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Processo arbitral transnacional / Transnational arbitral proceedingFlavia Fóz Mange 13 June 2012 (has links)
Esta tese analisa as normas processuais aplicáveis à arbitragem. O reconhecimento da prevalência da autonomia da vontade das partes e, subsidiariamente, dos árbitros para estabelecer regras para condução do procedimento arbitral, afastou a aplicação das regras processuais do local da realização da arbitragem. A ausência de uma lei processual de regência ou da aplicação mandatória das regras processuais da lex fori possibilitou, por um lado, a harmonização da prática processual arbitral e, por outro lado, embates recorrentes sobre a forma adequada para a condução do procedimento. A ausência de uma lei de regência não significa que o processo arbitral possa ser discricionário. Existe uma pluralidade de fontes normativas que influenciam a tomada de decisão processual nas arbitragens. Propõe-se a análise destas fontes normativas à luz do direito transnacional. O método transnacional adotado inclui normas nacionais e internacionais, bem como outras fontes normativas que não se enquadram tipicamente em uma categoria tradicional, admitindo que o quadro regulatório do processo arbitral seja formado por uma confluência de fontes que operam em ordens jurídicas e planos normativos diversos. Diante dessa pluralidade de fontes normativas, defende-se a necessidade de maior normatização in concreto, incentivando que as partes e os árbitros realizem uma conferência preliminar para definir a melhor forma de conduzir o procedimento em cada arbitragem. / This thesis analyzes the procedural rules that apply to arbitration. The recognition that the parties and, subsidiarily, the arbitrators are free to establish the rules for conducting the arbitral proceedings has prevented the procedural rules of the place where the arbitration is held from being applied. The absence of a governing procedural law or the mandatory application of the procedural rules of the lex fori has, on the one hand, made the harmonization of arbitration procedure possible and, on the other, led to recurrent conflicts regarding the appropriate way to conduct an arbitration. The absence of a governing law does not mean that the arbitration procedure could be discretionary. The existence of a plurality of normative sources that influence procedural decision-making in arbitration is verified. The analysis of these normative sources in light of transnational law is proposed. The transnational method adopted includes domestic and international rules, as well as other normative sources that do not typically fit in a traditional category, allowing the regulatory framework of an arbitration proceeding to be formed by a confluence of sources that operate in different legal systems and on various normative planes. In light of this plurality of normative sources, the need for more active case management and rule-making is defended, encouraging the parties and the arbitrators to hold a preliminary conference to determine the best method for conducting the arbitration in each arbitration proceeding.
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Sociedades anônimas fechadas: direitos individuais dos acionistas e cláusula compromissória estatuária superveniente / Closely held corporations: shareholdersindividual rights and supervenient statutory arbitration clause.Rodrigo Tellechea Silva 20 March 2015 (has links)
A tese propõe uma análise multidisciplinar e dogmática da arbitragem societária, notadamente do processo de inclusão de cláusula compromissória no estatuto social de sociedades anônimas fechadas, com base em uma deliberação assemblear tomada pela regra da maioria (fase pré-arbitral). O ponto de partida do trabalho é o exame da dimensão jurídica do contrato de sociedade aliado à verificação dos limites da autonomia privada dos sócios na definição da estrutura do negócio jurídico societário, à compreensão da categoria dos direitos subjetivos e dos traços fundamentais que formam a tipologia das anônimas fechadas, incluindo o tratamento dado aos direitos individuais dos acionistas. Ato contínuo, desloca-se a discussão para as esferas arbitral e constitucional, com especial atenção para os pressupostos da arbitragem como método de resolução de conflitos. O cerne do trabalho reside na relação entre a situação subjetiva ativa do acionista de manifestar sua vontade favorável ou contrariamente à escolha da arbitragem e a eficácia da regra da maioria como pilar de funcionamento das sociedades anônimas. Sustenta-se que a escolha da arbitragem constitui um direito fundamental de todo o acionista, cuja renúncia depende de manifestação, expressa ou tácita, de sua vontade, a qual não pode ser elidida ou alterada pelo estatuto ou pela assembleia geral majoritária sem o seu consentimento. Após examinar as correntes doutrinárias sobre o tema no Brasil e as possíveis alternativas para resolver o imbróglio, o estudo concluiu que a alteração legislativa que cria uma hipótese adicional de recesso representa a melhor solução para a problemática. / The thesis examines arbitration in corporate law, namely the inclusion of a statutory arbitration clause in the by-laws of a closely held corporation based on a deliberation taken by the majority rule (pre-arbitration phase). The study starts by analyzing the legal aspects of the corporate contract together with the limits of shareholders autonomy in defining the structure of such contract and the characteristics that form the typology of corporations, including shareholders individual rights. The discussion then moves on the arbitration and constitutional spheres, particularly to the premises of arbitration as a form of settling conflicts. The core of the thesis is the relation between the prerogative of a shareholder to express its will in favor of or against arbitration and the incidence of the full effects of the majority rule as an essential element in the structure of a corporation. The study sustains that the choice for arbitration is a fundamental right of all shareholders, which is why renunciation depends on their express or tacit individual manifestation and therefore, majority deliberation cannot in itself insert or remove it from by-laws. Finally, the thesis provides different scholars understandings on the issue as well as the main possible alternatives to dealt with it. The creation of an additional hypothesis of appraisal right within the existing law is suggested as the best solution to solve this conundrum.
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Enforceability of arbitral awards containing interest : a comparative study between Sharia law and positive lawsAlthabity, Mohammad M. January 2016 (has links)
The dynamics of our globalised world open the way for international trade and transactions between different countries; this may lead to conflicts in laws where transactions and trade may be subject to different legal systems. One of the biggest issues in international commercial law is disputes over the charging of interest, for example with regard to late payment, interest-based loans, or compensation for damages. Interest disputes are considered to be a complex area of law and even more complex in the international field. At the international level, interest claims may be connected to many areas of commerce and thus governed by various laws, which are different from one country to another; moreover, each country has its own interest rate and such rates are changeable according to the nature of law and economics under some jurisdictions. Furthermore, the concept of interest itself is affected by influences such as religious beliefs and economic, political and cultural trends. Interest can be treated as a substantive or a procedural matter. The settlement of these disputes therefore faces difficulties. Arbitration, as a method for settlement of disputes, is characterised by special features that assist in resolving these issues; but it faces some obstructions, especially in international commercial arbitration. The practices of arbitral tribunals and national courts in this regard are different. The results of different interpretations, approaches, and theories with regard to arbitration, at the pre-arbitration, during arbitration and post-arbitration stages, may also differ widely due to the diversity of financial and legal systems such as Common Law, Civil Law and the Islamic legal system – Sharia Law – across different countries. Each legal system has a different methodology and theories, even within an individual country under one legal system, and a state within a federal system has its own laws, which may have different interpretations in this respect. The New York Convention of 1958 on enforcing foreign arbitral awards was established in favour of arbitral awards and for the purpose of unifying international rules of arbitration. This Convention provides some procedural and substantive rules for the enforcement of foreign arbitral awards, but also provides some grounds for refusal. These rules have been affected by different interpretations under different jurisdictions and legal systems, which lead to different perspectives on the matter of charging interest and settlement by arbitration. The outcome of applying the NYC under these interpretations often has the opposite of its intended effect: the rejection of foreign arbitral awards. Due to such ambiguities, courts occasionally intervene in arbitration in all its stages. The interventions of national courts occur in three stages: enforcement of the arbitration agreement, enforcement of the contract under the applicable law to the agreement, and enforcement of the foreign arbitral award. The confusion between substantive and procedural laws also creates confusion with respect to public policy, non-arbitrability and enforceability. In addition, there may be a lack of clarity on the scope of arbitration with respect to the parties’ agreement, whether or not the parties have agreed to the interest rates and periods and whether or not they have agreed to the authority of the arbitrator. These issues affect the enforceability of an arbitration agreement, the law applicable to the disputed contract, the freedom of parties, the authority of the arbitrators and the enforceability of the awarded interest. The thesis studies how arbitral awards containing interest have been interpreted across the three aforementioned legal systems under the NYC 1958 in Saudi Arabia, Egypt, the UAE, England, France, and the US and the enforceability of such awards.
