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Essays in Matching Theory and Mechanism DesignBó, Inácio G. L. January 2014 (has links)
Thesis advisor: Utku Ünver / This dissertation consists of three chapters. The first chapter consists of a survey of the literature on affirmative action and diversity objective in school choice mechanisms. It presents and analyzes some of the main papers on the subject, showing the evolution of our understanding of the effects that different affirmative action policies have on the welfare and fairness of student assignments, the satisfaction of the diversity objectives as well as the domain of policies that allows for stable outcomes. The second chapter analyzes the problem of school choice mechanisms when policy-makers have objectives over the distribution of students by type across the schools. I show that mechanisms currently available in the literature may fail to a great extent in satisfying those objectives, and introduce a new one, which satisfies two properties. First, it produces assignments that satisfy a fairness criterion which incorporates the diversity objectives as an element of fairness. Second, it approximates optimally the diversity objectives while still satisfying the fairness criterion. We do so by embedding "preference" for those objectives into the schools' choice functions in a way that satisfies the substitutability condition and then using the school-proposing deferred acceptance procedure. This leads to the equivalence of stability with the desired definition of fairness and the maximization of those diversity objectives among the set of fair assignments. A comparative analysis also shows analytically that the mechanism that we provide has a general ability to satisfy those objectives, while in many familiar classes of scenarios the alternative ones yield segregated assignments. Finally, we analyze the incentives induced by the proposed mechanism in different market sizes and informational structures. The third chapter (co-authored with Orhan Aygün) presents an analysis of the Brazilian affirmative action initiative for access to public federal universities. In August 2012 the Brazilian federal government enacted a law mandating the prioritization of students who claim belonging to the groups of those coming from public high schools, low income families and being racial minorities to defined proportions of the seats available in federal public universities. In this problem, individuals may be part of one or more of those groups, and it is possible for students not to claim some of the privileges associated with them. This turns out to be a problem not previously studied in the literature. We show that under the choice function induced by the current guidelines, students may be better off by not claiming privileges that they are eligible to. Moreover, the resulting assignments may not be fair or satisfy the affirmative action objectives, even when there are enough students claiming low--income and minority privileges. Also, any stable mechanism that uses the current choice functions is neither incentive compatible nor fair. We propose a new choice function to be used by the universities that guarantees that a student will not be worse off by claiming an additional privilege, is fair and satisfies the affirmative action objectives whenever it is possible and there are enough applications claiming low--income and minority privileges. Next, we suggest a stable, incentive compatible and fair mechanism to create assignments for the entire system. / Thesis (PhD) — Boston College, 2014. / Submitted to: Boston College. Graduate School of Arts and Sciences. / Discipline: Economics.
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Insurgency on the Internet: Organizing the Anonymous Online CommunityGorenstein-Massa, Felipe January 2013 (has links)
Thesis advisor: Candace Jones / Online communities support collective action without many of the constraints that have belied collective actors and formal organizations in the past. They have become increasingly pervasive platforms for activism as well as potential catalysts for novelty in organizing practices. Scholars have shown that by leveraging affordances of the Internet, these communities have displaced or become complements to face-to-face organizations such as churches, community centers, labor unions and political groups that have traditionally structured civic engagement. Few empirical studies, however, systematically address how processes ranging from mobilization to the coordination of complex, large-scale collective action and practices that enable and support these processes are different in online environments. In this dissertation, I provide conceptual background that supports the study of online communities as dynamic and diverse modes of civic engagement. I reveal how locations, boundaries, interactions and identities are instantiated differently in online communities, influencing processes and practices that are crucial to social change. Using Internet-based ethnographic methods, I examine: (1) how an online community called `Anonymous' experiences shifts in purpose as it transitions from being focused on recreation to becoming both an incubator and support system for several social change projects and (2) how the community adopts a repertoire of coordinating practices that allows it to organize complex projects. / Thesis (PhD) — Boston College, 2013. / Submitted to: Boston College. Carroll School of Management. / Discipline: Management and Organization.
