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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Contribuições para o Atlas Toponímico do estado de Mato Grosso - mesorregião sudeste mato-grossense / Contributions to the Toponymic Atlas of the state of Mato Grosso - southeastern mesoregion of Mato Grosso

Carvalho, Maria Aparecida de 21 September 2010 (has links)
Este trabalho é o resultado da pesquisa lexicográfico-toponímica dos topônimos de cabeceiras, córregos, morros, ribeirões, rios, serras, vazantes, etc. registrados nos mapas e cartas topográficas dos 22 (vinte e dois) municípios que compõem a mesorregião Sudeste Mato-grossense. Os topônimos individualizam os acidentes físicos ou antrópicos, possibilitam uma localização específica dentro de um espaço geográfico amplo, concorrem para delimitar ou unir áreas em um determinado contexto territorial, seja ele, rural ou urbano e demonstram pela amplitude e variedade, extenso campo de estudo para a pesquisa lexicológica. O ato de denominar contribui para diferenciar e, até mesmo, para especificar algo ou alguém que de certo modo apresentava-se igual aos da mesma espécie. O estudo dos nomes próprios de lugares denomina-se Toponímia que é uma das subdivisões da Onomástica. O nome de lugar ou topônimo constitui-se, portanto, o principal objeto de estudo em uma pesquisa lexicográfico-toponímica e, muitas vezes, traz em seu bojo expressiva riqueza histórico-cultural. A conclusão desta pesquisa representa também a elaboração de mais uma etapa do Atlas Toponímico do Estado de Mato Grosso (ATEMT), vinculado ao Projeto ATB Atlas Toponímico do Brasil. As taxionomias de natureza física destacam-se dentre os topônimos pesquisados e constata-se expressivo registro de topônimos de etimologia bororo e tupi. / This study is a result fo a lexicographic-toponymic research of the headwaters, small tributary streams, hills, large streams, rivers, mountain ridges, low waters, etc. registered in the maps and topographic letters of the 22 (twenty-two) municipalities that are part of the Mato-grossense Southeastern mesoregion. The toponyms individualize the physical or human-caused accidents, make possible a specific localization within a wide geographic space, allow the delimitation or joining of areas in a certain territorial context, be it, rural or urban and show through wideness and variety, a vast study field for the lexicological research. The act of naming contributes to differentiate and, even, specify something or someone that in a certain way presented itself similar to those of the same species. The study of the proper names of places is called Toponymy which is one of the subdivisions of the Onomastics. The name of a place or toponymy is, therefore, the main object of study in a lexicographic-toponymic research and, many times, brings impressive historicalcultural wealth. The conclusion of this research also represents the elaboration of one more phase of the Toponymic Atlas of the State of Mato Grosso (ATEMT), linked to the ATB - Project Toponymic Atlas of Brazil. The taxonomies of a physical nature stand out among the researched toponyms and an expressive record of toponyms of bororo and tupi etymology is acknowledge.

Fatores associados ao risco de lesões e óbito de motociclistas envolvidos em ocorrências de trânsito / Associated risk factors for injuries and deaths of motorcyclists involved in traffic incidents