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La sentence arbitrale et le juge étatique : approche comparative des systèmes français et iranien / Arbitration award and national courts : comparative approach of french and iranian systemsDanay Elmi, Manijeh 05 April 2016 (has links)
En France et en Iran, le droit de l’arbitrage est le fruit d’une longue maturation historique. L’arbitrage en Iran plonge ses racines dans l’Antiquité. En raison de la culture du règlement pacifique des différends qui dominait alors, l’arbitrage s’est imposé comme le mode privilégié des règlements des différends. Dans le domaine de l’arbitrage commercial international, l’Iran s’est inspiré de la loi-type de la CNUDCI de 1997. Ce pays a également adhéré en 2001 à la Convention de New York. Le point de convergence entre les deux ordres juridiques français et iranien : ils ont cherché à instaurer des règles plus favorables pour la reconnaissance et l’exécution des sentences arbitrales, chacun ayant adopté une démarche différente. La première partie de cette étude est consacrée à la réception de la sentence arbitrale dans les deux systèmes. Seule la sentence définitive peut faire l’objet du contrôle et de l’exécution. Plus concrètement, la qualification en sentence internationale ou étrangère déterminera les règles applicables à la reconnaissance et l’exécution de celle-ci. La sentence arbitrale identifiée et reconnue est susceptible d'être contrôlée par le juge qui déterminera le sort de la sentence. La deuxième partie de notre analyse décrit ce contrôle qui peut être direct à l’occasion du recours en annulation ou indirect lors de la demande de reconnaissance et d’exécution. Ce mécanisme conduit in fine à protéger les droits de la partie gagnante et à empêcher l’abus, par la partie condamnée, des voies de recours. / In France and Iran, the law of arbitration is the result of a long historical development. Arbitration in Iran finds its roots in the Antiquity. Because of a culture favoring the pacific settlement of disputes, which was prevailing at that period, arbitration imposed itself as the privileged mode in resolving disputes. In the field of international commercial arbitration, Iranian legal system has been inspired by the UNCITRAL Model Law in the promulgation of its LICA in 1997. This country has also adhered to the New York Convention on the Recognition and Enforcement of Foreign Arbitral Awards in 2001. The converging point between the Iranian and French legal systems is the following: they have tried to establish the rules favoring the recognition and enforcement of arbitral awards, any of them adopting a different approach. The First Part of this study is allocated to the reception of the arbitral award in the two legal systems. Solely the final award could be subject to control and enforcement. More concretely, the qualification of the arbitral award as international or foreign award will determine the applicable rules in the matters of recognition and enforcement. The arbitral award, identified and recognized, could possibly be controlled by the judge who will determine its fate. The Second Part of our analysis describes the said control that could be direct, on the occasion of the action for setting aside the award, or indirect, when requesting the recognition and enforcement of the award. This mechanism will lead in fine to protecting the winning party’s rights and avoiding any abuse of the means of recourse by the losing party.
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Rozhodčí řízení - nová cesta řešení obchodních sporů / Arbitration: The new way of dealing business disputesFriedel, Lukáš January 2009 (has links)
The Master thesis describes comprehensively attributes and operating of arbitration in the Czech Republic which has acquired significance recently. The work is divided into eight chapters. After exordium I make readers acquainted with alternative dispute resolution, e.g. mediation. The third chapter characterizes arbitration and describes history, sources of law, types of arbitration and capability of arbitrator in the Czech Republic. The fourth part deals with the arbitration agreements and their requirements. The fifth chapter is dedicated to its particular stages and revision, recognition and enforcement of the arbitral awards in order to provide the reader an complex overview of the the arbitration proceedings. In the sixth section, the author tries to define advantages and disadvantages of this method of solving disputes and to answer question why we should choose it. The seventh chapter adds a special current issues devoting an arbitration clause on consumer contracts. In the last chapter author concludes the topic and suggests improvements.
