Spelling suggestions: "subject:"acceptable"" "subject:"cceptable""
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Regulatory tools for managing chemicals risk at the workplaceDing, Qian January 2013 (has links)
This thesis focuses on exacerbating chemicals risk in workplaces under the background of rapid industrialization in developing countries. The overall aim is to investigate the development of regulatory tools which aim at minimizing the health risks from chemical substances in the workplace. The contents of the thesis are divided into three sections: the profile of occupational diseases in China (paper I), occupational exposure limits (paper II and III), and comparison between chemicals regulat ions in Europe and China (paper IV). Paper I presents an analysis of the development of occupational diseases in China between 2000 and 2010. The number of recorded cases of occupational diseases increased rapidly in China during this period and the majority of cases were attributable to dust and other chemicals exposures. Difficulties in diagnosis and inefficient surveillance are major impediments to the proper identification and mitigation of occupational diseases. Migrant workers are extremely vulnerable to occupational hazards. Paper II investigates the state of harmonization of OELs between twenty-five OEL systems in Europe and Asia. The majority of the investigated organizations declare themselves to have been influenced by the American Conference of Governmental Industrial Hygienists (ACGIH), and in many cases this can be empirically confirmed. However, large international differences still exist in substance selection and in the level of OELs among organizations. Paper III explores the setting of risk-based OELs on non-threshold carcinogens. Relatively few agencies set risk-based OELs. Differences exist in policy, both regarding the magnitude of risk considered as tolerable or acceptable and whether a general risk level or case-by-case substance-specific risk levels are determined. In regards to the level of the OELs both differences in science and policy contribute, and it was not possible to determine which has the larger influence. Paper III explores the setting of risk-based OELs on non-threshold carcinogens. Relatively few agencies set risk-based OELs. Differences exist in policy, both regarding the magnitude of risk considered as tolerable or acceptable and whether a general risk level or case-by-case substance-specific risk levels are determined. In regards to the level of the OELs both differences in science and policy contribute, and it was not possible to determine which has the larger influence. Paper IV systematically compares the regulation systems for chemicals in the EU and China in terms of substances covered, requirement on information, risk assessment and risk management. It shows that the European and Chinese chemicals legislations are remarkably similar.The differences are larger in terms of substance coverage and data requirements than in terms of risk assessment and management. Substitution of hazardous substances is driven more by updates of the EU regulatory system than of the Chinese system. / <p>QC 20130830</p>
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Économies parallèles et société de consommation capitaliste : le jeu en art comme outil d'émancipationThibodeau-Monahan, Pierre-Charles 06 1900 (has links) (PDF)
La place prépondérante qu'occupe la société de consommation capitaliste aujourd'hui, constitue un sujet privilégié pour bon nombre d'artistes. Bien souvent, ceux-ci arrivent à investir cette réalité par l'entremise de pratiques artistiques à caractère ludique, et certains donnent à leurs œuvres-jeux la forme d'économies parallèles. Le jeu, en effet, est un outil remarquable pour les artistes choisissant de faire pénétrer leur art dans la vie, octroyant notamment à leurs œuvres une valeur critique. Le jeu possède la qualité d'être une activité se vivant généralement dans un espace/temps prédéterminé, au sein duquel le joueur évolue en liberté par rapport au réel. Il a ainsi la possibilité d'émanciper ceux qui y participent. Cependant, ce potentiel émancipateur est généralement évité par les théoriciens et historiens de l'art. Ceci est entre autres dû au fait que l'émancipation est une notion qui a été largement délaissée au cours des dernières décennies. Cependant, Jacques Rancière propose que l'émancipation, notamment par le biais d'œuvres d'art, est un phénomène plus que probable. Toutefois, Rancière, s'intéressant au jeu en art comme dispositif critique, ne développe pas pleinement l'idée que l'activité émancipatrice puisse être favorisée par la notion de jeu. L'objectif de ce mémoire est donc d'évaluer si le jeu – et plus particulièrement le jeu rusé –, pratiqué et induit par des œuvres d'art actuel prenant la forme d'économies parallèles, peut favoriser l'émancipation du spectateur. C'est en survolant le développement historique de la société de consommation capitaliste que cette étude sera amorcée. Une caractérisation critique de cette forme d'organisation économique et sociale, se basant sur des théories telles que celles développées par Daniel Cohen, Joseph Heath, Georges Bataille et Guy Debord, viendra compléter ce survol afin de cerner les règles autours desquelles évoluent les œuvres qui seront analysées. Par la suite, la notion de jeu, et plus particulièrement, la notion de jeu en art contemporain, sera approfondie, entre autres grâce aux théories de Frank Popper sur la participation des spectateurs à la créativité. Le witz, le trickster et la perruque, des jeux rusés qui « font avec » les règles tout en ayant sur elles un pouvoir subversif, seront étudiés. La théorie de l'émancipation de Jacques Rancière, en grande partie basée sur celle de Joseph Jacotot en rapport au principe de l'enseignement universel, permettra d'établir comment l'émancipation est possible par le biais d'œuvres d'art. Les œuvres Mejor Vida Corporation (1998-) de Minerva Cuevas, CHANGE (2008-) de l'Action Terroriste Socialement Acceptable, et Produits remboursés (1993-2001) de Matthieu Laurette, seront finalement analysées en regard de ces théories. Ceci permettra de montrer que c'est par l'entremise d'un jeu rusé que l'émancipation est la plus susceptible de se produire.
