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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Habilidades e competências de leitura segundo o ENEM: entre a teoria e a prática

Gilberto da Silva Santiago 20 April 2012 (has links)
A ampliação do número de alunos matriculados nas escolas públicas e privadas brasileiras não vem acompanhada de um ensino de qualidade capaz de preparar o indivíduo para atuar na sociedade em que vive, conforme apontam dados de documentos oficias. Assim, o objetivo deste trabalho, que se insere no âmbito dos estudos voltados para os processos de leitura de textos verbais e não verbais, é a partir da análise das habilidades e as competências de um leitor ao término do Ensino Médio, a) verificar a concepção de leitura que permeia as matrizes do ENEM e, por decorrência, as habilidades de leitura nelas prefiguradas; b) analisar questões desse exame no que tange às competências e habilidades de leitura exigidas do candidato, estabelecendo um paralelo entre o que determinam os documentos oficiais e a avaliação na prática. Para atingir nosso objetivo, analisamos 33 questões do Exame Nacional do Ensino Médio de 2010. Nesse corpus, trabalhamos com questões que contemplem a construção de sentido de textos verbais e não verbais, relativas a Linguagens, Códigos e suas Tecnologias que dizem respeito à Língua Portuguesa, diagnosticando uma a uma as habilidades e competências leitoras necessárias para uma leitura competente. Organizamos nossa dissertação em três capítulos, além de uma Introdução e uma Conclusão. No capítulo 1, apresentamos os principais modelos de leitura, fazendo nossa opção pelo modelo sociocognitivo interacional. No capítulo 2, focalizamos o ENEM, destacando suas habilidades e competências. No capítulo 3, procedemos análise de 33 questões do ENEM 2010, focando as habilidades e competências leitoras necessárias para resolvê-las. Os resultados apontam para uma concepção de leitura sociocognitiva interacional, que pressupõe também a decodificação como parte do processo de leitura em pequenos instantes em que se necessita construir sentido para um vocábulo estranho ao leitor. O estudo aponta ainda para uma predominância nas questões do ENEM das competências que envolvem conhecimento de gênero discursivo e reflexões acerca das novas tecnologias da informação. / The increase in the number of students enrolled in public and private Brazilian schools is not accompanied by a quality education that is capable of preparing the individual for active participation in the community they live in, as data from official documents show. The objective of this work, which falls within the scope of the studies focused on the processes of reading texts verbal and nonverbal, is based on the analysis of the abilities and skills of a player at the end of high school, a) To verify the conception of reading that permeates ENEM (High School National Examination) matrices and, consequently, the reader profile prefigured therein; b) to analyze its examinations regarding skills and reading skills required of the candidate, establishing a parallel between the determining official documents and assessment in practice. To achieve our goal, we analyze 33 questions of the ENEM 2010. In this corpus, we will deal with issues that include the construction of meaning of verbal and nonverbal texts, which concern the Portuguese Studies in the area of Language and its technologies, diagnosing one by one the reading skills necessary for a competent reading. We organize our dissertation in three chapters, besides an Introduction and a Conclusion. Chapter 1 presents the main models of reading, making our choice of the social cognitive model. In chapter 2, we focus on ENEM, highlighting what refers to reading in the assessment. In chapter 3, we analyze 33 questions of the ENEM 2010. The results point to a conception of sociocognitive interactional reading, which is substituted for decoding in small moments when its necessary the construction of meaning of words the reader doesnt know. The study also points to a predominance in the ENEM questions of skills involving knowledge of genre and reflections on the new information technologies.