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The differences between legal and economic labor arbitrarion, and its impact on diffuse constitutional control / Las diferencias entre el arbitraje laboral jurídico y el arbitraje laboral económico, y su incidencia en el control difusoAcevedo Mercado, Jorge Luis 25 September 2017 (has links)
Labor Law is called to solve and prevent arisingconflicts between employers and employees. In light of this, certain conflicts between the employer and a union, or his own employees, can be solved by an arbitration board.In that line, it is important to take into account the many existing differences between juridical labor arbitration and economic labor arbitration; the author, in the present article, arguments that those differences represent the fundamental reason why the first one does exercise jurisdictional function and the second one does not. On that basis, the author affirms that it’s possible to exercise diffuse control in economic labor arbitration. / El Derecho Laboral está llamado a solucionary prevenir la mayor cantidad de conflictos que puedan darse entre trabajadores y empleadores. A la luz de ello, existen determinados supuestos en los cuales un conflicto entre el empleador y una organización sindical o sus propios trabajadores puede ser visto o solucionado en sede arbitral.Es importante tener en cuenta, para ello, las diferencias entre un arbitraje laboral jurídico y un arbitraje laboral económico; el autor, en el presente artículo, afirma que las mis- mas constituyen el fundamento de porqué el primero sí ejerce función jurisdiccional y el segundo no. En base a ello, se puede afirmar que no es posible ejercer el control difuso enlos arbitrajes laborales económicos.
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Arbitration after the arbitration / El arbitraje después del arbitrajeCastillo Freyre, Mario 12 April 2018 (has links)
In this article, the author analyzes the proceedings after the conclusion of the arbitration, in accordance with current regulations. Thus, it develops the possibilities that can be presented before the arbitral award can be firm and, the possibilities that exist after that. / En el presente artículo, el autor analiza las actuaciones posteriores a la conclusión del arbitraje, de acuerdo con la normativa vigente. Así, desarrolla las posibilidades que pueden presentarse antes de que el laudo pueda ser considerado firme y las posibilidades que existen posteriores a ello.
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Sports arbitration: the tribunal arbitral du sport’s experience / Arbitraje deportivo: la experiencia del tribunal Arbitral du sportRosero Espinosa, Nicolás 30 April 2018 (has links)
Often arbitration has been closely related to issues that are likely to be arbitrated, including commercial, corporate or investment matters.However, the sporting matter has been less related to arbitration issues.In the present article, a relatively new and very interesting issue is develop: the sport arbitration, which has been gaining space in various sport organizations to become an instrument of great importance in the sports world. In this way, the author, through the experience of the Tribunal Arbitral Du Sport, shows us the way that sports arbitration has followed, its strengths, its composition and the importance it has achieved in these issues until forging an integral and solid relationship between arbitration and sport. / Muchas veces el arbitraje ha sido muy relacionado con temas que son susceptibles de ser arbitrados, entre los cuales se encuentran materias comerciales, corporativas o de inversión. Sin embargo, la materia deportiva ha sido menos relacionada con temas arbitrales.En el presente artículo, se desarrolla un tema relativamente nuevo y muy interesante: el arbitraje deportivo, el cual ha ido ganando espacio en diversos organismos deportivos hasta convertirse en un instrumento de gran importancia en el mundo deportivo. De esta manera, el autor, a través de la experiencia del Tribunal Arbitral Du Sport, nos muestra el camino que ha seguido el arbitraje deportivo, sus fortalezas, su composición y la importancia que ha conseguido en dichos temas hasta forjarse una relación íntegra y sólida entre el arbitraje y el deporte.
