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A methodology to assess impacts of energy efficient renovation : a Swedish case studyRamirez Villegas, Ricardo January 2017 (has links)
The European Union aims to reduce energy use and CO2-emissions by 40 % by the year 2030. The building sector has been identified as having a great potential to reduce emission of CO2 by increasing its energy efficiency. Also, there is a growing concern of the buildings environmental performance, that lead to the development of building environmental assessment tools. However, different types of energy sources and confusing environmental impacts affect the decision making when renovating for improved energy efficiency. This study develops and tests a methodology to help decision-makers when considering major renovation of their building stock when connected to adistrict heating system. The proposed methodology is applied and used to investigate how different renovation scenarios affects the building environmental impacts in terms of CO2 emissions and identify and discuss future improvements of the methodology. The novelty of the method is the expanded system boundaries that include both the distribution and production of district heating and the energy use at a building level. In this way it is possible to compare and weight measures made both at the energy system level and the building level. This work has limited its approach to energy use in buildings, but it is important to bring the life cycle thinking to the methodology. During the choice of the renovation methods it was noticed that the environmental impact of the production of some components in order to reduce the energy use of a building are not insignificant. Even if all the renovation measures considered in this case study are feasible, it is important to determine in which order they are desirable or achievable from an economic point of view. Uncertainty in the future development of energy, and limited economic resources can play an important role in the possibility of energy efficient renovation. / Den Europeiska Unionen har som målsättning att minska energianvändning och utsläpp av växthusgaser med 40 % till året 2030 jämfört med 1990. Byggnader har identifierats som ett område med stor potential för utsläppsminskningar om de energieffektiviseras. Användningen av olika energislag och olika sätt att värdera miljöpåverkan påverkar beslutsfattandet i samband med energieffektivisering. I studien utvecklas och testas en metodik som kan hjälpa beslutsfattare vid renovering med energieffektivisering inom fjärrvärmeområdet. Först utvecklades en översiktlig metodik vilken inkluderar både byggnadsenergisimulering och energisystemsimulering. Sen implementerades metodiken genom olika renoveringsscenarier och utsläppen av växthusgaser analyserades. Metodiken visar att det finns en möjlighet att utveckla ett verktyg som kan hjälpa beslutsfattare när energibesparingsstrategier ska implementeras vilka kan bli positiva för både byggnader och fjärrvärmesystemet. / REESBE
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AI och skolans nya paradigmskifte : Ämneslärares attityder, kunskaper och erfarenheter kring AI-verktyg i relation till undervisning och betygsgrundande moment / AI and the new paradigm shift in education : Subject teachers’ attitudes, knowledge, and experiences in relation to AI tools in teaching and examinationsFalk, Ellinor January 2024 (has links)
The development of AI (artificial intelligence) and AI tools has advanced rapidly and has affected teaching in many ways. For example, The Swedish National Agency for Education (Skolverket) now recommends teachers to not use written assignments for grading to ensure that the students have not used AI tools. The purpose of this study was to better understand teachers’ attitudes towards AI tools, their knowledge of them and their experiences of AI tools in relation to their subject specific education and exam methods. The research questions were striving to investigate teachers’ knowledge and use of AI tools in their professional practice, their attitudes towards AI tools, how they have adapted exams and assignments, and how the characteristics of the subjects that the teachers teach affects potential differences in attitudes and exam methods. Seven subject teachers teaching various subjects at the upper secondary and lower secondary levels were interviewed about their attitudes and experiences of AI tools in relation to their teaching through semi-structured interviews. The results showed that teachers generally had limited knowledge about AI tools, despite several of them having participated in professional development regarding AI at their workplaces. The teachers discussed their opinions and experiences regarding AI tools as a tool for cheating, their views on AI tools as a source of knowledge, how AI tools have or will affect