Habilidades de leitura de poemas no ensino fundamental

Priscila Braga 14 August 2014 (has links)
O tema desta pesquisa éhabilidades de leitura de poemas. Os problemas que motivaram a pesquisa foram: a constatação de que, para mim e para muitos professores, desenvolver práticas didáticas em que as habilidades de leitura do gênero poema sejam contempladas constitui um desafio; a observação de que os alunos não demonstram interesse pela leitura de poema, apesar do valor desse gênero discursivo para formação do leitor; as dúvidas sobre como preparar os alunos para avaliações externas, como Prova Brasil, ENEM, e SARESP. Meu interesse pelo tema encontrou acolhimento no projeto OBSERVATÓRIO/UNITAU 2011-2014: `Competências e habilidades de leitura: da reflexão teórica ao desenvolvimento e aplicação de propostas didático-pedagógicas, n23038010000201076, financiado por CAPES/INEP. O objetivo geral desta pesquisa é oferecer uma contribuição ao Projeto Observatório/UNITAU e aos demais educadores que vierem a conhecer este trabalho de transposição didática de atividades que enfocam habilidades de leitura de poemas e de reflexão sobre os resultados na sala de aula em que se desenvolveu. Especificamente, a pesquisa objetiva: 1) identificar as características das questões do SARESP, de 2003 a 2007, que cobram habilidades de leitura de poemas da fim de subsidiar a proposta de trabalho de leitura em sala de aula; 2) desenvolver atividades de leitura de poemas, a partir de sequência didática elaborada por participantes do Projeto Observatório/UNITAU, com 30 alunos do 7 ano do Ensino Fundamental II, de uma escola particular da cidade de São Paulo.A Matriz do SARESP (SÃO PAULO, 2009) é utilizadacomo fundamentação legal para as habilidades de leitura exigidas nas provas externas, uma vez que contempla também as exigências da Prova Brasil. A fundamentação teórica desta pesquisa baseia-se na perspectiva sociocognitiva de leitura; na concepção bakhtiniana da linguagem e de gêneros discursivos e nos aspectos constitutivos do gênero discursivo poema. Metodologicamente, realizou-se umapesquisa quantitativa e qualitativadas questões sobre poema das provas SARESP de 2003 a 2007 e uma pesquisa-ação com os alunos sujeitos da pesquisa.Como resultados da análise das provas do SARESP, observou-se quevem aumentando o número de questões sobre poemas, chegando a 8 em 2007, e que as questões exigem inferências a partir do tema e dos recursos lingüísticos de cada poema, abrangendo várias habilidade de leitura. Como resultados da pesquisa-ação, constatou-seque os alunos participaram com empenho das atividades de leitura de poemas propostas e que a sequência didática de leitura contempla as habilidades cobradas pelas provas externas e facilita a apropriação pelos alunos das principais características dos poemas. Sendo assim, conclui-se que a leiturade poemas, por meio de uma sequência didática nos moldes da utilizada nesta pesquisa, deve fazer parte do currículo do 7 ano do Ensino Fundamental. / The theme of this research is reading comprehension abilitiesof poems . The problems that motivated the research were : the perspective that for me and for many teachers, developing teaching practices that reading comprehension abilities are reflected in the poem genre is a challenge , observing that students do not show interest in reading poem, although the value of this discourse genre training for the reader ; some doubts about preparing students for external exams as Prova Brasil , Enem , and SARESP . My interest in thissubject found acquaintance in the project OBSERVATORIO / UNITAU 2011-2014 : ` Competences and habilities on reading : from theoretical reflection to the development and implementation of educational and pedagogical proposals , reference numeber 23038010000201076 , sponsored by CAPES / INEP . The overall objective of this research is to provide a contribution to the Project Observatório / UNITAU and other educators who migh learn about this essay of didactic transposition activities focused onreading comprehension abilities of poems and reflection on the results in the classroom in which it was developped . Specifically , the research aims to : 1 ) to identify the characteristics of the questions on SARESP , 2003-2007 , which requires reading comprehension abilities of the poems to support the proposed work of reading in the classroom , 2) to develop reading activities poems from instructional sequence developed by attendeesof project Observatorio / UNITAU , within 30 students of 7th grade of high schhol, enrolled in a private school in São Paulo City . The Matrice of SARESP ( SÃO PAULO , 2009) is used as a legal basis for reading comprehension abilities required in external exams, since it also includes the requirements Prova Brasil . The theoretical foundation of this research is based on socio-cognitive perspective of reading; in Bakhtinian conception of language and speech genres and constitutive aspects of gender discourse poem. Methodologically , a quantitative and qualitative research was carried outtowards questions about the poem and examsof SARESP 2003-2007 and a quiz with students targeted on the research. As results of the analysis of SARESPs exams , it was noticed that there is growing number of questions about poems , reaching to 8 in 2007 , and that the questions require inferences from the subject and the linguistic resources of each poem, covering various reading comprehension abilities. As a result of the research, it was observed that students who participated with commitment on the activitiesoffered reading poems and the instructional sequence incorporates reading comprehension abilitiesrequired by external emaxs and facilitates ownership by students of the main features of the poems. Therefore , it is concluded that reading poems through a teaching sequence in themodel used in this study , should be part of the curriculum of the 7th grade high school.