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Latino Identity and the Immigration Rights Movement of 2006: The Origins and Consequences of an Assimilationist ApproachRamirez, Allison January 2007 (has links)
Thesis advisor: Jennie Purnell / In December of 2005, the United States House of Representatives passed the infamous Sensenbrenner-King immigration reform legislation that, if written into law, would have negatively affected the situation of millions of undocumented workers in the United States, mostly originating from Latin America. In response, the Latino community in the U.S. mobilized to organize a wave of rallies across the country during the spring of 2006. This thesis explores the construction of the collective action frame employed by movement organizers to mobilize protesters. It ultimately finds that the rhetoric of assimilation was chosen because of its ability to resonate both with the goal of effecting political change as well as with the identity of the potential audience. It was nevertheless found to be inadequate in addressing the larger issues of injustice affecting immigrants as it served to reinforce and perpetuate the oppression of consciousness that has often left Latinos feeling that their heritage must be rejected in order to be deemed worthy of certain rights in the United States. While movement organizers managed to mobilize millions of people across the country, their influence on legislation has yet to be seen, as no immigration reforms have been written into law as of the writing of this thesis. / Thesis (BA) — Boston College, 2007. / Submitted to: Boston College. College of Arts and Sciences. / Discipline: International Studies. / Discipline: College Honors Program.
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Humor no ensino de química / Humor in teaching chemistryBenedicto, Erik Ceschini Panighel 12 December 2013 (has links)
Desde a década de 80 o ensino de ciências sofreu diversas transformações. Se antes se buscava formar tecnicistas, hoje se busca formar cidadãos conscientes e críticos capazes de compreender e atuar no mundo em que vivem. Mas ainda hoje as disciplinas de ciências, como a química, são vistas como enfadonhas, difíceis e distantes da realidade, sendo necessário buscar métodos que possam alterar este quadro, como o caso do uso do humor no ensino, que apesar de ser visto com desconfiança, por razões históricas, têm apresentado bons resultados na literatura. Neste trabalho analisa-se o uso de recursos humorísticos, como tirinhas, músicas, vídeos e anedotas, no ensino de química, em uma turma de 1º ano do Ensino Médio, desde o preparo das aulas até as atividades avaliativas, através de uma pesquisa de natureza qualitativa com estratégia da pesquisa-ação. Os dados foram coletados mediante uso de questionários, entrevistas e observações e submetidos a uma análise de conteúdo. Os resultados indicam que os alunos veem, na disciplina, potencial de se relacionar com o cotidiano, mas ainda assim a julgam com estereótipos tradicionalistas, e com isso anseiam por aulas que sejam diferentes das habituais. Dessa maneira, o uso dos recursos mencionados mostrou-se eficiente por dinamizar as aulas, promover interações sociais, despertar o interesse dos alunos, contextualizar o conteúdo exposto e trazer impactos positivos na memória dos estudantes. Por outro lado foi preciso cautela com o conteúdo humorístico utilizado, a frequência de utilização dos recursos e o controle da sala de aula. Foi possível também acompanhar a identificação de um perfil docente. E por fim destacar a importância da pesquisa-ação para aproximar a pesquisa e a sala de aula. / From the 80s to the present day science education has undergone several transformations. If before it was sought to form tecnicists today seeks to educate aware and critics citizens, who can understand and act in the world in which they live. But even science subjects such as chemistry, are seen as boring, difficult and far from reality, being necessary to find out methods that can change this situation, as the case of the use of humor in teaching, that despite being viewed with suspicion, for historical reasons, have shown good results in the literature. In this work we analyze the use of humorous resources, like strips, songs, videos and anecdotes, in teaching chemistry in a class of 1st year of high school, from the preparation of classes until the evaluation activities, through a survey qualitative research with action research strategy. Data were collected by use of questionnaires, interviews and observations and subjected to content analysis. The results indicate that students see the potential to relate chemistry to the everyday, but still judge it under traditionalists stereotypes, and thus crave for classes that are different from the usual. Thus, the use of resources was efficient for streamline classes, promote social interactions, arouse the interest of students, contextualize content exposed and have a positive impact in the minds of students. On the other hand, it was necessary caution with humorous content used, the frequency of use of resources and control of the classroom. It can also track the identification of a teacher profile. Finally highlight the importance of action research to approach the research and the classroom.
