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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Webová vizualizace a demonstrátor anonymních pověření / Web visualization and demonstrator of anonymous credentials

Chwastková, Šárka January 2021 (has links)
This thesis deals with the topic of attribute based credentials with revocable anonymous credentials. The main focus of this work is the implementation of this scheme through a web application. The web application serves primarily as a visualization, which shows the functionality of this scheme through animations, and also as a practical demonstrator. Data and cryptographic calculations for individual system protocols are provided by the given cryptographic C application that communicates with the created application. The web application is also able to communicate with the connected smart card reader and the MultOS smart card and thus create the transmission of APDU commands and responses between the smart card and provided C application.

Zabezpečení datové komunikace s ochranou soukromí / Secure and privacy-preserving data communication

Bernát, Michal January 2015 (has links)
This thesis discusses the possibility of ensuring the safety, integrity and authenticity of data communication with respect to user privacy. This thesis describes the fundamentals of smart grid networks with capabilities of existing forms of security to communications that have been chosen as a target for application deployment of group signatures to ensure the security, integrity and authenticity of data communications. It describes the concept of a zero-knowledge and cryptography primitives. Further, the basic principles are presented, the history of development, and various schemes are compared based on the construction and performance. The second part is given to the deployment and optimization of group signatures for computationally limited devices. Within the draft report were to be implemented in the Java language chosen scheme HLCCN, DP and BBS. They were then tested under various platforms which were measured and evaluated performance parameters of the schemes. The optimization of the work is focused on the times of signatures, which are critical to a smart grid system. Under the platforms are deployed pre-processed pairing optimization methods and other methods resulting from the deployment platform as JPBWrappera and native libraries to deliver more efficient times of sgnaiture. At the end of the thesis are evaluated achievements of optimization methods and the appropriateness of the deployment of smart grids.

Digital Contention: Collective Action Dynamics in Social Movements for Internet Freedom

Jared M Wright (9164600) 24 July 2020 (has links)
<p>How does collective action operate in digital space, particularly for those social movements at the cutting edge of technologically innovative contentious politics? This dissertation analyzes activist (and hacktivist) groups engaged in what I call <i>digital contention</i> with state and corporate institutions over the future of Internet policy and governance, or what they see as “the freedom of the Internet.” Based on case studies of the Digital Rights movement and the Anonymous hacktivist collective, I use a combination of computational and qualitative analyses of online texts, along with participant-observation at meetings and protest events, to explore how certain collective action dynamics are changing in digital space. Specifically, these include how movements internally perceive political opportunities and threats, as well as how they construct frames to communicate to external audiences. I find that: 1) Political opportunity is less important than threat for activists in digital contention, which is likely due to the lower costs of collective action; and 2) The digital divide and technological knowledge gap create a barrier to frame resonance which digital activists address either through “strategic inclusiveness” or “communities of anonymity,” both of which encourage diversity among participants while also reifying other inequalities in different ways. These findings have significance for the study of social movements, communication and technology studies, and Internet policy. I argue that they portend changing dynamics that may ultimately affect all forms of collective action, and indeed the balance of power in whole societies, in the future as digital technology continues to spread into every facet of our lives.</p>


Fejfar, Jindřich January 2013 (has links)
The diploma thesis Public sphere in networked society concerns about the relation of public sphere and cyberspace. Cyberspace is defined as new social institution, which is not embodied Habermasian normative ideal of critical public sphere, but in contrary it constitute new forms of inequalities and new forms of fragmentarization and commercialization. Explored are therefore also theories which critically deal with concept of public sphere and better describe the reality of cyberspace. The expansion of Cyberspace and horizontal communication network also relate with transformation of contentious politics. The thesis provides an overview of historical development of new action repertoire of contention - virtual sit-in. As an embodiment of all these societal shifts, which are seen as an elements of change in power balance, is presented Operation Payback orchestrated by hacktivist group Anonymous. Keywords Cyberspace, public sphere, hacktivism, action repertoires, repertoires of contention, virtual sit-in, electronic civil disobedience, Anonymous, Operation Payback

Den mellanmänskliga betydelsen - i brukarstyrda självhjälpsmöten

Björk, Terése, Lundgren, Pernilla January 2019 (has links)
Studiens syfte var att avtäcka de element som upplevs betydelsefulla för den enskilda individen i en återhämtningsprocess från beroende, i relation till deltagandet av NA-möten. Som bakgrund till studien presenteras en redogörelse för olika definitioner av beroendeproblematiken samt återhämtning, tillfrisknande, tolvstegsprogrammet och Anonyma Narkomaner. Datainsamlingsmetoden som har används är av kvalitativ art med semistrukturerade intervjuer med fyra informanter. Bearbetning av data har skett genom tematisering som har resulterat i tre olika teman, som visar korrelation mellan det informanterna uttryckt. Temana sammanfattar fynden av verksamma mekanismer i deltagandet av NA-möten för en återhämtningsprocess mot tillfrisknande. Resultatet har analyserats utifrån ovan nämnd bakgrund, tidigare forskning samt två teoribildningar som ämnat att komplettera varandra. Studien visar att verksamma mekanismer i en återhämtningsprocess från beroende mot tillfrisknande är “gemenskap”, “unik förståelse” och “självutveckling” som kan återfinnas i deltagandet av NA-möten. / The aim of the study was to uncover the elements that are perceived as important for the individual in a recovery process from addiction, in relation to the participation of NA meetings. An introduction to the study is presented including a summary of various definitions of the addiction problem as well as recovery, the twelve-step program and Narcotics Anonymous. The data collection method used in the study was qualitative, through semi-structured interviews with four informants. Data processing was done through theme classification, which resulted in the identification of three themes based on common perceptions between the four informants. These themes summarize the findings of effective mechanisms in the participation in NA meetings for a recovery process. The result were analyzed on the basis of the aforementioned introduction, previous research and two theories that are intended to complement each other. The study shows that effective mechanisms in a recovery process from addiction are "community", "unique understanding" and "self-development" that can be found in the participation of NA meetings.