Same same but different - : En diskursanalytisk studie rörande icke-renskötande samer uttryckt vid åren 1924 och 1945

Söderberg, Maria January 2020 (has links)
Abstract  In 1924 an investigation into the poor relief of the Saamis in Sweden was conducted. Thus, non-reindeer herding Saamis came into the lime-light for the first time. Previous research has focused on reindeer-herding Saamis in the sense that they were “the true Saamis”. Instead, the aim of this thesis, is to disclose how the non-reindeer herding Saamis were constructed by using a discourse analysis approach. It includes those called Parish Lapps, found in thirty replies to a questionnaire of the Nordic Museum in Sweden conducted in 1945. The bias presented there included the magic abilities of the Saamis. The findings illustrate that these notions, as well as the official discourse, influenced the communal discourse. Other bias exist in Swedish society today, and previous special rights of reindeer-herding is brought to the fore onto the political agenda, leaving the non-reindeer herding Saamis, and their history, on the margins. The non-reindeer herding Saamis were depicted as “the other”, not fully included in the “true Saami” way of living, always in exclusion to the Swedish residential manner.

Vers un robot aérien autonome bio-inspiré à morphologie variable / Towards a new bio-inspired autonomous platform with morphing capabilities

Rivière, Valentin 31 January 2019 (has links)
Ce manuscrit traite de la conception d’un robot quadrirotor bio-inspiré. Ce robot, nommé QuadMorphing, s’inspire de l’oiseau et possède la capacité de se replier en vol afin de diminuer son envergure. Cette particularité est intéressante pour des problématiques d’évitement d’obstacles dans des milieux encombrés.Le travail présenté ici contient une présentation du robot où la plateforme mécatronique y est décrite en détails. Puis, des résultats expérimentaux sont présentés et commentés afin de quantifier les performances du prototype QuadMorphing durant des scénarios de franchissement d’obstacles.La deuxième partie de cette thèse traite de l’estimation de la taille d’obstacles en vol grâce à une perception visuelle monoculaire. Deux algorithmes d’estimation ont été simulés afin d’être validés pour être ensuite mis en place sur une nouvelle version du robot qui a été testée expérimentalement. Ces estimations permettent par la suite de rendre le robot plus autonome pour éviter les collisions avec son environnement et actionner son système de changement de forme si cela est nécessaire. / This paper describes a bio-inspired quadrotor design. This robot, called QuadMorphing, is inspired by birds and has the ability to fold its mechanical structure to reduce its wingspan during the flight. This feature could be useful for obstacle avoidance task in cluttered environments.The work presented here contains a full description of the mechatronic structure. Then, experimental results are presented and discussed in order to quantify the QuadMorphing performances during obstacle avoidance scenarios.The second part of this thesis deals with estimating obstacle size during flight using monocular visual perception. Two estimation algorithms were simulated in order to be validated and then implemented for experimental testing on a new version of the robot. In order to make the robot autonomous, the estimation of the size of the obstacle allows the robot to avoid collisions with its environment and to perform its morphological reduction if necessary.

