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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

De selvagens bugres a caboclos fanáticos: as representações n'O Diário da Tarde durante o Contestado (1912-1916) / Wild bugres to fanatic caboclos: the representations in Diário da Tarde during Contestado (1912-1916)

Simonetti, Rafael Pereira [UNESP] 07 July 2017 (has links)
Submitted by RAFAEL PEREIRA SIMONETTI null (rafapsimonetti@gmail.com) on 2017-08-01T15:34:07Z No. of bitstreams: 1 SIMONETTI_Rafael_dissertação2.pdf: 1892290 bytes, checksum: 5bba8151048b395fb88f0fdc94ff2125 (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Luiz Galeffi (luizgaleffi@gmail.com) on 2017-08-03T17:22:35Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 simonetti_rp_me_mar.pdf: 1892290 bytes, checksum: 5bba8151048b395fb88f0fdc94ff2125 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2017-08-03T17:22:35Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 simonetti_rp_me_mar.pdf: 1892290 bytes, checksum: 5bba8151048b395fb88f0fdc94ff2125 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2017-07-07 / A presente dissertação busca mostrar como os sertanejos e os indígenas foram representados no jornal curitibano O Diário da Tarde durante o Movimento do Contestado (1912 a 1916). Partiu-se do fato de que havia na região uma pluralidade de identidades marcadas por distinções culturais e organizacionais e que foram prejudicadas pelo avanço do projeto desenvolvimentista da Primeira República Brasileira (1889-1930), resultando em conflitos territoriais. Portanto, o objetivo principal foi localizar, no jornal, os sertanejos (ou caboclos) e os indígenas da região, entre Kaingang, Xokleng e Guarani, atentando-se ao fato de que os conflitos entre não-índios e índios não eram associados diretamente ao Contestado. Os conceitos de representação social, análise de discurso e mediação foram utilizados para se pensar o tratamento da imprensa enquanto um documento histórico, meio de transmissão de ideias e revelador de relações de poder. As batalhas e as comparações entre os dois grupos sociais em questão foram observadas em consonância com o pensamento intelectual e governamental da época, buscando informações nos Arquivos Públicos dos Estados do Paraná e de Santa Catarina, em artigos do Museu Nacional e em outros estudos sobre os contatos entre índios e não-índios na história da região sul. / The present dissertation tries to show how the sertanejos and the indigenous natives were represented in the newspaper the Diário da Tarde during the Movement of the Contestado (1912 to 1916). It started from the fact that there were in the region a plurality of identities marked by cultural and organizational distinctions and that were harmed by the advance of the developmental project of the Brasilian First Republic (1889-1930), resulting in territorial conflicts. Therefore, the main objective was to locate the sertanejos (or caboclos) and indigenous people of the region, between Kaingang, Xokleng and Guarani, in the newspaper, considering that the conflicts between non-Indians and Indians were not directly associated with the Answered. The concepts of social representation, discourse analysis and mediation were used to think about the treatment of the press as a historical document, a means of transmitting ideas and revealing power relations. The battles and comparisons between the two social groups in question were observed in consonance with the intellectual and governmental thought of the time, searching for information in the Public Archives of States of Paraná and Santa Catarina, in articles of the National Museum and in other studies on the contacts between Indians and non-Indians in the history of the southern region.