Revelations in the Green Chapel: The Gawain-poet as Monastic Author

Sheridan, Patricia T. 01 June 2020 (has links)
No description available.

A Place to Be: The Relationship Between Setting and Character in Short Stories

Dannemiller, Alexander S. 12 June 2013 (has links)
No description available.

De-Anonymization Attack Anatomy and Analysis of Ohio Nursing Workforce Data Anonymization

Miracle, Jacob M. January 2016 (has links)
No description available.

Out of the classroom closet: why only some gay and lesbian teachers are out

Lecky, Duane Joseph 19 August 2009 (has links)
Canada and British Columbia have legislation in place to protect gays and lesbians from discrimination based on their sexual orientation. A growing number of BC school districts have policy protecting gays and lesbians. However, some gay and lesbian teachers still hide their sexual orientation. Organizational theory recognizes that formal rules do not define the organization. In-depth interviews with 13 gay and lesbian teachers indicate that they would rather not maintain their classroom closets; but that they needed to know that they would be safe coming out. The methodology followed the tradition of narrative inquiry by collecting stories. Initial recruitment was through email, print, and word-of-mouth advertising. An on-line form was used to filter prospective participants to include urban, rural, Muslim, Catholic, closeted, and politically active participants. The great silence with respect to gays and lesbians in the workforce, paired with a history of negative messages needs to be offset by the frequent and ubiquitous dissemination of positive messages.

論網路匿名言論之保障-以身分揭露程序為中心 / A Study on the Protection of Anonymous Online Speech: Focusing on the Procedure for Disclosing the Identity of Anonymous Speakers

鍾安, Chung, An Unknown Date (has links)
在網路世界中,人們以匿名表達意見遠比現實生活中更為容易,這件事已劇烈地改變了匿名言論的量與質。從好的面向看,匿名帶來自主,讓異議者可以透過網路匿名,表達可能永遠都不敢在眾人面前說出來的真正想法,讓觀念市場變得多元豐富;另一方面,匿名提高了追究責任的困難。相較於現實世界的言論,損害他人或構成犯罪的惡質網路匿名言論,將造成影響更深遠且永久的傷害。   目前,關於網路匿名言論的管制方式,世界各國政府都是仰賴「事後追懲模式」和「實名認證模式」的其中一種。前者是網路使用者原則上可以匿名地發表言論,但如果發表不當言論並造成傷害,受害者或國家可以揭露其身份以對其展開司法追訴;後者是網路使用者在張貼言論前,必須先向國家機關指定的網路業者交出個人真實身份資料以進行驗證後,才能匿名發言,或甚至完全禁止以匿名方式發言,讓網路使用者感受到被眾人監督的壓力,不敢發表不當內容。   本文主張,網路匿名言論是受到憲法所保障的權利,而「事後追懲模式」相較於「實名認證模式」,較能調和不同權利間的衝突。不過,儘管我國政府採取此模式,卻在設計民刑事訴訟制度時,漏未導入匿名言論權利的思考,導致網路匿名表意者一經策略性訴訟攻擊,真實身份就會立即暴露,使得匿名表意自由不過徒有虛幻表象。因此,本文建議,為落實對匿名言論自由的保護,立法者宜參考美國法,修改部分訴訟法來處理此問題。 / On the internet, people can express themselves anonymously far easier than in the physical world. This fact has dramatically changed both the quantities and qualities of anonymous speech. On the bright side, anonymity brings more autonomy. Dissenters can express their real opinions, which they might never have the courage to speak out in public. It, in turn will promote the diversity and integrity of the marketplace of ideas. Yet, anonymity also makes it more difficult to hold the speakers accountable. In addition, compared to speech in the real physical world, malicious online anonymous speech will cause more serious permanent harms.   Today, governments around the world are either relying on the “Ex Post Compensation and Punishment” approach or the “Real-Name Verification System” to regulate online anonymous speech. Under the former approach, internet users can express their opinions anonymously, but if the content of their speech is malicious and causes damages to other people, the victim can seek disclosure of the speaker’s identity in order to take legal actions against the speaker. In contrast, under the latter system, internet users have to provide their personal information (real identities) to the ISPs or ICPs appointed by governments and complete the verification process before they can post their words. Some real name systems go even further by banning anonymous speech completely. By making users feel like they are being supervised by the public, the real name system wishes to deter indecent contents   This thesis argues that online anonymous speech is protected by the Constitution, and the ‘Ex Post Compensation and Punishment’ is a preferred approach because it can better balance the conflicting rights. In Taiwan, although the government has chosen the ‘Ex Post Compensation and Punishment’ approach, current civil/criminal procedural laws and practices afford little protection to online anonymous speakers. The plaintiff, who is allegedly harmed by the anonymous speech, can easily bring a “Strategic Lawsuit,” with the sole purpose of obtaining the identity of the online anonymous speaker. Consequently, this thesis suggests that, in order to better protect the freedom of anonymous speech, the legislators of Taiwan should refer to U.S. laws and practices and revise several provisions of Taiwan’s Code of Civil Procedure and Code of Criminal Procedure.

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