Oliveira, Nelson Luiz Batista de 21 February 2008 (has links)
A frota de motocicletas e seu uso como meio de transporte ou de trabalho tem crescido de forma exponencial no Brasil, assim como os mortos e feridos em consequência a ocorrências de trânsito envolvendo esses veículos. Tendo em vista a relevância das informações para planejar e realizar ações em relação a esse grave problema, este estudo propôs: caracterizar as ocorrências de trânsito e os motociclistas nelas envolvidos e explorar as associações entre essas características e a presença de motociclistas feridos e mortos. Foram analisados os registros de Maringá - Paraná, ano de 2004. As fontes dos dados foram os registros da Polícia Militar, do Sistema Integrado de Atendimento ao Trauma e Emergência e do Instituto Médico Legal. Nesse ano, foram registradas 1.951 ocorrências envolvendo 2.362 motociclistas. Os resultados mostraram que (99,38%) dos eventos aconteceram em área urbana, onde a luminosidade, a condição meteorológica e a sinalização eram satisfatórias (87,44%, 80,57% e 70,64%, respectivamente). A maioria das ocorrências envolveu dois veículos e 56,65% dos motociclistas transitavam em veículos com até cinco anos de uso. A maioria dos acidentes foram colisões com carro ou caminhonete (55,45%) e o tipo de impacto mais observado foi o abalroamento transversal (35,17%). A frequência de eventos foi maior à tarde; na sexta-feira e sábado em março, agosto e outubro. Houve feridos em 82,93% das ocorrências e morte de motociclistas em 27 (1,39%) delas. Indivíduos do sexo masculino (78,79%), com idade entre 20 e 39 anos (71,76%) e residentes em Maringá (81,46%) predominaram. Os condutores foram 86,88% dos motociclistas e 88,75% deles apresentaram registros que os descreviam como habilitados para condução. A média do tempo de habilitação foi de 6,78 +7,27 anos. O uso do capacete foi registrado em 84,58% dos motociclistas. A pontuação média do Revised Trauma Score (RTS) foi de 11,83 +1,07 e da Escala de Coma de Glasgow (ECGl), 14,65 +1,76. Os motociclistas com RTS <10 perfizeram 2,46% e com ECGl <8 foram 2,43%. O pulso e saturação sanguínea de oxigênio estavam alterados, respectivamente, em 23% e 12,16% das vítimas. Houve associação entre apresentar lesões e número de veículos envolvidos na ocorrência, tipo de acidente e impacto, sexo e posição no veículo. O grupo de mortos diferiu dos sobreviventes quanto à área e luminosidade do local, tipo de acidente e impacto, idade, local de residência, tempo de habilitação dos motociclistas e condições fisiológicas no local do acidente. Na regressão logística para fatores associados ao risco de ferimentos, identificou-se a colisão e a queda de motocicleta, o sexo feminino e acidentes envolvendo até dois veículos. Para o óbito, foram fatores de risco, escore <8 na ECGl, RTS <12, pulso e saturação sanguínea de oxigênio alterados. O modelo para óbito apresentou bom valor preditivo. Esses resultados destacaram o mecanismo do trauma como fator de risco para lesões e confirmam o valor preditivo para o risco de óbito das condições fisiológicas na cena da ocorrência. O risco elevado das mulheres para ferimentos nas ocorrências com motocicletas foi uma nova evidência que deve ser confirmada em outras regiões / The fleet of motorcycles and their use for transportation or work has grown exponentially in Brazil, as have the injuries and deaths resulting from traffic accidents involving these vehicles. Due to the relevance of the information needed in order to plan and undertake actions regarding this serious problem, this study aimed to: characterize traffic accidents and the motorcyclists involved in them, and explore the associations between these characteristics and the presence of injured or deceased motorcyclists. The records analyzed were from the city of Maringá, Paraná State, Brazil, for the year 2004. The sources of the data were: records from police, emergency trauma response services and the coroner\'s office. During that year, 1,951 occurrences were recorded, involving 2,362 motorcyclists. The results showed that 99.38% of incidents took place in urban areas, where lighting, weather conditions and traffic signs were deemed satisfactory (87.44%, 80.57% and 70.64%, respectively). The majority of occurrences involved two vehicles, and 56.65% of motorcyclists were riding vehicles with five or fewer years of use. The majority of accidents were collisions against cars or pickup trucks (55.45%), and the most common type of impact was a side collision (35.17%). Accidents were most frequent during the afternoons, on Fridays and Saturdays, and in the months of March, August and October. Injuries took place in 82.93% of incidents, and in 27 occurrences (1.39%) motorcyclists passed away. Males (78.79%), between 20 and 39 years of age (71.76%), and residing in Maringá (81.46%) were predominant. The conductors were 86.88% of motorcyclists, and 88.75% of them were registered as legally eligible to ride their motorcycles. The average length of licensing was 6.78 +7.27 years. The use of a helmet was reported for 84.58% of motorcyclists. The average Revised Trauma Score (RTS) was 11.83 +1.07, and the Glasgow Coma Scale (GCS) was 14.65 +1.76. Motorcyclists with RTS <10 comprised 2.46% of the total, and those with GCS <8 made up 2.43%. Pulse and blood oxygen saturation were altered in 23% and 12.16% of victims, respectively. There were associations between the presence of lesions and the number of vehicles involved in the occurrence, type of accident and impact, gender and position in the vehicle. The group of deceased riders differed from survivors in regards to the lighting conditions at the incident site, type of accident and impact, age, place of residence, length of licensing and physiological conditions at the accident site. In the logistic regression for associated risk factors for injuries, the factors identified were the collision and fall from the motorcycle, the female gender, and accidents involving up to two vehicles. Risk factors for death were GCS <8, RTS <12, altered pulse and blood oxygen saturation. The model for death featured a good predictive value. These results highlighted the mechanism of trauma as a risk factor for lesions and confirm the death risk predictive value of physiological conditions at the accident site. The elevated risk of injury for women in occurrences involving motorcycles was a new discovery, which must be further confirmed in other regions