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O ator do drama musical: a importância do trabalho de corpo e atuação para o cantor de ópera / -Brito, Norma Gabriel 15 October 2018 (has links)
A ópera combina diferentes artes numa só: canto, teatro e música, o que exige, dos cantores que dela participam, um domínio técnico de sua voz, mas, para além disto, também sua corporeidade. Deste modo, o objetivo do presente trabalho é demonstrar a dificuldade do cantor/ator em expressar-se, corporalmente, no momento de sua encenação, ocasionando, neste atuante, uma desconexão entre o que ele expressa vocalmente e sua gestualidade, o que gera uma defasagem na comunicação cênica deste artista; e também, apresentar como as técnicas corporais puderam despertar estes corpos, tornando-os mais presentes cenicamente. Para tanto, apresentamos de que maneira práticas corporais como yoga, meditação, bioenergética, jogos teatrais e técnica de atuação para a formação artística do cantor/ator possibilitam torná-lo consciente acerca do estado de sua presença corporal em cena. Assim, nos valeremos do uso de técnicas de Marta Graham, o qual a respiração é um dos princípios em sua dança (o release inspiração/expiração), bem como os exercícios de jogos de improvisação e triangulação da Commedia dell\'arte e o Método das Ações Físicas de Stanislavski como atuação para o cantor de ópera. Como resultado, verificamos que estas práticas propiciaram aos atuantes envolvidos no processo um corpo mais vivo, menos estatuário, mais verossímil, e que estes fatores influenciaram na construção corporal da personagem operística. / The opera combines different arts in one: singing, theater and music, which requires, from the singers who participate, a technical domain of his voice, but also his corporeality. In this way, the objective of the present work is to demonstrate the difficulty of the singer / actor in expressing themselves, at the time of their staging, causing, in this actor, a disconnection between what he expresses vocally and his gesture, which generates a lag in the scenic communication of this artist; and also to present how body techniques could awaken these bodies, making them more present in a cenic. In order to do so, we present how corporal practices such as yoga, meditation, bioenergetics, theater plays and acting techniques for the artistic formation of the singer / actor become possible to make him aware about the state of his bodily presence on the scene. Thus, we will use the techniques of Martha Graham, whose breathing is one of the principles in her dance (the release inspiration / expiration), as well as the exercises of improvisation and triangulation games of the Commedia dell\'arte and the Method of Physical Actions of Stanislavski as acting for the opera singer. As a result, we verified that these practices gave the actors involved in the process a more living body, less statuary, more believable, and that these factors influenced the body construction of the operatic character.
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STEREOTYPISK OMSLAGSDESIGN : En studie kring stereotypa element på spelomslag inom actiongenren / STEREOTYPICAL COVER DESIGN : A study in stereotypical elements on game covers in the action genreLarsson, Jacob January 2013 (has links)
Arbetet undersöker om bildanalytiska studier kan användas som utgångspunkt i samband med formgivning av spelomslag representativa för actiongenren och som tilltalar dess huvudmålgrupp, utan att bygga på genremässiga stereotyper. Inledningsvis diskuteras fysionomi och arketyper för att visa på skillnader kontra begreppet stereotyp. Därefter skapas en grund för uppfattningen om stereotyper med hjälp av socialpsykologisk forskning som leder in på aktuell forskning kring generalisering i spel. Samtidigt diskuteras metoder som kan användas för att analysera visuella uttryck. Undersökningen inleddes med en bildanalys av tre aktuella spelomslag. Bildanalysen fungerade därefter som utgångspunkt i samband med designarbetet kring tre spelomslag, som fick olika designelement med syftet att undersöka arbetets frågeställning. Materialet användes i en kvantitativ undersökning i form av en webbenkät där slutna och öppna frågor varierades. Resultatet visade på indikationer med möjlighet att attrahera actiongenrens huvudmålgrupp utan användandet av genremässiga stereotyper. Studien kan med fördel användas inom spelutveckling för att understödja neutralisering av designelement likväl som en möjlighet att attrahera en större målgrupp.
