the reading sociocultural of Brazil post64 done by Edilberto Coutinho through the narratives of the book By, by Soccer and, having like a base the most recent postulates of the Theory of Literature, look for identify the literary contributions, historical, sociological and anthropological left by the author in his narrative. The study will look for to show determinate minúcias of the Brazilian and of his society by the soccer bias, thinking the soccer like National Sport and element of his culture. It will look for also present mechanisms of social and cultural control exerted during this period by military governments and, mainly, the way chosen by the writer to present this power. This investigation privilegia the study of the contemporary tachnicians to white and of the possible stylistic innovations entered in the group of the tales and research contextualise the election of the author by the tale while literary gender. And with all scientific rigour check the importance of Edilberto Coutinho in the literary stage Brazilian
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Futebol e cultura de massa em Maracanã, adeus: onze contos de futebol: sociedade brasileira pós-64 / Soccer and mass culture in By,by, soccer - eleven football stories: Brazilian society post-64Fernando Ferreira Mello 24 November 2014 (has links)
O presente trabalho se propõe a analisar a leitura sociocultural do Brasil pós-64 feita por Edilberto Coutinho através das narrativas do livro Maracanã, Adeus e, tendo como base os postulados mais recentes da Teoria da Literatura, procurar identificar as contribuições literárias, históricas, sociológicas e antropológicas deixadas pelo autor em sua narrativa. O estudo procurará demonstrar determinadas minúcias do comportamento do brasileiro e de sua sociedade pelo viés futebolístico, pensando o futebol como Esporte Nacional e elemento dessa cultura. Procurará também apresentar mecanismos de controle social e cultural exercidos durante esse período pelos governos militares e, principalmente, a maneira escolhida pelo escritor para apresentar esse poder. Esta pesquisa privilegia o estudo das técnicas contemporâneas de escrever e das possíveis inovações estilísticas introduzidas no conjunto dos contos e busca contextualizar a escolha do autor pelo conto enquanto gênero literário. E com todo rigor científico comprovar a importância de Edilberto Coutinho no cenário literário brasileiro / The present work proposes to analyse the reading sociocultural of Brazil post64 done by Edilberto Coutinho through the narratives of the book By, by Soccer and, having like a base the most recent postulates of the Theory of Literature, look for identify the literary contributions, historical, sociological and anthropological left by the author in his narrative. The study will look for to show determinate minúcias of the Brazilian and of his society by the soccer bias, thinking the soccer like National Sport and element of his culture. It will look for also present mechanisms of social and cultural control exerted during this period by military governments and, mainly, the way chosen by the writer to present this power. This investigation privilegia the study of the contemporary tachnicians to white and of the possible stylistic innovations entered in the group of the tales and research contextualise the election of the author by the tale while literary gender. And with all scientific rigour check the importance of Edilberto Coutinho in the literary stage Brazilian
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Desenvolvimento da técnica de desacoplamento heteronuclear em banda larga para espectroscopia de alta resolução por ressonância magnética nuclear / Broadband heteronuclear decoupling for High Resolution NMR SpectroscopyEduardo Gomes da Silva 07 October 1994 (has links)
O objetivo deste trabalho foi implementar a técnica de dupla ressonância denominada Desacoplamento Heteronuclear em Banda Larga. Tal técnica consiste em eliminar a interação dipolar magnética nuclear existente entre núcleos atômicos raros que desejamos observar (13C, por exemplo) e núcleos atômicos abundantes que existem em sua vizinhança (1H, por exemplo). Para implementar algumas das técnicas de Desacoplamento Heteronuclear em Banda Larga (DBL), foi desenvolvido o instrumental eletrônico necessário, que consistiu em projeto e construção de moduladores de pulsos de radiofreqüência com controle de fase, em programação de seqüências especiais de pulsos para DBL e em sistemas de controle digital. As técnicas de DBL implementadas foram: \"Noise Modulation\", \"Squarewave modulation\", \"MLEV-64\" e \"WALTZ-16\". Avaliamos o desempenho destas técnicas através de resultados experimentais obtidos utilizando o composto ADAMANTANO (Cl10H16). Todos os equipamentos desenvolvidos foram incorporados ao espectrômetro de alta resolução por ressonância magnética nuclear existente no Laboratório de Espectroscopia de Alta Resolução (LEAR), do Departamento de Física e Informática, Instituto de Física de São Carlos, USP, e estão sendo utilizados rotineiramente nos experimentos de espectroscopia de alta resolução / The goal of this work was to improve the double resonance technique called Broadband Heteronuclear Decoupling. This technique consists on eliminate the dipolar heteronuclear interaction that exists between rare nucleous (13C, for example) and abundant nucleous that exists around (1H, for example). To improve some techniques of Broadband Heteronuclear Decoupling (BBDec), an electronic apparatus was made, which consisted of design and implementation of radiofrequency pulse modulators with phase control, special BBDec pulse sequences programming and digital control systems. The implemented Broadband Heteronuclear Decoupling techniques were: Noise Modulation, Square-wave Modulation, MLEV-64 sequence and WALTZ-16 sequence. We evaluated the performance of these techniques utilizing the experimental results obtained with the sample ADAMANTANO (Cl10H16). All developed apparatus was incorporated with the high resolution NMR spectrometer that exists at the High Resolution Spectroscopy Laboratory (LEAR), of the Instituto de Física de Sao Carlos, USP, and are being used at all high resolution NMR experiments
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Patienters upplevelser av hjärtinfarkt : En litteraturöversikt / Patients' experiences after a myocardial infarction : A literature reviewKarlsson, Johanna, Jacobsson, Anna January 2022 (has links)
Bakgrund: Hjärtinfarkt är en sjukdom som globalt drabbar många personer och räknas som den största dödsorsaken. Hjärtinfarkt är för de flesta en traumatisk upplevelse som påverkar livet kraftigt. Fysiska följder som trötthet och hjärtsvikt, psykiska följder i form av ångest och depression, samt psykosociala följder är vanligt förekommande. Patienters känsla av sammanhang kan vara en avgörande faktor för att bibehålla hälsan efter hjärtinfarkt, samt i patienters hantering efter hjärtinfarkten. Syfte: Syftet var att beskriva patienters upplevelser som nyligen genomgått en hjärtinfarkt. Metod: En litteraturöversikt med kvalitativ metod och induktiv ansats har genomförts, där 13 vetenskapliga artiklar analyserades. Resultat: Resultatet innehöll tre huvudteman. Att inte känna igen sin kropp med subtema fysisk trötthet och fatigue samt misstro till sin kropp. Nya tankar och känslor med subtema psykiska upplevelser av trötthet, stress, rädsla och ångest samt tacksamhet och ny mening. Begränsning i vardagslivet med subtema skam och skuld, att inte passa in, svårigheter med förändringar samt behov av stöd. Slutsats: Patienter upplevde fysisk, psykisk och psykosocial påverkan på livet efter genomgången hjärtinfarkt. Hjärtinfarkten hade påverkan på patienters liv i både positiva och negativa aspekter. / Title: Patients' experiences after a myocardial infarction - A literature review. Background: Myocardial infarction was a disease which affected a lot of humans globally and was countable as the largest cause of death. Myocardial infarction was a traumatic experience and affected patient’s life considerably. Physical consequences as tiredness, heart failure, psychological consequences as anxiety and depression and psychosocial consequences were common. To maintain health and cope with myocardial infarction was the sense of coherence. Aim: The aim was to describe patients´ experiences of having recently had a myocardial infarction. Method: A literature review with a qualitative method and an inductive approach was used, where 13 scientific articles were analyzed. Results: The result contained three main themes. Not recognizing his body with subtheme physical fatigue and fatigue as well as distrust of his body. New thoughts and feelings with sub-themes mental experiences of tiredness, stress, fear and anxiety as well as gratitude & new meaning. Limitations in everyday life with subtheme shame and guilt, not fitting in, difficulties with changes and the need for support. Conclusion: Patients experienced physical, psychological and psychosocial consequences after myocardial infarction. Myocardial infarction had an impact on patients’ daily life in both positive and negative aspects.
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