Risks Related to the Maritime Transportation of Oil and Gas (mainly Crude oil, LPG, and LNG) -A Conceptual Study and Empirical Outlook on the Baltic Sea and UK Territorial Waters to Mitigate Risks

Razmjooee, Yarmohammad January 2012 (has links)
Transportation of oil and gas by the Sea characterizes challenges from a safety viewpoint. In this type of transportation, different sizes of special tankers carrying oil and gas. The marine transportation of these scarce natural riches is involved with risks and hazards, which may lead to many losses; for instance, wasting oil and gas, injuries of people, damaging ships and properties, and damaging environment. The main purpose of this thesis is to evaluate the risks, hazards, and accidents during transportation of oil and gas (mainly Crude Oil, liquefied petroleum gas, and Liquefied natural gas) by the Sea with concentrating on transport safety. Hence, a better understanding of these risks and hazards can contribute to decrease of addressed losses.This study is carried out on risks associated with maritime transportation of oil and gas starting with describing the general casual chain (dealing with causes, incidents, accidents and consequences/causalities), continuing with describing risk analysis techniques (including event tree analysis and fault tree analysis) and risk control measures/options, and finally implementing aforesaid investigations on real data from two areas; namely UK territorial waters and the Baltic Sea.In this study, the results of analyzing data from 1991 to 2010 in UK territorial waters revealed that collision and grounding were two most common accidents in terms of crude oil tankers, LPG and LNG carriers in which 44% of all accidents were equally divided between collision and grounding. In this case, investigation on data from 2004 to 2010 in the Baltic Sea regarding tankers with cargo types of crude oil, oil, oil product and gases also repeated the same findings in that collision and grounding shared the biggest proportion of accidents with 50% and 34% respectively. Analysis of data in UK territorial waters provided that human factor was the main reason behind accidents with 46% followed by technical factor with 39%. Human factor and technical factor recognized also as the main causes of accidents in the Baltic Sea with 33% and 25% respectively. Regarding this subject, human error recognized as the chief culprit and failures in part of design &amp; construction was the second main initial causes of accidents in terms of both human and technical factors. The results of analyzing records from the Baltic Sea also provided that whilst human factor shared the biggest proportion of causes behind accidents, technical factor was the only cause of accidents contributing to all types of accidents. Findings are useful from safety outlook as if specifying accidents and causes of accidents during the Sea transportation of oil and gas. / Program: MSc in Industrial Engineering - Logistics Management

La dette symbolique. Une étude d’histoire de l’infirmité (Milan, 1860-1915) / The symbolic debt. A study of the history of infirmity (Milan, 1860-1915)