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Algunas controversias sobre Derecho de Familia que son susceptibles de ser resueltas en sede arbitral peruanaSalinas Tipiani, Josefina Alexandra Francesca 05 October 2020 (has links)
Esta investigación demuestra que, si bien el derecho de familia delimita los derechos, deberes y obligaciones que debe cumplir cada uno de los miembros de la familia, no solo aborda ello, sino también aspectos de libre disponibilidad y/o con contenido patrimonial como en el caso del régimen económico del matrimonio, la pensión de alimentos, la administración y disposición de los bienes sociales por uno de los cónyuges, entre otros. Dentro de esta relación, en el marco del derecho de familia, es posible que ocurran diversas controversias. Estas, a falta de acuerdo entre las partes, deben ser resueltas, indefectiblemente, en la jurisdicción ordinaria, encontrándose las partes frente a un sistema burocrático, con problemas en la notificación, elevadas cargas procesales y lento, lo que no permiten dar respuestas oportunas a las necesidades de contenido patrimonial inaplazables y, en algunos casos, hasta vitales. Sin embargo, bajo el argumento que el derecho de familia es una rama del derecho que no tiene materias de libre disponibilidad y de contenido extrapatrimonial, hasta el día de hoy únicamente las disputas han podido ser resueltas en la jurisdicción ordinaria. No obstante, a lo largo del presente estudio demostraremos que esto no debe ser así, dado que el derecho de familia incorpora materias que son de libre disponibilidad y que denotan manifiesto contenido patrimonial; por tanto, esto también podría resolverse en sede arbitral peruana, sin incurrir en ningún tipo de afectación al orden público. / This research shows that although family law delimits the rights, duties and obligations to be fulfilled by each of the family members, it not only addresses this, but also aspects of free availability and/or with patrimonial content, as in the case of the economic regime of marriage, alimony, the disposition of social goods by one of the spouses, compensation due to divorce or de facto separation, among others. Within this relationship, within the framework of family law, disputes may occur. These, in the absence of agreement between the parties, must be resolved, without fail, in the ordinary jurisdiction, the parties being faced with a bureaucratic system, with problems in notification, high procedural burdens and slow, which does not allow timely responses to needs of patrimonial content that cannot be postponed and, in some cases, even vital. However, under the argument that family law is a branch of law that does not have matters of free availability and extra-matrimonial content, to date only disputes have been able to be resolved in the ordinary jurisdiction. However, we will show that this is not the case, since family law incorporates matters that are freely available and that denote clear patrimonial content; therefore, this could also be resolved in Peruvian arbitration, without incurring in any kind of affectation to the public order. / Tesis
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The New Horizons of Business and Human Rights in International Arbitration : An Analysis of the Hague Rules on Business and Human Rights ArbitrationPalm, Emelie January 2020 (has links)
Arbitration has previously been a dispute resolution method for commercial and investment disputes mostly concerning businesses and states. The recently launched Hague Rules on Business and Human Rights Arbitration (The Hague Rules) are a universal set of rules for business-related human rights disputes in international arbitration, which offer an additional legal remedy for victims of human rights abuse linked to business activities. This thesis discusses if the legal remedies have been improved and reflects on previous legal remedies in order to analyse a potential improvement provided by the Hague Rules. The history of business-related human rights disputes has been strongly affected by the concept of corporate social responsibility which have contributed to a development of several soft law regulations. At the same time, businesses, states and arbitral tribunals have contributed to gradually include human rights aspects in arbitration. Despite this, the development before the Hague Rules was fragmentary and victims of the business-related human rights abuse were not provided a stable access to legal remedy. Corrupted and impartial domestic courts could in turn lead to the result of victims being completely excluded from access to justice. Through the Hague Rules, victims are provided with an opportunity to raise claims in arbitration, a development that have included human rights aspects in arbitration such as public interest, imbalance of power, expert arbitrators and witness protection. Even if the Hague Rules offer an effective legal remedy for the victims of business-related human rights abuse in many regards, imbalance of power between a well-funded corporation and the victims cannot be solved solely by a soft law instrument. Furthermore, domestic laws and domestic courts might raise issues for the Hague Rules which could also potentially decrease important features of the national adjudication process. Even if the Hague Rules could be improved further, they are still an improvement of legal remedies for victims of human rights abuse linked to business activities and have increased the access to justice.
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