Jornalismo popular: voz sem povo / Jornalismo popular: voz sem povo

Leda Rosa Meneses 27 April 2007 (has links)
Esta pesquisa investiga o jornalismo popular. No âmbito conceitual, busca elementos que ajudem na discussão e elucidação dessa categoria de jornalismo. Paralelamente à construção teórica do popular, levanta aspectos fundamentais dos jornais Agora São Paulo, Diário de São Paulo e Jornal da Tarde, tais como desempenho nas vendagens e possíveis contradições entre o que é proposto e efetivado. A escolha de tais veículos se justifica por serem considerados veículos populares por parte das empresas que os editam. Também são assim rotulados pelos institutos de pesquisa de opinião, agências de publicidade e jornaleiros. Nossos estudos levam-nos a crer que estes jornais só podem ser apontados como populares em virtude das faixas de consumidores às quais se destina. A presença popular começa e se encerra no ato da compra do exemplar. Em suas páginas, o discurso preponderante é o do poder, em suas diversas formas. O povo, quando aparece, é mero figurante muitas vezes, ridicularizado - no cenário cujos protagonistas são, quase inexoravelmente, os donos do poder. Desta forma, os veículos que poderiam e deveriam, segundo os princípios da ética profissional - ampliar os lugares discursivos historicamente destinados aos mais pobres, deixam de fazê-lo, reduzindo sua atuação ao âmbito do chamado jornalismo de serviço, a tradução contemporânea do jornalismo popular, tão vazia quanto a anterior, plena de apelo policial e sensual. O ponto de vista dos que sofrem as ações do Poder, suas idéias, vivências, lutas e crenças, continua longe dos jornais populares paulistanos. Até quando? / This research investigates the popular journalism. In the conceptual scope, it searchs elements that help in the quarrel and briefing of this category of journalism. Parallel to the theoretical construction of the popular one, it raises basic aspects of the periodicals Agora São Paulo, Diário de São Paulo and Jornal da Tarde, such as performance in the sales and possible contradictions between what it is considered and accomplished. The choice of such vehicles if justifies for being considered popular vehicles on the part of the companies who edit them. Also thus they are friction by the justinian codes of opinion research, advertising agencies and days laborer. Our studies take them to believe it that these periodicals alone can be pointed as popular in virtue of the bands of consumers to which if destines. The popular presence starts and if it locks up in the act of the purchase of the unit. In its pages, the preponderant speech is of the power, in its diverse forms. The people, when he appears, is mere an insignificant person - many times, maked a fool - in the scene whose protagonists are, mostly, the owners of the power. Of this form, the vehicles that could - and they would have, according to principles of the professional ethics - extend the discursivos places historical destined to poor, leave to make it, reducing its performance to the scope of the call service journalism, the translation contemporary of the popular journalism, so empty how much previous, the full one of I appeal sensual and policeman. The point of view of that they suffer the actions from the Power, its ideas, experiences, fights and beliefs, continues far from of paulistanos popular periodicals. Until when?

Crítica da razão acadêmica: campo das ciências sociais livres e a psicologia social francesa no fim do século XIX / Critic of the academical reason: the field of free social sciences and the french social psychology at the end of the nineteenth century.