Schianchi, Matteo 20 December 2017 (has links)
Cette recherche traite la question de l’infirmité en tant qu’objet historique et d’analyse. Le terrain et l’époque choisis représentent un banc d’essai afin d’analyser la longue sédimentation et le renouvellement de certains mécanismes fondés sur l’infériorisation de l’infirme.La biographie et les parcours sociaux de certains individus provenant de différents milieux sociaux constituent des instruments pour saisir quelques mécanismes parmi ceux qui m’ont conduit à formuler la notion de dette symbolique. Inspirée par la sociologie de P. Bourdieu et par son concept de violence symbolique, cette notion est utile pour saisir la longue histoire des lectures sociales et de l’imaginaire qui infériorisent l’infirme par un mécanisme de renversement des causes et des effets. Ce n’est pas le déficit corporel qui produit cette infériorisation, mais plutôt cette vision infériorisante qui lit le fait corporel en décrétant le statut d’infériorité de l’individu. Cette lecture, cherche et trouve, dans l’objectivité corporelle de l’infirme des appuis qui la justifient.Dans la deuxième partie, nous nous confrontons à certains mécanismes, entre pratiques et discours, qui nous mettent face au renouvellement de ces schémas de pensée et d’action. D’abord, un certain nombre de cas de dispenses pour irrégularités par défaut corporel à laquelle doit se soumettre le prêtre qui, à cause de son infirmité, devient indigne et irrégulier dans l’exercice de son ministère. La construction religieuse de l’infirmité est également analysée à partir de la médecine pastorale, discipline du cursus de formation des prêtres, ainsi que de l’élaboration théologique. Les silences qui entourent les individus rendus infirmes par les accidents à l’intérieur du système industriel, associés à l’opacité et à l’insuffisance du développement des dispositifs qui devraient fournir les premières formes de réparation, constituent, au cours de la période historique retenue, de nouvelles formes qui contribuent à l’infériorisation du statut de l’infirme.La troisième partie porte sur l’analyse de certaines pratiques discursives avec un fort pouvoir pour construire l’opinion publique et un imaginaire sur l’infirmité : les chroniques d’un quotidien et un corpus de plus de cents textes littéraires. Dans les conclusions, se pose à nouveau la question de la construction de l’objet de recherche au sein du champ d’études du handicap, un champ très articulé, très conflictuel et aussi très orienté par l’action et l’engagement. / This research deals with the topic of infirmity as a historical subject matter and for analysis. The age and the field chosen are an opportunity to analyze the sedimentation and renewal of some mechanisms based on the inferiorization of the infirm. The life and social paths of individuals from different social backgrounds are a means of understanding some dynamics, which has led me to formulate the concept of symbolic debt. Inspired by P. Bourdieu’s theory of sociology and his concept of symbolic violence, this idea is a useful tool to help understand the long history of social and imaginary conceptions that inferiorize an invalid through a mechanism of reversal of causes and effects. It is not the physical corporeal deficit which produces this inferiorization, but it is this inferiorizing vision that reads the physical data by decreeing the statute of inferiority of the individual. This social qualification seeks and finds reasons justifying it in the corporeal objectivity of the infirm.In the second part, we are faced with certain mechanisms, between practices and speech, which put us in front of the long history and the renewal of these plans of thought and action. At first, a number of cases of dispensation for irregularities by physical defect. The priest, who has to submit himselft because of his infirmity, becomes unworthy and irregular in the exercise of his ministry. The religious construction of the infirmity is also analyzed from the pastoral medicine, the discipline of the program of training of the priests, as well as from the theological elaboration. The silences which surround the individuals cause incidents within the industrial system, together with the opaqueness and the insufficiency of the development of the devices which should supply the first form of repair, establish, during the chosen historic period, new forms which contribute to the inferiorization of the status of the infirm.The third part is concerned with the analysis of certain discursive practices with a strong power to build public opinion and an image of the infirm: the chronicles of a daily paper and a corpus of more than a hundred literary texts. In conclusion, it raises again the question of the construction of the object of research within the study of disability, a field very articulated, very conflicting and strongly oriented toward action and involvement.

Sintomas depressivos em condutores e riscos no trânsito : traçando paralelos /

Jesus, Renata Carvalho Macedo de January 2019 (has links)
Orientador: Sandra Leal Calais / Resumo: A depressão é um transtorno de humor com alta prevalência e importantes repercussões. Os sintomas depressivos podem prejudicar funções executivas, o que eleva o risco em diversas atividades cotidianas. Além disso, as pessoas com depressão talvez experimentem falta de esperança de que as coisas melhorem, tenham sentimentos de que a própria vida não tem mais valor e até mesmo o pensamento de que seria melhor estarem mortas. A depressão pode, portanto, estar relacionada a comportamentos de maior exposição a riscos. O trânsito é uma área especialmente sensível a modificações nessa tendência. Este estudo teve como objetivo analisar o comportamento do condutor e verificar a possível associação entre a existência de indicadores de sintomas depressivos, em especial aqueles relacionados à falta de esperança, e a predisposição para assumir riscos no trânsito. Foi utilizada a Teoria da Homeostase do Risco como referencial na análise do processo de aceitação de determinado nível de risco. Participaram 141 condutores, com idades de 18 a 58 anos (M= 27; DP= 9,85), sendo 51,10% do sexo masculino. Os instrumentos utilizados foram o Questionário de Comportamento do Condutor (QCM); a Escala Baptista de Depressão (Versão Adulto) – EBADEP-A e; o Questionário Sociodemográfico, para obtenção de informações sobre o perfil dos participantes. Na análise dos dados, foi utilizada estatística não-paramétrica, com nível de significância de 0,05. Os resultados indicaram que, para a amostra analisada, a si... (Resumo completo, clicar acesso eletrônico abaixo) / Abstract: Depression is a mood disorder with high prevalence and significant repercussions. Depressive symptoms can impair executive functions, which increases the risk in many everyday activities. Also, people with depression may experience a lack of hope that things will improve, have feelings that life itself is worthless, and even the thought that it would be better to be dead. Depression may therefore be related to behaviors with greater risk exposure. Traffic is especially sensitive to changes in this trend. The objective of this study was to analyze the behavior of the driver and to verify the possible association between the existence of indicators of depressive symptoms, especially those related to lack of hope and the predisposition to take risks in traffic. Risk Homeostasis Theory was used as a reference in the analysis of the acceptance process of a certain level of risk. A total of 141 drivers, aged 18 to 58 years (M = 27, SD = 9.85), 51.10% male. The instruments used were the Driver Behavior Questionnaire (QCM); the Baptist Depression Scale (Adult Version) - EBADEP-A and; the Sociodemographic Questionnaire, to obtain information about the participants' profile. In the data analysis, non-parametric statistical was used, with a significance level of 0,05. The results indicated that, for the sample analyzed, the depressive symptomatology was positively and significantly correlated with the total QCM score (r = 0,227; p<0,05) and especially with the aggressive violations (r =... (Complete abstract click electronic access below) / Mestre