MOTS-CLÉS DE L’AUTEUR : jeu, art actuel, émancipation, ruse, Minerva Cuevas, Action Terroriste Socialement Acceptable, Matthieu Laurette
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Estudo do uso de corantes artificiais em alimentos e estimativa de ingestão de tartrazina pela população brasileiraRodrigues, Patrícia da Silva January 2015 (has links)
A atração dos seres humanos pelas cores é um fenômeno instintivo. Cores agradáveis em alimentos geram no consumidor a sensação de um produto com características sensoriais mais prazerosas e fornecem a sensação de maior qualidade global. Os objetivos deste trabalho foram verificar quais os alimentos comercializados por uma das maiores redes de supermercados do país que continham corantes na sua formulação, selecionar aqueles que continham o corante artificial tartrazina, estimar a Ingestão Diária Teórica Máxima (IDTM) deste corante e realizar análises laboratoriais para avaliar a quantidade de tartrazina em refrescos em pó e isotônicos. Observou-se que de 3475 alimentos comercializados 28,7% continham pelo menos um corante na formulação e que os mais utilizados foram urucum (presente em 8,43% dos alimentos), caramelo (7,68%), cúrcuma (5,47%), carmim de cochonilha (4,52%) e carotenos (4,23%). O corante Tartrazina (INS 102) ocupa a sexta posição na lista dos corantes alimentícios mais utilizados, com frequencia de uso de 2,62%, sendo o corante artificial mais utilizado nos produtos desse estudo. Por meio do uso dos dados da Pesquisa de Orçamento Familiar (POF) 2008-2009, do limite máximo de uso permitido por lei e da prevalência de consumo, observou-se que, considerando o consumo de tartrazina médio per capita, a Ingestão Diária Aceitável (IDA) não foi ultrapassada em nenhuma das distribuições: gêneros, regiões brasileiras, classes de rendas familiares per capita e por grupos de faixas etárias. Mas, quando é considerada a prevalência de consumo alimentar, a (IDMT) foi superior à IDA em alguns casos: para mulheres nas regiões Norte, Centro-Oeste e Nordeste; mulheres nas classes de renda familiar per capita “até R$ 296” e “mais de R$ 296 a R$ 571”; e para as faixas etárias “Adolescentes” (para ambos os sexos) e “Adultos” para “19 anos” e “20 a 24 anos” do sexo feminino. Para os “Adolescentes” de 10 anos a IDMT foi o dobro da IDA. Os produtos da categoria “sucos/refrescos/sucos em pó reconstituídos” apresentaram contribuição expressiva no total de tartrazina consumido ao longo de um dia para todas as distribuições populacionais estudadas. Posteriormente foram analisadas por Cromatografia Líquida de Alta Eficiência (CLAE) 34 amostras de refrescos em pó e 8 de isotônicos sendo que todas estavam de acordo com a legislação vigente para o conteúdo de tartrazina (máximo de 10mg/100mL) com exceção de um refresco em pó sabor pêssego que apresentou 20,92mg/100mL, o que representa mais que o dobro da quantidade permitida por lei. Outras amostras também apresentaram conteúdo expressivo de tartrazina: os refrescos em pó sabor maracujá (72,4% do limite máximo permitido por lei), manga (71,1%) e laranja com mamão (65,2%) e os isotônicos sabores frutas cítricas (57,7%) e laranja (49,4%). As análises laboratoriais mostram que não existe uniformidade no uso do corante tartrazina entre os produtos analisados, sendo utilizada em quantidades que variaram de 4% do valor máximo permitido até valores acima de 70%. A partir do exposto, observa-se um uso mais freqüente de corantes naturais em alimentos quando comparado aos artificiais, provavelmente devido à demanda dos consumidores, atualmente mais preocupados com a saúde. Porém, ainda existe um número expressivo de produtos coloridos artificialmente no mercado. Estudos relacionam o uso de corantes alimentícios com potencial efeito tóxico aos seres humanos. Dentre os corantes “azo”, a tartrazina tem enfoque maior para os toxicologistas e alergistas, sendo relacionada com várias reações adversas à saúde. A preocupação de que a IDA seja ultrapassada para alguns compostos é uma realidade quando se utiliza o limite máximo de uso e a prevalência de consumo como aproximação dos cálculos de ingestão. / The attraction of human by the colors is an instinctive phenomenon. Nice colors in foods generate the feeling of a product with more pleasurable sensory characteristics and give the feeling of greater overall quality. The objectives of this work were to assess which foods marketed by one of the largest networks in the country supermarkets containing dyes in its formulation, select those containing the artificial dye tartrazine, estimate the Theoretical Maximum Daily Intake (TMDI) of this dye and perform laboratory tests to assess the amount of tartrazine in powdered soft drinks and isotonic drinks. It was observed that 28.7% of the products (n=3475) contained at least one dye in its formulation and the most used are annatto (present in 8.43%), caramel (7.68%), turmeric (5.47%), carmine cochineal (4.52%) and carotenes (4.23%). The dye Tartrazine (INS 102) ranks sixth in the list of the most used food colors, with frequency of use of 2.62% and it was the most widely used artificial coloring in the product of this study. By using the Family Budget Survey (HBS) 2008-2009 data and the maximum amount permitted by law, it was observed that, considering the average intake per capita of tartrazine, Acceptable Daily Intake (ADI) was not exceeded in any of the distributions: gender, Brazilian regions, classes of Family income per capita and age groups. But when considering the prevalence of food consumption, the TMDI was higher than the ADI in some cases: for women in the North, Midwest and Northeast; women in per capita family income classes "up to R$ 296" and "more than R$ 296 to R$ 571"; and for the age groups "Adolescents" (for both sexes) and "Adults" to "19 years" and "20 to 24" female. For the "Adolescents" of 10 years IDMT was twice the ADI. Products category "juices / soft drinks / juices reconstituted powder" had a significant contribution in the amount of tartrazine consumed over a day for all population distributions studied. 