schools and the society, how AI tools challenge the teaching role, and their views on using AI tools for assessing student assignments. The teachers also talked about how they have adapted, or not adapted, their exam methods to the development of AI tools and the new recommendations from Skolverket. The results from the interviews were analyzed using the theoretical framework TPACK to break down the teachers' knowledge of AI tools in relation to teaching. In the discussion, the results are compared with previous research, AI tools in relation to teaching are discussed, and suggestions for future research are given. / Utvecklingen av AI (artificiell intelligens) och AI-verktyg har gått snabbt framåt och påverkat skolan och undervisningen på flera sätt. Exempelvis rekommenderar Skolverket numera att lärare inte använder skriftliga inlämningsuppgifter som betygsunderlag för att säkerställa en rättssäker betygssättning. Syftet med denna undersökning var att få mer kunskap om lärares attityder till, kunskaper om och erfarenheter av AI-verktyg i relation till deras ämnesundervisning och betygsgrundande moment. Frågeställningarna var kopplade till att undersöka lärarnas kunskaper och användning av AI-verktyg i sin yrkesutövning, vilka attityder de har till AI-verktyg, hur de anpassat betygsgrundande moment och provtillfällen och hur lärares ämnestillhörighet påverkar eventuella skillnader i attityder och provmetoder. Till undersökningen intervjuades sju verksamma ämneslärare i olika ämnen på gymnasiet och högstadiet om deras attityder och erfarenheter av AI-verktyg i relation till deras undervisning genom semi-strukturerade intervjuer. Resultatet visade att lärarna hade låga kunskaper om AI-verktyg, trots att flera av dem fått tagit del av kompetensutveckling på arbetsplatsen. Lärarna berättade bland annat om deras åsikter och erfarenheter kring AI-verktyg som ett fuskverktyg, hur de ser på AI-verktyg som källa till kunskap, hur AI-verktyg har eller kommer påverka skolan och samhället, hur AI-verktyg utmanar lärarrollen och hur de ser på att använda AI-verktyg för att bedöma elevuppgifter. Lärarna berättade också om hur de anpassat, eller inte anpassat, sina provmetoder till utvecklingen av AI-verktyg och Skolverkets nya rekommendationer. Resultatet analyserades med det teoretiska ramverket TPACK för att bryta ner lärarnas kunskap om AI-verktyg i relation till undervisningen. I diskussionen jämförs resultatet med tidigare forskning, AI-verktyg i relation till undervisning diskuterad och förslag på framtida forskning ges.
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Bridging the Gaps: Characterizing Alzheimer's Disease in Native Hawaiian and Pacific Islander PopulationsTavana, Justina P. 15 December 2023 (has links) (PDF)
This dissertation addresses critical gaps in dementia research in Native Hawaiian and Pacific Islander (NHPI) communities. Focusing on Samoan and Tongan communities, the study successfully adapted and validated the AD8 informant interview and the Clinical Dementia Rating (CDR) scale in native languages, establishing these instruments as reliable tools for detecting cognitive impairment in these populations. The research process prioritized meaningful community engagement and forged partnerships with indigenous professionals, ensuring alignment with and responsiveness to the specific needs of the community. These invaluable connections were the foundation of making this difficult work possible. Subjects assessed with these adapted instruments were enrolled in the largest NHPI dementia study to date. Evaluation of this cohort led to new Insights into dementia prevalence and potential risk factors among NHPIs including assessment of APOE isoform frequencies and other genetic data. The ɛ4 allele was found to be much more frequent in NHPIs than in other ethnic groups, and does not appear to show association with dementia risk. NHPI Early-onset Alzheimer's disease families were also studied using whole genome sequence data, setting a foundation for future genetic studies. Future efforts should focus on disseminating these adapted tools, expanding genetic studies across diverse NHPI sub-populations, and conducting longitudinal studies to track cognitive changes. Collaborations between clinical, scientific, and cultural experts are encouraged for comprehensive, culturally-sensitive research strategies. In summary, this dissertation serves as a bridge between current Alzheimer's research and a promising future for new efforts in NHPI populations. It also creates a roadmap for adapting other clinical and research instruments into new languages and cultures. Through linguistic adaptations, genetic insights, and epidemiological investigations, it demonstrates a more precise, culturally relevant approach to Alzheimer's research that can significantly impact healthcare practices and the overall well-being of NHPI communities.