Effects of Birth Order on Temperament and Language

Long, Kelsey B, Rookstool, Kelsey C, Driggers-Jones, Lauren P, Dixon, Wallace, Jr. 05 April 2018 (has links)
Previous research has shown temperament to be stable throughout development and this effect remains when controlling for infant birth order. However, to our knowledge, there have been no investigations examining the direct relationship between temperament characteristics and birth order within the family. Because infant temperament has been shown to be related to maternal stress during pregnancy it stands to reason that mothers caring for multiple children while pregnant will experience more stress, and thus affect the temperament of their gestating offspring. Therefore, the first aim of the present investigation was to evaluate whether birth order was associated with infant temperament. Additionally, research has shown relationships between birth order and language; with second born children showing a significant advancement of language skills compared to first born children. However, no studies have investigated the relationship between birth order and gestural abilities. Because gestural abilities significantly predict language development, it stands to reason that birth order should also affect the gestural abilities of infants. Thus, the second aim of the current project was to evaluate the relationship between birth order and gestural abilities. Eighty-three children visited the lab at M = 15.45 months. Caregivers completed the Infant Behavioral Questionnaire-Revised (IBQ-R), the MacArthur-Bates Communicative Development Inventory:Words and Gestures (MCDI-WG), and a demographic questionnaire concerning family size and birth order. In line with our first aim, we evaluated correlations between infant temperament and birth order. These analyses revealed a significant relationship between the temperamental superdimension of negative affectivity; specifically, the subdimension of sadness was the main factor driving the relationship between birth order and temperament. Next, to investigate whether birth order was related to gestural abilities, we analyzed correlations between birth order and the MCDI-WG categories of performing actions with objects, as well as imitation. This analysis revealed significant associations between birth order and both gestural categories. While these results were in line with our expectations, they remain to be supported by replication. However, should these results withstand tests of replication, they suggest interesting findings for both temperament and language research. First, these results suggest that later born children are at risk for a difficult temperament; however, the specific cause of this relationship is unknown, but could include prenatal stress, or stress during infancy such as less time spent with caregivers. Secondly, these results suggest that later born children are at a particular advantage. This advantage may be due to the fact that later born children, by virtue of their larger families, have a greater number of exemplars from which to learn gestures through observation.

The Relationship Between Low Achievement and Bodily-kinesthetic Intelligence in Fourth and Fifth Graders

Doss, Roger Ron 08 1900 (has links)
The problem of this study was an examination of the relationship between low achievement and physical abilities.This study focuses on the areas of musical, interpersonal, intrapersonal, spatial and bodily-kinesthetic abilities. This correlational study found that low achievers as a group, identified by achievement test scores, scored above the mean on a measure of motor ability. For children who are struggling to achieve in school, it would seem prudent to explore their strengths in other areas of intelligence. Further research is suggested in the areas of high and average achieving students' motor development.

The impact of aided language stimulation on the receptive language abilities of children with little or no functional speech

Dada, Shakila 23 September 2004 (has links)
Comprehension of spoken language skills are often taken for granted in research concerning early childhood language acquisition in typically developing children. While the onset of early word comprehension arguably precedes word production, traditional research has focused on language production rather than comprehension. A similar trend of focussing on expression is evident in the field of Augmentative and Alternative Communication (AAC). Traditionally, the role of AAC systems for individuals with little or no functional speech (LNFS) has been as an output mode for expressing messages. While this is an essential role and final outcome of AAC intervention strategies, the role of listeners is equally important. The comprehension of spoken language provides an essential foundation upon which language production competence can be built. AAC users' ability to comprehend spoken language is varied from age equivalent comprehension of spoken language to minimal comprehension. Some AAC users comprehend spoken language and therefore come to the AAC acquisition task with an established knowledge of spoken language. Others who experience difficulty comprehending spoken language require AAC as both input (receptive) and output (expressive) mode. Graphic symbols play a role in facilitating comprehension of messages either through facilitating the comprehension of the spoken language or the AAC symbols. The use of augmented input strategies like aided language stimulation is one type of instructional technique used in teaching graphic symbols to AAC users. Aided language stimulation refers to a technique in which a facilitator or communication partner combines the use of AAC with natural speech through simultaneously pointing to graphic symbols and speaking. The aim of this study was therefore to determine the impact of a three week long aided language stimulation program on the receptive language skills of children with LNFS. Four children participated in this multiple probe study. The aided language stimulation programme comprised three activities viz. arts and crafts, food preparation and story time activity. Each activity was repeated over duration of five subsequent sessions. Eight target vocabulary items were taught within each activity. The acquisition of all 24 target items were probed throughout the duration of the three week intervention period. The results indicated that all the participants acquired the target receptive vocabulary items. There were, however, variations in terms of the rate of acquisition. There was no statistically significant improvement in the general receptive language abilities of the participants. / Thesis (PhD (Augmentative and Alternative Communication))--University of Pretoria, 2005. / Centre for Augmentative and Alternative Communication (CAAC) / unrestricted

Designing a protocol and comparative norms for the identification and selection of talent among elite age-group rugby players in South Africa