34 samples of powdered drinks and 8 samples of isotonic drinks were analyzed by High Performance Liquid Chromatography (HPLC). All of them were in accordance with Brazilian law (maximum of 10mg/100mL of tartrazine) with one exception: a peach flavor soft drink that presented 20,92mg/100mL, which is more than the double amount permitted. Other samples also showed expressive content of tartrazine: passion fruit flavor soft drink (72.4% of the maximum extent permitted by law), mango (71.1%) and orange with papaya flavor (65.2%). In addition to these, the isotonic citrus fruits flavors (57.7%) and orange (49.4%). Laboratory tests show that there is no uniformity in the use of the dye tartrazine between analyzed products and it is used in amounts ranging from 4% to values above 70% of the maximum permitted. Therefore, it is observed a more frequent use of natural dyes in foods when compared to artificial, probably due to consumer demand, currently more concerned with health. However, there are still a significant number of artificially colored products on the market. Studies have linked the use of food colors with potential toxic effects in humans. Among the dyes "azo", tartrazine is greater focus on toxicologists and allergists, being related to several adverse reactions to health. Concern that the ADI is exceeded for some compounds is a reality when using the maximum amounts permitted and the prevalence of consumption for the intake calculations.
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O efeito da espera sobre a avaliação geral do serviço : uma abordagem contingencialBasile, Martina Gabriela January 2010 (has links)
O presente estudo tem como principal objetivo avaliar o impacto de aspectos contingenciais no modelo básico do efeito da espera na avaliação geral de um serviço. Com base em estudos referentes à espera já realizados, o presente trabalho definiu o “modelo básico do efeito da espera na avaliação geral do serviço” que consiste no impacto negativo da espera na avaliação geral do serviço por meio da suscitação de emoções negativas. A influência de fatores contingenciais sobre o modelo é a principal contribuição do estudo, dado que essa abordagem não havia sido ainda estudada. Inicialmente, foi realizada uma etapa exploratória, qualitativa, para investigar as relações propostas no modelo teórico, assim como para compreender melhor os serviços de saúde, campo de estudo da pesquisa. Na sequência, a influência do envolvimento do consumidor, da singularidade do serviço, da pressão do tempo e do relacionamento interpessoal no modelo central foi investigada através da realização de uma survey com 382 pacientes As hipóteses foram testadas por meio de modelagem de equações estruturais, com o software LISREL 8.51. Os resultados indicam que o envolvimento do consumidor tem impacto positivo no seu tempo de espera aceitável. Já o efeito da singularidade do serviço sobre essa mesma variável não foi confirmado. A pressão do tempo apresentou impacto positivo no tempo de espera percebido e o efeito moderador do relacionamento interpessoal na relação entre as respostas afetivas negativas e a avaliação geral do serviço também foi confirmada. Além das hipóteses propostas, foi realizado um teste exploratório segundo o qual se confirmou o efeito moderador da variável gravidade sobre as relações que compõe o modelo básico do efeito da espera da avaliação geral do serviço. No final, os resultados são discutidos, e as limitações do estudo e sugestões para futuras pesquisas são apresentadas. / The most important objective of the present study is to evaluate the impact of the contingency aspects on the basic model of the waiting effect in the overall service evaluation. Based on studies in reference to the wait already carried out, this study defined the "basic model of the waiting effect on the general evaluation of the service" as being the negative impact of waiting in the general evaluation of the service because of the rise of negative emotions. The influence of contingency factors over the model is the most important contribution of the study as this approach has never been studied before. Iniatially, there was a qualitative exploratory to investigate the proposed relations in the theoretical model, as well as to have a better understanding of health care services, the field study of the research. Following that, the influence of the consumer involvement, the uniqueness of the service, the time pressure and the interpersonal relationship in the central model was investigated through a survey conducted among 382 patients The hypotheses were tested using structural equation modeling with LISREL 8.51 software. The results showed that the consumer involvement have a positive impact in the acceptable waiting time. On the other hand the effect of the uniqueness of the service over the same variable was not confirmed. The time pressure indicated a positive impact on the perceived waiting time and the moderate effect of the interpersonal relationship of the connection between negative affective reactions and the overall service evaluation was also confirmed. Beyond the proposed hypotheses, it was performed a exploratory test whereby it was confirmed the moderator effect of the gravity variable on the relations that form the basic model of the waiting effect on the overall service evaluation. In the end the results are discussed, and the limitations of the study and suggestions for future surveys are presented.