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Разработка системы для оценки успеваемости студентов на образовательных онлайн курсах с использованием методов машинного обучения : магистерская диссертация / Development of a system for assessing student performance in online educational courses using machine learning methodsСоломеин, А. С., Solomein, A. S. January 2024 (has links)
The object of the study is machine learning methods used to assess student performance in online courses. The goal of the final qualifying work is to develop a tool that uses machine learning methods to assess student performance in online educational courses. Methods or methodology for carrying out work: analytical research, software implementation. The subject of the work is to determine the basic concepts in assessing the performance of students in online courses. This paper presents the development of a machine learning-based system for assessing student performance in online courses. The main goal is to create an efficient, scalable and reliable tool that automates the process of predicting academic performance and provides useful information for students, teachers and the educational platform. The research includes comprehensive domain analysis, task analysis, model training and economic evaluation. Key contributions include the analysis and implementation of a CATboost-based machine learning model, which achieved strong performance with an ROC-AUC of 0.88 and a balanced accuracy of 0.78. The study also details the process of data preparation, tuning of model hyperparameters, and integration of the system with existing learning management systems (LMS). Cost-benefit and product performance analyzes demonstrate significant long-term benefits, highlighting high return on investment and improved operational efficiency. The system has a positive impact on various stakeholders by providing timely feedback and personalized support to students, reducing administrative burden on faculty, and increasing institutional reputation and revenue. Overall, this work highlights the potential of machine learning to predict student performance, improve learning outcomes, and create more effective educational environments. The developed system represents a valuable tool for educational institutions seeking to expand their online learning offerings and better support their students and staff. / Объектом исследования является методы машинного обучения применяемые для оценки успеваемости студентов на онлайн курсах. Целью выпускной квалификационной работы является разработка инструмента, который использует методы машинного обучения для оценки успеваемости студентов на образовательных онлайн курсах. Методы или методология проведения работы: аналитическое исследование, программная реализация. Предметом работы является определение основных концепций в оценке успеваемости обучающихся на онлайн курсах В данной работе представлена разработка системы на основе машинного обучения для оценки успеваемости студентов на онлайн-курсах. Основная цель — создать эффективный, масштабируемый и надежный инструмент, который автоматизирует процесс прогнозирования успеваемости и предоставляет полезную информацию для студентов, преподавателей и образовательной платформы. Исследование включает в себя комплексный анализ предметной области, анализ задач, обучение модели и экономическую оценку. Ключевой вклад включает анализ и внедрение модели машинного обучения на основе CATboost, которая достигла высоких показателей производительности с показателем ROC-AUC 0,88 и сбалансированной точностью 0,78. В исследовании также подробно описан процесс подготовки данных, настройка гиперпараметров модели и интеграция системы с существующими системами управления обучением (LMS). Анализ экономической эффективности и эффективности продукта демонстрирует значительные долгосрочные преимущества, подчеркивая высокую отдачу от инвестиций и повышение операционной эффективности. Система положительно влияет на различные заинтересованные стороны, обеспечивая своевременную обратную связь и персонализированную поддержку для студентов, снижая административную нагрузку на преподавателей, а также повышая репутацию и доходы учреждения. В целом, эта работа подчеркивает потенциал машинного обучения в прогнозировании успеваемости студентов, улучшении результатов обучения и создании более эффективной образовательной среды. Разработанная система представляет собой ценный инструмент для образовательных учреждений, стремящихся расширить свои предложения онлайн-обучения и улучшить поддержку своих студентов и сотрудников.
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Developing an e-records readiness framework for labour organisation in BotswanaKalusopa, Trywell 06 1900 (has links)
The application of information communication technologies (ICTs) in records management in many organisations underscores the need for the assessment of e-records readiness. This provides a useful guide in benchmarking, gauging progress and comprehending e-records management. This study examined e-record readiness in labour organisations with a view to proposing a framework for labour organisations in Botswana. The study was largely guided by a quantitative paradigm and used a survey research strategy. This was complemented by methodological triangulation of both quantitative and qualitative data collection methods. All the 50 registered labour organisations in Botswana were surveyed, 45 of which responded, representing a response rate of 90%. Data was obtained through structured questionnaires, semi-structured interviews, document review and observations.