La protection sociale au Sénégal : l'exemple des ouvriers du bâtiment à Dakar / social protection in Senegal : the example of construction workers in Dakar

Diallo, Mamadou Aguibou 22 January 2014 (has links)
Cette thèse porte sur la protection sociale des professionnels du bâtiment au Sénégal et plus particulièrement sur l’analyse du risque santé et de sa prise en charge chez les ouvriers à Dakar. Elle tente d’apporter des réponses à des interrogations portant sur les risques au travail, les besoins d’assurance santé et les stratégies de recours aux soins des travailleurs du bâtiment et de leurs familles. La recherche, à la fois qualitative et quantitative s’appuie sur une enquête auprès de 540 ouvriers et sur une dizaine d’entretiens avec les acteurs de la protection sociale. Elle montre d’une part, que la couverture maladie dans le secteur du bâtiment est très faible (environ 5%) et la prise en charge assez limitée (soins primaires), et d’autre part que le régime sénégalais de prévoyance santé à travers la Caisse de sécurité sociale, les Institutions de Prévoyance Maladie (IPM) et les mutuelles de santé, connaît de nombreux dysfonctionnements qui l’empêchent d’être efficace et viable. L’étude révèle que globalement les ouvriers du bâtiment ne connaissent pas la sécurité sociale ; ils ont recours aux structures publiques de santé en cas de maladies ou d’accidents. Toutefois, ils sont conscients des risques dans leur métier et utilisent largement des équipements de protection lorsque ceux-ci sont mis à leur disposition. Enfin, les ouvriers sont les principaux financiers de la santé dans le ménage. Cependant, à cause de la faiblesse de leurs revenus et du coût de la couverture santé, ils sont pratiquement dans l’impossibilité de souscrire à une assurance. Ils préfèrent payer les mêmes prestations dans les structures publiques de santé à des coûts moins élevés. / This thesis examines the social security system for construction industry workers in Senegal with a focus on health risks and benefits in Dakar. It attempts answer questions concerning the risk of accidents at the workplace, health insurance needs and strategies deployed by workers and their families to obtain health care. Based on the qualitative and quantitative analyses of 540 interviews of workers and of 10 providers of social and health services, this study reveals that health coverage is very poor (about 5%) and often limited to elementary care and that coverage by other actors such as the Social Security System, Preventive Health Institutions and mutual insurance plans are neither effective nor efficient. This study shows that Senegalese construction workers have no real social security; they use public institutions when they are victims of accidents or are sick. However, they are aware of the risks associated with their jobs and seek protection when it is available. Finally, workers are the main health providers for their families. Yet, because of very modest income and exorbitant health costs, they are virtually incapable to take out insurance and opt to pay for services in public institutions which are less expensive.