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O efeito da espera sobre a avaliação geral do serviço : uma abordagem contingencialBasile, Martina Gabriela January 2010 (has links)
O presente estudo tem como principal objetivo avaliar o impacto de aspectos contingenciais no modelo básico do efeito da espera na avaliação geral de um serviço. Com base em estudos referentes à espera já realizados, o presente trabalho definiu o “modelo básico do efeito da espera na avaliação geral do serviço” que consiste no impacto negativo da espera na avaliação geral do serviço por meio da suscitação de emoções negativas. A influência de fatores contingenciais sobre o modelo é a principal contribuição do estudo, dado que essa abordagem não havia sido ainda estudada. Inicialmente, foi realizada uma etapa exploratória, qualitativa, para investigar as relações propostas no modelo teórico, assim como para compreender melhor os serviços de saúde, campo de estudo da pesquisa. Na sequência, a influência do envolvimento do consumidor, da singularidade do serviço, da pressão do tempo e do relacionamento interpessoal no modelo central foi investigada através da realização de uma survey com 382 pacientes As hipóteses foram testadas por meio de modelagem de equações estruturais, com o software LISREL 8.51. Os resultados indicam que o envolvimento do consumidor tem impacto positivo no seu tempo de espera aceitável. Já o efeito da singularidade do serviço sobre essa mesma variável não foi confirmado. A pressão do tempo apresentou impacto positivo no tempo de espera percebido e o efeito moderador do relacionamento interpessoal na relação entre as respostas afetivas negativas e a avaliação geral do serviço também foi confirmada. Além das hipóteses propostas, foi realizado um teste exploratório segundo o qual se confirmou o efeito moderador da variável gravidade sobre as relações que compõe o modelo básico do efeito da espera da avaliação geral do serviço. No final, os resultados são discutidos, e as limitações do estudo e sugestões para futuras pesquisas são apresentadas. / The most important objective of the present study is to evaluate the impact of the contingency aspects on the basic model of the waiting effect in the overall service evaluation. Based on studies in reference to the wait already carried out, this study defined the "basic model of the waiting effect on the general evaluation of the service" as being the negative impact of waiting in the general evaluation of the service because of the rise of negative emotions. The influence of contingency factors over the model is the most important contribution of the study as this approach has never been studied before. Iniatially, there was a qualitative exploratory to investigate the proposed relations in the theoretical model, as well as to have a better understanding of health care services, the field study of the research. Following that, the influence of the consumer involvement, the uniqueness of the service, the time pressure and the interpersonal relationship in the central model was investigated through a survey conducted among 382 patients The hypotheses were tested using structural equation modeling with LISREL 8.51 software. The results showed that the consumer involvement have a positive impact in the acceptable waiting time. On the other hand the effect of the uniqueness of the service over the same variable was not confirmed. The time pressure indicated a positive impact on the perceived waiting time and the moderate effect of the interpersonal relationship of the connection between negative affective reactions and the overall service evaluation was also confirmed. Beyond the proposed hypotheses, it was performed a exploratory test whereby it was confirmed the moderator effect of the gravity variable on the relations that form the basic model of the waiting effect on the overall service evaluation. In the end the results are discussed, and the limitations of the study and suggestions for future surveys are presented.