The study established that e-records readiness in labour organisations in Botswana was evident, low and evolving, evidenced by the slow adoption of ICTs; inadequate records management standards and practices; and low integration in the national e-readiness framework. The study confirmed that most labour organisations had embraced the utilisation of ICTs in their work; exhibited some form of records management function and acknowledged the existence of national policy directives and strategies on e-readiness. However, traditional ICTs mainly the fax and telephone, were more prevalently adopted and used than newer ones such as e-mail and the Internet. The use of social media technology (Web 2.0 - Facebook, YouTube, and Twitter) was yet to be explored. The management of both paper-based and electronic records was not satisfactory and fell short of best recognised records management standards and practice. The integration of labour organisations into national e-readiness initiatives as espoused in key policy proclamations within the context of the pursuance of a holistic knowledge and information society was slow and remained challenging.
In order to foster successful e-records readiness in labour organisations, several recommendations were advanced that underscored effective ICT adoption and use, implementation of best records management practices and rigorous integration of labour organisations into the information and knowledge society in Botswana. In addition, an integrated framework for examining and understanding e-records readiness in labour organisations was proposed and documented. / Information Science / D. Litt. et Phil. (Information Science)
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Developing an e-records readiness framework for labour organisation in BotswanaKalusopa, Trywell 06 1900 (has links)
The application of information communication technologies (ICTs) in records management in many organisations underscores the need for the assessment of e-records readiness. This provides a useful guide in benchmarking, gauging progress and comprehending e-records management. This study examined e-record readiness in labour organisations with a view to proposing a framework for labour organisations in Botswana. The study was largely guided by a quantitative paradigm and used a survey research strategy. This was complemented by methodological triangulation of both quantitative and qualitative data collection methods. All the 50 registered labour organisations in Botswana were surveyed, 45 of which responded, representing a response rate of 90%. Data was obtained through structured questionnaires, semi-structured interviews, document review and observations.
The study established that e-records readiness in labour organisations in Botswana was evident, low and evolving, evidenced by the slow adoption of ICTs; inadequate records management standards and practices; and low integration in the national e-readiness framework. The study confirmed that most labour organisations had embraced the utilisation of ICTs in their work; exhibited some form of records management function and acknowledged the existence of national policy directives and strategies on e-readiness. However, traditional ICTs mainly the fax and telephone, were more prevalently adopted and used than newer ones such as e-mail and the Internet. The use of social media technology (Web 2.0 - Facebook, YouTube, and Twitter) was yet to be explored. The management of both paper-based and electronic records was not satisfactory and fell short of best recognised records management standards and practice. The integration of labour organisations into national e-readiness initiatives as espoused in key policy proclamations within the context of the pursuance of a holistic knowledge and information society was slow and remained challenging.
In order to foster successful e-records readiness in labour organisations, several recommendations were advanced that underscored effective ICT adoption and use, implementation of best records management practices and rigorous integration of labour organisations into the information and knowledge society in Botswana. In addition, an integrated framework for examining and understanding e-records readiness in labour organisations was proposed and documented. / Information Science / D. Litt. et Phil. (Information Science)
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Bewertung von cyber-physischen Systemen – State of the ArtPfaff, Constanze 04 May 2023 (has links)
Unternehmen werden gegenwärtig mit den Themen der Nachhaltigkeit und der fortschreitenden Industrie 4.0 vor immer komplexere Herausforderungen gestellt. Ein Bestandteil der neuen Basistechnologien stellen cyber-physische Systeme (CPS) dar, die bereits gegenwärtig und zukünftig mit den Zielen der nachhaltigen Entwicklung in Einklang gebracht werden müssen. Die vorliegende Arbeit geht den Forschungsfragen nach, wie CPS definiert, charakterisiert und unter Einbezug nachhaltiger Kriterien bewertet werden können. Dazu wurden verschiedene, betriebswirtschaftliche Instrumentarien ausgewählt und systematisiert, die folgend im eigens entwickelten und angewandten „Vorgehensmodell zur Prüfung und Eignung
von Bewertungsinstrumenten für CPS unter Einbezug der Nachhaltigkeit“ überprüft wurden.