Erros da utilização de assentos de segurança infantil por usuários de creches na cidade de Maringá, Paraná / Errors of child safety seat use by children enrolled in day care centers in Maringá, Paraná, Brazil

Sergio Ricardo Lopes de Oliveira 07 December 2010 (has links)
Introdução - Para minimizar mortes e lesões entre crianças passageiras de automóveis existem os Assentos de Segurança Infantil (ASI), que são pouco utilizados ou utilizados erroneamente. Recente lei brasileira normatiza o uso de ASI e ressalta a necessidade de informações estatísticas, donde surgiu a intenção de estudar erros utilização de ASI com base em recente dissertação de mestrado que apontou uso de ASI por 36,1 por cento das crianças matriculadas em creches em Maringá. Não há dados brasileiros publicados quanto a erros de utilização de ASI. Objetivo - Analisar erros de utilização de ASI por crianças matriculadas usuários de creches em Maringá e fatores relacionados. Métodos - Estudo observacional transversal de coleta de dados prospectiva e eixo analítico retrospectivo. Resultados 42,7 por cento das crianças apresentavam erros de utilização. O modelo de regressão logística evidenciou maiores chances de erros na presença de duas ou mais crianças no veículo (OR = 5,10 com p = 0,007) e com menores níveis de escolaridade e renda dos pais (média renda e escolaridade OR = 7,00 com p = 0,003 e baixa renda e escolaridade OR = 3,40 com p = 0,03). Discussão Os dados são coerentes com publicações internacionais. Há expectativa dos efeitos da recente lei brasileira sobre uso de ASI, porém sabe-se que além da lei, há necessidade de estratégias educativas e facilitadoras de acesso aos ASI / Introduction - Minimize deaths and injuries among children who are passengers of vehicles with Child Safety Seat (CSS) which are not usually or wrongly used. A current Brazilian law regulates the use of CSS and enhances the need for information statistics, from which came the intention of studying errors in the use of CSS, based on a recent Master degree dissertation that pointed out that it is used in 36.1 per cent of the cases of children enrolled in day care centers in Maringá, Brazil. There is no data in Brazil published about the misuse of CSS. Objective - Analyze errors of CSS use by children who attend day care centers in Maringá and related factors. Methods - Observational and cross-sectional study of prospective data collection and retrospective and analytical axis. Results - 42.7 per cent of children demonstrated errors of use. The logistics regression model determined greater possibilities of errors in case of presence of two or more children in the vehicle (OR = 5.10, p = 0.007) and lower levels of parents´ education and income (average income and education OR = 7.00, p = 0.003 and low income and education OR = 3.40, p = 0.03). Discussion - The data is consistent to the international publications. There is an expectation about the effects of the current Brazilian law on the use of CSS, but it is known that besides the law, educational and facilitating strategies to the access to the CSS are necessary

Contribuições para o Atlas Toponímico do estado de Mato Grosso - mesorregião sudeste mato-grossense / Contributions to the Toponymic Atlas of the state of Mato Grosso - southeastern mesoregion of Mato Grosso

Maria Aparecida de Carvalho 21 September 2010 (has links)
Este trabalho é o resultado da pesquisa lexicográfico-toponímica dos topônimos de cabeceiras, córregos, morros, ribeirões, rios, serras, vazantes, etc. registrados nos mapas e cartas topográficas dos 22 (vinte e dois) municípios que compõem a mesorregião Sudeste Mato-grossense. Os topônimos individualizam os acidentes físicos ou antrópicos, possibilitam uma localização específica dentro de um espaço geográfico amplo, concorrem para delimitar ou unir áreas em um determinado contexto territorial, seja ele, rural ou urbano e demonstram pela amplitude e variedade, extenso campo de estudo para a pesquisa lexicológica. O ato de denominar contribui para diferenciar e, até mesmo, para especificar algo ou alguém que de certo modo apresentava-se igual aos da mesma espécie. O estudo dos nomes próprios de lugares denomina-se Toponímia que é uma das subdivisões da Onomástica. O nome de lugar ou topônimo constitui-se, portanto, o principal objeto de estudo em uma pesquisa lexicográfico-toponímica e, muitas vezes, traz em seu bojo expressiva riqueza histórico-cultural. A conclusão desta pesquisa representa também a elaboração de mais uma etapa do Atlas Toponímico do Estado de Mato Grosso (ATEMT), vinculado ao Projeto ATB Atlas Toponímico do Brasil. As taxionomias de natureza física destacam-se dentre os topônimos pesquisados e constata-se expressivo registro de topônimos de etimologia bororo e tupi. / This study is a result fo a lexicographic-toponymic research of the headwaters, small tributary streams, hills, large streams, rivers, mountain ridges, low waters, etc. registered in the maps and topographic letters of the 22 (twenty-two) municipalities that are part of the Mato-grossense Southeastern mesoregion. The toponyms individualize the physical or human-caused accidents, make possible a specific localization within a wide geographic space, allow the delimitation or joining of areas in a certain territorial context, be it, rural or urban and show through wideness and variety, a vast study field for the lexicological research. The act of naming contributes to differentiate and, even, specify something or someone that in a certain way presented itself similar to those of the same species. The study of the proper names of places is called Toponymy which is one of the subdivisions of the Onomastics. The name of a place or toponymy is, therefore, the main object of study in a lexicographic-toponymic research and, many times, brings impressive historicalcultural wealth. The conclusion of this research also represents the elaboration of one more phase of the Toponymic Atlas of the State of Mato Grosso (ATEMT), linked to the ATB - Project Toponymic Atlas of Brazil. The taxonomies of a physical nature stand out among the researched toponyms and an expressive record of toponyms of bororo and tupi etymology is acknowledge.