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Estudo do uso de corantes artificiais em alimentos e estimativa de ingestão de tartrazina pela população brasileiraRodrigues, Patrícia da Silva January 2015 (has links)
A atração dos seres humanos pelas cores é um fenômeno instintivo. Cores agradáveis em alimentos geram no consumidor a sensação de um produto com características sensoriais mais prazerosas e fornecem a sensação de maior qualidade global. Os objetivos deste trabalho foram verificar quais os alimentos comercializados por uma das maiores redes de supermercados do país que continham corantes na sua formulação, selecionar aqueles que continham o corante artificial tartrazina, estimar a Ingestão Diária Teórica Máxima (IDTM) deste corante e realizar análises laboratoriais para avaliar a quantidade de tartrazina em refrescos em pó e isotônicos. Observou-se que de 3475 alimentos comercializados 28,7% continham pelo menos um corante na formulação e que os mais utilizados foram urucum (presente em 8,43% dos alimentos), caramelo (7,68%), cúrcuma (5,47%), carmim de cochonilha (4,52%) e carotenos (4,23%). O corante Tartrazina (INS 102) ocupa a sexta posição na lista dos corantes alimentícios mais utilizados, com frequencia de uso de 2,62%, sendo o corante artificial mais utilizado nos produtos desse estudo. Por meio do uso dos dados da Pesquisa de Orçamento Familiar (POF) 2008-2009, do limite máximo de uso permitido por lei e da prevalência de consumo, observou-se que, considerando o consumo de tartrazina médio per capita, a Ingestão Diária Aceitável (IDA) não foi ultrapassada em nenhuma das distribuições: gêneros, regiões brasileiras, classes de rendas familiares per capita e por grupos de faixas etárias. Mas, quando é considerada a prevalência de consumo alimentar, a (IDMT) foi superior à IDA em alguns casos: para mulheres nas regiões Norte, Centro-Oeste e Nordeste; mulheres nas classes de renda familiar per capita “até R$ 296” e “mais de R$ 296 a R$ 571”; e para as faixas etárias “Adolescentes” (para ambos os sexos) e “Adultos” para “19 anos” e “20 a 24 anos” do sexo feminino. Para os “Adolescentes” de 10 anos a IDMT foi o dobro da IDA. Os produtos da categoria “sucos/refrescos/sucos em pó reconstituídos” apresentaram contribuição expressiva no total de tartrazina consumido ao longo de um dia para todas as distribuições populacionais estudadas. Posteriormente foram analisadas por Cromatografia Líquida de Alta Eficiência (CLAE) 34 amostras de refrescos em pó e 8 de isotônicos sendo que todas estavam de acordo com a legislação vigente para o conteúdo de tartrazina (máximo de 10mg/100mL) com exceção de um refresco em pó sabor pêssego que apresentou 20,92mg/100mL, o que representa mais que o dobro da quantidade permitida por lei. Outras amostras também apresentaram conteúdo expressivo de tartrazina: os refrescos em pó sabor maracujá (72,4% do limite máximo permitido por lei), manga (71,1%) e laranja com mamão (65,2%) e os isotônicos sabores frutas cítricas (57,7%) e laranja (49,4%). As análises laboratoriais mostram que não existe uniformidade no uso do corante tartrazina entre os produtos analisados, sendo utilizada em quantidades que variaram de 4% do valor máximo permitido até valores acima de 70%. A partir do exposto, observa-se um uso mais freqüente de corantes naturais em alimentos quando comparado aos artificiais, provavelmente devido à demanda dos consumidores, atualmente mais preocupados com a saúde. Porém, ainda existe um número expressivo de produtos coloridos artificialmente no mercado. Estudos relacionam o uso de corantes alimentícios com potencial efeito tóxico aos seres humanos. Dentre os corantes “azo”, a tartrazina tem enfoque maior para os toxicologistas e alergistas, sendo relacionada com várias reações adversas à saúde. A preocupação de que a IDA seja ultrapassada para alguns compostos é uma realidade quando se utiliza o limite máximo de uso e a prevalência de consumo como aproximação dos cálculos de ingestão. / The attraction of human by the colors is an instinctive phenomenon. Nice colors in foods generate the feeling of a product with more pleasurable sensory characteristics and give the feeling of greater overall quality. The objectives of this work were to assess which foods marketed by one of the largest networks in the country supermarkets containing dyes in its formulation, select those containing the artificial dye tartrazine, estimate the Theoretical Maximum Daily Intake (TMDI) of this dye and perform laboratory tests to assess the amount of tartrazine in powdered soft drinks and isotonic drinks. It was observed that 28.7% of the products (n=3475) contained at least one dye in its formulation and the most used are annatto (present in 8.43%), caramel (7.68%), turmeric (5.47%), carmine cochineal (4.52%) and carotenes (4.23%). The dye Tartrazine (INS 102) ranks sixth in the list of the most used food colors, with frequency of use of 2.62% and it was the most widely used artificial coloring in the product of this study. By using the Family Budget Survey (HBS) 2008-2009 data and the maximum amount permitted by law, it was observed that, considering the average intake per capita of tartrazine, Acceptable Daily Intake (ADI) was not exceeded in any of the distributions: gender, Brazilian regions, classes of Family income per capita and age groups. But when considering the prevalence of food consumption, the TMDI was higher than the ADI in some cases: for women in the North, Midwest and Northeast; women in per capita family income classes "up to R$ 296" and "more than R$ 296 to R$ 571"; and for the age groups "Adolescents" (for both sexes) and "Adults" to "19 years" and "20 to 24" female. For the "Adolescents" of 10 years IDMT was twice the ADI. Products category "juices / soft drinks / juices reconstituted powder" had a significant contribution in the amount of tartrazine consumed over a day for all population distributions studied. 34 samples of powdered drinks and 8 samples of isotonic drinks were analyzed by High Performance Liquid Chromatography (HPLC). All of them were in accordance with Brazilian law (maximum of 10mg/100mL of tartrazine) with one exception: a peach flavor soft drink that presented 20,92mg/100mL, which is more than the double amount permitted. Other samples also showed expressive content of tartrazine: passion fruit flavor soft drink (72.4% of the maximum extent permitted by law), mango (71.1%) and orange with papaya flavor (65.2%). In addition to these, the isotonic citrus fruits flavors (57.7%) and orange (49.4%). Laboratory tests show that there is no uniformity in the use of the dye tartrazine between analyzed products and it is used in amounts ranging from 4% to values above 70% of the maximum permitted. Therefore, it is observed a more frequent use of natural dyes in foods when compared to artificial, probably due to consumer demand, currently more concerned with health. However, there are still a significant number of artificially colored products on the market. Studies have linked the use of food colors with potential toxic effects in humans. Among the dyes "azo", tartrazine is greater focus on toxicologists and allergists, being related to several adverse reactions to health. Concern that the ADI is exceeded for some compounds is a reality when using the maximum amounts permitted and the prevalence of consumption for the intake calculations.