Marcia Cristina Consolim 29 October 2007 (has links)
Este trabalho analisa o surgimento da \"psicologia social\" francesa na última década do século XIX, através de seus representantes mais conhecidos, Gabriel Tarde (1843-1904) e Gustave Le Bon (1841-1931), mas também de autores que, pertencentes ao mesmo meio, mantiveram com eles afinidades intelectuais, sociais e teóricas. Parto do princípio de que o estudo de um determinado tema, mesmo que não institucionalizado, como é o caso da \"psicologia social\", deve ser compreendido a partir da estrutura do campo intelectual no período, no caso, em processo de autonomização e profissionalização a partir dos anos 80. Isso significa que, no campo disciplinar, a grande referência é o corte entre o pólo universitário e o pólo \"livre\", o que predispôs a disputas diversas por cadeiras e cursos por parte dos representantes das várias matérias ainda não institucionalizadas. A \"psicologia social\" é uma dessas matérias que têm vigência e legitimidade restritas a um determinado grupo e período da história do campo, ou seja, é uma matéria típica de posições intelectualmente dominadas, não universitárias, e cujo fim era o combate pela ascensão à universidade contra o seu principal concorrente, a sociologia durkheimiana. Dado o caráter fluido das definições disciplinares, defino o campo das \"ciências sociais\" pelo combate entre as disciplinas novas - a economia, a psicologia e a sociologia - e delas com as antigas disciplinas - a história e a filosofia - e identifico duas grandes correntes e práticas nas ciências sociais \"livres\": a que pertence ao poder social e a que pertence ao poder intelectual. Em segundo lugar, mostro como essas posições extra-universitárias correspondem a estratégias no campo editorial, tendo em vista que as editoras, revistas e coleções congregaram os grupos interessados nesse combate. Concluo que a \"psicologia social\", por não ter conseguido se instituir como disciplina universitária nesse período, teve sua sobrevivência condicionada à constituição de um público não universitário, através de coleções, de revistas ou de instituições \"livres\" de ensino. Dada a falta de credenciais acadêmicas, a sobrevivência desses grupos no campo intelectual exigiu um investimento brutal em relações sociais. Como corolário desse processo, as representações tenderam a valorizar seja a função técnica seja a missão cultural das ciências sociais em detrimento de sua autonomização no campo científico. É por essa razão que a \"psicologia social\" hipostasiou o papel das elites e da liberdade individual contra as multidões e as determinações coletivas, elaborando uma representação invertida da posição que esses autores ocuparam no campo intelectual. / This thesis analyses the emergency of the French \"social psychology\" in the last decade of the XIXth century, particularly through the work of its most renewed authors, Gabriel Tarde (1843-1904) and Gustave Le Bon (1841-1931), but also through the work of authors who, belonging to the same network, had with them intellectual, social and theoretical identities. I suppose that the study of a theme, even if it is not institucionalized, as it is the case in \"social psychology\", has to be based on the structure of the French intellectual field, which means, from the process of autonomization and profissionalization starting in the 80ies. This implies that, in the disciplinary field, there is a main polarization between the university positions and the \"free\" positions, the last ones fighting for chairs and carreers at the university. The \"social psychology\" is one of those subjects that had legitimity limited to a determined group and period of the history of the field, that means, is a typical subject of intellectual dominated positions, non universitarian, and whose purpose was to win positions against durkheimian sociology. Considering the undefined character of these disciplines, I call \"social sciences\" the battles between the new disciplines - economy, psychology and sociology - and between them and the old and institucionalized ones - history and philosophy - and I identify two main groups and practices in the \"free\" social sciences: the one who belongs to the social power and the one who belongs to the intellectual one. Besides, I show that these extra-universitarian positions correspond to strategies in the editorial field, because the editeurs, reviews and collections have aggregated the same two groups and fights. I concluded that \"social psychology\", for the reason it could not be institucionalized, had to survive in the intellectual field by constructing a public non universitarian through collections, reviews and \"free\" schools. Considering the lack of academic credencials, the surviving of these groups in the intellectual field demanded a brutal investment in social relationships. As a consequence, their representations tended to emphasize the technical function or the cultural mission in social sciences against their autonomization in the scientific field. The result is that \"social psychology\" gave too much value to the role of the elites and of the individual freedom against the crowds and the collective determinations, producing a reversed representation of the position these authors occupied in the intellectual field.

Crítica da razão acadêmica: campo das ciências sociais livres e a psicologia social francesa no fim do século XIX / Critic of the academical reason: the field of free social sciences and the french social psychology at the end of the nineteenth century.