Die Untersuchung ergab, dass der Bedarf an Bewertungsansätzen von CPS in Kombination mit der Thematik der Nachhaltigkeit besteht und mit existenten, betriebswirtschaftlichen Methoden größtenteils bewältigt werden kann.
Die zugrunde liegende Masterarbeit wurde an der Professur Unternehmensrechnung und Controlling (Technische Universität Chemnitz) durch Prof. Dr. Prof. h. c. Uwe Götze sowie Kristina Höse (M.Sc.) betreut. / Companies are currently facing increasingly complex challenges with the issues of sustainability and the advancing Industry 4.0. One component of the new enabling technologies are cyber-physical systems (CPS), which already currently and in the future need to be aligned with sustainable development goals. This thesis addresses the research questions of how CPS can be defined, characterized and evaluated with respect to sustainable criteria. For this purpose, various business management tools were selected and systematized, which were subsequently reviewed in the specially developed and applied 'Procedure Model for the Examination and Suitability of Assessment Tools for CPS with the Inclusion of Sustainability'. The investigation showed that the need for evaluation approaches of CPS in combination with the topic of sustainability exists and can be handled with existing, business management methods to a large extent.
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Инструментарий повышения конкурентоспособности предприятия с учетом корпоративной социальной ответственности : магистерская диссертация / The tools increasing the competitiveness of the enterprise, taking into account corporate social responsibilityМаtveeva, Ya. A., Матвеева, Я. А. January 2016 (has links)
This paper summarizes the theoretical and methodological approaches of Russian and foreign authors to disclose the concepts of "competitiveness of the enterprise" and "corporate social responsibility". Internal and external indicators of corporate social responsibility of enterprises for the purpose of installation of their impact on the competitiveness of enterprises were allocated. The conceptual model of enterprise competitiveness evaluation tool based on corporate social responsibility was built. The algorithm for using assessment tools taking into account the competitiveness of the enterprise with corporate social responsibility was developed and on the example of the enterprise of JSC "NK" Rosneft "was tested. / В данной статье обобщены теоретические и методологические подходы российских и зарубежных авторов к раскрытию понятий «конкурентоспособность предприятия» и «корпоративная социальная ответственность». Выделены внутренние и внешние показатели корпоративной социальной ответственности предприятий с целью установления их влияния на конкурентоспособность предприятий. Построена концептуальная модель инструмента оценки конкурентоспособности предприятия с учетом корпоративной социальной ответственности. Разработанный алгоритм использования инструментария оценки конкурентоспособности предприятия с учетом корпоративной социальной ответственности был апробирован на примере предприятия ОАО «НК «Роснефть».