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Estudo do uso de corantes artificiais em alimentos e estimativa de ingestão de tartrazina pela população brasileiraRodrigues, Patrícia da Silva January 2015 (has links)
A atração dos seres humanos pelas cores é um fenômeno instintivo. Cores agradáveis em alimentos geram no consumidor a sensação de um produto com características sensoriais mais prazerosas e fornecem a sensação de maior qualidade global. Os objetivos deste trabalho foram verificar quais os alimentos comercializados por uma das maiores redes de supermercados do país que continham corantes na sua formulação, selecionar aqueles que continham o corante artificial tartrazina, estimar a Ingestão Diária Teórica Máxima (IDTM) deste corante e realizar análises laboratoriais para avaliar a quantidade de tartrazina em refrescos em pó e isotônicos. Observou-se que de 3475 alimentos comercializados 28,7% continham pelo menos um corante na formulação e que os mais utilizados foram urucum (presente em 8,43% dos alimentos), caramelo (7,68%), cúrcuma (5,47%), carmim de cochonilha (4,52%) e carotenos (4,23%). O corante Tartrazina (INS 102) ocupa a sexta posição na lista dos corantes alimentícios mais utilizados, com frequencia de uso de 2,62%, sendo o corante artificial mais utilizado nos produtos desse estudo. Por meio do uso dos dados da Pesquisa de Orçamento Familiar (POF) 2008-2009, do limite máximo de uso permitido por lei e da prevalência de consumo, observou-se que, considerando o consumo de tartrazina médio per capita, a Ingestão Diária Aceitável (IDA) não foi ultrapassada em nenhuma das distribuições: gêneros, regiões brasileiras, classes de rendas familiares per capita e por grupos de faixas etárias. Mas, quando é considerada a prevalência de consumo alimentar, a (IDMT) foi superior à IDA em alguns casos: para mulheres nas regiões Norte, Centro-Oeste e Nordeste; mulheres nas classes de renda familiar per capita “até R$ 296” e “mais de R$ 296 a R$ 571”; e para as faixas etárias “Adolescentes” (para ambos os sexos) e “Adultos” para “19 anos” e “20 a 24 anos” do sexo feminino. Para os “Adolescentes” de 10 anos a IDMT foi o dobro da IDA. Os produtos da categoria “sucos/refrescos/sucos em pó reconstituídos” apresentaram contribuição expressiva no total de tartrazina consumido ao longo de um dia para todas as distribuições populacionais estudadas. Posteriormente foram analisadas por Cromatografia Líquida de Alta Eficiência (CLAE) 34 amostras de refrescos em pó e 8 de isotônicos sendo que todas estavam de acordo com a legislação vigente para o conteúdo de tartrazina (máximo de 10mg/100mL) com exceção de um refresco em pó sabor pêssego que apresentou 20,92mg/100mL, o que representa mais que o dobro da quantidade permitida por lei. Outras amostras também apresentaram conteúdo expressivo de tartrazina: os refrescos em pó sabor maracujá (72,4% do limite máximo permitido por lei), manga (71,1%) e laranja com mamão (65,2%) e os isotônicos sabores frutas cítricas (57,7%) e laranja (49,4%). As análises laboratoriais mostram que não existe uniformidade no uso do corante tartrazina entre os produtos analisados, sendo utilizada em quantidades que variaram de 4% do valor máximo permitido até valores acima de 70%. A partir do exposto, observa-se um uso mais freqüente de corantes naturais em alimentos quando comparado aos artificiais, provavelmente devido à demanda dos consumidores, atualmente mais preocupados com a saúde. Porém, ainda existe um número expressivo de produtos coloridos artificialmente no mercado. Estudos relacionam o uso de corantes alimentícios com potencial efeito tóxico aos seres humanos. Dentre os corantes “azo”, a tartrazina tem enfoque maior para os toxicologistas e alergistas, sendo relacionada com várias reações adversas à saúde. A preocupação de que a IDA seja ultrapassada para alguns compostos é uma realidade quando se utiliza o limite máximo de uso e a prevalência de consumo como aproximação dos cálculos de ingestão. / The attraction of human by the colors is an instinctive phenomenon. Nice colors in foods generate the feeling of a product with more pleasurable sensory characteristics and give the feeling of greater overall quality. The objectives of this work were to assess which foods marketed