Consolim, Marcia Cristina 29 October 2007 (has links)
Este trabalho analisa o surgimento da \"psicologia social\" francesa na última década do século XIX, através de seus representantes mais conhecidos, Gabriel Tarde (1843-1904) e Gustave Le Bon (1841-1931), mas também de autores que, pertencentes ao mesmo meio, mantiveram com eles afinidades intelectuais, sociais e teóricas. Parto do princípio de que o estudo de um determinado tema, mesmo que não institucionalizado, como é o caso da \"psicologia social\", deve ser compreendido a partir da estrutura do campo intelectual no período, no caso, em processo de autonomização e profissionalização a partir dos anos 80. Isso significa que, no campo disciplinar, a grande referência é o corte entre o pólo universitário e o pólo \"livre\", o que predispôs a disputas diversas por cadeiras e cursos por parte dos representantes das várias matérias ainda não institucionalizadas. A \"psicologia social\" é uma dessas matérias que têm vigência e legitimidade restritas a um determinado grupo e período da história do campo, ou seja, é uma matéria típica de posições intelectualmente dominadas, não universitárias, e cujo fim era o combate pela ascensão à universidade contra o seu principal concorrente, a sociologia durkheimiana. Dado o caráter fluido das definições disciplinares, defino o campo das \"ciências sociais\" pelo combate entre as disciplinas novas - a economia, a psicologia e a sociologia - e delas com as antigas disciplinas - a história e a filosofia - e identifico duas grandes correntes e práticas nas ciências sociais \"livres\": a que pertence ao poder social e a que pertence ao poder intelectual. Em segundo lugar, mostro como essas posições extra-universitárias correspondem a estratégias no campo editorial, tendo em vista que as editoras, revistas e coleções congregaram os grupos interessados nesse combate. Concluo que a \"psicologia social\", por não ter conseguido se instituir como disciplina universitária nesse período, teve sua sobrevivência condicionada à constituição de um público não universitário, através de coleções, de revistas ou de instituições \"livres\" de ensino. Dada a falta de credenciais acadêmicas, a sobrevivência desses grupos no campo intelectual exigiu um investimento brutal em relações sociais. Como corolário desse processo, as representações tenderam a valorizar seja a função técnica seja a missão cultural das ciências sociais em detrimento de sua autonomização no campo científico. É por essa razão que a \"psicologia social\" hipostasiou o papel das elites e da liberdade individual contra as multidões e as determinações coletivas, elaborando uma representação invertida da posição que esses autores ocuparam no campo intelectual. / This thesis analyses the emergency of the French \"social psychology\" in the last decade of the XIXth century, particularly through the work of its most renewed authors, Gabriel Tarde (1843-1904) and Gustave Le Bon (1841-1931), but also through the work of authors who, belonging to the same network, had with them intellectual, social and theoretical identities. I suppose that the study of a theme, even if it is not institucionalized, as it is the case in \"social psychology\", has to be based on the structure of the French intellectual field, which means, from the process of autonomization and profissionalization starting in the 80ies. This implies that, in the disciplinary field, there is a main polarization between the university positions and the \"free\" positions, the last ones fighting for chairs and carreers at the university. The \"social psychology\" is one of those subjects that had legitimity limited to a determined group and period of the history of the field, that means, is a typical subject of intellectual dominated positions, non universitarian, and whose purpose was to win positions against durkheimian sociology. Considering the undefined character of these disciplines, I call \"social sciences\" the battles between the new disciplines - economy, psychology and sociology - and between them and the old and institucionalized ones - history and philosophy - and I identify two main groups and practices in the \"free\" social sciences: the one who belongs to the social power and the one who belongs to the intellectual one. Besides, I show that these extra-universitarian positions correspond to strategies in the editorial field, because the editeurs, reviews and collections have aggregated the same two groups and fights. I concluded that \"social psychology\", for the reason it could not be institucionalized, had to survive in the intellectual field by constructing a public non universitarian through collections, reviews and \"free\" schools. Considering the lack of academic credencials, the surviving of these groups in the intellectual field demanded a brutal investment in social relationships. As a consequence, their representations tended to emphasize the technical function or the cultural mission in social sciences against their autonomization in the scientific field. The result is that \"social psychology\" gave too much value to the role of the elites and of the individual freedom against the crowds and the collective determinations, producing a reversed representation of the position these authors occupied in the intellectual field.

Exploring Social Phenomena with Complex Systems Tools / Une exploration des phénomènes sociaux à l'aide d'outils des systèmes complexes

Grauwin, Sébastian 01 July 2011 (has links)
L'objectif principal de la thèse consiste à explorer des problématiques propres aux sciences sociales et à les étudier à l'aide d'outils issus du champ de la physique statistiques et des systèmes complexes. Le travail de la thèse s'est ainsi décliné sur trois grands sujets dont la problématique principale est la question de l'agrégation d'entités individuelles en une structure collective. Le premier sujet est centré sur un exemple paradigmatique de l'émergence d'un comportement collectif macroscopique inattendu à partir de règles individuelles simples: le modèle de ségrégation de Schelling. Nous avons notamment proposé une résolution analytique inédite de ce modèle et nous avons étudié analytiquement et via des simulations l'impact de différentes formes de coopération entre agents individuels sur le comportement collectif global. Cette thématique a été développée à la fois d'un point de vue économique et d'un point de vue physique. Le second sujet porte sur l'exploration de bases de données bibliométriques. Nous avons ainsi produit des 'cartes des sciences' représentant le champ des systèmes complexes (sa structure interne étant décrypté via une analyse des références utilisées par ~140000 articles) ou encore l'état de la recherche au sein d'un établissement tel que l'ENS de Lyon. Enfin, le troisième thème porte sur l'élaboration de modèles basés sur des outils des sciences 'dures' mais sociologiquement fondés. Nous présentons ainsi le processus d'élaboration d'un modèle construit avec une équipe de sociologues. Enfin, nous développons un modèle d'opinion répondant spécifiquement à une question: l'existence de structures qui durent à partir d'entités qui ne durent pas. / This thesis explores the problems raised by the aggregation of entities into a global, collective level, an old problem encountered in many fields of science. We work on three projects related to the aggregation problem in social systems, using tools derived from statistical physics, and more generally quantitative tools. The first project focus on a paradigmatic model of the emergence of puzzling macroscopic behavior from simple individual rules, Schelling's segregation model. We hence propose an analytical resolution of this model and we studied analytically and via simulations the effect of several forms of cooperation between individual agents on the collective behavior. These questions are tackled in a mutually beneficial way for both economics and physics. The second project is based on the exploration of huge databases on scientific literature. We hence produce several 'science maps' representing the fields of complex systems (its internal structure and coherence being analysed through the references used by ~140000 relevant articles) and the research carried out in a scientific institution such as the ENS de Lyon. Finally, the third project deals with the elaboration of models of social phenomena based on natural sciences tools but sociologically grounded. We hence present the elaboration process of a model built with a team of sociologists. We then propose an opinion model specifically designed to explore a single question: the existence of lasting structure from non lasting entities.