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Ações educativas na arqueologia missioneira (1985-1995)Focking, Gabriel de Freitas January 2018 (has links)
Esta dissertação trata da ação educativa no âmbito do Projeto Arqueologia Histórica Missioneira, desenvolvido em cooperação técnica entre o IPHAN e universidades gaúchas entre os anos 1985 e 1995, sob a coordenação do Professor Arno Alvarez Kern. Para conduzir a análise do tema, a dissertação inicia com uma leitura sobre o processo de incorporação das ruínas missioneiras em território brasileiro, ao patrimônio e à memória nacional. Em seguida, é colocada a problemática do surgimento da arqueologia histórica no Brasil e a relação que esta tem com o desenvolvimento dos dispositivos legais de preservação e das políticas para o patrimônio arqueológico emanadas do IPHAN. Assim referenciado, a terceira parte do trabalho consiste em perseguir as condições em que foram realizadas as ações educativas no Projeto Arqueologia Histórica Missioneira, bem como demonstrar o sentido que essas ações adquiriram ao longo de sua realização. / This dissertation deals with the educational activities under “Arqueologia Histórica Missioneira” project, developed in technical cooperation by IPHAN and Rio Grande do Sul’s universities between 1985 and 1995, under scholar Arno Alvarez Kern coordination. To conduct the analysis of the topic, the dissertation begins with a reading about the incorporation process of Missions ruins into Brazilian national heritage and memory. After that we present the question regarding the rise of Historical Archeology in Brazil and its relations with the laws for preservation and policies by IPHAN’s archaeological heritage. Finally we present the conditions under which educational actions of “Arqueologia Histórica Missioneira” project were performed and show off the meaning that these actions have acquired throughout their achievement.
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Volunteering in the higher education curriculum : the politics of policy, practice and participationGreen, Pat January 2018 (has links)
This study explores the extent to which government policies for higher education impact upon the ways in which higher education institutions (HEIs) implement these and the students themselves experience their studies. The focus is accredited volunteering in higher education. A case study approach has been undertaken to scrutinise the impact of policy directives on several stakeholders within one post-1992 HEI, the University of Wrottesley (a pseudonym). The methodological approach is qualitative. Semi-structured interviews were carried out with senior university staff and Students Union personnel, and a detailed on-line survey was conducted with three cohorts of students undertaking the Volunteering in the Curriculum (ViC) programme. What emerges is the extent to which the dominant discourse of 'employability' is foregrounded in government policy directives, and the pressures thus placed on the university management of Wrottesley to respond effectively to first destination scores (DHLE). 'Employability' in this sense is understood as a graduate student obtaining employment, rather than a broader sense of good learning which embraces both learning (cognitive, theoretical and practical) and employability (Knight & Yorke, 2004). The findings expose the ways in which volunteering has been drawn into the dominant discourse of 'employability', yet what emerges from the student survey of their participation in the ViC programme is a broader, more nuanced learning experience which draws on both experiential and theoretical learning that encompasses academic studies, personal development, social action and graduate employment. The evidence validates the theoretical and pedagogic practice of ViC whereby students experience holistic learning. Universities such as Wrottesley are missing an opportunity in not embracing wider objectives of initiatives such as ViC which enable enhancement of graduate employability and also learning gain with the development of well rounded critical citizens and institutional permeability between community and the academy.