Erros da utilização de assentos de segurança infantil por usuários de creches na cidade de Maringá, Paraná / Errors of child safety seat use by children enrolled in day care centers in Maringá, Paraná, Brazil

Oliveira, Sergio Ricardo Lopes de 07 December 2010 (has links)
Introdução - Para minimizar mortes e lesões entre crianças passageiras de automóveis existem os Assentos de Segurança Infantil (ASI), que são pouco utilizados ou utilizados erroneamente. Recente lei brasileira normatiza o uso de ASI e ressalta a necessidade de informações estatísticas, donde surgiu a intenção de estudar erros utilização de ASI com base em recente dissertação de mestrado que apontou uso de ASI por 36,1 por cento das crianças matriculadas em creches em Maringá. Não há dados brasileiros publicados quanto a erros de utilização de ASI. Objetivo - Analisar erros de utilização de ASI por crianças matriculadas usuários de creches em Maringá e fatores relacionados. Métodos - Estudo observacional transversal de coleta de dados prospectiva e eixo analítico retrospectivo. Resultados 42,7 por cento das crianças apresentavam erros de utilização. O modelo de regressão logística evidenciou maiores chances de erros na presença de duas ou mais crianças no veículo (OR = 5,10 com p = 0,007) e com menores níveis de escolaridade e renda dos pais (média renda e escolaridade OR = 7,00 com p = 0,003 e baixa renda e escolaridade OR = 3,40 com p = 0,03). Discussão Os dados são coerentes com publicações internacionais. Há expectativa dos efeitos da recente lei brasileira sobre uso de ASI, porém sabe-se que além da lei, há necessidade de estratégias educativas e facilitadoras de acesso aos ASI / Introduction - Minimize deaths and injuries among children who are passengers of vehicles with Child Safety Seat (CSS) which are not usually or wrongly used. A current Brazilian law regulates the use of CSS and enhances the need for information statistics, from which came the intention of studying errors in the use of CSS, based on a recent Master degree dissertation that pointed out that it is used in 36.1 per cent of the cases of children enrolled in day care centers in Maringá, Brazil. There is no data in Brazil published about the misuse of CSS. Objective - Analyze errors of CSS use by children who attend day care centers in Maringá and related factors. Methods - Observational and cross-sectional study of prospective data collection and retrospective and analytical axis. Results - 42.7 per cent of children demonstrated errors of use. The logistics regression model determined greater possibilities of errors in case of presence of two or more children in the vehicle (OR = 5.10, p = 0.007) and lower levels of parents´ education and income (average income and education OR = 7.00, p = 0.003 and low income and education OR = 3.40, p = 0.03). Discussion - The data is consistent to the international publications. There is an expectation about the effects of the current Brazilian law on the use of CSS, but it is known that besides the law, educational and facilitating strategies to the access to the CSS are necessary

Simulating the effects of following distance on a high-flow freeway

Lierkamp, Darren. Unknown Date (has links) (PDF)
"CP830 Research Project and Thesis 2". Includes bibliographical references (p. 80-93) Electronic reproduction.[S.l. :s.n.],2003.Electronic data.Mode of access: World Wide Web.System requirements: Adobe Acrobat reader software for PDF files.Access restricted to institutions with a subscription.

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