Gabriel Tarde, Emile Durkheim, and the chronic "crisis" in social psychology /

Faye, Cathy. January 2005 (has links)
Thesis (M.A.)--York University, 2005. Graduate Programme in Psychology. / Typescript. Includes bibliographical references (leaves 111-123). Also available on the Internet. MODE OF ACCESS via web browser by entering the following URL: http://gateway.proquest.com/openurl?url%5Fver=Z39.88-2004&res%5Fdat=xri:pqdiss &rft_val_fmt=info:ofi/fmt:kev:mtx:dissertation&rft_dat=xri:pqdiss:MR11786


ADAMO BOUÇAS ESCOSSIA DA VEIGA 30 November 2016 (has links)
[pt] O presente trabalho se pretende pensar o social a partir de um ponto de vista metafísico, entendendo-se aqui o termo como uma solução de continuidade entre o humano e a natureza. A incomensurabilidade ontológica absoluta entre o homem e o cosmo – inaugurada na modernidade – nos leva a diversos problemas sociais, éticos, ambientais e políticos na medida em que serve como justificativa teórica e prática para a devastação do meio ambiente. Por outro lado, o dualismo natureza e cultura é análogo a disjunção parte-todo que dominou o pensamento sociológico até o século passado, sendo esta igualmente problemática na medida em que, por um lado, o predomínio do Todo nos leva a posturas fascistizantes e, pelo outro, uma postura centrada no predomínio absoluto do indíviuo nos leva ao neoliberalismo. Em ambos, temos o predomínio dos termos sobre as relações, sendo a disjunção colocada como um a priori intransponível. O que pretendemos é uma análise social que supere estes binarismos: primeiramente, através de uma continuidade entre o homem e a natureza, e, em segundo lugar, pela destituição da disjunção parte-todo. Sendo assim, nos voltamos para o pensamento de Gilbert Simondon e Gabriel Tarde, procurando articulá-los em uma metafísica do social que exclua a dicotomia entre parte e todo e natureza e cultura. Simondon realiza um percurso da física à sociedade humana, estabelecendo um contínuo entre eles na sua teoria da individuação; Tarde, por outro lado, expande o conceito de sociedade para toda a natureza, realizando o movimento oposto ao de Simondon. Trata-se de uma via de mão dupla, cuja complementariedade será o objeto do presente trabalho. / [en] The present work intends to think the social through a metaphysical point of view, understanding metaphysics as a solution of continuity between human (and culture) and Nature. The absolute ontological incommensurability between both – created in the modernity – leads us to diverse social, ethical, environmental and political problems inasmuch as it works as a theoretical and practical justification to the environmental devastation. By other side, the nature-culture dualism is analogous to the part-whole disjunction that has dominated the social thought until the last century, being that equally problematic as long as, by one side, the prevail of the Whole lead us to fascistic postures and, by other, a posture centered in the absolute prevail of the individual leads us to neoliberalism. In both cases, we have the prevail of the terms on the relations, being the disjunction given as an insurmountable a priori. What we intend to do is a social analysis that goes beyond those binarisns: first, through a continuity solution between Man and Nature and, secondly, by the destitution of the part-whole disjunction. Therefore, we will recur to the thought of Gilbert Simondon and Gabriel Tarde, looking to articulate both in a metaphysics of the social that excludes the part-whole and human-nature dichotomy. Simondon goes from the physics to the human society, making a continuum between them in his individuation theory; Tarde, by his turn, expands the concept of society to the whole nature, making a opposite movement regarding Simondon. It is a double way, in which the complementarity will be the main object of the present work.