Booysen, Conrad 29 October 2008 (has links)
Talent identification and the subsequent development of those individuals with the most potential to succeed is currently of great concern for sporting bodies in a number of countries and South Africa is no exception. Sport in South Africa holds a position of great prominence and has been used in many instances to facilitate national unity and pride. Rugby Union is one of the most prominent sports in South Africa and it is in this sport that South Africa has achieved a great measure of success, both historically and currently. It is a sport in which the future sustainability of this success is high on the agenda. There have been a number of studies on talent identification in rugby and this study aims to contribute to that body of knowledge. To achieve this contribution, this study has two primary goals and aims. This study has as its primary goals and aims: 1) to have a sound theoretical base provided by in-depth and up to date research that will form the foundation for, 2) reviewed and alternative sport and position-specific testing protocols as well as comparative results consisting of norms and scores that will adequately identify and select those capable of participating in elite age-group rugby union. Contained in the theoretical base of this study is a review of the physical parameters required to succeed in sport, a discussion of the nature vs. nurture debate and a review of the developmental approaches to talent and ability. Other factors such as psychological skills, abilities and attributes and a historical review of talent identification models and approaches world-wide as well as in South Africa have also been provided. In all, the first primary aim and goal of this study has therefore successfully been achieved. Thereafter, the reviewed and alternative test protocol has been presented, discussed and executed, followed by an analysis of the results obtained. Specific achievements of this study are that new and modified tests (3x5x22m Anaerobic capacity test, S-Test and the Kick-for-distance and accuracy test) for talent have been developed and that specific scores and norms for these new tests, as well as other pre-existing tests, have been established for future reference. In noting the success of the alternative, broad-position specific protocol and the establishment of scores and norms, the second primary goal and aim of this study can be said to be achieved. This study then ends with conclusions and further proposed recommendations. It can therefore be concluded with a great amount of certainty that this study has been successful not only in presenting as up to date research as possible in the fields of excellence and elite sport, but that furthermore, this study has provided a robust test protocol with comparative norms that can be used as an alternative identification and selection tool. / Thesis (DPhil)--University of Pretoria, 2007. / Biokinetics, Sport and Leisure Sciences / unrestricted

Vtah vybraných somatických a motorických ukazatelů k poturální stabilitě u dětí / Relatioship of somatic and motor variables to the postural stability in children

Černá, Lenka January 2011 (has links)
Subject In professional literature progressive development of postural stability related to the age during the childhood is documented which is characterized by decline of amplitude and speed deviations. The postural stability becomes similar to adults by primary school children, specifically in the age of 7 to 10 (Shumway-Cook, Woollacott, 2001) and children switch to more accurate strategy of postural control. The period of primary school is described as positive for motor development. Performance in this period is most considerably influenced by biogenetic factors which include growth factors as for instance body height, weight and body composition. An appropriate movement routine with an adequate amount and quality of movement activity is important for development of children's organism by primary school children. Objective The aim of this work is to describe the changes of chosen parameters of postural stability which are related to the age and gender of primary school children and to submit to analysis the changes in chosen parameters of postural stability in connection with somatic characteristics, movement abilities and movement activity. Methods The summarizing statistical research took place at a primary school where 154 children (85 boys, 69 girls) in the age of 7 to 11 were tested....

Sezonní variabilita rychlostních a vytrvalostních schopností u mladých elitních fotbalových hráčů / Seasonal variation of speed and endurance in young elite soccer players

Kunzmann, Egon January 2017 (has links)
Title: Seasonal variabilityof speed and endurance skills of young elite soccer players. Objectives: Comparison of variability in speed and endurance capabilities of young elite soccer players during one season in the U-12 category based on the results of a test battery consisting of 4 tests (30 m sprint test, Agility 505 Test, Illinois test and Yo-yo intermittent recovery test level 1). Methods: Our thesis is characterized by using comparison and testing methods. We use the comparison method in the result section, in order to compare the performance of individual players by means of statistical methods. This is how we focus on each of our test exercises during all four testing phases included in seasonal macrocycle. The results: As the result of our thesis, we found out that the physical abilities of individual players and their demonstration in the performed tests improve or remain the same or statistically very similar throughout the season. We observe the highest variability in agility 505 test with a 6.96 % DL and 7.29 % NDL as well as a 25.86 % in Yo-Yo intermittent recovery level 1. According to our observations, deviations in the performance of soccer players are mainly caused by long-term and systematic training process, different training and match load of the players during the...

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