by one of the largest networks in the country supermarkets containing dyes in its formulation, select those containing the artificial dye tartrazine, estimate the Theoretical Maximum Daily Intake (TMDI) of this dye and perform laboratory tests to assess the amount of tartrazine in powdered soft drinks and isotonic drinks. It was observed that 28.7% of the products (n=3475) contained at least one dye in its formulation and the most used are annatto (present in 8.43%), caramel (7.68%), turmeric (5.47%), carmine cochineal (4.52%) and carotenes (4.23%). The dye Tartrazine (INS 102) ranks sixth in the list of the most used food colors, with frequency of use of 2.62% and it was the most widely used artificial coloring in the product of this study. By using the Family Budget Survey (HBS) 2008-2009 data and the maximum amount permitted by law, it was observed that, considering the average intake per capita of tartrazine, Acceptable Daily Intake (ADI) was not exceeded in any of the distributions: gender, Brazilian regions, classes of Family income per capita and age groups. But when considering the prevalence of food consumption, the TMDI was higher than the ADI in some cases: for women in the North, Midwest and Northeast; women in per capita family income classes "up to R$ 296" and "more than R$ 296 to R$ 571"; and for the age groups "Adolescents" (for both sexes) and "Adults" to "19 years" and "20 to 24" female. For the "Adolescents" of 10 years IDMT was twice the ADI. Products category "juices / soft drinks / juices reconstituted powder" had a significant contribution in the amount of tartrazine consumed over a day for all population distributions studied. 34 samples of powdered drinks and 8 samples of isotonic drinks were analyzed by High Performance Liquid Chromatography (HPLC). All of them were in accordance with Brazilian law (maximum of 10mg/100mL of tartrazine) with one exception: a peach flavor soft drink that presented 20,92mg/100mL, which is more than the double amount permitted. Other samples also showed expressive content of tartrazine: passion fruit flavor soft drink (72.4% of the maximum extent permitted by law), mango (71.1%) and orange with papaya flavor (65.2%). In addition to these, the isotonic citrus fruits flavors (57.7%) and orange (49.4%). Laboratory tests show that there is no uniformity in the use of the dye tartrazine between analyzed products and it is used in amounts ranging from 4% to values above 70% of the maximum permitted. Therefore, it is observed a more frequent use of natural dyes in foods when compared to artificial, probably due to consumer demand, currently more concerned with health. However, there are still a significant number of artificially colored products on the market. Studies have linked the use of food colors with potential toxic effects in humans. Among the dyes "azo", tartrazine is greater focus on toxicologists and allergists, being related to several adverse reactions to health. Concern that the ADI is exceeded for some compounds is a reality when using the maximum amounts permitted and the prevalence of consumption for the intake calculations.
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Sustaining island tourism through a tourist lens: a case of three islands in the Gulf of ThailandSelivanov, Shelly 03 September 2020 (has links)
Tourism is one of the fastest-growing industries in the world and bears significant weight in global economic terms. However, there are concerns about the sustainability of the industry from an environmental and social/cultural perspective. One of the world’s top ten international tourism destinations, Thailand, had a record-breaking 39 million international tourists in 2019 but is expected to fall to around 14 million in 2020, the lowest level in 14 years, due to COVID-19. These impacts can be especially severe in small tropical islands where the land base is small, resources scarce, and local populations have low incomes and limited opportunities for livelihood diversification. Especially amid a global pandemic and the impending risks of climate change, it is crucial to reset, carefully consider concerns about sustainable tourism development, and move forward with management regimes that better embrace sustainability principles.