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Felicidade controversa - volição, prescrição e lógica na eudaimonia aristotélica / Controversial happiness - volition, prescription and logic in Aristotles eudaimoniaGazoni, Fernando Maciel 30 July 2012 (has links)
Atualmente a Ética Nicomaqueia apresenta-se como uma obra fraturada. O tratamento do conceito de eudaimonia feito por Aristóteles não parece ser muito claro. Por um lado, ele privilegia explicitamente a atividade contemplativa como a eudaimonia perfeita e dessa forma dá ao conceito uma acepção dominante. Por outro lado, muito do tratamento teórico dispensado à atividade das virtudes éticas faz supor que a vida ideal deveria combinar contemplação e atividade prática em um todo coerente, e o resultado deveria ser uma eudaimonia inclusivista. A essa falta de coalizão somam-se ainda outros problemas. Por exemplo, qual é a correta interpretação de certos argumentos, notadamente o argumento de abertura do segundo capítulo do primeiro livro da Ética Nicomaqueia (EN I.2), sobre o qual pesa a acusação de ser falacioso, o argumento da finalidade e o argumento da autossuficiência (apresentados em EN I.7). Este trabalho tem como objetivo estabelecer uma interpretação coerente da eudaimonia. Apresento razões para considerar consistente o argumento de abertura de EN I.2, razões que o fazem coeso com os argumentos apresentados em EN I.7. A interpretação procura conciliar aspectos volitivos, prescritivos e lógicos do conceito de eudaimonia e dessa forma explicar a divisão entre as concepções inclusivista e dominante. Para tanto, é necessário ter em mente o escopo intensional da ética aristotélica e a distinção proposta por Aristóteles entre ação produtiva e ação prática. / Nowadays, Nicomachean Ethics presents itself as a fractured work in which Aristotles treatment of the concept of eudaimonia doesnt appear to be very clear. On one hand Aristotle explicitly endorses contemplation as perfect eudaimonia, thus giving this concept a dominant aspect. On the other hand much of the theoretical account dedicated to activity of practical virtues makes us believe that the ideal life should combine contemplation and practical activity in one coherent whole. The result should be an inclusivist eudaimonia. This lack of union also highlights other problems. For instance, which is the correct interpretation of some arguments - namely the opening argument of the second chapter of the first book of Nicomachean Ethics (EN I.2), against which there is a charge of being fallacious. Then there are the finality and the self-sufficiency arguments (both in EN I.7). The present work aims to establish a coherent interpretation of eudaimonia. I will present reasons to consider the opening argument of EN I.2 consistent, reasons that make it coherent with the arguments of EN I.7. This interpretation seeks to conciliate volitional, prescriptive and logical aspects of the concept of eudaimonia and thus explain the division between inclusivist and dominant views. To achieve this result, its necessary to bear in mind the intensional scope of Aristotelian Ethics and the distinction between productive and practical activity proposed by Aristotle.
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Ontologia fenomenológica e liberdade em O ser e o nada de Jean-Paul Sartre / Phenomenological Ontology and Liberty in Jean-Paul Sartre\'s Being and NothingnessWeltman, Michelle 05 June 2009 (has links)
Em nossa dissertação, procuramos mostrar a relação entre a ontologia fenomenológica e a liberdade em O ser e o nada de Sartre. Faremos isso através da demonstração de que a ambigüidade segundo a qual é descrita a idéia de \"fenômeno\" é o que permite correlacionar as duas regiões ontológicas Em-si e Parasi. Sendo um produto misto da consciência e do Em-si, o fenômeno aponta para uma concepção livre do desvelamento do mundo, apreendido por nós a partir de nossas significações, o que terá por conseqüência uma concepção primordialmente prática do ser em situação, pois desvelar é agir. / In our thesis, we will try to show the relationship between phenomenological ontology and freedom in Sartre\'s Being and Nothingness. That will be done by demonstrating that the ambiguity in which the idea of \"phenomenon\" is described is what allows us to correlate the two ontological areas being-In-itself and being-Foritself. Because it is a combined product of the consciousness and the being-Initself, the phenomenon points to a free conception of the world\'s unveiling, since the world is captured by us through our significations, what will have, as a consequence, a essentially practical conception of the being in situation, since to unveil is to act.
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