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Higher education institutions and sustainable development : A case study of a technological university / Lärosäten för högre utbildning och hållbar utveckling : En fallstudie av ett tekniskt universitetEKWALL SUNDBY, SOFIA January 2021 (has links)
Today, the role of higher education institutions (HEIs) is education, research, and to contribute to society. The requirement of contributing to society especially requires that the institutions contribute to sustainable development. It is therefore relevant to analyse how HEIs can address and contribute to sustainability and sustainable development. The purpose of this thesis is twofold. Firstly, it aims to analyse the impact that HEIs have on sustainable development by identifying and mapping indicators of impact. Secondly, it aims to illustrate with the empirical case of a technological university in Sweden - the studied technological university is KTH Royal Institute of Technology. The study was conducted as an exploratory single-case study. The study's data consists of qualitative interview data as well as quantitative secondary data. The secondary data was collected from a variety of sources at KTH, including its development plan, objective plans, vision, business plans, annual reports, progress reports on objectives, and follow-up reports. The qualitative data was collected through 11 semi-structured, open-ended interviews with faculty and employees at KTH. The study finds that HEIs - through various sustainability actions in their activities education, research, and collaboration and outreach - can achieve impacts such as pro-environmental behaviour and sustainable development. These measures related to all three pillars of sustainability. The HEIs' impact can be identified through indicators such as number of courses on sustainability and sustainable development and share (%) of the total external funding for research that supports research in the sustainability field. As for KTH specifically, the study shows that KTH is able to impact the areas of environmental, social, and economic sustainability and that the impact can be direct, indirect, short-term, long-term, intended, and positive. / Idag innefattar uppdraget för lärosäten för högre utbildning forskning, utbildning och att bidra till samhället. Uppdraget att bidra till samhället kräver specifikt att lärosätena bidrar till hållbar utveckling. Det är därför relevant att analysera hur lärosäten för högre utbildning kan hantera och bidra till hållbarhet och hållbar utveckling. Denna avhandling har två syften. För det första syftar avhandlingen analysera lärosätenas påverkan på hållbar utveckling genom att identifiera och kartlägga indikatorer på effekt. För det andra syftar avhandlingen exemplifiera och illustrera det första syftet med ett empiriskt fall av ett tekniskt universitet - det studerade universitetet är Kungliga Tekniska Högskolan. Studien genomfördes som en utforskande fallstudie där ett fall studerades. Studiens data består av både kvalitativ intervjudata och av kvalitativ och kvantitativ sekundärdata. Datat samlades in från två olika beviskällor - dokumentation och intervjuer. När det gäller dokumentationen samlades data och information in från en mängd olika dokument från KTH, inklusive dess utvecklingsplan, målplaner, vision, affärsplaner, årsrapporter, lägesrapporter och uppföljningsrapporter. Gällande intervjuerna genomfördes 11 halvstrukturerade intervjuer med öppna frågor. Intervjupersonerna bestod av lärare och anställda från olika kontor och avdelningar vid KTH. Studien visar att lärosäten för högre utbildning, genom olika hållbarhetsåtgärder i sin verksamhet kring utbildning, forskning och samarbete, kan uppnå effekter såsom miljövänligt beteende och hållbara livsstilar, minskning av koldioxidpåverkan, ekonomisk tillväxt, jobbskapande, kunskapsutbyte och ekonomiska och sociala fördelar. Tillsammans täcker dessa effekter alla tre typer av hållbarhet, vilket i sin tur innebär att lärosäten kan bidra till en hållbar utveckling i samhället. Lärosätenas påverkan kan identifieras genom indikatorer såsom antal kurser om hållbarhet och hållbar utveckling och andelen (%) av den totala externa forskningsfinansieringen som stödjer forskning inom hållbarhetsområdet. När det gäller KTH specifikt visar studien att KTH kan påverka områdena miljömässig, social och ekonomisk hållbarhet samt att effekterna kan vara direkta, indirekta, kortsiktiga, långsiktiga, avsedda och positiva.
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Alternative assessment for effective open distance educationOliver, Erna 09 1900 (has links)
The knowledge-driven, network society is founded upon technology. Educators need to implement technology effectively into the three main pillars of education, namely teaching, learning and assessment. This would assist students to become independent, confident and motivated life-long, self-directed learners that can use technology effectively in an educational environment. It would also ensure that graduates are able to become change agents, transferring their knowledge, skills and values to others in their communities. Alternative assessment methods that are technology driven could enable both educators and students to become more effective in a network society. This study advocates the use of alternative assessment methods by using technology driven assessment tools for possible replacement of traditional, paper based and "one size fits all" assessment methods within the subject field of Theology. Document analysis was used in a broad sense to evaluate technology-based multimedia documents. Ten documents were identified and evaluated as possible alternatives for traditional assessment methods. Inter-rater reliability ensured that the investigation provided constant estimates and results. The SECTIONS model used for this evaluation provided opportunities to include criteria important for higher education, the use of technology and subject relevant information to ensure that the evaluation was done with a specific purpose and scope in mind; to find technology-based tools that can substitute traditional assessment tools in order to enhance effective education to students. / Educational Studies / M. Ed. (Open and Distance Learning)
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