La conception psychologique de la société selon Gabriel Tarde

Hammond, Francis 05 March 2019 (has links)
Montréal Trigonix inc. 2018

Reintroducing Communication as a Strategy in Printed Evidence-based Medical Materials. Model to Assess Effectiveness

Genova, Juliana 07 November 2012 (has links)
Hypotheses on the efficiency of evidence-based printed materials can be directed by health communication concepts. These concepts can provide a general framework that goes beyond the traditional vulgarization point of view: instead, it points towards a strategy to obtain health outcomes and provoke behavior change, from a disease prevention, management and health promotion perspective. The present study proposes a comprehensive framework based on concepts from health risk communication, Tarde's theory of social values, usability, readability and plain language. Using the mapping approach, an evaluation grid was applied to printed evidence-based materials with proven effectiveness, in order to reveal the underlying strategy and isolate the characteristics of effective materials. The results allowed us to define two types of printed evidence-based materials, according to the robustness of the evidence they contain and the target audience. It was also possible to identify indicators of notions that are translated into operationalized items, frequent in those materials that might be responsible for their efficiency: clear purpose of the documents, limited scope, learning motivation and correspondence to the logic, experience and language of readers. Effectiveness of printed evidence-based materials could also be correlated to numeracy, objectiveness, standard definitions, constant timeframes and denominators, risks enumerated in order of importance, effective response, and high degree of threat, urgency, novelty and visibility of the disease. It was also possible to identify some missing communication concepts: cultural diversity, narrative, increased easiness of procedures and aesthetic advantage for the patient. In the process of work, the theory of social values emerged as a dynamic component that can bring together and explain many concepts, as well as physician’s acceptance of the guidelines. Value in terms of usefulness and truth plays a major role in cognitive appreciation of the documents. This concept gives a strategic meaning to the whole work and allows us to better understand attitude and behavior change.

Reintroducing Communication as a Strategy in Printed Evidence-based Medical Materials. Model to Assess Effectiveness

Genova, Juliana 07 November 2012 (has links)
Hypotheses on the efficiency of evidence-based printed materials can be directed by health communication concepts. These concepts can provide a general framework that goes beyond the traditional vulgarization point of view: instead, it points towards a strategy to obtain health outcomes and provoke behavior change, from a disease prevention, management and health promotion perspective. The present study proposes a comprehensive framework based on concepts from health risk communication, Tarde's theory of social values, usability, readability and plain language. Using the mapping approach, an evaluation grid was applied to printed evidence-based materials with proven effectiveness, in order to reveal the underlying strategy and isolate the characteristics of effective materials. The results allowed us to define two types of printed evidence-based materials, according to the robustness of the evidence they contain and the target audience. It was also possible to identify indicators of notions that are translated into operationalized items, frequent in those materials that might be responsible for their efficiency: clear purpose of the documents, limited scope, learning motivation and correspondence to the logic, experience and language of readers. Effectiveness of printed evidence-based materials could also be correlated to numeracy, objectiveness, standard definitions, constant timeframes and denominators, risks enumerated in order of importance, effective response, and high degree of threat, urgency, novelty and visibility of the disease. It was also possible to identify some missing communication concepts: cultural diversity, narrative, increased easiness of procedures and aesthetic advantage for the patient. In the process of work, the theory of social values emerged as a dynamic component that can bring together and explain many concepts, as well as physician’s acceptance of the guidelines. Value in terms of usefulness and truth plays a major role in cognitive appreciation of the documents. This concept gives a strategic meaning to the whole work and allows us to better understand attitude and behavior change.

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