This thesis examines the application of sustainable tourism using Koh Phangan, Koh Samui, and Koh Tao in the Gulf of Thailand as case studies to aid in sustainability planning for the future, particularly for island tourism destinations. Data were collected using a standardized questionnaire administered to 1261 tourists visiting the three islands during the peak tourism season (January to March) of 2018. The findings are presented within this thesis in three papers. The first paper focussed on the behavioral approach and compared visitors to each island, noting differences in tourist demographics, travel characteristics, motivation factors, and areas of management concern identified. The second paper focussed on the limits of acceptable change approach and used cluster analysis of visitor motivations to identify three types of visitors that were described in terms of the specialization concept: Cluster 1 (“very high importance generalists”), Cluster 2 (“high importance generalists”), and cluster 3 (“mixed importance”). While cluster 1 had the greatest mean importance scores for all environmental, social, economic, and logistical factors, it identified the most areas of concern whereas cluster 3 identified the least. The third paper explored scenario planning as a vehicle for sustainable tourism planning on the island of Koh Phangan and was framed within the Tourism Area Life Cycle (TALC), Tourism Opportunity Spectrum (TOS), and Ecotourism Opportunity Spectrum (ECOS) models. Most respondents preferred the “green scenario” in terms of accessibility, amount of visitors, development, food and accommodation, transportation around the island, traffic, waste management, water storage, and the scale of tourism.
Collectively, these findings suggest that tourists can play an important role in identifying management priorities and that tourists tend to support a more sustainable tourism industry, as opposed to a focus on “mass tourism”, sometimes referred to as “sun, sea, sand” tourism. The study argues for adopting place-based planning practices and creating educational opportunities to ensure that the benefits of tourism are not outweighed by the costs. Especially as the tourism industry continues to expand, there is often a push to enhance visitation and the economic benefits that tourism provides; however, it is important to consider the environmental, social, economic, and logistical capacities of a tourism destination. / Graduate / 2021-08-21
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Okolnosti vylučující protiprávnost a činnost lékaře / Circumstances of justification and medical practiseStrnad, Jan January 2013 (has links)
Responsibility of the doctor in criminal law and the circumstances under which it is possible to carry out medical procedures without the threat of legal punishment is a topic that has been, is and will be always up to date. It is a complex set of problems, which includes aspects of moral, medical and legal. In my thesis I focused on relationship between doctor's proffession and legal aspects of his work according to criminal law. Its goal is to describe the issue of the practice of medicine and circumstances of justification in terms of legislation in the Czech Republic. The thesis consists of three chapters. The first chapter provides an introduction to the problem and the reasons that led me to choose this topic work. The second chapter is devoted to criminal liability and is divided into two parts. The first contains the general conditions that are necessary for criminal liability of doctors. The second part contains the typical and most common possible crimes that may physician in the exercise of their profession commit. The third and most extensive chapter has focused on description of the circumstances of justification. The chapter is divided into four parts. Firstly it deals with self-defense and legitimate use of weapons that are not too common in the medical environment. Then I focus on...
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Översättning av abstrakta substantiv och kulturspecifika begrepp över tid : En komparativ studie av översättningsstrategier i de svenska och engelska översättningarna av Françoise Sagans Bonjour tristesse och Antoine Laurains Le chapeau de Mitterand / Translation of abstract nouns and culture-specific concepts from French to Swedish and English over timeTolstoy, Sigrid January 2018 (has links)
I denna studie undersöker jag de svenska och engelska översättningarna av Bonjour tristesse av Françoise Sagan från 1954 och av Le chapeau de Mitterand av Antoine Laurain från 2012 och hur adekvans- eller acceptansinriktade de är (Toury, 1978/1995; Lindqvist 2005). Jag undersöker vilka översättningsstrategier som använts för att översätta abstrakta substantiv och kulturspecifika begrepp med hjälp av Vinay och Darbelnets (1958) och Pedersens (2007) teorier för att urskilja eventuella tendenser och mönster. Slutligen undersöker jag om resultaten kan säga något om de svenska respektive brittiska litterära systemens öppenhet på 2010-talet jämfört med 1950-talet. Resultaten visar att översättningarna av Le chapeau de Mitterand är adekvansinriktade vad gäller båda variablerna medan översättningarna av Bonjour tristesse är adekvansinriktade men vad gäller kulturspecifika begrepp mer acceptansinriktade. Den engelska översättningen från 1950-talet är mindre adekvansinriktad än den från 2010-talet. Det kan vara så att det brittiska litterära systemet har blivit mer öppet och att det svenska systemet fortsätter att vara öppet och att detta påverkat översättarnas översättningsstrategier men den slutsatsen går inte att dra baserat på mitt material och min metod. / In this paper I examine the Swedish and English translations of Bonjour tristesse by Françoise Sagan from 1954 and of Le chapeau de Mitterand by Antoine Laurain from 2012 and if they are acceptable or adequate in Toury’s (1978/1995) terms. Based on the theories of Vinay and Darbelnet (1958) and Pedersen (2007) I examine the strategies of translation that are used by the translators to identify patterns. With the results in hand I analyse if they show signs of openness of the Swedish and British literary system in the 1950s and 2010s. I found that the translations of Le chapeau de Mitterand are adequate based on both variables whereas the translations of Bonjour tristesse are both adequate and acceptable, but still more adequate then the latter. It may be the case that the British system has become more open with time and that the Swedish one remains open and that this has affected the translators strategies, but based on my material and method this conclusion cannot be drawn.
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